Bulletin Board Pix
Charles Carreon - Ashland Free Press
-- Citizens Find Voice in Battle to Save Roasting Company /
Bianca, The People's Chief (Click
here for PDF)
-- Katrina Benefit Issue
(Click here for PDF)
-- Harvest Moon Edition
(Click here for PDF)
-- The Thanksgiving Edition
(Click here for PDF)
 1/1/06 --
The New Years Issue (Click
here for PDF)
 2/7/06 --
The Sweetheart Issue (Click
here for PDF)
-- Ides of March (Click here
for PDF) (Click here for Dick Cheney's Folsom Prison
-- Rights of Spring (Click
here for PDF)
2006 -- Summer of Love (Click
here for PDF)
2007 -- Fall/Winter Issue
(Click here for PDF) Fall/Winter 2006 AFP ASHLANDFREEPRESS.COM
Charles Carreon
Editor / ed@ashlandfreepress.com and
Tara Carreon
Research / ambu@americanbuddha.com
Josh Carreon
Illustrator and Layout Artist
Publication Design
Rogue Design Group / www.RogueDesignGroup.com
Our Mission
To provide Ashland and the larger Southern Oregon and
Northern California region with fearless reportage and
critical analysis of local, national, and international
issues. To give voice to topics of importance to people and
groups that are screened out of media coverage. To serve as
an example of how a small, independent publication can help
a community recover its unique human and environmental
identity. To reverse the trend toward homogenized media
produced by information czars whose agendas are controlled
by corporate and government apparatchiks.
Publication Information
Ashland Free Press is published four times annually. Authors
may utilize pseudonyms, in keeping with the tradition of
American freedom of the press as established by the Founding
Fathers, who published their seminal work on government, The
Federalist Papers, pseudonymously, and made it lawful to
copyright artistic works pseudonymously through the US
Copyright Office. Contents are subject to Copyright © 2006
as works of the Ashland Free Press and/or the respective
authors and artists whose work is published herein. Aside
from the fair uses permitted under 17 USC 107 and 17 USC
108, these works may not be reprinted in whole or in part
without permission.
The AFP eagerly reviews all submissions. You can mail or
drop off a hardcopy or CD in the mail slot at AngelPort in
the Underground Market at 33 Third Street, Ashland, Oregon
97520. You may also email a submission to ramonesfreak@gmail.com.
The AFP is deeply appreciative of the support of small
businesses and individuals whose advertising helps to defray
the cost of publishing a top-quality policy quarterly.
Contact Us
Ashland Free Press, LLC
c/o AngelPort
33 Third Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Tel: 541-482-2321
Printed on Recycled Paper
 What’s Inside...
4 Editorial: Will write for Latte
By Charles Carreon
6 The Last Empire: America’s Nostalgia for Armageddon
Lo-Fi Nikita explores America’s romance with nuclear
weapons, and why the President said “an Angel still rides in
the whirlwind.”
10 A Legend In His Own Mind: Michael Ruppert Soldiers On
Charles Carreon interviews Mike Ruppert, investigates the
burglary of his office, and reviews Ruppert’s big 911 book.
12 The AFP Interviews 3 Local Progressive Candidates
Randy Dolinger, Eric Navickas and Muni Court candidate Judge
Joe Charter.
14 Mt. Ashland At The Crossroads
Joshua Carreon covers both sides of a mountainous issue.
15 Art In The Hot Zone
The AFP visits Gathering Glass
17 Funding Local Sweat Equity
Taylor Marks on RVCDC’s Affordable Housing Projects
17 Unvalue
Poetry by Michael Wear
18 No Good Deed Will Go Unpunished: The Mike Bianca Story
Charles Carreon on why Ashland traded a popular Police Chief
for a real bad cop.
22 Burnt, Man
Carlos Ramone isn’t a fan of the Burning Man pyrofest
23 How To Have The Burning Man Experience In Your Own Home
Anonymous and indispensable
24 A Highly Improbable Production
Taylor Marks reviews the BBC version of Doublas Adams’
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
26 Ayahuasca for The Masses
Charles Carreon explains how Congress and the Supreme Court
view visionary religions.
27 Night
Poetry by Tom Brill
32 Nature Tripping
Poetry by Michael Wear
36 President Wolf
Lof-Fi Nikita on propaganda.
39 Werewolves In Ashland
Sumner Wellbourne’s fiction debut, chapters 1&2.
44 Free Speech Weathervane
Lo-Fi Nikita on The Tidings’ phony web comment board.
46 Mt. Ashland History & Photomontage
Mt. A in words and photos.
49 KSKQ Radio Schedule
Leslie Delorean spins the dial.
49 Craft, Meet, Swap, Groove
Winter events for fun and profit.

Will Write For Latte
Charles Carreon
It’s not always possible to see where you’re going until you
get there. This has been especially true of the Ashland Free
Press. When I started this adventure about sixteen months
ago, I felt depressed about the state of the world, and
powerless to change things. The Bush regime was triumphantly
celebrating the success of its Big Lie. The Dean campaign
proved that geeks have money but don’t hit the streets. The
Kerry campaign was a blatant co-option of liberal sentiment
that drained the last of my enthusiasm for electoral
politics. Local law enforcement were acting outrageously,
arresting Wes Brain for shooting a video of a demonstration,
and sparking a near-riot in Jacksonville when the President
came to visit the old county seat. There was a lot of
head-shaking, and people talking about leaving the country.
I went to Europe, and discovered people don’t hate us, they
just want us to stop starting wars.
I returned to Ashland realizing I could do one of two things
-- go on as if nothing had changed, when obviously
everything had, or do something utterly outlandish that
would satisfy my soul. I checked my bank account and saw
that I was not yet destitute. I checked my age, and
concluded that by reaching the age of 49, I’d done better
than most human beings since history began. I checked the
time left on the planetary habitability meter, and decided
that there was no time to waste. I’d better do the
outlandish thing right away, or I would have no one to blame
if: (a) I never got around to it, (b) the world went down
the tubes while I was waiting, or (c) I got carted off to
re-education camp for having a bad attitude about the Chief.
So I began this adventure -- playing the game of journalist,
using the mainstream media as my guide -- if they did it, I
wouldn’t. Looking for topics that mainstream media doesn’t
cover, won’t cover. And most of all, just lending my brain
and analytical skills to my fellow-Ashlanders so they could
take a look at the same stuff I was examining. Guess what?
You liked it. You commented. You called me up, and
buttonholed me in the street. You asked when the next issue
would be out. You gave me ideas for other articles, asked my
opinion about current issues, and often enough, gave me a
big thank you. So to every one of you -- thank you right
Nowadays it seems as if the fog of blind belief is thinning
out, and people are less afraid to speak out against the
authoritarian mystique that held sway over the nation for
about five years. We’ve got a crop of new politicians coming
up. Carol Voisin is taking on Greg Walden. Randy Dolinger is
seeking election to replace appointed councilman Dave
Chapman. Eric Navickas and Nick Frost are seeking council
seats. Alice Hardesty’s taking over Jack’s seat on the
council. The real estate boom is sputtering, so there is a
possibility that the City of Ashland won’t disappear under a
wave of million dollar homes. The 9/11 Truth Movement is
picking up momentum, primarily because people are starting
to trust their own eyes, and opting to consider terrible
truths rather than embracing ignorance.
But one thing has not gotten better, not at all. We still
are almost entirely without an independent press on the
newsstands. I can tell you why, too. Paper and ink are
expensive. Distribution is hard work. Advertisers in a small
town are hard to get, and your best friends, people who
think your paper is just the very thing our town needs, are
still afraid to back an outspoken paper that attacks
hypocrisy under whatever banner it masquerades. This is not
a complaint -- it’s realism. For merchants, it is
intimidating to court the disapproval of the City Council,
the Police Department, the Chamber of Commerce, the
real-estate agents and landlords. For hippies, liberals,
progressives, or whatever you want to call us, the
disapproval of Peace House, the local New Agers, or the
Green Party insiders, can seem like a life-or-death issue.
Nationally, the stakes are even higher.
As a result, our nation simply lacks an independent press.
Almost as much as a lack of literacy, the lack of an
independent press is a huge hurdle to honest government.
Locally, countwide, statewide, and nationally, people read
what is cooked up daily in newsrooms that are powered by
sound-bites, manipulated by publicists and spinmeisters, and
operated by the same companies that own the TV, the cable,
the sattelite, and the big Internet portals. The technique
for keeping the readership enthralled is simply overkill.
Each day dawns, and the anchorwoman launches into a litany
of concerns, telegraphing her earnestness, her respect for
the government, her love of our soldiers, her deference to
the rule of law, her willingness to gild with her belief
anything that appears on the Teleprompter. New news is
superceded by newer news, and the President’s “approval
rating” is monitored like a heart patient’s blood pressure.
When it seems he might flatline, they find Jean-Benet’s
Killer. Not. The Vice President harbors perjurers, shoots a
man in the face, and menaces all opponents. A conservative
dirtbag molests pages! The media yawns, and the FBI, on the
alert for terrorists, can’t find one Congressional
Is it any wonder that Americans have lost control of their
ship of state? Any wonder that the nation spends on weapons
as if there were a war in our streets, and spends on schools
as if education were a luxury?
So we’re putting the idea to the test. For the price of a
latte, you can fund a local, independent press, and the AFP
will keep delivering the truth to a community that isn’t
afraid to hear it. Because truth, my friends, is priceless.
by Paul Hipp
Vice President Dick "Buckshot" Cheney kept his word to the
inmates at California's maximum security Folsom State
Prison. He played a one hour set with his band "Dickie and
The Trigger Happy Birdie Killers". The set received a luke
warm reception until Cheney launched into his new, as yet
unreleased, single "Go Fuck Yourself". During the guitar
solo the Vice President thrilled the assembled audience by
producing a rifle and opening fire. "He seems angry. Very
angry" one inmate said "I mean, I always thought that the
American people didn't like to vote for angry people but ...
Man, that dude is angry!" I managed to obtain a tape of the
performance and am proud to present it here.... Hello, I’m Dick Cheney !
I hear old Harry coming,
He’s comin ‘round the bend
I been killin’ little birdies --
Oops! I shot my friend.
Now I’m stuck in Corpus Christi,
Just trying to cover up.
Hold my calls for 18 hours
Go fuck yourself --
Bottoms up!
When I was just a baby
My mama told me son,
“Get plenty of deferments,
But learn to shoot a gun,”
So I shot a man in Texas --
It looks like he’ll survive.
Well there’s no need to call the sheriff
Go fuck yourself. Goodbye.
I’m up with rich folks flyin’
In a fancy private plane.
Get me Scott McClellan,
Let’s start deflecting blame.
We can pin it all on Harry,
Say he stepped out of line.
Whaddaya mean he had a heart attack?
Go fuck yourself – he’s fine!
Hey, go fuck yourself!
Hey you! Go fuck yourself!
Yeah you, over there! Go fuck yourself!
Well, if they freed me from the rule of law,
If the whole damn world was mine,
I would wiretap the planet,
Invade countries all the time,
Give Halliburton everything,
Leak secret shit all day.
I’d let my 28 guage shotgun
Blow my blues away.
Ah, go fuck yourselves!
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