Welcome, Scholars!
Whether you are a researcher with a .edu email address, a
victim of reputational attacks, or simply one of the many
students of life and society researching the phenomenon of
Internet savagery, you are welcome here. The purpose
of this site is to provide a searchable database of
information pertinent to your area of interest. Think
of it as an extremely purified solution of information that
is rich in the search terms that are bubbling through your
mind when the topic of your interest is online abuse.
By typing search terms into the box below, rather than into
the general Google search engine, you will be dipping your
sampling tube into a much richer source of relevant
information, and you will be able to see which and how many
writers are discussing the same topic, reaching a consensus
or divergence of opinions, etc. So crank up your
thinking cap and start punching in search terms. And
remember, when you find what you want, and write your own
piece on the topic, a good scholar quotes accurately,
provides meaningful context, identifies the author of the
original source, and links back to the page where the quote
was drawn from, so other scholars can benefit from your
research. Thus, your research will become part of the
greater accumulation of knowledge on the topic, complete the
cycle of honest information exchange by which we all grow