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The Crucifixion of David Geithner, In Which Gawker Learns the Meaning of "Don't Shit Where You Eat," and Conde Nast Gets a Clue About What to Do With Reddit

[b]Embracing Madness[/b]
by Charles Carreon
February 20, 2025

[b]Back in the Day[/b]

The germ of the idea to go to law school began in a crummy apartment in Southern Oregon. A bunch of back to the land hippies had staged a rebellion against the oppressive Ashland Food Coop manager class, that had tried to gut the community spirit of our food coop by removing the big round wooden table by the wood stove, a table that was a hallowed reminder of the former East-West macrobiotic café, intricately carved with the twelve signs of the zodiac, around which, the managers said, undesirables tended to congregate. Ruffled up to righteous rage, the rebels had stormed upstairs to the attic where the table had been stored, returned it to its rightful position by the wood stove, and left a note on it telling the “coordinators,” a little gang of crypto Marxists who spoke an early version of “woke,” to keep their hands off.

We rebels cemented our control over the Coop newspaper, “More Than Food,” and within a few nights of the table action, we came up with the brilliant notion to rewrite the bylaws of the corporation that ran the coop. Which is how I ended up in the crummy apartment with a bunch of other guys trying to look like Che Guevara, trying to rewrite these bylaws.

[b]Respect for the Founders[/b]

Wow, it was not easy. I was slightly better than useless, because I had not the first idea how to go about writing a rule, not being much of a rule follower, more like a rule avoider, but that helped me see right away how hard it was to make rules. Because rules are like fences – they divide space in two. But a straight fence in this world is rarely seen to go on for miles outside of Kansas. They have to curve, angle off here and there to avoid obstacles, and actually fence in what you want inside, and yet not have any of that undesirable outside stuff in there.

I didn’t leave that apartment before I was thinking about how smart those Founding Fathers must’ve been. Hell, their Constitution had been around for nearly 200 years at that point. The Bicentennial was coming up, and I thought, “[i]Man, those dudes could really write rules. I guess that’s what my brother learned to do when he went to law school. Kinda interesting.”[/i] It didn’t go much farther than that, but the basic insight that rules are tough to write has only become better informed and more entrenched as I actually got into the business of applying the innumerable rules that the legislators and judges of this American government have created.

[b]A Diverse Student Gets a Liberal Education[/b]

At UCLA Law School, we were proud of our liberal heritage. We had a huge mural in the library that depicted slaves throwing off their chains, farmworkers marching for justice, women seeking fairness and recognition in their workplaces, and other inspiring Americans fighting for freedom and respect from a society that keeps the best of everything for those who already have it. You could hardly sit there studying without feeling like you were in the midst of an ongoing generational struggle for justice that had certainly not been won. Indeed, the more classes I took as my three years passed, the more it seemed that the wheel of social justice was no longer turning forward, but rather, had lost purchase in the courts, was slipping, losing traction, showing signs of reversing and turning the opposite way.

I was one of those DEI people who got into UCLA because I had a Spanish last name, travelled all over the world studying spirituality, had three kids by my mid-twenties, and was raising them out in a yurt without plumbing or electricity while getting my English degree and helping to establish a Buddhist community in Southern Oregon. People with those type of qualifications were considered “diverse” under the Bakke rule, that allowed some weight to be given to that Mexican name.

[b]Dodged a Bullet[/b]

Obviously, had I gone into government by accepting the job as an Assistant U.S. Attorney that I was once offered, I would now be in grave danger of immediate termination, or already out the door. Fortunately, I never seriously considered the offer, having done thirteen months and thirteen days as a state court Jackson County, Oregon prosecutor, where I was also a bit of a DEI hire because I was the only guy in the office who spoke Spanish, and I replaced a guy who had been the previous only guy to speak Spanish after he called me up and said they were looking to hire a new prosecutor to replace him, and he understood I spoke Spanish. Of course, I ended up doing a lot of translation in the office, my favorite story of which I now remember and will tell.

[b]Culture Clash in the DA’s Office[/b]

I was called out to the waiting area where a stunningly handsome young Mexican and a beautiful Mexican girl were waiting. I began the translation as requested by Chris, the office manager. The parents of a young lady had brought her to the DA’s office to press a charge of rape. The young lady, about sixteen years of age, and fully a woman, said that she had been taken by force by the young man. He did not deny he had taken her from her home secretly at night. It was clear from his face that they had been intimate, although he didn’t say so. He wasn’t going to deny anything. As I continued translating, it became clear that the young lady, despite having been “taken by force,” was very much in love with her taker. Chris and I stepped outside, and I told her. “No crime here, Chris. She just can’t say she agreed to elope, because her parents would probably disown her if she did. But obviously, they just need to get married.” So they left, happier, exonerated, and I had solved a case by not charging the innocent. I worked on other cases, too, with the Mexican community, some not so happy. I could not induce either of two witnesses to a barrio murder to testify. One claimed to not hear a gunshot that he had to have heard. Another claimed he was so plastered, even though sitting in the front of his pickup truck, that he didn’t see who went in or out of the home of the murdered man. They had all been scared into silence when the first translator that the Medford cops brought to the scene was Fernando Lozano, the local INS Agent, who was known to deport all deportable persons he found. So talking to him was not something most Mexicans were eager to do. If I’d been the first translator to arrive, it might’ve been different.

[b]A Little Side-Rant About Inflation, Immigration, and Farm Workers[/b]

Now who were those Mexicans I was dealing with? Mostly farmworkers, skilled people who accounted for a lot of the pears, peaches, and apples we Americans love eating. These days, they’re about the only ones who know how to run an orchard. You go driving through the orchard areas of the Medford Valley in the early morning in the winter, and you’ll see them out there minding the smudgepots and sprinklers that fight the freezes, pruning the trees so they’ll flower abundantly in spring, and produce a big harvest in the fall. Very few were involved with crime, although the methamphetamine cartels obviously penetrated Oregon like mold infests on old carpet, and you can’t argue with the devastation that has caused. But we treated the cartel mules lightly – time served and deportation – often for crimes a white boy would do a couple years for.

Fundamentally, it’s quite simple. If you want to have a low-wage, guest labor population, you are going to get some criminals in the mix. If you decide that you can’t stand the small percentage of dark skinned people who are meth mules, and therefore we should deport all the dark skinned people, I think you have misunderstood the problem, and are ignoring better solutions. Like maybe taking the Mexican population seriously, accepting their importance to the economy, realizing that if they all go back to Mexico, our fruit supply will diminish and become one more luxury for only the rich. Maybe realizing that Medford needs some Spanish speaking police, translators on staff, maybe even a drug squad that isn’t composed entirely of white boys, so you could actually do a little undercover work and find those bad guys. But that’s called thinking, and that has fallen out of fashion in politics.

[b]Trump Taught Politicians Not to Think[/b]

How did that happen? It used to be we expected our politicians to be able to duel intellectually. They’d get criticized for inconsistencies, called on for misstatements, and challenged when they avoided an issue, at least by the adversary. Because in the business of argument, truth is the anvil, and hard questions are the hammer that pounds out the dross and reveals the nature of the metal. If there is no anvil, if truth doesn’t exist as a backstop, you can’t pound the lies out, and discerning true from false becomes impossible.

Until the advent of Trumpism, no politician could defy the gravity pull of truth forever. They all made concessions to truth, tried hard to craft convincing lies, avoided contradicting themselves next week, in some new venue. Now, truth has gone into hiding, because telling the truth can be an immediate career death sentence for a professional. It’s that time in the life of Washington DC when everyone who wants to survive is looking for a new outfit to blend in with the new regime, changing their vocabulary, purging their old tweets of any taint of wokeism.

[b]The People-Destruction Industry[/b]

In China, they hire people to read your social media posts to determine whether the government should censor or imprison you. In American we crowdsource that through X.com, which amplifies the long, continuous brain fart that emanates from Trump Social, radiating its foul stench through the Musk Horde of 140 Million boobs and bots, a meaningful portion of whom set their fevered brains to work studying the social media timelines of suspected wokeists. When woke thoughts are found in those timelines, doxxing follows swiftly, and soon another local librarian is facing an angry schoolboard because she spoke a kind word about an oppressed minority, or expressed doubt about whether the United States should be funding a genocide in the Middle East, or spoke up in favor of anyone who was already being immolated in an online reputation-killing orgy.

[b]Mr. Archimedes[/b]

I once started writing a story about a guy I called Mr. Archimedes, who could destroy anything on Earth by focusing the sun’s rays using a huge array of tiny orbital mirrors he caused to form from ice, kind of like Archimedes did to the invading fleet at the Siege of Syracuse, when he had the Greek soldiers line the beach with polished bronze shields and direct the rays of the sun, one by one, on the invading ships, causing them to blossom into flame. But that’s science fiction, and Trump is not a fantasy writer. He likes practical shit. I mean, he’d love to have Mr. Archimedes on his team, but it sounds expensive, and he built Truth Social with other people’s money, so that’s cheap, and with Truth Social, he can direct the massed heat of the hatred of millions of people at any individual he desires to destroy.

In my story, Mr. Archimedes uses a homemade launch device to seed the orbital layer of the earth with an aerosol that grows into crystal mirrors with a photovoltaic nano-receiver that allows Mr. Archimedes to control a constellation of tiny mirrors with radio transmissions. See, I’ve got this figured out. But how did Trump figure out how to control the minds of millions of human beings, able to and send them on search and destroy missions for anyone he names?

[b]Trump, a Bad Tantric Guru[/b]

As a student of Tibetan Buddhist Tantra, I observed and defined a mental disorder in an article proposing a new DSM category -- Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome, or TIDS. Not just a disease that strikes individuals, TIDS takes down whole communities, flipping them into an occult vision of reality wherein the guru is universally agreed to be infallible:

[quote]No matter what he says or does they cannot be shaken in their faith in him. They are blind to his faults. They will rationalize away any contradictions, embrace any madness in the name of his crazy wisdom. The reason is simple- like any good left hand Tantric guru he is an object of surrender and faith which gives them permission to unleash their forbidden impulses with impunity….[/quote]

That’s from [i][url=https://matthewzgindin.medium.com/trump-the-tantric-politician-d624250cc218]”Trump The Tantric Politician,”[/url][/i] by Matthew Gindin, published on Medium back in November 2020. Describing Trump as a left-handed tantric, as distinguished from right-handed tantrics who may cosplay as white magicians, transforming shadow qualities into pure manifestations. Gitlin explains just how unsavory the left-handed path is:

[quote]Practitioners re-incorporated animal sacrifice, created elaborate new rituals, practiced magical spells for unethical purposes (like rape), used alcohol, cannabis and hallucinogens in their practices, worshipped violent and terrifying deities, broke moral and purity norms, and practiced ritual sex (and not with feminist or healing purposes in view). Their practice was sometimes called svecchara, or [url=http://survivorbb.rapeutation.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=933] the “way of the will”,[/url] i.e. freely doing whatever you want.

[b]Tantric Trumpers – Libertines, not Libertarians[/b]

In the West, we call such people [url=https://survivorbb.rapeutation.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=222]libertines[/url], and we group them with figures like the Marquis de Sade, whose ravings elevated brutal sexual abuse and murder to the only real path to bliss and fulfillment for human beings. Today, of course, Trumpists have likewise cast any sense of conventional morality to the wind. If not eagerly seeking to indulge in immorality, they condone and justify it among their peers wherever it raises its nasty little gargoyle head.

[b]Trump’s Embrace of the Forbidden is the Source of His Power[/b]

Gindin defines tantra as religion that exploits the power of excluded, forbidden, and stigmatized practices. That would describe a master of political sorcery like Trump, who frees his followers from all restraints on speech and conduct. He teaches them by unabashed example, of course. With their armies of trolls waging unhinged dialogs on every social media platform, Trump has projected his own venom deep into the public mind, as his followers get an endless kick out of stimulating dismay, revulsion and fear in the minds of the woke. If the woke do not exist, Trump will invent them so his followers can enjoy giving offense to this imagined crowd of hateable people. In the early days of the Internet, it lost you friends if you were an insensitive troll. Today, you act like an online barracuda, and you go to sleep knowing you are loved by the Big Man at Truth Social. Gitlin evokes some of the “excluded, forbidden, and stigmatized practices” that Trump teaches his minions to embrace:

[quote]Trump’s public discourse flagrantly insulted and sexualized women in the most misogynist and anti-feminist ways. Trump has preached a crazed, hyper-violent rejection of Muslims of a type which has been rightfully excluded from acceptable public discourse. He dismissed the logic of military restraint, promising brutal violence to perceived enemies. He rejects careful, complex thought, instead promising the purity of the lizard brain unleashed.[/quote]

[b]Trumpian Tantric Ecstasy Results from Release from Inhibition[/b]

This release of all that inhibition is exhilarating for people who don’t get a lot of thrills from just thinking shit. When it’s not okay to call yourself a Nazi, you can’t enjoy the pleasure of seeing people recoil in disgust. But now Elon Musk can [i]sieg heil[/i] in front of the whole world and enjoy the horror, because he’s just emulating Trump, who tramples social norms underfoot. More importantly, Trump has already silenced the media, from [i]Bezos’ Post that Dies in Darkness,[/i] to [i]ABC that Pays Real Cash to the Criminal[/i], to [i]60 Minutes, that coughed up the unedited tapes of Kamala’s interview[/i], by punishing anyone who tries to check his rampages by turning his cybertrolls on them, like an array of mirrors, focusing Trump’s superhuman capacity for resentment, rage, and malice like an angry red sun, frying his enemies like a kid burning bugs on the pavement with a magnifying glass. With each human destroyed, Trump grows stronger, his crowds more vicious, the danger of total anarchy closer.

The thousands pardoned for J6 crimes have now been confirmed in the rightness of their original criminal conduct, and many are undoubtedly ready to try for higher stakes next time, and are no doubt standing back and standing by, hoping that future Trump events will also be wild. Surely they’re hoping for an event that will be more Kristallnacht than J6, a crushing of hated foes in the hour of triumph, a satisfying settling of some nasty scores.

[b]The Demise of Non-Trumpist Republicans[/b]

Trump’s hate-amplifying machine reduced Kinzinger and Cheney to a couple of lumps of slag, and the Republican political machine sorted itself into a new configuration in response to the lesson Trump had administered to those who dared to defy his MAGA authority. Anyone with a brain or a backbone retired. Men smooth between the legs and women with makeup crowded in to fill the vacuum. Which remained unfilled, because these new Republicans are all empty containers for whatever Trump’s [i]rage du jour[/i] may be. The only safe way to craft legislation these days is to let Trump put it in an executive order, then maybe Congress can follow at a safe distance. Of course, they’ll cut all the social programs, pump up the military, borrow trillions to cover a tax cut, thus increasing the interest rate the US pays on bonds to an astronomical level, making it much harder for us to carry our debt load, possibly bankrupting the country for real, because obviously they’re not going to ask Musk to pay more in taxes. The Republican Congress will, in other words, do whatever Trump directs them to do, because they are mush-brained tantric followers of a malevolent guru who can do no wrong, and holds the power to destroy them with death from above.

[b]The Abdication of Democrats[/b]

Democrats failed to show up to fight the real battle. Cowed by Trump’s ability to command armies of hate-fueled followers, led to their doom by the senescent Joe Biden and last minute wonder Kamala Harris, having gotten milquetoast service from their lawman, Merrick Garland, who could have jailed the criminal ex-President on January 7th and had him in prison within a couple of years. Now they face the tsunami of Trump’s executive order onslaught with philosophical resignation. They are back in their comfortable place – helpless, so they cannot be blamed for doing nothing.

[b]When Lies Work Better than Truth[/b]

Trump lied to get elected, but not in the usual way. He did not care that Democrats and other un-converted people knew he was lying. He taught lying as a new, beneficial activity, that makes you more powerful. An industry grew up to explain how he never meant what he said, and it always meant something different. With such a flock of helpful interpreters, Trump’s non sequiturs became fertile ground for all manner of imaginations. People believed anything they wanted to, borne aloft on the wings of an enthusiasm untethered from any rational moorings.

The political class, so pragmatic that Congress has capitulated on both sides of the aisle, cannot help us at all in this situation. Like a virus that transmutes its host into copies of itself, like a rapist breaking down any resistance to attack, the Trump gene has infected our representatives, turning Republicans into lackeys who see all their hopes in Trumps’ approval, and Democrats into ghosts who shrink away from the unfolding horror, unable even to lay hands on the situation, as useless individually as they are in their pathetic minority status.

[b]The Techno Nazi Blitzkrieg[/b]

Most other points of resistance have been overwhelmed by a techno-Nazi blitzkrieg. The DOGE crowd blasted their way into every locked chamber in the federal system, helping themselves to financial and personal data, grabbing the keys to the national safe and printing their names on all the checks. Lawsuits raining down are being parried by a Department of Justice that has thrown away its rudder and is now directed exclusively by Trump’s edicts – the more unconstitutional and absurd, the better. What Trump says today is the law as soon as it is announced, and his lackeys, Bondi as a puppet for top cop, and Brett Shumate as the head of the Civil Division, who will repeat in court whatever facts are fed to them by the Trump pipeline, true or not, and make any argument of law in favor of upholding Trump’s unfettered power, no matter how absurd. Because, after all, there is a Supreme Court waiting to help Trump, and it is yet to be seen whether they will throw away the last restraints on this homegrown Hitler, or stand between us and the end of our Democratic system of government.

[b]Sacrificial Victims in Abundance[/b]

The Trump junta is engaged in a rolling avalanche of criminal acts, because the criminals run the country, and are making the rules. Every day, Trump makes another law against being a good person, and everyone he wounds and destroys has to take it silently, or suffer enhanced public punishment at the hands of his troll army. Those who are being thrown out of the federal work force willy nilly are being punished, not to make government more efficient, but rather to feed and satisfy the nuclear level of hatred that Trump pumps out every day to keep his flock enraged and engaged. The armies of federal employees and nonprofit workers who are being terminated, the immigrants and those mistaken for immigrants who are seeing their families shattered, and their relatives deported to places as grim as Guantanamo, and all the others suffering from policies cruel in their conception and execution, are all the offerings in a ritual tantric sacrifice, a political black mass that has only begun to consume victims.

[b]Self-Hate Causes Hatred of Others[/b]

Trump’s got a secret from himself. He hates no one more than he hates himself. This is not a cliché, but a reality. Self-hate is not incompatible with worldly success such as he experiences. Rather, they often run together. Looking at Trump as he roasts in the fire of his own private hell, choosing to eat the bread of resentment and spew the bile of hatred every day, it’s evident he is in torment. Of course, like each of us, he is loathe to blame himself for his pain. Like each of us, he doesn’t think it’s his pride and vanity that make every word of criticism like acid thrown in his face. I understand the sentiment. The bastards are always on my ass. We all know it. The longer you stay in the competitive, eat or be eaten, beat or be beaten mindset, the bigger the slate of enemies to blame your problems on. It doesn’t just rain shit by accident, you know? This crap came from somewhere, and I’m going to return it!

Trump is unfortunate because mass media reinforced all of his worst qualities. The mass media audience trained him to be an over the top asshole on all occasions by rewarding him for that performance. He doesn’t like that person he’s been trained to be. To avoid ever seeing the self-hate at the heart of his personality, Trump keeps the video pointed at his triumphant self-image, the one everyone is buying into and worshipping as the official new god of Washington, maybe the whole world. Depends on how hard you huff that delusion.

[b]Like Leader, Like Nation[/b]

The United States of America has put this extremely confused man in control of the most powerful system of authority ever assembled, and given him the actual power to destroy the entire world. I posit that he is driven by self-hate that manifests as an unending war on virtually anyone whose destruction will distract him from his own inner pain. Certainly Trump has good cause to hate himself, but did America choose him as a leader because America hates itself? Does it hate itself for cheating the middle class out of any share in the game, making billionaires richer by the hour while the ordinary person sees their resources shrinking to nothing, their obligations mounting to the sky? Does it hate itself for running a fraudulent political system that never delivers promised benefits to the poor, colored people, Native Americans, or other citizens who don’t exist to the politicians? Did the people of this nation simply give up on being treated fairly by Washington DC, and turn to the seductions of blaming foreigners and dark people for our problems? Did Trump voters decide that the person most likely to reward them for their vote was the person most in denial about reality, because reality is just too much to take, and chose the guy who was smart enough to lie?