Board Pix Five People
Were Shot Near Black Lives Matter Protest

Nov. 19: Congressman Keith Ellison and other elected
officials spoke at a news conference across the street from
the 4th Precinct headquarters Thursday night in Minneapolis.
At left was Black Lives Matter organizer Lena Gardner.

Neighbors react: A pair of demonstrators shook hands while
warming themselves near a campfire outside the Minneapolis
Police 4th Precinct station late Thursday night in
Minneapolis. ] JEFF WHEELER ï jeff.wheeler@startribune.com
Black Lives Matter and others have held a continuous protest
at the Minneapolis Police 4th Precinct station, including
Thursday night, November 19, 2015 after a man was shot by
Minneapolis police early Sunday morning.

Neighbors react: At the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis,
with police limiting interaction with protesters on the
fifth night of demonstrations, the crowd turned to a lighter

Neighbors react: The mood Thursday night at the Black Lives
Matter demonstration was decidedly mellower and even
festive, with a large group dancing in the middle of
Plymouth Ave. in front of the 4th Precinct headquarters in

Police made a perimeter around a protester who was having a
medical emergency on the five day of protesting in front of
the Minneapolis Fourth Precinct.

Adja Gildersleeve of Black Lives Matter - Minneapolis
disclosed that Jamar Clark had apparently had a previous
violent encounter with officers from the Minneapolis Police
Department's 4th Precinct and was in the process of taking
legal action. She spoke at a news conference across the
street from the 4th Precinct headquarters Thursday night in
Minneapolis. Black Lives Matter and others have held a
continuous protest at the Minneapolis Police 4th Precinct
station, including Thursday night, November 19, 2015 after a
man was shot by Minneapolis police early Sunday morning.

Black Lives Matter organizer Lena Gardner smiled as
Minneapolis city council member Cam Gordon spoke in support
of the efforts of the organization to seek the timely
release of all video related to the shooting death of Jamar
Clark at a news conference across the street from the 4th
Precinct headquarters Thursday night in Minneapolis. Black
Lives Matter and others have held a continuous protest at
the Minneapolis Police 4th Precinct station, including
Thursday night, November 19, 2015 after a man was shot by
Minneapolis police early Sunday morning.

Rev Richard Coleman lead a group of protesters in prayer on
the five day of protesting in front of the Minneapolis
Fourth Precinct.

Mica Grimm, one of the leaders of Black Lives Matter
Minneapolis, got a hug from Congressman Keith Ellison as he
met with people on the five day of protesting in front of
the Minneapolis Fourth Precinct.

A couple talked as they warmed themselves near one of the
numerous fire rings outside the 4th Precinct headquarters
Thursday night in Minneapolis. Black Lives Matter and others
have held a continuous protest at the Minneapolis Police 4th
Precinct station, including Thursday night, November 19,
2015 after a man was shot by Minneapolis police early Sunday

Members of Kalpulli Yaocenoxtli, a traditional Aztec Mexica
dance and drum group, performed on Plymouth Ave. in front of
the 4th Precinct police headquarters Thursday night in
Minneapolis. Black Lives Matter and others have held a
continuous protest at the Minneapolis Police 4th Precinct
station, including Thursday night, November 19, 2015 after a
man was shot by Minneapolis police early Sunday morning.

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges got peppered with questions
from protestors about police violence.

At the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis, Congressman Keith
Ellison encouraged protesters who demanded answers over the
death of Jamar Clark to remain peaceful.

AAt the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis, protesters
demanded answers over the death of Jamar Clark who was shot
and killed by police.

At the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis, protesters
demanded answers over the death of Jamar Clark who was shot
and killed by police.

At the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis, protesters
including Cathy Jones demanded answers over the death of
Jamar Clark who was shot and killed by police.

At the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis, protesters
demanded answers over the death of Jamar Clark who was shot
and killed by police.

Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau holds a rock thrown
at police during a protest at the Minneapolis Police
Department 4th Precinct building Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015,
during a news conference in Minneapolis. The rock was thrown
Wednesday evening as people protested the fatal shooting of
Jamal Clark by Minneapolis police on Sunday.

At the North Minneapolis command center, Minneapolis Police
Chief Janet Harteau and Mayor Betsy Hodges addressed the
protests at the 4th Precinct over the death of Jamar Clark .

Police began to secure more fencing outside the Fourth
Police Precinct, Wednesday, November 4, 2015 in Minneapolis,

Police began to secure more fencing outside the Fourth
Police Precinct, Wednesday, November 4, 2015 in Minneapolis,

Standing before other protestors, Minneapolis NAACP
President Nekima Levy-Pounds spoke to the press demanding
that the police release the video of Jamar Clark's shooting,
outside the Fourth Police Precinct, Wednesday, November 4,
2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

Tia Williams grabbed her daughter Tiara Williams, left,
close to keep her warm as they joined other protestors
outside the Fourth Police Precinct, Wednesday, November 4,
2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

The sun rises over the Fourth Police Precinct as protestors
remained camping outside, Thursday, November 19, 2015 in
Minneapolis, MN.

An elderly woman who lives behind the 4th Precinct
headquarters appealed to demonstrators to stop gathering in
her alley so she could get some sleep Wednesday night in

Jugs of milk to treat people wi=ho had been sprayed in the
eyes was available at the fourth precinct on Wednesday,
November 18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Police came on to the street outside the fourth precinct
after several people threw bottles into the gated precinct
on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Protesters put their hands up chanting "don't shoot" as
officers shot marking rounds at protesters throwing bottles
and rocks at the fourth precinct on Wednesday, November 18,
2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Protesters stood outside and blocked a side entrance to the
4th Precinct police headquarters Wednesday night in

Protesters stood outside and blocked a side entrance to the
4th Precinct police headquarters Wednesday night in

Protesters chanted as police officers on bicycles secured an
alley behind the 4th Precinct headquarters Wednesday night
in Minneapolis. Black Lives Matter and others have held a
continuous protest at the Minneapolis Police 4th Precinct
station, including Wednesday night, November 18, 2015 after
a man was shot by Minneapolis police early Sunday morning,

Protesters chanted in the alley behind the 4th Precinct
headquarters Wednesday night in Minneapolis.

Police aimed and shot at protesters who were throwing rocks
and bottles with marking rounds at the fourth precinct on
Wednesday, November 18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Police shot marking rounds at protesters climbing the fence
to hang a tarp at the fourth precinct on Wednesday, November
18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Police shot marking rounds at protesters climbing the fence
to hang a tarp at the fourth precinct on Wednesday, November
18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Protesters lined up with their hands in the air at an
entrance at the fourth precinct on Wednesday, November 18,
2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

At the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis, tensions escalated
temporarily as police admitted a protester into the precinct
who needed medical attention. A few agitators were
restrained from taking advantage of the situation.

Police sprayed pepper spray to disperse demonstrators from a
side entrance to the 4th Precinct headquarters Wednesday
night in Minneapolis. Black Lives Matter and others have
held a continuous protest at the Minneapolis Police 4th
Precinct station, including Wednesday night, November 18,
2015 after a man was shot by Minneapolis police early Sunday

Police and protesters at the west entrance at the Fourth
Precinct building on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, in
Minneapolis, Minn.

Police sprayed mace or pepper spray at a crowd of people
along the west entrance at the fourth precinct on Wednesday,
November 18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Police sprayed mace or pepper spray at a crowd of people
along the west entrance at the fourth precinct on Wednesday,
November 18, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Friends helped a demonstrator by giving her a milk eye wash
after police used pepper spary to disperse demonstrators
from a side entrance to the 4th Precinct headquarters
Wednesday night in Minneapolis.

Protestors yelled profanities, flipped them off, and spit on
them during a protest over the death of Jamar Clark, at the
Fourth Police Precinct, Wednesday, November 4, 2015 in
Minneapolis, MN.

Black Lives Matter supporters protested outside the Fourth
Police Precinct, Wednesday, November 4, 2015 in Minneapolis,

Jamar Clark's father James Hill faced police during a
protest at the Fourth Police Precinct, Wednesday, November
4, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

Jamar Clark's family, including his sister Javille Burns,
addressed the media during a press conference regarding
Clark's death at the Minneapolis Urban League, Wednesday,
November 18, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

Jamar Clark's family, including his sister Javille Burns,
right, hugged Tiffany Burns, his niece, during a press
conference regarding Clark's death at the Minneapolis Urban
League, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

Jamar Clark's family closed a press conference in prayer at
the Minneapolis Urban League, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
in Minneapolis, MN.

A packed conference room joined to listen to Jamar Clark's
family during a press conference regarding his death at the
Minneapolis Urban League, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 in
Minneapolis, MN.

Jamar Clark's family, including his sister Danielle Burns,
left, cried during a press conference regarding Clark's
death at the Minneapolis Urban League, Wednesday, November
18, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

A memorial was set up on a tree for Jamar Clark near the
1600 block of N. Plymouth Avenue, Wednesday, November 18,
2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

Minnesota State Patrol officers begin arresting the handful
of protesters that remained on the interstate.

A marcher was jubilant after traffic on westbound I-94 was
stopped by protesters Monday night in Minneapolis.

Marchers first stopped traffic on an entrance ramp to
westbound I-94 before moving to the main freeway Monday
night in Minneapolis.

Marchers linked arms as they stopped traffic on westbound
I-94 Monday night in Minneapolis.

Monday night in Minneapolis protestors blocked I-94 at near

Protesters stood on I-94 westbound north of Plymouth Ave.,
shutting it down Monday night in Minneapolis.

A man wrapped in an American flag listened as a Black Lives
Matter leader led the crowd gathered at the 4th Precinct
station in chants Monday night before leaving on a march
that ultimately blocked i-94 in Minneapolis.

Members of Black Lives Matter and the community sat at the
entrance (at this point for 24 hours) at the Minneapolis
Police Department's fourth precinct headquarters in north
Minneapolis in the wake of police shooting and critically
wounding a man over the weekend. Photographed on Monday,
November 16, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Members of Black Lives Matter and community protesters
yelled through a gate at the back entrance of the
Minneapolis Police Department's fourth precinct headquarters
in north Minneapolis in the wake of police shooting and
critically wounding a man over the weekend. Photographed on
Monday, November 16, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Members of Black Lives Matter and the community sat in the
lobby (at this point for 24 hours) at the Minneapolis Police
Department's fourth precinct headquarters in north
Minneapolis in the wake of police shooting and critically
wounding a man over the weekend. Photographed on Monday,
November 16, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Members of Black Lives Matter and community protesters
yelled through a gate at the back entrance of the
Minneapolis Police Department's fourth precinct headquarters
in north Minneapolis in the wake of police shooting and
critically wounding a man over the weekend. Photographed on
Monday, November 16, 2015, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Some demonstrators sat down in the street as others chanted
at Minneapolis Police Officers at the side entrance to the
4th Precinct station on Morgan Ave. N. Sunday night in

Demonstrators chanted at Minneapolis Police Officers at the
side entrance to the 4th Precinct station on Morgan Ave. N.
Sunday night in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis police officers watched as protestors gathered
outside the 4th Precinct parking lot.

Protestors occupied the entrance to the 4th Precinct.

Protestors chanted outside the 4th Precinct parking lot.

Members of the Voice of Culture drum group energized the
crowd as they blocked off Plymouth Ave. N to create a "cop
free zone."

Protesters gathered in from of the Minneapolis 4th Precinct.
