The Secret Life of Bill
Clinton: The Unreported Stories by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Copyright © 1997 by Ambrose

(A) Carol Howe.
 (B) ATF confidential informant
document for Carol Howe.

(C) FBI debriefing of Carol Howe at the Oklahoma Command
Center two days after the Oklahoma bombing. No agency of the
United States has interviewed Dennis Mahon (misspelled
"MEHAUN"), whom she implicates in the bombing.

 (D) ATF debriefing of Carol Howe
about Elohim City and her
investigation of Andreas Strassmeir.

 (E) ATF debriefing of Carol Howe
regarding John Doe Two and
her discovery of a "big secret" at Elohim City.
 (F) ATF report complaining that
Carol Howe has been "severely
compromised" by the FBI.

 (G) ATF document assessing the
threats to Carol Howe. Note that
the ATF states that Elohim City "is tied to the OKC bomb
Note also the last paragraph, in which the ATF defends the
of Carol Howe.
 (H) Andreas Strassmeir.
 (I) State department telegram:
background check on Andreas
(A) Vince Foster's car
registration, confirming that it was a grey
1989 Honda. 
(B) Park Police Detective
Rolla's notes, noting a grey Honda and the
phone number of Lt. Walter, Secret Service.
 (C) Dr. Haul's FBI statement
that he arrived on the scene at 6:45
and found no blood on or around Foster's body.
 (D) FBI statement of Richard
Arthur, emergency medical service
technician, referring to Foster's neck wound from a small
 (E) Dr. Beyer's statement to the
Park Police that his X-rays found
no evidence of bullet fragments in Foster's skull. Beyer
later testified
before the Senate Banking Committee that he never took any
 (F) Intelligence document that
links the man who attacked Patrick
Knowlton's car to the FBI and the Defense Department.

(G) Suspect sketch of the menacing man Knowlton saw in Fort
Marcy Park, done for The Sunday Telegraph.
 (H) Secret Service Alarm logs
for the night of Foster's death. Note
the multiple appearances of Patsy Thomasson (her name is
Also note the appearance of the "MIG GROUP"-a confidential
technical branch of the Secret Service.
 (I) Susan Thomases's FBI
statement that Foster's death came as a
complete shock-a glaring contradiction to what she later
told Blood
Sport author James Stewart. APPENDIX C: ARKANSAS
 (A) Kevin Ives.

 (B) DEA report on the "Donald
TYSON Drug Trafficking

 (C) State Police criminal
investigation documents linking Tyson to
"every kind of shady operation especially narcotics."

 (D) FBI statement of Dan Lasater
confessing, among other things,
that he took cocaine with Roger Clinton, whom he hired at
request of Governor Clinton.
 (E) Patty-Anne Smith, the young
girl "introduced to cocaine use by
Dan Lasater."
 (F) Dennis Patrick's account
statements from Lasater & Company,
indicating the millions of dollars flowing through his
 (G) Rich Mountain repair
receipts for Barry Seal's "No Problema, "
indicating Seal operated the "phantom plane" as early as

(H) The first official document with the serial number of

 (I) The paper trail of "Fat
Lady" registrations.
 (J) "No Problema": the phantom
 (K) Judge George Howard's order
barring Mena evidence In the
Terry Reed case.