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The scope of human knowledge
has expanded along with technology, giving us a wider view
of the iniquity, duplicity, cruelty and occasionally, the
intelligence, kindness, and decency of humanity. AWOL has
gathered a range of material that enables our readers to
survey the landscape of modern existence, at least until the
lights go out.
Articles & Essays
5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women, by
David Wong
8 Things No Grown-Ass Man Would Ever Talk About,
Because He'll Keep His Sex Life And His Exes To
Himself, by Bobby Box
10 Reasons the TPP is Not a "Progressive" Trade
Agreement, by Ralph Nader
A Friend of the Devil: Inside a famous Cold War
deception, by Louis Menand
Alfred Eckhard Zimmern, by Wikipedia
Churches, Angered by Disclosures, Seek to Bar
Further C.I.A. Use of Missionaries in Intelligence
Work, by Kenneth A. Briggs
CIA FOIA for 1956 Eugene Carson Blake briefing
(f2015-01266), by David Staniunas
Documents from WCC assemblies since 1948, by World
Council of Churches
Henry Sloane Coffin, by Wikipedia
Iran: Church Retreat Centre Confiscated for "Being
Funded by CIA", by World Watch Monitor
Letter to Allen W. Dulles, Director Central
Intelligence Agency, from Samuel McCrea Cavert, The
United States Conference for the WORLD COUNCIL of
Patman Attacks 'Secret' C.I.A. Links; Says Agency
Gave Money to Private Group Acting as Its Sub Rosa
‘Conduit’, by New York Times
The Gospel According to Whom?: A Look at the
National and World Councils of Churches, by 60
William Sloane Coffin, by Wikipedia
William Sloane Coffin, by World Council of Churches
World Council of Churches, by Wikipedia
A Lecture Read at the Masonic Temple, Boston: The
Transcendentalist, from Lectures, published as part
of Nature; Addresses and Lectures, by Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Repentant Anarchist, by William Powell
A Nazi Travels to Palestine and Tells About It in
the Assault, by Lenni Brenner
A new education for a new era: the contribution of
the conferences of the New Education[al] Fellowship
to the disciplinary field of education 1921–1938, by
Kevin J. Brehony
A Note on Gerard Aumont, by Ordo Templi Orientis
International Headquarters
A Short Definition of Synarchism, by Lyndon H.
Ad Hominem (Abusive), by logicallyfallacious.com
Adolf Hitler's Vegetarianism, by Wikipedia
Adolf Stoecker, by Wikipedia
After Zizek's Talk of Communist Catastrophe: An
Alternative Script, by Radical Eyes
Agni Yoga, by tvWiki.tv
Alain de Benoist, by Wikipedia
Aleister Crowley and Coprophagy: The Limits of
Transgression, by Georgia van Raalte
Alexandre Kojeve, KGB Spy?, by Keith Patchen
Alexandre Kojeve: Moscow's Mandarin Marxist Mole in
France, by Keith Patchen
Alfred Baeumler, by Wikipedia
Alfred Schuler, by Wikipedia
Elsa Bruckmann, by Wikipedia
Fanny zu Reventlow, by Wikipedia
Johann Jakob Bachofen, by Wikipedia
Karl Wolfskehl, by Wikipedia
Ludwig Derleth, by Wikipedia
Ludwig Klages, by Wikipedia
Munich Cosmic Circle, by Wikipedia
Nimet Eloui Bey: The Egyptian Beauty & 20th Century
Style Icon, by Alex Aubry
Paul de Lagarde, by Wikipedia
Princess Elsa, the Hitler Supporter of Byzantine
Origin, by Konstantinos Menzel
Prophet of doom: Stefan George, one of Germany's
most celebrated poets, was a cult figure. But,
despite his close links to Hitler's would-be
assassins, his legacy has been sullied by Nazi
associations, by Justin Cartwright
Rainer Maria Rilke, by Wikipedia
Alger Hiss, by Wikipedia
Alois Brunner, by Wikipedia
All the President's P.I.s Clinton's snoops are just
the latest tryst in the long romance between pols
and private eyes., by David Helvarg
Alta Vendita, by Wikipedia
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and
Refugee Aid, by Holocaust Encyclopedia
An Amazing David and Goliath Story: Cuba Now -
Interview of Howard Zinn, by Catherine Murphy
An "Extremist" In the United States, by Robert
An Open Letter to the Republican Establishment, by
Robert Reich
Annie Besant's Many Lives, by Kumari Jayawardena
Beatrice Webb, by Wikipedia
Bhagwan Das, by Wikipedia
Coefficients (dining club), by Wikipedia
Order of the Star in the East, by Theosophy
Order of the Star in the East, by Wikipedia
Sidney Webb, 1st Baron Passfield, by Wikipedia
The Beacon Light of Truth (Le Phare De L'Inconnu),
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
The Central Hindu College and Mrs. Besant, by Sri
Bhagavan Das
The Order of the Star in the East: Its Outer and
Inner Work, by Professor E. A. Wodehouse, M.A.
The Sources of Madame Blavatsky's Writings, by
William Emmette Coleman
Anthroposophy and Ecofascism, by Peter Staudenmaier
Anthony Ludovici, by Wikipedia
Armin Mohler, by Wikipedia
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, by Wikipedia
At Skull and Bones, Bush's Secret Club Initiates
Ream Gore, by Ron Rosenbaum
Balance of Power (International Relations), by
Barthold Georg Niebuhr, by Wikipedia
Beethoven and the Illuminati: How the Secret Order
Influenced the Great Composer, by Jan Swafford
Benedict Spinoza: Philosopher, Mystic, Rosicrucian,
by Gary L. Stewart
Bill Moyer's Hypocrisy: A Crushing Disappointment,
by Dick Eastman
Birmingham Small Arms Company, by Wikipedia
Black Leaders in Congress Condemn Antonin Scalia's
Comments on Race, by Ruby Mellen
Black Stone, by Wikipedia
Blackshirts, by Wikipedia
Blame Mass Incarceration on Sentencing Policies, not
Mass Crime, by Alex Stamm, ACLU Center for Justice &
Inimai Chettiar, ACLU
Book of Dzyan, by Wikipedia
Bread and Circuses, by Wikipedia
Brent Bozell III, by Wikipedia
Bretton Woods Conference, by Wikipedia
British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,
by Anton Chaitkin
Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America, by
Edmund Burke
Busting Bust-Out Fraud: Five steps for combatting
bust-out business fraud, by Dun & Bradstreet
Byron and Goethe, by Giuseppe Mazzini
California students resist authorities’ attempt to
conflate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, by
Ben Norton
Cappadocia (Excerpt from "Turkey, Gate to the
Orient"), by Turhan Can
Carl Bernstein, by Wikipedia
Carlos the Jackal, by Wikipedia
Cavetowns and Gorges of Cappadocia, by
Cecil Rhodes, by Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski, by Wikipedia
Charles [Karl] Follen, by Wikipedia
August Ludwig Follen, by
Charles Ferdinand, Duke of
Berry, by Wikipedia
Germaine de Staël, by Wikipedia
George Bancroft, by
Karl Ludwig Sand, by
Karl Vogt, by Wikipedia
Paul Follen, by Wikipedia
Wartburg Festival , by Wikipedia
Children of the Sun, by Matt Jones
CIA Front, USAID, "Spreading Democracy", Gearing Up
in Ukraine -- Suharto II?, by Scott Creighton
CIA’s Hidden Hand in ‘Democracy’ Groups, by Robert
Circus Maximus, by Wikipedia
Clinton Dirty Trickster Faces New Charges: Private
investigator Pellicano to be arraigned in celeb
wiretapping case, by wnd.com
Colosseum, by Wikipedia
Colossus of NERO, by Wikipedia
Comparing Black People to Apes: It's Worse Than You
Thought, by Jenee Desmond-Harris
Conation, by Wikipedia
Confession, by Wikipedia
Conservatism, by Wikipedia
Contrarian, by Wikipedia
Conventicle, by Wikipedia
Counter-Earth, by Wikipedia
Cover-up, by Wikipedia
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Shame of Three
Strikes Laws. While Wall Street crooks walk,
thousands sit in California prisons for life over
crimes as trivial as stealing socks, by Matt Taibbi
Damning with faint praise, by Wikipedia
DC Gyrocopter Pilot Remains Defiant After Indicted
on Federal Charges, by Andrew Emett
Dead Right, by John Connolly
"Democratic Imperialism": Tibet, China, and the
National Endowment for Democracy, by Michael Barker
A Survey and Analysis of "Supporting Human Rights
and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2002-2003" [EXCERPT],
Hearing Before the Committee on International
Relations House of Representatives, 108th Congress,
First Session
China and America: The Tibet Human Rights PsyOp, by
Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, U.S.
Intervention, and Hegemony (Excerp, )
by William I. Robinson
Reporters Without Borders Unmasked, by Diana
Risky Geopolitical Game Washington Plays 'Tibet
Roulette' With China, by F. William Engdahl
Tibet, the ‘great game’ and the CIA, by Richard M.
Did the Jews Foresee the World War?, by Henry Ford
Disinformation, by Wikipedia
Distinction without a difference, by Wikipedia
Dixie Mafia, by Wikipedia
Dmitry Merezhkovsky, by Wikipedia
DNA Tests Reveal Hitler Was Descended From the Jews
and Africans He Hated, by Allann Hall
Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Be President: One year
ago: the plan to lose, and the administration’s
shocked first days, by Michael Wolff
Donald Trump exposes the GOP’s dirty secret: They
build everything by nurturing white rage, by Carol
Donald Trump is no champion of the little guy, by
Jeff Jacoby
'Don't let Bill back in the White House, he abused
women and he'll do it again.' Paula Jones warns
against voting for Hillary -- because she also lied
about sex case which almost cost him presidency, by
Paul Thompson
Bill Clinton's Alleged Ex-Lover Just Made Some
'Sick, Sick' Claims About Bill and Hillary, by
James Barrett
Declaration of Dolly Kyle Browning, by Dolly Kyle
Hillary Clinton's camp fears a new 'bimbo eruption'
will put the kibosh on candidacy - especially from
Gennifer Flowers who claimed Bill liked to be
blindfolded and tied up with silk scarves and called
his wife 'Hilla the Hun', by Laura Collins
Hillary Clinton’s Long History of Targeting Women,
by Brent Scher
Juanita isn't the only one: Bill Clinton's long
history of sexual violence against women dates back
some 30 years, by Daniel J. Harris & Teresa Hampton
Kathleen Willey: Hillary "Wrote the Book on
Terrorizing Women": "She has been calling me a bimbo
for 18 years", by wnd.com
Kathleen Willey Suspects Clintons Murdered Husband:
New book details evidence of 'smear' campaign
orchestrated by Hillary, by wnd.com
Re-Surfaced Sex Allegation Could Be Hillary
Clinton’s Biggest Nightmare, by The Political
The Clinton Chronicles
Trump suggests Bill Clinton raped women, by Jill
Dr. L. Tietz Dead at 37, Leader in Social Work Among
German Jews, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
D.T. Suzuki, Zen and the Nazis, by Brian Daizen
A Zen Nazi in Wartime Japan: Count Dürckheim and his
Sources—D.T. Suzuki, Yasutani Haku’un and Eugen
Herrigel, by Brian Victoria
Buddhism and Disasters: From World War II to
Fukushima, by Brian Victoria
Corporate Zen in Postwar Japan, Chapter Eleven,
[Excerpt] from "Zen at War", by Brian Daizen
Other Zen Masters and Scholars in the War Effort,
Chapter Nine, [Excerpt] from "Zen at War", by
Brian Daizen Victoria
The Emergence of Imperial-State Zen and Soldier Zen
[Chapter Eight], [Excerpt] from "Zen at War",
by Brian Daizen Victoria
The Formation and Principles of Count Dürckheim’s
Nazi Worldview and his interpretation of Japanese
Spirit and Zen, by Karl Baier
The Postwar Zen Responses to Imperial-Way Buddhism,
Imperial-State Zen, and Soldier, Zen, Chapter Ten,
[Excerpt] from "Zen at War", by Brian Daizen
Was It Buddhism? Chapter Twelve, [Excerpt] from "Zen
at War", by Brian Daizen Victoria
Zen as a Cult of Death in the Wartime Writings of
D.T. Suzuki, by Brian Victoria
Eddy Brothers, by Wikipedia
Edward Maitland, by Wikipedia
Eichmann Tells His Own Damning Story, by the Editors
of LIFE, by Adolf Eichmann
Albert Brackmann, by Wikipedia
Asit Krishna Mukherji, by Wikipedia
Castle Hülchrath, by Wikipedia
Eichmann's Own Story, Part II: "To Sum It All Up, I
Regret Nothing, "by Adolf Eichmann
Journalist Who Tape-recorded Eichmann Confessions is
Ex-nazi Officer, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
New Order (Nazism) [die Neuordnung Europas (the New
Order of Europe)] [Neurop] [Neu Europa] , by
Otto Reche, by Wikipedia
Saskia Sassen's Missing Chapter, by Marc Parry
Savitri Devi, by Wikipedia
“The Contribution of Savitri Devi”, by Ernesto Milà,
Translated with notes by R.G. Fowler
Werwolf [Werewolf], by Wikipedia
Willem Sassen, by Wikipedia
El Cid, by Wikipedia
Eliott Coues, by Wikipedia
Emerald Tablet, by Wikipedia
Enmity and Tyranny: On Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss,
by Alan Gilbert
Erich Traub, by Wikipedia
Eris, by Wikipedia
Ernest Thompson Seton, by Wikipedia
Ernst Jünger, by Wikipedia
Ernst Niekisch, by Wikipedia
Eudaimonia, by Wikipedia
Europe's Greatest Traitor, by Daniel Johnson
Eurythmy, by Wikipedia
Ezra Stiles, by Wikipedia
Fama Fraternitatis, by Wikipedia
Fascism, by Wikipedia
Fast-Track Derails Democracy, by Bill Moyers and
Bernard A. Weisberger
Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences, by Mark Twain
First Take: Sports Diplomacy, by Davíd Carrasco
François Genoud, by Wikipedia
Franz Schönhuber, by Wikipedia
Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia
19th Kushok Bakula Rinpoche, by Wikipedia
19th-century Anglo-Saxonism, by Wikipedia
1938–39 German expedition to Tibet, by Wikipedia
1974 Seminary: Visit the 1974 Vajradhatu Seminary in
Snowmass, Colorado, by Vicki
Alexis Genson
200 years of the Bombay Education Society, by Neil
79th Annual General Report of the Theosophical
Society [Excerpt], Published by the Recording
Secretary,, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras
20. India
A. K. Chesterton, by Wikipedia
A Brief History of Kagyu Samye Ling, by Kagyu Samye
A Brief Overview of Progressive Education, by uvm.edu
‘A Christmas Carol’: Sending the Poor to Prison, by
Matthew Caruchet
A Colonial Affair: Commerce, Conversion, and Scandal
in French India, by Danna Agmon
A Commentary on the Text of The Bhagavad-Gita, or
The Discourse Between Krishna and Arjuna on Divine
Matters, by Hurrychund Chintamon, 1874
A Copper-Plate Grant from East Bengal Alleged To Be
Spurious, by F.E. Pargiter, The Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
A Defence of Mr. Vansittart's Conduct, In Concluding
the Treaty of Commerce With Mhir Cossim Aly Chawn,
At Mongheer, by a Servant of the Company, long
resident in Bengal [J. Z. Holwell], from India
Tracts, by Mr. J. Z. Holwell, and Friends
A Fake Chagall Painting? Attribution and
Authenticity in the Auction World, by Liz Catalano
A Forged Copper-Plate Inscription From Eastern
Bengal, by Theodor Bloch, Archaeological Survey of
India Annual Report
A Genuine Narrative of the deplorable Deaths of the
English Gentlemen, and Others, who were suffocated
in the Black Hole in Fort-William, at Calcutta, in
the Kingdom of Bengal; in the Night succeeding the
20th Day of June 1756., In a Letter to a Friend,
from India Tracts, by Mr. J.Z. Holwell, and Friends.
A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature So Far As
It Illustrates The Primitive Religion of the
Brahmans, by Max Muller, M.A., Fellow of All Souls
College, Oxford: Correspondant de l'Institut
Imperial de France; Foreign Member of the Royal
Bavarian Academy; Honorary Member of the Royal
Society of Literature; Corresponding Member of the
Asiatic Society of Bengal, and of the American
Oriental Society; Member of the Asiatic Society of
Paris, and of the Oriental Society of Germany; and
Taylorian Professor in the University of Oxford,
Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., 1859
A History of the Briarpatch, by Michael Phillips and
Salli Rasberry
A Journal of Her Own: The Rise and Fall of Annie
Besant's Our Corner, by Carol Hanbery McKay
A Journey Through the Past: Thailand 1967-1971, by
Maxmilian Wechsler
A Juridical Fabrication of Early British India: The
Mahanirvana-Tantra, by J. Duncan M. Derrett
A Letter from Father Bourzes to Father Estienne
Souciet, concerning the Luminous Appearance
Observable in the Wake of Ships in the Indian Seas,
&c., by Father Louis-Noel de Bourzes
A List Of Fallacious Arguments, by Don Lindsay
A Look Back … The National Committee for Free
Europe, 1949, by Central Intelligence Agency
A Matter of Fact, by Alfred P. Rubin
- "Tibetan Declaration of
Independence": Proclamation Issued by His Holiness
the 13th Dalai Lama in 1913
- Tibet’s Declarations of
Independence, by David A. McCabe
A New Model of the Universe,: Principles of the
Psychological Method in Its Application to Problems
of Science, Religion, and Art, by P.D. Ouspensky
A Plan for Peace, by Margaret Sanger
A Poignant Journey’s End: Refugees from Tibet
straggle to sanctuary in India [Misamari Camp]
[Missamari Camp], by Don Connery
A Promise Kept: Memoir of Tibetans in India
[Excerpt], by Germaine Krull
A Question of Priority: Revisiting the
Bhamaha-Dandin Debate, by Yigal Bronner
A religion of the book? On sacred texts in Hinduism,
by Robert Leach
A Refutation of a Letter from certain Gentlemen of
the Council at Bengal, to the Honorable the Secret
Committee, from India Tracts, by Mr. J.Z. Holwell,
and Friends.
A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times.
Book the First. Wrote Under the Direction of The
Lord God, and Publkished By His Sacred Command: It
Being The First Sign or Warning, For the Benefit of
All Natinos. Containing, With Other Great and
Remarkable Things, Not REvealed to Any Other Person
on Earth, the Restoration of the Hebrews, To
Jerusalem, By the Year 1798; Under Their Revealed
Prince, and Prophet, Richard Brothers., 1796
A Short History of The British Psychological Society
[Cox's Psychological Society], by
Dr G.C. Bunn,
A Sketch of the History of the Indian Press, During
the Last Ten Years: With a Biographical Account of
Mr. James Silk Buckingham, by Sandford Arnot
A. S. Neill, by Wikipedia
A Study of Asokan Pillars: Re-Erected by Firuz Shah
Tughluq, by W. H. Siddiqi, Proceedings of the Indian
History Congress, Vol. 36 (1975), 1975
XXVII. A Supplement to the Essay on Indian
Chronology, by the President (Sir William Jones),
Asiatic Researches, Volume 2, 1788
A Tour of Biddulph Old Hall: Rigdzin Shikpo takes us
on a tour of Biddulph Old Hall in Staffordshire,
England. Biddulph Old Hall is the site of some of
Trungpa Rinpoche's early teachings in the UK, by
Rigdzin Shikpo
A treasured manuscript in a college library that was
believed to have been written by Galileo is a
forgery, university says, by Aya Elamroussi
A treasured manuscript in a college library that was
believed to have been written by Galileo is a
forgery, university says, by Aya Elamroussi
A Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage, by John D. Mayne,
Abdul-Bahá, by Wikipedia
Abdul Hafiz Mohamed Barakatullah, by Wikipedia
Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, by Wikipedia
Abhinav Bharat Society, by Wikipedia
About Margaret Sanger, by The Margaret Sanger Papers
"Above All Nations Is Humanity": "Maluna a'e o na
lahui a pau ke ola ke kanaka", by Kalidas Nag, M.A.
Abracadabra, by Wikipedia
Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron, by Wikipedia
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres [Academy
of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres], by Wikipedia
Accountants and spies: The secret history of
Deloitte’s espionage practice, by Eamon Javers
Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley, by
Achille de Harlay, by Wikipedia France
- Christophe de Thou, by
- Francois Ravaillac, by
- Mortar chair, by Wikipedia
- The Consolidation of Local
Authority Through the Defense of the church in the
Royal Domain of France Under Louis VI (1101-1137),
by Paul Westley Bush
Across Tibet from India to China, by
Lieutenant-Colonel Count Ilia [Ilya Andreyevich]
Adam Smith, by Wikipedia
Adi: 19 definitions, by Wisdom Library
Adi Dharm, by Wikipedia
Adi Shankara, by Wikipedia
Admiralty Signals and Radar Establishment, by
Adolphe Ferrière, by Wikipedia
Aelian, Characteristics of animals, book XIII
Aga Khan III, by Wikipedia
Age of the Nandas and Mauryas, by K.A. Nilakanta
Agenda 21, by Wikipedia
Aghore Nath Gupta, by Wikipedia
Agni, by Wikipedia
Ai-Khanoum, by Wikipedia
Ain-i-Akbari, by Wikipedia
Ajahn Amaro [Jeremy Charles Julian Horner], by
Ajahn Chah [Phra Bodhiñānathera (Chah Subaddho)] [
Luang Por Chah] [Luang Pu Chah] [Chao Khun
Bodhinyana Thera] [Subhaddo], by Wikipedia
Ajahn Maha Bua, by Wikipedia
Ajahn Sumedho [Robert Karr Jackman] [Luang Por
Sumedho] [Tan Chao Khun Thep Nyanavithet], by
Ajaan Paññāvaddho, by forestdhamma.org
Ajatasattu's War With the Licchavis, by A.L. Basham
Ajoy Ghosh, by Wikipedia
Akharas: Warrior Ascetics, by Matthew Clark
Akshay Kumar Datta, by Wikipedia
Alan Frank Guttmacher, by Wikipedia
- Alan Guttmacher, Pioneer
In Family Planning, Dies, by Alden Whitman
Alan Watts, by Wikipedia
Albert Schweitzer, by Wikipedia
Alberuni's India: An Account of the Religion,
Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology,
Astronomy, Customs, Laws and Astrology of India
About A.D. 1080, by Dr. Edward C. Sachau, Professor
in the Royal University of Berlin and Principal of
the Seminary for Oriental Languages; Member of the
Royal Academy of Berlin, and Corresponding Member of
the Imperial Academy of Vienna, Honorary Member of
the Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
London, and of the American Oriental Society,
Cambridge, USA, 1910
Aleister Crowley as Political Theorist, by Kerry
Alexander and the Ganges: A Question of Probability,
Excerpt from Alexander and the East: The Tragedy of
Triumph, by A. B. Bosworth
Alexander and the Ganges, by William Woodthorpe Tarn
Alexander Cunningham, by Wikipedia
Alexander Duff (missionary), by Wikipedia
Alexander (Alexandre) Gustav de Salzmann
(1874–1934), by The Gurdjieff Legacy Foundation
Alexander Hamilton (linguist), by Wikipedia
Alexander Mackenzie (civil servant), by Wikipedia
Alexander Polyhistor, by Wikipedia
Alexander the Great: The Merging of East and West in
Universal History, by Benjamin Ide Wheeler, 1900
Alexandra David-Neel, by Wikipedia
Alexandra David-Néel, by David Guy
Alexandra David-Neel's Adventures in Tibet: Fact or
Fiction?, by Braham Norwick
Alexandria Carmania, by Wikipedia
Alfred Comyn Lyall, by Wikipedia
Alfred Eckhard Zimmern, by Wikipedia
Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe, by
Alfred Hugenberg, by Wikipedia
Alfred Korzybski, by Wikipedia
Alfred North Whitehead, by Stanford Encyclopedia of
Alfred North Whitehead, by Wikipedia
Alfred Percy Sinnett, by Wikipedia
Alfred Ploetz, by Wikipedia
Alfred Richard Orage (1873-1934), by Leeds Gurdjieff
Fourth Way Group
Alfred Richard Orage, by Wikipedia
Alfred von Tirpitz, by Wikipedia
Alfred Wallis Paul, by Who’s Who
Alfred Webb, by Wikipedia
Alfred Woodley Croft, by Wikipedia
Aliah University [Mohammedan College of Calcutta]
[Calcutta Mohammedan College] [Aliah Madrasha]
[Calcutta Madrasha/Calcutta Madrassa] [Islamic
College of Calcutta] [Madrasah-e-Aliah.], by
Alice Bailey, by Theosophy Wiki
Alien and Empathic: The Indian Poems of N.B. Halhed
[Nathaniel Brassey Halhed], by Rosane Rocher
All India Kisan Sabha, by Wikipedia
All-India Muslim League, by Wikipedia
All The Buddha We Could Handle, by Charles and Tara
“All was delusion, nought was truth”- Faery Glamour,
by BritishFairies
Allan Octavian Hume [H. X.] [Aletheia], by Wikipedia
Allen Ginsberg, by Wikipedia\
Alois Anton Führer, by Wikipedia
Alpha Females: Deadlier Than the Male?, by Gill
Amarakosha, by Wikipedia
- Amara's Namalinganusasanam
(Text), A Sanskrit Dictionary in Three Chapters
Critically Edited with Introduction and English
Equivalents for each word and English Word-Index, by
Dr. N.G. Sardesai, L.M. & S and D.G. Padhye,
Sanskrit Teacher, Modern High School, Poona
- Kosha or Dictionary of the
Sanskrit Language by Umura Singha
With an English Interpretation and Annotations, by
H. T. Colebrooke, Esq.
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, by Wikipedia
Amaravati Stupa, by Wikipedia
Amerasia, by Wikipedia
America, Birthplace of a New Race, by Geoffrey
Hodson [Mothers' Research Group]
American Antiquarian Society, by Wikipedia
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
by Wikipedia
American Friends Service Committee, by Wikipedia
American Himalayan Foundation, by Wikipedia
American Sexual Health Association / American Social
Hygiene Association, by Wikipedia
American Society for Psychical Research, by
American Society of Human Genetics, by Wikipedia
Americans for Democratic Action, by Wikipedia
Amrita [Soma], by Wikipedia
An Address to the Proprietors of East-India stock;
setting forth, the unavoidable Necessity, and real
Motives, for the Revolution in Bengal, from India
Tracts, by Mr. J.Z. Holwell, and Friends.
An Altar [Pillar] of Alexander Now Standing at Delhi [REDUCED
VERSION], by Ranajit Pal
An Altar
[Pillar] of Alexander Now Standing at Delhi
[EXPANDED VERSION], by Ranajit Pal
An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern
Democracy, by Gunnar Myrdal with the Assistance of
Richard Sterner and Arnold Rose, 1942
An Analysis of the Dipawanso: An examination of the
Pali Buddhistical Annals, No. 4, by the Honorable
George Turnour, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service, 1838
XXIII. An Astronomical Epocha of the Years of Jesus
Christ, Excerpt from "A New Historical Relation of
the Kingdom of Siam", Tome II, by Monsieur De La
- Original Source of NOVUS
ORDO SECLORUM: Motto at the Foundation of the
Unfinished Pyramid on the Great Seal, by
- -- Puer natus est nobis,
by Wikipedia
An Enlightened Life in Text and Image: G. I.
Gurdjieff''s Meetings With Remarkable Men (1963) and
Peter Brook's Meetings With Remarkable Men (1979),
by Carole M. Cusack
An Essay on the Hindu History of Cashmir [Raja
Taringini of Calhana Pandit], by Horace Hayman
Wilson, Esq., Sec. A.S.
An Examination Of the Pali Buddhistical Annals, by
the Hon'ble George Turnour, Esq. of the Ceylon Civil
Service. 1837
An Interview With Catherine Ingram, by Beth Draper
An Introduction to Charles Williams, by Sørina
"And so, without further ado, here's the author of
Mind Over Matter...", Gary Larson
Anagarika Dharmapala, by Wikipedia
Anagarika Govinda, by Wikipedia
Ananda College, by Wikipedia
Ananda Coomaraswamy, by Wikipedia
Anandamayi Ma, by Wikipedia
Ananda Metteyya [Charles Henry Allan Bennett]: The First British Emissary of
Buddhism [Excerpt], by Elizabeth J. Harris
Anandamohan Bose, by Wikipedia
Anathapindika, by Wikipedia
Ancient Indian Astronomy in Vedic Texts, by R.N.
Ancient Indian Culture in Afghanistan, by Dr.
Upendra Nath Goshal, M.A., Ph.D., 1928
Andrew Carnegie, by Wikipedia
Andrew Harvey (religious writer), by Wikipedia
Anglo-Hindu law, by Wikipedia
Anima mundi [World Soul], by Wikipedia
Ann O'Delia Diss Debar [Swami Laura Horos/Ann
O'Delia Salomon/Della Ann O'Sullivan/Vera Ava/Editha
Lola Montez/Madame Messant (or McGonn)/Swami Viva
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- Charred manuscript is one
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Colonization in India; to Which are Added, Humane
Hints for the Melioration of the State of Society in
British India", by James Peggs
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their women, and that they cannot dispense with
slaves, — and the interest of the slave owners and
the Government — concluding remarks, from Book V:
Slavery, Excerpt from "India’s Cries to British
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Connection with Idolatry, Ghaut Murders, Suttee,
Slavery, and Colonization in India; to Which are
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of Society in British India", by James Peggs
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British expedition to Tibet [Younghusband
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history books may suggest - many married locals in
the early 19th century, although their families
later learned to keep quiet about it. When William
Dalrymple began to research the subject, he was
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British intelligence agencies, by Wikipedia
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Nilakanta Sastri
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CHAP. XX. Of what concerns Women. Excerpt from A
Code of Gentoo Laws, Or, Ordinations of the Pundits,
From a Persian Translation, Made From the Original,
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Brassey Halhed
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Mauryan Empire, Excerpt from "The Land of the
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Landscapes, Excerpt from "Buddhist Landscapes in
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Chapter IV: Demetrius and the Invasion of India,
Excerpt from The Greeks in Bactria and India, by
William Woodthorpe Tarn
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Excerpt from A History of Indian literature: Vedic
Literature (Samhitas and Brahmanas), edited by Jan
Chapter 1: The Aryas and the Anaryas of Vedic India,
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Origin of Indo-Aryan People and Institutions, by
Ramaprasad Chanda, B.A.
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the East to the West" [Excerpt], by Nancy Cooke de
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When Spirituality Spread from the East to the West"
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Hsu] [Bodhi Society] [Right Faith Buddhist Society
of Hankou], Excerpt from Toward a Modern Chinese
Buddhism: Taixu's Reforms, by Don Alvin Pittman
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Introduction to Scriptures and Theology", by Ashim
Kumar Bhattacharyya
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[Taixu/Tai Hsu] [Bodhi Society] [Right Faith
Buddhist Society of Hankou], Excerpt from Toward a
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Alvin Pittman
Chapter 3: Facets of the Negro Problem [Color
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Problem and Modern Democracy, by Gunnar Myrdal
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Early Roman Empire, by Teresa Morgan
Chapter 4: Law Books in an Oral Culture: The Indian
Dharmasastras, Excerpt from "Studies in Hindu Law
and Dharmaśastra", by Ludo Rocher
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Pālas of Bengal", by Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay
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from "Influential Centres of Disaffection": Indian
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et curieuses, From "Mapping Hinduism: 'Hinduism' and
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by Will Sweetman
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by Sailendra Nath Sen
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of the Women's Question, Excerpt From The Nation and
Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories,
by Partha Chatterjee
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Yoga, and American Religious Life, by Paul G.
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Cliveden, by Carroll Quigley
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Nancy Cooke de Herrera
Charity Organization Society, by Wikipedia
Charles Alfred Bell, by Wikipedia
Charles Alfred Elliott, by Wikipedia
Charles B. Farwell, by Wikipedia
Charles Bradlaugh, by Wikipedia
Charles C. Bonney, by Wikipedia
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Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, by Wikipedia
Charles Henry Allan Bennett, by Wikipedia
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Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, by Wikipedia
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Church of Light, by Wikipedia
Church of the SubGenius, by Wikipedia
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General Claude Martin, by Wikipedia
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by Wikipedia
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Brie-Comte-Robert, by Wikipedia
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(France), by Wikipedia
- Michel Le Tellier, by
- Président à mortier, by
- Unigenitus, by Wikipedia
Germaine Krull, by Wikipedia
- Germaine Krull: German
naturalised French photographer, by
German Agrarian League, by Wikipedia
German Fatherland Party, by Wikipedia
German Society for Racial Hygiene, by Wikipedia
German Theosophical Society, by Wikipedia
Germanenorden, by Wikipedia
Gestalt psychology, by Wikipedia
Gestalt therapy, by Wikipedia
Getty kouros, by Wikipedia
- The “Getty Kouros” was
removed from view at the museum after it was
officially deemed to be a forgery, by Isaac
Ghadar Mutiny, by Wikipedia
Ghum, West Bengal [Ghoom], by Wikipedia
Ghum Monastery [Ghoom Monastery] [Yiga Choeling] [Yidgah
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Giacomo Medici (art dealer), by Wikipedia
Giordano Bruno, by Wikipedia
Giovanni Domenico Cassini, by Wikipedia
Giuseppe Mazzini, by Wikipedia
Giuseppe Tucci, by Wikipedia
Global Business Network, by Wikipedia
Gloria Swanson, by Wikipedia
Gnanendramohan Tagore [G.M. Tagore], by Wikipedia
Gnostic Church of France, by Wikipedia
God's Body, or, The Lingam Made Flesh: Conflicts
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Gopi Mohan Tagore, by Wikipedia
Gopi Mohun Deb, by Wikipedia
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Governor-General of India [Viceroy], by Wikipedia
Graduate Institute of International and Development
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Grant Funding for the Tibetan Exile Community Thanks
to USAID, by Tenzin Samten
Granville Stanley Hall, by Wikipedia
Great chain of being, by Wikipedia
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, by Wikipedia
Greco-Buddhism, by Wikipedia
Greek handwriting, by Ruth Barbour and The Editors
of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Greek Readers' Digests (Again)?, by Linda Rocchi
Green Park, Delhi, by Wikipedia
Green Tea Party: The conservative movement to save
the planet, by Kate Aronoff
Gregg Manners Sinclair, by libweb.hawaii.edu
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Gregory Bateson, by Wikipedia
Gregory Bateson’s Theory of Mind: Practical
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Guild of St Raphael, by Wikipedia
Guillaume de Sainte-Croix, antique dealer, member of
the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, by
Wikipedia France
Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera, by Wikipedia
Guru tricks 3 — Lying, by Angelo Mouthful Marketing
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who have lied on their résumés, by Hope Restle and
Jacquelyn Smith
- BUSTED: This Is What
Happened To 10 Executives Who Lied About Their
Resumes, by Vivian Giang and Jhaneel Lockhart
- Exposed. In politics and
business, appearances can be deceiving. Bernie
Madoff is only the latest in a long line of poseurs
who have proven the need for investigative due
diligence. Here are our classic cases of resume
revisionism., by Investigative Check
- That Time Joe Biden Lied
About His Academic Credentials: The presidential
candidate bragged about graduating in the top half
of his class at law school. He was 76th in a class
of 85., by Ben Dreyfuss
- These high school
journalists uncovered a principal’s resume lie, by
Abigail Hess
Gustav Gebhard, by Theosophy Wiki
- Mary Gebhard, by Theosophy
- Gebhard Family, by
Theosophy Wiki
Gustav Fechner, by Wikipedia
- Gustav Theodor Fechner, by
Theosophy Wiki
Gustav Solomon Oppert, by Wikipedia
Guy Ballard, by Wikipedia
Guy Burgess, by Wikipedia
Gyalo Thondup, by Wikipedia
Gyalse Kusho, by Who's Who in Tibet
H. G. Wells, by Wikipedia
Hadda, Afghanistan, by Wikipedia
Han van Meegeren, by Wikipedia
- For decades the tale
of how and why Han van Meegeren began painting
bogus paintings was as fraudulent as the bogus
works of art that made him the most famous
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Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, by Wikipedia
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Harold Laski, by Wikipedia
Harold Walter Bailey, by Wikipedia
Harold Walter Bailey, Persons of Indian Studies , by
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Harry Johnston, by Wikipedia
Harry H. Laughlin, by Wikipedia
Harry Pollitt, by Wikipedia
Harvard sued by descendant of U.S. slave
photographed in 19th century [Peabody Museum],
Gabriella Borter
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Havelock Work, by Wikipedia
He still lives in his work [Vijnaneshwara], by Anand
V. Yamnur
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called Mahalingeshwara Gudi], by siddeshwar
- Ignoring Vijnaneshwara -
There can’t be a greater crime!, by K.N. Reddy
- 11th Century Kannada
Inscription Found, by The New Indian Express
He Sold Antiquities for Decades, Many of Them Fake,
Investigators Say: The owner of a Manhattan gallery
was charged with grand larceny and other crimes by
prosecutors who say he mass-produced objects that he
passed off as ancient artifacts, by Colin Moynihan
Heather Clydesdale, PHD: Curriculum Vitae, by
Heather Clydesdale
Heather Clydesdale: Deep Inside Tombs and Eastern
Philosophy, by Voices of Santa Clara
Heavy metals rock termite mounds [gold-digging ants], by Keirissa
Lawson, Tilly Brooks
- Termites produce what
semiconductor industry needs, by K. S. Jayaraman
- Why Indians worship the
mound of the much-hated termite: The misunderstood
termite can teach many lessons to architects and
fans of sustainable living., by Geetha Iyer
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Henri Cordier, by Wikipedia
Henri de Saint-Simon [Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte
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Henry Edward Manning, by Wikipedia
Henry George, by Wikipedia
Henry Hotze, by Wikipedia
Henry Hyndman, by Wikipedia
Henry Kiddle, by Theosophy Wiki
Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, by Wikipedia
Henry Morgan, by Wikipedia
Henry Rhodes Morgan [Rhodes E. Morgan], by Theosophy
Henry Sidgwick, by Barton Schultz
Henry Sidgwick, by Wikipedia
Henry Thomas Colebrooke, by Wikipedia
Henry Twitchin: An Account of the Society's Most
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Henry Vansittart, by Wikipedia
Henry Whitehead (bishop), by Wikipedia
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- Oliver Whitehead, by
- Richard Maurice Bucke, by
Herbert Benjamin Edwardes, by Wikipedia
Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, by Wikipedia
Herbert Mills Birdwood, by Wikipedia
Herbert Spencer, by Stanford Encyclopedia of
Herbert Stanley, by Wikipedia
Hereditary peer, by Wikipedia
Hermann Adler, by Wikipedia
Hermann Joseph Muller, by Wikipedia
Hermann Oldenberg, by Encyclopedia.com
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, by Wikipedia
- Fratres Lucis, Chapter 18,
Excerpt from The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, by
Arthur Edward Waite
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, by Wikipedia
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Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, by Wikipedia
Higashi Hongan-ji, by Wikipedia
Hindu-German Conspiracy [Hindu-German Mutiny]
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Hindu Mahasabha, by Wikipedia
Hisao Kimura, by Wikipedia
Historical Analysis of Land Ownership, by Rajesh
Historical Dates From Puranic Sources, by Prof.
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History of Greece for Beginners, by J.B. Bury, M.A.
History of Lama Foundation, by LamaFoundation.org
History of Sirhind, by Wikipedia
- Patiala, by Wikipedia
- Sirhind: Mughal Town With
a Tragic Pastby Aditi Shah
History of the Indo-Greek Kingdom, by Wikipedia
History of the Lama Foundation: A Dramatic Reading,
by Steve Fox
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Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern
India; Comprising the Districts of Behar, Shahabad,
Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, Dinajepoor, Puraniya,
Rungpoor & Assam, in Relation to their Geology,
Mineralogy, Botany, Agriculture, Commerce,
Manufactures, Fine Arts, Population, Religion,
Education, Statistics, Etc., Surveyed Under the
Orders of the Supreme Government and Collated from
the Original Documents at the East India House, With
the Permission of the Honourable Court of Directors,
by Montgomery Martin
History of Tibetan and Exile Radio [Robert Ford]
[Reginald Fox], by Irene Richardson
Hobby Lobby smuggling scandal, by Wikipedia
Holism, by Wikipedia
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Birth of Orientalism, by Urs App
Holy Island, Firth of Clyde, by Wikipedia
Homer Lea, by Wikipedia
Horace Greeley, by Wikipedia
Horace Hayman Wilson, by Wikipedia
How Art Forgery Actually Works, by Max Brandrett
How to Make a Fake: The Story of Ely Sakhai
- Brazen forgery was art
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- Ely Sakhai, by
Hsuan Hua [An Tzu] [Tu Lun], by Wikipedia
Hugh Edward Richardson, by Wikipedia
Huguenots, by Wikipedia
Human Betterment Foundation, by Wikipedia
Human Sacrifice (Purushamedha) Is Sanctioned In
Hinduism [It's Not Just Symbolic] [Raja Sacrifice]
[Suya-Sacrifice], by Myth Buster
Humanism, by Wikipedia
Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand
Master Hsing Yun , by Darui Long
Hurrychund Chintamon, by Theosophy Wiki
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The Church of Light
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"I AM" Activity, by Wikipedia
I Do Not Believe in Ghosts, by David L. Millern
Ian Fleming, by Wikipedia
Ibadat Khana, by Wikipedia
Identifications in the Region of Kapilavastu, (With
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Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln, by Wikipedia
Ikshvaku, by Wikipedia
Ilya Andreyevich Tolstoy, by Wikipedia
Impeachment of Warren Hastings, by Wikipedia
Imperial cult, by Wikipedia
Important Facts regarding the East India Company's
Affairs in Bengal, from the Year 1752 to 1760. This
Treatise Contains an Exact State of the Company's
Revenues in that Settlement; With Copies of several
very interesting Letters Showing Particularly, The
Real Causes Which Drew on the Presidency of Bengal
the Dreadful Catastrophe of the Year 1767; and
Vindicating the Character of Mr. Holwell From Many
Scandalous Aspersions Unjustly Thrown Out Against
Him, in an Anonymous Pamphlet, Published March 6th,
1764, Entitled, "Reflections on the Present State of
Our East-India Affairs."
from India Tracts, by Mr. J.Z. Holwell, and Friends.
In a Heist Fit for a Movie, Thieves Broke Into a
German Museum and Made Off With a Cache of Gold
Coins Worth Several Million Euros: The heist is
thought to have been carried out by professionals
who cut off local phone and internet service., by Jo
India Office, by Wikipedia
India's Case for Freedom, by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Indian campaign of Alexander the Great, by Wikipedia
Indian Home Rule movement, by Wikipedia
Indian National Association [Indian Association], by
Indian PM Narendra Modi Runs on “Hatred and
Demonization” of Muslims in World’s Largest
Election, by Amy Goodman & Nermeen Shaikh
Indian Rebellion of 1857, by Wikipedia
Indian Rock Art - Prehistoric Paintings of the
Pachmarhi Hills, by Dr. Meenakshi Dubey Pathak
Indian Wisdom Or Examples of the Religious,
Philosophical, And Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus:
With a Brief History of the Chief Departments of
Sanskrit Literature and Some Account of the Past and
Present Condition of India, Moral and Intellectual,
by Monier-Williams, M.A., Boden Professor of
Sanskrit in the University of Oxford, 1875
In Memory of Rosemary Vosse (Karma Dolma Chuzom), by
Family Faraggiana of Turin, Italy, edited by Samten
de Wet
In Resonance with the Living Earth: Newsletter 2019
#1, by World Goodwill
In the Service of His Country: The Biography of
Dasang Damdul Tsarong, Commander General of Tibet,
by D.N. Tsarong, by Snow Lion / Shambhala
Indian Political Intelligence Office. by Wikipedia
Indian Revolutionary Movement in USA and Canada The
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Raj Sareen, M.A., Ph.D.
India House, by Wikipedia
India League, by The Open University
India's Childhood in the "Pits": A Report on the
Impacts of Mining on Children in India, by Dhaatri
Resource Centre for Women and Children
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,
by Wikipedia
Indian Communist Party Strategy Since 1947, by John
H. Kautsky
English Education Act 1835, by Wikipedia
Indian Education Commission (1882-83), by
Indian Epigraphy and the Asiatic Society: The First
Fifty Years, by Ludo Rocher and Rosane Rocher
Indian Epigraphy and the Asiatic Society: The First
Fifty Years [2], by Ludo Rocher and Rosane Rocher
Indian Institute, by Wikipedia
Indian Journalism in the Colonial Crucible: A
nineteenth-century story of political protest, by
Prasun Sonwalkar
Indian Political Department, by Wikipedia
Indian PM Narendra Modi Runs on “Hatred and
Demonization” of Muslims in World’s Largest
Election, by Amy Goodman & Nermeen Shaikh
Indian Reform Association, by Wikipedia
Indian Silver during the Raj, by Harish K. Patel
with Veronica J. McDavid
Indica (Megasthenes), by Wikipedia
Indigo revolt, by Wikipedia
The Indika of Megasthenes, by R.C. Majumdar
Indo-Scythians, by JatLand.comf
Indo-Scythians, by Wikipedia
Indra, by Wikipedia
Indra Devi, by Theosophy Wiki
Indra Devi, by Wikipedia
Industrial Workers of the World [Wobblies], by
Industry and Parliament Trust, by Wikipedia
Inoue Enryo, by Wikipedia
Inquiry Concerning the Site of Ancient Palibothra,
Conjectured to Lie Within the Limits of the Modern
District of Bhaugulpoor According to Researches Made
on the Spot in 1811 and 1812, by William Francklin,
Major in the Service of the Honourable East-India
Company; Author of a Tour to Persia, the History of
Shah Aulum, &c. &c. &c., 1815
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Genius Who Fooled The Art World: John Myatt],
narrated by Anthony Wilson, by Real Crime
Inside Tibet, by Office of Strategic Services
Insight Meditation Society, by Wikipedia
Institute of Pacific Relations, by Wikipedia
Integral yoga [Aurobindo], by Wikipedia
Integral Yoga (Satchidananda), by Wikipedia
Integral Yoga in Swami Vivekananda, by Swami
Intelligence Corps (United Kingdom), by Wikipedia
International Bureau of Education, by Wikipedia
International Congress of Orientalists, by Wikipedia
International Council of Women, by Wikipedia
International Federation of Eugenics Organizations
[The Permanent International Eugenics Committee], by
International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, by Wikipedia
International Liaison Department (Comintern) [OMS],
by Wikipedia
International School of Geneva, by Wikipedia
International Union of Students [International
Students' Council], by Wikipedia
International Workingmen's Association [First
International, by Wikipedia
Interview in Nova Holistic Journal [with Tenzin
Palmo], by Rosamund Burton
Interview with James George, by James George
Into the Land: The Forgery Scandal, Created by Eiv
Kristal and Natan Odenheier
Introduction and Chapter 1. Welcome to India, from
"All You Need is Love: An Eyewitness Account of When
Spirituality Spread from the East to the West"
[Excerpt], by Nancy Cooke de Herrera
Introduction, Excerpt from "A Modern Buddhist Bible:
Essential Readings from East and West", by Donald S.
Lopez, Jr.
Introduction, from Hitler's American Model: The
United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law, by
James Q. Whitman
Introduction, from "Samnyasa Upanisads: Hindu
Scriptures on Asceticism and Renunciation",
Translated with an introduction by Patrick Olivelle
Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism, by
Eugene Burnouf, 1801-1852
Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism, by
Eugene Burnouf, 1801-1852 (Rough English Version)
Investigation of the Correctness of the Historical
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by Wikipedia
Irish National Land League, by Wikipedia
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Foreign Policy?: It has ignored repression by
regimes close to Washington and dismissed
criticism—by Nobel laureates—of its conflicts of
interest., by Mark Weisbrot
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programming?, by techzoworld
Is There a Buddhist Philosophy of Nature? in Mary
Evelyn Tucker and Duncan Ryúken Williams, eds.
Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma
and Deeds, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Center for the Study of World Religions, 1997.
by Malcolm David Eckel
Isaline Blew Horner [I.B. Horner], by Wikipedia
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, by Wikipedia
Islamic socialism, by Wikipedia
Israeli Documentary: Antiquities Market Flooded with
Forgeries Reviewed, The History of Merchants,
Reviewed by Rochelle Altman
Israel Faking it: The discovery that ancient
artefacts sacred to Jewish history are forgeries has
sent shockwaves through the museum world. But was
the gang behind the scam only interested in cash, or
did they have other motives?, by Rachel Shabi
J. B. Priestley, by Wikipedia
J. B. S. Haldane, by Wikipedia
Jacob Bryant [The Analyst of Ancient Mythology], by
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Dictionary of National Biography
Jacob Ilive [John Ilive], by Wikipedia
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Vacuum, by H. L. D. Mahindapala
Jagat Seth, by Wikipedia
Jagdish Kashyap, by Wikipedia
Jai Singh II, by Wikipedia
James Augustus Hicky, by Wikipedia
James Broun-Ramsay, 1st Marquess of Dalhousie, by
James Cameron (journalist) [Mark James Walter
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James Cousins [Mac Oisín] [Jayaram], by Wikipedia
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Theosophy Wiki
James Dunlop Smith, by Wikipedia
James Fraser (1713-1754), by Wikisource
James George (diplomat), by Wikipedia
James Hunt (speech therapist), by Wikipedia
James Klugmann, by Wikipedia
James Long (Anglican priest), by Wikipedia
James Mackintosh, by Wikipedia
James Martin Peebles, by Wikipedia
James Martineau, by Wikipedia
James Prinsep, by Wikipedia
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Ashoka, Excerpt from "Ashoka: The Great and
Compassionate King", by Subhadra Sen Gupta
James Ramsbotham, 2nd Viscount Soulbury, by
James Silk Buckingham [Calcutta Journal], by
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his Contribution to Indian Journalism, by Harpreet
James Thomas Knowles (1831–1908), by Wikipedia
James Waterhouse, by Wikipedia
Jamshid, by Wikipedia
Jan Smuts, by Wikipedia
Janaky Athi Nahappan, by Wikipedia
Janet Gyatso, by Wikipedia
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- Doris [Black] Frank, 88,
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Japan Society (Manhattan), by Wikipedia
Jason [And the Argonauts and the Quest for the
Golden Fleece], by Wikipedia
Jawaharlal Nehru, by Wikipedia
Jawaharlal Nehru: An Autobiography, , 1936
Jean Baptiste Joseph Gentil, by Wikipedia
Jean Calmette (Jesuit and French Indianologist), by
Wikipedia France
- The Father Calmette and
the Indianist Missionaries, by Father Julien Bach
Jean François Pons, by Wikipedia
Jean Law de Lauriston, by Wikipedia
Jean Piaget, by Wikipedia
Jean Venant Bouchet, by Prof. Dr. Klaus Karttunen
Jeanne de Salzmann, Wikipedia
Jeremy Bentham, by Wikipedia
Jetavana, by Wikipedia
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Handle, by Tara Carreon
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo: A Brief Biography, by Kate
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s biography, by Dongyu Gatsal
Ling Nunnery
Jiddu Krishnamurti, by Wikipedia
Jigme Dorje Palbar Bista, by Wikipedia
Jiri Frel [Jiri Frohlich], by Wikipedia
Joanna Macy, by Wikipedia
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Warrior Prophecy for our time, by
Joanna Southcott, by Wikipedia
Jodo Shinshu, by Wikipedia
Johan van Manen, by Wikipedia
John Adam (administrator), by Wikipedia
- John Adam, 1885-1900, by
James Sutherland Cotton
John Anderson Graham, by Wikipedia
- About Us, by Scottish
Universities' Mission Institution
John Blofeld, by Wikipedia
John Claude White, by Wikipedia
John Dewey, by Wikipedia
John E. Stapleton Driver, by Dilgo Khyentse
John Flügel, by Wikipedia
John G. Bennett, by Wikipedia
John Henry Barrows, by Wikipedia
John Lawrence, 1st Baron Lawrence, by Wikipedia
John Lockwood Kipling, by Wikipedia
- MacDonald sisters, by
John Maclean (Scottish socialist), by Wikipedia
John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow, by Wikipedia
John Marshall (archaeologist), by Wikipedia
John Maynard Keynes, by Colette Leung and Erna
John Munro, 9th of Teaninich, by Wikipedia
- John Munro and the
History of Munroe Island, Kollam Kerala, by
Manish Jaishree
John Reed (journalist), by Wikipedia
John Ruskin, by Wikipedia
John Shore, 1st Baron Teignmouth, by Wikipedia
- John Shore, 1751-1834, by
George Fisher Russell Barker
John Stuart Mill, by Wikipedia
John V. Farwell, by Wikipedia
John Wallinger, by Wikipedia
John William Kaye, by Wikipedia
John Woodburn (civil servant), by Wikipedia
John Woodroffe [Arthur Avalon], by Wikipedia
John Zachariah Kiernander, by Wikipedia
- Johann Zacharias
Kiernander, by Paul Tyson
Joseph Banks Rhine, by Wikipedia
Joseph Barber Lightfoot [Bishop of Durham], by
Joseph François Dupleix, by Wikipedia
Josephine Butler, by Wikipedia
Josiah Holbrook, by Wikipedia
Journal of Social Hygiene, January, 1922 [Excerpts],
Vol. VIII, by The American Social Hygiene
Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India,
Volume 4, edited by Sarat Chandra Das, C.I.E.
- A Short Description of the
Phur-Pa, or the “Enchanted Dagger”, by Sri Sarat
Chandra Das
- The Origin of Mankind.
Compiled From the Legendary History of Tibet, by Sri
Sarat Chandra Das
Jugal Kishore Birla, by Wikipedia
Jugantar [Yugantar], by Wikipedia
Jules Doinel, by Wikipedia
Julian B. Arnold, by theosophy.wiki
Julius Evola, by Wikipedia
Junagadh rock inscription of Rudradaman
[Girnar], by Wikipedia
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Justin (historian), by Wikipedia
K. P. S. [Kumar Padma Sivasankara] Menon, by
K. T. Shah, by Wikipedia
Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross, by Wikipedia
Kabir, by Wikipedia
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human
Heredity, and Eugenics, by Wikipedia
Kaiser Wilhelm Society, by Wikipedia
Kakusandha Buddha, by Wikipedia
Kala pani (taboo), by Wikipedia
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when they travel abroad?, by Devdutt Pattanaik
Kalidasa, by Wikipedia
Kalimpong, Gergan Dorje Tharchin, and his [Tibet]
Mirror [The Melong] newspaper [Gegen Dorje Tharchin]
[Tharchin Babu], by Paul G. Hackett
Kanailal Dutta, by Wikipedia
Kang Youwei, by Wikipedia
Kanishka, by Wikipedia
Kannauj [Kanauj] [India], by Wikipedia
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by Wikipedia
Karl Ernst Krafft, by Wikipedia
Karl Harrer, by Wikipedia
Karl Pearson, by Wikipedia
Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann, by Wikipedia
Karlfried Graf Dürckheim, by Wikipedia
Karlfried Graf Dürckheim: A quarter Jew and Zen
student serving the Nazi regime
This is a newly edited and supplemented excerpt from
the book " Hitler - Buddha - Krishna - An Unholy
Alliance from the Third Reich to, today ", by Victor
& Victoria Trimondi
Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann, by Wikipedia
Kashinath Trimbak Telang, by Wikipedia
Kaumudi-Mahotsava, by Wikipedia
- The Historical Drama of
Kaumudi-Mahotsava, or Full-Moon Festival, by
Sakuntala Rao Sastri
Kazi Dawa Samdup, by Wikipedia
Kātyāyana, by Wikipedia
Kathleen Goligher, by Wikipedia
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Ancient India, by Roger Boesche
Kayastha [Kayasth] [Cayast’ha] [Koyt] [Caits]
[Karanika] [Karana] [Writing Caste], by Wikipedia
Kenneth Mason (geographer), by Wikipedia
Keshub Chandra Sen [Keshab Chunder Sen], by
Khalji dynasty, by Wikipedia
Khazars, by Wikipedia
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Khojah Petrus Arathoon [Khwaja Petrus] [Coja Petrus]
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Armenians in India: From the Earliest Times to The
Present Day: A Work of Original Research, by Mesrovb
Jacob Seth
Kim Philby, by Wikipedia
King Asoka and Buddhism: Historical & Literary
Studies, edited by Anuradha Seneviratna
King Solomon's Tablet Of Stone, directed by Sean
Kingdom of Commagene, by Wikipedia
Knight Collection [Cold Spring Whaling Company], by
New York Heritage Digital Collections
Kokugaku, by Wikipedia
Kondanna Buddha, by Wikipedia
Koot Hoomi, by Theosophy Wiki
- Nisi Kanta Chattopadhyaya,
by Theosophy Wiki
- Gustav Theodor Fechner, by
Theosophy Wiki
Koot Hoomi, by Wikipedia
Kora La, by Wikipedia
Kremlin angry as Radio Liberty Airs: After delay,
U.S.-financed broadcasts begin in Chechnya today, by
Anna Badkhen
Krishna Menon a sick man, say MI5 documents, by
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One Buddha, 15 Buddhas, 1,000 Buddhas, by Richard
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Scientific Society of Aligarh, by Wikipedia
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St John Philby, by Wikipedia
St John's Wood, by Wikipedia
Saint Paul's College, Goa, by Wikipedia
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Steven Clark Rockefeller, by Wikipedia
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The Holy Spy [Ugyen Gyatso] [Excerpt], from Spying
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The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as
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College Patna and Fellow of the Calcutta University
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James: Is it possible that over a century after Sir
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The Journey of Faxian to India, by Daniel C. Waugh
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The Ladies' Association for the Care of Friendless
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Charles Bunbury, and of the Hon: George Napier; also
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The Lion's Roar: A Yogaswami Story Never Told , by
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against their superior officers and plunged southern
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Juvenal Colville
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The Mothers' Research Group, by The Theosophical
Society in America, The Theosophical Publishing
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The Mudra Rakshasa, or The Signet of the Minister. A
Drama, Translated from the Original Sanscrit. Select
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The Nagas of Vidisha, Padmavati, Kantipuri and
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in Central India, Editor Professor A. A. Abbasi
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The New Age, by Wikipedia
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The Office Of Tibet London, by The Office of Tibet
The Oldest Extant Parvan-List of the Mahabharata, by
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The Passing of a Lyceum Father: Henry L. Slayton,
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The Piprahwa Deceptions: Set-ups and Showdown, by
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Singh Palbar Bista, Heir to a Himalayan dynasty, by
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and home to Sojourner Truth, Former Sectarian
Village Was Once Home to Famed Abolitionist Before
Her Arrival in Battle Creek, by Nick Buckley
The Rise and Fall of the Parliament of Religions at
Greenacre, by Robert P. Richardson
The Saka Era of Varahamihira (Salivahana Saka) [Rep.
from Journal of Indian History (Trivandrum), 36
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Jyotisha, by T.S. Kuppanna Sastry
The Salem Lyceum Society, by salemweb.com
The sexist, toxic history of douching: “You ever get
that not-at-all-necessary feeling down there?”, by
Stephanie Buck
The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet, directed by
Ritu Sarin and Tenzin Soman
The Siege of Madras in 1746 and the Action of La
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US-Tibetan Relations: An Investigation Into the
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American Representatives to Lhasa in 1943, by
Maximilian Ernst
The Tomb Raiders Of The Upper East Side: Inside the
Manhattan DA’s Antiquities Trafficking Unit, by
Ariel Sabar
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by J. F. FLEET, I.C.S. (Retd.), Ph.D., C.I.E.
The Tribune (Chandigarh), by Wikipedia
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The WELL, by Wikipedia
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Forging the Ancient World, by University of Delaware
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How a misunderstanding led to a former CIA
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How Many People Died in the Vietnam War?, by Ku Bia
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I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob? I've
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Lady Natasha Spender remembers Edith Sitwell, by
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Alexander Marmorek, by Encyclopaedia Judaica
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100 Years Later, Dearborn Confronts The Hate Of
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America First Committee, by Wikipedia
Arthur D. Little, by Wikipedia
Cold War, by Wikipedia
Curtis Carlson, by Wikipedia
Dearborn, Michigan, by Wikipedia
Disney and the Mob: Willie Bioff, by Jake Friedman
Disney animators' strike, by Wikipedia
Disney's Atomic Fleet, by Mark Langer
Disneyland, Inc.by Wikipedia
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Dr. Jesse Hobson, Researcher, Dies, by New York
EPCOT [Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow]
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Fritz Julius Kuhn, by Wikipedia
Fuhrerprinzip [Fuhrer-Fuehrer Principle], by
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George Van Horn Moseley, by Wikipedia
German American Bund, by Wikipedia
Germania (city), by Wikipedia
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House Un-American Activities Committee, by Wikipedia
Hubertus Strughold, by Wikipedia
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McCarthyism, by Wikipedia
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Streep shocked diners attending an event for the
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Not so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, by Robert
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Orville Hubbard -- the ghost who still haunts
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Rear Admiral Joseph W. Fowler, by Wikipedia
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The dark history of ‘America First’, by Jonathan P.
Walt Disney's World War II propaganda production, by
Walt the Quasi-Nazi: The Fascist History of Disney
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William F. Talbot, by Wikipedia
Willow Run, by Wikipedia
New Black Panther Party: The New Black Panther Party
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Nick UT's Napalm Girl Helped End the Vietnam War, by
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Nobody Spat on American GIs!, by Jerry Lembcke
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NSA Phone Surveillance Ruling Reversed, Court Sides
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Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley, by P.R. Koenig
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Oswald Spengler, by Wikipedia
Our system of monarchy is racist: If you support the
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Patriotism, A Menace to Liberty, by Emma Goldman
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Conversation with the Controversial Ex-Harvard
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Playwright Arthur Schnitzler Was Everything His
Friend Theodor Herzl Hoped to Be, by Robert Wistrich
Politics and the English Language, by George Orwell
Positivism, by Wikipedia
Power, Ignorance, and Anti-Semitism: Henry Ford and
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Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging
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Project Democracy's Program: The Fascist Corporate
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Project MKULtra, by Wikipedia
PROMIS, by Michael C. Ruppert
Propaganda in the United States, by Wikipedia
Beating or Driving, by Illustrated Sporting and
Dramatic News
Brand, by Wikipedia
'Godzilla' was a metaphor for Hiroshima, and
Hollywood whitewashed it: “Certainly all the pieces
that were in any way, could in any way, be construed
as critical of the United States or atomic testing,
were really stricken from the film,” one scholar
said, by Kimmy Yam
Rupert Murdoch's 'temple of lies' at Fox exposed by
Dominion lawsuit, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Spin (Propaganda), by Wikipedia
The king's beaters: Hunts and beaters, by
Rabindranath Tagore, by Wikipedia
Racism, by Wikipedia
Ralph Nader on Bernie Sanders' Presidential Bid &
His Unanswered Letters to the White House, by Amy
Reading Hillary Rodham's hidden thesis: Clinton
White House asked Wellesley College to close off
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Real History of Satanism, by Lyndon LaRouche
Rebuilding America's Defenses, by The Project for
the New American Century
Red-baiting, by Wikipedia
Reform in Spanish Education: The Institucion Libre
De Ensenanza, by Noel M. Valis
Re-thinking Objectivity: In a world of spin, our
awkward embrace of an ideal can make us passive
recipients of the news, by Brent Cunningham
Richard Scheringer (1904-1986), by Historical
Dictionary of Weimar Republik
Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, by
Robert Downey, Sr., by Wikipedia
Robert W. Owen, by Spartacus Educational
Romney links to Death Squads, Hughes and Nixon
Corruption, by Debbie McCord Skousen
Round Table movement, by Wikipedia
Albert Grey, 4th Earl Grey, by Wikipedia
Alfred Beit, by Wikipedia
Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner, by Wikipedia
All Souls College, Oxford, by Wikipedia
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Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, by
Arnold Toynbee, by Wikipedia
Arnold J. Toynbee, by Wikipedia
Chatham House [The Royal Institute of International
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Confession of Faith, by Cecil Rhodes
Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon, by
James Louis Garvin, by Wikipedia
John Jacob Astor, 1st Baron Astor of Hever, by
Leo Amery, by Wikipedia
Lionel George Curtis, by Wikipedia
Michael Sadleir [Sadler], by Wikipedia
Reginald Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher, by Wikipedia
Richard Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane, by Wikipedia
Samuel Johnson, by Wikipedia
Sir Abraham Bailey, 1st Baronet KCMG, by Wikipedia
Sir Michael Sadler [Sadleir] (educationist), by
The Anglo-American Establishment [EXCERPT], by
Carroll Quigley
The Club (dining club), Wikipedia
Toynbee Hall, by Wikipedia
Tragedy at the Somme that broke Observer editor’s
heart: Newspaperman JL Garvin used his influential
editorials to campaign for conflict – until his
adored son died in action, by Stephen Pritchard
Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor, by Wikipedia
Wickham Steed, by Wikipedia
William Thomas Stead, by Wikipedia
Rudolf Steiner and the Jews, by Dan Dugan
Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit, by Robert Parry
"Saint George": The Pork Salesman Who Became
England's Patron Saint, by Kenneth Humphreys
Images of St. George Throughout the Ages: Eastern
Icons, by David Woods
Mar Jiryis (Saint George) and the Dragon, by J. E.
Order of the British Empire, by biography.ms
St. George, by Michael Collins MA
St. George, by New Advent
St. George & The Dragon, by paintedchurch.org
St. George and the Dragon, by Thomas Percy
St. George Dedicating Himself to the Virgin, by
St. George, Patron Saint of Scouting, by
St. George With the Princess, by paintedchurch.org
The Birth of St. George, by Thomas Percy
The Ethiopic Miracles of St. George, by David Woods
The Golden Legend: St. George, Compiled by Jacobus
de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa
The Greek Miracles of St. George, by David Woods
The Origin of the Cult of St. George, by David Woods
The Passion of St. George (Part 1), Translation From
E.A.W. Budge (1888), by David Woods
The Passion of St. George (Part 2), Translation From
E.A.W. Budge (1888), by David Woods
The Passion of St. George (Part 3), Translation From
E.A.W. Budge (1888), by David Woods
The Royal Military Order of Saint George For the
Defense of the Faith and the Immaculate Conception
(Bavaria), by Guy Stair Sainty
Sancho Panza, by Wikipedia
Scalia and Opus Dei, by Mike Whitney
Scapegoat, by Wikipedia
School of Wisdom, by SourceWatch
SEC: Taking on Big Firms is 'Tempting,' But We
Prefer Picking on Little Guys: Wall Street did the
crime -- but not the time. And here's why. By Matt
Seceding From the Last Man: Strauss's Fascination
With Nuclear War, by Alan Gilbert
Secret Life of the Obvious, by Ioan Tenner & Daniel
Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray, by Hunter S. Thompson
Siegfried Seidl, by Wikipedia
Silver Legion of America, by Wikipedia
Slavoj Zizek: Interview, by Sean O'Hagan
Slavoj Zizek on Occupy Wall Street, by
Social Darwinism, by Wikipedia
Social Justice, by Wikipedia
Solipsism Syndrome, by Wikipedia
South Park Misogyny on Full Display in NSA
Surveillance "Spoof", by femisex.com
Spatial Deconstruction, by Yolanda Ward
Speech to the American Newspaper Publishers
Association, by John F. Kennedy
Statistical Assessment Service, by The Center for
Media and Democracy
Stephen Ellis, 1953-2015: An Obituary, by Lansana
Strasserism, by Wikipedia
Sufism and the Kabbalah, by David Livingstone
Talking Point, by Wikipedia
Tammany Hall, by Wikipedia
The 1001 Club: Bankers, Intelligence Agents, and Raw
Materials Executives Striving for a Sustainable
Future, by Joel van der Reijden
The American Century, by Henry R. Luce
The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and
Misraim, by Arthur Edward Waite
The Aquarian Conspiracy, by Executive Intelligence
The Art of Avoiding History, by Peter Staudenmaier
A Picture of Earth-Evolution in the Future, by
Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy and its Defenders, by Peter
Staudenmaier and Peter Zegers
Aryan Origins: Brief History of Linguistic
Arguments, by Madhav M. Deshpande
Before Hitler Came: Thule Society and Germanen
Order, by Reginald H. Phelps
Christ in Relation to Lucifer and Ahriman, by Rudolf
From Jesus to Christ, by Rudolf Steiner
Hitler's Racial Ideology: Content and Occult
Sources, by Jackson Spielvogel and David Redles
Is Anthroposophy Science?, by Sven Ove Hansson
Morale and National Character, Excerpt from "Steps
to an Ecology of Mind," by Gregory Bateson
Social Credit: The Ecosocialism of Fools, by Derek
Steiner's Early Nationalism, by Peter Staudenmaier
The Dark Side of Political Ecology, by Peter Zegers
The Janus Face of Anthroposophy, by Peter Zegers and
Peter Staudenmaier
The Theory of Aryan Race and India: History and
Politics, by Romila Thapar
Will Ecology Become ‘the Dismal Science’?, by Murray
The Bandler Method, by Frank Clancy and Heidi
The CCF And the God of Thunder Cult: British
Promotion of Irrational Belief Systems in America,
by Stanley Ezrol & Jeffrey Steinberg
The Clash of Civilizations, by Samuel P. Huntington
The Coalition of the Willy: Musings on the Global
Challenge of Penile Servitude, by Anthony Judge
The Collapse of the Armed Forces, by Col. Robert D.
Heinl, Jr.
The Colossus of Rhodes, by The Columbia Electronic
The Controversy of the Occult Reich, by John Roemer
The Costs of War, the Price of Peace, by Amy Goodman
The Council for National Policy, by Barbara Aho
The Dalai Lama Interview, by Amitabha Pal
The Dangerous Dreams of Slavoj Zizek, by Jerome Roos
The Dark Alliance, by Gary Webb
The Dark History of the Templars, by
The Doctrine of Fascism, by Benito Mussolini
(Encyclopedia Italiana)
The Doctrine of Fascism, by Benito Mussolini and
Giovanni Gentile
The Early Romantic School, by James Taft Hatfield,
The East India Company: The original corporate
raiders. For a century, the East India Company
conquered, subjugated and plundered vast tracts of
south Asia. The lessons of its brutal reign have
never been more relevant, by William Dalrymple
The End of History?, by Francis Fukuyama
The End of the Establishment?, by Robert Reich
The Eurasian Century is Now Unstoppable, by F.
William Engdahl
The Evolution of the Cow-Puncher, by Owen Wister
The Fallacy of Collectivism, by Ludwig von Mises
The False Memory Hoax, by Alex Constantine
The Federal Reserve System, by Edward Griffin
The Fellowship (Christian organization), by
The Great Switch: How the Republican & Democratic
Parties Flipped Ideologies, by studentsofhistory.com
The Great Unraveling, by Chris Hedges
The Greatest Story Ever Told, by David Brooks
The Greatest Vendetta on Earth, by Jeff Stein
The Harvard Nazi [:Ernst “Putzi” Franz Sedgwick
Hanfstaengl] , by John Sedgwick
The Idiot Culture, by Carl Bernstein
The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild, by
Johnny Silver Bear
The Illuminati Leadership Changes, by David Allen
The Illusion of Freedom, by Chris Hedges
The Imperative of Revolt, by Chris Hedges
The Iron Wall, by Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky
The Jew as Pathogen: Reflections on Marc Weiner's
"Richard Wagner [1] and the Anti-Semitic
Imagination", by Ingrid H. Shafer & Mary Jo Ragan
The Koch Brothers' Foundation Network Explained, by
Dave Levinthalpope
The Knights of Malta, by Wilfred L. Camilleri
The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt, by Erik
The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones In Which We
Contemplate Certain Occult Rituals of the Ruling
Class, by Ron Rosenbaum
The Left Matters -- Now, More than Ever, by Richard
The Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon [Excerpt
abridged with headings added], by Friedrich Schiller
The long history of nuclear dick-waving: “White men
in ties discussing missile size.”, by Anoosh
The Medium is the Message, From Understanding Media:
The Extensions of Man, by Marshall McLuhan
The Mind & God of Adolf Hitler, by Rhawn Joseph,
The Mystic Rose, Excerpt from the Avalon Mystery
School, Course III
The Mystical Origins of National Socialism, by
George L. Mosse
The Myth of Mind Control, by John Horgan
The Neoconservative Threat to International Order,
by Paul Craig Roberts
The Occult Roots of Modernism: Joséphin Péladan’s
mystical art exhibitions, in Paris, set the stage
for everything from Kandinsky’s abstractions to
Eliot’s “The Waste Land.”, by Alex Ross
'The Open Conspiracy': H.G. Wells Plots The World
Empire, by Michele Steinberg
Celebrating HG Wells’s role in the creation of the
UN Declaration of Human Rights: Wells was highly
prophetic. But, asks Ali Smith, could he have
foreseen that the fundamental freedoms h, set
out in The Rights of Man would be under attack 75
years later?
by Ali Smith
H.G. Wells' Interview With Stalin Helped Change the
Fundamental Principles of Liberalism, by Malcolm
Icarus, or The Future of Science, by Bertrand
James Joyce: H.G. Wells reviews "A Portrait of the
Artist as a Young Man", by H.G. Wells
New Republic, by Spartacus Educational
One of Wells’s Worlds, by John Maynard Keynes
The Evolution of H.G. Wells, by Greg Lawless
The Godfather of American Liberalism: H. G. Wells:
novelist, historian, authoritarian, anticapitalist,
eugenicist, and advisor to presidents, by Fred
The Great State, from "An Englishman Looks at the
World: Being a Series of Unrestrained Remarks upon
Contemporary Matters, by H.G. Wells
The Idea of a League of Nations: "What has happened
is essentially this, that the natural limitations on warfare which have existed hitherto appear to
have broken down."
by Herbert George Wells
Utopian Pessimist: The works, world view, and women
of H. G. Wells, by Adam Kirsch
The Origin of the "Brownies", by Palmer Cox
The Origins of the Overclass, by Steve Kangas
After Dispute, Pope Names New Knights of Malta
Liaison, by AFP
Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder. Sworn
statements filed in Federal Court allege that
Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a "crusade"
to eliminate Muslims and Islam, by Jeremy Scahill
Fra' Andrew Bertie, by The Telegraph
How Pope Francis can cleanse the far-right rot from
the Catholic Church, by Emma-Kate Symons
Knight of Malta and Freemasonry, by Robert Moynihan
Leader of Knights of Malta Resigns After Spat with
Pope, by Associated Press
Letter from Hamilton Fish Armstrong to G. Gordon
Wasson Re Century Club New Members, November 10,
McChrystal denies claims of secret military crusade
against Islam, by Jeff Schogol
Seymour Hersh and the men who want him committed, by
Matthew Phelan
The OTO & the CIA -- Ordis Templis Intelligentis, by
Alex Constantine
The Pathology of the Rich White Family, by Chris
The Playwright in Spite of Himself: George Bernard
Shaw: Man, Superman and Socialism, by Laurie Morrow
The RAND Corporation: America's University of
Imperialism. For decades these self-professed
saviors of the Western world helped precipitate U.S.
foreign policy disasters like the Vietnam Warm by
Chalmers Johnson
The Reception of Hafiz: Textual Transmission in a
Historical Perspective, by Erika Glassen
The Revolt Against the Ruling Class, by Robert Reich
The Revolt of the Demons, by Lewis Mumford
The Royal We, by Steve Olson
The Saturday Evening Post mourns the loss of owner
Dr. Beurt R. SerVaas, by Post Editors
The Spy Who Loved Hegel, by Matthew Price
The Story of Paul Twitchell, by Sri Harold Klemp
The Sufi Conspiracy, by David Livingstone
The Trade Unions, The Present Situation and
Trotsky's Mistakes, by V.I. Lenin
The True State of the U.S. Economy: Caviar Facials
and Desperate Fire Sales on Craigslist, by Michael
"The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and His
Struggle to Save New York", [First Chapter], by
Vincent J. Cannato
The Victory of ‘Perception Management’, by Robert
The Vindication of Nietzsche, by Aleister Crowley
"The whole thing was a Lie! , by Donald Duncan
Themis, by Wikipedia
Theses on Communist Morality in the Sphere of
Marital Relations, by Alexandra Kollontai
Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Chris Hedges
Thrice Greatest Hermes, by Frater F.
Tibet and the British Raj, 1904-47: The Influence of
the Indian Political Department Officers, by Alexander
Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the Decade, by
Russell Mokhiber
Top Ten Things That Make a Woman Threatening to
Other Women, by Christy Stewart
Totalitarianism, by Wikipedia
TPP: Corporate "Tribunals" Bad for People,
Environment & Climate Justice, by Patriot Daily News
bookTraces of Poison, by Salman Abu-Sitta
Traveling With the Wounded: Walt Whitman and
Washington's Civil War Hospitals, by Martin G.
Trove of Letters Spotlights Stefan Zweig's Take on
Judaism, Zionism and Writing: Correspondence with
teenage fan, recently donated to the National
Library, reveals 20th-century Austrian author's
pride in his religion, admiration for Herzl, and
belief that budding writers should live in foreign
lands, by Ofer Aderet
Trump’s presidency, the demise of the major parties,
and the need for a new Progressive movement: It’s on
all of us on the left, and in the rest of the
Democratic base to pick up the pieces and to build a
movement of resistance and a new political party of
the left to fight for real progressive change and
real democracy. by Dave Lindorff
Tugendbund, by Wikipedia
Twenty-Eight Words That Could Change the World, by
Robert Hinkley
Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, by Wikipedia
Understandings of literacy (Chapter 6), by UNESCO
Union of the Russian People, by Wikipedia
United States Information Agency: The USIA performs
the public diplomacy function of U.S. foreign policy
through its USIS posts, exchange activities,
information programs, and international
broadcasting, by Nancy Snow
Universal Co-Freemasonry [Excerpt from "A New
Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry"], by Arthur Edward
USAID: A CIA Front "In Desperate Need of Adult
Supervision," by 21Wire
Valentine's Day, by Wikipedia
Vast right-wing conspiracy, by Wikipedia
Victim blaming, by Wikipedia
Victor Benjamin Neuburg, by Wikipedia
Vitalism, by Wikipedia
Vladimir Solov'ev on Spiritual Nationhood, Russia
and the Jews, by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt
Vulcan Park, by bhamonline.com
Waldensians, by Wikipedia
Washington Gets Explicit: It's "War on Terror" Is
Permanent, by Glenn Greenwald
What I Saw At A Black Mass: An Interview with
Massimo Introvigne , by Maria Grazia Cutuli
What makes bad reasoning?, by islamic.org.uk
What You Didn't Know About Taxes & The 'Crown', by
Mark Owen
When the Zionists Brought SS Men to Haifa, by
Stanley Heller
Whistling Dixie: A Search for the Real South, by
Tony Horwitz
Wilhelm II, German Emperor, by Wikipedia
William Henry Draper III, by Wikipedia
Willy Brandt, by Wikipedia
Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald? by
John V. Walsh
Who Killed Martin Luther King? by Douglas Valentine
Who's Who in CIA , by Julius Mader
Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote:
From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill
Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton
supported—decimated black America., By Michelle
Why It's So Easy for Me to Hate Other Women, by C.
Why The Confederate Battle Flag Is Even More Racist
Than You Think, by Hilary Hanson
William Quan Judge, by Wikipedia
Witches of Benevento, by Wikipedia
Wolfgang Von Weisl, by Wikipedia
Wolfram von Eschenbach, by Wikipedia
Women Who Hate Other Women: The Psychological Root
of Snarky, by Seth Meyers, Psy.D.
Wotan, by Carl Gustav Jung
Yigael Yadin, by Wikipedia
Yigael Yadin, by Jewish
Virtual Library
Young Europe, by Wikipedia
Zbigniew Brzezinski's Interview with Le Nouvel
Zionism is finally in the news, as officials seek to
conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, by Philip
Zoroaster, by Wikipedia
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