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DIRAs destroy lives.
The prevailing over-expansive First Amendment regime
empowers truly evil people to commit psychological
atrocities and economic mayhem with complete impunity. Far
from empowering a multitude of voices,
the Googlecentric Internet gives a megaphone to
malicious geeks who fancy themselves technorati. Evidence to
support these and other contentions made on Rapeutation.com
can be found in the Altruistic World Online Library, a
project of Oestia.
Please read the library notice.
Welcome, Scholars!
Whether you are a researcher with a .edu email address, a
victim of reputational attacks, or simply one of the many
students of life and society researching the phenomenon of
Internet savagery, you are welcome here. The purpose
of this site is to provide a searchable database of
information pertinent to your area of interest. Think
of it as an extremely purified solution of information that
is rich in the search terms that are bubbling through your
mind when the topic of your interest is online abuse.
By typing search terms into the box below, rather than into
the general Google search engine, you will be dipping your
sampling tube into a much richer source of relevant
information, and you will be able to see which and how many
writers are discussing the same topic, reaching a consensus
or divergence of opinions, etc. So crank up your
thinking cap and start punching in search terms. And
remember, when you find what you want, and write your own
piece on the topic, a good scholar quotes accurately,
provides meaningful context, identifies the author of the
original source, and links back to the page where the quote
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Access to scholarly materials is
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materials is subject to the provisions set forth in this
subforum. Please read before using the archive.
was born like every human being, screaming in pain and
dismay at the horror of being wrenched from a kindly womb
that had nurtured us. Having discovered, too late, that the
enticements of the information age led to a gladiatorial
arena of personal destruction, we resolved to provide a
place where the victims of the Internet could be remembered,
and their cases explored. Click here to read the personal
histories of those who have fallen afoul of the mob, and
scholarly discussions of the how, why and wherefore of this
Gathered together in one place, for easy access, an
agglomeration of writings and images relevant to the
Rapeutation phenomenon.
2 Gawker Editors Resign Over Article's Removal, by
Jonathan Mahler
Conde Nast's CFO Tried to Pay $2,500 for a Night With a
Gay Porn Star, by Jordan Sargent
Conde Nast Exec Story: Gawker is Keeping Its Sleaze Game
in Shape, by Erik Wemple
David Geithner, by linkedin.com
Gawker and Jezebel Shut Down Briefly Amid Dispute, by
Katie Rogers
Gawker Apologizes, Removes Article on CFO, by Laura
Gawker Blasted for Posting a Lurid Story That Outs
Executive, by Yezmin Villarreal
Gawker Retracts an Article After Criticism, and Gets
More Brickbats From Its Staff, by Ravi Somaiya
Geithner Called Dinesh D'Souza a "Dick" For Outing of
Dartmouth Gays, by Daniel Strauss
Jordan Sargent, by wonderingsound.com
What Everyone Thinks of Gawker's Gay Escort Story, by
Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke
4Chan Killer Surrenders After Posting Murder Pics: Cops,
by Post Wire Report
5 authors who confronted their critics: It's been 30
years since Richard Ford shot bullet holes through Alice
Hoffman's novel after she gave him a bad review., by
Christian Holub
12 Examples: Pew's Online Harassment Survey Highlights
Digital Gender Safety, by Soraya Chemaly
12-year-old Calif. boy admits to ‘swatting’ Ashton
Kutcher; authorities also charge him with hoax against
Justin Bieber: The tween prankster was in juvenile court
Monday to face charges of making a false bomb threat and
computer intrusion. He will be sentenced at a later
date., by Erik Ortiz
126,000 Reasons Why the Emma Watson Hoax Isn't All Bad
News, by Evita March
A Call to Educate, Participate, Invoke and Indict:
Understanding the Communication of Online Hate Groups,
by Lacy G. McNamee, Brittany L. Peterson & Jorge Pena
A Man is Making Bizarre, Terrifying YouTube Videos About
Brianna Wu, by Anna Merlan
A Nation of Snitches, by Chris Hedges
A Rape in Cyberspace, by Julian Dibbelln
A Recent Sunday New York Times and Women, by Veena
A Situationist Perspective on the Psychology of Evil:
Understanding How Good People are Transformed Into
Perpetrators , by Philip G. Zimbardo
A victim of Gamergate organized a SXSW summit to fight
online threats against women, by Leanna Garfield,
Aaron Swartz on Misogyny in Technology by Amy S. Choi
Remembering Aaron, by David
Accusations Aren’t Always What They Seem: Brian Beute,
Excerpt From "Meet the Craziest Politician in Florida:
Joel Greenberg: The Joel Greenberg and Matt Gaetz
scandal is now national: here are the key takeaways from
a local, by Joe Duncan
Meet the Craziest Politician
in Florida: Joel Greenberg, The Joel Greenberg and Matt
Gaetz scandal is now national: here are the key
takeaways from a local, by Joe Duncan
Afghan Women Say Hackers and Threats Have Made Them
Afraid of Facebook, by Peter Holley
After Getting Shamed for 5000 Percent Hike, "Most Hated
Man in America" Will Lower Drug Price, by Judd Legum
Amended Complaint for Violations of the Federal False
Claims Act, United States of America ex rel., Stephen A.
Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, Plaintiffs, v. Merck &
Co., Defendant, by Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A.
CEO Who Raised
the Price of Life-Saving Drug 4000 Percent Arrested for
Fraud, by Alexandra Jacobo
Drug Goes From
$13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight, by Andrew Pollack
Emails Reveal Martin Shkreli Raised Drug Prices Purely
For Profit, By Andrew Emett
Greedy Pharma CEO Furious After Competitor Offers
Alternative $1 AIDS Pill, by John Vibes
Lawsuit: Scumbag Pill Price
Gouger Stalked and Harassed Edx-Coworker's Entire
Family, by Sam Biddle
Of Rotten Apples and Rotten Systems, by Robert Reich
Partnering With
the Devil, by Jim Hightower
Pharma Bro
Martin Shkreli Arrested in Multimillion-Dollar Fraud
Scheme, by Andrew Emett
Sanders Rejects
Donation from Big Pharma's Martin Shkreli -- Gives It to
a Health Clinic Instead, by Elizabeth Miller
Sanders Report
Finds Skyrocketing Drug Prices Cost Taxpayers $1.4
Billion, by Andrew Emett
Pharmaceutical Greed Villain
Martin Shkreli Will Fight the Whole Internet, by Sam
After U.N. Speech, Emma Watson Hit With Nude Photo
Release Threat, by Chris Taylor
"Am I Being Catfished?" An Author Confronts Her Number
One Online Critic, by Kathleen Hale
An Ugly War Among Leftist YouTubers Shows Two Common,
Toxic Pathologies Plaguing U.S. Politics: Baselessly
accusing people of being Russian agents and weaponizing
accusations of sexual misconduct are
reputation-destroying cancers at the heart of liberal
discourse, by Glenn Greenwald
"Anatomy of a Smear": The Arkansas Coverup, by Thomas G.
The Crimes of Mena , by Sally Denton and Roger Morris
Andrea Constand v. William H. Cosby, Jr., Civil Action
No. 05-1099
19. Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Discovery Responses and to Strike
Defendant's General Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of
26. Motion of the Associated Press to Intervene and to File Opposition
to Defendant's Motion for Protective Order
48. Plaintiff's Motion Concerning Conduct of Defendant's Deposition
and Motion for Sanctions
49. Defendant's Request to Compel and Memorandum Concerning
Overarching Issues
50. Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Discovery
52. Defendant's Memorandum in Support of His motion to Strike
Plaintiff's "Motion Concerning Conduct of Defendant's
Deposition and Motion for Sanctions"
54. (REDACTED) Telephone Conference Before the Honorable Eduardo
C. Robreno United States District Court Judge
55. (UNREDACTED) Telephone Conference Before the Honorable
Eduardo C. Robreno United States District Court Judge
57. Plaintiff's Reply to defendant's Requests to Compel and Memorandum
Concerning Overarching Issues
58. Defendant's Responses to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel and
Memorandum Concerning Overarching Issues
60. Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion to Strike Plaintiff's
Motion Concerning Conduct of Defendant's Deposition and
Motion for Sanctions
61. Plaintiff's Motion to Compel the National Enquirer's
Compliance with Subpoena for Document and Request for
Expedited Resolution
63. Defendant's Memorandum of Law in Partial Opposition to the Lifting
of the Seal Established by Case Management Order 2
64. Defendant's Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel
the National Enquirer's Compliance with Subpoena for
Document and Request for Expedited Resolution
65. Nonparty the National Enquirer's Memorandum of Law in Opposition
to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel
66. Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Reply Memorandum of Law in
Response to Defendant's Memo in Opposition to Plaintiff's
Motion to Compel the National Enquirer's Compliance with
Subpoena for Documents
67. Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Support of the Lifting of the
Seal Established by Case Management Order 2
68. Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Reply Memorandum of Law in
Response to National Enquirer's Memorandum in Opposition to
Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena for
99. Letter from Associated Press Counsel to the Honorable Eduardo C.
Robreno, dated June 17, 2015
105. Memorandum of Eduardo C. Robreno, J. Re Associated Press's motion
to intervene and obtain access to documents filed under seal
106. Order re Associated Press's motion to intervene and obtain access
to documents filed under seal
107. Plaintiff's Motion
for Injunctive Relief and Other Sanctions for Violations
of Confidential Settlement Agreement and Motion to
Strike Footnote 5 in Defendant's Brief Filed at Document
Number 102
Andrea Constand’s Victim Impact Statement, by Andrea
Bill Cosby: What's Next for His Sexual Assault Trial, by
Lesley Messer
Angry Lawyer-Inventor Reads "Stupid Patent of the
Month," Files First Lawsuit vs. EFF, by Joe Mullin
Anita Sarkeesian, Feminist Blogger, Sparks Sexist
Twitter Troll-A-Thon with Xbox One Observation, by
Andres Jauregui
Anonymity: Interview with Robert Fellmeth, by Ralph
Anti-bullying activity upsets some parents, Andrew
Any anime fans out there?, by Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS
AOC comforts weeping Rashida Tlaib as she recounts
‘trauma’ of death threats in Capitol riot testimony, by
Graeme Massie @graemekmassie
Arizona Teacher Fired for Breaking Up Racist Bullying of
4th Grader, by Frank Vyan Walton
Attacking the Messenger: Smearing "Gasland" Producer
Josh Fox, by Steve Horn
Gasland II's Luddite Slander Of 'Fracking' Is The Latest
Technophobe Attack On Progress, by Alex Epstein
Sparks Fly Over 'Gasland' Drilling Documentary, by
National Public Radio
The Truth Has Changed by John Fox Will Play the Town
Hall, by BWW News Desk
Tribeca: ‘Gasland’ Director Josh Fox Clears Up Some
Nasty Rumors About Himself and Promises Audiences
“Bigger and Better Explosions” In His Sequel, by
Attorney Ordered to Identify Dead Client Who Taunted
James Woods on Twitter. The actor moves forward in a
lawsuit over a "cocaine addict" tweet, by Eriq Gardner
Actor James Woods Gloats Over Death Of Random Twitter
Troll He Sued To Unmask, by Mike Masnick
Confirmed Horrible Person James Woods Continues Being
Horrible In 'Winning' Awful Lawsuit To Unmask Deceased
Online Critic, by Mike Masnick
Deposition Subpoena for Production of Business Records
(To Twitter), by James Woods
How James Woods Became Obama’s Biggest Twitter Troll.
Actor James Woods has had a long career in Hollywood.
But now he’s becoming almost as well known as the
president’s biggest heckler on Twitter—and conservatives
love him for it, by Asawin Suebsaeng
James Woods Drops Lawsuit Over "Cocaine Addict" Tweet
After Getting Trophy Letter: The actor filed a $10
million libel action two years ago. Then, the anonymous
defendant died, by Eriq Gardner
James Woods Is Addicted To Being A Crybaby, by Joe
James Woods Punches The Muppet, by Ken White
James Woods vs. John Doe: Complaint for Defamation;
Invasion of Privacy by False Light, by James Woods
James Woods vs. John Doe: Notice of Motion and Motion
for an Order Compelling Non-Party Kenneth P. White to
Answer Deposition Questions and Produce Documents; and
An Order for Sanctions Against Non-Party Kenneth P.
White in the amount of $9,040.55, by James Woods
James Woods vs. John Doe: Order, by Hon. Joseph Kalin
James Woods vs. John Doe: Order, by Judge of the
California Superior Court, County of Los Angeles
James Woods vs. John Doe: Reply in Support of Motion for
An Order Compelling Non-Party Kenneth P. White to Answer
Deposition Questions and Produce Documents; and an Order
for Sanctions Against Non-Party Kenneth P. White in the
Amount of $9,040.55, by James Woods
Letter From Ryan T. Mrazik (Twitter Counsel) to Michael
E. Weinsten (James Woods Counsel), by Ryan T. Mrazik
Popehat v. James Woods SLAPP-down Match; Coming Soon To
A Court Near You, by Mike Masnick
Twitter Sends James Woods a Scathing Letter Over Attempt
to Unmask Anonymous User, by Eriq Gardner
Why is Actor James Woods Ruthlessly Pursuing a Lawsuit
Against a Dead Guy?, by Ryan Bort
Battlefield: Papers Suggesting that Biotech Crops Might
Harm the Environment Attract a Hail of Abuse From Other
Scientists. Emily Waltz Asks if the Critics Fight Fair.
Bay Area Muslim Leader Has Her Award Rescinded by
Interfaith Group After Pro-Israel Activists Objected,
Glenn Greenwald
Behavioral Confirmation in the Interrogation Room: On
the Dangers of Presuming Guilt, by Saul M. Kassin,
Christine C. Goldstein, and Kenneth Savitsky
Behind SlaneGirl: Teenaged Girl Hospitalized After Being
Photographed Having Oral Sex, by Caroline Linton
Bernie Sanders Tells Berniebros To Knock It Off: "We
Don't Want That Crap," by Ian Millhiser
Women, LGBT least safe on Facebook, despite 'real name'
policy, by Violet Blue
Betrayal: It hurts, by Annie Wilkinson
Beware The Stark Warning to Women in the Sun's Magaluf
"Investigation", by Holly Baxter
Blaming Technology for Self-harm is Too Easy, by Laurie
Blix Stung by "Pentagon Smear," by BBC News
Blog Troll, Part II: Arrested, by Lori Stewart Weidert
Bloggers: A Portrait of the Internet's New Storytellers,
by Amanda Lenhart and Susannah Fox
Bloggers Need Not Apply, by Ivan Tribble
Boycott Gawker and Other Sleazy "Tech" Websites, Ruiners
of Lives, Care 2 Petitions
Breitbart Pays Up For Racist Attack Against Shirley
Sherrod, by Randa Morris
Brianna Wu and the Human Cost of Gamergate: "Every Woman
I Know in the Industry is Scared," by Keith Stuart
Bush’s Hit Man: GOP strategist Karl Rove and the
politics of destruction, by Lou Dubose
Six Questions for James Moore on Karl Rove’s Political
Prosecutions, by Scott Horton
BYU Places "9/11 Truth" Professor on Paid Leave, by Tad
#CancelColbert Creator Will Discuss Backlash on ‘The
Internet Ruined My Life’, by Michael Cuby
Celebrities Send Messages Of Support To Bullied
Tennessee Student. Keaton Jones has received messages of
love from Chris Evans, Millie Bobby Brown, Delanie
Walker and more., by Doha Madani
Chatting With the Climate Scientist Newt Dissed, by
David Roberts
Cheap Speech and What It Will Do, by Eugene Volokh
Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act
(1955) (UK)
Chili's Caves to Medical Mafia; Cancels Support for
Autism Awareness Efforts, by Mike Adams
China's Internet "Spin Doctors," by Michael Bristow
Christie Endorsement Payback to Rubio for Attacks, by
Todd Beamon
What the hell is Chris Christie thinking?, by Chris
Christopher C. Krebs v. Joseph E. diGenova; Donald J.
Trump for President, Inc. and Newsmax Media, Inc., by
Rifkin Weiner Livingston LLC
Climate Scientist Can Sue National Review for
Defamation, Judge Rules, by Jeff Spross
Climate scientist ousted, by BBC News
Global Climate Science-Issues for 2001, by A.G. (Randy)
Randol III, Ph.D., ExxonMobil
Climate Scientist Wins $50,000 in Libel Lawsuit Against
Conservative Newspaper, by Emily Atkin
Climate scientist wins major court battle just in time
for Trump administration, by Andrew Freedman
"Climategate" Professor Phil Jones "Considered Suicide
Over Email Scandal," by Aislin Laing
Coal Mine Canaries, by David E. Hendrix
Coco Austin: I 'won't stop sharing photos of baby
Chanel', by aol.com Editors
Columbine Bullying No Myth, Panel Told, by Howard
Search Warrant, by Kate Battan, signed by Judge Henry E.
Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, by Guy Debord
Complaint for Trademark Infringement, False Advertising,
and Trademark Dilution, by The Academy of Motion Picture
Arts and Sciences
Complaint of Violations of USDA Scientific Integrity
Policy, by Dr. Jonathan Lundgren
Congresswoman Katherine Clark Target of Swatting Hoax,
by Katherineclark.house.gov
Conservatism and Cognitive Ability, by Lazar Stankov
CNN Taps Unhinged Conservative Blogger Erick Erickson as
Regular Political Commentator, by Nick McClellan
Corey Feldman calls marijuana arrest days after making
Hollywood child sexual abuse allegations a 'shakedown':
Feldman has spoken about the alleged abuse on a number
of occasions, by Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith
County Orders Hoarder to Clean Up Property, by
Lennie Copeland
Cyber Bullying Intensifies as Climate Data Questioned,
by Douglas Fischer
Cyber Civil Rights, by Danielle Keats Citron
Dangerous Documentaries: Reducing Risk when Telling
Truth to Power, by Center for Media & Social Impact
Dear Bill Cosby Defenders: What Do You Have to Say for
Yourselves Now?, by Yesha Callahan
Defend Climate Scientists From Bullying, by Union of
Concerned Scientists
Demeaning as a Lifestyle: The Sadistic Aggressive, by
Dr. Simon
Democrats’ McCarthyism Hits Greens’ Stein, by Nat Parry
Jill Stein spoiled the 2016 election for Hillary
Clinton. Jill Stein's voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan
and Wisconsin helped Donald Trump win the White House,
by Matthew Rozsa
Mainstream Media is corrupt to the core, by Mark Taliano
Russian Environmentalists Brand U.S. Green Party Putin
"Accomplices", by Damien Sharkov
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? College
Suspends Professor Who Said Yes., by Kirkland An
Documents Reveal Canadian Tennager Target of GMO Lobby,
by Allison-Vuchnich
Does Civility Matter in the Blogosphere? Examining the
Interaction Effects of Incivility and Disagreement on
Citizen Attitudes, by Hyunseo Hwang, Porismita Borah,
Kang Namkoong, Aaron S. Veenstra
DOJ report: [Jim] Greenlee retaliated against [Hal]
Neilson, by Patsy R. Brumfield
Indicted FBI agent: Greenlee was out to get me, by Patsy
R. Brumfield
Dominion voting machines demands pro-Trump attorney
Sidney Powell retract 'defamatory' accusations, by
Jonathan Easlley
Dominion Voting Systems slams Patrick Byrne’s bid to
dismiss $1.7 billion lawsuit: Dominion is suing Byrne
for spreading baseless claims of election fraud, by
Bryan Schott
Election technology company Dominion sues Giuliani for
$1.3 billion over 'Big Lie' about election fraud, by
Katelyn Polantz
Excerpt from Memorandum Opinion Re Powell, Giuliani and
My Pillow's Motions to Dismiss
USDC for the District of Columbia, US Dominion, Inc., et
al., Plaintiffs, v. Sidney Powell, et al., Defendants,,
Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00040 (CJN), 8/11/21
'Expert Mathematician' on Election Fraud Actually a
Swing Set Installer, Lawsuit Claims
A man posing as a math expert with evidence Trump won
the election is actually a convicted drug dealer with no
college degree who installs swing sets, according to a
lawsuit, by Aaron Gordon
Judge denies efforts by Powell, Lindell, and Giuliani to
dismiss Dominion lawsuits, by Jake Dima
'Not My Job’: Rudy Giuliani Admits He Didn’t Bother to
Vet Ludicrous Election Fraud Claims
Sidney Powell, another member of Trump’s “elite strike
force” of 2020 election lawyers, said the truth about
the debunked Dominion Voting Systems accusations is not
“material”, by Peter Wade
Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Newsmax sued by
Dominion executive forced into hiding: Trump's lawyer
was also warned to preserve all records ahead of an
“imminent” lawsuit by the voting machine company, by
Igor Derysh
Fox News Sued By Dominion Voting For Defamation Over
Election Conspiracy, by Alison Durkee
After Lawsuit Against Fox
News, Here's Who Dominion Has Sued So Far -- And Who
Could Be Next, by Alison Durkee
Sidney Powell gives up the game, admits Trump’s election
conspiracies weren’t factual: In response to Dominion’s
defamation lawsuit, Powell’s lawyers say “reasonable
people” wouldn’t buy her claims, by Aaron Rupar
Dominion Voting Defamation Lawsuit Against Fox News:
Federal Action is Needed to Stop False News, by Glenn
Sidney Powell on Being Sued by Dominion, by Saturday
Night Live
Donald Trump Calls Them ‘Thugs.’ Here’s What Trump
Protesters Are Really Like., By Emily Atkin
Trump Protesters Shut Down Arizona Highway, by Katie
Don't Ignore the Trolls: Feed Them Until They Explode,
by Lindy West
Don't Panic Over Predictions of Climate Doom: Get the
Facts on James Hansen, by Marc Morano
Download Code: Penny Arcade Needs to Fix Its Krahulik
Problem, by Daniel Kaszor
Dr. Sami Al-Arian Was Arrested by the FBI on Trumped Up
Dr. Seuss Enterprises v. Penguin Books USA, Inc., by
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think, And What We
Can Do About It, by Jane M. Healy, Ph.D.
Erin Andrews Awarded $55 Million in Lawsuit Over Nude
Video at Hotel, by Daniel Victor
Eron Gjoni, Hateful Boyfriend, by Margaret Pless
EU to Google: Expand "Right to be Forgotten" to
Google.com, by Samuel Gibbs
Ex-Vogue Model Snared in Ugly Web, by Dareh Gregorian
Expectancy Confirmation Processes Arising in the Social
Interaction Sequence, by John M. Darley
Ezra Klein Shocked at Outrage for Hiring Conservative
Gay as Contributor, by Warner Todd Huston
Facebook Troll Bradley Paul Hampson Jailed for Posting
Child Porn on Tribute Pages for Dead Children, by Tony
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft sign EU hate
speech code: To tackle racism and xenophobia, big
internet companies say they will try to review most
notifications within 24 hours, by Alex Hern
Facing the Challenge of Online Harassment, by Nadia
Factsheet on the "Right to be Forgotten" Ruling
(C-131/12), by European Commission
Feedback Guidelines, by Poynter.org
Feminist Gamer Withdraws From PAX East, Citing Safety
Concerns, by Here & Now With Robin Young and Jeremy
Feminist Writers Are So Besieged by Online Abuse That
Some Have Begun to Retire, by Michelle Goldberg
Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao: The Trolls Are Winning The
Battle for the Internet, by Ellen Pao
Fox Analyst on President Obama: "This Guy is Such a
Total Pussy, It's Stunning": Host Stuart Varney Tells
Ralph Peters, "You Can't Use Language Like That On the
Program," by Media Matters Staff
Fox News chief calls on Trump to apologize for Megyn
Kelly remarks, by Associated Press
Fox News Worried That Anti-Bullying Measures Are
Anti-Conservative, by Amanda Marcotte
From Gin Lane to Magaluf, The Press Has Always Shamed
Women for Profit, by Laurie Penny
"Fuck Bitches Get Leid," the Sleazy Frat Emails of
Snapchat's CEO, by Sam Biddle
#GamerGate Trolls Aren't Ethics Crusaders; They're a
Hate Group, by Jennifer Allaway
Gardasil Vaccine, Katie Couric and Cyber-Lynching, by
Barbara Loe Fisher
Gatorade to Pay $300,000 After California Sues Them for
Dissing Water in Videogame App
Energy drink company “portrayed its products positively
while inaccurately and negatively depicting water as
hindering athletic performance,” California attorney
general says, by Tim Kenneally
Gawker chief Nick Denton fires back in feud with Peter
Thiel, by Moneywatch, cbwnews.com
Golden Globes Speech, by Meryl Streep
GMO Researchers Attacked, Evidence Denied, and a
Population at Risk, by Jeffrey M. Smith
Google Bomb: The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That
Changed the Way We Use the Internet, by John W. Dozier,
Jr. and Sue Scheff
Google Cousin Develops Technology to Flag Toxic Online
Comments, by Daisuke Wakabayashi
GOP Smears DOJ Civil Rights Pick Kristen Clarke in
Latest Attack on Voting Rights & Racial Justice, by Amy
Gorsuch Critique of Landmark Libel Case Should Be Taken
Seriously: A conservative Supreme Court justice invokes
a liberal colleague to argue that New York Times v.
Sullivan is wrong for the social-media age, by Noah
Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic for Bosnia
War Crimes Ten Years Too Late, by Andy Wilcoxson
Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change in
Eastern Europe (EXCERPT), by Gerald Sussman and Sascha
Harsh Words Die Hard on the web, by Ellen Nakashima
Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies: The film executive
hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents,
to track actresses and journalists, by Ronan Farrow
The Tchenguiz brothers win their legal challenge against
the SFO, by Sigrun Davidsdottir
SFO drops its investigation of
Kaupthing – the OSP Kaupthing case in Iceland, by Sigrun
Vincent Tchenguiz and Iceland's Kaupthing settle
lawsuit, by Kirstin Ridley
Who are Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz? Robert Tchenguiz,
the Mayfair-based entrepreneur, has challenged his
arrest by the Serious Fraud Office under a judicial
review filed at the High Court. Here, we look back at
how the brothers made their fortune, up to the SFO
raids, by The Telegraph
Witness: I: Alexander Nix, Chief Executive, Cambridge
Analytica, Oral evidence: Fake News, HC 363, by Digital,
Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Has Twitter Hit the Wall?, by herald.co.zw
Hey Kids! It's Time for Privacy Talk With Your Host the
Anonymous Silicon Valley Tycoon, by Tom Tomorrow
Hillary Clinton’s Long History of Targeting Women, by
Brent Scher
How does it FEEL when those who run the New Kadampa
Tradition try to ruin your life?, by Dr. Michelle Haslam
My opinion on The New Kadampa Tradition (NKT-IKBU).
Potential harm to mental and physical health based on my
experience, observations, survivors’ testimonies and
psychological theory, by Dr Michelle Haslam
How millions from Uber and Lyft are funding the
harassment of a critic, by Michael Hiltzik
How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco's Life, by
Jon Ronsonman in london
Justine Sacco Is Good at Her Job, and How I Came To
Peace With Her, by Sam Biddle
How One Video Game Company is Leading the Charge Against
Online Harassment, by Amanda Hess
How Rabid Extremists Exiled a 14-Year-Old, by Jim
How Reddit Took On Its Own Users and Won, by Alex Hern
How Social Media Filters Are Destroying Our Mental
Health, by Trevor Noah
How to Become a Conservative in Four Embarrassing Steps,
by Paul Buchheit
How To Get a Black Woman Fired, by Channing Kennedy
How to Write Propaganda for the NY Times – As
Demonstrated in an Article About Me, by Lee Camp
How Trump Thought He Could Get Away with Anything on
Social Media, by Mehdi Hasan
I Got a Bomb Threat on Twitter: Was I Right to Report
It?, by Catherine Mayer
I Went To Jail Over An Hermes Bag, by Carson Griffith
I Will Not Yield My Values: Fired AP Journalist Emily
Wilder Speaks Out After Right-Wing Smears, by Amy
In Guardians We Trust, Excerpt from "Lonesome Squirrel,"
by Steven Fishman
Internet Bullying: With the Click of a Key, Bullies are
Humiliating Their Peers. What Are Schools Doing to Tame
This Behavior?, by Amanda Paulson
Inside Washington's Quest to Bring Down Edward Snowden,
by Jason Leopold
Swells After NSA Phone Records Court Order Revelations,
by Dan Roberts and Spencer Ackerman
Before Snowden, Nixon Admin
Pioneered Evidence-Free "Russian Spy Smears Against
Daniel Ellsberg, by Trevor Timm
Clapper Reads From the
Bush/Cheney/Nixon Playbook to Fear-Monger Over
Transparency, by Glenn Greenwald
Fifty States of Fear, by Peter
House Intelligence Chairman
Hints at Russian Help in Snowden Leaks, by Tom Curry
In Re Application of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation for an Order Requiring
the Production of Tangible Things From Verizon Business
Network Services
Is This a Video of the
Director of National Intelligence Lying to Congress?, by
Dan Amira
Keith Alexander Unplugged: On
Bush/Obama, 1.7 Million Stolen Documents and Other
Matters, by Glenn Greenwald
NSA Collecting Phone Records
of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily, by Glenn
NSA Prism Program Taps In to
User Data of Apple, Google and Others, by Glenn
Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill
Obama Officials Caught
Deceiving About WikiLeaks, by Glenn Greenwald
Obama Orders U.S. To Draw Up Overseas Target List for
Cyber-Attacks, by Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill
Official Reports on the Damage
Caused by Edward Snowden's Leaks Are Totally Redacted,
by Jason Leopold
Pentagon Sees a Threat From
Online Muckrakers, by Stephanie Strom
Presidential Policy
Senate Approves Major Changes
to Surveillance Laws in Passing USA Freedom Act, by Vice
Snowden Calls Russian-Spy
Story "Absurd" In Exclusive Interview, by Jane Mayer
Supplemental Declaration of
David G. Leatherwood, Director of Operations for the
Defense Intelligence Agency, Leopold v. Department of
The Sunday Times' Snowden
Story is Journalism At Its Worst -- And Filled With
Falsehoods, by Glenn Greenwald
These are the Financial
Disclosure Forms the NSA Said Would Threaten National
Security, by Jason Leopold
WikiLeaks "Has Blood On Its Hands" Over Afghan War Logs,
Claim U.S. Officials, by David Leigh
International scientists raise concerns over genetically
modified food: British Labour government rushes to
defend biotech industry, by Keith Lee and Richard Tyler
(Arpad Pusztai)
Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization
of Online Harassment, by Ann Bartow
Internet Law: Cases & Problems, by Grimmelman Internet
Internet Troll Who Abused Mary Beard Apologises After
Threat, by Sam Marsden
Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People, by Chris
In Unsealed Documents, Cosby Admits Giving Drugs to a
Woman, by Lizzy McLellan, Gina Passarella and Max
Into the Buzzsaw, by Kristina Borjesson
Investigating the President: Monica's Father Speaks Out,
by Larry King
Is Online Harassment a Permanent Part of the Internet's
Future?, by Alyssa Rosenberg
It doesn't 'get better' for some bullied LGBT youths:
Risk of lasting mental health problems for severely
victimized LGBT youths, by sciencedaily.com
It's Time for Twitter to Address Its Harassment
Policies, by S.E. Smith
It's Silicon Valley 2, Ellen Pao O: Fighter of Sexism is
Out at Reddit, by Mike Isaac and David Streitfeld
An Old Team at Reddit, by
Black Hole, by Keegan Hankes
Ellen Pao, by Encyclopedia
Ellen Pao Lawsuit Loss Will
Not Slow Fight for Gender Equality in Silicon Valley, by
Susan Cagle
Ellen Pao Loses Silicon Valley
Bias Case Against Kleiner Perkins, by David Streitfeld
Ellen Pao Suit Against Kleiner
Perkins Heads to Trial, With Big Potential Implications,
by David Streitfeld
Elephant in the Valley, by Trae Vassallo, Ellen Levy,
Michele Madansky, Hillary Mickell, Bennett Porter,
Monica Leas, Stanford University, Julie Oberweis,
Stanford University.
Even at a National Memorial,
No One is Safe from "Creepshots," by Caitlin Dewey
How Ellen Pao Lost Her Job But
Survived Reddit's Swamp of Trolls, by Beth Winegarner
How Ellen Pao, Who Oversaw the
Effort to Rid Reddit of Harassment, Became Its Latest
Victim, by Sarah Kaplan
Inside the Battle for the Soul
of Reddit, by Caitlin Dewey
Lawsuit Shakes Foundation of a
Man's World of Tech, by David Streitfeld
Pension Funds Sue on a Deal
Gone Cold, by Rachel Abrams
Reddit Announces
Anti-Harassment Policy in Attempt to Curb Cyberbullying,
by Associated Press
Reddit Chief Ellen Pao Resigns
After Receiving "Sickening" Abuse From Users, by Martin
Pengelly and Kevin Rawlinson
Reddit Revolt Continues as
User Petition Calls for Resignation of CEO Ellen Pao, by
Jana Kasperkevic
Reddit Users Flee to Swiss
Copy Voat After Harassment Clampdown, by Alex Hern
Reddit Users Rebel Over
Banning of Fat-Shaming Subforums, by Jessica Elgot
Reddit's Terrorists Have Won:
Ellen Pao and the Failure to Rebrand Web 2.0, by Arthur
The Smutty Poems and Pictures
That Helped Get Kleiner Perkins Sued, by Owen Thomas
These Are the 5 Subreddits
Reddit Banned Under Its Game-Changing Anti-Harassment
Policy -- And Why It Banned Them, by Caitlin Dewey
This is What Happens When You
Create an Online Community Without Any Rules, by Caitlin
Sex in Silicon Valley: Ellen
Pao & the Kleiner Perkins Scandal, by Vixely
Women Are Not Making Progress
in Male-Dominated VC World, Data Shows, by Dan Primack
Japan Bans Real-Life Child Sexual Abuse Material But
Cartoons Remain Legal, by Justin McCurry
Jason Pierre-Paul Sues ESPN, Adam Schefter for Posting
His Medical Records, by Julia Marsh
Jennifer Lawrence Naked Photos Leak: More Celebrities
Allegedly Targeted as Third Wave of Hacked Images is
Released, by Natasha Culzac
Johnny Depp, Amber Heard's Totally Uncomfortable Public
Apology, by Associated Press
Stephen Apologizes To Australia, by Stephen Colbert
Journal Editor Admits Involvement in Ermakova "Set-Up,
by Brian John
Correspondence: Mae-Wan Ho & Peter T. Saunders
Journalist feels ‘horrible’ about revealing Jonah
Lehrer’s fabrications, by Steve Myers
Q & A: Michael C. Moynihan, The Guy Who Uncovered Jonah
Lehrer’s Fabrication Problem
By Foster Kamer
Journalistic Standards In Reporting of the Te'o Hoax:
Q&A With Deadspin's Tommy Craggs, by Manny Randhawa
Deadspin Rides Manti Te'o Hoax
Story to Renown -- And Keeps Heat on ESPN, by David
Gawker Sucks, by Drew Johnson
Manti Te'o, by Wikipedia
The One Thing That Didn't Add
Up in Deadspin's Coverage of Manti Te'o, by Drew Johnson
Julian Assange Accuses UK Minister of Insulting U.N.
After Detention Finding: Foreign Secretary Philip
Hammond Dismisses Panel's Finding as "Ridiculous" But
WikiLeaks Founder Hails "Sweet Victory," by Esther
Addley, Jessica Elgot and Owen Bowcott
Julian Assange’s Fiancée: U.K.
Blocking Our Attempt to Marry While He Is Tortured in
Belmarsh Prison, by Amy Goodman
UN panel calls on UK and Sweden to end Julian Assange's
'deprivation of liberty': UN working group says
WikiLeaks founder should be offered compensation for
being confined to Ecuadorian embassy, by Owen Bowcott
and David Crouch
Jury: Convict Gawker of Porn Revenge in Hulk Hogan Case,
Care2 Petitions
Justine Sacco, Internet Justice, And the Dangers of a
Righteous Mob, by Tarun Wadhwa
Justine Sacco is Good At Her Job, and How I Came to
Peace With Her, by Sam Biddle
Katie Armiger Says She Was Blacklisted From Country
Music After Sexual Harassment Allegations, by Sasha
Kernels of Truth: A Team of Cal Scientists Came Under
Attack from colleagues and biotech interests after
finding modified DNA in native Mexican corn. They may be
wrong, but given just how much is at stake, why hasn't
anyone else bothered to ask the same question?, by Kara
Killing Corbyn, by Editor, medialens.org
Leaked AshleyMadison Emails Suggest Execs Hacked
Competitors, by KrebsonSecurity
Ashley Madison's Leaked
Database Available for Download -- Read This First, by
Graham Cluley
Family Values Activist Josh
Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account, by Gawker.com
Hackers Dump SECOND, Even
Bigger Batch of Ashley Madison Records With Taunting
Message to Millionaire Founder of "Cheating Dirtbag"
Site, by Dailymail.com Reporter
"Josh Duggar Cheated With
Me!": Woman Tells All About Their Two Sexual Encounters,
by In Touch Weekly
Josh Duggar Confesses to
Cheating on Wife Anna, Jim Bob and Michelle Speak Out,
by Carly Sitzer
Josh Duggar's Ashley Madison
Problem, by Andrea Denhoed
Man Outed in Ashley Madison
Hack Commits Suicide, by Priscilla Mason
Josh Duggar Paid for an
"Affair Guarantee" on Ashley Madison, by Christina Dugan
Online Cheating Site
AshleyMadison Hacked, by KrebsonSecurity
Statement from Avid Life Media
The Ashley Madison Hack --
Further Thoughts on Its Aftermath, by Per Thorsheim
The Random Guy Josh Duggar
Used as His Ashley Madison Profile Pic is Not Happy, by
Laura Beck
TrustedSec, Others Confirm New
Dump Of Estimated 200,000 Ashley Madison CEO Emails, by
Lisa Brownlee
Was the Ashley Madison
Database Leaked?, by KrebsonSecurity
Let's Be Real: Online Harassment Isn't "Virtual" For
Women, by Jill Filipovic
Liability of Internet Intermediaries for Defamatory
Speech – An Inquiry into the Concepts of ‘Publication’
and ‘Innocent Dissemination’, by Jan Oster*
Limits at Gawker? Rules at Reddit? Wild West Web Turns a
Page, by Jonathan Mahler
Listening to Shame, by Brene Brown
LOLing at Tragedy: Facebook Trolls, Memorial Pages and
Resistance to Grief Online, by Whitney Phillips
Lori Stewart, Troll Hunter, by Pobble Thoughts
Low-Effort Thought Promotes Political Conservatism, by
Scott Eidelman, Christian S. Crandall, Jeffrey A.
Goodman and John C. Blanchar
Max Mosley wins £60,000 in privacy case, by Leigh
Holmwood and Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Google battles lawsuit by Max Mosley over sex party
images, by Estelle Shirbon
Meet the Paramedic Whose OnlyFans Was Outed by the ‘New
York Post’: “I don’t think they knew going into it that
I was willing to put up a fight,” says Lauren Kwei in an
exclusive interview. “I don’t think they knew who they
were dealing with.”, by E.J. Dickson
Melania Trump wins round in libel suit over blogger's
'escort' claims. Judge mulls whether to dismiss Daily
Mail from case as lawyer reveals first lady is suing
newspaper in a London court, by Josh Gerstein
Michael Payne's Guidelines for Discussion on His
Articles, by Michael Payne
Michelle Fields reports chilling death threat to police:
‘I’m going to slit your throat’, by Jessica Chasmar
Michigan model mother, 45, 'killed her husband, two
adult children and the family dog before committing
suicide after being shunned by the Jehovah's Witnesses',
by Associated Press and Ashley Collman for Dailymail.com
Mike Krahulik, by Wikipedia
Milk Wars: Baton Rouge Kleinpeter Farms vs. Goliath
Monsanto, by Mary Tutwiler
Monica Lewinsky: ‘The shame sticks to you like tar’:
Nearly 20 years ago, Monica Lewinsky found herself at
the heart of a political storm. Now she’s turned that
dark time into a force for good, by Jon Ronson
Monica Lewinsky (TED Talks), by Monica Lewinsky
The “tantric female sacrifice”, Excerpt From "The Shadow
of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics in
Tibetan Buddhism," by Victor and Victoria Trimondi
Monsanto's Mexican Maize Mischief, by sourcewatch.org
Amaizing Disgrace - Monsanto Up To Its Old Dirty Tricks
Again, by The Ecologist
Bivings: we condemn online vandalism, by Dr. Matthew
Corporate phantoms: The web of deceit over GM food has
now drawn in the PM's speechwriters, by George Monbiot
Cows Ate GM Maize & Died, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and
Sam Burcher
Mexico's Vital Gene Reservoir Polluted by Modified
Maize, by Paul Brown
Monsanto's World Wide Web of Deceit: Index, by
Scientist Tells Newsnight He Was Threatened: Row Over GM
Crops - Mexican Scientist Tells Newsnight He Was
Threatened Because He Wanted to Tell the Truth, by BBC
Scientists in a Spin, by Zac Goldsmith
Seeds of Dissent: Anti-GM scientists are facing
widespread assaults on their credibility, by Andy Rowell
The Covert Biotech War: The corporations seeking to
force GM food into reluctant markets are opening new
fronts in their internet campaign against their critics,
by George Monbiot
The GM War of Words, by Jonathan Matthews; GM: And yet
it moves, by Ignacio H. Chapela; Spiked!, by Philip
The Great Mexican Maize Scandal, by Fred Pearce
Monsanto's Smear Merchant Attacks, by Food Democracy Now
Mugged by a Mug Shot Online, by David Segal
Mutilated Furries, Flying Phalluses: Put the Blame on
Griefers, the Sociopaths of the Virtual World, by Julian
Monsanto's Dirty Tricks Campaign: Interview with GM
Watch Editor, Johathan Matthews
Viral Marketing: How to Infect
the World, by Andrew Dimock
Mycoplasma: Often Overlooked in Chronic Lyme Disease, by
Scott Forsgren
National Petition to Stop Twitter Rape Threats Starts in
Portland, by Nina Mehlhaf
National Socialist Party v. Skokie, by United States
Supreme Court
National Socialist Party of America v. Village of
Skokie, by Wikipedia
Neo-Nazi website unleashed Internet trolls against a
Jewish woman, lawsuit says, by Jenny Jarvie and Jaweed
5 Ways to Turn a Liberal Into a Conservative (At Least
Until the Hangover Sets In), by Chris Mooney
Alt-right Charlottesville rally organizer blames 'xanax,
ambien and booze' on tweet that said slain protester
Heather Heyer was a 'fat, disgusting communist' - as he
deletes his account and goes into hiding, by Jessica
Finn and Valerie Edwards For Dailymail.com
Alt-Right Turns Against ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer
Jason Kessler, Labels Him ‘Soros/Deep State Plant’: In
the aftermath of the violence-plagued Charlottesville
rally, former white nationalist allies peddled a
conspiracy theory suggesting Kessler is a left-wing
provocateur.by David Emery
Charlottesville, Brennan Gilmore, and the STOP KONY 2012
Psyop, by Nova Ordem News
Charlottesville Was ‘Inside Job’ To Ignite Race War, by
Baxter Dmitry
First Amendment Lawyer Defending Neo-Nazi Website
Publisher, by Michael Kunzelman
George Soros Gives Additional $250k to Tom Perriello for
Virginia Primary Bid: Perriello took $250k from Soros in
January, outpacing opponents in out-of-state cash, by
Brent Scher
Hypocrisy Alert: Tom Perriello Accepts Hundreds of
Thousands from George Soros While Bemoaning Big Money In
Politics, by Republican Governors Association
Jason Kessler, by Southern Poverty Law Center
Organizer Of Charlottesville Rally Jason Kessler Speaks
On The Aftermath Virginia Protests, by The Red Elephants
Protesters blame Charlottesville police for not stopping
violence, by Dakin Andone, CNN
State of Emergency Declared in Charlottesville After
Protests Turn Violent, by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Brian
M. Rosenthal
Man Charged After White
Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville Ends in Deadly
by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Brian M. Rosenthal
The A.C.L.U. Needs to Rethink Free Speech, by K-Sue Park
Tom Perriello announces staff for gubernatorial
campaign, by Augusta Free Press
Where in the world is America’s leading neo-Nazi troll?,
by Aaron Sankin
Why does the ACLU help neo-Nazis?, by Chicago Tribune
Editorial Board
New York Daily News Editor Is Fired Amid Plagiarism
Accusations, by Emma Niles
Not So Funny: Sam Morril's Rape Jokes and Female Comedy
Fans, by Sady Doyle
Oliver Letwin Blocked Help for Black Youth After 1985
Riots, by Alan Travis
Oliver Letwin's Memo on Race
is Not Ancient History. It's Current Tory Policy, by
Joseph Harker
4. On the Sale of Community in Crowdfunding: Questions
of Power, Inclusion, and Value, by David Gehring and
D.E. Wittkower
Online abuse: 'existing laws too fragmented and don’t
serve victims': Chief constable Stephen Kavanagh says
scale of abuse could overwhelm police, as MPs prepare to
introduce bill to update law, by Sandra Laville
Online abuse: how women are fighting back: With the
world only half paying attention to online threats,
women are rising up to help each other, from strategy to
support, by Leigh Alexander
Online Harassment, by Maeve Duggan
Online Harassment, Defamation, and Hateful Speech: A
Primer of the Legal Landscape, by Alice E. Marwick and
Ross Miller
Online sexism should not be tolerated, says Yvette
Cooper: Labour MP backs Reclaim the Internet campaign
and compares fight against online abuse to past struggle
to ensure domestic violence is taken seriously, by
Rowena Mason
Open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, by Robert C. Fellmeth
Opinion/Order, Christopher Hedges vs. Barack Obama
Oscar Winners Use Acceptance Speeches as Platform for
Social Justice, by Ashley Curtin
Oscar-Winning Writer Graham Moore, of Chicago, Discusses
His Depression, by Mark Caro and Cynthia Dizikes
Our Man in London: The Scandal of the 35-Page
‘Intelligence Dossier’ Directed against Donald Trump, by
Prof Michael Keefer
Bush dissed the U.S. intelligence
community. The likelihood is that the crimes of Bush,
Cheney, Libby and Rove so far revealed are only the tip
of the iceberg. by Juan Cole
Cambridge Prof with CIA, MI6 Ties Met with Trump Adviser
During Campaign, Beyond, by Chuck Ross
Clinton Ally Says Smoke, But No Fire: No Russia-Trump
Collusion, by Ken Dilanian
Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for
Russia Trump Dossier, by Kenneth P. Vogel
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to
Russia dossier, by Adam Entous, Devlin Barrett and
Rosalind S. Helderman
Coming in From the Cold, Going Out to the Bush Campaign,
by Bill Peterson
Dmitry Medvedev Twitter account hacked: Hoaxers post
messages saying Russian PM is resigning to become a
photographer, and subverting Crimea hashtag, Alec Luhn
FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored
controversial Trump dossier, by Tom Hamburger and
Rosalind S. Helderman
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to
Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims, by Adam Goldman,
Mark Mazzetti and Matthew Rosenberg
Former CIA chief: Trump is Russia’s useful fool, by
Michael V. Hayden
Full Clapper: "No Evidence" of Collusion Between Trump
and Russia, Interview with James Clapper, Director of
National Intelligence, by Chuck Todd, Meet The Press
‘Getting Trump’ with the New McCarthyism, by Robert
Here’s How Much The FBI Planned To Pay Trump Dossier
Author, by Chuck Ross
Hillary Clinton’s Deceptive Blame-Shifting, by Robert
Hillary Clinton’s disingenuous dossier outrage, by
Callum Borchers
How James Clapper will get away with perjury: Yes, the
national director of intelligence lied under oath, and
his defense is implausible. You think that matters?
by Paul Campos
I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton, by
Michael J. Morrell
Intelligence experts accuse Cambridge forum of Kremlin
links: Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of MI6, resigns
from Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, by Sam Jones
Iraq war: the greatest intelligence failure in living
memory. On the tenth anniversary of the Iraq war,
Panorama's Peter Taylor reveals the sources close to
Saddam Hussein whose intelligence could have changed the
course of history. by Peter Taylor
John Podesta, Whose Lawyer Paid For Dossier, Told Senate
He Didn’t Know Who Funded It, by Chuck Ross
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not To Expect
Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion, by Glenn Greenwald
Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role in Spreading the
Discredited CIA "Russian Bounty" Story
As part of her ideological war to reclaim the GOP for
neocons, the now-deposed House leader falsely denied her
role in a tale designed to block withdrawal from
Afghanistan, by Glenn Greenwald
Mass Media Has Duped Democrats Into Believing Russia
Hacked Voting Machines, by Caitlin Johnstone
Meet Professor Juan Cole, Consultant to the CIA, by John
V. Walsh
New Cracks in Russia-gate ‘Assessment’, by Robert Parry
On Washington's hacking hysteria – what would Freud
say?, by John Wight
Partners of firm behind ‘Trump dossier’ plead the Fifth
during congressional hearing, by lynx.media
President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence's
full remarks at the CIA Headquarters on Saturday., by
President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence
Reagan Aides Describe Operation to Gather Inside Data on
Carter, by Leslie H. Gelb
Robert Mueller Did Not Merely Reject the Trump-Russia
Conspiracy Theories. He Obliterated Them., by Glenn
Spy Agencies Investigating Claims Trump Advisers Worked
With Russian Agents: The unverified
allegations—including a claim Russia has material that
could be used to blackmail Mr. Trump—were deemed
sufficiently significant to brief the president-elect,
by Shane Harris, Devlin Barrett and Alan Cullison
The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using
Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer, by Glenn
The Democratic Party line that could torch civil
liberties … and maybe help blow up the world. We should
reject the guidance of politicians and commentators who
are all too willing to throw basic tenets of civil
liberties overboard. by Norman Solomon
The Dubious Case on Russian ‘Hacking’, by William Binney
and Ray McGovern
The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign,
Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the
1980 Presidential Election, by Glenn Greenwald
The Hacking Evidence Against Russia Is Extremely Weak,
by WashingtonsBlog
The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an
Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media, The
DOJ's new charging document, approved by Biden's
Attorney General, sheds bright light onto the Russiagate
fraud and how journalistic corruption was key, by Glenn
The king's beaters: Hunts and beaters, by
The leaked Trump-Russia dossier rings frighteningly
true: There is factual confusion in this document but
its depiction of the Kremlin’s tactics is sound, by
Andrei Soldatov
The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the
U.S., by Eric Lipton, David E. Sanger and Scott Shane
The Pleasures of Shooting. After Luncheon the "Beating"
is a little Wild. (2) [Michael J. Morell, Michael V.
Hayden, James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan,
Hunters; Donald Trump, Tiger], by Tara Carreon
The Royal Hunt of Donald the Terrible, by Charles
The Steele Dossier or the Hitler Diaries Mark II, by
Craig Murray
Trump downplays government hack after Pompeo blames it
on Russia: Secretary of state is first in administration
to point to Russia but Trump attacks media over reports,
What we know – and still don’t – about the cyber-attack,
by Martin Pengelly
Trump slams Democrats as 'disgrace' for helping to fund
dossier, by Brian Ross, Matthew Mosk, and Cheyenne
Trump's Premeditated 2020 Election Coup: Revenge for
Russiagate Rapeutation. Transcript of Donald Trump
Speech on Election Fraud Claims (46-Minute Speech), by
President Donald Trump
US Intel Agencies Try to Strong-Arm Trump into War With
Russia, by Mike Whitney
‘US intel community lost professional discipline’:
Ex-NSA tech director on ‘Russia hacking’ report, by Jim
U.S. Intel Walks Back Claim Russians Put Bounties on
American Troops, It was a huge election-time story that
prompted cries of treason. But according to a newly
disclosed assessment, Donald Trump might have been right
to call it a “hoax.”, by Adam Rawnsley
US Presidential Election: Republican Candidate Donald
Trump's Activities in Russia and Compromising
Relationship With the Kremlin, by Christopher Steele
US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia ‘Hack’, by Robert
Warner: Identifying FBI source to undermine Russia probe
could be a crime, by Kyle Cheney
When Scandals Collide, by Andrew C. McCarthy
With Biden's New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More
Reckless and Dangerous Than Ever: The U.S. media demands
inflammatory claims be accepted with no evidence, while
hacking behavior routinely engaged in by the U.S. is
depicted as aberrational, by Glenn Greenwald
Passion and Betrayal, by Gennifer Flowers with Jacquelyn
Patel plans to remove anonymity online to stop comments
directed at MPs: She said comments MPs receive are
“cruel and relentless”, by Andra Maciuca
People Harassed Online Have Few Legal Protections, by
Noah Berlatsky
Peril From 'Patriots', by the Los Angeles Times
Phoenix Police Not Saying If Raid of Chief's Home Was a
Hoax, by Terry Tang
Planting Misinformation in the Human Mind: A 30-Year
Investigation of the Malleability of Memory, by
Elizabeth F. Loftus
Police Boycott Won't Affect Tarantino's Popularity, by
Cecilia Tribuzio
Michael Moore Defends Quentin
Tarantino Against Police Boycott, by Daniel Kreps
More Police Unions Across the
Country Call for Quentin Tarantino Boycott, by Greg Cwik
and Nate Jones
Quentin Tarantino Has
"Surprise" Coming, Says Fraternal Order of Police, by
Jon Blistein
The Creationist Style of Crime
Control, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Toward a More Badass History,
by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Police Release Video of Traffic Stop of Princeton
Professor, by Daniel Victor and Damien Cave
Power Without Responsibility: Intermediaries and the
First Amendment, by Rebecca Tushnet, Professor of Law
Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality, by Clay Shirky
Prank Photo at Tomb of Unknowns Raises Free Speech
Questions, by Susanna Kim
Profile in Courage: Congressman Neil Gallagher, by
Bonnie James
The Congressman and the Hoodlum, by Russell Sackett,
Sandy Smith and William Lambert
Protection of Children Act (1978) (UK)
Public Plaintiffs and Private Facts: Should the "Public
Figure" Doctrine Be Transplanted into Privacy Law?, by
Susan M. Gilles
Quit Fucking Going to PAX Already, What Is Wrong With
You, by Elizabeth Sampat
Rachel Dolezal signs publishing deal to write book on
race. Civil-rights activist who made headlines last year
after her white heritage was exposed says the book will
be about people ‘caught between boundary lines of race
or culture or ethnicity’, by Alison Flood
Rachel Dolezal's definition of 'transracial' isn't just
wrong, it's destructive, by Syreeta McFadden
Racism? By Whom? This Video of Texas Cops Stopping a
Black Professor is a Racial "Roschach Test," by Michael
E. Miller
Radio Host Glenn Beck "Thinking About Killing Michael
Moore," by Media Matters Staff
Raging Boll, by Chris Baker
Rape and Death and Batman, OH MY!, by Alyssa Royse
Rape Culture: 20 More Signs, by Nation of Change Staff
Reclaim the Cyber-Commons: The Internet is Being
Captured by Organized Trolls. It's Time We Fought Back,
by George Monbiot
Mary Murphy, by Public Interest Investigations Powerbase
Reddit's Terrorists Have Won: Ellen Pao and the Failure
to Rebrand Web 2.0, by Arthur Chu
Rejection Massively Reduces IQ, by Emma Young
Report on Colorado Senate Candidate's Football Days
Retracted for Inaccuracy, by Valerie Richardson
Reporting, Reviewing, and Responding to Harassment on
Twitter, by Matias, J. N., Johnson, A., Boesel, W. E.,
Keegan, B., Friedman, J., & DeTar, C.
Representative asks internet CEOs to explain ‘absurd’
content policies, by Devin Coldewey
Revenge porn: Luke King jailed for sharing naked
pictures of his ex on WhatsApp: Luke King's victim told
police she was 'disgusted' and 'really upset' when he
posted naked pictures of her on WhatsApp, by Agency
"Revenge Porn" Site Operator Gets 18 Years, by Dana
Right-Wing Sock Puppets Pretending to Be Liberals
Assault Progressive Websites, by R.S. Janes
Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI: Election-fraud
fan fiction spun out of control in 2020, by Dan Evon
Full Phone Call: Trump Pressures Georgia Secretary of
State To Recount Election Votes, NBC News
Georgia Election Workers Sue Gateway Pundit for
Publishing ‘Known Falsehoods’ Accusing Them of Ballot
Fraud: ‘A Campaign of Lies’, by Sarah Rumpf
Georgia official fires back at Trump's election
conspiracies, by Gabriel Sterling
National Security Experts Warn Trump “Is Promoting
Terrorism”: The president’s post-election incitement
expands on a tactic he has long used: stochastic
terrorism, by Mark Follman
RUBY FREEMAN and WANDREA MOSS,, Plaintiffs, v. James
Hoft, [DELETE], Joseph Hoft, [DELETE] and TGP
Communications LLC d/b/a The Gateway Pundit, Serve on:
James Hoft [DELETE], Defendants.
The Rising Danger of Stochastic Terrorism: It takes a
master demagogue to weaponize unstable individuals and
aim them at political enemies, by Wired
Women Terrorized By Trump, Right-Wing Media File Lawsuit
Over Election Lies, by Rachel Maddow
Reuters unmasks Trump
supporters who terrified U.S. election workers, by Linda
So and Jason Szep
Russian "Troll Farms" Flooding the Internet with
Pro-Kremlin Propaganda, by Tom Tomorrow
Science Under Attack: Legal Harassment of Climate
Scientist Michael Mann, by Union of Concerned Scientists
Science, New Media, and the Public, by Dominique
Brossard and Diestram A. Scheufele
Scientists Suspect Health Threat From GM Maize, by John
Vidal (Terje Traavik)
Studies Indicate Serious Human Health Hazards from GMOs:
New Health Dangers of Genetically Modified Food (and
vaccines) Discovered, Press Release from the Institute
for Responsible Technology
Secret Service Director "Forgot" His Agents Were
Illegally Investigating Congressman, by Andrew Emett
Senators Question Fairness in Probe of FBI Agent, by The
Washington Times
Tearful FBI Agent Apologizes To Sept. 11 Families and
Victims, by Jeff Johnson
Serena Williams and How Apparently We're So Lucky, by
Chimene Suleyman
Shame: The Root of Violence, by Professor Chris Poulson
Shame, Guilt, and Violence, by James Gilligan
She's been falsely accused of starting the pandemic. Her
life has been turned upside down, by Donie O'Sullivan
Shiva Ayyadurai suing TechDirt over Stories Saying He
Didn’t Invent E-mail, by Sydney Smith
A Brief History of Email in the Federal Government.
It’s been a busy 42 years for email, thanks in part
to the government. by Jimmy Daly
Actor James Woods Gloats Over Death Of Random
Twitter Troll He Sued To Unmask [Updated], by Mike
Actress Fran Drescher splits from husband, by World
Entertainment News Network
Actual Creators Of Email Not At All Happy The Fake
Creator Of Email Got Paid For His Bogus Claim, by
Mike Masnick
Andrew Bertie, by Wikipedia
Another Story Of A 'Fake' Brilliant Inventor? Is
'Scorpion Walter O'Brien' A Real Computer Security
Genius?, by Mike Masnick
Attempts To Hijack The History Of Email, by Leslie
P. Michelson, Ph.D., Deborah J. Nightingale, Ph.D.
and Sen Song, Ph.D.
Bob Kahn, by Wikipedia
Bringing New Tools to the White House: Rethinking
the President’s Daily Intelligence Brief , by C.
Lawrence Meador and Vinton G. Cerf
Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Methodius, by
Corruption, Lies, and Death Threats: The Crazy Story
Of The Man Who Pretended To Invent Email, by Sam
Curriculum Vitae, by VA Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D.
Did MIT Professor V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai Really Invent
Email, Or Is He Just a Fraud? by Lauren Landry
Email creator, Ray Tomlinson, inducted into Internet
Hall of Fame. Tomlinson, honored in first class of
inductees, fundamentally changed global
communication and secured the '@' symbol's place in
history as a digital icon, by Raytheon Company
Exposing the self-proclaimed 'inventor of email'.
Gizmodo has published a profile of Shiva Ayyadurai,
debunking his claims to be the "inventor of email."
by Sam Byford
Fact Checking Is Dead: Mainstream Media Goes Nuts
Repeating Debunked Claims By The Fake 'Inventor Of
Email', by Mike Masnick
Fat Man: Herman Kahn and the nuclear age, by Louis
Former Washington Post ombudsman named News-Post
editor, by Paige Jones
Framework and Functions of the "MS" Personal Message
System: A Report prepared for Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, by David H. Crocker
Fran Drescher: Defeating Cancer with Hard Work and
Humor, by Jon Finkel
Fran Drescher's Friends Weigh in on Her Sudden Split
From Husband Shiva Ayyadurai, by Samantha Faragalli
Fran Drescher's New Husband Likes to Claim He
Invented Email, by Jonathan Ellis
Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At
Techdirt, by Leigh Beadon
Gawker Sued for Defamation by Fran Drescher’s
Husband, by Robert Hackett
Google's Vint Cerf warns of 'digital Dark Age', by
Pallab Ghosh
Guy Who Didn't Invent Email Sues Gawker For Pointing
Out He Didn't Invent Email, by Mike Masnick
Guy Who Pretends He Invented Email Whines At Every
Journalist For Writing Obit Of Guy Who Actually
Helped Create Email, by Mike Masnick
He turned @ symbol into a mainstay of our electronic
lives, by Hiawatha Bray
Here's The Truth: Shiva Ayyadurai Didn't Invent
Email, by Mike Masnick
Herman Kahn, by Wikipedia
History of Attacks on Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the
Inventor of Email, from February 16, 2012 to
November 12, 2014, by Sonu Abraham
Hromada (secret society), by Wikipedia
Huffington Post And The View From Bogustan: Standing
Behind Blatantly False Claims Isn't Journalism, by
Mike Masnick
History of Attacks on Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the
Inventor of Email, from February 16, 2012 to
November 12, 2014, by Sonu Abraham
How The Guy Who Didn't Invent Email Got Memorialized
In The Press & The Smithsonian As The Inventor Of
Email, by Mike Msnick
Huffington Post Doubles Down, Has MIT Professor
Spread Blatant Falsehoods About Creation Of Email?
by Mike Masnick
Huffington Post Finally Removes Most Articles About
Fake Email Inventor; Meanwhile, Ayyadurai Threatens
To Sue His Critics, by Mike Masnick
Huffington Post Finally Responds, Stands By Its
Completely Bogus, Totally Debunked 'History Of
Email' Series, by Mike Masnick
If Fran Drescher Read Gizmodo She Would Not Have
Married This Fraud, by Sam Biddle
Internet Hall of Fame Recognizes Internet Leaders
and Luminaries, by Internet Hall of Fame
Inventor Of Email, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Sues Gawker
Media, by Harder Mirell & Abrams LLP
Legal Threats By Charles Harder & Shiva Ayyadurai
Targeting More Speech, by Mike Masnick
Man Acquitted Of Sexual Assault. Sues Blog For
Calling Him Serial Rapist, by Irin Carmon
Mitch Williams Ejected From Child's Baseball Game
For Arguing, Cursing, by Timothy Burke
Obama, tech execs talk surveillance, by Tony Romm
On Gawker’s Problem With Women. A former staff
writer describes how a media company founded on
whistleblowing and radical transparency failed its
female employees. by Dayna Evans
Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, by Wikipedia
Origin of Email & Misuses of the Term “Email”, by
Deborah J. Nightingale, Sen Song, Leslie P.
Michelson, Robert Field
Origins of e-mail: My mea culpa, by Patrick B.
Patrick Pexton: Signing off as Post ombudsman, by
Patrick B. Pexton
Pope thanks Bulgarian president, people for recent
closeness to Holy See, by Catholic News Agency
Pope to Offer Bulgaria St. Cyril's Relics, by
Alexandra Zlatinova
President: People of Culture, Art Bulgaria's Sole
Ambassadors Abroad, by noinvite.com
Return to Sender. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai — the MIT
lecturer who invented e-mail — had spent years
blasting the struggling United States Postal Service
for its failure to embrace the revenue potential of
his creation. So when he was recruited to help save
the U.S. Mail earlier this year, Ayyadurai made
headlines and was suddenly a star. That’s when the
trouble started. by Janelle Nanos
Ray Tomlinson, Inventor Of Modern Email, Dies, by
The Associated Press
Ridiculous: Nick Denton Settles Remaining Charles
Harder Lawsuits, Agrees To Delete Perfectly True
Stories, by Mike Masnick
Saints Cyril and Methodius, by Wikipedia
Shiva Ayyadurai, inventor of a program named
"EMAIL", by Rob Beschizza
Shiva Ayyadurai, Plaintiff, vs.
Floor64, Inc., dba TechDirt, Michael David Masnick,
Leigh Beadon, Defendants
Shiva Ayyadurai, Plaintiff, vs. Gawker Media, LLC,
Sam Biddle, John Cook, Nicholas Guido Anthony
Denton, Defendants
Shiva “I invented e-mail” Ayyadurai’s legal threats
chill free speech, by boingboing bbs
Slavs, by Wikipedia
Smithsonian acquires documents from inventor of
‘EMAIL’ program, by Emi Kolawole
Society for the History of Technology, by Wikipedia
Special Interest Group Computers, Information and
Society (SIGCIS), by sigcis.org
Systems and Software Consortium, Inc. (SSCI) is New
Name for SPC. Name and Website Reflect Expanding
Focus on Member Needs, by Systems and Software
Consortium, Inc.
Systems and Software Consortium, Inc. (SSCI) to host
first-ever 'Industry Panel' at SSTC in Salt Lake
City, by Systems and Software Consortium, Inc.
Techdirt's First Amendment Fight For Its Life, by
Mike Masnick
The Boy Who Invented Email. Honoring the Spirit of
Innovation on The Anniversary of Email, by Lawrence
E. Weber
The Cause for the Beatification of Fra’ Andrew
Bertie Will Open on 20 February in Rome, by Order of
Malta: Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St.
John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta Federal
Association, USA
The First Email System, by Robert Field
The Five Myths About Email’s History, by Deborah J.
Nightingale, Ph.D.
The Future of Email: Is Your Email Truly Free,
Private and Secure?, by V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D.
The Internet Illuminati: Seven Hold Keys to the
Digital Universe, by Cindy Perman
The Internet Society and Internet History, by
Internet Society
The Invention of Email, by Leslie P. Michelson,
The Inventor of Email Did Not Invent Email?, by
Mario Aguilar
The Man Who Invented Email, by Doug Aamoth
The Tech Dirt Lst Supper (Poop Eaters), by Tara
Truth Stranger Than ‘Strangelove’, by Fred Kaplan
Uber Driver in California Will Be Considered
Employee, Not Contractor (Updated), by Kate Knibbs
United States v. Dubilier Condenser Corp, April 10,
Univision Execs Have No Backbone: Pull A Bunch Of
Gawker Stories Over Legal Disputes, by Mike Masnick
V.A. Shiva Honored as the Inventor of Email, by Emi
Vint Cerf, by Wikipedia
Wait, Did Clowntroll Blogger Chuck Johnson Shit On
The Floor One Time?, by Greg Howard
We Will Not Be Chilled: Mike's Vodka [Mike Masnick
of TechDirt], by Tara Carreon
Who Invented Email? Just Ask … Noam Chomsky, by
Caleb Garling
Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Advise to
Consult Popehat, by Tara Carreon
Why Is Huffington Post Running A Multi-Part Series
To Promote The Lies Of A Guy Who Pretended To Invent
Email?, by Mike Masnick
Witnesses: Mitch Williams Called Child "A Pussy,"
Ordered Beanball, by Timothy Burke
Social and Technical Means for Fighting On-Line
Harassment, by Ellen Spertus
Son of Dead Sea Scrolls Scholar Is Sentenced to Two
Months In Jail, by James C. McKinley, Jr.
Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack, by Wikipedia
Spite House: The Last Secret of the War in Vietnam, by
Monika Jensen-Stevenson
Stop Googling. Let's Talk. by Sherry Turkle
Study Finds Female-Name Chat Users Get 25 Times More
Malicious Messages, by A. James Clark
Suicide of Arnold Lewis: Excerpt From "News of the
World?: Fake Shiekhs and Royal Trappings", by Peter
Burden, Julia Dillon
Suicide of Ben Stronge: Excerpt From "News of the
World?: Fake Shiekhs and Royal Trappings", by Peter
Burden, Julia Dillon
SXSW summit wades into volatile online harassment
debate: Participants in Saturday's Harassment Summit at
the South by Southwest Interactive festival hope to find
solutions to the problem of digital harassment., by
Malena Carollo
Women in the Media and Online Harassment, by SXSW
Table For One: A Day of Infamy, by Grady Jim Robinson
Turmoil Leaves Arkansas Far From Hog Heaven, by Kelly
Tamara Green and Therese Serignese and Linda Traitz v.
William H. Cosby, Jr., Case No. 3:14-cv-30211-MGM
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary
Clinton, by Kathleen Willey
Targeting Youth: What Everyone Should Know About
Military Recruiting in Public High Schools, by The
Constitutional Litigation Clinic, Rutgers School of
Teens, Kindness and Cruelty on Social network
Sites, by Amanda Lenhart, Mary Madden, Aaron Smith,
Kristen Purcell, Kathryn Zickuhr and Lee Rainie
Television and the Politics of Humiliation, by Nicolaus
Terrorists or Cowards: Negative Portrayals of Male
Syrian Refugees in Social Media, by Jill Walker Rettberg
& Radhika Gajjala
The 12-Year-Old Slut Meme and Facebook's Misogyny
Problem, by Soraya Chemaly
The Bollyn Trial, by Christopher Bollyn
Christopher Bollyn: The Man Who Solved 9/11, by Know
More News
The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press
photojournalist, by Ian Cutler (author) & Jack Cox
The CIA and the Media: How America's Most Powerful News
Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence
Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up, by
Carl Bernstein
Hadley Cantril [Albert Hadley Cantril, Jr.], by
Lee St. Lawrence: The Man Behind the Peace Corps
(Excerpt), by Pierre L. Delva; Joan Campbel-Delva
Neoconservatism: a CIA Front?, by Lew Rockwell
Purity in the Peace Corps, Excerpt from The Invisible
Government, by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross
Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, by
Sargent Shriver, by Wikipedia
USAID and Peace Corps Expand Reach in Global Education,
by usaid.gov
Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A.. The
following article is based on reporting by John M.
Crewdson and Joseph B. Treaster. It was written by Mr.
The Cops Don't Care About Violent Online Threats. What
Do We Do Now?, by Anna Merlan
The COVID Science Wars: Shutting down scientific debate
is hurting the public health, by Jeanne Lenzer, Shannon
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s
box at Wuhan?, by Nicholas Wade
The dark side of Guardian comments: As part of a series
on the rising global phenomenon of online harassment,
the Guardian commissioned research into the 70m comments
left on its site since 2006 and discovered that of the
10 most abused writers eight are women, and the two men
are black. Hear from three of those writers, explore the
data and help us host better conversations online, by
Becky Gardiner, Mahana Mansfield, Ian Anderson, Josh
Holder, Daan Louter and Monica Ulmanu
The Day Clint Eastwood Said He Would "Kill" Me 10 Years
Ago This Week, by Michael Moore
The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession, by Robert
The Fake Persuaders, by George Monbiot
The First Amendment vs Cancel Culture: Interview with
Harper's Magazine John MacArthur, by Ralph Nader
The Fox, The Hounds, And The Sacred Cows, by Jane Akre
The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on
the Internet, by Daniel J. Solove
The Global Epidemic of Online Hate: This Is Us?, Survey:
Majority of Americans have experienced incivility and
blame social media, by Psychology Today
Barbara T. Bowman, by Wikipedia
Blame a ‘loneliness epidemic’ for risks to nation’s
well-being, by Emily Esfahani Smith
Finding Your Roots, Season 2: The Official Companion to
the PBS Series [EXCERPT], by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Henry Taylor (1823-1891), by Catherine W. Bishir
Isle of Arran, by Wikipedia
James E. Bowman, by Wikipedia
John A. Andrew Memorial Hospital, by Wikipedia
Obama: a CIA People Power Coup, U.S.A, 2008, Excerpt
from Obama, The Postmodern Coup -- Making of a
Manchurian Candidate, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Obama attends wedding of Toronto Liberal MPP’s son, by
Robert Benzie
President Barack Obama's Selma Speech, Selma Voting
Rights March
Roseanne Barr on Valerie Jarrett tweet: ‘I thought the
b—h was white’, by Jessica Sager
Robert Robinson Taylor, by Wikipedia
Robert R. Taylor: First Black Student at MIT, by MIT
Black History
Skipness, by Wikipedia
Skipness & Claonaig, by Skipness.info
Valerie Jarrett, by Wikipedia
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Why Linda Tripp (left And
Right) And Other Women Are Forced To Endure Those Dirty
Looks, by Gloria Steinem
The Hacked Data Broker? Be Very Afraid, by Christopher
The House Democrats’ “Rebuke” of Rep. Ilhan Omar Is a
Fraud for Many Reasons, Including Its Wild Distortion of
Her Comments, by Glenn Greenwald
The How and Why of Whistleblower Smears, by Linda Lewis
Camp Lejeune whistle-blower fired: A psychiatrist who
tried to prevent Fort Hood-style violence among Marines
about to "lose it" instead loses his job, by Mark
Deposition of Jeffrey S. Wigand, In re Mike Moore,
Attorney General, ex rel, State of Mississippi Tobacco
Interview with Jeffrey Wigand on 60 Minutes, by Mike
Interview with Whistleblower Russell Tice, with Russia
Today's Anchor Abby Martin
Justice Department Takes Hit in "War on Whistleblowers",
by whistleblowers.org
Kentucky court gags tobacco researcher, Mississippi
court orders him to testify, by Reporters Committee for
Freedom of the Press
Navy Officials Smear Shrink's Performance After He Blows
Whistle On Poor PTSD Treatment, by Susie Madrak
NSA Accused of Psychologically Abusing Whistleblowers,
by CNS News
NSA Whistleblowers Were Allegedly Isolated, Intimidated,
by CNS News
NYPD Tapes 3: A Detective Comes Forward About Downgraded
Sexual Assaults, by Graham Rayman
Reporter Refuses to Name Sources Who Smeared DOJ
Whistleblower, by Marshall Chriswell
Russell Tice, by History Commons
Schoolcraft and Serpico: Smearing Prophets as Nuts, by
Len Levitt
The Man Who Knew Too Much, by Marie Brenner
The Nixon Administration and Watergate: Ellsberg
Break-in, by History Commons
The NYPD Tapes, Part 2, by Graham Rayman
The NYPD Tapes: Inside Bed-Stuy's 81st Precinct, by
Graham Rayman
WikiLeaks and Pentagon Disagree About Talks, by Thom Shankeraugh
WikiLeaks Preparing to Release More Afghan Documents, by
Associated Press
The Hulk Hogan trial that could redefine freedom of
expression on the internet, explained, by Michelle
A Judge Told Us to Take Down Our Hulk Hogan Sex Tape
Post. We Won't., by John Cook
Even for a Minute, Watching Hulk Hogan Have Sex in a
Canopy Bed is Not Safe For Work but Watch it Anyway, by
A.J. Daulerio
Ex-Gawker Editor Backs Off Testimony in Hulk Hogan Case,
by Les Neuhaus
First Amended Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial, Terry
Gene Bollea v. Heather Clem, et al.
Gawker Editor’s Testimony Stuns Courtroom in Hulk Hogan
Trial, by Nick Madigan
Gawker Files for Bankruptcy After Losing Hulk Hogan
Privacy Case, by Tiffany Kary and Gerry Smith
Gawker Trial: Editor Admits Hulk Hogan's Penis Isn't
Newsworthy, by Eriq Gardner
Gawker Trial: Hulk Hogan Awarded $25 Million More in
Punitive Damages, by Eriq Gardner
Hulk Hogan Exudes Calm in Second Day of Sex Tape Trial
Against Gawker, by Nick Madigan
Hulk Hogan Gets $115M Verdict Against Gawker at Sex Tape
Trial, by Eriq Gardner
Hulk Hogan Takes Stand in His Sex-Tape Lawsuit Against
Gawker, by Nick Madigan
Hulk Hogan verdict body-slams Gawker, by Paul Callan
Michelle Hackman Rapeutates Hulk Hogan Again By Implying
to Persons Ignorant of the True Story That He Raped the
Girl and that Danielle Citron, Her Puppet for Purposes
of Making the False Accusation, Is On Their Side,
Excerpt From "The Hulk Hogan trial that could redefine
freedom of expression on the internet, explained," by
Michelle Hackman
Motion for Temporary Injunction, Terry Gene Bollea vs.
Heather Clem; Gawker Media, et al.
Opinion: Appeal pursuant to Fla. R. App. 9.130 from the
Circuit Court for Pinellas County; Pamela A.M. Campbell,
Judge, Gawker Media v. Terry Gene Bollea, et al.
Order Re: Plaintiff's Motion for Remand, Terry Gene
Bollea v. Heather Clem, et al.
So You've Been Publicly Shamed (Excerpt), by Jon Ronson
The Idiot Culture, by Carl Bernstein
The Last Emperor, by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld
The Mainstream Media Wants You to Doubt Bernie Sanders’
Activism, By Alexandra Jacobo
The Man Who Spent $100K To Remove A Lie From Google: The
New Clash Between Free Speech and Privacy, by Aarti
The Paris Lawyer Who Gives Google Nightmares, by Aarti
The Model Whose Lips Spurred Racist Comments Speaks Out,
by Katherine Rosman
The Monica Lewinsky Feeding Frenzy Was Just a Dry Run:
What we’ve learned in the years between the Bill
Clinton-Monica Lewinsky sex scandal and today’s age of
Twitter mobs, by Bethany Mandel
GOP Staffer's Shocking Attack On Sasha & Malia Obama
Causes Outrage, by Erin Donnelly
The "Nasty Effect:" Online Incivility and Risk
Perceptions of Emerging Technologies, by Ashley A.
Anderson, Dominique Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele,
Michael A. Xenos, Peter Ladwig
The New Thought Police: Suppressing Dissent in Science,
by Mae-Wan Ho and Jonathan Mathews
The Pope Defines Consuming Defamatory Statements as
Coprophagia, aka "Shit Eating", Interview December 7,
The Power of Vulnerability, by Brene Brown
The Psychology of Power and Evil: All Power to the
Person? To the Situation? To the System?, by Philip G.
The Puppetmasters of Academia (or What the NY Times Left
Out), by Jonathan Latham, Ph.D.
Beware the New “Doubly Green Revolution”: The fake moral
crusade to feed the world with genetically modified
crops promoted as the second “Doubly Green Revolution”
is doing even more damage than the first. The bad
genetics involved in has failed the test in science and
in the real world, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Bt cotton - less miracles, more failures for Indian
farmers, by Anne Sewell
BT sins ... Itchy scars! Haryana is today reeling under
an itch invasion -- people say due to farming BT cotton
-- but state and central governments are rubbishing
this, reports Anil Pandey , by Anil Pandey
Deadly gift from Monsanto to India, by Ram Kalaspurkar
Farmer Suicides and Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in
India, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Food Futures Now: *Organic *Sustainable *Fossil Fuel
Free, by Mae-Wan Ho, Sam Burcher, Lim Li Ching & others
Food Industry Enlisted Academics in G.M.O. Lobbying War,
Emails Show, by Eric Lipton
GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World, by Rhea Gala
India’s Bt Cotton Fraud, by Rhea Gala
Indian Cotton Farmers Betrayed, by Rhea Gala
Mass Deaths in Sheep Grazing on Bt Cotton: At least 1
800 sheep reported dead from severe toxicity after
grazing on Bt cotton fields in just four villages in
Andhra Pradesh India, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Monsanto's Mexican Maize Mischief, by sourcewatch.org
More Illnesses Linked to Bt Crops, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
No Bt Resistance?, by Prof. Joe Cummins
On India’s Farms, a Plague of Suicide, by Somini
Organic Cotton Beats Bt Cotton in India: Organic cotton
is incomparably superior to genetically modified Bt
cotton, by Rhea Gala
Return to Organic Cotton & Avoid the Bt-Cotton Trap, by
Rhea Gala
Scientists Confirm Failures of Bt-Crops: Ineffective
against insect pests, harmful to health and
biodiversity, yield drag, pest resistance, by Dr.
Mae-Wan Ho
Stem Farmers’ Suicides with Organic Farming, by Sam
The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are
committing suicide after using genetically modified
crops, by Andrew Malone
The Largest Wave of Suicides in History, by P. Sainath
Transgenic Cotton Offers No Advantage: May decrease
income by up to 40 percent or more, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
and Prof. Peter Saunders
The Rape-Joke Double Standard, by Molly Knefel
The Rapeutation of Bashar Assad of Syria, by U.S.A.
Assassination of Rafic Hariri, by Wikipedia
BBC News Caught Staging FAKE Chemical Attack In Syria!,
by RT.com
Biden blames US allies in Middle East for rise of ISIS,
by rt.com
Chaos in Syria, by Chris Kanthan
Information Report, Not Finally Evaluated Intelligence:
Country: Iraq, by Department of Defense
Mehlis Report, by Wikipedia
The Red Line and the Rat Line: Seymour M. Hersh on
Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels, by London Review
of Books
US embassy cables: Hillary Clinton says Saudi Arabia 'a
critical source of terrorist funding,
by theguardian.com
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine
for terrorists: Hillary Clinton memo highlights Gulf
states' failure to block funding for groups like
al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba, by Declan Walsh
WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime
Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath, by Robert Naiman
The Rapeutation of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, by
Ralph Nader
The Rapeutation of Beverly Weaver & J.N. Delaughter:
Excerpt from The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The
Unreported Stories, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Rapeutation of Boeing Whistleblower John M. Barnett,
Interview with John M. Barnett
The Rapeutation of Center for Disease Control
Whistleblower Dr. George Luber, Interview with Dr.
George Luber, by Ralph Nader
The Rapeutation of Christopher Ruddy:
Excerpt from The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The
Unreported Stories, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Rapeutation of Congressman Mike Barnes, Excerpt from
an unpublished draft chapter of the congressional
Iran-Contra investigation
The Rapeutation of Dennis Patrick:
Excerpt from The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The
Unreported Stories, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Rapeutation of Federal Judge George F. Bason, Jr.,
from "Addendum 2 to Federal Corruption",
by Harry V. Martin
The Rapeutation of Gregory Jaczko & Terry Lash:
Going Nuclear!
The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
The Rapeutation of Jean Duffey, John Brown & Phyllis
Cournan: Excerpt from The
Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories, by
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Rapeutation of Kimberly Bergalis, by CBS 60 Minutes
The Rapeutation of Lyndon LaRouche: Excerpt from "George
Bush: The Unauthorized Biography", by Webster Tarpley
The Rapeutation of Walter Nelson-Rees, An Excerpt From
"A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's Immortal Legacy and
the Medical Scandal It Caused", by Michael Gold
The Rapeutation of William Duncan, IRS Investigator,
from "The Mena Coverup", by Micah Morrison
Excerpt from Partners in POWER: The
Clintons and Their America
by Roger Morris
The Revenge Porn Fixers, by Ryan Broderick
The Right of Publicity and the Student-Athlete , by
James A. Johnson
The Right to Privacy, by Samuel Warren and Louis
The Right of Privacy in Florida in the Age of Techn
ology and the Twenty-First Century: A Need for
Protection From Private and Commercial Intrusion, by Ben
F. Overton and Katherine E. Giddings
The Rising Danger of Stochastic Terrorism: It takes a
master demagogue to weaponize unstable individuals and
aim them at political enemies, by Wired
Capitol Police officer who killed Ashli Babbitt on
January 6 speaks publicly for first time: 'I know that
day I saved countless lives', by Marshall Cohen, CNN
Mary Trump Calls Out Right
Wing Fixation On Black Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt,
The by ReidOut
Donald Trump implies the Vice President's Security
detail might have killed Ashli Babbitt, by The Young
Fox News Host’s Incendiary Fauci Comments Follow a
Network Pattern: Comments by Jesse Watters, a host of
“The Five,” were in keeping with previous derogatory
remarks about Dr. Anthony Fauci by hosts and
conservatives, by Michael M. Grynbaum
Gosar Censured Over AOC Murder Video, As AOC Slams GOP:
“What Is So Hard About Saying This Is Wrong?”, by Amy
Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests Southerners could
'welcome' Biden's 'police state friends' with guns, "We
all love our Second Amendment rights," she said, adding,
"They might not like the welcome they get.”, by Rebecca
National Security Experts Warn Trump “Is Promoting
Terrorism”: The president’s post-election incitement
expands on a tactic he has long used: stochastic
terrorism, by Mark Follman
Republicans Mostly Silent Following House Vote To
Censure Rep. Gosar, by MSNBC
Stochastic terrorism: There is nothing funny about Mike
Pompeo's violent PAC recruitment ads, The PAC from the
former secretary of state launches with a violent call
to arms, recruiting "pipehitters" to join, by Chauncey
Suspect in Capitol bomb threat echoed 'Big Lie,'
demanded free health insurance
In hours of livestreamed videos, Floyd Ray Roseberry
demanded Democrats step down and complained about
illegal immigrants getting health insurance, Jordan
Texas Man Arrested for Making Election-Related Threats
to Government Officials: First Case Charged by Justice
Department’s Election Threats Task Force, by The United
States Department of Justice
Trump Called For EXECUTION of His Own Staffer!?!, by The
Young Turks
Trump Made Clear 'Threat' To Officer Who Shot Ashli
Babbitt, Says Ex-FBI Deputy Director
The former president is "threatening law enforcement"
like a "mob boss," said Andrew McCabe. "It's just
outrageous.", by Mary Papenfuss
Trump sends provocative ‘who shot Ashli Babbitt?’ email
after conservative report ties officer who killed rioter
to Pence: Trump statement may have been inspired by a
The Spectator magazine accusing Mike Pence’s security
team, by Nathan Place
Who killed Ashli Babbitt? A
new theory emerges, by Cockburn
The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck, by Chris Mooney
The Sony Hack and the Yellow Press, by Aaron Sorkin
The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover, by Lindsy Van
The Trolls Among Us, by Mattathias Schwartz
The Unbridled Aggression Which the ACS Directs At Its
Critics, Excerpt From "American Cancer Society:
More Interested In Accumulating Wealth Than Saving
Lives", by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
The Vaccine Autism Cover-Up: How One Doctor's Career Was
Destroyed For Telling the Truth, by Health Impact News
A Study of Focus Autism
Foundation Finds: CDC Whistleblower Reveals Widespread
Manipulation of Scientific Data and Top-Down Pressure on
CDC Scientists to Support the Fraudulent Application of
Government Policies on Vaccine Safety, by Focus Autism
Amended Complaint for Violations of the Federal False
Claims Act, United States of America ex rel., Stephen A.
Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, Plaintiffs, v. Merck &
Co., Defendant, by Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A.
Appeal From 250th District Court of Travis County,
Before Chief Justice Jones, Justices Goodwin and Field
Affirmed: Opinion, by Justice Field
CDC Whistleblower Revealed, by Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Deadly Immunity, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Decision Awarding Damages: Child Doe/77, a minor, by
[DELETE] Parents and Natural Guardians, Jane Doe/77 and
John Doe/77, v. Secretary of Health and Human Services:
MMR Vaccine; Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines; Autism
Spectrum Disorder; Finding of Entitlement; Damages
Decision Based On Proffer, by the United States Court of
Federal Claims, Office of Special Masters
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, The
Lancet Study and My Two Boys, by Isabella Thomas
Dr Arthur Krigsman -- Autism Associated Enterocolitis.
Does my child have it? What Can I Do About It?
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism
Court Award, by Sharyl Attkisson
How Independent Are Vaccine
Defenders?, by Sharyl Attkisson
Lawsuit Against Merck's MMR Vaccine Fraud to Continue, by Health Impact News
Letter to Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., Director, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, from Dave Weldon,
M.D., House of Representatives
Vaccination Timing and Autism Among Young African
American Boys: A Reanalysis of CDC Data, by Brian S.
Missing the Mercury Menace?, by Neil Munro
New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research
on Autism – Again, by healthimpactnews.com
Obama Admin Grants Immunity To CDC Scientist That Fudged
Vaccine Report…Whistleblower Plans To Testify Before
Congress, by Patrick Howley
Obama Grants Immunity to CDC Whistleblower on Measles
Vaccine Link to Autism, by Health Impact News Editor
Plaintiff's Original Petition: DR. ANDREW J . WAKEFIELD,
BMJ, BRIAN DEER, individually, and DR. FIONA GODLEE,
individually, by Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield, MB., BS.,
VAXXED documentary: Official announcement from the
producers unveils mass media cover-up of the
'suppression of medical data' by the CDC, by Mike Adams,
the Health Ranger
What Media Hid in De Niro Autism Film Affair, by William
Why Did the Wall Street
Journal Bury the Merck Fraud Story?, by Dr. Mercola
The Warning in Gary Webb’s Death, by Robert Parry
WPost’s Slimy Assault on Gary Webb, by Robert Parry
The Words That Killed Medieval Jews, by Sara Lipton
Their Lives: The Women Targeted By the Clinton Machine,
by Candice E. Jackson
There's No Comparing Male and Female Harassment Online,
by Soraya Chemaly
Demos "Study" About Internet Abuse of Women
Demos "Study" of Gender Breakdown of Online Abuse
Are Harassed More Than Women Online, by The Daily
Vox Digitas, by Demos
Think Sarcasm is Funny? Think Again: Sarcasm is Really
Just Hostility Disguised as Humor, by Clifford N.
Lazarus, Ph.D.
This Story Stinks, by Dominique Brossard and Dietram A.
To Ousted Boss, Arms Watchdog Was Seen as an Obstacle in
Iraq, by Marlise Simons
To This Day, For the Bullied and Beautiful, by Shane
Tom Cotton is the Worst Bully in the Senate: Here are 10
Reasons Why, by Medea Benjamin and Nalini Ramachandran
Toward a Theory of Conversion Behavior, by Serge
Transgenes in Mexican maize: molecular evidence and
methodological considerations for GMO detection in
landrace populations, by A. PIÑEYRO-NELSON, J. VAN
Trolls Just Want to Have Fun, by Erin E. Buckels, Paul
D. Trapnell, Delroy L. Paulhus
True Stories of Bloggers Who Secretly Feed on Partisan
Cash, by Jonathan Strong
Trump calls The Boston Globe ‘stupid,’ ‘worthless’ after
scathing editorial, by Jaclyn Reiss
Trump Cancel Culture & Boycott Everything LEAKED!
Ripping Cancun Cruz & Mr. Potato Head!, by John Di
TwitterFail: Twitter's Refusal to Handle Online
Stalkers, Abusers, and Haters, by Imani Gandy
Twitter Rape Abuse of Caroline Criado-Perez Leads to
Boycott Threat, by Jessica Elgot
Twitter Vows to "Improve Our Policies" After Robin
Williams' Daughter is Bullied Off the Network, by Hayley
Goodbye, by Zelda Williams
Williams' Daughter Zelda Driven Off Twitter by Vicious
Trolls, by Caitlin Dewey
Tyler's Story, by The Tyler Clementi Foundation
Uber Executive Said the Company Would Spend ‘A Million
Dollars’ to Shut Me Up: Journalist Sarah Lacy was
personally targeted for writing critical stories about
the company, by Sarah Lacy
Revealed in court: 100% cast iron evidence of how Uber
lies to secretly investigate and smear its critics, by
Paul Bradley Carr
UC Davis Spent Over $175K to Hide Pepper-Spraying Search
Results on Google, by Andrew Emett
Understanding Internet Defamation, by Kelly O'Connell,
Urgent Action Needed Against Pro-GM Abuse of Science and
Scientist, by Institute of Science in Society
Unmasking Reddit's Violentacrez, The Biggest Troll on
the Web, by Adrian Chen
Unwilling Avatars, by Mary Anne Franks
U.S. Lawyer Steven Donziger Speaks from House Arrest in
NYC After Suing Chevron for Amazon Oil Spills, by Amy
UN rules that Steven Donziger house arrest violates
international laws, by Zack Budryk
Venom Gone Viral, by Ruth Marcus
Verdict First, Evidence Later: The Case For Bobby
Garwood, by Monika Jensen-Stevenson
Victims of Online Threats Say Perpetrators Aren't Being
Caught, by Laura Sydell
Violence Without Moral Restraint: Reflections on the
Dehumanization of Victims and Victimizers, by Herbert C.
Vitriolic Abuse of Anita Sarkeesian: Why the Games
Industry Needs Her, by Jessamy Gleeson
War Over Monsanto Gets Ugly, by Mike Ludwig
Threats Deny Community Access
to Research, by Amnesty International
Washington Post’s ‘Fake News’ Guilt, by
Robert Parry
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC
Hack: Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all,
but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the
DNC’s system, by Patrick Lawrence
Alex Jones Calls Charlottesville Violence a False Flag,
Because Alternative Facts Are Still a Thing, by
Alexander Nazaryan
Deep State is "Going to Kill
the President," Alex Jones Claims, by Aidan Quigley
Balance of Power 2016: DIA's Trump vs. CIA's PropOrNot,
by Tara Carreon
BBC Propaganda Watch: Tell-Tale Signs That Slip Through
The Cracks, by Editor, Medialengs.org
Bill O’Reilly hosted a fake Swedish defense “advisor” to
fearmonger about refugees. Swedish Armed Forces Press
Secretary: "We do not know who he is." by Nick Fernandez
Comments on the Society of the Spectacle (EXCERPT), by
Guy Debord
Corporate media’s “fake news” war is backfiring by
showing the world the power of alt media: This battle
has literally nil to do with fake news – or even Russia
– and everything to do with the power of dissent. by
Claire Bernish
Counter-Propaganda Bill: Quietly Creates US Propaganda
Factory, by John Laurits
Dealing With Assange and the WikiLeaks Secrets (The
Times's Dealings With Julian Assange), by Bill Keller
Demonstration Elections: U.S.-Staged Elections in the
Dominican Republic, Vietnam, and El Salvador, by Edward
S. Herman and Frank Brodhead
Deserving Trust, by Ken White
Did NATO Promise Not to Enlarge? Gorbachev Says “No”, by
Steven Pifer
Doctrine Re Rumors, by Office of Strategic Services
Planning Group
Dugin’s Occult Fascism and the Hijacking of Left
Anti-Imperialism and Muslim Anti-Salafism, by Wahid Azal
Excerpt from 1984, by George Orwell
Facebook Censorship and the Atlantic Council, by
Jonathan Sigrist
Facebook Moves to Stem Fake News, by Jay Stanley
Failed Venezuela coup was fake news — designed to fool
people in two nations: CNN and the New York Times made
major reporting errors in covering the failed coup. Was
it laziness or propaganda?, by Dave Lindorff
Fake News About 'Fake News' - The Media Performance
Pyramid, by Editor, Medialens.org
'Fake News' And How The Washington Post Rewrote Its
Story On Russian Hacking Of The Power Grid, by Kalev
‘Fake news’ in America: Homegrown, and far from new: The
corporate state created this monstrous propaganda
machine and bequeathed it to Trump. by Chris Hedges
Fixing Fake News, by Jay Stanley
Glenn Greenwald: Mainstream U.S. media is culpable for
disseminating fake & deceitful news on Russia. "Any
story that bolsters the prevailing D.C. orthodoxy on the
Russia Threat, no matter how dubious, is spread far and
wide." by Amy Goodman
Guideposts from Just War Theory: Managing Covert
Political Action, by James A. Barry, Central
Intelligence Agency
H.R.4909 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2017, 114th Congress (2015-2016) , SEC. 1259C.
Global Engagement Center.
In Just 21 Days, Facebook Led New India User to Porn,
Fake News, by Saritha Rai
Investigation Into ‘PropOrNot Blacklist Case’ Finds
Shoddy Methods and an Ominous Potential, by Bill
Jim Carrey: Hollywood Elites ‘Eat Whole Babies’ For
Christmas, by Baxter Dmitry
Meet the Riot Squad: Right-Wing Reporters Whose Viral
Videos Are Used to Smear BLM, by The Intercept
Morale Operations Branch, by Wikipedia
MSNBC Does Not Merely Permit Fabrications Against
Democratic Party Critics. It Encourages and Rewards
Them, by Glenn Greenwald
Newly Obtained Documents Prove: Key Claim of Snowden’s
Accusers Is a Fraud, by Glenn Greenwald
Once Again, Mainstream Media Get It Wrong on Venezuela:
Foreign outlets, dutifully supporting Trump
administration calls for regime change, reported that a
widespread uprising was underway, even though Juan
Guaidó’s coup attempt had little support, by Michael Fox
Probers Reading the Script: The Story of CBS and the
Plot to Invade Haiti, by Gus Constantine
PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation, by
Kurt Nimmo
PropOrNot: Is It Propaganda or Not?: Your Friendly
Neighborhood Propaganda Identification Service, Since
2016! Black Friday Report: On Russian Propaganda Network
Mapping, by The PropOrNot Team
Provoking nuclear war by media, by John Pilger
Removing Additional Inauthentic Activity from Facebook,
by Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Cybersecurity Policy and
Oscar Rodriguez, Product Manager
Return of the Blacklist: What’s Next — Book Burning?, by
John Laurits
Russian government hackers do not appear to have
targeted Vermont utility, say people close to
investigation, by Ellen Nakashima and Juliet Eilperin
Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk
to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say, by
Juliet Eilperin and Adam Entous
Shumlin: Vermont Better Off Without Nuclear Plant, by
Mike Faher
So Remember All Those Times Democrats Said Russia Hacked
The French Election? About That, by Caitlin Johnstone
Text: S.2692 — 114th Congress (2015-2016), Introduced in
Senate (03/16/2016), To counter foreign disinformation
and propaganda, and for other purposes.
The art of the Trumpaclysm. How the U.S. invaded,
occupied, and remade itself, by Tom Engelhardt
The Bizarre Not-Murder of Arkady Babchenko: The story of
a crusading Russian journalist who faked his death to
expose his enemies will fuel Moscow’s accusations of
Ukrainian deceit, by Natasha Bertrand
The CIA’s Absence of Conviction, by Craig Murray
The Principles of Newspeak, by George Orwell (Excerpt
from 1984)
The Story of CBS and the Plot to Invade Haiti, by Gus
Chapter 6: The Times, Excerpt From The Anglo-American
Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden, by Carroll
The 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and
Disgusting: The capital's paper of record crashes legacy
media on an iceberg, by Matt Taibbi
This Is How Your Hyperpartisan Political News Gets Made.
BuzzFeed News traced a group of liberal and conservative
websites back to the same company. “The product they’re
pitching is outrage,” said one liberal writer., by Craig
Trust Is Collapsing in America: When truth itself feels
uncertain, how can a democracy be sustained?, by Uri
US spy operation that manipulates social media:
Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online
identities to spread pro-American propaganda , by Nick
Fielding and Ian Cobain
What Santa And The Dying Child Story Teaches Us About
Fake News, Data And Verification, by Kalev Leetaru
Who’s Behind PropOrNot’s Blacklist of News Websites, by
Pam Martens and Russ Martens
Why Has Trust in Media Collapsed? Look at Actions of
WSJ, Yahoo, Business Insider and Slate, by Glenn
Yahoo says one billion accounts exposed in newly
discovered security breach, by Jim Finkle and Anya
George Tharakan
We Have a Rape Gif Problem and Gawker Media Won't Do
Anything About It, by Jezebel Staff
We Will Expose King for the Clerical Fraud and Marxist
He is, by the Federal Bureau of Investigations
Weddings Used to Be Sacred and Other Lessons About
Internet Journalism, by Sean Parker
California Coastal Commission
Reaches Final Settlement Agreement in Parker Wedding and
Campground Closure
Facebook's Sean Parker Fined
$2.5 M for Tasteless Eco-Trashing Wedding, by Neil
Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris
Partied at Sean Parker's Eco-Wrecking Wedding, by John
Moral Erosion: Sean Parker's
$10 Million Destruction of a Park Epitomizes What's
Wrong With Silicon Valley, by Alexis Madrigal
Sean Parker Responds to
Redwoods Wedding Criticism, and His Defense Is Actually
Pretty Convincing, by Alexis C. Madrigal
Sean Parker Rethinks World He
Helped Create, by Dan Morain
Sean Parker Says He Had to Pay
Wedding Fines, by USA Today
Sean Parker Wedding Brings
Ventana Inn's Campground Violations to Light, by Kera
Sean Parker's $2.5 Million
Ecological Wedding Disaster, by Richard Lawson
The Lumberjacks Who Felled
California's Giant Redwoods, by Kaushik
The Silicon Valley
Whipping Boy, by PandoMedia Inc.
What Dilemma? Moral Evaluation Shapes Factual Belief, by
Brittany Liu and Peter H. Ditto
What happens to you on social media after being attacked
by Donald Trump?, by Brad Reed
To Fight Critics, Donald Trump Aims to Instill Fear in
140-Character Doses, by Alexander Burns and Maggie
What Just Happened to the Artist Who Painted Donald
Trump Naked Is Even Scarier Than the Painting, by Lucy
Why is Google sponsoring Trump’s hate?, by CREDO Action
What Silicon Valley Thinks of Women, by Nina Burleigh
What We Now Know About the Men Who Led the Impeachment
of Clinton, by Judd Legum
What's Killing the Babies of Vernal, Utah?, by Paul
When Can Women Stop Trying to Look Perfect?, by Jennifer
"I'm In a Business Where the
Only Things That Matter Are Weight and Appearance," by
The Good Housekeeping Features Team
When Salacious is Irresistible, by David Carr
White supremacists 'swatted' my home to silence me. I
will not be silent., by Ijeoma Oluo
Trolls turned 911 into a weapon. Now cops are fighting
back., by Olivia Solon and Brandy Zadrozny
Who Is Arpad Pusztai and Why Has He Been Silenced?, by
She Sees
UK scientist in genetic food scare loses his job: The
world-renowned scientist who triggered a global scare
over the safety of genetically modified food was
relieved of his responsibilities yesterday and will
retire shortly., by Roger Highfield
Who put the Freud into schadenfreude?, by Rodney Tiffen
Who Spewed That Abuse? Anonymous Yik Yak App Isn't
Telling, by Jonathan Mahler
Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead?, by Sarah Boxer
The “tantric female sacrifice”, Excerpt from The
Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics
in Tibetan Buddhism, by Victor and Victoria Trimondi
Why Are Feminists Attacking Patricia Arquette?, by
Lizzie Crocker
Why Did the Baltimore Sun Hire Conservative Blog Red
Maryland?, by Salvatore Colleluori
Why GSX Is Withdrawing From PAX East, by Brianna Wu
Why I Don't Just Go to the Cops, by Rebecca Watson
Why I (Fight) Write: A Brief History of Failed Attempts
to Censor My Work, by Michael Moore
Why I'm Never Going Back to Penny Arcade Expo, by Rachel
Why Is There So Much Movie Violence Against Women?, by
Natasha Walter
Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on Eyewitness Accounts,
by Hal Arkowitz and Scott O. Lilienfeld
Why the Nazis Are Treating Their Trial in
Charlottesville Like a Joke: It’s part of the strategy,
perhaps even the ideology., by Dahlia Lithwick
Unite the Right verdict sends an urgent message, by
Frida Ghitis
A California school
superintendent said she's been 'subjected to death
threats on a daily basis' since launching an
investigation into a photo of students posing with
swastikas drawn on their bodies, by Yelena Dzhanova
Why the World Imploded Into Fascism: How a Perfect Storm
of Technology and Capitalism Tore Democracy and Freedom
Apart, by umair haque
Why WPost's Hiatt Should Be Fired, by Robert Parry
Why We're Shutting Off Our Comments, by Suzanne LaBarre
Why Women Aren't Welcome on the Internet, by Amanda Hess
WikiLeaks Releases CIA Director's Hacked Emails, by
Andrew Emett
'Wolf of Wall Street' Backer Says It Has Been Hacked,
Surveilled and Harassed, by Eriq Gardner
"Women are Being Driven Offline": Feminist Anita
Sarkeesian Terrorized for Critique of Video Games, by
Amy Goodman
Anita Sarkeesian Recounts Online Harassment, by Amanda
Women Bloggers Call for a Stop to "Hateful" Trolling by
Misogynist Men, by Vanessa Thorpe and Richard Rogers
'You want to know what they're writing, even if it
hurts': my online abuse: In the early days, the internet
was seen as egalitarian and open. So how did the web
become a world of bullies and trolls? Five tales from
the frontline of online shaming, by Homa Khaleeli
Anti-Asian E-Mail Was Hate Crime, Jury Finds: Internet:
Ex-UCI student Richard Machado is found to have violated
civil rights with threatening messages, by Davan Maharaj
Cyberbullying 'worse than face-to-face' abuse, suggests
global research, by bbc.co.uk
Google Disables Uploads, Comments on YouTube Korea, by
Martyn Williams
Google refuses South Korean government’s real-name
system: Google bypasses internet regulations regarding
user protections by limiting YouTube Korea’s Web site
functionality, by [email protected]
Let's Talk About Zoe Quinn's Ex For Once, by Lindsey
Lord McAlpine libel row with Sally Bercow formally
settled in high court: Sally Bercow has apologised for
'irresponsible use of Twitter' and agreed to pay
undisclosed damages to peer, court told, by
McAlpine v Bercow, by Wikipedia
Rise In Teens Shamed In Cyberbullying Videos: A growing
number of young people are becoming victims of shocking
videos which accuse them of promiscuity or disloyalty,
by Rebecca Williams
S. Korea may clash with Google over Internet regulation
differences: KCC investigates Google hoping to turn up
other illegalities, not for real name system evasion,
while netizens criticize Internet laws, by
[email protected]
Subway Fracas Escalates Into Test of the Internet's
Power to Shame, by Jonathan Krim
Suicide and “Dog Poop Girl” Lead to Clash Between Google
and South Korean Government, by Vivian Kim
The Tale of Dog Poop Girl Is Not So Funny After All, by
Samatha Henig
Twitter joke trial: Paul Chambers wins high court appeal
against conviction: Accountant says he feels 'relieved
and vindicated' as court rules his joke tweet about
blowing up an airport was not menacing, by Owen Bowcott
Identified as a trouble maker by the
authorities since childhood, and resolved to live up to the
description, Charles Carreon soon discovered that mischief
is most effectively fomented through speech. Having mastered
the art of flinging verbal pipe-bombs and molotov cocktails
at an early age, he refined his skills by writing legal
briefs and journalistic exposes, while developing a poetic
style that meandered from the lyrical to the political.
Journey with him into the dark caves of the human
experience, illuminated by the torch of an outraged sense of
A Brief Musing on the Characteristics of the
Google-Centric Internet, by Charles Carreon
American Fight Songs, by Charles Carreon
Ashland Free Press, by Charles Carreon
Burn All the Liars, by Matt Evans
Charles Carreon Scribble Factory
Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid
Political, Legal
and Critical Commentaries and News Articles:
01/12/05: The Giant Wakes -- FTC Shuts Down Porn
02/17/05: Info-broker ChoicePoint Divulges Private Data
to Fraudsters
02/18/05: Nudity Goes Mainstream With the Sims
02/19/05: Lizzie Borden Case Gives Gonzales Anti-Porn
02/22/05: In Memoriam, Hunter S. Thompson, Gonzo
03/06/05: Mandelbrot's "The (Mis)Behavior of Markets":
An Interview with Benoit Mandelbrot
03/24/05: Arthur Miller's Biography -- "Timebends"
03/26/05: Why The Chinese Keep Lending the US Money
03/26/05: What I Learned In Mexico
04/05/05: From The Doctors To The Lawyers
04/10/05: The Brandon Mayfield Case Establishes the
Obvious Unconstitutionality of Patriot Act
04/14/05: How To Get a Copy of a Copyrighted Work
04/20/05: Medical Marijuana Updates
04/21/05: New Pope Went Along To Get Along, All The Way
to the Top
04/24/05: Meet Ashcroft Protege Viet Dinh, Author of The
Patriot Act
05/16/05: What Howard Stern Needs To Learn from Laura
05/17/05: Free Porn Links From PBS
05/22/05: Fox Channel Says Real Cops Torture Suspects --
What Shite!
05/22/05: A 15th Century Patriot Act - The Papal Bull of
Innocent VIII
05/22/05: A Book Review of UBIK, by Phil Dick
05/22/05: A Trojan Foreign Policy
05/29/05: Those Were the Days
07/01/05: Oh, For a Nixon to Lead Us Now!
07/11/05: Of Whiskey Bottles and Hershey Bars
07/12/05: First Thing, Let's Lock Up All The Reporters
07/21/05: Ashland Oregon Backs Liberal Police Chief Mike
07/22/05: Doc, My Pacemaker is Killing Me!
07/22/05: The Good News Is, Your Passport Was Genuine
07/23/05: Rove Runs Behind Bush
07/27/05: More on the Plame Affair: Is Fleischer Hiding
Behind Rove?
07/29/05: John G. Roberts & The Florida Republican
Bucket Brigade
08/05/05: Limbaugh Ejaculates Over Roberts' Gay Pro Bono
08/07/05: Grokster: The Asteroid That Killed the Media
08/11/05: Citizens Find Voice in Battle to Save Roasting
08/11/05: Bianca, The People's Chief
08/11/05: FOX-Drudge on Sheehan: What Shit Will Fools
Not Eat?
08/11/05: Cindy Sheehan to Bush: "You're Going the Wrong
08/14/05: Multiple Gunshot Suicides -- A New Guinness
08/21/05: Team America? -- One Sick Movie!
08/26/05: Spotfire, the CIA's Cyber Terrorist-Finder:
Carnivore 2.0
08/29/05: The Possible Double Homicide of Terry and
Arieka Carr
09/03/05: Poetry from Burning Man -- Let It Burn!
09/04/05: Textbook Publishers Are Bluffing in Battle
With Google
09/05/05: Celine Dion Cuts the Crap & Prays for New
09/05/05: Bush Asks New Orleans: "What Didn't Go Right?"
09/06/05: Matt Wells' BBC Op-Ed Piece Is A Little Too
Sanguine 4 Me
09/05/05: FEMA Head Knows Horseshit, But What Else?
09/05/05: Amsterdam is Below Sea Level, But Never Floods
09/05/05: New Orleans Survivors Camp Free, Like Adam &
09/06/05: The "Drowning of New Orleans" Was Predicted in
09/07/05: Videos of Mayor Nagin, New Orleans Survivors,
and more
09/10/05: The Ramones Suggest Have a Nice Day
09/11/05: Crank, Crap & Cruelty, Eric Schlosser's Fast
Food Nation
09/13/05: Evacuees Need Clothing? "Let Them Wear
09/14/05: She Should Sue! WAPO & Fox Keep Slandering
Gov. Blanco
09/16/05: Holbrook Says Experts Deny
Katrina-Global-Warming Link
09/16/05: Power Restored First to Pipeline While
Hospitals Remain Dark
09/19/05: The New Israelites
09/21/05: Did Warlock Aid Katrina?
09/22/05: In The Wake of the Flood
09/25/05: Intelligent Design Fails the Kiss Test
10/09/05: Say It Ain't So, Karl!
10/17/05: The Great McCloud Water Caper of 2003
10/17/05: Second Annual Free Speech in the Park Day
Draws Citizens
10/17/05: Romance Forgery Rocks The Vinyl Club
10/17/05: PB&J With The Judge
10/27/05: Old Pirate in the Brig: Steve Cohen in LA
10/28/05: Scooter Libby's New Nickname: Benedict Arnold
10/28/05: Dick Cheney, Prime Conspirator in the Plame
11/02/05: Okay, We'll Just Say He Got What Was Coming to
11/02/05: Yes, Karl is Here; No I Can't Talk About Him
11/02/05: Hey Hon, About That Abortion I Wanted to Have
11/02/05: Alito at the Stake: Burn, Baby, Burn!
11/05/05: Secret CIA Torture Cells Are On the Honor
11/05/05: Bush Buffeted by Rove Turbulence in Buenos
11/05/05: Rove Pal Ken Tomlinson Busted for Looting PBS
11/06/05: Congress: Sun Should Set on FBI Domestic
11/06/05: Cabbies on Crack
11/09/05: Memo to Fitzgerald: Comstock Can't Defend
11/17/05: The Truly Mythical State of Jefferson
11/17/05: Sunset for Domestic Spying
11/17/05: The Revolution Will Not Be Capitalized: Che
11/17/05: Born in Tibet, Again: The Exile of the 12th
Trungpa Tulku
11/17/05: The Stadium Plot
12/01/05: Leapfrog FLY: I Liked It So Much I Bought The
12/03/05: David Safavian, "Typhoid Mike" Abramoff's
12/25/05: On Marx and Darwin -- Evolution and Capital
12/27/05: A New Year's Gift -- My Philosophy of
Evolutionary Realism
01/07/06: Boycott Arrowhead & Other Nestle Bottle H2O
01/12/06: Porous Data Vaults Go Crying To Congress
01/19/06: Let's Impeach! It's No-Brainer,
02/07/06: Ashland Fiber Net: The Imbroglio Ripens
02/07/06: Charter Communications: Paul Allen's Toy
02/07/06: Where Have All The Patriots Gone?
02/11/06: Jack Abramoff's House of Cards
02/12/06: Disarm Cheney Before He Shoots Someone Else
02/15/06: Cheney Falls Into Trap Set By Texas Quail
02/15/06: Are Google, MSN & Yahoo! Violating Export
03/13/06: Ignorant Specter: Arlen Would Rather Be Stupid
Than Disloyal
03/14/06: Cheney's Reign of Terror -- The Rules of Quail
Hunting With Dick Cheney
03/14/06: Not Looking Good -- AFN Takes Mismanagement to
a New Level
03/14/06: Rude Awakening -- A Review of "Fierce Grace"
04/13/06: White Man Tweak With Forked Tongue -- The
Government Induced Speed Plague
04/16/07: When Killing Becomes Holy, Everyone Wants to
06/01/06: Life With Father: The New Paternalism
06/01/06: Hey Dude, Where's My Silver Mines
06/01/06: Righteous Livelihood -- Building Wealth In Our
06/01/06: Lincoln's Head
06/01/06: Local Musician Spotlight: Bob Miner
07/06/06: Frida and Diego Overheard at Starbucks
11/01/06: A Legend In His Own Mind -- Michael Ruppert
Soldiers On
11/01/06: The Last Empire: America's Nostalgia For
11/01/06: No Good Deed Will Go Unpunished: The Mike
Bianca Story
11/01/06: A Highly Improbable Production -- The BBC
Version of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the
11/01/06: Burnt, Man
11/01/06: Ayahuasca For the Masses
11/01/06: President Wolf
11/01/06: Werewolves in Ashland
11/01/06: Free Speech Weathervane
11/13/06: High Times for High Crimes and Misdemeanors
12/05/06: Democrats Should Follow Barbara Lee's Lead on
Iraq and Darfur
12/13/06: With "Friends" Like the Saudis, Enemies are
12/16/06: Excuse Me, "Drawdown" Means What?
12/16/06: AIDS Prevention: Circumcision Less Effective
Than Abstinence
01/10/07: The Terrorist Who Loved Me -- The Betrayal of
Pete Seda
01/10/07: Chicken -- It's What's For Dinner
10/10/07: Arrivederci Bianca?
03/14/07: National Public Radio Whitewashes Guiliani's
Relationship With Kerik
12/25/06: Bush's Christmas Gift to Us All: Suicidal
01/13/07: Ken Olbermann's "President Who Cried Wolf"
02/09/07: The Democratic Dunkirk -- All Hands on Deck!
03/14/07: It's Time To Can Alberto Gonzales
04/08/07: White Man's Lack of Rhythm Causes Global
04/29/07: Kerik, Giuliani & Bush -- Longtime Partners in
07/14/07: Hunter S. Thompson's Work-In-Process: "The
Silk Road"
07/15/07: When We're Talking About War, We're Talking
About Peace
07/15/07: The Mariel Boat-Lift
08/15/07: Karl Rove Returns to Oz
02/02/08: Reid Promises Bush: "What Happens in Vegas,
Stays in Vegas!"
03/04/08: God This Election Has Gotten Boring
03/08/08: Waterboard Bernanke
03/15/08: Bear Stearns Bailout Not a Good Sign
04/05/08: A List of Liberties We've Lost
04/11/08: Help Write John Yoo's Pink Slip Or Rename
Boalt Hall "Torture U"
04/14/08: Berkeley Dean Sees No Ethical Problem In Yoo's
Pro-Torture Teachings
04/20/08: Generals Parrot Bush War Propaganda for Money
and Influence
04/29/08: Don't Be Negative -- To Win, Just Run Against
05/05/08: The McCandidate's Achilles Heel -- John Hagee,
Anti-Catholic Televangelist
05/11/08: Mother's Day -- A National Day of Protest
05/11/08: Science, The Scapegoat of Religion and
05/23/08: Somethin's Rotten in Texas
09/01/08: People Economics
10/14/08: Leonard Cohen, Poisoned by Zen
10/24/08: Guantanamo Prosecutor's Resignation and
Testimony for the Defense is an Act of True Heroism
11/01/08: Hooray for the Financial Apocalypse
11/08/08: People That Crime Is Too Good For
11/12/08: Part 1 of The Prosecution of George W. Bush
for Murder
11/12/08: Part 2 of The Prosecution of George W. Bush
for Murder
11/19/08: Digital Alibi Springs Pair Held Since May on
Death-Penalty Charles
11/19/08: Geraldo in Tucson 11/19/08
11/22/08: God Is So Pissed About Gay Marriage and
03/17/09: New York Times Financial Columnist Shows
Dreadful Lack of Common Sense
03/24/09: Tim Geithner's Toxic Koolaid Stand Opens For
03/25/09: Why I Love Conservative Talk Radio
04/11/09: Obama, Our New 'War President," Violates the
Constitution by Fighting the Constitutional Right of
Habeas Corpus
04/19/09: Porn School
04/20/09: Are Nuclear Missiles Our Easter Island
04/20/09: Creativity versus Copyrights
04/25/09: Forget Gold! Waterboard Bankers!
04/25/09: If Saying Makes It So, Mark Levin is "The
Great One"
04/27/09: Torture, Witchcraft, Alternate Reality & the
04/29/09: HaterTV Shoots Back at Spitballing Mark Levin
05/05/09: Mark Levin on Specter's Defection
05/19/09: Pornographers Infringe Emily Trademark and
Mattel is Silent -- How Swell is That?
06/01/09: Randomness -- A Myth Scientists Created to
Simulate Ignorance
07/14/09: We Insure Goldman Sachs, Why Not Insure
07/22/09: Porn Without Condoms Leads to AIDS Foundation
07/28/09: Dangerous Driving -- Texting vs. Drinking
07/30/09: Gates Case and the 4th Amendment
08/16/09: Reprogram Yourself! A Refutation of the
Methods and Conclusions of Stanley Milgram's Behavioral
Classic "Obedience to Authority"
08/29/09: Healthcare? We Don't Need No Stinking
08/30/09: Spy vs. Spy: Pan Am 103 -- To Be Onboard Was
Not to Be Onboard
09/02/09: Third Circuit Deals Gambling Syndicate Dead
Man's Hand
10/13/09: Not So Fast! Obama's Nobel Subject to
Congressional Approval
10/20/09: James Ray Sweatbox Tragedy -- Get Rich or Die
01/16/10: A Slightly Deeper Look at Exobiology, the
Study of the Origin of Living Forms
02/11/10: The Fall and Rise of Leonard Cohen
03/18/10: Carreon Sees Free Content Lowering Revenue of
Sex.com: Video, by Bloomberg Television
03/21/10: Undercapitalized Augusta Resources Can Mine
06/01/10: Tommy, Can You Hear Me?
06/19/10: The Ram Dass Brain Hemorrhage Incident -- An
Opportunity to Explore Fundamental Questions of
Spiritual Life
09/08/10: Blackwater Cutout Companies and the Spies Who
Love Them
07/25/12: SMIDS: Social Media-Induced Delusional
07/26/12: SMISH: Social Media-Induced Self Hate
04/26/13: A Brief Musing on the Characteristics of the
Google-Centric Internet
05/01/13: To Fight Internet Fraud Unleash the Trial
07/10/13: Shitstorm by the Sea -- The Sean Parker DIRA
07/12/13: Bloom's "Global Brain" and The Last Man on
07/19/13: "As God Is My Witness, I Am That Fool"
07/23/13: The Pizza Effect, and Why Crowds Are Stupid
07/24/13: Unemployed Lawyers Go Zombie, And Why
07/26/13: A Topic of Discussion Small Enough For Little
07/29/13: The Tale of William Popehat Hearst
07/31/13: The Spirit of Surrender
08/03/13: I Robbed Leonard Cohen
08/04/13: "Black Robe Fever" -- Popehat Reveals His
08/10/13: Parody vs. Fabulism
08/10/13: Thought Crime and Its Devotees
08/12/13: Sparking Up a Cyber-Frankenstein: Pushing
Yellow Journalism to the Megacrowd
09/09/13: "Streisand Effect" or "King Syndrome"?
09/16/13: Pharaoh and The Red Sea
09/18/13: An Unlikely Win Improves the Odds of Winning
for the American Buddha Digital Library
10/06/13: From Haight Ashbury to Silk Road, I Always
Miss the Fun!
10/14/13: Embarrassing Followers
11/22/13: The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned
11/24/13: When Terrorists Fear: Popehat Gets a Call From
Donna Barstow
11/28/13: The Silence of the Pigs
01/05/14: Death by Indifference -- Not Seeing the
Problem Is the Problem
01/20/14: Iphigenia, Silent No More
04/25/14: Jobs: The Canonization of a Visionary Autocrat
05/03/14: Who's Zenning Who?
06/12/14: The Whys and Wherefores of a PunkLawyer
03/05/15: Hater's Rights vs. Human Rights
03/06/15: The Triumph of the Roly Polys: An Expert on
the Law of the Jungle Awards Accolades
03/13/15: Yik Yak Yuck! These Boys Are Not Alright
04/27/15: The Village
07/17/15:Rock 'n' Roll Library, Rest in Peace
07/23/15: The Crucifixion of David Geithner, In Which
Gawker Learns the Meaning of "Don't Shit Where You Eat,"
and Conde Nast Gets a Clue About What To Do With Reddit
03/12/16: It Takes A Lot to Laugh (It Takes A Train to
Cry): The Tragedy of Hulk Hogan
03/15/16: Trump, the Protesters, and Public Forum Law
04/19/16: The Combustible Arrogance of Hillary Clinton
05/05/16: The Arc of Trump
10/09/16: No Lesser Evil
12/10/16: Fake News, Self-Censorship and the Three
Stupid Monkeys
01/21/17: The Royal Hunt of Donald the Terrible
01/22/17: A Brief Introduction to Jaynesian Bicameralism
02/15/17: Has It Happened Here?
02/18/17: The Art of War: How Will Team Trump Fare on
the Field of Battle?
06/12/17: A Short Review of "The Water Knife" by Paolo
02/01/18: Politics and the Religious Freedom Restoration
Act Make Strange Bedfellows: A Leisurely Discussion of
Jeff Sessions’ Memo to Federal Prosecutors on How to
Protect the Religious Freedoms of Americans
05/17/19: Be Careful What You Wish For – The Peril of
Regulated Status for Psychedelic Churches
05/17/19: The DEA's Guidance Regarding Petitions for
Religious Exemption from the Controlled Substances Act
under RFRA: Door to Religious Freedom or Fifth Amendment
Trap for the Unwary?
05/17/19: Prohibition by Another Name: A Summary
Critique of the DEA’s Guidance for Submitting Petitions
for Religious Exemptions from the Controlled Substances
05/17/19: It's Time For an Association of Visionary
Churches to Stand Up and Claim the Religious Freedom To
Which They Are Entitled
• 05/20/19: To Get the Straight Dope on Climate Change,
Talk to the Insurance Industry
• 07/21/19: The Dialogue of the Yogi and the King
• 07/24/19: Crazy Like a Fox – In “Crazy Wisdom,”
Trungpa’s Heirs Sacrifice Truth to Profit
• 08/14/19: The Invisible Pyramid
• 03/16/20: Twilight of the Tulkus
• 05/26/20: The Absent Oxonian -- Musings on Trungpa’s
Faux Academic Credentials & Why So Few Cared to Inquire
• 06/14/20: To Advance the Cause of Racial Justice
Through Dharma, Abandon the Profit Motive
Natural Science, Philosophy, and the Life of the Spirit
2001, A Space Odyssey. Dull Movie -- Great Soundtrack
50 Ways to Leave Your Lama
A Child's Nightmare
A Flaming Fistful of Reactionary Wisdom
A Law Unto Itself: The Vatican Rules
A Rainy Afternoon at Parque Guell
A Summary Outline of the United States Constitution
A Tale of Two Cities
Alfred Bester's Overman, Gully Foyle
Ananda and the Merchants of Rajgir
Beliefs vs. Dogmas: The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of
Religious Faith
Born in Tibet, Again -- The Exile of the Twelfth Trungpa
Tulku -- How Sakyong Mipham Usurped the Trungpa Throne
Bush Coronation -- American-Buddha Examines the 2005
Inauguration Follies
Bush To New Orleans: "Let Them Eat Sound Bites"
Carlos Castaneda
Charles' Drive-In Movie Theatre -- Movies For All Times
Buddhist Horror Flick
Dharma Assassin Kusum Lingpa
Diary of a Sense Offender -- A Review of Kurt Wimmer's
Disillusioned by Authoritarian Doctrines
Don't Blame Ramana
Dr. Ray Brown
Dr. Rick Strassman's "DMT: The Spirit Molecule"
Eulogy for Joshua Carreon
Fear of a Feeling Planet -- A Review of Kurt Wimmer's
Frequently Asked Questions About Tibetan Buddhism
Home Sweet Home
Iggy Pop
Is Krishna a Con?
It's Tantra Baby
Joey Ramone
Killer Krishnas From Inner Space
Leonard Cohen, Poisoned by Zen
Lucretius, Sage of the First Millennium
Making Monsters For My Friends
Martin Luther King -- No Rest Until We Reach the Goal
More News Than Is Fit to Print
Nazis for Peace
Odysseus on Masked Men
On Hell and Its Habitues
Phil Dick's Yogacara Vision Through His Eye in the Sky
Pipeline Dreams
Ramana Maharshi
Ray Bradbury High
Sleepers Awake!
Soundbites From the Whitey House
St. Francis
Steven Seagal Comes Out of the Buddhist Closet
Stranger In a Strange Land - Heinlein's Hippie Joke
Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")
Thanks From a Grateful Nation -- Awarding the Cross of
Secret Achievement to the Dalai Lama
The Corporation -- A Movie Every Person Should See
The Dalai Lamas, Prisoners of the Potala Junta
The Foundation Trilogy -- Asimov's Galactic Epic
The Guru -- A Movie You Just Have to See
The Heresy of St. Timothy
The Materialist Manifesto
The Misuse of Western Terms by Eastern Mystics
The Promised God Man is Weird
The Radian of Our Being
The Sutra of the Leaves
The Three Elements of Counter-Insurgency and Narcotics
The Tibetan Wall of Silence
The Vestibular System
They're All Diabolical Bozos!
This Is Not a Conspiracy: Jon Ronson Draws a Dubious
Conclusion in Them: Adventures With Extremists
Tibetan Two-Step, Shuffle & Slide
Tim Leary, Starfleet Commander
UBIK: Phil Dick’s Answer To Death After Life
"Vee Have Veys of Making You Love Sentient Beings" --
Nazi Methods of Inducing "Bodhicitta"
Voidsuck This!
We Be Trippin' With Uma's Dad, aka Bob Thurman, "The
We Can Do This -- Prajnaparamita Sutra Revealed
What Does Andrew Cohen Know About Enlightenment?
What is Buddhism?
William Gibson's Dystopian Epic -- Neuromancer
06/02/24: The Bodhisattva Marshall Plan: 1.A. Eliminate
Phony Democracy
The Bodhisattva Marshall Plan: 1.B. Eliminate
Phony People
The Bodhisattva Marshall Plan: 1.C. Eliminate
Self-Identification of Americans as "Consumers"
The Bodhisattva Marshall Plan: 1.D. Eliminate
Phony Law Enforcement
The Joy of Nothing
02/24/19: The Myth of the Killer Bodhisattva
05/06/19: Against Hell: A Refutation of the Buddhist
Hell Realms, Based on Their Historic Origins, Political
Purpose, Psychological Destructiveness, Irrationality,
and Demonstrable Inconsistency With the Original
Buddhist Teachings, Framed as A Searching Review of Sam
Bercholz’s After-Death Memoir, "A Guided Tour of Hell"
Don't Mess With My Mom, by Charles Carreon
God Loves a Hypocrite, by Charles Carreon
Furry Chiclets, a Lawpoet's Creation, by Charles Carreon
Mother's Day, by Charles Carreon
Poetry & Songs, by Charles Carreon
Psycho Santa, by Charles Carreon
Short Stories & Social Commentary, by Charles Carreon
A Day in the Life of PFC Charles Carreon, Nine Years
Old, by Charles Carreon
A New Recipe for Upstairs?, by Charles Carreon
Book Review: Born in Tibet, by Charles Carreon
Drink the Water (PLOT SUMMARY), by Charles Carreon
Helpmate, by Charles Carreon
I Remember Pleather, by Charles Carreon
Imaginary Book Review: "The No-Care Childcare Book", by
Charles Carreon
Invasion of the Model-Moms, by Charles Carreon
Is Greed Good?, by Charles Carreon
Mahayana Philosophy, Tantric Iconography, and the Magic
of Buddhist Compassion in Allen Ginsberg's "Sunflower
Sutra", by Charles Carreon
My Favorite Epic, Akira Kurosawa's "Kagemusha, the
Shadow Warrior", by Charles Carreon
On Bodhisattvas and Black Magicians, by Charles Carreon
Pacer, by Charles Carreon
Pontoon!, by Charles Carreon
The Brandon Mayfield Case Establishes the Obvious
Unconstitutionality of Patriot Act Sneak-Searches, by
Charles Carreon
The Co-op Caste System, by Charles Carreon
The Death of Full Employment -- The Birth of Cookie
Grabbing, by Charles Carreon
The Innkeeper's Prerogative, by Charles Carreon
The Lunch Date, by Charles Carreon
The Moral Majority, by Charles Carreon
The Pentagon Reconsiders, by Charles Carreon
The Stadium Plot, by Charles Carreon
The Stranger, by Charles Carreon
The Unity of Religious Ideals. The Sufi Message of
Hazrat Inayat Khan, by Charles Carreon
The Village, by Charles Carreon
Watch Out For The Quiet Ones, by Charles Carreon
White Man Tweak With Forked Tongue -- The
Government-Induced Speed Plague, by Charles Carreon
The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson
The Sex.Com Chronicles, by Charles Carreon
The Song of Matty Unman, or The Tramp Doth Protest Too
Much, by Anonymous
Wherein I, The Real and Proper Charles Carreon, Esq.,
Speak Upon the Character of Christopher Recouvreur and
Company, Rapeutationists All (The Poem Is Not Very Long
As There Is Not Much Character Of Which To Speak), by
Posts from the Cyberwarfare Front by Special
Correspondent Charles Carreon
A Topic of Discussion Small Enough For Little Minds, by
Charles Carreon
"As God Is My Witness, I Am That Fool", by Charles
"Black Robe Fever" -- Popehat Reveals His Malady,
by Charles Carreon
Bloom's "Global Brain" and The Last Man on Earth,
by Charles Carreon
Death by Indifference -- Not Seeing the Problem Is the
Problem, by Charles Carreon
Embarrassing Followers, by Charles Carreon
Haters' Rights vs. Human Rights, by Charles Carreon
I Robbed Leonard Cohen, by Charles Carreon
Iphigenia, Silent No More, by Charles Carreon
It Takes A
Lot to Laugh (It Takes a Train to Cry): The Tragedy of
Hulk Hogan, by Charles Carreon
Parody vs. Fabulism, by Charles Carreon
Pharaoh and the Red Sea, by Charles Carreon
Phuck Photobucket, by Charles Carreon
Shitstorm by the Sea -- The Sean Parker DIRA, by Charles
SMIDS: Social Media-Induced Delusional Syndrome, by
Charles Carreon
SMISH: Social Media-Induced Self Hate, by Charles
Sparking Up A Cyber-Frankenstein: Pushing Yellow
Journalism to the Megacrowd, by Charles Carreon
"Streisand Effect" or "King Syndrome"?,
by Charles Carreon
The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned, by Charles Carreon
Crucifixion of David Geithner, In Which Gawker Learns
the Meaning of "Don't Shit Where You Eat, and Conde Nast
Gets a Clue About What to Do With Reddit, by Charles
The Pizza Effect, and Why Crowds Are Stupid, by Charles
The Silence of the Pigs, by Charles Carreon
The Spirit of Surrender, by Charles Carreon
The Tale of William Popehat Hearst, by Charles Carreon
The Triumph of the Roly Polys: An Expert on the Law of
the Jungle Awards Accolades, by Charles Carreon
Thought Crime and Its Devotees, by Charles Carreon
Unemployed Lawyers Go Zombie, And Why, by Charles
When Terrorists Fear: Popehat Gets a Call From Donna
Barstow, by Charles Carreon
Yik Yak Yuck! These Boys Are Not Alright, by Charles
Punk Lawyer Writings
An Unlikely Win Improves the Odds of Winning For the
American Buddha Digital Library, by Charles Carreon
Fake News, Self-Censorship and the Three Stupid Monkeys,
by Charles Carreon
From Haight Ashbury to Silk Road, I Always Miss the Fun!,
by Charles Carreon
Has It Happened Here?, by Charles Carreon
No Lesser Evil, By Charles Carreon
"Jobs": The Canonization of a Visionary Autocrat,
by Charles Carreon
Rock 'n' Roll Library, Rest In Peace, by Charles Carreon
The Arc of Trump, by Charles Carreon
The Art of War: How Will Team Trump Fare on the Field of
Battle?, by Charles Carreon
The Combustible Arrogance of Hillary Clinton, by Charles
The Faith of An Advocate, by Charles Carreon
The Minotaur of Hollywood, A Harvey Weinstein
Production, by Charles Carreon
The Royal Hunt of Donald the Terrible, by Charles
The Village, by Charles Carreon
Trump, the Protesters, and Public Forum Law, by Charles
Who's Zenning Who?, Another View on Whether Susan
Blackmore's Sermon on the Way of Robotic Consciousness
Was Worth Spending a Beautiful Morning Indoors With a
Band of Aging Atheists One Day in Late April in Tucson,
Arizona, 2014, by Charles Carreon
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