Sparking Up A Cyber-Frankenstein: Pushing Yellow Journalism
To The Megacrowd
by Charles Carreon
August 12, 2013

Popehat does the thing he should not do, and creates the
being that should not exist.
Vampires are big today, but in the movieland of my
childhood, Frankenstein was the Big Kahuna. True,
Dracula was frightening, in a very creepy way, but he was
also limited in his ability to inflict harm. Somewhat
like the bishop in chess, who is limited to either the white
or the black squares, Dracula was allergic to sunlight,
garlic and crosses. Not Frankenstein, who strode about
in broad daylight, seemed omnivorous, and could be relied
upon to turn a crucifix into a club with great
swiftness. The movie-monster Frankenstein of my childhood
was mindlessly animate, in gear and on target. Once he
discovered that he was not wanted by humans, he became
utterly insensible to the suffering of human beings. Poor
beast, to be so misunderstood, when he meant no harm!
How touching, the scene where he sways entranced before the
old, blind violinist, who doesn’t fear him because he can’t
see him, and his granddaughter, whose innocence allows the
monster to experience human kindness once. Then, never
From a classical moral perspective, what is wrong with
Frankenstein is that he should not have been created, and
his maker committed a mortal folly when he dared to frame a
simulation of a man’s body from bits of corpses.
Frankenstein has no soul, and is a cursed being, brought
into existence by the hubris of a young man too eager to
scale the pinnacles of scientific achievement without prior
reflection on the moral consequences of his “creation.”
While it is fortunately impossible to duplicate the feat
Mary Shelley premised her novel upon, it is still possible
for clever persons to conjure new minds into existence.
Every speaker who draws a crowd conjures a crowd mind into
existence. This is not a metaphor, but a reality.
A crowd has a body that flows like water, as nicely
illustrated by this Black Friday crowd
cascading into an Urban Outfitters. The physical
strength of a crowd aggregates, causing people to feel less
vulnerable to counterattack in a crowd, and therefore more
willing to engage in attack. See the example of some
very pugnacious conduct at the leading edge of an English
crowd at this

A crowd mind is missing some of the features of the
individual minds from which it arises. As I explained
in a prior post, due to the Pizza
Effect, the crowd mind is composed only of those mental
faculties that aggregate, like physical strength and
emotion, and lacks intellectual ability, that does not
aggregate. So when you are feeling like everyone else
in the crowd, you are dumber than usual, because you are no
smarter than anyone else in the crowd. When Isaac
Asimov invented the science of “psychohistory,” he was
relying on the Pizza Effect when he said that although the
behavior of individuals could not be predicted, the behavior
of large numbers of people could –- because the aggregate of
their impulses was a much more limited universe of
possibilities than the impulses of a single individual.
One impact of the Pizza Effect on our society is, in fact,
that people eat a lot of pizza; indeed, the volume of pizza
eaten in the United States has grown every year since it
appeared on the market after the Second World War.
Asimov would have predicted it, easily, if he’d ever
bothered to give it thought.
Sometimes nations behave like organizations capable of
deliberate behavior. Governments try to act cool and
collected when they confront a crisis, but at the core,
there is a fear of the people degenerating back into a
crowd, a mob without clear purpose, but filled with urgent
needs. During the last decade, one nation after
another has seen the organized surface of governments
convulse, revealing the seething human crowd mind,
aggregating only frustration, fear, and demand, looking for
guidance from some source. And those who are willing
to provide guidance to a crowd can never be trusted.
There must have been nothing more satisfying for William
Randolph Hearst than to know that he’d started another war
and his friends at the Bohemian Grove were going to be
damned happy about it. It seems he was confident about
his ability to deliver an international incident on
In 1897, prior to the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine, Frederic
Remington, an artist hired by William Randolph Hearst,
publisher of the New York Journal, went to Cuba with noted
writer Richard Harding Davis to provide illustrations to
accompany a series of articles on the Revolution.
Arriving in Havana in January of 1897, Remington soon became
bored with seemingly peaceful Cuba and wired Hearst:
“Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be
no war. I wish to return.”
Hearst’s reply is alleged to have been:
“Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish
the war.”
So to take a lesson on how to inflame the masses with lies,
we must examine Hearst. In “A Moment in the Sun,”
author John Sayles assumes Hearst’s viewpoint in the opening
to a chapter entitled “The Daily Outrage,” giving an insight
into how Hearst caused newsboys to spread blatant,
inflammatory lies by using a clever typographical trick, a
“split” headline, that is, one written in two point-sizes,
like this one:
Sayles implies that Hearst printed it that way so the
urchins who hawked his papers would stand on street corners
yelling, “AMERICAN
compelling insight into one of Hearst’s clever tools for
inflicting his version of reality on all of society.
Through third parties like newsboys who abbreviated “split
heads” to produce a false statement, he got to say things he
couldn’t say himself.
As a summary of the most common lies told about me by 105 Rapeutationists clearly
shows, if you believed all
the lies told about me with
respect to the Oatmeal litigation, you’d have an entirely
false version of events and of me. Since all of the
105 Rapeutationists listed on the chart reinforce each
other’s credibility with mutual backpatting in
cross-comments on each other’s blogs, the cross-pollination
of their intellects is too slavish to entertain criticism.
Thus, they have no motive to point out errors in the Charles
Carreon story on their buddy’s blog. Indeed, any tendency
toward criticism of other Rapeutationists would be rejected
automatically as counter-rapeutational behavior that one
might have to account for. Rapeutationing is not peer
review. Rapeutationing means conducting a distributed
disinformation campaign against a person who, seen in a
truthful light, deserves no abuse whatsoever, in order to
justify the abuse. The Rapeutationists cannot credibly
say, “Well, everybody would have hated you anyway, even if
they’d known the literal truth,” because they can’t answer
this question honestly: “Why would you bother to tell
a lie that made no difference?” When it’s a lie that
you bother to tell in an article that’s all about shaming
Charles Carreon, then we presume you felt it had some
“defamatory sting.”
Hearst was such a skillful Father of Lies that he could
cause them to be shouted from the lips of innocent “street
Arabs,” as homeless children were then known, who fanned the
flames of war without a flicker of concern for their
actions. Hearst put the machinery of distortion in
motion so deftly that no one could attribute ill will to him
– as if he should be responsible for the grammatical errors
of urchins!
So who is the Father of Lies in my Rapeutation? Well
gosh, gee golly, I’m going to go with the undisputed facts,
and say “Ken Popehat White!” It’s an honor he’s won by
exerting a lot of effort, putting in a lot of time urging
people to hate me that he could have spent with his family.
But what’s more “family” than trying to destroy someone
else’s Dad? So his kid’s probably pretty understanding
about “Dad’s hobby.” Kinda cool when you think about
it. Unbeknownst to all but a few, he’s a Free Speech
Mafioso, character assassin for hire, lead operative on
important Rapeutations. To everyone else, he’s just a
nice family guy who empties his own garbage and walks the
It’s the volume of work being produced that tips you off
that you may be dealing with a professional hatchet-man.
As I review the products of research into Popehat, I’m
struck by the amount of time spent on the activity, and the
very large number of his Rapeutation victims. I
gradually have drifted from thinking that it was absurd to
imagine he’d be getting paid to conduct Rapeutations to
entertaining the possibility in theory, to definitely not
ruling it out.
He could be working for somebody steady, like Lenny Sands
works for Howard Hughes in James Ellroy’s “American
Tabloid,” stalking and exposing Hollywood personalities
Hughes wants to pressure for business purposes, or wants to
crush because they obstruct his right wing social agendas.
Or he could run a sleaze-for-hire shop of that sort that
have existed in LA since the first swindlers showed up to
sell whatever suckers would pay for. Ellroy’s
character Ward Littell, a lawyer/FBI agent who turns from a
Kennedy worshipper to a conspirator in his assassination, is
the very epitome of a person who traffics in black
information, gathered from law enforcement, private
investigators and freelance mercenaries at a very high
level. Ken Popehat White might be a sort of
micro-version of Ward Littell, gathering his information
from his “army of Davids,” and spreading his poison through
the same network.
Once you have your network of disinformationists, tried and
tested in one Rapeutation after another, it works like a
well-oiled machine. Like Hearst, Popehat can deliver a
DIRA on schedule, and like Hearst, it’s his signature to
seize victory by claiming it boldly. The last headline
quoted by Sayles delivers the war Hearst promised Remington
in his telegram, and is triumphantly brief:
Because the jump from rationality to irrationality must be
quick! Once we have been brought to the brink of a
calamitous decision by a series of events, each one ringing
with national significance, the skillful shaper of the crowd
mind presents the decision as a fait
When we think of the dangers that can befall us when the
crowd mind takes action, we should consider that our
Congress evermore resembles a frightened crowd, rather than
a deliberative body. Remember those heady days in 2001
and 2002 when war fever seized Congress, and all but one
Congresswoman acted in unison to issue the “Authorization
for Use of Military Force?” A product of the
Congressional crowd mind, the AUMF is so broad and
ill-drafted that the Obama administration argues that it
justifies new laws subjecting Americans to the risk of
indefinite detention for vague offenses of the “giving
comfort to the enemy” sort, unconstitutionally adopted by
Congress in Section
1021(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for the
Fiscal Year 2012. In one moment of Congressional
crowd mind, mistaken for “patriotism,” our elected
representatives blotted out two centuries of logically
developed, sound constitutional jurisprudence that protected
our national integrity and individual liberty. What
stampeded the Democratic Congress into giving Bush the AUMF?
Why did the nation have to go to war in Iraq? The
answer was of the simple sort that even the crowd mind can
comprehend: “Because they hate our freedoms.”
When Ken Popehat White, in one of his early screeds contra
Carreon, said that “Carreon hates freedom,” he drew from
the same well of negative sentiment as George W. Bush when
he accused Osama bin Laden of the same offense. What
better way to kick off a DIRA? Invoke the spirit of
9/11! When he kicks off a DIRA, Popehat brings a crowd
mind into existence that, like Frankenstein, should not
exist. It is a crowd mind that is entirely devoted to
self-pleasuring, and lacks all moral restraint, exactly like
the crowd mind that Derren Brown whipped into existence in
less than twenty minutes, inducing the Milgram-Zimbardo
effect in record time, in his Gameshow
Experiment. While careful social scientists can
certainly find shortcomings in the design of Brown’s
“experiment,” given what we already know about the
phenomenon of “de-individuation” that leads to the
absorption and disappearance of the individual mind in the
crowd mind, it can simply be taken as an entertaining
demonstration of how a crowd can easily be guided into a
series of cruel actions by an engaging host who turns off
inhibitions, turns up the arousal, and plays the crowd
mind’s simple keyboard with ease.
Crowds are prone to sudden reversals of position, a
topic that forms the theme of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar.”
The Roman mobs have a central role in the play. In the
opening scene, members of a crowd celebrating Julius
Caesar’s assent to power are reviled by a character whose
good sense recoils at the scene. He calls them “you blocks,
you stones, you worse than senseless things,” because they
had so recently celebrated the rule of Pompey, who was
overthrown by Caesar. By the end of the play, Brutus,
Cassius, and Caesar’s other killers are being pursued by the
mob, whipped into a frenzy by Marc Antony’s deft
manipulation of their sentiments.
The pendulum swings of the crowd mind can cause grave social
changes, carrying nations into blood-stained revolutions,
that fail to resolve the painful causes of the upheaval,
until at last crowd-action subsides, and reasoned, humane
efforts to address real problems are made. We can see this
process in several Latin American countries, like Argentina
and Chile, that have staggered unevenly away from the legacy
of oligarchical oppression.
It is hard to realize that crowd mind is really not much
good for anything besides having a good time at a concert or
game. When the game spills out of the stadium and turns into
a soccer mob, there’s no benefit to anyone, and danger to
many. Nevertheless, we have entered the age of mass social
control through the Internet, and we are going to see a
great deal more crowd-mind activity, and an increasing
frustration from a growing number of just plain folks who
know that you can’t run a society in which rapeutations can
be conducted with impunity, destroying the economic
viability of individuals and businesses, because of the
whimsical, malicious behavior of a relatively small
proportion of Internet users who use and abuse the
substantial margin of privilege secured to them by the good
offices of the Free Speech Mafia.
Often, the realization that crowd mind is out of control
prompts a swing away from anarchy, toward fascism, in the
crowd mind itself. There is no possibility of
self-reflection in a crowd, giving rise to the realization
that it is acting irrationally. It is elementary crowd
psychology that crowds do today what they regret tomorrow.
So those who fan the flames of anarchy, who encourage youth
to man the barricades and occupy the parks and public
places, are often discovered, when the cycle of history has
turned once again, to have been but agent
provocateurs for
the forces of oppression.
Popehat’s short term agenda is to turn the Internet into a
place where no one can find refuge from the rage of a crowd
that wants more than anything to feel its own power, to
confirm its own existence by making a mark. Popehat’s long
term agenda is likely more typical of persons who indulge,
as Hearst did and he does, in bellicose tub-thumping, while
wrapping himself in constitutional virtue – a return to
tyranny, designed by reliable old white guys who look just
like Ken Popehat White.