Legal Analysis
by Charles Carreon
The Introduction of a New
Internet Tort, acronym “IDIRA” Instigating a Distributed
Internet Reputational Attack. In this section, I will
explain of legal basis for the theory of a new tort, that
will stand in relation to the old tort of defamation as
newsprint stands in relation to the Internet. The need to
protect individuals from the exponential power of technology
to invade privacy was the subject of a recent Supreme Court
case that gives some guidance in the field.
In United
States v. Antoine Jones, the Supreme Court announced a
new rule governing the use of GPS trackers. The Court had
previously held that no warrant was required before
attaching a radio-signaling tracker to a car because the
car’s movements while travelling on the public highways were
not private. That precedent could not apply to a situation
where the an automobile’s movements were monitored round the
clock via remote GPS tracker, effectively detailing the
entire pattern of the driver’s life over an extended time
period. Such an invasion of privacy was an order of
magnitude more serious than tracking the radio pulse emitted
by a car that was basically going from point A to point B.
So a warrant was required. Justice Sotomayor, writing the
concurring opinion:
"Awareness that the
government may be watching chills associational and
expressive freedoms. And the government’s unrestrained
power to assemble data that reveal private aspects of
identity is susceptible to abuse. The net result is that
GPS monitoring—by making available at a relatively low
cost such a substantial quantum of intimate information
about any person whom the government, in its unfettered
discretion, chooses to track—may “alter the relationship
between citizen and government in a way that is inimical
to democratic society.”
Analogously, the frequency of DIRAs makes it apparent that
old laws concerning defamation need reforming to take
account of the pernicious effects of allowing Internet mobs
to run riot, placing meaningful limits on what is fair play
in the realm of social media. Suggestions will be made for
ways to deal with the problem that will protect publishers
from being required to play censor, including the creation
of a new IDIRA tort. See the article on the related subject
Stern, Nat, Creating a New Tort For Wrongful
Misrepresentation of Character.
In response to an inquiry from a fellow attorney about what
I had in mind when I said “create a new tort,” I fleshed out
some of the ideas behind the IDIRA tort.
First, I
think that the immunity provided by the CDA, 47 USC sec. 230
needs to be re-thought. When combined with the allowance of
pseudonymous posting by virtually all websites, three evils
grow under its protection: (1) people pretending to be third
parties while actually being the site publishers, (2) single
users pretending to be multiple users, and (3) publication
of defamatory and privacy-invasive information for which no
effective redress is possible due to anonymity.
Second, I
think that when evaluating whether speech gives rise to the
incitement of DIRA tort (IDIRA), we must look beyond the
content of the speech, to determine:
The results of the initial
speech, i.e., whether it provoked unlawful conduct, and
Whether it was foreseeable
that the initial speech would provoke the unlawful
If 1 and 2 are both answered
“yes,” then I think that IDIRA should be actionable.
To answer question 1, we need a
list of what constitute unlawful actions. I think it should
Classic defamation
Usurpation of identity of
the target by creating false online identities on
twitter and facebook, by cybersquatting, etc.
Sending malicious emails
with the intent to hurt and wound the receiver
Sending malicious emails
to third parties with intent to alienate the affections
of the DIRA target
Denial of service attacks
(my network has suffered three major dos attacks, and I
have quadrupled my server space, at considerable cost,
simply to stay online), or other digital trespasses to
Defacement of online
profiles with malicious posting (my wikipedia profile is
a melange of nastygrams)
Creation of multiple
identities to intensify the apparent public disapproval.
More tactics can be added,
and the list should be open to addition as DIRA tactics
expand. [After this exchange, it occurs to me that
profiting from the DIRA (as indiegogo.com has done,
should also be a DIRA predicate act.]
The attorney observed:
“The tort you propose, IDIRA, has two elements, (1)
speech that provokes unlawful conduct and (2) that it
was foreseeable for it to do so. That raises two
additional questions in my mind.
First, regarding the first element, it seems exceptional
that tort liability hinge on the later conduct of third
persons. This would mean that at the time it is spoken,
the speech would not be actionable. Only later (once
the lawlessness it meant to incite occurs) would the
speech become tortious. … Wouldn’t [this] violate due
“Second, and I think this is the tougher
question, the list of unlawful actions you propose is
problematic. Items (2), (3), (4), and (6) are
sometimes, perhaps even usually, not currently
unlawful. For IDIRA to lie, wouldn’t we need to create
a new tort (DIRA I suppose) that would make malicious
(but not defamatory) speech unlawful? what are the
elements of that tort?”
I responded:
“A new tort is warranted if
new circumstances justify it. Note, Justice Holmes
didn’t say it was unlawful to shout “fire!” in your
living room, but only in “a crowded theater.” Why?
Because while yelling “fire!” as a practical joke to
cause someone to spill their drink in your living room
could not incite a stampede, when yelled in a crowded
theater, the masses of people create a danger of a
stampede in which people are likely to be killed.
Similarly, while someone
flinging a single piece of gravel in my direction cannot
hurt me seriously, if ten thousand people simultaneously
throw a piece of gravel at me, I will probably be
crushed under the massed weight.
The nature of a DIRA is
analogous to provoking large numbers of people to hurl
spitwads. One spitwad’s no big deal. Half a million
could drown you. And soliciting a digital crowd to
engage in that behavior should be unlawful. I don’t see
what due process has to do with it. You get due process
after you’re sued.
And no, I don’t think the
underlying acts all have to be independently unlawful to
make IDIRA actionable. Yelling ‘fire!’ on an empty
street, or in my living room does not have to be a crime
to make it criminal when done in a crowded theater.”
The attorney replied:
“I think I get it now. One last point though. The due
process issue isn’t procedural. It has to do with the
fact that at the time the speaker asks the crowd to hurl
spitwads, he has no way of knowing whether he’s just
committed a tort. That’s the point of Brandenburg’s
immanence requirement and why speech has traditionally
been evaluated at the time it is spoken. IDIRA, by
making the effect of the speech an element of the tort,
would be unique as far as I know.”
I replied:
“That’s where foreseeability gets into it. When Henry
VIII said, ‘Will no one rid me of this troublesome
priest?’ (or words to that effect), he knew that someone
would. The analysis isn’t really any more problematic
than determining whether conduct is ‘outrageous’ for
purposes of intentional infliction of emotional