Iphigenia, Silent No More
by Charles Carreon
January 20, 2014
 [Ken Popehat
White, "The Beast"] “Say What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole
Of The Law”
by Tara Carreon
Lucretius begins his great work of rational inference about
physical phenomena, “On
the Nature of the Universe,” with
a heinous example of the evils wrought by superstitious
ignorance. He tells how King Agamemnon made a special
sacrifice to secure the Immortals’ blessings for the Greek
fleet bound for Troy. He offered the gods the life of his
daughter, Iphigenia. The Immortals sent the wind, and the
Greek armies pillaged Troy, as Cassandra had predicted.
Lucretius evokes the horror experienced by a poor,
frightened child whose father, for reasons incomprehensible,
has turned into her mortal enemy.
Like Iphigenia, I have known the experience of being
surrounded by persons cheering for my death. I have been
surprised to discover a world I thought friendly to be
antagonistic in the extreme. I am silent, rendered
voiceless by a mob. Iphigenia’s death was the price of a
successful military victory. What was my reputational
destruction supposed to buy?
The First Amendment Mafia encourages the sacrifice of
Internet victims to Internet hate-mongers because, they say,
by encouraging Internet lynchings, we keep the world safe
for wholesome, socially constructive speech. Thus, the Jews
of Skokie, Illinois had to sacrifice their peace of mind to
the malicious theatrics of the Illinois Nazis, cloaked in
First Amendment privilege.
I’d almost consent to be Iphigenia, if my suffering would
materially advance the cause of free speech for meaningful
causes, like
free Internet libraries. But there’s a negative
connection between the proliferation of free Internet hate
speech and the quantity of useful, socially productive
speech. The volume of hate speech and lies have eclipsed the
volume of useful, fact-based analysis on almost any topic.
Vast numbers of Internet users have slipped into the gossipy
madness that used to afflict only small towns, where rumors
set tongues to wagging and reputations die overnight.
People used to move to the big cities to get away from that,
but now there’s nowhere to go, and some people are
discovering that, unlike in dreams, if you die on the
Internet, you die in real life. Or maybe, even though it’s
America, you can rot in jail, like Mr. Shuler down in
Alabama, who has been jailed for refusing to stop blogging
about the governor’s son. You would think that a man in
that position would get some support from Ken Popehat White,
but Ken calls Shuler “creepy and crazy … a vexatious
litigant, a serial pro se abuser of the court system.” And
according to the ACLU, that quotes Popehat as an authority
on which way the wind blows in stink-land, Shuler has
already lost the trial in the court of public opinion. So
now that the Internet has uncovered the truth that Shuler’s
a bad guy, there’s no need to keep him in jail.
You know, mobs have come a long way. Used to be mob justice
was a bad thing. Now a mob’s findings are cited in court,
through their Mad Magistrate, Ken Popehat
White. This doesn't seem like progress. Courts
are supposed to determine the truth of facts by deliberating
about the evidence. But crowds don't deliberate, and
the news stories that drive crowd "opinions" are fueled by
personal accounts, often by so-called "eyewitnesses," whose
loaded statements provide the necessary scandalous spin to
conjure up a typhoon of obloquy against the current target
of hatred. Only later, and far too late to do any good, do
the true facts come out, after
"eyewitnesses" have been discredited by investigations
that never receive the attention bestowed upon the first,
irresponsible accusations.
Although crowds can make decisions, a
Colosseum full of spectators giving the
thumbs-down has not deliberated over the evidence, and cannot
pass a legitimate judgment on its victim; rather, it
is arbitrarily determining the fate of the powerless.
Confusing the opinions of Internet lynch
mobs with legal judgments empowers mobs to sentence anyone to Internet
ignominy. If conceding the actual
existence of a “court of public opinion” is now a legal
principle, then the Law has lost its way entirely.
The public is always looking for guidance, and today, they
often seek it from lawyers. As our society becomes more
bureaucratic, more deterministic, lawyers assume greater
authority, and the Cult of the Law becomes more attractive
and influential. But what is this Cult of the Law
delivering to our society? In the realm of the First
Amendment, there are many who wish to make it: “Say what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” When Aleister
Crowley declared the same to be true of our freedom to act
without restraint, it scandalized the world. But the
notion that speech cannot injure people, and therefore
should never be restrained, has been promoted relentlessly
by the media industry, and has now lodged itself solidly in
the public mind. As a result, more and more people are
seeing their lives and reputations mutilated overnight,
sacrificial victims of the Cult of the Law.
As one of these many Internet Iphigenias being sacrificed, let it be said of me that I did not
go silently.