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The scope of human knowledge
has expanded along with technology, giving us a wider view
of the iniquity, duplicity, cruelty and occasionally, the
intelligence, kindness, and decency of humanity. AWOL has
gathered a range of material that enables our readers to
survey the landscape of modern existence, at least until the
lights go out.
Ancien Regime
33rd Degree (1802) Of the Southern Jurisdiction of
the United States, Called Sovereign Grand Inspector
General, Or Supreme Council of the 33rd, by
A Buddhist Catechism: An Outline of the Doctrine of
the Buddha Gotama in the form of Question and
Answer, Compiled from the Sacred Writings of the
Southern Buddhists for the Use of Europeans, With
Explanatory Notes, by Subhadra Bhikshu [Friedrich
Albert Oswald Zimmermann]
A Business Man Looks At Communism, by Fred C. Koch
A Call to the "Awakened" From "The Unseen and
Unknown" For an Esoteric College, and For G.....R
Dept. No. 1, by Vidya-Nyaika
A Code of Gentoo Laws, Or, Ordinations of the
Pundits, From a Persian Translation, Made From the
Original, Written in the Shanscrit Language, by
Nathaniel Brassey Halhed
A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus: And Its
Connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients,
by Richard Payne Knight
A Dweller on Two Planets, by Phylos the Thibetan
[Frederick S. Oliver]
A General View of Positivism Or, Summary exposition
of the System of Thought and Life, by Auguste Comte
A Memoir on Kotla Firoz Shah, Delhi, Memoirs Of the
Archaeological Survey of India, No. 52
by J.A. Page, A.R.I.B.A., Late Superintendent,
Archaeological Survey of India, With a Translation
of Sirat-i-Firozshahi by Mohammad Hamid Kuraishi,
B.A., Superintendent, Archaeological Survey of
India, 1937
A Modern Utopia, by H. G. Wells
A New System, Or, An Analysis of Ancient Mythology:
Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of
Fable; and to Reduce the Truth to its Original
Purity, by Jacob Bryant
A New View of Society, Or, Essays on the Principle
of the Formation of the Human Character, and the
Application of the Principle to Practice, by Robert
A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, Being an Account by
the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien
Of His Travels in India and Ceylon, (A.D. 399–414),
In Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline,
Translated and Annotated with a Corean Recension of
the Chinese Text, by James Legge
A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, Being an Account by
the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien: Of His Travels in India
and Ceylon (A.D. 399–414), Translated and Annotated
with a Corean Recension of the Chinese Text by James
Legge, M.A., LL.D.
A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times.
Book the First. Wrote Under the Direction of The
Lord God, and Published by His Sacred Command: It
Being The First Sign or Warning, For the Benefit of
All Nations. Containing, With Other Great and
Remarkable Things, Not Revealed to Any Other Person
on Earth, the Restoration of the Hebrews, To
Jerusalem, by the Year 1798; Under Their Revealed
Prince and Prophet, Richard Brothers, by Richard
A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times,
Particularly of the Present Time, the Present War,
and the Prophecy Now Fulfilling, The year of the
world 5913. Book the Second. Containing, with other
great and remarkable Things, not revealed to any
other Person on Earth, the sudden and perpetual Fall
of the Turkish, German, and Russian empires. Wrote
Under the Direction of the Lord God and Published by
his Sacred Command; It being a second Sign or
Warning for the Benefit of all Nations. By the Man
that will be revealed to the Hebrews as their Prince
and Prophet, by Richard Brothers
A Road to Self-Knowledge, by Rudolf Steiner
A Strange Story, by Edward Bulwer Lytton
A Translation of Theorems 1-17 of John Dee's Monas
Hieroglyphica, by Nancy Turner and Teresa Burnes
A Voyage to Arcturus, by David Lindsay
After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy, by
T.S. Eliot
Aham Brahmasmi, by Jayaram V
Akashic Records: The Book of Life, by Kevin J.
AlBiruni's India: An Account of the religion,
philosophy, literature, geography, chronology,
astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India
about AD 1030, Edited with Notes and Indices by
Edward C. Sachau
Alchemical Studies , by C.G. Jung
An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity, by
Jonathan Swift
An Essay on the Principle of Population, by Thomas
An Essay on Universal History, the Manners, and
Spirit of Nations: From the Reign of Charlemaign to
the Age of Lewis XIV. [Essai Sur Les Moeurs] [Volume
I], Written in French by M. de Voltaire
[François-Marie Arouet]
An Outline of Occult Science, by Rudolf Steiner
An Unsocial Socialist, by George Bernard Shaw
Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and
Arrian; Being a Translation of the Fragments of the
Indika of Megasthenes Collected by Dr. Schwanbeck,
and of the First Part of the Indika of Arrian, by
J.W. McCrindle, M.A., Principal of the Government
College, Patna, Member of the General Council of the
University of Edinburgh, Fellow of the University of
Calcutta, With Introduction, Notes and Map of
Ancient India, 1877
Annie Besant: An Autobiography, by Annie Besant
Answer to Job, by C.G. Jung
Anti-Semite and Jew: An Exploration of the Etiology
of Hate, by Jean-Paul Sartre
Apology [of Socrates], by Plato
Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideals, by Thomas
Ars Vivendi (Art of Living), by Arthur Lovell
Asclepius [De Voluntate Divina], by Apuleius
Beasts, Men and Gods, by Ferdinand Ossendowski
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively
Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man, by G.I.
Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Future
Philosophy, by Friedrich Nietzsche
Benita: An African Romance, by H. Rider Haggard
Bhagavata Purana, Parts 1 through 5, by J. L.
Shastri / G. V. Tagare
Black Easter, by James Blish
Bolshevism From Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue Between
Adolf Hitler and Me, by Dietrich Eckart
Boyhood With Gurdjieff, by Fritz Peters
Buddha: His Life, His Doctrine, His Order, by Dr.
Hermann Oldenberg
Buddhist Suttas, Translated from Pâli by T. W. Rhys
Davids, Vol. XI of the Sacred Books of the East,
C. G. Jung: Lord of the Underworld, by Colin Wilson
Changing Images of Man: Prepared by the Center for
the Study of Social Policy/SRI International, edited
by O. W. Markley, Project Director and Willis W.
Harman, Project Supervisor
Chaos & Cyberculture, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure, And Other Essays,
by Edward Carpenter
Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man, by
Rudolf Steiner
Creative Evolution, by Henri Bergson
Christianity as Mystical Face and The Mysteries of
Antiquity, by Dr. Rudolf Steiner
Critias, by Plato
Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant
Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross
David Strauss, The Confessor and the Writer, by
Friedrich Nietzsche
De Monarchia of Dante Alighieri, by Dante Alighieri
and Aurelia Henry
Decline of the West: Form and Actuality, by Oswald
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth, by
Hermann Hesse
Dialogues on the Supersensual Life, by Jacob Behmen
[Bohme] [Boehme]
Dietrich Eckart: An Introduction for the
English-Speaking Student, by William Gillespie
Discourses of Rumi, translated by A. J. Arberry
Discoveries Among The Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon;
With Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert:
Being the Result of a Second Expedition Undertaken
for the Trustees of the British Museum, by Austen H.
Layard, M.P., Author of "Nineveh and Its Remains",
Ecce Homo (Nietzsche's Autobiography), by Friedrich
Education as Service, by J. Krishnamurti
Erewhon, by Samuel Butler
Essays and English Traits, by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hindus,
by Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Esq.
Eugenics in Evolutionary Perspective, by Sir Julian
Huxley, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays, by Thomas H.
Ezourvedam: A French Veda of the Eighteenth Century,
Edited with an Introduction by Ludo Rocher
Fear and Trembling, by Johannes De Silentio (alias
Søren Kierkegaard)
First Outline of a System of the Philosophy of
Nature, by F.W.J. Schelling
Four Mystery Plays, by Rudolf Steiner
Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom, by Rudolf
From Symptom to Reality in Modern History, by Rudolf
Fruits of Philosophy: A Treatise on the Population
Question, by Charles Knowlton
Genealogy of the South Indian Deities: An English
translation of Bartholomaus Ziegenbalg's original
German manuscript with a textual analysis and
glossary [Christian Propaganda], by Daniel Jeyaraj
Germany Awakes: Growth, Battle and Victory of the
NSDAP, Deutschland Erwacht: Werden, Kampf und Sieg
God and the State, by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin
Goddess: From Natura to the Divine Sophia, by
Rudolf Steiner
Goethe's Theory of Colours, Translated from the
German with Notes by Charles Lock Eastlake
Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked As the Secret
Power Behind Communism, by Monsignor George F.
Dillon DD.
Greek Buddha: Pyrrho's Encounter With Early Buddhism
in Central Asia, by Christopher I. Beckwith
Haeckel, "The Riddle of the Universe," and
Theosophy, by Rudolf Steiner
Haphaestus or Vulcan: Artisan of the Gods, by Tracy
Hara: The Vital Centre of Man, by Karlfried Graf Von
Healing: The Divine Art, by Manly Palmer Hall
Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell: From Things Heard
and Seen, by Emanuel Swedenborg
Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, by Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, by G. W. F. Hegel
Heredity: Address of the President of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science: Two
addresses delivered at the Australia meeting of the
British Association for the Advancement of Science,
by Prof. William Bateson, M.A., F.R.S.
Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
Historico-Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of
Mythology, by F.W.J. Schelling
History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, by
Kavyavinoda, Sahityaratnakara M. Krishnamachariar,
M.A., M.I., Ph.D., Member of the Royal Asiatic
Society of London (Of the Madras Judicial Service),
Assisted by His Son M. Srinivasachariar, B.A., B.L.,
Advocate, Madras, 1937
History of Hindostan; From the Earliest Account of
Time, To the Death of Akbar; Translated From the
Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi:
Together With a Dissertation Concerning the Religion
and Philosophy of the Brahmins; With an Appendix,
Containing the History of the Mogul Empire, From Its
Decline in the Reign of Mahummud Shaw, to the
Present Times,(1768), by Alexander Dow.
History of Hindostan, Translated from the Persian.
To Which are Prefixed Two Dissertations; The First
Concerning the Hindoos, and the Second on the Origin
and Nature of Despotism in India, A New Edition. In
Three Volumes, Volume I (1812), by Alexander Dow,
History of the Jesuits, by Dr. J. A. Wylie, L.L.D.
History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A
Reassessment of Vladimir Solov'ev's Views on History
and His Social Commitment, by Manon de Courten
Hitler's Secret Backers, by Sidney Warburg
Homo-culture or, The Improvement of Offspring
Through Wiser Generation, by Martin Luther Holbrook,
Hymns of the Samaveda: Translated with a Popular
Commentary, Ralph T.H. Griffith
Indian Tales, by Rudyard Kipling
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, by
Francis Galton
Interesting Historical Events, Relative to the
Provinces of Bengal, and the Empire of Indostan.
With a Seasonable Hint and Persuasive to the
Honourable The Court of Directors of the East India
Company. As Also The Mythology and Cosmogony, Fasts
and Festivals of the Gentoo's, Followers of the
Shastah. And a Dissertation on the Metempsychosis,
commonly, though erroneously, called the Pythagorean
Doctrine, Parts I, II, and III, by J.Z. Holwell,
India Tracts, by Mr. J. Z. Holwell, and Friends.
Institutes of Hindu Law: Or, The Ordinances of Menu,
According to the Gloss of Culluca. Comprising the
Indian System of Duties, Religious and Civil,
Verbally translated from the original Sanscrit, With
a Preface, by Sir William Jones
Indian Usage and Judge-Made Law in Madras, by James
Henry Nelson, M.A., 1887
Isis and Osiris, by Plutarch
Jewishness in and around Us, by Dietrich Eckart
Social Hygiene, VOL. I, DECEMBER, 1914 NO. 1, by The
American Social Hygiene Association, Inc.
Journey to the East, by Hermann Hesse
Judaism in Music (Das Judenthum in Der Musik), by
Richard Wagner
Kabbalah Unveiled: Containing the following Books of
the Zohar: The Book of Concealed Mystery; The
Greater Holy Assembly; The Lesser Holy Assembly
Translated into English from the Latin Version of
Knorr von Rosenroth, and collated with the original
Chaldee and Hebrew Text, by S.L. "MacGregor" Mathers
Kautilya's Arthashastra, translated by R.
Killer Angel: A Biography of Planned Parenthood's
Founder Margaret Sanger, by George Grant
Kim, by Rudyard Kipling
King Kill, by James Shelby Downard & Michael A.
Know Thyself, by Richard Wagner
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
by Rudolf Steiner
Lady Chatterly's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence
Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman
Lectures on Our Israelitish Origin, by John Wilson
Letters and Social Aims, by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Letters of Fyodor Michaeilovitch Dostoevsky to his
Family and Friends, translated by Ethel Colburn
Leviathan or the Matter, Forme, & Power of a
Common-wealth, by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Liber LII, Manifesto of the O.T.O., by Aleister
Life and Teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother,
by Karmayogi, MSS
Light for the New Millennium: Rudolf Steiner's
Association with Helmuth and Eliza von Moltke.
Letters, Documents and After-Death Communications,
by Rudolf Steiner, Helmuth von Moltke, Eliza von
Light on the Path: A Treatise Written for the
personal use of those who are ignorant of the
Eastern Wisdom and who desire to enter within its
influence, by Mabel Collins
Lost Horizon, by James Hilton
Magick in Theory and Practice, by Aleister Crowley
Magick Without Tears, by Aleister Crowley
Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha,
translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis
Mahanirvana Tantra: Tantra of the Great Liberation,
Translated by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe)
Man and Superman, by George Bernard Shaw
Manifesto of the Communist Party, by Karl Marx and
Frederick Engels
Marius the Epicurean, by Walter Horatio Pater
Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
Memorials of Thomas Davidson, The Wandering Scholar,
Collected and Edited by William Knight
Memories, Dreams, Reflections, by C.G. Jung
Men Without Faces, by Louis Francis Budenz
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
Mesmerism: The Discovery of Animal Magnetism, by
Franz Anton Mesmer
Metamorphoses, by Ovid
Mind and Earth, by Carl G. Jung
Mithras, The Secret God (Excerpt) by M.J.
Monas Hieroglyphica (The Hieroglyphic Monad), by Dr.
John Dee, translted by J.W. Hamilton-Jones
Moonchild, by Aleister Crowley
Moral Physiology; Or, A Brief and Plain Treatise on
the Population Question, by Robert Dale Owen
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike
Movement Education: Its Evolution and a Modern
Approach, by Margaret C. Brown, Ed.D. and Betty K.
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age, by Rudolf
New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon
New Platonism and Alchemy, by Alexander Wilder
Occult Chemistry: Clairvoyant Observations on the
Chemical Elements, by Annie Besant, P.T.S., and
Charles W. Leadbeater
Offences Against One's Self: Paederasty, by Jeremy
Old Diary Leaves: The True Story of The Theosophical
Society, by Henry Steel Olcott
On Being a Busybody, by Plutarch
On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry, by Friedrich
On the Constitution of the Church and State,
According to the Idea of Each; With Aids Toward a
Right Judgment on the Late Catholic Bill, by S.T.
Coleridge, Esq.
On the God of Socrates, by Apuleius
On the Jews and their Lies, by Martin Luther
On Tyranny, by Leo Strauss
On Union with God, by Albertus Magnus
On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India, 629-645 A.D., by
Thomas Watters M.R.A.S.
Oupnek'hat [Four Upanishads], by Anquetil Duperron
Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for
Scientific Method in Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell
Our Race: It's Origin and Its Destiny, Study No. 5:
The Renewal of History: How Empire Was Rebuilt and
Replanted, Eochaidh the Heremonn; or The Knight of
The Scarlet-Thread, A Serial Devoted to the Study of
the Saxon Riddle, by Charles A.L. Totten
Parenthood and Race Culture: An Outline of Eugenics,
by Caleb Williams Saleeby
Parerga and Paralipomena: Short Philosophical
Essays, by Arthur Schopenhauer
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, by Immanuel
Petrarch's Secret, or the Soul's Conflict with
Passion: Three Dialogues Between Himself and S.
Augustine, by Francesco Petrarca
Phaedo: The Last Hours of Socrates, by Plato,
translated by Benjamin Jowett
Phaedrus, by Plato
Phallism: A Description of the Worship of
Lingam-Yoni in Various Parts of the World, and in
Different Ages: With an Account of Ancient & Modern
Crosses, Particularly of the Crux Ansata (Or Handled
Cross), and Other Symbols Connected With the
Mysteries of Sex Worshipm by Hargrave Jennings
Philip Dru: Administrator, by Edward Mandell House
Porphyry's Against the Christians: The Literary
Remains, edited and translated with an introduction
and epilogue by R. Joseph Hoffman
Praeparatio Evangelica (Preparation for the Gospel),
by Eusebius of Caesarea
Principles Of Political Economy, by John Stuart Mill
Problems of Chronology in Gandhāran Art, Edited by
Wannaporn Rienjang and Peter Stewart
Proceedings of the first National Conference on Race
Betterment, published by the Race Betterment
Progress and Poverty: An Inquiry into the Cause of
Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want with
Increase of Wealth, by Henry George
Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and
Governments of Europe, Carried on In the Secret
Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading
Societies, Collected from Good Authorities, by John
Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the
Transformation and Symbolisms of the Libido, by Dr.
C. G. Jung
Psychological Types, by C.G. Jung
Pythagoras, by Carl Huffman
Race or Mongrel: A brief history of the rise and
fall of the ancient races of earth: a theory that
the fall of nations is due to intermarriage with
alien stocks: a demonstration that a nation's
strength is due to racial purity: a prophecy that
America will sink to early decay unless immigration
is rigorously restricted., by Alfred P. Schultz
Reflections on the Present State of our East-India
Affairs; With Many Interesting Anecdotes Never
Before Made Public, by Gentleman Long Resident in
Reflections on the Revolution in France, by Edmund
Religion and Art, by Richard Wagner
Report on the Excavations At Pataliputra (Patna):
The Palibothra of the Greeks
by L.A. Waddell, M.B., LL.D., Lieut.-Colonel, Indian
Medical Service, 1903
Resurrection, by Leo Tolstoy
Rhetoric, by Aristotle, translated by W. Rhys
Richard Wagner in Bayreuth, by Friedrich Nietzsche
Riddles of the Sphinx: A Study in the Philosophy of
Evolution, by A TROGLODYTE [Ferdinand Canning Scott
Rig-Veda Or Book Of Hymns, Translated from Sanskrit,
by M. Langlois, Member of the Institut, 1848
RigVeda Sanhita. A Collection of Ancient Hindu
Hymns, Constituting the First Ashtaka, or Book of
the Rig-Veda: The Oldest Authority for the Religious
and Social Institutions of the Hindus, Translated
from the Original Sanskrita by H.H. Wilson, 1866
Rig-Veda-Sanhita: The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans,
Together with the Commentary of Sayanacharya, edited
by Dr. Max Muller, Volume I
Rune Magic, by Siegfried Adolf Kummer
Sacontala [Shakuntala]; or, The Fatal Ring: An
Indian Drama, by Calidas [Kalidasa], Translated from
the Original Sanscrit and Pracrit by Sir William
Satyricon, by Petronius
Schopenhauer and Buddhism, by Peter Abelsen
Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, by Allen
Selections From the Prison Notebooks of Antonio
Gramsci (1929-1935), Edited and translated by
Quentin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith
Seven Years in Tibet, by Heinrich Harrer
Sex & Character, by Otto Weininger [MAIN PARTS],
Selected by Kevin Solway from the 1906 English
Spenser's The Faerie Queene, by Edmund Spenser
Spiritual Science as a Treasure for Life: The
Spiritual World and Spiritual Science, by Rudolf
St. Dionysius of Alexandria: Letters and Treatises,
by Bishop of Alexandria, Saint Dionysius
Start Your Own Religion, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
Steppenwolf, by Hermann Hesse
Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in
Anthropology, Psychiatry, evolution and
Epistemology, by Gregory Bateson
Summa Contra Gentiles-- Books 1, 2 3 & 4, by Thomas
Summa Theologica, by St. Thomas Aquinas
Sun, by D.H. Lawrence
Symbols of Transformation: An Analysis of the
Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, by C.G. Jung
Symposium, by Plato
Tales of Space and Time, by H. G. Wells
Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi, of Ziaud Din Barni [Ziauddin
Barani], Excerpt from The History of India As
Told By Its Own Historians: The Muhammadan Period,
edited from the posthumous papers of the Late Sir
H.M. Elliot, K.C.B., East India Company's Bengal
Civil Service, by Professor John Dowson, M.R.A.S.,
Staff college, Sandhurst, Vol. III, 1871
Tarikh-I Firoz Shahi, of Shams-i Siraj 'Afif,
Excerpt from The History of India As Told By Its Own
Historians: The Muhammadan Period, edited from the
posthumous papers of the Late Sir H.M. Elliot,
K.C.B., East India Company's Bengal Civil Service,
by Professor John Dowson, M.R.A.S., Staff college,
Sandhurst, Vol. III, 1871
Testimony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of
Richard Brothers, and of His Mission to Recal the
Jews, by Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, M.P.
The Aeneid, by Virgil
The Ancient Theology: Studies in Christian Platonism
from the Fifteenth to the Eighteen Century, by
Daniel Pickering Walker
The Advancement of Learning, by Francis Bacon
The Anarchists: A Picture of Civilization at the
Close of the Nineteenth Century, by John Henry
The Anthroposophic Movement, by Rudolf Steiner
The Antichrist, by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Apocalypse of St. John, by Rudolf Steiner
The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura, by
The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher, translated
from the Syriac Version by D.M. Kay, B.Sc., B.D.
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, by Philip
The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social
Transformation in the 1980s, by Marilyn Ferguson
The Architecture of Firuz Shah Tughluq, Dissertation
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate
School of The Ohio State University, by William
Jeffrey McKibben, B.A., M.A., 1988
The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung, by
Richard Noll
The Astral Light, by Henry T. Edge
The Bacchae, by Euripedes
The Being of Man and His Future Evolution, by Rudolf
The Birth of Orientalism, by Urs App
The Birth of Tragedy or Hellenism and Pessimism, by
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Book of Enoch the Prophet, Translated from an
Ethiopic Ms. in the Bodleian Library
by the Late Richard Laurence, LL.D., Archbishop of
The Book of the Dead: The Chapters of Coming Forth
by Day: The Egyptian Text According to the Theban
Recension in Hieroglyphic Edited From Numerous
Papyri, With a Translation, Vocabulary, Etc. by E.A.
Wallis Budge, Littl. D., D.Lit., F.S.A., Keeper of
the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British
The Book of the Dead and Elysian Fields, by A.
Gaddis & G. Seif. Luxor
The Book of Lies, by Aleister Crowley
The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley
The Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore, Ernest
Thompson Seton
The Book on the Living God, by Bo Yin Ra (Joseph
Anton Schneiderfranken)
The Buddha and Dr. Fuhrer: An Archaeological
Scandal, by Charles Allen
The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism With Its Mystic
Cults, Symbolism and Mythology, and in its Relation
to Indian Buddhism, by Laurence Austine Waddell,
M.B., F.L.S., F.R.G.S.
The Buddhist Catechism, by Henry S. Olcott
The Choice of a Mate, by Anthony M. Ludovici
The Christian Puranna of Father Thomas Stephens of
the Society of Jesus, A work of the 17th Century,
Produced from manuscript copies and edited with a
Biographical Note and Introduction, an English
Synopsis of Contents and a Vocabulary by Joseph L.
Saldanha, B.A., St. Aloysius' College, Mangalore
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, by
Johann Valentin Andreae
The City of God, by Aurelius Augustine, Bishop
of Hippo
The City of Man: A Declaration on World Democracy,
by Herbert Agar, Christian Gauss, Frank Aydelotte,
Oscar Jaszi, G. A. Borgese, Alvin Johnson, Hermann
Broch, Hans Kohn, Van Wyck Brooks, Thomas Mann, Ada
L. Comstock, Lewis Mumford, William Yandell Elliott,
William Allan Neilson, Dorothy Canfield Fisher,
Reinhold Niebuhr, Gaetano Salvemini
The City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue between a
Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitallers and a
Genoese Sea-Captain, his guest, by Tommaso
The Coming Race, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
The Commonwealth of Oceana, by James Harrington
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau (Complete
in 12 books), by Jean Jacques Rousseau
The Confessions of St. Augustine, by St. Augustine
of Hippo
The Convivio, by Dante Alighieri
The Creed of Buddha, by Edmond Holmes
The Crowd, by Gustave le Bon
The Cultures of History in Early Modern India:
Persianization and Mughal Culture in Bengal, by
Kumkum Chatterjee
The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and
Montesquieu, by Maurice Joly
The Diary of a Drug Fiend, by Aleister Crowley
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, by Dante
The Divine Pymander: The Hermetica of Hermes
Mercurius Trismegistus
The Edda, by L. Winifred Faraday
The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic
Reality, by Richard Heinberg
The Essence of the Active Word: Course for Priests
of the Christian Community, by Rudolf Steiner
The Esoteric Papers of Madame Blavatsky, by H. P.
The Ethics (Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata),
by Benedict de Spinoza
The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful
Lily, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Fire Regained, by Sidney M. Hirsch
The Flying Dutchman (Der Fliegende Hollaender),
Libretto by Richard Wagner
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century -- Volumes
1 & 2, by Houston Stewart Chamberlain
The Genealogy of Morals, by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Glass Bees, by Ernst Junger
The Golden Asse, by Lucius Apuleius "Africanus"
The Golden Bough: A study of magic and religion, by
Sir James George Frazer
The Golem, by Gustav Meyrink
The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A.
Guillaumont, Henri-Charles Puech, Gilles Quispel,
Walter Till, and Yassah 'Abd Al Masih
The Gospel of Buddha, Compiled From Ancient Records,
by Paul Carus
The Great Gospel of John (Volume I), by Jakob Lorber
The Growth of the Soul, by Alfred Percy Sinnett
The Heart of the Master, by Aleister Crowley
The Herald of Coming Good: First Appeal to
Contemporary Humanity, by G. Gurdjieff
The Heroic Enthusiasts: An Ethical Poem, by Giordano
The History of British India, vol. 1 of 6, by James
The History of British India, vol. 3 of 6, by James
The History of Herodotus, by Herodotus
The History of the Fabian Society, by Edward R.
The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides
The Hodgson Report: Report on Phenomena Connected
With Theosophy, by Richard Hodgson and the Society
for Psychical Research
The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph
T.H. Griffith
The Ibis, by Ovid, Translated by A.S. Kline
The Idea of a Christian Society, by T.S. Eliot
The Iliad of Homer, translated by Samuel Butler
The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Shea and Robert
Anton Wilson
The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis
The Impact of Science on Society, by Bertrand
The Inequality of Human Races, by Arthur De Gobineau
The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and
Rebirth, by Rudolf Steiner
The Institutes of Vishnu, Translated by Julius Jolly
The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
The International Jew, by Henry Ford
The Jewish Question, from "The Diary of a Writer",
by Feodor Dostoievsky
The Jewish State (Der Judenstaat), by Theodor Herzl
The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement, by
Richard Noll
The Key of the Mysteries According to Enoch,
Abraham, Hermes Trismegistes and Solomon, by Eliphas
The Key to Theosophy: Being a Clear Exposition, in
the Form of Question and Answer, of the ETHICS,
SCIENCE, AND PHILOSOPHY for the Study of which The
Theosophical Society has been Founded, by H.P.
The Kingdom of Agarttha [Agartha] [Agarthi]: A Journey Into the Hollow
Earth, by Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves D'Alveydre
The Life of Buddha as Legend and History, by Edward
J. Thomas
The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang, by the Shaman Hwui Li
The Life of Mazzini, by Bolton King, M.A.
The Life of Philippus Theophrastus Bombas of
Hohenheim Known by the Name of Paracelsus and the
Substance of His Teachings Concerning Cosmology,
Anthropology, Pneumatology, Magic and Sorcery,
Medicine, Alchemy and Astrology, Philosophy and
Theosophy, by Franz Hartmann, M.D.
The Light of Asia, by Sir Edwin Arnold
The Love Epistles of Aristaenetus, Translated by
Nathaniel Brassey Halhed
The Magic Mountain, by Thomas Mann
The Mahawanso [Mahavamsa] in Roman Characters With
the Translation Subjoined And an Introductory Essay
on Pali Buddhistical Literature, In Two Volumes,
Volume I, Containing the First Thirty Eight
Chapters, by the Hon. George Turnour, Esq., Ceylon
Civil Service, 1837
The Maker of Rainbows and Other Fairy-Tales and
Fables, by Richard Le Gallienne
The Matsya Puranam, translated by A Taluqdar
[Zamindar] of Oudh, edited by Major B.D. Basu,
The Mind Possessed: A Physiology of Possession,
Mysticism and Faith Healing, by William Sargant
The Mission of Folk-Souls (In Connection With
Germanic Scandinavian Mythology), by Rudolf Steiner
The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races, With
Particular Reference To Their Respective Influence
in the Civil and Political History of Mankind, by
Arthur, comte de Gobineau
The Mysteries (Die Gehiemnisse), by Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe
The Myth of the Eternal Return, by Mircea Eliade
The Myth of the Twentieth Century, by Alfred
The Narada-Purana, Part 5, by Motilal Banarsidas
The New World Order: Whether it is attainable, how
it can be attained, and what sort of world a world
at peace will have to be, by H. G. Wells
The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century and
Its Relation to Modern Culture, by Rudolf Steiner
The Occult World, by A.P. Sinnett
The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Judge
The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Samuel Butler
The Open Conspiracy, by H. G. Wells
The Origin of Russian Communism, by Nicolas Berdyaev
The Padma-Purana, Part 8, by Motilal Banarsidass
The Padma-Purana, Part 9, by Motilal Banarsidass
The Pālas of Bengal, by Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay [aka
R. D. Banerji]
The Passing of the Great Race, Or The Racial Basis
of European History, by Madison Grant
The Phenomenon of Man, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The Phenomenology of Mind, by G. W. F. Hegel
The Philosophy of Freedom (The Philosophy of
Spiritual Activity): The Basis for a Modern World
Conception, by Rudolf Steiner
The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger
The Poetics of Aristotle, by Aristotle, translated
by S.H. Butcher
The Poisonous Mushroom: A children's book, by Ernst
The Politics of Aristotle, by Aristole, translated
by Benjamin Jowett
The Possessed Or; The Devils, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Practice of the Ancient Turkish Freemasons: The
Key to the Understanding of Alchemy. A Presentation
of the Ritual, Doctrine and Signs of Recognition
Among the Oriental Freemasons, by Baron Rudolf von
The Preacher of Cedar Mountain: A Tale of the Open
Country, by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Printing Press in India: It's Beginnings and
Early Development Being a Quatercentenary
Commemoration Study of the Advent of Printing in
India (In 1556), by Anant Kakba Priolkar, Director,
Marathi Samshodhana Mandala, Bombay
The Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History to
the Close of the Eighth Century, B.C., by W.
Robertson Smith, L.L.D.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, by
Sergyei A. Nilus, translated by Victor E. Marsden
The Psychological Foundations Of Belief In Spirits ,
by Carl Gustav Jung
The Psychology of Revolution, by Gustave le Bon
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library, edited by
David Fideler
The Ramacaritam of Sandhyakaranandin, Edited with
Sanskrit commentaries and English Translation, by
Dr. R. C. Majumdar
The Ramayana of Valmiki, translated by Hari Prasad
The Ravings of a Renegade: Being the War Essays of
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Translated from the
German by Charles H. Clarke, Ph.D.
The Real History of the Rosicrucians: Founded on
Their Own Manifestoes, And on Facts and Documents
Collected From the Writings of Initiated Brethren,
by Arthur Edward Waite
The Red Book: Liber Novus, by C.G. Jung
The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and
Exoteric, by Guido von List
The Republic, by Plato
The Rig Veda, translated by Ralph T. H.
The Rising Tide of Color Against White
World-Supremacy, by Lothrop Stoddard
The Road to the Open, by Arthur Schnitzler
The Role of the Unconscious, by Carl G. Jung
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel
The Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer: The True
Society of Jesus and the Rosy Cross
Here are forty sacred emblems from Holy Scripture
concerning the most precious name and cross of Jesus
Christ, by Daniel Cramer
The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of
Empires: And The Law of Nature, by C.F. Volney
[Constantin Francois de Chasseboeuf, comte de
The Skanda-Purana, Part 6, by Motilal Banarsidass
The Science of Breath & the Philosophy of the
Tatwas, by Rama Prasad
The Secret Rose, by W.B. Yeats
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall
The Sermons and Conferences of John Tauler of the
Order of Preachers, Surnamed "The Illuminated
Doctor", First Complete English Translation With
Introduction and Index by Very Rev. Walter Elliott
of the Paulist Fathers
The Seven Books on the Art of War, by Niccolo
The Seven Creative Principles: Being a Series of
Seven Lectures Delivered Before the Society for
Esoteric Culture, of Boston, With Introductory
Lecture on the Idea of God, and Concluding Lecture
on the Esoteric Significance of Color, by Hiram
Erastus Butler
The Social Contract & Discourses, by Jean-Jacques
The Social Organism , by Herbert Spencer
The Song Celestial: Bhagavad-Gita, Translated by Sir
Edwin Arnold
The Spalding Trust and the Union for the Study of
the Great Religions: H.N. Spalding's Pioneering
Vision, by Edward Hulmes
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola,
Translated from The Autograph by Father Elder
Mullan, S.J.
The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and
of the new Gospel of Interpretation, by Edward
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung, by William Morris
The Task of Social Hygiene, by Havelock Ellis
The Tavistock Lectures: On the Theory and Practice
of Analytical Psychology, by C.G. Jung
The Texts of the White Yajurveda, translated With a
Popular Commentary by Ralph T.H. Griffith
The Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's
World-Conception, by Rudolf Steiner
The Threefold Social Order, by Rudolf Steiner
The Time Machine: An Invention, by H. G. Wells
The Transcendental Universe: Six Lectures on Occult
Science, Theosophy, and the Catholic Faith, by C.G.
The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and
Rustichello of Pisa
The Tree of Life and the Hebrew Alphabet, by Dirk
The Truth About Soviet Russia, by Sidney and
Beatrice Webb
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in
Human Nature , by William James, LL.D., Erc.
The Veda of the Black Yajus School Entitled
Taittiriya Sanhita, Translated from the Original
Sanskrit Prose and Verse by Arthur Berriedale Keith,
The Vinaya Pitakam: One of the Principal Buddhist
Holy Scriptures in the Pali Language: Vol. I: The
Mahavagga, edited by Hermann Oldenberg
The Vishnu Purana: A System of Hindu Mythology and
Tradition, translated from the Original Sanskrit,
and Illustrated by Notes Derived Chiefly From Other Puranas, by the Late H.H. Wilson, M.A., F.R.S.,
Boden Professor of Sanskrit in the University of
Oxford, etc., Etc., Edited by Fitzedward Hall, Vol.
IV, 1868
The Vyavaharamayukha of Bhatta Nilakantha, With an
Introduction, Notes and Appendices, by P.V. Kane
The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells
The Way the World Is Going: Guesses & Forecasts of
The Years Ahead, by H.G. Wells
The Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith
The White Dominican, by Gustav Meyrink
The Will to Power, An Attempted Transvaluation of
all Values, Book I, II, III, and IV, by Friedrich
The Word of the Buddha: An outline of the
ethico-philosophical system of the Buddha in the
words of the Pali Canon, Compiled, translated, and
explained by Nyanatiloka Mahathera [Anton Walther
Florus Gueth]
The World As Will and Representation, by Arthur
The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja, Vol 1edited,
translated and commented on by David Pingree
The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling
Family From Odin to Halfdan the Black, by Snorri
The Zohar, translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice
Theologia Germanica, by Anonymous (Meister Eckhart)
Theosophy: An Introduction to the Supersensible
Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man,
by Rudolf Steiner
Theosophy of the Rosicrucian, by Rudolf Steiner
Theozoology, or the Science of the Sodomite Apelings
and the Divine Electron, by Dr. Jorg Lanz von
Thoughts during the Time of War: For Germans and
those who do not believe they must hate them, by
Rudolf Steiner
Three Years in Tibet, by Shramana Ekai Kawaguchi
Timaeus, by Plato, translated by Benjamin Jowett
Travel to Egypt and Syria, by Constantin Francois
Chasseboeuf Boisgirais Volney
Tristan and Isolde, Libretto by Richard Wagner
Twilight of the Idols, by Friedrich Nietzsche
Two Orations of the Emperor Julian, One to the
Sovereign Sun and the Other To the Mother of the
Gods, by Flavius Claudius Julianus
Ulysses, by James Joyce
Undine: A Romance, by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque
UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, Preparatory
Commission of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation, by Julian
Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement With
the Occult, by Peter Levenda
Utopia, by Thomas More
Victor Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton, by
Viral Blacksmith Video DEBUNKED, by AE911 Truth
War, Progress, and the End of History, Including a
Short Story of the Anti-Christ: Three Discussions,
by Vladimir Soloviev
What Is and What Might Be: A Study of Education in
General and Elementary Education in Particular, by
Edmond Holmes
What is Eugenics?, by Leonard Darwin
What is Metaphysics, by Martin Heidegger
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, by William
Graham Sumner
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, by Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe
Woman and the New Race, by Margaret Sanger
Yajnavalkya Smriti, With the Commentary of
Vijnanesvara Called The Mitaksara and Notes from the
Gloss of Balambhatta, Book I: The Achara Adhyaya,
Translated by Late Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra
Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale, by Edward Bulwer Lytton
Another View on 9/11
'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan,
by Scott Shane
9/11: For the Record, by Condoleezza Rice
9/11: Blueprint for Truth -- The Architecture of
Destruction: The Forensic Science-Based Facts of
9/11, by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious
People Respond?, by David Ray Griffin
911 And the BBC Conspiracy, written by Adrian
Connock and David Shayler
9/11 Commission Misses FBI's Embarrassing Al Qaeda
Dealings, by Peter Dale Scott
9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA, by Webster
Griffin Tarpley
9/11 Commission Staff Statement #10 As Prepared for
Delivery to the National Commission on Terrorist
Attacks Upon the United States, by 9/11 Commission
9-11 Crash Victim Barbara Olson Arrested in Europe,
by Tom Flocco
28 Pages: Former Sen. Bob Graham and others urge the
Obama administration to declassify redacted pages of
a report that holds 9/11 secrets, by Steve Kroft
30-Year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched
Vietnam War, by Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen
A Christmas Day Mosque Fire May Have Been
Intentional, Officials Say, by Casey Quinlan
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the
Realm, by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles
Fairbanks, Jr., Doughlas Feith, Robert Lowenberg,
Jonathan Torop, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser
A Cover-Up As Shameful as Tillman's Death, by Robert
A Nation Challenged: The Opposition; In New Glare,
Questions Dog Afghan Rebels, by David Rohde with
John F. Burns
A Review of Incontrovertible, the New Documentary by
Tony Rooke, by James McDowell
A Muslim School Used by Military Has Troubling Ties,
by Glenn R. Simpson
Able Danger Intel Exposed "Protected" Heroin
Trafficking, by Daniel Hopsicker
Able Danger Round-Up , by Nicholas Levis
9/11 Commission's Staff Rejected Report on Early
Identification of Chief Hijacker, by Douglas Jehl
and Philip Shenon
CIA tried in 1999 to recruit associate of 9-11
hijackers in Germany, by John Crewdson
C.I.A. Was Given Data on Hijacker Long Before 9/11,
by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau
Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00,
by Douglas Jehl
Germans Nab Qaeda Terror Suspect, by CBS
Mohamed Atta apparently visited a U. S. government
office (Department of Agriculture) to apply for a
$650,000 loan to buy a cropdusting airplane., by
Officer Says Pentagon Barred Sharing Pre-9/11 Qaeda
Data With F.B.I., by Philip Shenon
Omar al-Bayoumi, by Wikipedia
Pentagon Finds More Who Recall Atta Intel, by The
Associated Press / New York Times
Second Officer Says 9/11 Leader Was Named Before
Attacks, by Philip Shenon
Senate Panel Plans Hearing Into Reports on
Terrorist, by Philip Shenon
Spies, or students?, by Nathan Guttman
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth: Americans Probing
Reports of Israeli Espionage, by Marc Perelma
What If ..., by Jim Gilmore
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust From
the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, by Niels H.
Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R.
Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg
Roberts, James R. Gourley and Bradley R. Larsen
Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story,
by Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson
Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9-11 Terrorists, by Alex
Afghan Detainee Dies After Exercise at Guantanamo,
by Ben Fox
Afghanistan: Biden Vows to End Nation’s Longest War
by 9/11 After Decades of Bloodshed & Destruction, by
Amy Goodman
After the Attacks: The Investigation; Bin Laden Tie
Cited, by David Johnston and James Risen
Aftermath of Terror. Bin Laden Family Could Profit
From a Jump in Defense Spending Due to Ties to U.S.
Bank, by Daniel Golden, James Bandler and Marcus
Agency Planned Exercise on September 11 Built Around
a Plane Crashing Into a Building, by John J. Lumpkin
Airforce Manual 10-100, Airman's Manual, by
Department of the Air Force
Al Qaeda: The Database, by Wayne Madsen
Al Qaeda in Southeast Asia: Exploring the Linkages ,
by Dr. Zachary Abuza
Al-Qaeda Cleric Exposed As an MI5 Double Agent --
Allies Say Warnings Were Ignored, by Daniel McGrory
and Richard Ford
America's New War: Responding to Terrorism, by Larry
King Live
Annals of War: Overwhelming Force: What happened in
the final days of the Gulf War?, by Seymour Hersh
Ariel Sharon: War Criminal, by Hadas Thier
American Airlines and Qual Comm Complete Test Flight
to Evaluate In-Cabin Mobile Phone Use, by Qualcomm
An Accountable FBI: Robert Mueller Should Resign, by
The Wall Street Journal
An Artist's Controversial Stamp Acts, by Kari
Anguished Imam Resigns as FDNY Chaplain, by Carol
Eisenberg and Graham Rayman
Another Warning From Zubaydah: The captured bin
Laden aide puts the FBI on alert again — this time
over "soft targets", by Elaine Shannon
Arms Buildup Is a Boon to Firm Run by Big Guns:
Ex-President and Other Washington Elites Are Behind
the Carlyle Group, by Mark Fineman
Army Officer Turned Whistleblower: How Many More
Must Die? , by Scott Shane
Ashcroft Asks Congress For Expanded Police Powers as
Manhunt Continues, by Ana Radelat
Ashcroft Flying High, by CBS News
Ashcroft Sued For Classifying Docs, by CBSNews.com
ASIO To Probe Al-Qaeda Suspect, by theage.com.au
Australian's Long Path in U.S. Antiterrorism Maze,
by Raymond Bonner
"Back-Door Draft" Shakes the Military: Iraq,
Afghanistan conflicts stretch volunteers thin, by
Scott Canon and Rick Montgomery
Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at
Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities, by Shaila K.
Balik Terrorism: The Return of the Abu Sayyaf , by
Dr. Zachary Abuza
Barrage of Bullets Drowned Out Cries of Comrades, by
Steve Coll
BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes
Before It Fell, by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Behind Military Analysts, the Pentagon's Hidden
Hand, by David Barstow
Bin Laden "Said Thousands Would Die," by Adam Tanner
Bin Laden "Share Gains" Probe, by BBC
Bin Laden's Military Mole, by Alex Haverfield
Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading
Scam?, by Don Radlauer
Blackstone Acquires Debt on 7 World Trade Center, by
Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat
Tillman, by Mary Tillman with Narda Zacchino
British Ambassador Christopher Meyer Letter, by
Christopher Meyer
Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid By CIA, by
Dexter Filkins, Mark Mazzetti and James Risen
Bush-Bin Laden-Al Qaeda Money Laundry Conspiracy, by
Wayne Madsen
Bush Seeks $700 Billion for Wall Street Bailout, by
Free Internet Press
Bush Slow on Bin Laden Drones Before 9/11, by
Associated Press
Bush Sought Way to Invade Iraq?: Former Treasury
Secretary Paul O'Neill is the main source for an
upcoming book about the Bush White House, "The Price
of Loyalty.", by CBS News
Bush: "We're At War," by Mark Hosenball
Bush's Brain Trust, by Sam Tanenhaus
Bush's Faustian Deal with the Taliban, by Robert
Called Off the Trail?: FBI Agents Probing Terror
Links Say They Were Told, "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"
Can You Tell a Sunni From a Shiite? , by Jeff Stein
Carter Says U.S. Tortures Prisoners, by Alexander
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instructions:
Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of
Derelict Airborne Objects, by S.A. Fry, Vice
Admiral, U.S. Navy, Director, Joint Staff
Chaos, Pain of 9/11 Revealed in Recordings,
Documents, by Associated Press
Charges To Be Brought Against Arms Dealers Who Were
Filmed In ATF Undercover Operation, by Chris Hansen
Chavez: Thorn in U.S. Side: Chavez's Anti-U.S.
Fervor Emerging Force Among Non-Aligned Nations, by
Robert Collier
Chertoff Family Member Wrote 9-11 Propaganda, by
Christopher Bollyn
CIA Agent Alleged to Have Met Bin Laden in July, by
Anthony Sampson
CIA Destroyed 2 Tapes Showing Interrogations, by
Mark Mazzetti
CIA Documents Show How Deeply Doctors and Health
Professionals Were Involved in Torture, by Sarah
Dougherty, JD, MPH
CIA Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Exposes Everything!
Coleen Rowley's Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller,
by Coleen Rowley
Complete 9/11 Timeline: Insider Trading and Other
Foreknowledge, by Paul Thompson
Con Man Turned Patriot Tells All, by John Pacenti
Confusion Over Names Clouds Identities of Attackers
on Jets, by Neil MacFarquahar
Context of 'January 2003: Classified Intelligence
Assessments Warn of Dire Consequences to Iraq
Invasion', by History Commons
Contingency Planning Pentagon Mascal Exercise
Simulates Scenarios in Preparing for Emergencies, by
Dennis Ryan
Controversy Swirling Over September 11 Pentagon
Mystery: Industry Experts Can't Explain Photo
Evidence, by American Free Press
Crimes of Iraqgate, by William Safire
Crushed Towers Give Up Cache of Gold Ingots, by
Nicholas Wapshott
Data Shows Heavy Airline-Stock Short Selling, by
Christian Berthelsen
Daughter of 9/11 Pilot Found Dead After Fire, by
Alan Feuer and Nate Schweber
Death Before Dishonor: Army Ethics Inspector's Death
in Iraq Ruled Suicide , by T. Christian Miller
Dead Saudi Major Related to 9-11 Terrorists? , by
Tom Flocco
Dekkers To Be Charged in Fraud Case, by Tommy
Diatribe: Another Way of Seeing, by Bobby Fischer
Did We Know What Was Coming?, by William Norman
Early Warning: State Department Memo Warned of
Terrorist Threat, by Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross
Egyptian Man Denies Son's Involvement in Hijackings,
Calls Accusations "Nonsense", by Neil MacFarquahar
Eight Americans Killed by Afghanistan Bomb Were CIA
Agents, by belfasttelegraph.co.uk
Enron's Eight-Year Power Struggle in India, by Tony
EPA'S Response to the World Trade Center Collapse:
Challenges, Successes, and Areas for Improvement ,
by United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Inspector General
EU Searches for Suspicious Trading, by Associated
Ex-FBI Agent Admits Giving Out 9/11 Data, by
Associated Press
Excerpts From Pentagon's Plan: "Prevent the
Re-Emergence of a New Rival," by the New York Times
Exchange Examines Odd Jump: Before Attack Many Put
Options of Hijacked Planes' Parent Companies
Purchased, by Dave Carpenter
F.A.A. Official Scrapped Tape Of 9/11 Controllers'
Statements, by Matthew L. Wald
Fahrenheit 9/11, written, directed and produced by
Michael Moore
Fall of a Vulcan, by Michael Duffy
Families Say Flight 93 Tapes Prove Heroism, by Phil
Hirschkorn and David Mattingly
Fascist America, In 10 Easy Steps, by Naomi Wolf
FBI Flaws Alleged by Field Staff: Moussaoui Probe
Lapses Blamed on Headquarters, by Dan Eggen and Bill
FBI Says "No Hard Evidence Connecting Bin Laden to
9/11, by Ed Haas
FBI Told Clinton Prosecutor About Details of 9/11
"Attack" Weeks in Advance, by Craig McKee
Federal Aviation Administration System Safety
Handbook , by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Final Contact, by Betsy Harter
Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center
Building 7, by NIST National Institute of Standards
and Technology
Five, Including F.B.I. Agents, Are Named in a
Conspiracy, by Alex Berenson
Five Men Detained As Suspected Conspirators, by
Paulo Lima
9/11 Revisited: Declassified FBI Files Reveal New
Details About ‘The Five Israelis’, by Greg Fernandez
Five Israelis detained for "puzzling behavior" after
WTC tragedy, by Yossi Melman
Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners
ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001,
by HeraldScotland.com
Someone Tell Trump: It was Jews, Not Arabs, Dancing
on 9-11, by Michael Collins Piper
U.S. arrests of Israelis a mystery: Most charged
with immigration violations either have been
deported or will be, by Doug Saunders
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?, by Chris
Isham, John Miller, Glenn Silber and Chris Vlasto
Five Years of My Life: An Innocent Man in
Guantanamo, by Murat Kurnaz
FBI Flaws Alleged by Field Staff: Moussaoui Probe
Lapses Blamed on Headquarters, by Dan Eggen and Bill
Ford Speaks From the Grave, Criticizes Bush on Iraq,
by Reuters
Forensic Feat IDs Nearly All Pentagon Victims, by
Christopher C. Kelly
Former Army Reservist Pleads Guilty in Kickback
Scheme , by Associated Press
Former Bond Trader Sentenced, by Amanda Riddle
Former Bush Admin Economist Says Official Story of
WTC Collapse "Bogus", by United Press International
Former CIA Analyst: Government May Be Manufacturing
Fake Terrorism: A Government openly promoting
torture, a President acting like a King cannot be
trusted, must be impeached, by Prisonplanet.com
Former Detainees Argue For Right To Sue Rumsfeld
Over Torture, by Paul von Zielbauer
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA
Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas
Von Buelow, by Prisonplanet.com
Former Top General in Iraq Faults Bush
Administration, by David S. Cloud
Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush, by Gail Sheehy
Frank Carlucci, by nationmaster.com
From Deception to Revelation: An Analysis of the
Attack of the Pentagon, by Dave vonKleist
Full text of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's
speech to the United Nations on Iraq., by Colin
General Tommy Franks, by Marvin R. Shanken
George W. Bush & His Torturers [w/Judge Andrew
Napolitano], by Ralph Nader
German Firm Probes Last-Minute World Trade Center
Transactions, by Erik Kirschbaum
Gold Depositories Buried Beneath Trade Center
Rubble, by Stewart Stogel
Golfer Payne Stewart Dies: Runaway Plane Crashes in
S.D.; Golfer, At Least Four Others Killed, by
Geraldine Sealey
Gore Vidal Claims "Bush Junta" Complicit in 9/11:
America's most controversial novelist calls for an
investigation into whether the Bush administration
deliberately allowed the terrorist attacks to
happen, by Sunder Katwala
Grand Designs, by Corey Robin
Guilty for 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, by Illarion
Bykov and Jared Israel
Harold Pinter's Nobel Acceptance Speech: "Art, Truth
and Politics" , by Harold Pinter
Heightened Security Alert Had Just Been Lifted, by
Curtis L. Taylor and Sean Gardiner
Hijack "Suspects" Alive and Well, by BBC News
Hijacker Inquired About Using Crop-Duster, by Paul
High Plains Grifter: The Life and Crimes of George
W. Bush, by Jeffrey St. Clair
Home Run. Electronically Hijacking the World Trade
Center Attack Aircraft, by Joe Vialls
Hospital Worker: I Saw Osama -- Accused Terrorist
Said to Have Had Dialysis on Sept. 10, by CBS News
House of Saud Looks Close to Collapse, by David
Leigh and Richard Norton-Taylor
How Pentagon Paid PR Firm +$500 Million For Top
Secret Iraq Propaganda, by Crofton Black and Abigail
How we got here: The misuse of American military
power and the Middle East in chaos, by Danny Sjursen
I Am Sullied: Suicide Before Dishonor in Occupied
Iraq, by Gary Leupp
In a Deadly Day, Israelis Kill 36 After An Arab
Kills 5, by James Bennet
In a Desolate House, Vestiges of a Violent 1999
Hijacking, by David Rohde
In Difficult Times Muslims Count on Unlikely
Advocate: Norquist, Famed Tax Foe, Offers Washington
Access, Draws Flak, by Tom Hamburger and Glenn R.
In U.S. Report, Brutal Details of 2 Afghan Inmates'
Deaths, by Tim Golden
In-Flight Cell Phones "Worked Great" in Test, by Dan
Inside Stratcom on September 11: Offutt Exercise
Took Real-Life Twist, by Joe Dejka
Intelligence Panel Hears From Glass, by John Pacenti
Intelligence Team Members Ordered Silent in 9/11
Probe, by Shaun Waterman
Interview with Michael Smith, by
Investigators Claim Russian Defector Lead Suspect in
Anthrax Mailings, by Randy Boswell
Iraq: Seeing Double in Baghdad: Saddam Uses
Look-Alikes to Disguise His Whereabouts, by Charles
Iraq war: the greatest intelligence failure in
living memory. On the tenth anniversary of the Iraq
war, Panorama's Peter Taylor reveals the sources
close to Saddam Hussein whose intelligence could
have changed the course of history. by Peter Taylor
Is Bush Still An Enron Fan?, by Robert Scheer
Islamism, Fascism and Terrorism, by Marc Erikson
Israeli Spy Scandal Deepens: Spies or Students?, by
Lorie Kramer
It's a Scam, by Tom Engelhardt
Jury Awards $2.2 Billion in 9/11 Insurance, by
United Press International
Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba
(Operation Northwoods), by L.L. Lemnitzer, Chairman,
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Kay: No Evidence Iraq Stockpiled WMDs: Former chief
U.S. inspector faults intelligence agencies, by CNN
Kennedy Says Iraq War Case a "Fraud" , by Steve
Killing Pat Tillman, by J. Bruce Campbell
Letter to Ronald H. Brookman Re NIST input documents
for WTC 7, by Catherine S. Fletcher, FOIA Officer
Lie by Lie: How Our Leaders Used Fear and Falsehood
To Dupe Us Into a Mideast Quaqmire: A Timeline , by
Tim Dickinson & Jonathan Stein
Loose Change, 2nd Edition Recut, written and
directed by Dylan Avery
Lost in Translation, by CBSNews.com
Major to Chair Private Equity House: John Major
Turns From Politics to Business, by BBC News
Manager: Men Spewed Anti-American Sentiments, by USA
McCain Disavows Aid's Comment About Terrorism, by
Glen Johnson
Memo from David Manning (UK Foreign Policy Advisor)
to Tony Blair recounting Manning’s meetings with his
US counterpart Condoleezza Rice (National Security
Advisor), and advising Blair for his upcoming visit
to Bush’s Crawford ranch, by David Manning
Memo from Jack Straw (UK Foreign Secretary) to Tony
Blair in preparation for Blair’s visit to Bush’s
Crawford ranch, covering Iraq-al Qaida linkage,
legality of invasion, weapons inspectors and
post-war considerations, by Jack Straw
Memo from Overseas and Defence Secretariat Cabinet
Office outlining military options for implementing
regime change -- Iraq Options Paper, by Overseas and
Defence Secretariat Cabinet Office
Memo from Peter Ricketts (Political Director, UK
Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to Jack Straw (UK
Foreign Secretary) providing Ricketts’ advice for
the Prime Minister on issues of the threat posed by
Iraq, connections to al Qaida, post-war
considerations and working with the UN, by Peter
Memo to FBI Counterterrorism from Phoenix Squad 16
SA Kenneth J. Williams, Re Pentbomb Information
Memo to Secretary of Defense, by William J. Haynes,
II (November 27, 2002)
Memorandum for Inspector General, Department of the
Navy, by Alberto Mora
Missile & Remote Control Systems Added to Small Jets
Before 9-11; Same Parts Found at Pentagon. Witnesses
link missile to small military jet parts found at
Pentagon on 9/11, bby Tom Flocco
More Holes in the Official Story: The 9/11 Cell
Phone Calls , by Michel Chossudovsky
More Signs of Odd Stock Trades Found, by Greg
Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics, by J. McMichael
Muzzling FBI'S Whistle, by CNN.com
Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol
Hill, by Michel Chossudovsky
Nada Management (Al Taqwa): Italian police detain
two Egyptian financiers for alleged al-Qaida links,
by Gabriella Brioggi
New Scrutiny of Airlines Options Deals, by Christian
New Seismic Data Refutes Official WTC Explanation,
by Christopher Bollyn
New York Firefighters Video, Naudet Brothers'
NIST's WTC 7 Reports: Filled with Fantasy, Fiction,
and Fraud, by Simon Falkner and Chris Sarns
No Explosives Found on Cleveland Plane, by Paul
No Longer Safe, by Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky is in Denial About 9/11, by Mark H.
NORAD Had Drills of Jets as Weapons, by Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri
Nuclear Disarmament Gets Critical, by Praful Bidwai
NY Firefighters Reached South Tower Crash Zone, by
David Batty and Julian Borger
NY's Fallen Heroes: More Than 100 Retired 9/11 Cops
and Firefighters Busted for Swindling $24 Million in
Disability Benefits With Fake Illnesses and Made-up
Psychological Trauma Arising From Terror Attack, by
Meghan Keneally
Obama Extends War in Afghanistan, by Kathy Kelly
Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of Attack, by Yuval
Official: U.S. Oil at the Heart of Iraq Crisis, by
Neil Mackay
Oh Lucy! You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do. A Timeline
Surrounding September 11th, by Michael C. Ruppert
Once High-Flying Stock Speculator Elgindy Faces
Accusers This Week, by Dean Calbreath
Operation 911: No Suicide Pilots, by Carol A.
Operation Noble Eagle: AFIP Responds to September
11th Pentagon Attack, by Christopher C. Kelly
Panel Rejects Assertion U.S. Knew of Atta Before
Sept. 11, by Devlin Barrett
Pearl Harbor Attack: Hearings Before the Joint
Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor
Attack, Congress of the United States
Pensacola NAS Link Faces More Scrutiny: Senator
Seeks Answers on Hijackers Ties to Navy Base, by
Larry Wheeler, Scott Streater, and Ginny Graybiel
Pentagate, Coordinated by Thierry Meyssan
Pentagon Crash "Too Unrealistic," by Bryan Bender
Pentagon Strike Video, by signs-of-the-times.org
Plane Crash Kills 3; Was to Pick Up Ex-President
Bush, by CNN
Players on a Rigged Grand Chessboard: Bridas, Unocal
and the Afghanistan Pipeline, by Larry Chin
Political Ad is Uniformly Embarrassing, by Hugh
Possible Financial Crisis Fix Sends Stocks Soaring,
by Patrick Rizzo, Jeannine Aversa and Martin
President Bush Addresses the Nation: Why Do They
Hate Us?
Presidential Advance Manual: Office of Presidential
Advance, by Office of Presidential Advance
Pressure Rises on CIA After Bomb Plot, by Anna
Fifield, Pilita Clark, and Michael Steen
Professor Steven E. Jones, 9-11 Lecture at Utah
Valley State, by Professor Steven E. Jones
Project Achilles Report, by Alexander Keewatin
Radar Planes From NATO to Patrol U.S. Coast: Canada,
France Aiding Effort in Afghanistan, by Keith B.
Richburg and DeNeen L. Brown
Ramsey Clark to Defend Saddam , by Al Jazeera.net
Real Clues to Plot Have Been Elusive, by John
Crewdson and Cam Simpson
Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and
Resources For a New Century, A Report of The Project
for the New American Century
Remember Nayirah, Witness for Kuwait?, by John R.
Report of the Joint Inquiry Into the Terrorist
Attacks of September 11, 2001,
by The House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee, on
Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar
Intelligence Assessments on Iraq
by Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Senate,
Pat Roberts, Chairman; and John D. Rockefeller IV,
Vice Chairman
Republican-Controlled Carlyle Group Poses Serious
Ethical Questions For Bush Presidents, But Baltimore
Sun Ignores It, by Alice Cherbonnier
Republican Hypocrisy and Dick Cheney, by Paul Jonas
Revealed: Truth Behind U.S. "Poison Factory" Claim ,
by Luke Harding
Rogue State: The Covert Op That Ate the World , by
Daniel Hopsicker
Saddam's desperate offers to stave off war:
Washington dismissed Iraq's peace feelers, including
elections and weapons pledge, put forward via
diplomatic channels and US hawk Perle, by Julian
Borger, Brian Whitaker and Vikram Dodd
Saying No to Israel's Occupation, by Ishai Menuchin
S.F. Attorney: Bush Allowed 9/11, by David Kiefer
Seattle Man Reportedly Warned of Terror Attack, by
Sam Skolnik
Secrecy Surrounds 9/11 Investigation, by Craig Cox
Secret Service Visits "Secret History of Sin": Stamp
Art Exhibit Asks, "What is Evil" While Feds Ask For
Info, by Jamie Murnane & K. Anderson
Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations:
Justice Dept. Said to Back Harshest Tactics After
Declaring Torture 'Abhorrent, by Scott Shane, David
Johnston and James Risen
Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Parade Magazine,
by Lyric Wallwork Winik
"Security" Blocks FBI Critic Case, by CBS/AP
Senators Accuse Pentagon of Obstructing Inquiry on
Sept. 11 Plot, by Douglas Jehl
Senator Blames FAA, CIA, FBI For Sept. 11 Terrorist
Attacks, by Dayna Ging
September 11: A Moroccan Agent Had Given Alarm, by
Agence France-Presse
September 11, 2001 & September 25, 2001: What a Real
President Would Have Said, by Webster Griffin
September 11th and the Bush Administration:
Compelling Evidence for Complicity, by Walter E.
Davis, Ph.D.
Sharon's War Crimes In Lebanon: The Record, by Jean
Sheeple Love Sadists , by Chuck Bowden
Significant Pattern to 9/11 Report's Omissions &
Distortions, by Dr. David Ray Griffin
Skull & Bones and 9/11: Secret Satanists and the
Bogus "War on Terror", by Christopher Bollyn
Sleeping With the Enemy: Immigration Fraud , by Tom
Slick Deals: Bush Advisers Cashed in On Saudi Gravy
Train, by Maggie Mulvihill, Jack Meyers and Jonathan
Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration at Army's Top
Medical Facility, by Susan Lillard-Roberts
Spotty Lincoln: The Mexican War, by Webster Griffin
Stock-Trading Probe Expands to Canada, by Chronicle
Strategic Energy Policy Challenges For the 21st
Century: Report of an Independent Task Force
Sponsored by the James A. Baker III Institute for
Public Policy of Rice University and the Council on
Foreign Relations, Edward L. Morse, Chair; Amy Myers
Jaffe, Project Director
Suspicious Profits Sit Uncollected: Airline
Investors Seem to Be Lying Low, by Christian
Berthelsen, Scott Winokur
Taking a Long, Bumpy Ride to Systematic Brutality,
by A.O. Scott
Taliban’s Sweeping Offensive in Afghanistan Was
“Inevitable” and Stems from Brutal U.S. War, by Amy
Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade
Center Blast, by Ralph Blumenthal
Terrorism Nothing New to America: Exhibit Shows
Diverse, Disquieting History, by Henry Schuster
Terrorist Trade Probe Widens, by Robert Manor and
Melissa Allison
The 9/11 Commission Report, by The National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
The Absolute Prohibition of Torture and Necessary
and Appropriate Sanctions , by Jordan J. Paust
The Big Lie About Valerie Plame, by Larry Johnson
A White House Smear, by David Corn
AP Falsely Reported Wilson "Acknowledged His Wife
Was No Longer In An Undercover Job" When Her
Identity Was First Publicly Leaked, by Andrew
Apparent CIA Front Didn't Offer Much Cover, by Ross
Kerber and Bryan Bender
Bush's Enemy Within, by Robert Novak
CIA’s secret agents hide under a variety of covers,
by Greg Miller
Double Exposure, by Vicky Ward
Mission to Niger, by Robert d. Novak
Plame Gate: Did Robert Novak Willfully Disregard
Warnings That His Column Would Endanger Valerie
Plame? Our Sources Say "Yes.", by Murray S. Waas
Rove Reportedly Held Phone Talk on C.I.A. Officer,
by David Johnston and Richard W. Stevenson
Timeline: The CIA Leak Case, by National Public
Valerie Plame, by Wikipedia
The Body Politic, by Gary Dobry
The CIA Met Bin Laden While Undergoing Treatment at
an American Hospital Last July in Dubai, by
Alexandra Richard
The CIA's Role in the Anthrax Mailings: Could Our
Spies Be Agents for Military Industrial Sabotage,
Terrorism, and Even Population Control?, by Leonard
G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH
The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon can now do in
secret, by Seymour M. Hersh
The Delicate Balance of Terror, by Albert
The Experiment: The Military Trains People to
Withstand Interrogation. Are Those Methods Being
Misused at Guantanamo?, by Jane Mayer
The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You
Never Saw, by Barrie Zwicker
The Great Escape, by Craig Unger
The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics, by
Christopher Bollyn
The House of Bin Laden, by Jane Mayer
The Iraq Study Group Report: The Way Forward, A New
Approach, by James A. Baker, III, and Lee H.
The Irgun: Bombing of the King David Hotel (July 22,
1946), by Jewish Virtual Library
The Israeli Art Students and Movers Story, by Wayne
The Last Moments of Flight 11, by BBC News
The Lie of the (Last) Century, by Michael Rivero
The Lie of Patriotism, by Chris Hedges
The man the Americans are parading is not the real
Saddam Hussein, by pravda.ru
The Man Who Sold the War: Meet John Rendon, Bush's
General in the Propaganda War, by James Bamford
The Memo: How an Internal Effort to Ban the Abuse
and Torture of Detainees Was Thwarted, by Jane Mayer
The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the
NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis, by Graeme MacQueen
& Tony Szamboti
The National Security Strategy of the United States
of America, by The White House
The Olson Calls on 9/11: Three Official Denials , by
David Ray Griffin
The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012
(Expanded Version), by Charles J. Dunlap, Jr.
The Pakistan Connection, by Michael Meacher
Al-Qaeda-Bilderberg Connection? FBI Linking Al-Qaeda
Funds, Insider Trading Amongst Global Finance Elites
and a Soured Texas Asset Buyout as Pakistani Prime
Minister Under Investigation, by Aaron Dykes
Citigroup CEO Charles Prince Named Co-Chair of the
Parternship for New York City , by Partnership for
New York City
Feds Charge Prominent Pakistani Banker In CSFB-TXU
Insider Trading Case, by John Carney
Feeding the deals at Davos, by Dateline D.C.
Gov. Perry Summoned to Bilderberg While Insider
Trading Charges Mount in Related Texas Buyout. Ron
Paul: Bilderberg "a sign that he's very much
involved in the international conspiracy" as Texas
Governor off to Global Government Think Tank's
Secret Meeting, by Aaron Dykes
Interview with Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, for CNN's
Coldwar Series
James Stillman Rockefeller, by Answers.com
John S. Reed, by Answers.com
Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi, by Wikipedia
Pakistani Prime Minister Under FBI Lens in Stock
Scam, by Times of India
Prominent Pakistan banker Rahim charged for
conspiracy, insider trading, by Chad Bray
Salman Shah, by Wikipedia
Shaukat Aziz, by Wikipedia
Turkmen-Afghan-Pakistani Gas Pipeline Accord
Published, by Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections
Walter B. Wriston, by Answers.com
William Rockefeller, by Answers.com
Zbigniew Brzezinski, by Sourcewatch.org
The Pentagon Attack Papers , by Barbara Honegger
The President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct
Military Operations Against Terrorists and Nations
Supporting Them, by John C. Yoo
The Real Muslim Extremists, by Tariq Ali
The Secret Downing Street Memo, by Matthew Rycroft
The Spinning of the Smoking Guns, by Larry Chin
The Struggle Against Terrorism Cannot Be Won by
Military Means: The G8 Must Seize the Opportunity to
Address the Wider Issues at the Root of Such
Atrocities, by Robin Cook
The Swastika and the Crescent, by Martin A. Lee
The Thirty-Year Itch: Three decades ago, in the
throes of the energy crisis, Washington’s hawks
conceived of a strategy for US control of the
Persian Gulf’s oil. Now, with the same strategists
firmly in control of the White House, the Bush
administration is playing out their script for
global dominance, by Robert Dreyfuss
The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and
Nano-Thermites, by Kevin R. Ryan
The Unspeakable, directed by Dylan Avery
The USS Cole Investigation: Yemen, October 2000, by
The White House Has Been Evacuated, by CNN
The World War II Dresden Holocaust: "A Single Column
of Flame" , by rense.com
There Were Orders to Follow, Editorial by The New
York Times
They Scrambled Jets, But It Was a Race They Could
Not Win, by Hart Seely
Thinking Unthinkable Thoughts: Theologian Charges
White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack, by Nick Welsh
This Booklet Contains Actual Legal Evidence That the
Terrorist Attacks of September 11 Are Part of a Plan
to Install a Totalitarian World Government, by
Anonymous, but rumor has it that this document was
prepared and circulated by the lead guitarist of
Metallica, Kirk Hammett and friends
This War on Terrorism is Bogus: The 9/11 Attacks
Gave the U.S. An Ideal Pretext to Use Force to
Secure Its Global Domination , by Michael Meacher
Threats and Responses: The Iraqis; U.S. Says Hussein
Intensifies Quest for A-Bomb Parts, by Michael R.
Gordon and Judith Miller
Three-Minute Discrepancy in Tape, by William Bunch
TIA Now Verifies Flight of Saudis: The government
has long denied that two days after the 9/11
attacks, the three were allowed to fly, by Jean
To Gasps From the Gallery, Blair: "We Should Be
Proud of the War": Shouts of 'murderer' and 'liar'
as the man who took us into Iraq states his case, by
Nigel Morris
Tomas Young, Dying Iraq War Veteran, Writes Last
Letter to Bush and Cheney, by Rolling Stone
Top Inspector Says Iraq Had No Illicit Arms, by Bob
Drogin and Greg Miller
Top Secret America: A hidden world, growing beyond
control, by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin
Torture Memo, by John C. Yoo
Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve
Afghanistan War Logs: Task Force 373: Special Forces
Hunting Top Taliban: Previously hidden details of
U.S.-led unit sent to kill top insurgent targets are
revealed for the first time, by Nick Davies
Alex Jones Interview with Steve Pieczenik (Abridged)
American Held in Pakistan Worked With C.I.A., by
Mark Mazzetti, Ashley Parker, Jane Perlez and Eric
Bin Laden Releases New Videotape, by Larry King
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, by Wikipedia
"CIA spy" Davis was giving nuclear bomb material to
Al-Qaeda, says report, by Asian News International
Dead bin Laden photo 'is a fake', by euronews.net
Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network: Panel
Met Secretly in Princeton, by John Cavanagh
Heinz Kerry helps Democrats raise $1M at Phoenix
event, by Mike Sunnucks
Madeleine Albright: Bush Planning Bin Laden October
Surprise, by Newsmax.com
Steve Pieczenik, by Wikipedia
The ‘monkey act’ at the USIP, by Ajit Randeniya
Tom Clancy, by Wikipedia
Transcript of ElBaradei's U.N. presentation, by
Two Groups to Help Defend Detainees at Guantanamo,
by William Glaberson and Neil A. Lewis
UAL flight 93 Landed Safely at Cleveland Hopkins
Airport, by 9News Staff
Ugandan Plane Deal Believed Key to Israeli Spy
Operation, by The Washington Post
UK Is Money Launderers' Paradise, by BBC
United Defense Industries, Inc., by United Defense
Industries, Inc.
United States Caught in Iraq Car-Bombing, by
Untold Stories: 'We were suddenly no kidding under
attack' , by Hart Seely
U.S. Built Major Iranian Nuclear Facility , by Sam
U.S. Constitution in Grave Danger , by Albert Gore
U.S. Documents Show Embrace of Saddam Hussein in
Early 1980s Despite Chemical Weapons, External
Aggression, Human Rights Abuses, by The National
Security Archive
U.S. Fines 86 Firms For Business With Nations on
"Enemies" List, by Stephanie M. Horvath
U.S. Military Investigating Death of Afghan in
Custody, by Carlotta Gall
U.S. "Planned Attack on Taleban", by George Arney
U.S. Releases Videotape of Osama bin Laden, by U.S.
Department of Defense
Usama Bin Laden Says the Al-Qa'idah Group Had
Nothing to Do With the 11 September Attacks,
Interview by Ummat
Veteran Neo-Con Advisor Moves on Iran, by Jim Lobe
Video is a Window Into a Terror Suspect's Isolation,
by Deborah Sontag
Vision for 2020, by United States Space Command
V.P. Eyed Oil in Caspian Region: Dick Cheney's Pipe
dream, by Geoffrey Gray
VX gas destroyed in Iraq , by BBC News
War and the Role of the Mass Media: Changing
Technology and a New Kind of War for the United
States Present Both the U.S. Military and News
Reporters with New Challenges and Ethical Dilemmas.,
by Waller, J. Michael
Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?, by David
Ray Griffin
Was Dr. David Kelly Killed Because He Knew Too
Much?, by Ken Craggs
Was George W. Bush President on 9/11? An
Investigation Into the Controversy Tearing the GOP
Apart, by Judd Legum
Was the Pin-Up Boy of Bush's War on Terror
Assassinated?, by Charles Laurence
We Deserve the Full Truth About 9/11, by Karen
Johnson, Arizona Senator
We Will Not Forget, by The Chief Engineer
Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders: Congressman
Says Pentagon Employee Was Ordered to Destroy Data
Identifying Atta as a Terrorist, by Donna De
What Happened to Flight 93, by Richard Wallace
When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing, by William
M. Arkin
When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman, by J. Orlin
'When we understand that slide, we'll have won the
war:' US generals given baffling PowerPoint
presentation to try to explain Afghanistan mess, by
Mail Foreign Service
Whitewash as Public Service: How the 9/11 Commission
Defrauds the Nation, by Benjamin DeMott
Willie Brown Got Low-Key Early Warning About Air
Travel, by Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross
Who is Wagging Your Neighbor's Tongue? The Militias
and Pentecostalism, by Antony Chaitkin
Who Was Behind 9/11? An Interview with Osama Bin
Laden, by The Daily Ummat of Karachi
Who's Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?: The Gagged
Whistleblower, by The American Conservative
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?, by
Professor Steven E. Jones
Why Would Osama Bin Laden Want to Kill Dubya, His
Former Business Partner?, by James Hatfield
Why WPost's Hiatt Should Be Fired, by Robert Parry
Will They Allow Cell Phones On Planes?, by
Christopher Elliott
Will They Ever Trust Us Again? Letters From the War
Zone, by Michael Moore
Willie Brown Got Low-Key Early Warning About Air
Travel, by Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross
WTC-1 Lobby Video, Filmed by Jules and Gedeon Naudet
Zero: An Investigation Into 9-11, directed by Franco
Fracassi, Francesco Trento
Art & Intellect
Antonio Gaudi, by George R. Collins
Dali, by Ignacio Gomez de Liano
Frida's Fiestas: Recipes and Reminiscences of Life With
Frida Kahlo, by Guadalupe Rivera and Marie-Pierre Colle
Rolling Stone Images of Rock & Roll, Edited and Designed
by Fred Woodward, Text by Anthony DeCurtis
The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book, by Alice B. Toklas
The Customized Body, Photos & Interviews by Housk
Randall, Text by Ted Polhemus
The Diary of Frida Kahlo, An Intimate Self-Portrait, by
Frida Kahlo
The Rudi Gernreich Book, by Peggy Moffitt
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