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Why the Mantis Shrimp is My New Favorite Animal
 Our eyes contain millions of light sensitive cells, called rods and
cones. Rods enable us to see light and motion. Cones enable
us to see color. Dogs have two types of color-receptive
cones: Green & Blue This enables dogs to see blue, green,
and a little bit of yellow. Humans have three types of
color-receptive cones: Green, Blue & Red. Our additional red
cone enables us to see not only red, but all the colors that
are derived from red. Butterflies have FIVE types of
color-receptive cones: So in addition to seeing two colors
we don't have names for, butterflies can see a massive
spectrum of color our brains aren't even capable of
When it comes to color vision, butterflies are almost at the
top of the food chain. There is one other animal that has
better vision than the butterfly: the mantis shrimp. The
mantis shrimp lives in warm, shallow water, and typically
grows to be between 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) in length. And
this marvelous creature has not two, not three, not five,
but SIXTEEN color-receptive cones. The rainbow we see stems
from just THREE colors, so try to imagine a mantis' rainbow
created from SIXTEEN colors. Where we see a rainbow, the
mantis shrimp sees a THERMONUCLEAR BOMB of light and beauty.
Perhaps this is why they're so glorious to look at.
Being a creature who perceives and presents such beauty, one
would expect the mantis shrimp to be some kind of undersea
holy man, gracefully floating along the sea floor,
high-fiving lobsters and blessing babies. Gentlemen! Stop
this fighting at once! Your journey must be one of peace and
love, not violence. Now kiss each other on the mouth.
This, however, couldn't be further from the truth. The truth
is, the mantis shrimp is an undersea nightmare, and one of
the most creatively violent animals on earth. It has two
raptorial appendages on the front of its body. These
accelerate with the same velocity as a gunshot from a
twenty-two caliber rifle, and in less than three-thousandths
of a second can strike prey with 1,500 Newtons of force. To
put this in perspective, if human beings could accelerate
our arms at 1/10th that speed, we'd be able to throw a
baseball into orbit. Their limbs move so quickly the water
around them boils in a process known as supercavitation.
When these cavitation bubbles collapse it produces an
undersea shockwave that can kill prey even if the mantis
shrimp misses its target. The force of these collapsing
bubbles also produces temperatures in the range of several
thousand Kelvins and emits tiny bursts of light. This effect
is called sonoluminescence. These are my murder sticks.
There are many like it, but these ones are mine. Using these
"murder sticks," dismemberment is primarily how the mantis
shrimp kills its prey. It bashes other animals to pieces,
smashing apart crabs, mollusks, oysters, and octopi until
deliciousness starts squirting out. Aaaaaaad now you're
dinner. Their limbs are so resilient, researchers have been
studying their cell structure for use in the development of
advanced body armor for combat troops.
Aquariums don't typically house mantis shrimps because they
tend to slaughter every other creature they share a tank
with. Why hello there, Mr. Handsome little seahorse!
OneTwoThree DEATH! And also because they can break aquarium
glass. Why hello there, Mr. Handsome little ape ... pig ...
thing. OneTwoThree DEATH!
This is why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal,
because in the presence of such extraordinary light and
beauty it embraces DARKNESS. It extols DEATH with the
luminescent brilliance of a DYING STAR. It is Genghis Khan
bathed in sherbet ice cream. The mantis shrimp is the
harbinger of blood-soaked rainbows. It is bright. It is
dark. And it is beautiful.
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