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The World According to Monsanto 5




Aapresid (Argentine Association of No-Till
Farmers), 260, 262–63, 275, 277, 280, 287
Abernathy v. Monsanto, 15, 26–27
Abrams, Edwin, 58
additives: and food, 147–50; and pesticides,
77, 81, 88
Advanta seed company (Canada), 218
advertising campaigns, 69–71, 73–75, 197–99
Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and
Processes (UK), 181
AgBio World (Web site), 248–51, 324
Agence France-Presse, 301
Agent Orange, 3, 39–45; effects on veterans,
42–45, 59–60, 61, 67–68; military use
(and Operation Ranch Hand), 39–42, 60;
Vietnamese victims, 63–68
Agrarian and Popular Movement (MAP)
(Paraguay), 281, 283
AgrEvo, 195, 233
Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Working
Group (ABSWG), 231
Agriculture and AgriFood Canada (AAC), 235,
Agriculture Canada, 125, 127
Agro Seed Corp (Philippines), 195
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 137–38, 140, 144,
Agroceres (Brazil), 278
Agropeco, 284
Akre, Jane, 89, 118–22
Alabama Water Improvement Commission
(AWIC), 20–21
Albert Einstein Medical College (New York),
Albuquerque Journal, 150
Alexander, Ian, 124, 127
Alliance for Bio-Integrity, 153–54, 159–60
Altieri, Miguel, 251
Alvarez-Buylla, Elena, 252–53
American Cancer Society, 117
American Cyanamid, 90
American Dietetic Association, 117
American Home Products, 200
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 63
American Medical Association (AMA), 55,
101, 117
American Soybean Association (ASA), 173,
194, 206, 260, 287
Amish agricultural products, 112–13
Anand, A.S., 296
Andhra Pradesh Coalition in Defense of
Diversity (CDD), 298–99
Angell, Phil, 174
Animal Health Institute, 117
Anniston, Alabama, 9–15, 19–21
antibiotic resistance, 101–2, 137–38
antibiotic resistance markers, 137–38, 322, 324
antibiotics and rBGH, 91–93, 96, 101–2
anti-globalization movement, 229
Apassul (Seed Producers Association of Rio
Grande Do Sul), 277
Apotheker, Arnaud, 133, 141
Appel, Cameron, 59
Arcario, Adelmar, 284
Argentina: The Soybeans of Hunger (Arte
documentary), 2
Argentina and transgenic RR soybeans,
256–72; the Argentine economy and
financial crisis, 261–63, 288; and Argentine
seed companies, 258; and deforestation,
271–72; environmental and health
consequences of Roundup spraying, 266,
Argentina and transgenic RR soybeans (cont.)
268–69; and expulsion of rural families,
270–71; low yield problem, 260; and
Monsanto’s collection of royalties,
279–81; the pampas and soybean production,
259–63, 265–66; the public health
disaster, 265–68; seed smuggling, 276–77;
soil erosion/soil fertility problems, 260;
Soja Solidaria program, 262–63, 267; soy
consumption, 262–63, 267; soybean
farming and “direct sowing,” 260; weed resistance
problem, 263–65
Argentine Agrarian Federation, 260, 262,
Aroclor, 3, 12, 16–18, 19. See also PCBs
(polychlorinated biphenyls)
ASDA (British subsidiary of Wal-Mart), 321
Asgrow Agronomics, 195, 223, 278
Ashcroft, John, 163, 211
Asilomar, 134
aspartame, 3, 189
aspirin, 12
Atlanta Constitution, 11
atrazine (herbicide), 139, 264
Australia, 62, 128
Australian Society, 62
Aventis, 38, 232–35
Axelson, Olav, 62
Azevedo, Kirk, 191–92
Bacillus thuringiensis, 191, 230, 304. See also
Bt crops
Bailey, Britt, 172–74
Baker, David, 9–11, 12–14, 27–28
Barchetta, Héctor, 260–61, 265
Barrett, J.W., 18
Bartle Bogle Hegarty (advertising agency),
Bartsch, Detlef, 324
BASF, 37, 38, 46, 60
basmati rice, 311–12
Basta (herbicide), 139, 195
Baumann, Dale, 98, 105
Bayer, 29, 38, 324, 328
Bayer CropScience, 327–28
Bayh, Evan, 212
Belgium and the 1999 “dioxin chicken” crisis, 25
Bellé, Robert, 79–82
Belle Center of Chicago, 189
Bello, Jésus, 263–65
Benbrook, Charles, 219–21, 222
Bennett, Stanley T., 111
benzene, 11
Berg, Paul, 134
Berman, Howard, 57
Bertazzi, Pier Alberto, 61
Beyer, Peter, 326
Bharatiya Kisan Union, 1
Bhopal tragedy, 311
360 index
biodiversity: and biouniformity of transgenic
agriculture, 288–89; effects of genealogical
selection on, 136–37; and transgenic
contamination, 231, 239; UN Convention
(1992), 197, 276, 317
Biotechnology Industry Organization, 231
Birnbaum, Linda, 61
birth defects: and dioxin, 60, 63–68; and
Roundup, 83–85, 87, 266
Bivings Group, 249
Blair, Tony, 184, 187
Bliss, Russell, 31, 33, 34
Bliss Waste Oil Company, 31–32
“Bollgard.” See Bt cotton
Booth, Grace, 233
Borlaug, Norman, 308
Bové, José, 229, 250
bovine growth hormone (rBGH), 3, 89–107,
108–28; and antibiotics for cows, 91–93,
96, 101–2, 106; and cancer, 100–101; and
dissenting voices, 108–28; and the FDA,
89–107, 108–12, 116, 118–19, 126, 131;
GAO investigations, 97, 101, 102, 104,
106–7; Health Canada approval process,
123–28; and IGF-1, 98–102; and labeling,
108–12; marketing of Posilac, 104–5, 108,
115; and mastitis in dairy cattle, 91–93,
101–4, 115, 118; and milk consumption,
99–102; and milk surpluses, 113; Monsanto’s
lobbying and control of the press,
117–22; promotional marketing to dairy
farmers, 113–15; Science article and rat
studies, 96–99, 105; UN report on JECFA
scientists on safety, 126–27; veterinary
data on effects in cows and humans,
93–96, 102–4; and whistle-blowers,
89–93, 105–6, 118–22, 123–28
Boylan, Dave, 120–21
Boyle, Ellen, 163
Brammer, Marc, 320–22, 325–26, 327, 328
Brazil and transgenic RR soybeans, 257, 276–79
Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defense
(IDEC), 276
breast cancer, 23, 101–1
Bristol-Myers, 314
British Food Journal, 104
Brower, Lincoln, 230–31
Brunner, Eric, 104
Bt corn, 223, 229–31, 322–25; and corn borer,
194, 229–30, 304–5, 322; and insect resistance,
218–21, 304–5, 322; Mexico
and contamination of criollo corn,
243–55; Mexico’s moratorium on, 244;
MON 810, 157, 322; MON 863, 322–25;
and the monarch butterfly, 229–31; and
regulatory policy, 232–34; and the Star-
Link debacle, 232–35
Bt cotton, 191–92, 210, 276, 290–306; Cocker
312 and Cry1Ac gene, 295–96; crop
failures, 298–300; first field trials in India,
296; India and “Bollgard,” 290–306; and
lectins, 191; necessity for herbicides and
insecticides, 295, 303–6; and rhizoctonia
(disease), 302–3; seed prices, 298, 302;
the 2003 Science article and Monsanto
propaganda, 300–301
Bt crops: and Bt gene, 191, 193–94, 230, 246,
304; and lectins, 179–80, 182–83. See
also Bt corn; Bt cotton; Bt potatoes;
Roundup Ready soybeans; transgenic crops
Bt potatoes, 179–87, 232–33
Buckingham, William, 39–41
Buhk, Hans-Yorg, 324
Burch, John Thomas, 59
Bureau of Veterinary Drugs (BVD) (Canada),
Burford, Anne, 33–34
Burger King, 184, 321
Burroughs, Richard, 89–93, 97, 101, 116
Bush, George H.W., 61, 141, 143–44
Bush, George W./Bush administration, 67,
162–63, 165, 189
Business Ethics, 189, 190
Buzzi, Eduardo, 262, 279–80
Byrne, Jay, 250
Calandra, Joseph, 22
Calgene, 134, 139, 148–49, 157, 169
Callis, Clayton F., 49
Camarra, Graciela, 275
Campos, Miguel, 256–57, 261, 262–63, 266,
268, 279–81
Canada: canola exports, 224; farmers’ resistance
against Monsanto patents, 213–16;
GM canola contamination, 214, 217–18,
236–39; health effects of Roundup on
farm families, 83; and rBGH, 123–28;
wheat production and campaign against
transgenic RR wheat, 226, 235–39
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), 235
Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee
on Agriculture and Agri-Food, 235
Canadian Seed Trade Association, 217
Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), 226–28, 235,
236, 238
cancer: and dioxin, 52–53, 60–63; and
glyphosate-based herbicides (Roundup),
79–82; and IGF-1, 101–1; and PCBs, 23;
and rBGH, 100–101
Cancer (journal), 61
canola. See Roundup Ready canola
Capeco (Paraguay), 274, 275, 287
Cargill, 195, 262, 278
Carleton University, 83
Carpenter, David, 22–23, 24, 26, 67
Carr, Rex, 49, 50, 52
Carrato, Tom, 173
Carrefour, 321
Carstensen, Peter, 205–6
Carter, Jimmy, 189
Castellán, Luis, 268–69
Center for Biological Warfare (Fort Detrick,
Maryland), 40
Center for Food Safety (CFS), 153, 156–57,
Center for Plant Biotechnology Research at
Tuskegee University, 249
Center for Science in the Public Interest, 157
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at the
FDA: and GM foods, 154, 160; Office of
New Animal Drug Evaluation, 92–93,
105; and rBGH, 90–93, 98, 105, 109, 116
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 31,
59–60, 102, 150
CETOS (Center for Ethics and Toxics) in
Gualala, California, 172
Chakrabarty, Ananda Mohan, 203
Chamorro, Domingo, 168
Chapela, Ignacio, 89, 244, 245–52, 298
Charles, Daniel, 135, 193–94, 205, 206, 208,
Charleston Gazette, 54
Chemical Warfare Service, 37
Chemistry and Industry, 198
Chevron-Texaco, 263
Chicago Tribune, 207, 211
Chinese Academy of Science, 305
chloracne, 16–17, 35, 37, 50, 61
chlorophenols, 45, 49
Chopra, Shiv, 89, 123–28
Ciagro (Argentina), 195
Ciba-Geigy, 139
CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Center, Centro Internacional
de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo), 308–9
Clarín (Argentine daily), 258, 263, 275
Clary, James, 43
Clay, Don R., 55, 57
Clean Air Act, 52
Clemon, U.W., 28
Clinton, Bill/Clinton administration, 163,
164–67, 187–88
Clophen, 3, 12. See also PCBs (polychlorinated
CNN, 122
CNRS (Centre Nationale de la Recherche
Scientifique), 79, 82
Coalition for the Prevention of Cancer, 94, 117
Coca-Cola, 12, 161, 189
Cochran, Johnnie, 9–10, 27–28
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 126–27, 169
“co-evolution,” 304
Cohen, Stanley, 134
Cold War, 40
Collier, Robert, 104, 118
Colombia, 87–88
Colonel, Pedro, 271–72
Commercial Fisheries Bureau of the U.S.
Interior Department, 21
Commission d’étude de la toxicité des produits
antiparasitaires à usage agricole, 78–79
Commission du Génie Biomoléculaire (CGB),
Community against Pollution (Anniston,
Alabama), 10, 14
Community Media Trust (Andhra Pradesh), 318
con A (concanavalin A), 182
Conabia (National Advisory Commission on
Agricultural Biotechnology) (Argentina),
258, 259
Conamuri (Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones
de Mujeres Trabajadoras Rurales
e Indígena) (Paraguay), 274, 283
Conn, Cary, 37
Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas
Sociales (Argentina), 267
Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR), 197
Consumer Fraud and Protection Bureau of
New York, 73–74
Consumer Policy Institute, 97, 105, 110, 127
Consumers Union, 97, 105–6, 142, 147, 201
contamination, transgenic, 207, 213–18, 219,
227, 236–39, 243–55, 327–28; and
biodiversity, 231, 239; canola, 207, 214,
216–18, 219, 236–39; corn, 243–55; and
“volunteers,” 207, 218, 227; wheat, 227,
Conyers, John, 96–97
Cook, Ken, 15–16, 19–20, 26, 28, 75
Core, Al, 115
corn. See Bt corn
Corn States Hybrid Services, 195
Cornell University, 91, 98, 110, 140, 229–31,
corporations and status as “persons” in U.S.
law, 28
Cosmo-Flux 411F, 88
Cosmo-InD, 88
cotton. See Bt cotton
Council for Biotechnology Information, 165
Council of Canadians, 227
Council on Scientific Affairs (AMA), 101
Courtney, Diane, 44
Cox, Caroline, 73
Craven, Neil, 103
Craven Laboratories, 72–73
Crawford, Leslie, 111–12
Crick, Francis, 132
CRII-GEN (Committee for Independent
Research and Information on Genetic
Engineering), 83, 323, 325
Cristaldo, Angel, 284–85
Crockett, Joe, 20–21
Cummins, Joe, 82
Custom Farm Seed, 195
362 index
Daily Mail, 187
Daily Record (Scotland), 182
Daily Telegraph, 185, 198
Dairy and Food Market Analyst, 116
Dairy Coalition, 117–18, 120
Danisco, 324
Daschle, Tom, 43, 60
Daucet, Jean, 168
Le Dauphiné libéré, 23
DDT, 3, 19, 38–39, 40, 76–77
de la Rúa, Fernando, 261
de Vilmorin, Louis, 136
Dean Foods, 116
Deccan Development Society (DDS), 298–300
Declaration of Support for Agricultural
Biotechnology, 249
DeKalb Genetics, 195, 278
Delaney, James, 90
“Delaney amendment,” 90, 100
Delta and Pine Land Company, 196, 197
Department of Veterans Affairs, 59, 61
deregulation, 141–42
Derwinski, Edward J., 43, 59
Diamond Shamrock, 44
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 41, 42
Diouf, Jacques, 301
dioxin, 3, 30–47, 48–68; birth defects and
genetic deformities, 63–68; and cancer,
52–53, 61–63; and chloracne, 16–17, 35,
37, 50, 61; effects of Agent Orange on
veterans, 42–45, 59–60, 61, 67–68; and
EPA, 31–33, 51–61; epidemiological
studies, 50–51, 52, 54–58, 61–63; Greenpeace
report (1990), 45–46, 50; and
herbicide 2,4,5-T, 31, 35–45, 50–51,
60–61; and Kemner v. Monsanto, 36–37,
45–47, 48–51; military use, 37–45, 60;
and Monsanto’s falsified scientific studies,
48–51; and Nitro factory accident, 36–37,
46, 51; origins of, 35–37; and the “Seveso
catastrophe,” 35, 45; Times Beach contamination,
30–35; and whistle-blowers,
51–57. See also PCBs (polychlorinated
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 132
Doll, John, 203–4
Doll, Richard, 63
Dow Chemical, 39, 44, 328
Drinker, Cecil K., 16
Druker, Steven, 153, 159–60
Duarte, Nicanor, 283
Duffy, Michael, 223
Duhalde, Eduardo, 261
DuPont, 38, 139, 200, 314, 324
Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, 87
East Bay Express, 246–47
Eau et Rivières de Bretagne, 74–75
The Ecologist, 38, 199, 251
Edwards, David, 49
Eid Parry (India), 195
Einstein Institute for Science, Health, and the
Courts, 296
Elanco, 90
Électricité de France (EDF), 24
Eli Lilly, 90
Elixir Sulfanilamide, 90
Elmore, Roger, 221–22
Embrapa (Brazil), 278
endocrine disruption, 84–85, 266
Entransfood, 324
Entz, Martin, 216
Environment Department of Oslo, 29
Environmental Health Perspectives, 85
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): and
dioxin, 31–33, 51–61; Experimental
Toxicology Division, 61; fraud and falsified
studies of health effects of Roundup,
71–73; and glyphosate (Roundup), 79;
and GMO regulatory policy for pesticides,
142, 232–34; Nixon administration and
creation of, 20; Office of Criminal Enforcement
(OCE), 56; Office of Health
and Environmental Assessment, 58; and
PCBs, 13, 24–25, 27, 72; whistle-blowers,
Environmental Working Group (Washington,
D.C.), 15, 75
Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS),
Epstein, Samuel, 93–97, 99–101, 107, 108,
117–18, 120
Errico, Phil, 174
Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterium, 91, 134,
ETC Group (Erosion, Technology, Concentration),
European Commission, 74, 128, 174, 224,
227, 230, 325–27
European Community: banned herbicides,
264; debates and directives regulating
GMOs, 174, 181, 224, 322–25; and
labeling of GM foods, 197, 277; mad cow
crisis and anti-GMO movement, 229; and
marketing of Bt crops, 230; pesticide
toxicological testing and regulation,
77–79; and rBGH, 94, 102–3, 128;
research on safety of GMOs, 326–27; and
Roundup advertising, 74
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA),
European Patent Office, 203, 204, 280, 311
European Union (EU), 77–79, 128, 197, 239,
264, 322–25
Evatt, Phillip, 63
Ewen, Stanley, 185–87
“extrafinancial analysis,” 320
Ezcurra, Exequiel, 251, 252–53
Family Farm Defenders, 112, 113
Farm Journal, 178
farm subsidies, 294
Favero, Tranquillo, 275
Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
Federal Election Commission, 162
Federal Register (FDA), 106, 108–9, 145, 159
Ferguson, Denzel, 18
Fichet, Yann, 4
Fife, David, 237
Le Figaro, 23
Firm Line Seeds (Canada), 195
Fisher, Linda, 27, 72–73, 164
Fisons (company), 232
“Flavr Savr” tomatoes, 148–49, 157, 169
FMC Corporation, 314
Fondation pour une Terre Humaine, 85
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938), 90, 105;
and GM foods, 146, 147–48, 153–54; and
1958 “Food Additive Act” (Delaney
amendment), 90, 100, 147–48
“food additives,” 147–50
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 126,
161, 165, 169–70, 171, 301
Food and Drug Administration (FDA): agency
formation and authority, 90; Center for
Veterinary Medicine, 90–93, 98, 105, 109,
116, 154, 160; GM foods and the principle
of substantial equivalence, 146–52,
153, 156, 159; GM foods regulatory policy,
142–52, 153–62, 174, 232–34; and milk
labeling, 108–12; the 1992 policy statement
on GMOs, 144–46, 156, 158–62;
and PCB levels of fish, 20–21; and rBGH,
89–107, 108–12, 116, 118–19, 126, 131;
and revolving door, 105, 106–7, 161–64;
and Starlink debacle (Bt corn), 232–34;
and the L-tryptophan affair, 149–52
Food Lion case, 119
Food Security Act (1985), 113
Ford, Gerald, 39, 189
Ford Foundation, 179, 310
Forrest, Carolyn, 120–21
Forum for Biotechnology and Food Security
(India), 316
Foundation on Economic Trends, 106, 147
Fox News, 119–22
Fraley, Robert, 135, 144, 164, 179, 187, 228
France: Bt corn (MON 863) and regulatory
process, 322–25; Monsanto’s
GMO/biotechnology advertising campaign,
198; PCBs and pollution of the
Rhône, 23–24, 29; pesticide regulation,
75–78; and rBGH, 94, 103; Rhône in
France, 23–24, 29; Roundup advertising
and publicity campaigns, 69–71, 74–75;
studies of glyphosate-based herbicides
and cancer, 79–82
France Nature Environnement, 24
Franco, Felipe, 269–70
Franco, Roberto, 276, 279, 282, 287
Franklin, Bob, 120
Fraud Magazine, 53
Freeling, Mike, 248
French Biomolecular Engineering Commission,
French Environment and Energy Management
Agency (ADEME), 24
Friedman, Michael, 164
Friends of the Earth, 198, 232–34, 323–25
Frish, Tracy, 71
Fuchs, Roy, 170, 171
Futterer, Johannes, 248
Gaffey, William, 51, 63
Galeano, Jorge, 281–83, 284–86
Gandhi, Indira, 309
Gasson, Mike, 324
Gaud, William, 308
Gavilán, Benito, 283
“gene guns,” 140–41, 180
General Accounting Office (GAO), 43, 97,
101, 102, 104, 106–7
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), 181, 313–17
General Electric, 16, 29, 203, 314
General Foods, 161
General Motors, 314
genetic engineering. See GMOs (invention of)
Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
(India), 296, 297–98
Genetic Roulette (Smith), 152
GeneWatch, 168
Gepts, Paul, 202, 252–53
Germany and approval of MON 863, 322–25
Gianfelici, Darío, 265–67
Gibson, Alan, 42–43, 61, 67
Glean (herbicide), 139
Gleich, Gerald, 151
Glickman, Dan, 164–67, 187, 196, 201, 258
Globe and Mail (Toronto), 123
glyphosate-based herbicides, 70, 77, 79, 81,
84; and cancer, 79–82; health effects of
Roundup compared to glyphosate alone,
84; invention of, 70, 138–39; and weed
resistance, 218–21, 263–65. See also
Roundup herbicide
GMOs and food crops. See transgenic crops
GMOs and patents. See patents and GMOs
GMOs (and regulatory system), 141–52,
153–77, 232, 321–25; Bt corn and Starlink
debacle, 232–34, 321; and debate
over MON 863 corn in Europe, 322–25;
EMS epidemic and the L-tryptophan
affair, 149–52; and EPA, 142, 232–34; the
FDA, 142–52, 153–62, 174, 232–34; and
FDA’s 1992 policy statement, 144–46,
156, 158–62; and food additives, 147–50;
and Monsanto’s political strategies to
influence, 141–45; Monsanto’s revolving
door system and regulatory agencies,
161–67; and principle of substantial
equivalence, 146–52, 153, 156, 159,
169–76; and toxicology studies, 148–49,
157, 171–77; and transgenic tomatoes,
148–49, 157, 169; WHO/FAO consultations
(1990 and 1996), 169–70, 171
GMOs (invention of), 131–41; and differences
between inserted proteins and original
proteins, 158, 234; and “gene guns,”
140–41; genetic manipulation research,
135–41; Roundup Ready soybeans,
138–41; and selection markers, 137–38,
322, 324
GMWatch, 249
Gold, Richard, 216
golden rice, 326
Goldsmith, Zac, 199
González, Aldo, 253–55
Grandi Molini Italiani, 227
Grant, Hugh, 186, 200, 206
GRAS (“generally recognized as sage”) substances,
148, 149
Great Britain, 178–87, 198–99, 217
green revolution, 1, 36, 135, 197, 295, 307–11;
and seed patents/patent law, 310–11; and
transgenic agriculture in India, 295,
307–8, 310–11; and wheat production,
Greenpeace: anti-GMO/biotechnology campaigns,
165, 197–98, 199–200, 203, 225,
227, 229, 235–36, 266, 276, 311,
324–25; campaign against Roundup
Ready wheat, 225, 227, 235–36; and
dioxin, 45–46, 50, 51–52, 56; and mad
cow disease crisis, 229; and Monsanto’s
biotechnology campaign in Europe, 198
Greenpeace Canada, 235–36
Greenpeace France, 133
Greenpeace UK, 199–200
Groenewegen, Paul, 99
Groves, Leslie R., 38–39
Gruissem, Wilhelm, 248
Grupo de Reflexión Rural, 266
The Guardian, 63, 161, 183, 185–86, 217,
Guarino, Kevin, 56
Guarraia, Leonard, 141, 142
La Guerre secrète des OGM (Kempf), 132
Guest, Gerald B., 94, 114, 154, 160
Gurian-Sherman, Douglas, 157–58
Guyer, Greg, 97, 127
Hale, Marcia, 163
Halowax, 16
Hanley, John, 135
Hansen, Michael, 97–99, 105, 110, 118, 127,
142–50, 160–61, 201–2
Hard, Doug, 103
Hardell, Lennart, 61–63, 79
Hardin, Pete, 95–96, 99, 100–101
Harrowsmith, 52
Hartkamp, Hendrik, 209
Hartwell, Leland, 80
Harvard Business Review, 188
Harvard University, 100
Harvey, Terrence, 92
Hay, Alastair, 50
Haydon, Margaret, 123–28
Heinz, 161, 321
Heisecke, Jorge, 287
Hercules (company), 44
Herndon, Mike, 145
Hertzberg, Vicki, 51
Hetherington, Kregg, 285
Hewlett-Packard, 314
Hexagon Laboratories, 17
Hines, Fred, 157
Hjelle, Jerry, 305
Ho Chi Minh, 41
Hochwalt, Caroll, 133
Hoechst, 38, 139, 232
Hoffman, John, 194, 206–7, 287
Hoffmann-La Roche, 35
Holden’s Foundation Seeds, 195
Horner, Christopher, 4, 207
Horsch, Robert, 135, 136, 138, 140, 144, 187
Horton, Richard, 186
Houk, Vernon, 60
House Agriculture Committee, 164
House Government Operations Committee, 96
House of Commons Science and Technology
Committee, 183–84
Houser, J.S., 40
Hovis, Rank, 227
Huergo, Héctor, 258, 263
Huet, Gilles, 74
human growth hormone, 98–102
Human Rights Commission, 87
Hunt, Tim, 80
Hunter, John, 26
Husch and Eppenberger (law firm), 211
Ibáñez, Antonio, 279
IBM, 314
IG Farben, 38
IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1 or tissue
growth factor), 98–102
ILSI. See International Life Sciences Institute
The Independent, 186, 219
Independent on Sunday, 184
India: and Bt cotton seeds (“Bollgard”),
290–306; Bt technology license agreement
with Mahyco, 295–96; decision to
ban three varieties of Bt cotton (2005),
302; farmers in state of Andhra Pradesh,
293–94, 298, 300, 302; first field trials of
Bt cotton, 296; and green revolution, 295,
307–8, 309–11; history of Monsanto in,
294–97; peasant farmers’ suicides,
290–93, 295, 300; prohibition on seed
patents, 298, 311, 312–13; seed prices,
298, 302; traditional organic pesticide of
neem tree leaves, 295, 311
Indonesia and Monsanto’s Bt cotton, 297
Industrial Bio-Test Labs (IBT) of Northbrook,
Illinois, 22, 72
Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, 320
Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique (INRA) (France), 94, 323
Institut Technique de l’Élevage Bovin (France),
94, 103
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
(Minneapolis), 225, 238
Institute for Health and the Environment at
the University of Albany, 22
Institute for Responsible Technology, 150, 162
Institute for Social Ecology, 38
Institute of Science in Society, 82
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) (Mexico),
Intellectual Property Committee (IPC) of the
WTO, 314–15
intellectual property rights (IPR) issue, 311,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 52
International Dairy Food Association (IDFA),
International Food Biotechnology Council
(IFBC), 160–61, 170
International Herald Tribune, 291–92
International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI),
160–61, 169
International Research and Development
Corporation of Michigan, 148
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
Internet strategies and viral marketing, 249–51
Inuits of Hudson Bay, 25–26
investors and Monsanto, 318–22
Isaacson, Joe, 67
isoflavones, 171–73, 267
James, Philip, 181–84
Japan, 25, 150–51, 227–28, 282, 314–15
Jaworski, Ernest, 135, 138–39, 187
Jenkins, Cate, 51–59, 89
Jensen, Soren, 19
Johnson and Johnson, 314
Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives
(JECFA), 126–27, 128
Joly, Pierre-Benoît, 229, 232
Jones, Franklin D., 36
Jordan, Trish, 215–16
Journal of Dairy Science, 94, 103–4
Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 16
Journal of Medicinal Food, 172–73
Journal of Nutrition, 153, 172, 173, 179
Journal of Pesticide Reform, 73
Journal of the American Medical Association
(JAMA), 51, 55, 117
Junien, Claudine, 168
junk food, 229
Juppé, Alain, 323
Juskevich, Judith, 97, 127
Kahl, Linda, 155–56, 157
kanamycin resistance genes, 137–38, 148
Kanechlor, 12. See also PCBs (polychlorinated
Kantor, Mickey, 163, 165, 166, 187
Kaplinsky, Nick, 248
Kasowitz, Benson, Torres, and Friedman (law
firm), 14
Kastel, Mark, 115–16
Kate, Tarak, 290–91, 292–93, 294
Kawata, Masaharu, 140
Keidanren (Japanese employers’ confederation),
Kelly, Emmett, 16–18
Kemner, Frances, 45
Kemner v. Monsanto, 36–37, 45–47, 48–51
Kempf, Hervé, 132, 213, 214–15, 322–23
Kennedy, John F., 41
Kessler, David, 94, 105–6, 146, 155, 158–59
Kettering Laboratory (Cincinnati), 36, 51
Khayat, David, 168
King, Josh, 163
King and Spalding (Atlanta law firm), 106, 110,
111, 161
Kinsman, John, 113–15, 116–17
Kirchner, Néstor, 261
Klee, Harry, 139
Klein, Odacir, 277
Klein, Ted, 140
Kohn, Richard H., 39
Kosinski, William, 258–59
Kowalczyk, David, 114, 127
Kraft, 161
Kram, Ed and Elizabeth, 214
Kraus, Ezra, 36
Kroger, 116
Kuiper, Harvey, 324
Kusserow, Richard, 97
Kuster, Louis, 228
labeling of GM foods, 108–12, 197, 277, 321
Lachmann, Peter, 186
LADD (lowest acceptable daily dose), 78
Laird, Joel, 15, 27
Lambert, Gérard, 123–28
The Lancet, 100, 186
Landless Peasants Movement (MST) (Brazil),
Lappé, Mark, 172, 173
Lavelle, Rita, 33–34
lectins, 179–80, 182–83, 191
Lehmann, Richard P., 92
Lehn and Fink, 49
Leistner, Marilyn, 30, 31–33
Lembcke, Rolf, 174
Lepage, Corinne, 323
Levitt, Adam, 329
Libération, 23, 229
Liberty (herbicide), 195
Livingston, Jay, 115–16
Livingston, Robert, 105–6
lobbying, political, 162–63
Loehr, Raymond C., 54
Loiselle, Marc, 236–38
Lords of the Harvest (Charles), 135, 193, 205,
Lorenz, Guido, 271–72
Los Angeles Times, 94, 141, 166, 172
Losey, John, 229–30, 231
Lowery, Brian, 111–12
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 277
Macready, John, 40
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform
encephalitis), 192, 229
Mae-Wan Ho, 82
Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (Mahyco)
(India), 195, 295–96. See also Mahyco
Monsanto Biotech (MMB)
Mahoney, Richard J., 54, 138, 187, 193
Mahyco Monsanto Biotech (MMB), 195,
296–98, 302
Malatesta, Manuela, 176–77
Malathion (insecticide), 86
Manhattan Project, 38–39
Marc, Julie, 76–77, 79–80, 86
Mario (company), 232
Marris, Claire, 229, 232
Marshall, Karen, 208
Martin, Brian, 62
Martin, Guillaume, 294
Maryanski, James: and FDA regulatory policy
on GM foods, 145–56, 159–62, 174, 233;
and L-tryptophan affair, 151–52; and
principle of substantial equivalence,
146–49, 153, 169–70; and WHO/FAO
consultations on GMO food safety,
mastitis in dairy cattle, 91–93, 101–4, 115,
Matera, Philip, 165
Matthews, Jonathan, 249–51, 298
May, Sir Robert, 182
Mayer, Sue, 168
McCreary, Ian, 226–27, 236
McDermott, Tom, 111
McDonald’s, 184, 229, 321
McFarling, Homan, 209
McKay, Andrew, 215–16
McNamara, Robert, 41
McSweeney, Barry, 239
Measner, Adrian, 235
Melchett, Peter, 199–200
Meldon, Virginia, 117, 164
Mellon, Margaret, 230
Ménard, Christian, 85–86
Mendelson, Joseph, 156–57, 207–8, 209
Menem, Carlos, 257–59
Menéndez, Jorge, 271
Merck, 314
Merritt, Colin, 182, 183
Metz, Matthew, 247, 248
Mexican National Institute of Ecology, 251,
Mexico, 243–55; contamination of criollo corn
by transgenic corn, 243–55; moratorium
on transgenic corn (1998), 244; and
original green revolution, 308–9
military use of chemical weapons, 37–45, 68
milk: human consumption, 99–102; labeling,
108–12; surpluses, 113. See also bovine
growth hormone (rBGH)
The Milkweed, 95
Miller, Henry, 143
Miller, Margaret, 105–6, 107, 109–10, 127,
Millstone, Erik, 102–4, 170–71
Mississippi State University, 18–19
Mitchell, John, 36
Moffett, Toby, 163, 198
monarch butterflies, 229–31
Monbiot, George, 249, 250
Le Monde, 23, 98, 99, 182–83, 199, 213, 253,
277, 322–23
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
Commission (MRTPC) (India), 302
Monsanto, Olga Mendez, 11–12
Monsanto Australia, 62
Monsanto Canada, 214–16
Monsanto Chemical Works (St. Louis), 11–12
Monsanto Europe, 19
Monsanto France, 4, 70, 74–76
Montgomery, Jill, 48, 68
Mooney, Pat, 196–97
Moore, James, 57–58
Morin, Christian, 230
Movimiento Campesino Paraguayo (MCP), 283
Mowling, Ray, 127
Murdoch, Rupert, 119
Murray, Bill, 155
Mycogen, 328
La Nación (Argentina), 258
NAFTA, 245
National Academy of Sciences, 61, 219, 252
National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS), 219–20, 223
National Cancer Institute, 79
National Corn Growers Association (NCGA),
National Farmers Union, 115
National Front for Sovereignty and Life
(Paraguay), 283
National Institute for Occupation Safety and
Health (NIOSH), 50, 56
National Institute of Agricultural Technology
(INTA) (Argentina), 258, 260, 288
National Institute of Statistics and Census
(INDEC) (Argentina), 261–62
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 44–45,
101, 134
National Research Council (NRC), 50
National Seed Company (Malawi), 195
National Seed Institute (INASE) (Argentina),
National Vietnam Veterans Coalition (NVVC),
56–57, 59
National Whistleblower Center, 54
Nature (journal), 50, 104, 139, 169, 229–30,
235, 244, 245–52
Nau, Jean-Yves, 98, 99
Navdayana (Nine Grains) association, 308
neem tree, 295, 311
Nestlé, 184, 321
“New Leaf” potatoes, 232–33
New Scientist, 19, 60, 248
New Statesman, 184
New York Stock Exchange, 12, 134
New York Times, 31, 72, 97, 122, 141–43, 231,
232, 291, 305, 328
New Yorker, 189–90
New Zealand, 128
Nicolino, Fabrice, 76
nitrilotriacetic acid, 96
Nitro, West Virginia and 1949 dioxin accident,
36–37, 46, 51
NOAEL (no observable adverse effect level), 78
Norrlands University Hospital at Umea University
(Sweden), 62
North American Millers’ Association, 235
Northeastern Pharmaceutical and Chemical
Company (NEPACCO), 35
Le Nouvel Observateur, 23, 24
Novartis, 229–30, 246, 247–48, 258, 287
Nurse, Paul, 80
Nutman, Philip S., 36
NutraSweet, 189
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 39
Oakhurst Dairy Inc., 111
O’Brien, Amy, 319
Observatoire Régional de Santé de Bretagne, 74
Ocampo Benítez, Antonio, 275
Office of Government Ethics, 53
Oliver, Melvin, 196
Olson, Dennis, 225–26
Operation Ranch Hand, 39–42, 60
Opperman, Ademir, 284–85
organic dairy farms and rBGH, 111, 112–13,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), 169, 171
organochlorides, 76–77
Orlando, John, 163
Orskov, Robert, 187
Ottawa Citizen, 123
Otten, Adrian, 316
Padgette, Stephen, 139–41, 172–73
Página 12 (Argentina), 267
Palau, Tomás, 286–89
Papageorge, William, 19–20, 26–27, 32
Paraguay and transgenic RR soybeans, 273–76,
279, 281–86, 287; collective action,
283–86; and Paraguay’s history of agrarian
reform, 281–82; Roundup pollution and
public health, 273–75
paraquat (herbicide), 264
Pascal, Gérard, 168, 323
patents and GMOs, 1–2, 192–99, 201–16,
229, 310–17; the breeder’s and research
exemption, 202; Canadian farmer’s resistance
and patent infringement case,
213–16; CFS report on lawsuits (2004),
207–10; Chakrabarty decision (1980),
202–3; and farmers, 201–16; in India,
298, 311–13; intellectual property rights
issue, 311, 313–17; Monsanto’s “gene
police” and investigators/prosecutions,
206–16; patents for living organisms,
201–4, 310–17; and “plant variety protection,”
202, 210, 315–16; and problems
with Roundup Ready crops, 221–23; and
rice, 311–12, 326; and Roundup Ready
soybean seeds, 192–96, 205–6, 209–11,
280; seed dealers and seed cleaning, 205;
and seed saving, 204–7, 209, 210,
211–12; and signing of “technology use
agreements” (contracts), 205–6, 209–11;
and the Terminator, 196–99, 229; and
TRIPs agreement, 311, 314–17
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 3, 9–29;
and Anniston, Alabama, 9–15, 19–21; and
chloracne, 16–17; congeneric PCBs and
variations in toxicity, 23; and dioxin,
22–23, 34; invention of, 11–12; and legal
actions against Monsanto, 9–11, 14–15,
26–28, 29; and Monsanto’s “mountain of
documents,” 9, 15–20; and sea mammals,
26; Snow Creek dumping and pollution,
13, 18–19, 20–21; and Swann Chemical
Company, 11; toxicity, environmental
contamination, and accidental poisonings,
20–26, 29. See also dioxin
Peck, John, 112
Pengue, Walter, 259, 260, 262, 263–65,
Penta (pentachlorophenol), 49, 51–52
Pepsi-Cola, 161
peripheral neuropathy, 42, 61
Perkins Coie (law firm), 57
Permanent Phytosanitary Committee (EU), 79
persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 22–23
Pesticide Action Network North American
(PANNA), 248
Pesticide News, 87, 174
pesticides: accidental poisonings and suicides,
86–87; and additives, 77, 81, 88; and EPA
regulatory policy, 142, 232–33; European
regulations, 75–79; falsified studies of
health effects, 71–73; and industrial
agriculture, 76–79; organic, 295, 311;
organochlorides, 76–77
Pesticides: Révélations sur un Scandale Français
(Nicolino and Veillerette), 76
Pfizer, 28, 200, 314
Pharmacia, 28, 163, 200
Philippson, Martin, 216–17
Phillips, Patrick, 31
Phipps, Richard, 324
Phuong, Nguyen Thi Ngoc, 64–65
phytates, 267
phytoestrogens, 172, 267
“phytosanitary products,” 76–77, 86, 295, 309
Pickett, John, 186
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 206, 207
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, 193–95, 308, 328
The Pirates of the Living (Arte documentary),
“Plan Colombia,” 87–88
Plant Breeding International (UK), 195
Plant Genetics System, 134
Pledge Report (2001–2002), 243, 247
Pledge Report (2004), 225
Pledge Report (2005), 5–6, 30, 131, 201, 204,
216, 219, 256, 273, 307
Pledge Report (2006), 290, 292
Poindexter, Martha Scott, 164
Pollack, Robert, 134
Pollan, Michael, 232–33, 305
“Pollution Letter” (February 16, 1970), 9, 16
polyethoxylated tallowamine (POEA), 77, 81,
Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca
(APPO), 243
porphyria, 32
Posilac, 104–5, 108, 115. See also bovine
growth hormone (rBGH)
potatoes. See Bt potatoes
Potrykus, Ingo, 326
Prakash, Chanapatna S., 249
President’s Advisory Committee for Trade
Policy and Negotiations, 187
President’s Council on Competitiveness, 159,
Pribyl, Louis, 154–55
Prince of Wales, 198
“principle of substantial equivalence,” 146–52,
153, 156, 159, 169–76
prions, 192, 229
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 252
Procter and Gamble, 161
Promar International, 243
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’
Rights Act (India), 302
Pryme, Ian, 174–76
Puigdomenech, Pere, 324
“Pure Food Campaign,” 106
Pusztai, Arpad, 89, 178–87, 198–99, 325
Pydraul 150, 18
Pyralène, 3, 12. See also PCBs (polychlorinated
Qaim, Matin, 300, 301, 302–3
Qayum, Abdul, 298–300, 303, 306
Quayle, Dan, 144
Queeny, John Francis, 11–12
Quist, David, 244, 246–47, 251
Quynh, Hoang Trong, 66–67
Rallis (India), 195
Ralph, Ken, 210
Rampton, Sheldon, 76
Ramsay, Jonathan, 198
Reagan administration, 34, 141–42, 287–88
recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST)/recombinant
bovine growth hormone (rBGH). See
bovine growth hormone (rBGH)
Red Fife wheat, 226, 236–37
Reddy, Raghuveera, 300, 302
Reidhead, Paris, 100–101
Reilly, William, 54
Relyea, Rick, 86
Research Foundation for Science, Technology
and Ecology (New Delhi), 296
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA), 53
Resources for the Future (RFF), 107
Reutershan, Paul, 45, 47
revolving door system, 73, 105, 106–7, 161–67
Rhône-Poulenc, 38, 139, 232
rice, 311–12, 326, 327–28
RiceTec, 311
Rifkin, Jeremy, 106, 107, 147, 159
Rockefeller Foundation, 197, 308, 326
Rockwell International, 314
Rodrigues, Roberto, 277
Rogers, Stephen, 135, 143–44, 187
Rollins, Scott, 34
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 90
Rorer (company), 232
Rosenberg, Marc, 234
Roundup herbicide, 4, 69–88; and biodegradation,
75, 81; Brazilian production, 278; and
development of GMOs, 82–83; early
advertising and publicity campaigns,
69–71, 73–75; and endocrine disruption,
84, 266; environmental and health consequences
of spraying, 266, 268–69; and
history of pesticides and industrial agriculture,
76–79; and lower yields, 221–23,
260; problems with Roundup Ready crops,
218–23, 260, 263–65; and resistant weeds,
218–21, 263–65; studies of health effects,
71–73, 79–86; suicides and accidental
poisonings, 86–87. See also Roundup
Ready canola; Roundup Ready soybeans
Roundup Ready canola, 207, 214, 216–18,
219, 236–39
Roundup Ready soybeans, 2, 70, 131; and
Argentina, 256–72; and Brazil, 257,
276–78; and “gene guns,” 140–41; invention
of, 138–41; and isoflavones, 171–73;
and lower yields, 221–23, 260; and Monsanto’s
collection of royalties, 279–81; and
Paraguay, 273–76, 279, 281–86, 287;
pollution and public health problems,
273–75; and the principle of substantial
equivalence, 147, 171–76; and seed
patents, 192–96, 204–6, 209–11, 280;
and “technology use agreements” (contracts),
205–6, 209–11; toxicology studies
and food safety, 171–77, 179; weed resistance
problem, 263–65
Roundup Ready wheat, 225–39; and crosscontamination,
227, 236–39; foreign
consumers, 227–28; North American
campaign against, 225–28, 235–36; and
Red Fife wheat, 226, 236–37; and the
Starlink debacle, 232–35
Roundup Ultra, 88
Roush, George, 46, 51
Roush, Troy, 211–13
Roussel-Uclaf, 232
Rowett Research Institute (Aberdeen, Scotland),
178, 179–83, 186–87
Royal Society, 185–86
royalties, collection of, 278–81
Ruckelshaus, William, 34, 57, 164
Ruiz Ortiz, Ulises, 243–44
Rulis, Alan, 233
Rumsfeld, Donald, 163, 189
Runyon, David, 212–13
Rural Advancement Foundation (RAFI), 196–97
saccharin, 12, 38
Sainsbury, 184
Sakkhari, Kiran, 298–300, 302–3, 306
Sandoz (Swiss company), 246
Sanford, John, 140
Sanjour, William, 53–59, 85, 89
Sanofi-Synthélabo (Sanofi-Aventis), 232
Santophen, 49
Santucho, Luis, 270–71
Satheesh, P.V., 299
Schechter, Arnold, 65–67
Scheid, John, 98
Schmeiser, Percy, 213–16, 226
Schulz, Karl-Heinz, 37
Schwartz, Roy, 117
Science (journal), 31, 96–99, 102, 105, 247,
251, 300–301, 326
The Scotsman, 183
Scottish Agriculture, Environment, and Fisheries
Ministry, 179
Scottish Agriculture Research Institute, 186
Scotts Company, 70, 75
Scruggs, Mitchell, 210
Searle (Monsanto’s pharmaceutical subsidiary),
164, 189, 200
Sechen, Susan, 105, 106
seed companies, Monsanto’s acquisition of,
194–96, 197
seed patents. See patents and GMOs
Seeds of Doubt (2002 Soil Association report),
217–18, 223
Sementes Agroceres (Brazil), 195
Seminis (vegetable seeds), 195
Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition,
and Forestry, 159–60, 164
Senger, James H., 54, 57
Sensako (South Africa), 195
Séralini, Gilles-Éric, 83–86, 323, 325
Seventh International Plant Molecular
Biotechnology Congress, 324
“Seveso catastrophe” (1976), 35, 45
Sevin (insecticide), 86
Shalala, Donna, 104
Shand, Hope, 196
Shapiro, Robert B., 187–96, 198; and acquisition
of seed companies, 194–96, 197; and
seed patents, 192–94, 205
shareholders and Monsanto, 318–22
Sharma, Devinder, 316
Shelby, Richard, 27
Shend, Anil Kondba, 292
Shibko, Samuel, 154
Shigeta, Tsutomu, 227
Shiva, Vandana, 296–97, 300, 307–8, 310–13
Showa Denko, 150–51
Shumway, John, 115
Silberberg, Ellen, 50
Silva, Marina, 277
Simon, Stephanie, 141
Singh, Yudhvir, 1, 6
Sippel, Rodney, 210–11, 328
60 Minutes, 122
Smetacek, Ranjana, 298
Smith, Jeffrey, 150, 152, 162–63
Smoger, Gerson, 34–35, 43–44, 47, 67
Snow, Allison, 252
Soil Association, 217–18, 223
Solutia (Monsanto’s chemical division), 12–13,
26–28, 29, 195–96
somatic cell count (SCC), 102–4
Somerfield, 184
Southern Manganese Corporation, 11
soy consumption, 171–73, 262–63, 267
soy isoflavones, 171–73, 267
soybeans. See Roundup Ready soybeans
Specter, Michael, 189–90
spina bifida, 65
Spivak, Mira, 126, 127
St. Louis Journalism Review, 37
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 28, 165
St. Petersburg Times, 122
Stanford University, 133–34
StarLink debacle, 232–35, 321
Station Biologique de Roscoff, 79
Stauber, John, 76
Steckle, Paul, 235
Stedile, João, 277
Steinmann, Gary, 101
Stephenson, Daniel, 67
Stewart, Donald, 14–15
Stieber, Tamar, 150
Stratemeyer, Eugene, 209–10
Stratton, Terry, 123–24
Stroessner, Alfredo, 282, 283, 284
Sturgeon, Missouri, dioxin accident (1979), 45
Suarez, Andrew, 251
Sundlof, Stephen, 116
Superfund Program, 33–34
Supreme Court of Canada, 216, 238
surfactants, 266
Suskind, Raymond, 36–37, 46, 49–51, 54–56
Swann Chemical Company, 11
Sweden, 19, 61–63
Swiss Valley Farms, 111
Syngenta, 221, 229–30, 246, 258, 264–65,
286, 287, 324, 328
Syntex Agribusiness, 35
Taiwan and “Yu-Cheng” accident (1979), 25
Talavera, Petrona, 273–75, 283
Tatum, Edward, 132–33
Taylor, Michael: and bovine growth hormone,
106–7, 109–10, 131–32; and regulatory
system for GMOs, 145, 159–62, 170
Taylor, Nicholas, 125
“Technology Protection System” (seed sterilization),
Templeton, William G., 36
Terminator patent, 196–99, 229
Tesco, 184, 321
Texas Tech University, 83
T.H. Agriculture & Nutrition, 44
Then, Christoph, 203
35S promoter gene, 137, 140, 180, 246
Thomas, Charles, 38–39
Thomas, Clarence, 163, 211
Thomas, John, 168
Thompson, Tommy, 163
Thompson Chemicals, 44
TIAA-CREF, 318–20
Tillamook County Creamery Association, 111
Times Beach, Missouri, 30–35
Times of India, 301–2
Tiwari, Kishor, 291–93
Tokar, Brian, 38
Tolbert v. Monsanto, 27–28
tomatoes, transgenic, 148–49, 157, 169
Tominack, Rebecca, 191
Toronto Star, 227
Torres, Leoncio, 285
Toxic Substances Control Act, 56
Tracy, Alan, 228
transgenic agriculture and the world’s food, 4,
243–317; India and Bt cotton, 290–306;
the second “green revolution,” 295,
307–8, 310–11; and seed patents/patent
law, 310–13; and the Southern Cone
(Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina), 273–89; and
transgenic contamination, 243–55
transgenic crops: and Bt gene, 191, 193–94,
230, 246, 304; canola, 207, 214, 216–18,
219, 236–39; corn, 157, 223, 229–34,
243–55, 304–5, 322–25; and crop contamination,
207, 213–18, 219, 227, 236–39,
243–55, 327–28; differences between
inserted proteins and original proteins, 158,
234; and gene insertion, 140–41, 158,
180–81, 222, 230, 253; and insect resistance,
218–21, 295, 303–6, 322; and
lectins, 179–80, 182–83, 191; and lower
yields, 221–23, 260; potatoes, 179–87,
232–33; price declines and economic
disasters, 223–24, 265; and “refuges,”
304–6; and regulation, 232–34; seed
smuggling, 276–77; and StarLink debacle,
232–35; tomatoes, 148–49, 157, 169;
toxicology studies, 148–49, 157, 171–77,
179–87, 233, 326–27; weed resistance and
increased herbicide use, 218–21, 263–65;
wheat, 225–39. See also patents and
GMOs; Roundup Ready soybeans
transgenic hormones. See bovine growth
hormone (rBGH)
Trewavas, Anthony, 249
TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights) agreement, 311, 314–17;
Article 27, paragraph 3(b) and patents
issue, 315–16
Trouton, Shannon, 321
Troyer, James, 36
Trucco, Victor, 263
Trust Us, We’re Experts (Rampton and Stauber),
L-tryptophan, 149–52
Tu Du Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City), 64
2,4-D (herbicide), 3, 36, 40, 41–42, 61, 86,
218, 264
2,4,5-T (herbicide), 3, 31, 35–45; as chemical
weapon, 37–39, 40, 41–42, 44–45; and
dioxin, 31, 35–45, 50–51, 60–61
2,3,7,8-TCDD, 35, 45, 52. See also dioxin
UFC-Que Choisir, 74–75
U.K. Agricultural Research Council, 40
UN Convention on Biodiversity (Río de
Janeiro, 1992), 197, 276, 317
UN Economic and Social Council, 87
UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of Human Rights, 317
Unilever England, 184, 195, 321
Union Carbide and Bhopal tragedy, 311
Union of Concerned Scientists, 230
Union of Industrial and Employers’ Confederations
of Europe (UNICE), 314
Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juarez of
Oaxaca, 253
Uniroyal, 44
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 79, 82
University of Aberdeen, 185
University of Arkansas, 222
University of Bergen, Norway, 174
University of Buenos Aires, 259
University of Caen, 83, 85, 325
University of California, 328
University of California, Davis, Department of
Molecular Biology, 202, 252
University of Delaware, 221
University of Florida, 118
University of Illinois at Chicago, 94
University of Iowa, 221, 231
University of Manitoba, 216, 238
University of Nebraska, 221
University of Pittsburgh, 86
University of Quebec, 313, 314
University of Reading, 219
University of Saskatchewan, 79
University of Sussex, 102, 170
University of Urbino, 176
University of Vermont, 91, 102
University of Washington, 247
University of Wisconsin, 110
“Uphoria” team of Monsanto researchers,
Upjohn, 28, 90, 200
UPOV agreements (Union for the Protection
of New Varieties of Plants), 202, 316
Urban, Tom, 193
U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), 249, 308
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): and
GM crop exports, 224; and GMO regulatory
policy, 142, 144, 146, 232; and
rBGH, 107, 110; revolving door system,
107, 164–67
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
97, 104
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 203, 316
U.S. Public Health Service, 24
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 297
U.S. Supreme Court, 67, 202–3, 211
U.S. Wheat Associates, 228
Van Acker, René, 238–39
Van Heel, Melvin, 115
Vanclief, Lyle, 238–39
Veillerette, François, 76
Venneman, Ann, 163
Verakis, Dan, 184
Verbitsky, Horacio, 266–67
Verfaillie, Hendrik, 200, 235, 326
Vermont Public Interest Research Group, 102
Vernet, Daniel, 277
Veterans Administration, 59
Veterinary Products Committee of the British
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and
Food, 103
Veterinary Record, 104
Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti (VJAS), 291
Vietnam Association of Agent Orange Victims,
Vietnam Veterans Association, 62
Vietnam Veterans of America, 42
Vietnam War: Operation Ranch Hand and
Agent Orange, 39–43, 60; veterans and
effects of dioxin, 42–45, 59–60, 61,
67–68; Vietnamese populations and
effects of dioxin, 63–68
Vital Health Publishing, 173
Wales, 29
Wall Street Journal, 48, 196
Wallace, Henry, 193, 308
Wal-Mart, 116, 321
Warner Communications, 314
Washington Post, 26, 59, 199, 208, 224, 232,
298, 301
Washington University in St. Louis, 133, 252
Watkins, Michael, 200
Watrud, Lidia, 164
Watson, James, 132
Webster, Daniel, 119
Weinstein, Jack, 47, 68
West, John, 56
Western Organization of Resource Councils,
Western Producer, 217
Westfall, Don, 243
W.G. Krummrich plant (Sauget, Illinois),
16–17, 49
Wheat: Chronicle of a Death Foretold? (Arte
documentary), 2
wheat, transgenic. See Roundup Ready wheat
wheat production and original green revolution,
Whelan, Eugene, 125, 127–28
whistle-blowers: Chapela and contamination of
Mexican criollo corn, 252; CVM employees,
105–6; and dioxin, 51–57; and FCC
law, 121–22; and Health Canada, 123–28;
investigative reporters Akre and Wilson,
118–22; and rBGH, 89–93, 105–6,
118–22, 123–28
Wichtrich, John, 235
Wilcox, John, 319
Wilkinson, Mike, 219
Williams, Alan, 183–84
Williams, Jeffrey, 13
Williams, Russell “Tombstone,” 14
Williams and Connolly (law firm), 121
Wilson, Steve, 89, 118–22
Wisconsin Farmers Union, 115
Wisner, Robert, 228
The World According to Monsanto (Arte documentary),
World Food Summit (November 1996), 165
World Health Organization (WHO): and
glyphosate herbicide, 79; and the ILSI,
161; and the JECFA, 126; and revolving
door, 164; WHO/FAO consultations on
GMOs (1990 and 1996), 169–70, 171;
workshop on GMO food safety (1994), 170
World In Action (ITV documentary), 178,
World Trade Organization (WTO): founding
document and “trade-related” sectors,
313–14; and GATT, 313–17; intellectual
property rights issue, 311, 313–17; Seattle
summit (1999) and global agriculture,
229, 315; and seed patents, 315–17; and
TRIPS agreement, 311, 314–17
World War I, 38
World War II, 38–39, 40
W.R. Grace, 295, 311
Wright, Paul, 22, 72
Wright, Susan, 135
Yerxa, Rufus, 164
“yield drag,” 221–23
Yoon, Carol, 231
Young, Frank, 94
Zack, Judith, 50–51
Zilberman, David, 300, 301
Zumwalt, Elmo R., III, 43
Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr., 43, 56, 59–61
Zyklon B, 38