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20YY: Preparing for War in the Robotic Age, by Robert O.
Work and Shawn Brimley
America in the Third World: Strategic Alternatives and
Military Implications, by Steven Metz
Another View of the Revolution in Military Affairs, by
Jeffrey R. Cooper
Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare
(FM 3-05.130), by Headquarters, Department of the Army
(Sept. 2008)
Communist Attempts to Elicit False Confessions From Air
Force Prisoners of War, by Albert D. Biderman, M.A.
Critical Issues in Policing Series: Managing Major
Events: Best Practices From the Field, by Police
Executive Research Forum
Defeating Communist Insurgency, by Robert Thompson
Field Manual No. 100-20, Air Force Pamphlet No. 3-20,
Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict, by
Headquarters Departments of the Army and the Air
FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation , by Headquarters,
Department of the Army
From Dictatorship to Democracy, by Gene Sharp
GAO-02-809R. Origin of the AIDS Virus, by United States
General Accounting Office
AIDS Rivalry, by Robin A. Weiss
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III shares sequence
homology with a family of pathogenic lentiviruses, by
Matthew A. Gonda, Michael J. Braun, Janice E. Clements,
Joanna M. Pyper, Flossie Wong-Staal, Robert C. Gallo,
and Raymond V. Gilden
Maedi-visna virus and its relationship to human
immunodeficiency virus, by Thormar H.
Sequence homology and morphologic similarity of HTLV-III
and visna virus, a pathogenic lentivirus, by MA Gonda, F
Wong-Staal, RC Gallo, JE Clements, O Narayan, RV Gilden
The origin of HIV-1, the AIDS virus, by Siefkes D.
The origin of lentivirus research: Maedi-visna virus, by
Thormar H.
Transduction of endogenous envelope genes by feline
leukaemia virus in vitro, by Julie Overbaugh, Norbert
Riedel, Edward A. Hoover & James I. Mullins
Virucidal effect of lipids on visna virus, a lentivirus
related to HIV, by Hilmarsson H, Larusson LV, Thormar H.
Visna virus, by Wikipedia
Visna virus encodes a post-transcriptional regulator of
viral structural gene expression, by Tiley LS1, Brown
PH, Le SY, Maizel JV, Clements JE, Cullen BR.
India's Childhood in the "Pits": A Report on the Impacts
of Mining on Children in India, by Dhaatri Resource
Centre for Women and Children
Keeping Pace With the Military-Technological Revolution,
by Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.
National Security Decision Memorandum 314, by National
Security Council
Notes on the State of Virginia, by Thomas Jefferson
Public Law 91-213: An Act to Establish a Commission on
Population Growth and the American Future
Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century,
by James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of
Rice University and the Council on Foreign Relations
Recommendations for Implementation of World Population
Plan of Action, by United Nations Population Fund
Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United
States, With a More Detailed Account of the Lands of
Utah. With Maps, by J.W. Powell
Russia: A Country Study, by Federal Research Division,
Library of Congress, edited by Glenn E. Curtis
Senate Testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur
Special Message to the Congress on Problems of
Population Growth, by Richard Nixon
Strategy and the Revolution in Military Affairs: From
Theory to Policy, by Steven Metz & James Kievit
The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century
The Conflict Environment of 2016: A Scenario-Based
Approach, by Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.
The Crisis of Democracy: Report on the Governability of
Democracies to the Trilateral Commission, by Michael J.
Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joji Watanuki
- The Future of Insurgency, by Steven Metz
The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s
Project on The Predicament of Mankind, by Donella H.
Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W.
Behrens III
The Military-Technical Revolution: A Preliminary
Assessment, by Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.
The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of
War, by Steven Metz and James Kievit
Time Served: The High Cost, Low Return of Longer Prison
Terms, by The Pew Center on the States
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848
World Population Plan of Action, by United Nations
Population Fund
A Book of Five Rings (Go Rin No Sho), by Miyamoto
America Revisits the Dark Side, by Rebecca Gordon
Bone of their Bone: Torture and Ill-Treatment by
Palestinian Security Forces, by Addameer
Devil's Guard, by George Robert Elford
E-Sermon #9, by The Church of Euthanasia
Elliot Rodger's Retribution Video, by Elliot Rodger
Hafiz Ghazals 1-495, translated by Shahriar
Marquis De Sade: His Life and Work, by Dr. Iwan
My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger, by
Elliot Rodger
Pistis Sophia: A Gnostic Miscellany, translated by
G.R.S. Mead
Salammbo, by Gustave Flaubert
Salome: A Tragedy in One Act, by Oscar Wilde
The Extant Odes of Pindar, by Pindar
The Malleus Maleficarum, by Heinrich Kramer and
James Sprenger
The Pictorial Language of Hieronymus Bosch, by
Clement A. Wertheim Aymes
Brothers Grimm, by Ludwig
Grimm Brothers, by Brian
Grimms' Fairy Tales, by
Hans-My-Hedgehog, by Jacob
and Wilhelm Grimm
Jacob (Ludwig Carl) Grimm,
by Petri Liukkonen
The Eternal Jew on the
Matterhorn, by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Frog King or Iron
Henry, by The Brothers Grimm
The Girl Who Was Killed by
Jews, by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Hare and the Hedgehog,
by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Hare's Bride, by Jacob
and Wilhelm Grimm
The Jew Among Thorns, by
The Brothers Grimm
The Jews' Stone, by Jacob
and Wilhelm Grimm
The Sea-Hare, by Jacob and
Wilhelm Grimm
Wilhelm (Carl) Grimm, by
Petri Liukkonen
The Sadism in Oscar Wilde's "Salome", by Isador H.
Coriat, M.D.
The Scented Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of
Shiraz, by Ordo Templi Orientis
Trust No Fox on Green Heath and No Jew on His Oath,
by Elwira Bauer
Why Do Girls Hate Me So Much, by Elliot Rodger
Scholar's Jukebox
Big Audio Dynamite
Runner, Vangelis
Bob Dylan
Buffalo Springfield
Burning London: The Clash Tribute
Butthole Surfers
Cat Stevens
Concrete Blonde
Crazy Horse
Cry-Baby, by MCA Records
Darken My Fire: A Gothic Tribute to the Doors
David Bowie
Desperado The Soundtrack
Jimi Hendrix
Joan Baez
John Lennon
Neil Young MP3s
Nellie McKay
New Land: Exodus From Lhasa, by Red Temple Spirits
Phil Ochs
Pinhead, by The Ramones
Southern Man, by Neil Young
Swaha, by Bhagavan Das & Amazing Grace
Teenage Lobotomy, by The Ramones
The City of Lost Children, Music by Angelo Badalamenti
The Preacher and the Slave, by Joe Hill, Played by Harry
K. McClintock
A Personal Voyage: Journeys in Space and Time, by
Carl Sagan
Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), by Jim Kaler
Darwin's Century: Evolution and the Men Who
Discovered It, by Loren Eiseley
Ernst Haeckel's Biogenetic Law (1866), by M.
Elizabeth Barnes
Evidence As To Man's Place in Nature, by Thomas H.
Evolutionary key for a bigger brain: Dresden and
Japanese researchers show that a human-specific brain
size gene causes a larger neocortex in the common
marmoset, a non-human primate, by
Fabre's Book of Insects: Retold From Alexander
Teixeira De Mattos' Translation of Fabre's
"Souvenirs Entomologiques", by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell
Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy
and the Future of Environmentalism, by Ozzie Zehner
How the Dead Souls of Venice Corrupted Science, by
Webster Griffin Tarpley
Jupiter, by solarviews.com
Lascaux: Movement, Space and Time, translated by
Martin Street
Mirror neuron, by Wikipedia
Moths of the Limberlost: With Water Color and
Photographic Illustrations from Life, by Gene
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial
Regions of America During the Years 1799-1804,
Volumes 1, 2 and 3, by Alexander von Humboldt and
Aime Bonpland
Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell
Relativity, The Special and General Theory, by
Albert Einstein
Science and Hypothesis, by H. Poincare
Sharon Begley's "Science Journal", by Sharon Begley
The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action
of Worms With Observations on Their Habits, by
Charles Darwin
The History of Creation, Or the Development of the
Earth and Its Inhabitants by the Action of Natural
Causes: A Popular Exposition of the Doctrine of
Evolution in General, and of that of Darwin, Goethe,
and Lamarck in Particular, Volumes 1 and 2, by Ernst
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
by Charles Darwin
The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiseley
The Firmament of Time, by Loren Eiseley
The Immense Journey, by Loren Eiseley
The Invisible Pyramid, by Loren Eiseley
The Third Book of Opticks, Part 1, by Isaac Newton
Science Fiction
Burning Chrome, by William Gibson
Child of Fortune, by Norman Spinrad
Clans of the Alphane Moon, by Philip K. Dick
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick
Lies, Inc., by Philip K. Dick
The Divine Invasion, by Philip K. Dick
The Mind Game, by Norman Spinrad
The Stars My Destination, by Alfred Bester
The Void Captain's Tale, by Norman Spinrad
Valis, by Philip K. Dick
Vulcan's Hammer, by Philip K. Dick
Short Stories
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, by James Thurber
Slavery 2.0: Racist Cops and the Prison Industrial
11 People Dead in Police Custody This Month, by
Andrew Emett
11 Protesters Plead Not Guilty to Charges Stemming
from MOA Demonstration, by John Reinan
15-Year-Old Gunned Down by Police, by Andrew Emett
18 Police Officers Charged in Fatal Shootings in
2015, By Andrew Emett
24th Correctional Officer Sentenced to Prison in
Jail Racketeering Conspiracy, by
A Confederacy of Denial, by Tom Tomorrow
A Short History of Killer Cops Not Indicted, by
Flint Taylor
A Society of Captives, by Chris Hedges
A Tale Of Two Injustices: ‘lynching’ And Sexual
Assault In California, by Amy Goodman
“A Warrant Is Not a License to Kill”: Rev. William
Barber Condemns Police “Execution” of Andrew Brown,
by Amy Goodman
ACLU and NAACP File Lawsuit For Release of Police
Shooting Footage, By Andrew Emett
Across the U.S., Activists Shine Light on Sandra
Bland's Mysterious Death, by Ashoka Jegroo
Activists Crash O'Malley's Presidential
Announcement: "He Must Atone" for Zero
Tolerance Policing, by Kira Lerner
GET "PIGS" That Have Been Shot in the Head
Albuquerque Police Officer Jokes About Shooting
James Boyd -- Kills Him Two Hours Later, by Jen
Alcatraz: A Prison as Disneyland, by Chris Hedges
Alleged Manifesto of Dylann Roof Confirms Motivation
for South Carolina Murders, by Emily Atkin
America's Slave Empire, by Chris Hedges
Appeals Court Upholds Abusive Sheriff's Conviction,
by Andrew Emett
Arizona Among Highest in Nation for Deaths by Cops,
Experts Not Sure Why, by Nihal Krishan
Army Lieutenant Files Federal Suit Against Two
Virginia Cops for Excessive Force/Rights Violations,
by Glenn Kirschner
Autopsy Reveals Cop Shot Mentally Ill Man in the
Back, by Andrew Emett
Autopsy Report Shows Police Shot Darrien Hunt in the
Back, Lawyer Says, by Trymaine Lee
Bad Lieutenant: American Police Brutality, Exported
from Chicago to Guantanamo, by Spencer Ackerman
Baltimore Police Commissioner Fired After Police
Union Complains of "Passive Response" to Riots, by
Aviva Shen
Baltimore Reaches $6.4 Million Settlement for
Wrongful Death of Freddie Gray, by Andrew Emett
Be Devoted to Justice Not to Order, by Kevin Zeese
Black Boys Viewed as Older, Less Innocent Than
Whites, Research Finds: Police likelier to use
force against black children when officers
‘dehumanize’ blacks, study says, by Phillip Atiba
Goff, Ph.D.
Black Football Players Lend Heft to Protests at
Missouri, by Marc Tracy and Ashley Southall
Black Lives Matter is Winning. That's Why
Conservatives Want to Stop It, by Terrance Heath
Black Man Killed by Police? McCulloch Does it Again,
by Barton Kunstler
Body Cam Video Released After Cop Indicted for
Murder, by Andrew Emett
Border Communities Under Siege: Border Patrol
Agents Ride Roughshod Over Civil Rights, by ACLU
Bronx teen says NYPD cops stalked him after bogus
arrest, by Stephen Rex Brown
Charges Dropped Against Man Beaten Unconscious by
LAPD, by Andrew Emett
Chicago Just Became the First U.S. City to Pay
Reparations to Victims of Police Torture, by Araz
Chicago Covers Up Police Shooting Videos, Attorneys
Charge, by Lauren Walker
Chicago Police Accused of Operating CIA-Style Black
Site', by Andrew Emett
“Cold-Blooded Murder”: Chicago Police Officer Shot
13-Year-Old Adam Toledo with His Hands in the Air,
by Amy Goodman
Collaborative Reform Initiative:
An Assessment of Deadly Force in the Philadelphia
Police Department, by George Fachner, Steven Carter,
Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S.
Department of Justice
Colorado police officers fired for recreating
chokehold in photos at Elijah McClain memorial: The
officers smiled and posed for chokehold photos where
McClain was killed, by Catherine Thorbecke
Concluding Observations on the Third to Fifth
Periodic Reports of United States of America, by
Committee Against Torture
Cop Caught on Video Pepper Spraying Attendees of
Black Lives Matter Conference, by Ian Millhiser
Cop Charged with 35 Felony Counts Including Rape and
Sexual Assault, by Andrew Emett
Cop Charged With Homicide for Shooting Unarmed Man
Twice in the Back, by Andrew Emett
Cops Sentenced to Prison for Tasering Mentally
Disabled Woman, by Andrew Emett
Corporate Capitalism is the Foundation of Police
Brutality and the Prison State, by Chris Hedges
Corporate Sponsored Crime Laws, by John Biewen
CRIPA Investigation of the New York City Department of
Correction Jails on Rikers Island, by U.S. Department of
Cruel and Usual Punishment: How a Savage Gang of
Deputies Controls L.A. County Jails, by ACLU
DEA Agents Reprimanded for Forcing Student to Drink
His Own Urine to Survive, by Andrew Emett
Deputies Charged With Beating Inmate to Death and
Falsifying Report, by Andrew Emett
Deputies Plead Guilty to Covering Up Assault Against
Inmate's Brother, by Andrew Emett
Deputies Testify Against Former Colleagues in Jail
Abuse Trial, by Andrew Emett
Deputy Charged With Manslaughter for Gunning Down
Unarmed Man, by Andrew Emett
Diabetic Dies in Jail After Police Refuse to Give
Him Insulin, by Andrew Emett
Disabled Man Files Claim Against LAPD For Shooting
Him in the Head, by Andrew Emett
DOJ Admits FBI Forensic Examiners Gave False
Testimony for Decades, by Andrew Emett
DOJ Opens Investigation Into Police Suspect Killed
by Spinal Injuries, by Andrew Emett
DOJ Reaches Agreement to Reform Cleveland Police
Brutality, by Andrew Emett
DOJ Report Criticizes Philadelphia Police
Department's Use of Deadly Force, by Andrew Emett
Eight San Francisco Cops Suspended for Racist Texts,
by Andrew Emett
Eric Garner's Family to File $75 Million Lawsuit
Against NYPD, by Jane C. Timm
Emails Suggest Mayor's Staff Knew About Laquan
McDonald Video During His Re-Election Campaign, by
Alan Pyke
Evidence from Chicago Detective's Cases Re-Examined
for Multiple Exonerations, by Spencer Ackerman
Ex-cop Indicted on Federal Charges For Shooting
Unarmed Man in Back, by Andrew Emett
Ex-officer gets 25 years for fatally shooting black
motorist: Nouman Raja was convicted last month in
the killing of Corey Jones, who was waiting for help
on the side of a South Florida highway when Raja
shot him, by Doha Madani
Ezell Ford: The Mentally Ill Black Man Killed by the
LAPD Two Days After Michael Brown's Death, by Thomas
Family of Wal-Mart Police Shooting Victim Wants
Officers Convicted, by Nisha Chittal
Family Releases Video of Police Killing Their
Mentally Ill Son, by Andrew Emett
Family Sues Hammond Police Over Traffic Stop
Violence, by Trymaine Lee
FBI Investigating Police Cover-Up After Officers
Killed Man Holding Air Rifle, by Andrew Emett
Federal Judge Orders Release of Hundreds of Women
and Children From Family Detention Facilities, by
Gabe Ortiz
Feds Find Shocking, Systemic Brutality, Incompetence
in Cleveland Police Department, by Huffington Post
Ferguson Erupts in Unrest Fueled by Emotion After
the Grand Jury's Decision, by Ashley Curtin
Ferguson Police Chief Resigns After DOJ Exposes
Systemic Racism, by Andrew Emett
Five People Were Shot Near Black Lives Matter
Protest Site, by startribune.com
Who Is Jamar Clark?, by
KARE 11 Staff
Ferguson Reveals Racists in Libertarian Clothing, by
Jeffrey Cavanaugh
Fulfilling Father's Campaign to Segregate Public
Schools, Koch Groups End Successful Integration
Program in NC, by Lee Fang
How Ron Paul's Libertarian Principles Support
Racism, by Jonathan Chait
Lott Fails to Quell Furor and Quits Top Senate Post,
by Carl Hulse
Part Five: Birth of the Republic, Chapter 9: Miracle
at Philadelphia, by H.W. Brands
Racism and the American Right, by Robert Parry
Source of Anti-Government Extremism, by Robert Parry
Supreme Court's War on Democracy, by Robert Parry
The Conscience of a Conservative, by Barry Goldwater
The Marriage of Libertarians and Racists, by Robert
The Power of False Narratives, by Robert Parry
The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of
American Fascism, by Chris Hedges
The Right's Dubious Claim to Madison, by Robert
The Right's Re-Branding, 1860 to 1776, by Robert
Whitewash: The Party on the Brink of Destroying the
Voting Rights Act Reminds Us That Republicans Were
Really the Great Civil-Rights Leaders All Along, by
Frank Rich
Former Buffalo officer who stopped fellow cop's
chokehold on suspect will get pension after winning
lawsuit, by April Siese
Former Deputy Charged in Flashbang Raid That Nearly
Killed Toddler, by Andrew Emett
Former Des Moines, Iowa, Police Officers Indicted
for Civil Rights Violations and Obstruction of
Justice, by Department of Justice
Former Iowa Cop Convicted of Police Abuse, Strangles
Girlfriend, Hangs Self in Murder-Suicide:
Authorities, by Doyle Murphy
Former L.A. Sheriff Agrees to Plead Guilty in
Federal Court, By Andrew Emett
Former NY Police Chief Arrested for Beating
Handcuffed Man, by Andrew Emett
Former Police Officer Faces More Than 260 Years in
Prison, by Alexandra Jacobo
Four Correctional Officers Sentenced to Prison for
Covering Up Inmate Abuse, by Andrew Emett
Four Police Officers Arrested for Abusing Children
at Boot Camp, by Andrew Emett
Fox News Turns To Infamous Racist For Perspective On
Alton Sterling’s Death, by Laurel Raymond
Tamir Rice's Mother
Calls Alton Sterling's Police Killing "An Execution
on Behalf of the Government", by NY Magee
From Warrior Cops to Community Police: A Former
Chief on How We Can Turn Back the Tide of
Militarization, by Norm Stamper
"Fuck Your Breath" Video Shows Cop Mocking Unarmed
Man As He Dies From Police Bullet, by Ian Millhiser
"Gestapo" Tactics at U.S. Police Black Site Ring
Alarm from Chicago to Washington, by Spencer
Ackerman, Zach Stafford, Mark Guarino and Oliver
Governor Apologizes to Indian Government for Brutal
Police Assault, by Andrew Emett
Guantanamo Torturer Led Brutal Chicago Regime of
Shackling and Confession, by Spencer Ackerman
Hands Up Don't Choke, by Amy Goodman
‘He was petrified’: A Philadelphia mother says she and
her 2-year-old son are physically and emotionally
traumatized after police smashed their SUV, beat her,
and separated them during West Philly unrest., by Anna
Heavily Armed Drug Cops Raid Retiree's Garden Seize
Okra Plants, by Christopher Ingraham
Held for Hours at Secret Chicago Black Site: "You're
a Hostage. It's Kidnapping." by Spencer Ackerman
Helpful Responses to Baltimore, by Tom Tomorrow
High School Students Occupy Wisconsin Capitol Over
Police Shooting of Black Teen, by Lauren McCauley
His family says they were told he died in a car
wreck. Video now shows Ronald Greene was kicked,
dragged and tased by police, by Jamiel Lynch and Ray
Historian Khalil Gibran Muhammad: Policing in U.S.
Was Built on Racism & Should Be Put on Trial, by Amy
Police Killed John Thompson’s Friend Philando
Castile. Now He Is a Lawmaker Fighting Racist
Policing, by Amy Goodman
Richard Wright’s Novel About Racist Police Violence
Was Rejected in 1941; It Has Just Been Published, by
Amy Goodman
“The Second Amendment Is Not Intended for Black
People”: Tracing the racist history of gun
governance, by Dahlia Lithwick
U.S. Marks 100th Anniversary of Tulsa Race Massacre,
When White Mob Destroyed “Black Wall Street”, by Amy
Home surveillance camera shows officer lied on report
when charging man with major crimes
One officer resigned, another under investigation, by
Adam Walser
Homegrown Radicals More Deadly Than Jihadis in U.S.,
by Scott Shane
How Activists are Responding to the NYPD's Attempts
to Thwart Black Lives Matter, by Peter Rugh
How Chicago Police Condemned the Innocent: A Trail
of Coerced Confessions, by Spencer Ackerman
How Michigan's Emergency Management Law Poisoned
Flint's Children, by C. Robert Gibson
How One Woman Could Hit the Reset Button in the Case
Against Darren Wilson, by Judd Legum
How union, Supreme Court shield Minneapolis cops, by
Reade Levinson, Michael Berens
HuffPost and Washington Post Reporters Face Charges
in Ferguson, by Andrew Emett
I Sat In That Place for Three Days, Man: Chicagoans
Detail Abusive Confinement Inside Police "Black
Site," by Spencer Ackerman
'I'm Outraged': Mother Of Philando Castile, Slain By
Police, Speaks Out, by Bill Chappell
What Will Make the
Killings Stop?: Two recent officer-involved
shootings call into question the broad authority
police are granted to use lethal force, by Vann R.
Newkirk II
In 9 Cases of Police Chokeholds, Punishment Was
Rare, Review Board Says, by J. David Goodman
In Newark, Civilian Boards Could Now Have the Power
to Discipline Officers, by Daniel Ross
In Scathing Dissent, Justice Sotomayor Says Supreme
Court Just Gave The Green Light To Racist Cops, by
Aviva Shen
The First Day of the New Supreme Court: Without
Antonin Scalia on the bench, the court’s liberals
spoke up and won out., by Mark Joseph Stern
In St. Louis, "We Want People to Stop Killing Our
Children," by Sharee Silerio
Investigation of the Cleveland Division of Police,
by U.S. Department of Justice (2014)
Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department, by
Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division (2015)
Investigation of the Newark Police Department, by
U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Jesse Williams' Powerful BET Awards Speech: "We're
Done Watching Whiteness Use and Abuse Us", by
Democracy Now!
Jessica Hernandez Family Calls for Federal
Intervention in Shooting Death, by Noelle Phillips
and Jesse Paul
Judge Releases Videos of Police Shooting Unarmed
Men, by Andrew Emett
Judge Says Cause Exists to Arrest cop Who Killed
Tamir Rice for Murder, by Ian Millhiser
Protesters Shut Down Streets After Cop Who Killed
12-Year-Old Boy Goes Free, By Alex Zielinski
Justice Department Breaks Ties with Private Prisons,
by Alexandra Jacobo
Justice Department Investigating NYPD Cop Caught
Killing Eric Garner on Video, by Andrew Emett
Justice Department Launches Investigation into
Police Killing Teenager, by Andrew Emett
Kalief Browder, Albert Woodfox and the Torture of
Solitary Confinement, by Amy Goodman
Killed over a Car Air Freshener: Outrage Grows over
Police Shooting of Daunte Wright in Minnesota, by
Amy Goodman
Minnesota Police Officer Kimberly Potter Charged
with Manslaughter for Shooting Daunte Wright, by Amy
Killing of Daniel Prude, by Wikipedia
"Killings: The Youngest Victims": Excerpt from
"Voices for Freedom: An Amnesty International
Anthology, by Amnesty International Publications
L.A. Deputies Left Inmates Handcuffed to a Wall For
Hours, By Andrew Emett
LAPD Chief Rebukes Officers for Killing Another
Unarmed Homeless Man, by Andrew Emett
LAPD Releases Name of Officer Who Shot Unarmed Man
in the Head, by Andrew Emett
LAPD Rookie Wanted for Murder, by Andrew Emett
LAPD Shoot 15-Year-Old in Back for Standing Near
Friend Holding Toy Gun, by Andrew Emett
Law Enforcement: The Matter of Redress. A Report by
the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern
Lawmaker Goes Off on ‘Stand Your Ground’ Bill , by
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Finds Pattern and Practice
of Excessive Force and Violence at NYC Jails on
Rikers Island That Violates the Constitutional
Rights of Adolescent Male Inmates, by U.S.
Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York
Marcus Smith “Died Like an Animal” When Cops Hogtied
Him. Police Have Known for Decades It Can Kill, by
Amy Goodman
Mentally Ill Rikers Inmates Are Frequently Attacked
by Officers, Says Secret Study, by Margaret Hartmann
Migrant Laborer's Death in Hail of Police Bullets
Roils Family, Leaves Questions, by Michael Martinez
and Jacqueline Hurtado
Millions Spent Lobbying by Private Prison
Corporations to Keep a Quota of Arrested Immigrants,
Report Says, by Esther Yu-Hsi Lee
Montana Leads the Nation in Black Marijuana Arrest
Rates, by Isaac Mutevu
MOVE Would Have Never Happened in a White
Neighborhood, by Michael Coard
More Scrutiny, Better Policing, by Eric L. Adams
Moving Forward, by Derek Royden
Mysterious Deaths Leave Ferguson Activists ‘On Pins
and Needles’: Six people in the Ferguson, Missouri,
activist community have been found dead in the four
years since Michael Brown was killed, by EJ Dickson
National Study Reports White Cops' Beatings of
Blacks Reveal "Dirty Secrets of Racism," by Jet
New York City Reviewing Rikers Assaults on 129
Inmates, by Michael Schwirtz and Michael Winerip
New York City to Pay $2.75 Million to Settle Suit in
Death of Rikers Island Inmate, by Benjamin Weiser
New York Cop Contacted Union Rep Not Paramedics
After Shooting Unarmed Man: Officer Ignored Order
Not to Patrol Stairwell Before Killing Innocent,
Unarmed Man, by Mikael Thalen
‘No progress’ since George Floyd: US police killing
three people a day: As Joe Biden pushes to ‘fund the
police’, data from Mapping Police Violence shows
high rates of deaths at the hands of law enforcement
persist, by Sam Levin
Not Just Ferguson: 11 Eye-Opening Facts About
America's Militarized Police Forces, by Alex Kane
NY Attorney General Investigating Death of Woman in
Police Custody, by Andrew Emett
NY attorney general sues NYPD over Floyd protest
response, by Michael R. Sisak
US police three times as likely to use force against
leftwing protesters, data finds: Law enforcement
responses to more than 13,000 protests show a clear
disparity in responses, new statistics show, by Lois
NYPD Officer Found Guilty of Fatally Shooting Akai
Gurley, By Alexandra Jacobo
NYPD's Long History of Killing Unarmed Black Men, by
Christopher Mathias and Carly Schwartz
NYPD Cop Pleads Not Guilty To Killing Innocent Man,
by Andrew Emett
NYPD Cop Shoots and Kills Unarmed Man for No Reason,
by Andrew Emett
NYPD Officer Knocks Out Teen for Smoking Cigarette,
by Joe Coscarelli
NYPD Officer Suspended for Kicking Street Vendor in
Melee Video, by Joe Coscarelli
NYPD Officers Swing on 16-Year-Old With His Hands
Raised, Then Hit Him in the Face with a Gun, by Joe
NYPD Slams Pregnant Woman Onto the Street in Latest
Rough Arrest Video, by Joe Coscarelli
Oakland Police Kill Handcuffed Man, Ignoring His
Pleas of “I Can’t Breathe”, By Ruth Milka
Officer Charged with Murder After Killing Unarmed
Man with His Hands Up, by Andrew Emett
Officer Fired After Gunning Down Stranded Motorist,
by Andrew Emett
Officer Not Charged for Gunning Down Unarmed
17-Year-Old, by Andrew Emett
Officer Pleads Guilty to Violating Civil Rights
After Leaving Teen in a Coma, by Andrew Emett
Ohio Police Officer Suspended After Celebrating
Black Lives Matter Activist's Suicide, By Jamilah
Once White in America, by Jane Lazarre
“Our Demand Is for Him to Be Fired”: Outrage in
Kenosha as Cop Who Shot Jacob Blake Returns to Work,
by Amy Goodman
Please, Mr. Jailer, Little Movie written and
directed by John Waters
Police Chief Charged with Murdering Unarmed Black
Man, by Andrew Emett
Police Defend Chasing Down Innocent 5th Grader With
Guns Drawn, by Carimah Townes
Police Officer Arrested After Stabbing Unarmed Teen,
by Andrew Emett
Police Officer Sentenced to 63 Months for Kicking in
Suspect's Teeth, by Andrew Emett
Police Release Video of Traffic Stop of Princeton
Professor, by Daniel Victor and Damien Cave
Police Stops in D.C. to Be Debated at Town Hall
Meeting, by Peter Hermann
Police Withheld Video of Officers Laughing, Mocking,
Reenacting Brutal Beating of Floyd Dent, by Jen
"Poor Training" Resulted in Almost 400 Shootings by
Philadelphia Police, by Reuters
Private Security at Whole Foods Beats Black Man
Unconscious, Leaves Him in a Pool of His Own Blood,
by Judd Legum
Prosecutor Releases Report Calling Police Shooting
of Unarmed 12-Year-Old "Objectively Reasonable," by
Erica Hellerstein
Protests Erupt After Eric Garner Grand Jury
Decision, by ABC News
Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil
Disorders (Kerner Commission Report, 1967)
Revealed: The Story Behind the NATO 3 Domestic
Terrorism Arrests, by Matt Stroud and Steve Horn
Rikers: Where Mental Illness Meets Brutality in
Jail, by Michael Winerip and Michael Schwirtz
Rogue Cop Indicted for Excessive Force and
Cover-Ups, by Andrew Emett
Rookie Cop Guns Down 12-Year-Old on Playground, by
Andrew Emett
San Francisco Cops Said It Was Legal to Murder Black
Man Because He Was an "Animal," by Esther Yu-Hsi Lee
Sandra Bland: Our Outrage, the Questions, and Her
Legacy, by Veena Trehan
SC Trooper Fired for Shooting Black Motorist Charged
With Assault, by David Taintor
Sgt. James Brown, 26, Survived Two Tours in Iraq
Only to Die Begging for His Life in Texas Jail, by
Shameless Apologist Defends the Indefensible Acts of
Police, by Tom Tomorrow
She was told she could vote again after felony
convictions. Now she’s in prison for trying, by
Timothy Bella
Sheriff and Lieutenant Colonel Arrested in Prisoner
Abuse Conspiracy, by Andrew Emett
Sheriff to Resign After Indicted by Grand Jury, by
Andrew Emett
Six Officers Fired After Gunning Down Unarmed
Couple, By Andrew Emett
Standing While Black in New York Can Get You
Attacked by NYPD Thugs, by Dave Lindorff
State of Missouri to Execute Innocent Autistic Man
October 6, Ferguson Prosecutor Responsible, by
Jeanine Molloff
State Terror Against People of Color, by Chris
Tanisha Anderson Was Restrained in Prone Position;
Death Ruled Homicide, by Cory Shaffer
Terror From the Right: Plots, Conspiracies and
Racist Rampages Since Oklahoma City, by Southern
Poverty Law Center
The Bail Trap, by Nick Pinto
The Baltimore Jail That Was Run by a Gang, by Betsy
The Creationist Style of Crime Control, by Ta-Nehisi
The Counted: People Killed by Police in the U.S.
2015, by theguardian.com
The Disappeared: Chicago Police Detain Americans at
Abuse-Laden "Black Site"," by Spencer Ackerman
The Essence of Innocence: Consequences of
Dehumanizing Black Children, by Phillip Atiba Goff
and Matthew Christian Jackson, The University of
California, Los Angeles; Brooke Allison Lewis Di
Leone, National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder, Boston, Massachusetts; Carmen Marie
Culotta, The Pennsylvania State University; and
Natalie Ann DiTomasso, The University of
The Man Beaten and Choked at a Donald Trump Rally
Tells His Story, by Alice Ollstein
The Mirage of Justice, By Chris Hedges
The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to
a Permanent American Undercaste, by Michelle
The Shocking Truth About the Two Chicago Police
Officers Posing in this Horrendous Photo, by
The Trial of George Floyd
9 Minutes, 29 Seconds: Derek Chauvin Trial Opens
with Full Video of George Floyd’s Killing, by Amy
Derek Chauvin Defense Blames
“George Floyd Himself for His Own Death,” Not the
Police “Blood Choke”, by Amy Goodman
A Recap of the Closing Arguments in the Derek
Chauvin Case. It's All Over but the . . . Justice,
by Glenn Kirschner
Chauvin Trial Day 2: Multiple Witnesses "Call the
Police on the Police" for What They Saw Chauvin Do,
by Glenn Kirschner
Chauvin Trial, Day 3: How the Police Victimized Not
Only George Floyd But The Witnesses As Well, by
Glenn Kirschner
“Check His Pulse”: In Derek Chauvin Trial, Outraged
Bystanders Describe Witnessing George Floyd Death,
by Amy Goodman
“The System of Policing Is
on Trial”: Derek Chauvin Murder Case Is About More
Than Just George Floyd, by Amy Goodman
Derek Chauvin Guilty of Murder, Justice for George
Floyd. Time to Get Justice Trending in America, by
Glenn Kirschner
Derek Chauvin Trial Breaks Down “Blue Wall of
Silence” as Police Officials Testify Against Ex-Cop,
by Amy Goodman
Derek Chauvin Trial for the Murder of George Floyd:
Realtime Recap of Opening Statements, by Glenn
Did Chauvin's Defense Witnesses Score ANY Points or
Did They Actually Hurt Chauvin's Case?, by Glenn
George Floyd, LT Nazario, Breonna Taylor: Excessive
Force & the Broken Promise of the 4th Amendment, by
Glenn Kirschner
Guilty on All Counts: Derek Chauvin Verdict Triggers
Relief & Determination to Keep Fighting, by Amy
“I Felt the Need to Call the Police on the Police”:
Witnesses Describe Seeing George Floyd’s Murder, by
Amy Goodman
Derek Chauvin Defense Blames
“George Floyd Himself for His Own Death,” Not the
Police “Blood Choke”, by Amy Goodman
Prosecution's First Witness in Chauvin Trial: The 911
Dispatcher Saying, "Something's Not Right.", by Glenn
Senior officer rejects Chauvin’s ‘totally
unnecessary’ use of force against George Floyd
Chauvin's use of force described as 'totally
unnecessary' by Minneapolis lieutenant, by Timothy
Bella and Abigail Hauslohner
Why Chauvin's Expert Witness, Medical Examiner David
Fowler, Actually LOST Points for the Defense, by
Glenn Kirschner
Witness for Derek Chauvin’s Defense Claims George
Floyd Died of Heart Disease, Drugs and Car Fumes, by
Amy Goodman
Expert Witness for Derek
Chauvin’s Defense Sued over Black Teen’s Death at
Hands of Maryland Police, by Amy Goodman
“The Whole System Needs to Be Indicted”: Attorney
Benjamin Crump on Overhauling U.S. Policing, by Amy
Three Deputies Arrested for Beating Mentally Ill Man
to Death, by Andrew Emett
Three Deputies Convicted of Covering Up Brutality
Inflicted by Sheriff's Son, by Andrew Emett
Three Sheriff's Deputies Charged With Beating
Suspect on Camera, by Andrew Emett
Trump Supporters Pepper Spray 15-Year-Old Girl at
Rally, by Alexandra Jacobo
Turning American Communities Into War Zones, Death
By Death, by Rebecca Gordon
Two Cops Charged with Aggravated Assault After Video
Reveals Savage Beating, by Norm Stamper
Two Deputies and a Nurse Charged with Involuntary
Manslaughter for Killing Student, by Andrew Emett
Two Ways Racists Kill, by Paul Buchheit
Undercover NY Cop Found Guilty of Assault in
Motorist's Beating, by Andrew Emett
United Nations Condemns U.S. Over Torture &
Injustice, by Ed Pilkington
United States of America v. Paul Tanaka and William
Thomas Carey
U.S. Refuses to Seriously Tackle Police Brutality
and Racism, by Linn Washington, Jr.
Video Exposes Police Officer Pepper-Spraying
Handcuffed Teens, by Andrew Emett
Video Reveals Guards Abusing Inmate Moments Before
His Death, by Andrew Emett
Video Reveals Police Gunning Down Man for Throwing
Rocks, by Andrew Emett
Video Shows 9 Months Pregnant Handcuffed Woman
Punched by Texas Police, by rt.com
Videos Capture LAPD Killing Homeless Man on Skid
Row, by Andrew Emett
Violent Police-Citizen Encounters: An Analysis of
Major Newspaper Accounts, by Kim Michelle Lersch and
Joe R. Feagin
War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of
American Policing, by ACLU
War Gear Flows to Police Departments , by Matt
We Will Expose King For the Clerical Fraud and
Marxist He is, by the Federal Bureau of
What Happened to Gynna?, by colorofchange.org
What Police Said About the Killing of Laquan
McDonald Before The Video Showed What Really
Happened, by Judd Legum
"What, to the American Slave, Is Your 4th of July?",
by Amy Goodman
Where are Black Children Safe?, by Roxane Gay
What Happened in South
Carolina is a Daily Risk for Black Children, by
Stacey Patton
White Alabama cops called out for pulling clothes
off black Waffle House customer during early morning
arrest, by Tom Boggioni
White Supremacist Group Storms NAACP in Houston, by
Alexandra Jacobo
Why Does the St. Louis PD Keep Changing Their Story
About the Killing of VonDerrit Myers?, by Shaun King
Why Hate Speech by Presidential Candidates is
Despicable, by Robert Reich
Why Is U.S. Media Ignoring the Assault on Southern
Black Churches?, by C. Robert Gibson
Witness Says Teen Friend Shot by Cop "Like An
Animal," by Yamiche Alcindor and Doug Stanglin
U.S. Marshal Found Guilty of Obstruction in Drunken
Shooting, by Andrew Emett
The Coming War With Russia
40 Million Russians Set To Drill For World War III,
by Tyler Durden
Agent Orange Funding Opens Door to U.S. Militarism
and Covert Action in Vietnam, by Kevin Zeese
Alexei Navalny: Why is Biden supporting a Russian
fascist?, by Sara Flounders
Andrew Bacevich: Ukraine is Paying the Price for the
U.S. “Recklessly” Pushing NATO Expansion, by Amy
Biden Sanctions Russia for Cyber Espionage While
Remaining Silent over Israeli Cyberattack on Iran, by
Amy Goodman
Biden's Reckless Words Underscore the Dangers of the
U.S.'s Use of Ukraine As a Proxy War: As grave of a
threat as deliberate war is, unintended escalation
from miscommunication and misperception can be as
bad. Biden is the perfect vessel for such risks, by
Glenn Greenwald
British Government Accuses Putin of Ordering
Assassination in London, By Andrew Emett
Brzezinski Seizing Control Over U.S. Policy in
Slow-Motion Creeping Coup, by Webster Griffin
Call For Sanity on 60th of Russell-Einstein
Manifesto, by Emanuel Pastreich
Can Peace in Ukraine Be Achieved Without War?
Extended Debate Between Medea Benjamin & Barbara
INTERVIEW, by Amy Goodman
Chaos in Syria, by Chris Kanthan
Assassination of Rafic Hariri, by Wikipedia
BBC News Caught Staging FAKE Chemical Attack In
Syria!, by RT.com
Biden blames US allies in Middle East for rise of
ISIS, by rt.com
Control and crucifixions: Life in Libya under IS, by
BBC News
Influencing the SARG in the End of 2006 (Wikileaks),
by William Roebuck
Information Report, Not Finally Evaluated
Intelligence: Country: Iraq, by Department of
Libya: Gaddafi regime's US-UK spy links revealed, by
BBC Bews
Mehlis report, by Wikipedia
Profile: Libyan rebel commander Abdel Hakim
Belhadj, by BBC News
The Red Line and the Rat Line: Seymour M. Hersh on
Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels, by London
Review of Books
US embassy cables: Hillary Clinton says Saudi Arabia
'a critical source of terrorist funding', by
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash
machine for terrorists: Hillary Clinton memo
highlights Gulf states' failure to block funding for
groups like al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba,
by Declan Walsh in Islamabad
WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued
Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath, By
Robert Naiman
China/Russia, the World's "Other" Superpower, Will
Not Be Intimidated, by Michael Payne
Chomsky and Ellsberg on the Present Danger [in
Russia/Ukraine/Europe/Taiwan/China], by the
Clinton: US should use 'military response' to fight
cyberattacks from Russia and China. Clinton said the
US should 'lead the world in setting the rules in
cyberspace'. by Jason Murdock
Filipino Scholar Walden Bello on Why the Global
South Is Suspicious of U.S. Motives in Ukraine War,
by Amy Goodman
A NATO No-Fly Zone in Ukraine Would Be “Direct
Involvement in the War Against Russia,” Experts
Warn, by Amy Goodman
A Tale of Two Wars: Biden Decries Russian Atrocities
in Ukraine While Backing Saudi/UAE War in Yemen, by
Amy Goodman
On International Women’s Day, Ukrainian LGBTQI
Activist Describes Russian Siege as Millions Flee,
by Amy Goodman
Phyllis Bennis: The Best Way to Help Ukraine Is
Diplomacy, Not War & Increased Militarization, by
Amy Goodman
“Russia & China, Together at Last”: Historian Al
McCoy Predicts Ukraine War to Birth New World Order,
by Amy Goodman
Russian Invasion Shows Risks of Addiction to Fossil
Fuels; Will Biden Fund Shift to Renewables?, by Amy
Tariq Ali on Ukraine, NATO Expansion & How Putin’s
Invasion Galvanized a Russian Peace Movement, by Amy
Ukrainian Pacifist in Kyiv: Reckless Militarization
Led to This War. All Sides Must Recommit to Peace,
by Amy Goodman
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research
Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them. The
neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.
role in Ukraine, and raises vital questions about
these labs that deserve answers, by Glenn Greenwald
Ukraine Crisis/Nuclear Boondoggle, by Ralph Nader
“U.S. Hypocrisy on Ukraine”: Biden Admin Remains
Silent on Morocco’s Occupation of Western Sahara, by
Amy Goodman
Fog of War: How the Ukraine Conflict Transformed the
Cyber Threat Landscape, by Google’s Threat Analysis
Four Hospitals Bombed in One Day in Syria, Including
Doctors Without Borders Facility, By Natasha Geiling
Friend or Foe? How Turkey’s Turn Toward
Authoritarianism Threatens Syria and the World, by
Derek Royden
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline: The
New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United
States executed a covert sea operation that was kept
secret—until now, by Seymour Hersh
A Year of Lying About Nord Stream: The Biden
administration has acknowledged neither its
responsibility for the pipeline bombing nor the
purpose of the sabotage, by Seymour Hersh
BALTOPS 22, the premier Baltic Sea maritime
exercise, concludes in Kiel, From U.S. Naval Forces
Europe and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO
Public Affairs, KIEL, Germany - Sixteen NATO Allied
and partner nations concluded the 51st iteration of
Baltic Operations 2022 (BALTOPS22) in Kiel, Germany,
June 17, 2022.
Blinken's Battle Hymn: Biden’s favorite hawk calls
for no end to the bloodshed in Ukraine, by Seymour
Does It Take a War?, by Seymour Hersh
Fear and Loathing on Air Force One: Biden’s
anxieties over the Ukraine War and the election in
2024 come into viewby Seymour Hersh
From The Gulf of Tonkin To The Baltic Sea: The
secret and incomplete history of US-Norway
collaboration in covert operations, by Seymour Hersh
Harold Pinter Had It Right: Lessons in Western
self-sabotage from the Ukraine War, by Seymour Hersh
Opera Buffa in Ukraine: As the war drags on,
delusions mount, with no end, or victory, in sight,
by Seymour Hersh
Partners in Doomsday: As Ukraine begins a
counter-offensive and Biden's hawks look on, new
rhetoric out of Russia points to a revival of the
nuclear threat, by Seymour Hersh
Prigozhin's Folly: The Russian ‘revolt’ that wasn’t
strengthens Putin’s hand, by Seymour Hersh
Record methane leak flows from damaged Baltic Sea
pipelinesby Jan M. Olsen and Patrick Whittle
Summer of the Hawks: Wishful thinking is still the
rule among Biden's foreign policy team, as the
slaughter in Ukraine continues, by Seymour Hersh
The Cover-Up: The Biden Administration continues to
conceal its responsibility for the destruction of
the Nord Stream pipelines, by Seymour Hersh
The Nord Stream Ghost Ship: The false details in the
CIA's cover story, by Seymour Hersh
The Ukraine Refugee Question: Ukraine's neighbors
push for Zelensky to pursue peace as millions of
displaced people flow into Europe, by Seymour Hersh
Trading With the Enemy: Amid rampant corruption in
Kiev and as US troops gather at the Ukrainian
border, does the Biden administration have an
endgame to the conflict?, by Seymour Hersh
When The Intelligence is Inconvenient: What goes
wrong when politics suppresses the truth, by Seymour
Why Putin Killed Prigozhin: Russia ducks direct
confrontation with NATO as it tightens its hold on
eastern Ukraine, by Seymour Hersh
Zelensky's 'Bad Moment': The Ukrainian leader
resorts to lies and threats at the tail end of a
failing counteroffensive, by Seymour Hersh
How to End the War in Ukraine: Matt Duss and Ray
McGovern Debate U.S. Policy on Russia, NATO & More,
by Amy Goodman
Is Trump the Back Door Man for Henry A. Kissinger &
Co? by F. William Engdahl
Jeffrey Sachs: “Dangerous” U.S. Policy & “West’s
False Narrative” Stoking Tensions with Russia,
China, by Amy Goodman
Joe Biden is Washington Troublemaker-in-Chief, by F.
William Engdahl
Joe Biden promises cyber war retaliation against
Russia in response to Hillary Clinton’s “Russian
Hacking” myth , by Alex Christoforou
Key Neocon Calls On US To Oust Putin, by Robert
Military to Military – Seymour M. Hersh on US
intelligence sharing in the Syrian war, by London
Review of Books
Hillary Clinton’s ‘WMD’ moment: U.S. intelligence
saw false narrative in Libya, by Kelly Riddell and
Jeffrey Scott Shapiro
How Neocons Destabilized Europe: The neocon
prescription of endless “regime change” is spreading
chaos across the Middle East and now into Europe,
yet the neocons still control the mainstream U.S.
narrative and thus have diagnosed the problem as not
enough “regime change.” by Robert Parry
Qatar’s Ties to Militants Strain Alliance: The
Persian Gulf state’s relationships in the region are
both useful and a worry to the U.S.by Jay Solomon
and Nour Malas
Secret Benghazi report reveals Hillary’s Libya war
push armed al Qaeda-tied terrorists, by Jeffrey
Scott Shapiro
Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan
war: Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with
Moammar Gadhafi regime, by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro and
Kelly Riddell
The Free Syrian Army Doesn’t Exist, by Aron Lund
The Red Line and the Rat Line: Seymour M. Hersh on
Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels, by London
Review of Books
US military leadership resisted Obama's bid for
regime change in Syria, Libya, by Gareth Porter
US Vice President Joe Biden Apologises After Calling
Sunni Allies 'Largest Problem in Syria', by Maria
NATO Ramps Up Rhetoric Against China & Russia. Is
Biden Leading the U.S. into a New Cold War?, by Amy
Nazi Terrorists in Ukraine
Nachtigall Battalion [Nightingale Battalion]
by Wikipedia
‘A slap in the face for Putin’ — Russians in shock
at Ukrainian advance. People in Kursk are pleading
to Putin for help but he has been humiliated and his
troops are struggling to repel Kyiv’s incursion, by
Marc Bennetts
Are Western Spooks Backing a New 'Ukrainian White
lmets? Al Mayadeen investigates
'Banderite' Rebrand: Ukrainian Police Declare
Admiration For Nazi Collaborators To Make A Point,
by Christopher Miller
Eastern Ukraine: Humanitarian disaster looms as food
aid blocked. Pro-Kyiv volunteer battalions are
increasingly blocking humanitarian aid into eastern
Ukraine in a move which will exacerbate a pending
humanitarian crisis in the run up to Christmas and
New Year, said Amnesty, International, by Amnesty
Islamic Battalions, Stocked With Chechens, Aid
Ukraine in War With Rebels, by Andrew E. Kramer
Meet the Head of Biden’s New “Disinformation
Governing Board”. Nina Jankowicz is a veteran
information warrior. But her “experience” working
with StopFake should have set off alarm bells, by
Lev Golinkin
Mikola Lebed, Excerpt from "U.S. Intelligence and
the Nazis, by Richard Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda,
Timothy Naftali and Robert Wolfe"
Nachtigall Battalion [Nightingale Battalion], by
Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in
Five years after the Maidan uprising, anti-Semitism
and fascist-inflected ultranationalism are rampant,
Lev Golinkin
Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, 16
November 2015 to 15 February 2016, by Office of the
United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights
The StopFake Supervisory Board Position About the
Escalating Information Attacks Directed Against the
Project Team, by StopFake.org
Theodor Oberländer, by Wikipedia
Ukraine: Investigate, Punish Hate Crimes. Violent
Attacks by Radical Groups Increasing, by Human
Rights Watch
Ukraine During World War II: History and its
Aftermath, edited by Yury Boshyk with the assistance
of Roman Waschuk and Andriy Wynnyckyj: A Symposium
Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict, by
David Stern
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing
'ISIS-Style' War Crimes, by Damien Sharkov
Ultra-nationalist Ukrainian battalion gears up for
more fightingby Gabriela Baczynska, Reuters
Volunteer Ukrainian unit includes Nazis, by Oren
“You Don’t Exist”. Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced
Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine, by
Human Rights Watch
With Axes And Hammers, Far-Right Vigilantes Destroy
Another Romany Camp In Kyiv, by Christopher Miller,
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty
'Neutral' First Aid Responders in Syria Promoting
Regime Change. Journalist Max Blumenthal shares his
latest investigation into the public relations firm
Syria Campaign and the USAID-backed White Helmets,
both of which are calling for a no-fly zone in
Syria, by therealnews.com
On The Beach 2017: The Beckoning of Nuclear War, by
John Pilger
Panama Papers: Why Aren’t There More American
Names?, by John Cassidy
Practice of Beheading Not Limited to Islamic State,
by Jonathan Zimmerman
Americans Who Have Not
Read a Single Article About Syria Strongly Support
Bombing It, by Andy Borowitz
Beheadings v. Drone
Assassinations, by Coleen Rowley
Dividing Our Enemies, by
Thomas H. Henriksen
How ISIS Is Using Us to
Get What it Wants, by Alastair Crooke
How Perpetual War Fuels
Terrorism, by Brave New Films
How the West Created the
Islamic State, by Nafeez Ahmed
Roland Dumas: The British
Prepared for War in Syria 2 Years Before the
Eruption of the Crisis, by Ca Vous Regarde
Spooks' View on Syria:
What Wikileaks Revealed, by Alex Thomson
The Most Important Scene
is Missing From the James Foley Beheading Video ...
Why Did ISIS Censor Itself? by DNA
We're Forgetting Something
Ghastly About al-Nusra Front, by Raed Omari
Who's a "moderate" Rebel
in Syria? Check the Handwritten Receipts, by Dana
The Zarqawi Phenomenon, by
Dahr Jamail
Proxy Wars/ America Run Amok, by Ralph Nader
Russia and China: Watch Out Moody’s, Here We Come!
by F. William Engdahl
Russia to Increase Nuclear Arsenal as U.S. Plans
More Firepower in Europe, by Karoun Demirjian
Russia Trumps USA Energy War in Mideast, by F.
William Engdahl
Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated, Russian
politicians claim NATO planned attack: The attack
comes just one day before Russia, Turkey, and Iran
were due to hold talks over the ongoing conflict in
Syria. by NationofChange Staff
Silence of the Lambs: Refugees, EU and Syrian Energy
Wars, by F. William Engdahl
Social Media Terrorism: Daesh's New Caucasian
Province, by Brian Hughes
Syria, Ready to Explode; yet the U.S. Media Remains
Fixated on Trump's Sexual Encounters and Conquests.
Maybe, just maybe, when this long, drawn out,
reality show version of a presidential election
finally comes to a welcome end, it may be possible
that this media will turn its attention to
critically important world affairs, especially the
conflict in Syria; and the American people will no
longer remain in the dark. by Michael Payne
Syria: Who is Behind the Protest Movement?
Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian
Intervention", by Michel Chossudovsky
Syrian Ministry of Defense Website Hacked by
"Anonymous", by Brad Shannon
- "Anonymous" Hacks U.S. Law
Enforcement Sites, Steals Data, by Raphael G. Satter
and Nomaan Merchant
- Anonymous to Attack Syrian Embassy Web Sites, by
Chloe Albanesius
- Hacker Groups LulzSec and Anonymous in Pact to
Attack Government Websites, by Salvador Rodriguez
Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change
in Eastern Europe, by Gerald Sussman and Sascha
The Anatomy of the NATO-CIA Destabilization of
Syria, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
The Bizarre, Unanimous Dem Support for the $40b War
Package to Raytheon and CIA: "For Ukraine". Video
Transcript: "The US Anti-War Left is Dead. The
Squad's $40b War Vote Just Killed It." Many Dems
voting YES have long denounced exactly these sorts
of bills. What happened?, by Glenn Greenwald
The Enemy Within, by Gore Vidal
The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political
Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe, by
Gerald Sussman
The Neoconservative Threat to International Order,
by Paul Craig Roberts
The Revolution Business, Report by Patrick A. Hafner
and Alexander Steinbach
The Rise of a "Democratic" Fascism, by John Pilger
The "U.S. Way of War," from Columbus to Kunduz, by
Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers
The United States and NATO Are Preparing for a Major
War With Russia. Massive military exercises and a
troop buildup on NATO’s eastern flank reflect a
dangerous new strategy, by Michael T. Klare
Ukraine: Senseless Conflict, by Ralph Nader
Underlying Reasons for the Raging Syrian War:
Competing Natural Gas Pipelines, by Michael Payne
US forces now on the ground in Ukraine, by Ryan
US Arms Makers Invest In A New Cold War, by Jonathan
US to obscure arms exports after Pentagon ‘pipeline’
to Syria exposed, by Finian Cunningham
Department of Defense Press Briefing by Col. Warren
via Teleconference in the Pentagon Briefing Room:
Operation Inherent Resolve Spokesperson Colonel
Steve Warren, by U.S. Department of Defense
German Concerns Spark Pentagon Reroute of
Syria-Bound Arms, by Lawrence Mazouk, Ivan
Angelovski, Frederik Obermaier
Strongest attacks on Syrian Army come from where
opposition & US forces stationed – Russian MoD, by
The Beginning of Ammunition Production Trial in
Uzići, by Ministry of Defence, Republic of Serbia
The Pentagon's $2.2 Billion Soviet Arms Pipeline
Flooding Syria, by Ivan Angelovski, Lawrence Marzouk
Tirana Offloads Ancient Arms to Controversial
Broker, by Lindita Cela, Ivan Angelovski, Maria
War and Indifference, by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Washington Plays Nuclear Chicken Now With China as
Well as Russia, by F. William Engdahl
Who's Winning This Escalating Geopolitical Struggle
Between the U.S. and Russia? by Michael Payne
As Russia Bombs ISIS, U.S. Bombs Syrian Civilian
Power Stations, by Brandon Turbeville
Ignoring Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Storm Troopers, by
Robert Parry
Is the U.S. Backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?, by Max
Mystery Surrounds Death of Ukrainian Activist, by
Andrew Higgins
NYT Discovers Ukraine's Neo-Nazis at War, by Robert
Tending Their Wounds, Vowing to Fight On, by Alison
Who's Telling the "Big Lie" on Ukraine?, by Robert
Why Are Nazi and Confederate Flags on Display in
Kiev?: John McCain and Other State Department
Members Have Troubling Ties to the Ultra-Nationalist
Svoboda Party, by Sara Flounders
Ukraine Crisis: The Neo-Nazi Brigade Fighting
Pro-Russian Separatists, by Tom Parfitt
Ukraine's Reins Weaken as Chaos Spreads, by Andrew
E. Kramer
Warning Merkel on Russian "Invasion" Intel, by
Consortiumnews.com, Veteran Intelligence
Professionals for Sanity
With Latest Syria Threats, Trump Continues to Be
More Confrontational Toward Russia Than Obama Was,
by Glenn Greenwald & Zaid Jilani
World War Three, By Mistake. Harsh political
rhetoric, combined with the vulnerability of the
nuclear command-and-control system, has made the
risk of global catastrophe greater than ever, by
Eric Schlosser
The First Sex (All Embryos are Girls)
20 Authors I Don’t Have to Read Because I’ve Dated
Men for 16 Years. If you’ve spent enough time around
dudes, you’ve BASICALLY read these, by Helena
A Modern Form of Slavery: Trafficking of Burmese
Women and Girls into Brothels in Thailand, by Asia
Watch and the Women's Rights Project
A Room of One's Own, by Virginia Woolf
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by Mary
Addressing Domestic Violence Against Women: An
Unfinished Agenda, by Ravneet Kaur and Suneela Garg
At the Gentle Mercy of Plants, by Hildegarde Flanner
‘Beautiful Girls’ Scribe Scott Rosenberg On A
Complicated Legacy With Harvey Weinstein, by Mike
Fleming Jr
10 More Famous Men EXPOSED After The Harvey Weinstein
Scandal, by TheTalko
38 women have come forward to accuse director James
Toback of sexual harassmentby Glenn Whipp
200 more women share their James Toback stories after 38
accuse director of sexual harassment, by Glenn Whipp
1980s actress Heather Kerr says Harvey Weinstein made
her touch his genitals, by Nardine Saad
A Brief History of Harvey Weinstein's Relationship With
the Democratic Party, by Ellie Shechet
A Full List Of Harvey Weinstein's Accusers And Their
Allegations: Actresses Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow,
Angelina Jolie, Léa Seydoux, and Cara Delevingne are
among the women who have come forward, by Emma Dibdin
A trip to Cabo, an allegation of sexual assault, and
'a culture of dishonesty': Inside the downfall of
the founding CEO of $1.9 billion startup Apttus, by
Becky Peterson
A.G. Schneiderman Files Civil Rights Lawsuit Against The
Weinstein Companies, Harvey Weinstein, And Robert
Weinstein, by Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman
Actor Romola Garai felt 'violated' after Harvey
Weinstein encounter: British star adds to allegations
against film mogul, describing encounter in which he
wore only a dressing gown, by Hannah Ellis-Petersen
Actress Accuses Weinstein Company of Sex Abuse Cover-Up,
by Gene Maddaus
Actress Files Sexual Battery Suit Against Harvey
Weinstein, by Associated Press
Actress Natassia Malthe Accuses Harvey Weinstein Of
Raping Her After BAFTA Awards: The actress gave a
detailed account of the alleged attack during a press
conference with her lawyer in New York, by Naomi Gordon
Actress Sean Young Alleges Harvey Weinstein Exposed
Himself to Her, by Rebecca Rubin
Actress Tara Subkoff Says Harvey Weinstein Sexually
Harassed Her, by Rebecca Rubin
All Thanks to Max, by Bob Weinstein
Anthony Bourdain Slams Hillary Clinton's Interview About
Harvey Weinstein Calling It 'Shameful' and
'Disingenuous', by Alexia Fernandez
Asia Argento ‘forced to flee Italy’ after Harvey
Weinstein allegations, by Hollywood.com
Asia Argento, More Models Detail Harvey Weinstein’s
Italian Connection, by Stewart Clarke
Asia Argento Tweets List of Harvey Weinstein Accusers:
The actress has accused Weinstein of rape, by Ashley
Barbara Boxer recounts harassment on Capitol Hill: ‘The
entire audience started laughing’, by Avery Anapol
Biles and Her Teammates Rip the F.B.I. for Botching
Nassar Abuse Case: Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I.
director, apologized for “inexcusable” failures in
the investigation of Lawrence G. Nassar, who
sexually abused hundreds of women and girls, by
Juliet Macur
Bill Clinton: A Reckoning. Feminists saved the 42nd
president of the United States in the 1990s. They were
on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make
things right?, by Caitlin Flanagan
Bill Clinton caught up in fallout from Harvey Weinstein
sexual-assault scandal: Hillary Clinton deflects by
criticizing Trump amid accusations of hypocrisy on
right, by Valerie Richardson
Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault
by four women while the former president was working
with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet
nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author, by Ed
Bill Clinton should have resigned: What he did to Monica
Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid the price,
by Matthew Yglesias
How Alabama's 'Luv Guv' Broke New Ground
in a Scandal-Plagued State, by Eric Velasco
Bob Weinstein says 'sick and depraved' brother Harvey
Weinstein abused him, by Joi-Marie McKenzie
Brett Ratner Rape Allegation Detailed by Ex-Endeavor
Employee, by Gene Maddaus
British Aristocrat Liza Campbell Says Harvey Weinstein
Propositioned Her to ‘Jump in the Bath’ with Him, by
Stephanie Petit
'Bro Culture’ Led to Repeated Sexual Harassment,
Former Google Engineer's Lawsuit Says, by Kate
Canadian actress Larissa Gomes alleges Harvey Weinstein
sexually harassed her, by Victoria Kim
Capitol Hill’s sexual harassment policy ‘toothless,’ ‘a
joke’: 'Congress has been a breeding ground for a
hostile work environment for far too long,' says one
lawmaker aiming to overhaul its procedures, by Rachel
Bade and Elana Schor
Cara Delevingne claims Harvey Weinstein sexually
harassed her during meeting, by Luke Morgan Britton
Carol Drinkwater reveals sex attack by Hollywood
director Elia Kazan: Rejecting the advances of a famous
director cost the actor turned author the part of a
lifetime. She explains why, 40 years on, she poured her
shame and guilt into her latest novel, The Lost Girl, by
Claire Armitstead
Charlie Rose’s misconduct was widespread at CBS and
three managers were warned, investigation finds, by Amy
Brittain and Irin Carmon
Child abuse documentary Hollywood 'didn't want you to
see' goes viral: The film An Open Secret died upon
release in 2015, but is seeing a renewed interest online
amid a cascade of allegations against Hollywood’s elite,
Rory Carroll
Civil Complaint Alleging Damages for Negligence,
Dominique Huett vs. The Weinstein Company LLC., by
Daniel Ellis
Claire Forlani on Harvey Weinstein Encounters: "I
Escaped Five Times", by Ashley Lee
CNN host left speechless as ex-Fox News analyst breaks
her confidentiality agreement and exposes Rupert
Murdoch, by Tom Boggioni
Conyers allegations: Ex-staffer says congressman
‘inappropriately touched’ her, by Rachel Elbaum
Cuomo accuser Brittany Commisso breaks her silence
to detail groping allegations and says the governor
is lying, by CBS News
Drawn to the News: 12 cartoons on Harvey Weinstein, by
Cohen Peart
Dustin Hoffman accused of sexual harassment against
17-year-old: Writer Anna Graham Hunter alleges the actor
groped her and engaged in sexually inappropriate
conversations on the set of 1985 TV movie Death of a
Salesman, by Benjamin Lee
Dylan Farrow writes that Woody Allen abused her, by
Jayme Deerwester
Emma Thompson: 'Harvey Weinstein's no sex addict. He is
a predator': Actor says there are many men in Hollywood
like the film mogul who has been accused of multiple
sexual assaults, by Patrick Greenfield and Lisa
Eva Green left 'shocked and disgusted' after 'pushing
off' Harvey Weinstein 'He promised them, like everyone, to promote their
career in exchange for sexual favours,' alleges Bond
actor's mother, by Maya Oppenheim
Ex-Israeli PM introduced Harvey Weinstein to former
Mossad spies: Ehud Barak admits referring movie mogul to
private investigators who reportedly helped to suppress
sexual abuse allegations, by Peter Beaumont
Ex-Weinstein staffer says assistants were manipulated:
‘We weren’t safe either’: As stories suggest female
staffers helped lure producer’s alleged victims, former
assistant says she and her colleagues also faced abusive
behavior, by Sam Levin
FBI Will Pay Hefty Price for Sitting on Nassar
Allegation, : 'WSJ' reports it has agreed to pay 100
victims roughly $100M
by Newser Editors, Newser Staff
Female Animators Call for End of Culture of Sexual
Harassment in Open Letter, by Matt Fernandez
Feminists and the Clinton Question, by Gloria Steinem
For Christine Blasey Ford, a Drastic Turn From a
Quiet Life in Academia, by Elizabeth Williamson,
Rebecca R. Ruiz, Emily Steel, Grace Ashford and
Steve Eder
Former Elite Gymnast Speaks Out Against Larry Nassar,
Doctor Accused Of Sexually Abusing Dozens Of Athletes:
"I Just Trusted Him", by Dvora Meyers
Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of
Physical Abuse: Eric Schneiderman has raised his profile
as a voice against sexual misconduct. Now, after suing
Harvey Weinstein, he faces a #MeToo reckoning of his
own, by Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow
French Actress Florence Darel Says Harvey Weinstein
Propositioned Her While His Wife Was Next Door, by Peter
From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey
Weinstein’s Accusers Tell Their Stories: Multiple women
share harrowing accounts of sexual assault and
harassment by the film executive, by Ronan Farrow
Game Change Author Suspended From MSNBC Over Sexual
Assault Allegations, by Ben Mathis-Lilley
Game Of Throne's Lena Headey Says Harvey Weinstein Once
Tried To Force Her Into His Hotel Room: The Game of
Thrones actress says she felt completely 'powerless', by
Chanel Vargas
‘Genius’ Producer Accuses Dustin Hoffman of Sexually
Harassing Her in 1991, by Daniel Holloway
Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of
Sexual Harassment, by Kate Conger, Daisuke
Wakabayashi and Katie Benner
Gov. Cuomo Resigns After Sexual Harassment Probe;
Critic Says He Is “Still Gaslighting New Yorkers”,
by Amy Goodman
Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Others Say Weinstein
Harassed Them: “This way of treating women ends now,”
Ms. Paltrow said as she and other actresses accused the
producer of casting-couch abuses, by Jodi Kanto and
Rachel Abrams
Harvey Weinstein Allegedly Threatened to 'Destroy' Bond
Star Eva Green After She Refused His Sexual Advances, by
Peter Mikelbank
Harvey Weinstein and the Economics of Consent: The blunt
power of the gatekeeper is the ability to enforce not
just artistic, but also financial, exile, by Brit
Harvey Weinstein and the Impunity of Powerful Men: For
women speaking up about their experiences with
harassment and assault, being heard is one kind of
power, and being free is another, by Jia Tolentino
Harvey Weinstein: English actor says alleged sexual
assault ruined film career Sophie Dix says encounter at the Savoy hotel when she
was 22 was ‘the single most damaging thing that’s
happened in my life’, by Lisa O'Carroll
Harvey Weinstein and Disney are targeted by a Canadian
actress alleging sexual assaultby David Ng
Harvey Weinstein and I at The Hotel Du Cap, by Zoe Brock
Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies: The film executive
hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents,
to track actresses and journalists, by Ronan Farrow
Harvey Weinstein’s ex-assistant says he sexually
harassed her for years, by Lia Eustachewich
Harvey Weinstein Finally Gonna Burn In Giant London
Effigy, by tmz
Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too, by Salma Hayek
Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for
Decades, by Jodi Kanto and Megan Twohey
Harvey Weinstein Reportedly Used the Fashion Industry as
'a Pipeline' To Get To Women: A new report alleges that
the producer used his ties to the fashion world to
obtain access to models, by Ella Alexander
Harvey Weinstein Says Brother Bob Responsible for His
Demise , tmz.com
Harvey Weinstein scandal: A complete list of the 76
accusers, by Sara M Moniuszko
Harvey Weinstein scandal: New claim alleges sex
trafficking, by Erin Jensen
Harvey Weinstein: UK inquiry widens to seven women, by
BBC News
Harvey Weinstein Urges Jews to Take on Anti-Semites:
"Kick These Guys in the Ass", by Scott Feinberg, Tina
Harvey Weinstein wears blond wig and orange makeup while
slurping soup in first sighting since rehab as NYPD
detective says there is enough evidence to arrest mogul
and DA assigns sex crimes prosecutor, by Chris Spargo
Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer allegedly donated $10G to
Manhattan DA who declined to pursue sexual assault
charges in 2015, by Kate Feldman
Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction overturned in New
York; DA will attempt to retry. The disgraced movie
producer was convicted of rape in February 2020, ,by
Aaron Katersky and Josh Margolin, abc news
Harvey Weinstein’s Wife Georgina Chapman Divorcing Him,
by Pat Saperstein
Heather Graham: Harvey Weinstein Implied I Had to Have
Sex With Him for Movie Role, by Variety
Here are all the sexual misconduct accusations against
Sen. Al Franken: Al Franken announced his resignation
from the Senate floor Thursday as Senate Democrats
called for him to resign, by Jacob Pramuk
Hollywood men silent over Weinstein allegations as women
speak out: When the Guardian contacted 20 high-profile
actors and directors who have worked with the producer,
many failed to respond: Harvey Weinstein speaks in New
York earlier this year, by Sam Levin and Julia Carrie
Wong in San Francisco
Hope Solo accuses Sepp Blatter of sexual assault at
awards ceremony, by David Conn and Nelson Marques
How Harvey Weinstein Survived His Midlife Crisis (For
Now): A bitter struggle with Disney CEO Michael Eisner
over Fahrenheit 9/11. Miramax teetering on the brink. A
separation from his wife. A near breakup with his
brother, Bob. And through it all, Weinstein seems calmer
than ever. Why? He’s given up M&Ms., by Seth Mnookin
How two publications raced each other to disclose a
Hollywood horror story, by Paul Farhi
I Believe Juanita, by Michelle Goldberg
I Worked at a Beverly Hills Hotel and Witnessed
Sickening Behavior (Guest Column), by Chris Gardner
'I had to defend myself': the night Harvey Weinstein
jumped on me, by Léa Seydoux
'I will never forgive Polanski. I'm telling the truth
and Roman knows it': Actress Charlotte Lewis claims she
was abused by director when she was 16, by Katie Nicholl
and Laura Collins
Instagram Post Re Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse, by Kate
Jenny McCarthy Details Alleged Casting Couch Experience
with Steven Seagal: ‘It Just So Grossed Me Out’, by
Maria Pasquini
Julianna Margulies Recalls Alleged Encounter With Steven
Seagal: ‘I Saw His Gun’, by Karen Mizoguchi
Kate Winslet Refused To Thank Harvey Weinstein At 2009
Oscars And We All Missed It: Harvey Weinstein's name was
notably absent from her 2009 speech, by Daisy Murray
Kavanaugh's college roommate: He was lying, by CNN
I Was Brett Kavanaugh’s
College Roommate: He lied under oath about his
drinking and terms in his yearbook, by James Roche
Kavanaugh’s Yearbook Page Is ‘Horrible, Hurtful’ to
a Woman It Named, by Kate Kelly and David Enrich
Kentucky Lawmaker Killed Himself After Sexual Assault
Allegations, by Darran Simon and Faith Karimi
'Kill Bill' Stunt Coordinator Breaks Silence on Uma
Thurman Crash, by Jonathan Handel
LAPD Officially Investigating Harvey Weinstein for Rape
Allegations: Weinstein’s accuser paints a harrowing
picture of the 2013 incident, by Joanna Robinson
Lauren Holly Describes Harvey Weinstein Harassment: ‘I
Wanted to Flee’, by Erin Nyren
Lena Dunham, Amber Tamblyn, Rose McGowan React to
Shocking Harvey Weinstein Report, by Rebecca Rubin
Les Moonves and CBS Face Allegations of Sexual
Misconduct: Six women accuse the C.E.O. of harassment
and intimidation, and dozens more describe abuse at his
company, by Ronan Farrow
Lisa Bloom, Lawyer Advising Harvey Weinstein, Resigns
Amid Criticism From Board Members, by Megan Twohey and
Johanna Barr
Louis C.K. on Sexual Misconduct Allegations: “These
Stories Are True”, by Sam Adams
Lysette Anthony: I answered the door. Harvey Weinstein
pushed me inside and raped me in my own hallway. The
movie mogul stalked the Hollyoaks actress Lysette
Anthony for years before she went to the police last
week. Here is her account of how the nightmare began, by
Charlotte Metcalf
Lupita Nyong’o: Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein, by
Lupita Nyong'o
Macron ‘to revoke Harvey Weinstein’s Legion of Honour
award’: Producer awarded France's highest civilian
distinction by Nicolas Sarkozy, by Harry Cockburn,
Harriet Agerholm
McKayla Maroney Faces $100K Fine if She Speaks Out
Against Her Abuser — Model Offers to Pay It, by Jenni
#MeToo March Draws Hundreds of Supporters in California,
by Daniella Silva
Melissa Sagemiller Describes 3 Lewd Advances Made By
Harvey Weinstein: The self-described “last tycoon”
allegedly tried to coax the then-24-year-old into his
hotel room and later stole her bags from an airport, by
Matthew Jacobs
Men who’ve lost jobs or face sexual harassment claims
since Harvey Weinstein scandal, by David Carrig
Michelle Marvin vs. Lee Marvin, by Supreme Court of
Minka Kelly Has A ‘Gross’ Harvey Weinstein Story Of Her
Own: “I’m sorry for obliging his orders to be complicit
in protecting his behavior”, by Cole Delbyck
More Gymnasts Testify About How Larry Nassar Sexually
Abused Them, by Dvora Meyers
Multiple women accuse Minnesota state Senator Dan Schoen
of sexual harassment, by Briana Bierschbach
Nathan Lane Says Harvey Weinstein Threw Him Against a
Wall at Hillary Clinton's Birthday Party, by Stephanie
New Accuser Says Harvey Weinstein Hugged Her in His
Underwear and Said He Loved Her, by Taryn Nobil
New Accusers Expand Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault
Claims Back to ’70s, by Ellen Gabler, Megan Twohey and
Jodi Kantor
New York Times Film Critic Janet Maslin: James Toback
Threatened to Kill Me: It was 1978 and the young critic
had just reviewed James Toback’s directorial debut. Then
came the phone calls: ‘I’m going to f**king kill you.’,
by Kate Briquelet
NY State Senator Alessandra Biaggi Says Cuomo Has
Abused His Power for Years & Must Resign, by Amy
One Hillary Clinton supporter’s rotten political empire,
by David Von Drehle
Oregon State Senator Calls For Public Investigation,
Says 15 Other Women Inappropriately Touched By Kruse, by
Lauren Dake OPB
O’Reilly, "Shitty Media Men," and the Harassment Double
Standard: In the past, the sexual-harasser perps got
their jobs back while their female victims lost their
careers. Will this time be different?, by Sarah Ellison
Over 300 Women Chime In After L.A. Times Details
Director’s Sex Abuse Reputation: After his initial story
on James Toback, the reporter says 310 women have
contacted him with similar accounts, by Doha Madani
Partisans, Wielding Money, Begin Seeking to Exploit
Harassment Claims, by Kenneth P. Vogel
Paz De La Huerta: Harvey Weinstein Raped Me Twice: NYPD
Opens Investigation, by tmz
Paz de la Huerta’s lawyer says prosecutors are stalling
Weinstein investigation, by Adam Reiss and Corky
Paz de la Huerta Says Harvey Weinstein Raped Her Twice.
Will That Bring Him to Justice?: Why police may now have
a case, by Rebecca Keegan
Peter Jackson says Weinsteins blacklisted Ashley Judd,
Mira Sorvino; Harvey Weinstein disagrees, by Nardine
Portia de Rossi Says Steven Seagal 'Unzipped His Leather
Pants' During Audition, by Mike Miller
President Trump and accusations of sexual misconduct:
The complete list, by Meg Kelly
Quentin Tarantino Responds to Uma Thurman as Polanski
Comments Resurface, by Jonah Engel Bromwich
Report Details Weinstein’s Covert Attempt to Halt
Publication of Accusations, by Jim Rutenberg
Ronan Farrow on Harvey Weinstein Story: ‘I Was
Threatened With a Lawsuit’, by Brian Steinberg
Rose McGowan: ‘I will not be silenced anymore’,
Rule 413. Similar Crimes in Sexual-Assault Cases,
Cornell Law School
Russian TV Hostess Alleges "Disgusting" Harvey Weinstein
Incident: "I Was Frozen", by Nick Holdsworth
Scotland Yard ‘told of Harvey Weinstein sexual
misconduct in 1990s’: Claims that Met police were made
aware of alleged incident at Savoy hotel involving
19-year-old intern but did not investigate, by Lisa
Selma Blair and Rachel McAdams Share Their Stories of
James Toback’s Sexual Harassment: Both women encountered
the director early in their careers. Both describe
remarkably similar experiences of his targeting and
humiliation of young actresses, by Krista Smith with
Julie Miller
Selma Blair Reveals James Toback Threatened to "Gouge"
Her Eyes Out, by Lexy Perez
Sex-abuse victims face gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar at
sentencing, by Tracy Connor
Shirley Temple's Fantastic Grim Life of Sexual
Derangement and Pizazz!, by Caity Weaver
Shirley Temple: the superstar who had her childhood
destroyed by Hollywood, by Michael Thornton
Sinatra's High Hopes Dashed by JFK , by Steven Lewis
Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual
harassment or misconduct, by Amy Kaufman and Daniel
Some Hollywood Jews Tried To Molest Shirley Temple, by
Luke Ford
Spreadsheet Detailing Abuse by Harvey Weinstein's
Accusers, November 10, 2017
'Stand united': Weinstein accusers join forces to
publish list of allegations: Women release Google doc
presenting detailed summaries of more than 100 sexual
misconduct allegations against producer: ‘There is
strength in numbers’, by Sam Levin
Steven Seagal Accused of Rape Following Multiple
Allegations of Sexual Misconduct, by Brianne Tracy
‘Take Off Your Dress’: How Men in Hollywood, From Steven
Seagal to Harvey Weinstein, Treated Women for Decades,
by John Walters
The casting couch: Hollywood’s dirty secret, by Sarah
Blake and Marea Donnelly
The Deep Gender Divide in Hollywood, by Holly Snelling
The Emperor Miramaximus: Harvey Weinstein's empire is a
place of beauty (Gwyneth Paltrow, The English Patient),
of bullying ("These all suck, and you're morons for
designing them"), of talent, bluster, muscle, and
paranoia. He's definitely the largest (in all senses)
cultural force in the city. But do his ends justify his
means?, by David Carr
The Fall of Al Franken, by Ralph Nader
The Life of the Party, by bostonmagazine.com
The Minotaur of Hollywood, A Harvey Weinstein
Production, by Charles Carreon
The Miss America Emails: How The Pageant’s CEO Really
Talks About The Winners Internal correspondence reveals name-calling,
slut-shaming and fat-shaming in emails between the Miss
America CEO, board members and a pageant writer, by
Yashar Ali
The Pope's Long Con: A Kentucky
preacher-turned-politician's web of lies, by R.G. Dunlop
and Jacob Ryan
The ‘Shitty Media Men’ list? We’re asking all the wrong
questions about it, by Helen Gould
The SPY who duped Rose McGowan UNMASKED! This is the
blonde Israeli military veteran who worked undercover
for disgraced mogul Harvey Weinstein and tricked the
actress into sharing her memoirs, by Alana Goodman
The Trials Of Bob Packwood, by Trip Gabriel
The Women Who Have Accused Brett Kavanaugh, by
Christine Hauser
The Yale Secret Society Brett Kavanaugh Joined Was
Mostly About Drinking, Yale Alumni Say No Skull and
Bones., by Molly Hensley-Clancy
This Is Why Uma Thurman Is Angry: The actress is finally
ready to talk about Harvey Weinstein, by Maureen Dowd
Top NPR News Executive Mike Oreskes Resigns Amid
Allegations Of Sexual Harassment, by NPR, All
Things Considered
Transcript of Interview With Kathleen Willey [Ed
Bradley, CBS 60 Minutes], by The New York Times
TV Journalist Says Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front
Of Her: The new revelation, which allegedly took place a
decade ago, comes after an explosive New York Times
report said Weinstein had previously settled eight
sexual harassment claims, by Yashar Ali
Uma Thurman's Response To Hollywood's Sexual Harassment
Scandal Is Perfect: More than 90 women have now come out
with allegations against the Hollywood producer, by Max
“Unfit to Lead”: NY State Sen. Biaggi Says Gov.
Cuomo Impeachment Proceedings Should Start Now, by
Amy Goodman
USA Gymnastics Failed to Protect Athletes From Sex
Abuse: Report, by Tracy Connor and Gabe Gutierrez
Was Kennedy Tied to the Mob?: Rigged Elections, Shared
Mistresses, And An Assassination Plot, by Patrick J.
We could have made Weinstein powerless, by Jessica Barth
Weighing the Costs of Speaking Out About Harvey
Weinstein: Annabella Sciorra, Daryl Hannah, and other
women explain their struggles with going public, by
Ronan Farrow
Weinstein Company Faces Civil Rights Inquiry by New York
Attorney General, by Megan Twohey
Weinstein Exposes the Hatred of Women in Hollywood, by
Katrina Trinko
Weinstein Sues Weinstein Company, Demanding Access to
Records, by Brooks Barnes
What happened to Harvey Weinstein's first wife? How
blueblood mother of his three oldest daughters and
one-time ASSISTANT remarried and moved to the suburbs
after selling off $23 million apartment she got in
divorce, by Chris Spargo
What it was like to work for Harvey Weinstein, by
Who's next? High anxiety in Hollywood, by Jeffrey
With Kavanaugh Confirmed, It’s Time to Burn It Down,
by Jennifer Wright
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she
was 14, he was 32, by Stephanie McCrummen, Beth Reinhard
and Alice Crites
Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore
when she was 17, by Stephanie McCrummen
'You'll never work again': women tell how sexual
harassment broke their careers Actors, writers, assistants, comedians and journalists
speak out about the toll that sexual assault and
harassment in the workplace took on their futures, by
Molly Redden
Young Harvey Weinstein: The Making of a Monster, by
Scott Johnson, Stephen Galloway
Bertha Lutz, by Wikipedia
Donald Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’
graphically detailed in new Epstein documents: The
new papers contain ‘incendiary claims’ about the
former president, by Mike Bedigan
A Timeline of Donald Trump’s Creepiness While He
Owned Miss Universe: From walking into a teen
dressing room to joking about his obligation to
sleep with contestants, Trump's a storied pageant
creep, by Tessa Stuart
Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked
teenagers in beauty pageants: Mr Trump said on
Howard Stern’s radio show in 2005 that he could ‘get
away’ with walking into the dressing room to
‘inspect’ beautiful women, by Rachael Revesz
Donald Trump groped me in what felt like a ‘twisted
game’ with Jeffrey Epstein, former model alleges.
Stacey Williams says the ex-president, whose
spokesperson denied the allegations, touched her in
an unwanted sexual way in 1993, after Epstein
introduced them, by Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Lucy
Donald Trump Says He Imagines Teen Lindsay Lohan
Would Be 'Great in Bed': "Disturbing" doesn’t even
begin to cover this, by Brittney McNamara
Epstein Rape Victim Was Passed on to Donald Trump by
Ghislaine Maxwell, by Graha Lester
Epstein Showed Me Photos of Trump with Topless Young
Women Sitting in His Lap, Claims Author. OCTOBER
SURPRISE? Controversial writer Michael Wolff says
Epstein kept the pics in his safe—which the FBI
later seized, by Hugh Dougherty
From Social Butterfly to Saving Women’s Lives:
Anouska de Georgiou & The Kintsugi Foundation, by
John Lavitt
Her Cheekbones (High) Or Her Name (Trump)?, by
Jennifer Steinhauer
Here’s Everything We Know So Far About the ‘Katie
Johnson’ Allegations Against Trump — It’s Serious
and MUST Be Dealt With. This gets tricky, but it
doesn't sound out of character for Trump OR Epstein,
by Andrew Simpson
How a British teen model was lured into Jeffrey
Epstein's web: Anouska De Georgiou, who grew up in
an affluent family, says she fell into Epstein's
circle of abuse through well-connected friends, by
Sarah Fitzpatrick, Anna Schecter, Chelsea Damberg
and Rich Schapiro
How suite! Trump's Brit of all right, Sunday Mirror
It sure looks like Donald Trump was disguised as
'Doe 174' in the newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein
documents, by Jacob Shamsian
JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym, Plaintiff,
Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery,
by Landon Thomas Jr.
Jeffrey Epstein victims sue FBI, allege coverup, by
Jonathan Stempel
Katie Johnson's full testimony of 2/11/16
PANICKED Trump FREEZES in Interview as PAST
SURFACES, by Ben Meiselas
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when
Trump hosted Look of the Year: In the early 90s,
Donald Trump judged the world’s biggest modelling
competition - since hit by allegations of abuse.
This is how the people who were there remember it,
by Lucy Osborne, Harry Davies and Stephanie
Trump CAUGHT Campaigning in Epstein’s FORMER JET,
Trump’s Warm Words for Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘I Just
Wish Her Well’: The president’s comments about Ms.
Maxwell, who is charged with luring girls into
Jeffrey Epstein’s orbit, drew new attention to Mr.
Trump’s friendship with Mr. Epstein, by Ed Shanahan
Trump's Labor Secretary Acosta resigns amid Epstein
case, by Nandita Bose
Trump’s Past RESURFACES and He CAN’T STOP IT This
Time, MeidasTouch
Woman says Trump had sex with women in Jeffrey
Epstein's N.Y. mansion, then retracts [for family's
safety], by Hannah Phillips
Woman suing Trump over alleged teen rape drops suit,
again, by Josh Gerstein
Dozens of [Female] Inmates Raped, Assaulted, and
Harassed After Jailer Sold Male Prisoner a Key to
Women’s Wing, Federal Lawsuit Claims, by Colin
Draft opinion shows Supreme Court about to revoke
women's constitutional privacy rights, by Glenn
A Handmaid's Country (feat. Cynthia Conti-Cook), by
Michael Moore
- President's Day Massacre,
from The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
Chapter 28, Excerpt from "The Handmaid's Tale", by
Margaret Atwood
If You Voted Republican, You Voted To Overturn Roe
v. Wade, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Samuel Alito's Lies Did Not Stop In His Confirmation
Hearing, by Lawrence O'Donnell
There's another War Between the States coming over
abortion: Before the Civil War, Northern and
Southern states did battle over fugitive slaves.
Once again, something legal in one state is illegal
in a state next door, by Ken Dilanian
Frankenstein Or, The Modern Prometheus, by Mary
Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley
Gérald Marie: Former models expose the ugly truth of
the beauty industry, by 60 Minutes Australia
2 models who worked for Trump's controversial agency
tell what it was like for them, by Sarah Jacobs
Former Fashion Models Accuse Top Agent of Rape and
Sexual Assault: Prosecutors in Paris are reviewing a
complaint containing claims against Gérald Marie,
former European chief of Elite Model Management,
dating back decades., by Elizabeth Paton, Vanessa
Friedman and Constant Méheut
‘He wanted to control me completely’: the models who
accuse Gérald Marie of sexual assault: Elite Models
boss Gérald Marie was one of the most powerful men
in fashion. Was he also a sexual predator? As French
prosecutors investigate, four women tell their
stories for the first time, by Lucy Osborne
Former Models for Donald Trump’s Agency Say They
Violated Immigration Rules and Worked Illegally:
“It’s like modern-day slavery”, by James West
John Casablancas: The Story Of The Monster Who
Created The Modern Modeling Industry, by Melissa
Laurie Marsden Accuses Gerald Marie of sexual
misconduct, by 7NEWS
Teen Model Factory of Russia, by BBC
The myth of ‘false accusations’ of sexual assault,
by Margery Eagan
'What he was doing was in plain sight': more
ex-models accuse Gérald Marie of sexual assault:
Another seven women come forward with allegations
about the former Elite boss, by Lucy Osborne
He Knew No One Would Expect a Woman Was the Mass
Killer and He Was Right: How the Highland Park
shooter understood the country he lived in, which
allowed him to initially escape the massacre he
created, by Michael Moore
Herland, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Hillary Clinton's Faux Feminism, by Liza
Enough with the Hillary cult: Her admirers ignore
reality, dream of worshipping a queen: Clinton
voters overlook money lust, shadowy surrogates,
sociopathic policy shifts, horrific overseas record.
Why?, by Camille Paglia
Feminist Camille Paglia: Hillary Clinton Is
‘Soulless, Incompetent’: 'The woman has never
succeeded in any job. She's created chaos after
chaos.', by Bre Payton
Hillary Clinton and Corporate Feminism, by Kevin
Young and Diana C. Sierra Becerra
Noted Feminist Camille Paglia Unleashes on Hillary
Clinton with a Tongue Lashing For the Ages, by Nick
Paglia on Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem — and why
New Hampshire women broke for Bernie Sanders:
Sanders' thrilling win dealt Gloria Steinem and
old-guard feminist establishment a loss. But it
wasn't about sexism, by Camille Paglia
When Hillary Clinton Killed Feminism, by Maureen
Oath Keeper leader's estranged wife '100% positive'
he will do this at trial, by CNN
Prostitution in Thailand, by Wikipedia
Reflecting On One Very, Very Strange Year At Uber,
by Susan J. Fowler
Taylor Swift wins $1 in groping case against DJ
David Mueller: 'It means 'no means no' and it tells
every woman they will decide what will be tolerated
with their body', by Jeremy B. White
The Daily Show Has Finally Solved Catcalling, by
Kelly Faircloth
The Democratic Party’s 2018 View of Identity
Politics Is Confusing, and Thus Appears Cynical and
Opportunistic, by Glenn Greenwald
The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented
Past Won't Give Women a Future, by Cynthia Eller
Turnskirts: Female Minions of Patriarchal Abusers
U.S. Women Win World Cup, Get Stiffed by FIFA, by
Judd Legum
We Had Women Photoshopped Into Stereotypical Comic
Book Poses And It Got Weird: The Poses Were Bad, but
the Photoshopping Made It Even Worse, by Kristin
Chirico, Kirsten King, Sheridan Watson, Nina Mohan,
Allison Bagg, Candace Lowry, Macey J Foronda,
Charlotte Gomez (BuzzFeed Staff), Caitlin Cowie
(BuzzFeed Contributor)
Should We Ask for the Suffrage?, by Mrs. Schuyler
Van Rensselaer (Marianna Griswold Van Rensselaer)
Trump reverses statement on women and abortion after
outcry, by Jeremy Diamond
Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her, by Susan
Women and Spanish Fascism: The Women's Section of
the Falange 1934-1959, by Kathleen Richmond
Yoga's Culture of Sexual Abuse: Nine Women Tell
Their Stories: Disturbing accounts of misconduct
against the founder of one of North America’s most
popular forms of yoga, by Matthew Remski
"You're Not a Marine Until You've Sexually Abused a
Woman," Testimony of Rafay Siddiqui on Gender and
Sexuality, Winter Soldier, by Iraq Veterans Against
the War
The Tautological Nature of the Mind
The Book on the Living God [EXCERPT], by Bo Yin Ra
(Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken)
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, by Amy Cuddy
Third Parties
'Abhorrent and Anti-Democratic': Outrage as DNC
Panel Blocks Vote on Dark Money Ban: "The Democratic
Party, by not allowing this resolution to come to
the floor, is complicit in the railroading of
democracy itself," said former Ohio state Sen. Nina
Turner, by Jake Johnson
Adam Schiff’s new ad draws ire from GOP and Dem
opponents: Schiff, a preeminent defender of
democracy, is meddling on the Republican side of the
aisle, by CHRISTOPHER CADELAGO, Politico
AIPAC vs. AOC & The Squad: Pro-Israel Lobby Group to
Spend $100M to Target Progressive Lawmakers, by Amy
Democrats have been boosting ultra-right candidates.
It could backfire. Is this reverse psychology a
little too clever?, by Nicole Narea
"Alarming": GOP quietly funnels millions into
Democratic primaries to wipe out progressives:
Despite claiming bipartisan interest, the United
Democracy Project hasn't spent money on a single
Republican race, by Igor Derysh
Clinton Campaign Wrote About “Elevating” Trump
Months Before He Declared Candidacy, by Claire
Clinton talked with Trump as he was considering
White House run, by Daniel Strauss
Democrats have taken more cash from Fox News' PAC
than Republicans since 2018. “No one who wants to
take money from Fox News or Rupert Murdoch should
consider themselves a Democrat,” critic says, by
Igor Derysh
Donald Trump’s bond with the GOP deepens after
primary wins, FBI search, by PBS
Is Donald Trump a Democratic secret agent?, by
Anthony Zurcher
'It's disgusting': Kinzinger slams Dems backing
election-deniers in GOP primaries. Democratic groups
have worked behind the scenes in GOP primaries to
back some gubernatorial candidates who have refused
to accept the results of the 2020 presidential
election, by Mohar Chatterjee
New Dark Money Group Spending Against Progressives
is Suspiciously Well Aligned With Powerful
Democrats. Opportunity for All Action Fund has spent
more than $500,000 in four primaries to support
conservative House Democrats, by Akela Lacy
Rupert Murdoch-funded Fox Corp. PAC contributes to
Democrat Joe Manchin’s campaign, by Brian Schwartz
The Democrats Are Trying To Lose, by David Sirota
They Are Not Even Pretending Anymore: Top Democratic
leaders are joining with oligarchs to try to
permanently destroy the progressive movement, by
David Sirota
Voting behavior, by Wikipedia
Democrats May Lose U.S. House Because New York Dem.
Leaders Were Too Focused on Defeating the Left, by
Amy Goodman
Ecofascism Revisited: Lessons From the German
Experience, by Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier
Ecology in the 20th Century: A History, by Anna Bramwell
Green Party Is Poised to Shift Power Balance in British
Columbia, by Dan Levin
Green Pres. & VP Candidates Jill Stein, Butch Ware
on Gaza & Fighting “Two Zombie Political Parties”,
by Amy Goodman
Independent Politics: The Green Party Strategy Debate,
edited by Howie Hawkins
Jill Stein pens open letter to Bernie: Green Party
presidential candidate invites Sanders to “cooperate on
political revolution”: "The Democratic machine has
launched an unjust attack on your campaign," Stein
writes to Sanders, by Sophia Tesfaye
Minor Parties in the 2000 Presidential Election, by
Barry C. Burden
Nader: The U.S. Political & Media System Is Designed to
Obstruct, Silence Third-Party Candidates, by
Republicans and Democrats: What's the Difference?, by
Pete Dolack
The Wandervogel, by John de Graaf
Top Expert on Political Violence WARNS of MAGA
Threats of CIVIL WAR, by Ken Harbaugh
We Are All Deplorables, by Chris Hedges
Unemployment Statistics
United States Government Crime
12 Year-Old Girl Killed by Officer in Eviction
Confrontation, By Alexandra Jacobo
1,001 Ways To Die In Somalia, By Jan Wellmann
9,442 citizen-reported fracking complaints reveal
12-Years of suppressed data. The volume of citizen
complaints is alarming. by Laurel Peltier
A journey through a land of extreme poverty: welcome to
The UN’s Philip Alston is an expert on deprivation – and
he wants to know why 41m Americans are living in
poverty. The Guardian joined him on a special two-week
mission into the dark heart of the world’s richest
nation, by Ed Pilkington
Abu Ghraib Photo Gallery
After working for Trump’s campaign, British data firm
eyes new U.S. government contracts, by Matea Gold and
Frances Stead Sellers
Clinton’s data-driven campaign relied heavily on an
algorithm named Ada. What didn’t she see?, by John
Clinton wins, how analytics cost Trump the election:
Columnist Rob Enderle takes a look into the future, a
future in which Hilary Clinton became president and
Donald Trump didn’t. It all came down to analytics, by
Rob Enderle
Democrats to Clinton: The DNC's data was fine -- you
just used it wrong, by Eric Bradner
Facebook Failed to Protect 30 Million Users From Having
Their Data Harvested by Trump Campaign Affiliate , by
Mattathias Schwartz
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Invisible Guiding Hand’: Meet the
little-known statistician behind the Democratic
nominee's most important strategic decisions, by Shane
How Clinton lost Michigan — and blew the election:
Across battlegrounds, Democrats blame HQ’s stubborn
commitment to a one-size-fits-all strategy, by
Edward-Isaac Dovere
How “Spectre” is Really About James Bond Being a Tool of
the Occult Elite, by VigilantCitizen.com
How Trump defeated Clinton using analytics
Columnist Rob Enderle writes that by following the three
rules of analytics Trump won the election, by Rob
Inside the Clinton Campaign's TV Data Strategy, by Kate
Target Audience Analysis, by Cdr (Rtd.) Dr Steve Tatham
Ph.D., Royal Navy
The Cambridge Analytica Files: ‘I made Steve Bannon’s
psychological warfare tool’: meet the data war
whistleblower, by Carole Cadwalladr
The Trump train wreck fueled by confirmation bias:
Donald Trump doesn’t believe in hard facts, writes Rob
Enderle. Trump is essentially the living definition of
confirmation bias, which is a company killer and will
likely be the downfall of Trump, by Rob Enderle
Albert Woodfox Dies of COVID; Loved Ones Remember
the Life & Legacy of Famed Political Prisoner, by
Amy Goodman
Arizona Protestor Charged with Felony Over Safety Pin,
by NationofChange Staff
At Least 15 Trump Officials Do Not Hold Their
Positions Lawfully: The Constitution Assigns the
Senate a Key Role in Determining Who Fills Senior
Executive Branch Positions. But Under Trump, the
Senate is Far Too Often Being Cut Out, by Becca
Biden to End Trump-Era “Remain in Mexico” Border
Policy; Immigrants Face Ongoing Trauma, Separation,
by Amy Goodman
Body Count: Moral Poverty ... And How to Win America's
War Against Crime and Drugs, by William J. Bennett, John
J. Dilulio, Jr., John P. Walters
“Bogus Charge”: FBI Raids African People’s Socialist
Party; Group Dismisses Russian Influence Claims, by
Amy Goodman
Chief of Navy Intelligence Barred From Accessing
Classified Information For Years, By Andrew Emett
Communication Management Unit, by Wikipedia
Disposable Americans: The Numbers are Growing, by
Paul Buchheit
Drone Operators Accused of Using Bath Salts, Synthetic
Marijuana and Alcohol on the Job, While Calling Children
"Fun-Size Terrorists," by Julie Wilson
Entering Uncharted Territory in Washington, By Tom
Environmental Justice, Denied. Rare discrimination
finding by EPA civil-rights office. Michigan regulators
treated African American residents unfairly during the
permitting of a power plant in Flint, feds say, by Talia
Escalating the War on Low-Income Families, by Paul
Final Report of the Select Committee to Investigate
the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol,
117th Congress Second Session, House Report 117-000,
December X, 2022
FBI Documents Suggest Feds Read Emails Without a
Warrant, by Nathan Freed Wessler
FBI to gain expanded hacking powers as Senate effort to
block fails, by Dustin Volz
Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic for Bosnia
War Crimes Ten Years Too Late, by Andy Wilcoxson
Hard Choices: Hillary Clinton Admits Role in Honduran
Coup Aftermath, by Mark Weisbrot
Historic ousting of Black TN Dems demands nation's
full attention, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Honest Government Ad: US Supreme Court, by
Indictment, Fulton County Superior Court, State of
Georgia v. Donald Trump, et al., Case No.
23SC188947, Judge Mcafee, by Fani Willis, Fulton
County District Attorney, August 14, 2023
Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation, by the Central
Intelligence Agency
Latest U.S. War Crime is the Murderous Destruction of a
Hospital in Afghanistan, by Dave Lindorff
Lock Up the Men, Evict the Women and Children, by Chris
Migrant Crisis: Trauma Takes Toll on Mental Health, by
Deirdre Finnerty
Muhammad Ali’s son detained at airport and questioned
. The Ali family is currently considering
filing a federal lawsuit while seeking out others who
received similar discriminatory treatment as Ali and his
mother, by Andrew Emett
Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more
strikes than Bush. It is possible attacks will resume
with the change in presidency in January. by Jessica
Purkiss and Jack Serle
Obama’s Trillion-Dollar Nuclear-Arms Train Wreck, by Amy
Owning Up To Torture, by Eric Fair
Plastic Explosives Found in Virginia School Bus Engine
Compartment by District Mechanic, by Dave Lindorff
Prosecutor seeks to investigate Afghan war crimes
allegations – and claims of US torture: If authorised
ICC would investigate crimes allegedly committed by all
sides including US forces, CIA, Taliban and Afghan
military, by Sune Engel Rasmussen and Owen Bowcott
Pulitzer winner Seymour Hersh claims US Navy behind
Nord Stream 2 pipeline explosion, by Caitlin
Doornbos and Samuel Chamberlain
Rackets Science: The Influence Peddlers Protection Act
of 2015 (H.R. 2029), by Rob Hager
Raphael Warnock's Rousing Speech on Voting Rights
Viewed Over 300,000 Times, by Darragh Roche
Reinventing Treason: When Four Illegitimate
Republican Presidents Each Abandon Democracy, by
Thom Hartmann
Release of Select Committee Materials, Select
Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on
the United States Capitol, 117th Congress Second
Session, December 21, 2022
Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be
Greater Than Publicly Known: The famed source of the
Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has made another
unauthorized disclosure — and wants to be prosecuted
for it, by Charlie Savage
Ronald Reagan’s Torture, by Robert Parry
SEC Tip Line Was Meant to Stop Another Madoff. Is It
Working?, by John Holland
Son probes strange death of WMD worker. He believes
agents murdered employee of Army to protect government
secrets, by Scott Shane
Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department
Background of Orlando Massacre
Story of 20-ton cocaine seizure on container ship
breaks down, by Daniel Hopsicker
Suspect’s Father Shows
Intelligence Community Support for Pro-Trump Strategy of
Tension/October Surprise, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
'Swatting' prank call led to Wichita police shooting
unarmed man, by Heather Hollingsworth and Jim Salter
Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Big Lie About the Libyan War: The Obama
administration said it was just trying to protect
civilians. Its actions reveal it was looking for regime
change. by Micah Zenko
Abducted Serbs 'killed in US air strikes' in Libya: Toll
from raids targeting suspected ISIL camp in Sabratha
rises to 49, including two kidnapped Serbian embassy
staff. by aljazeera.com
Anne-Marie Slaughter tweets call for intervention in
Libya, by Josh Rogin
Benghazi Emails Put Focus on Hillary Clinton’s
Encouragement of Adviser, by Michael S. Schmidt
‘Bravo!’ Email Appears To Show Clinton’s Friend
Congratulating Her on Bombing of Libya: The newly
released email from Anne-Marie Slaughter belies
Clinton’s attempts to distance herself from the military
intervention, by Branko Marcetic
Department of Defense Press Briefing by Pentagon Press
Secretary Peter Cook in the Pentagon Briefing Room, by
U.S. Department of Defense Press Operations
Emails Show How Hillary Clinton Valued Input From Sidney
Blumenthal, by Peter Baker
Former Special Forces Commander: Was U.S. Running Guns
to Syrian Rebels Via Benghazi? CIA: No, by Terence P.
French special forces assisting anti-Isis efforts in
Libya, say sources: Defence minister promises inquiry
into information leak as French contingent said to be
operating from Benghazi airport, by Chris Steph
and Kim Willsher
Hillary Clinton’s ‘WMD’ moment: U.S. intelligence saw
false narrative in Libya, by Kelly Riddell and Jeffrey
Scott Shapiro
Libya : Lawless, Alarming, Unpredictable, Dangerous, by
Alexander Mezyaev
Libya arms fueling conflicts in Syria, Mali and beyond:
U.N. experts, by Michelle Nichols
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda
links: Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader,
has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in
Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against
Muammar Gaddafi's regime. By Praveen Swami, Nick Squires
and Duncan Gardham
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, by Sid Blumenthal, dated
March 17, 2011, Re: Libya, Med & Big Idea
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, from James P. Rubin,
dated March 8, 2012, Re: We Will Always Have Paris
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, from Cheryl D. Mills,
dated March 21, 2011, Re: Congratulations on Libya
Memorandum to H. Jake Sullivan, from Hillary Clinton,
dated April 4, 2012, Re: Libya
New Hillary Clinton Emails: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Sidney
Blumenthal Urged Libya Military Action: The most recent
release of Clinton’s emails show the two liberal
advisors strongly encouraging U.S. intervention against
Libya. by Branko Marcetic
New Hillary Clinton Emails Show She Wanted Credit for
Libya Intervention in 2011. Now She Doesn’t.: The latest
tranche of Clinton emails recalls her pivotal role in
the U.S. intervention. by Branko Marcetic
Secret Benghazi report reveals Hillary’s Libya war push
armed al Qaeda-tied terrorists, by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro
Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war:
Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with Moammar
Gadhafi regime, by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro and Kelly
Slain U.S. Ambassador Recruited Jihadists: Egyptian
officials say Stevens worked with Saudis against Assad,
by Aaron Klein
The Red Line and the Rat Line: Seymour M. Hersh on
Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels, by London Review
of Books
UK awaits outcome of Libya talks as it weighs military
options: Downing Street waiting to see whether peace
efforts succeed before joining US and France in calling
for intervention, by Patrick Wintour
The Collapse of Rome: Washington’s $6.5 trillion Black
Hole, by F. William Engdahl
The FBI is 'manufacturing terrorism cases' on a greater
scale than ever before, by Caroline Simon
The Kennedy's Secret Sicilian Operation: What the
CIA didn't tell the Warren Commission, by Seymour
The man who seduced the 7th Fleet: He tempted his
targets with the high life: whiskey, cigars, prostitutes
and cash. His moles fed him bundles of military secrets
and law enforcement files. All so he could rip off the
Navy on an industrial scale for years and years. Now,
the depth of the corruption is being exposed as the
investigation reaches into the highest ranks of the
Navy. by Craig Whitlock
The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American
History, by Chris Hedges
The Pentagon’s Real Strategy, by Andrew Cockburn
The Pipeline Strikes Back: The Audacity of TransCanada's
$15B Suit Against the U.S., by Jim Shultz
The Sweep and Force of Section Three, by William
Baude & Michael Stokes Paulsen, 172 U. PA. L. REV.
(forthcoming 2024), 8/9/23
The Stealth bomber story you haven't heard; it doesn't
work, and it'll probably crash, by Scott Shugar
The Talented Mr. Santos: Here’s Every Single Lie
Told by George Santos, by Matt Stieb
Santos’ Brazil Lawyer Did Time for Gang Execution,
by Dan Ladden-Hall
Meet the
Contract Killer who Now Represents George Santos in
Brazil, by Josh Marshall
- ‘We were
duped’: How George Santos raised money from wealthy
GOP donors while lying about his resume, by Brian
Intrater, by Wikipedia
Linked To Santos Left Donors Feeling Ripped Off
After Questionable Credit Card Charges, by Hunter
Walker and Josh Kovensky
The year of the commando. U.S. special operations forces
deploy to 138 nations, 70% of the world’s countries. by
Nick Turse
This Global Ruling Is Just Not Cool, By Jim Hightower
Trashing the planet and hiding the money isn’t a
perversion of capitalism. It is capitalism, by
George Monbiot
Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following
certification of Arizona election results, by Maria Polletta
2 Seattle police officers being investigated for
involvement in Capitol attack: The police chief says
he is prepared to "immediately terminate them", by
Rosa Sanchez
2 Trump Stories: Tells Sec Def "Protect My
Supporters"; Will DeSantis Block Trump's NY
Extradition?, by Glenn Kirschner
Trump wanted
troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally, by
Jan Wolfe
2 Virginia police officers face federal charges in
Capitol riots [Sergeant Thomas Robertson and Officer
Jacob Fracker], by Erin Donaghue
34 House Democrats call for investigation into Jan. 5
tours by fellow members ahead of attack: Capitol is
supposed to be closed to tours, by Katherine
57 GOP State And Local Officials Were At The Capitol
Insurrection: And a month after the riot, few of the
Republican political figures have been held to
account, by Christopher Mathias
79 Days to Inauguration Taskforce Report: A Project
of the Claremont Institute and the Texas Public
Policy Foundation, by Claremont Institute and Texas
Public Policy Foundation
The U.S.
Supreme Court Ruling: Supreme Court of the United
ET AL., Petitioners, v.
Respondent; and
20-266 Decided November 5, 2020
100 Trump Pardons: What Does the Supreme Court Say
About the Implications of Accepting a Pardon?, by
Glenn Kirschner
20,000 National Guard troops will defend the Capitol
amid threats of violence inauguration week, by CNBC
A former FBI agent discusses threats against the
agency since the search of Trump’s home: Brooks and
Marcus on threats against the FBI, Liz Cheney's
future, Trump's grip on the GOP, by PBS News Hour
'Openly Inciting' Rhetoric Against DOJ Is
Dangerously Familiar, by Chris Hayes
A New Study Shows Us the Single Biggest Motivation
for the Jan. 6 Rioters [Theory of the Great
Replacement], by Amanpour and Company
A Reuters photographer says he overheard pro-Trump
insurrectionists saying they wanted to hang Mike Pence
at the Capitol, by Sonam Sheth
A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege, by
The New Yorker
A Ruling Untethered to the Law: By appointing a
special master to review the Mar-a-Lago documents,
Judge Aileen Cannon gave Trump the special treatment
he asked for—and undermined the values of her
profession, by Andrew Weissmann
‘A Total Failure’: The Proud Boys Now Mock Trump:
Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald
Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as
more of them were charged for storming the U.S.
Capitol, by Sheera Frenkel and Alan Feuer
'Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says
generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6. In a 36-page
memo to the Capitol riot committee, Col. Earl
Matthews also slams the Pentagon's inspector general
for what he calls an error-ridden report., by Betsy
Woodruff Swan and Meredith McGraw
Accounts of Trump angrily demanding to go to Capitol
on January 6 circulated in Secret Service over past
year, by Noah Gray and Zachary Cohen
After the Speech: What Trump Did as the Capitol Was
Attacked: New evidence emerged in the impeachment
trial about what President Donald J. Trump did from
roughly 1 to 6 p.m. the day of the Capitol attack. But
many questions remain unanswered, by Maggie Haberman
and Jonathan Martin
Trump tweeted
Pence lacked ‘courage’ as VP was running for his life
from Capitol rioters: Impeachment trial managers
showed previously unreleased surveillance footage from
inside the Capitol on the day of the violent
insurrection, by Namita Singh
After Twitter purges Nazis, conservatives complain
their follower counts down: Wouldn't these be the
followers you want to lose?, by David Covucci
Aileen [Mercedes] Cannon, by Wikipedia
disclosure: buying Venezuela's press with U.S. tax
dollars, by Jeremy Bigwood
Alabama Coup Klutz Klan: Traitors Mo Brooks,
Tuberville and company should resign, by J.D. Crowe
All 10 living former defense secretaries declare
election is over in forceful public letter, by Paul
Alvin J. Bragg, N.Y. District Attorney's, Response
to Jim Jordan, Bryan Steil, and James Comer's letter
Re Investigation into Donald Trump's violations of
New York State penal law. "The Letter's requests are
an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty,"
[1st letter], by Alvin J. Bragg
Alvin J. Bragg, N.Y. District Attorney's, Response
to Jim Jordan, Bryan Steil, and James Comer's letter
Re Investigation into Donald Trump's violations of
New York State penal law. "Your first letter made an
unprecedented request for confidential
information about the status of the state grand
juryinvestigation of Mr. Trump. Your second letter
asserts that, by failing to provide it, the District
Attorney somehow failed to dispute your baseless and
inflammatory allegations that our investigation is
politically motivated," [2nd letter 3/31/23], by
Alvin J. Bragg
Amazon Is Booting Parler Off Of Its Web Hosting
Service: Amazon's suspension of Parler's account means
that unless it can find another host, once the ban
takes effect on Sunday Parler will go offline, by John
Paczkowski and Ryan Mac
America Has Entered the Weimar Era: Walden Bello on
How Neoliberalism Fueled Trump & Violent Right, by Amy
“American Abyss”: Fascism Historian Tim Snyder on
Trump’s Coup Attempt, Impeachment & What’s Next, by
Amy Goodman
“American Insurrection”: How Far-Right Extremists
Moved from Fringe to Mainstream After Jan. 6 Attack,
by Amy Goodman
Will Bunch: Trump Came Much Closer to Pulling Off a
January 6 Coup Than People Realize, by Amy Goodman
An Absolute Lie, by Chris Hayes
Contradicts Himself, Says Trump Did Not Order to
Deploy Jan.6 Troops, by Gerrard Kaonga
An Oval Office incident from 2019 perfectly
illustrates Trump's approach to state secrets, say
ex intel officials. “He said, ‘Look, I’m the
president, I can declassify anything,’” according to
a former official, by Ken Dilanian
Another Republican Telling The Truth Becomes The
Target Of Trump: The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta
discusses his profile of Michigan State Senator Ed
McBroom who debunked claims of voter fraud in his
state, and how that has drawn the ire of the former
president, MSNBC
Trump Calls
McBroom's Michigan Election Report a 'Cover Up,'
Asks Supporters to Call His Office, by Zoe Kalen
Anti-Trump Republicans Threaten to Form a Third
Party, by Mehdi Hasan
AOC rejects Cruz support over Wall Street chaos: 'You
almost had me murdered', by Veronica Stracqualursi
Appeal from the United States District Court for the
Southern District of Florida Re whether the district
court had jurisdiction to block the United States
from using lawfully seized records in a criminal
investigation. The answer is no, by the United
States Court of Appeals For the Eleventh Circuit,
Appeals Court Scraps Special Master Review in Trump
Documents Case: The panel’s decision removed a major
obstacle that had hindered the Justice Department’s
investigation into Mr. Trump’s handling of sensitive
government documents, by Alan Feuer and Charlie
Appellate court exposes Bill Barr's lies about
secret DOJ memo used to protect Trump from charges,
by Glenn Kirschner
Ari Melber Covers All the Issues re Donald Trump's
Indictment: (1) The "Unprecedented" nature of
indicting a former President (The Constitution says
no one is above the law, but for two centuries we
have treated Presidents as Kings; finally, we have
"Restoration of the Republic"); (2) The
"Unprecedented" nature of this indictment (Many
high-level people in the Trump org have already been
indicted on similar and same charges, including
Allen Weisselberg and Michael Cohen); (3) A person
cannot be indicted if he/she is running for office
(Running for office does not stop the
criminal-judicial system); (4) Can an indicted
person run for office? (Many indicted persons have
previously run for office, including Eugene Debs,
who got 1 million votes); (5) Indictment will help
Trump get re-elected (it has not helped previously
indicted candidates for office, but Michael Steele
says "things have changed," since nobody believes
any longer that paying a porn star hush money is a
big deal, although that is not really the point of
this indictment, but rather interference in an
election), (6) Is Trump shocked on hearing of the
indictment? (Tony Schwartz, author of "Art of the
Deal" says Trump knows himself to be a life-long
conman, and is always afraid, angry and outraged
that he would be caught, that a cat has 9 lives, but
not 900 lives, and now that he's been caught,
prosecutors can see a life full of committing
crimes; that his grasp on reality is delusional and
thin, that he probably has not imagined himself in a
jail cell), (7) Is this going to cause another
insurrection? (Trump already asked people to come
"take their country back" on a specific day to
protest his indictment, and only 3-6 people showed
up, so the answer is perhaps "no".), by Ari Melber
Arizona Republican censured by party over testimony
on resisting Trump: Rusty Bowers, the Arizona house
speaker, testified to the House January 6 committee
in June, by Martin Pengelly
Q&A: Rusty
Bowers opens up on Trump, the Jan. 6 committee and
his Latter-day Saint faith: The Arizona Speaker of
the House recently testified before Congress about
Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, by
Samuel Benson
Arizona Republican [Rusty Bowers] who crossed Trump
sees bad omens, by Romain Fonsegrives
Arizona Republican Party Chair Urges Trump Treason Via
Martial Law, by Jason Easley
Arizona GOP
Chair Calls for Trump to 'Cross the Rubicon' in Tweet
Shared by Michael Flynn, by Jason Lemon
The Arizona
GOP should fight ... to get rid of Chairwoman Kelli
Ward: The Arizona GOP has gone too far in suggesting a
bloody overturn of the presidential election.
Republicans must send leader Kelli Ward packing, by
Elvia Díaz
Armed Protesters Break Into Oregon State Capitol
Building, Break Windows, Assault Journalists, Hit
Police With Chemical Agent, by Tom Tapp
Army falsely denied Flynn’s brother was involved in
key part of military response to Capitol riot, by Dan
Lamothe, Paul Sonne, Carol D. Leonnig and Aaron C.
Army investigates Fort Bragg officer’s involvement in
DC rally [Captain Emily Rainey, 4th Psychological
Operations Group at Fort Bragg], by CBS News
As Donald Trump is driven from the White House, he
should find no safe harbor in golf, by Eamon Lynch
As Trump pushed for probes of 2020 election, he
called acting AG Rosen almost daily, by Josh Dawsey
and Devlin Barrett
Attorney disciplinary committee recommends Rudy
Giuliani be disbarred for 2020 election legal work,
by Katelyn Polantz
Attorney John Eastman tries to hide 2 Trump
handwritten insurrection notes from the J6
committee, by Glenn Kirschner
Bar Charge Re: Dennis I. Wilenchik, John “Jack” D.
Wilenchik, Lee Miller, Wilenchik & Bartness; Alexander
Kolodin SBN 020826, Christopher Viskovic SBN 013860,
Chris Ford 029437, and Sue Becker MO 64721; Brett
Johnson SBN 921527, Eric Spender SBN 022707, Snell &
Wilmer, Attorney for Republican National Committee;
Kory Langhofer SBN 024722 and Thomas Basile SBN
031150; Davis Spilsbury, Erick G. Kaardal, No.
1035141* Special Counsel to Amistad Project of the
Thomas More Society, William F. Mohrman, 168816,*
Gregory Erickson 0276522* Mohrman, Kaardal & Erickson,
P.A., Minneapolis, Minnesota; Brandon Johnson, Emily
P. Newman, Sidney Katherine Powell of Sidney Powell PC
in Dallas, TX; Howard Kleinhenbdler, New York, NY;
Julia Zuszua Haller, Washington, DC; L Lin Wood,
Atlanta, GA., by Dianne Post, Bob McWhirter, Roxana
Bacon, Brendan Mahoney, Gail Gianasi Natale, Amelia
Craig Cramer, and Victor Aronow
Before Jan. 6, Mark Meadows joked about Trump’s
election claims: In a text, Meadows wrote that his
own son was unable to find more than a handful of
votes potentially cast in the name of dead voters,
people familiar with message say, by Josh Dawsey,
Carol D. Leonnig and Jacqueline Alemany
Trump is
MOCKING HIM, by Ben Meiselas
Bill Barr refuses to say Trump & Giuliani wouldn’t
sell pardons, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Bill Barr slams Donald Trump for “jerking around”
the US government over classified documents: It may
have not been the assessment the Fox News presenters
were expecting, but the former Trump employee had
little doubt over culpability,
by Calum Roche
William Barr,
on Fox, says there's no legitimate reason for
classified docs to be at Mar-a-Lago and doubts Trump
declassified, by Sonnet Swire
Black officer on Capitol rioters: 'They hated us and
they hated our skin color', by Cameron Jenkins
Blame Rupert Murdoch and Fox for Iraq, Trump, and
The Big Lie, by Mehdi Hasan
Boebert and Gaetz under fire over ‘joke’ about
blowing up Capitol metal detectors at rally: ‘Is it
tannerite or C4 we want to put in those metal
detectors when we blow them up?’, by Gustaf Kilander
Boston Globe Editorial Board Advocates Prosecuting
Donald Trump. Here's Why They're Right, Glenn
Breaking News Trump [FULL 1PM], by MSNBC Breaking News
Brief of the States of Texas, Florida, Indiana,
Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Louisiana,
South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia as Amici
Curiae in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee, Donald J.
Trump, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. United States of
America, Defendant-Appellant, September 20, 2022
Brief of the United States, Donald J. Trump v.
United States of America, No. 22-13005 No. 22-13005,
October 14, 2022
'Can't Stop Me': GOP Lawmakers Refuse to Pass Capitol
Metal Detectors After Pro-Trump Riot, by Aila Slisco
Capitol attack: Cheney says Republicans must choose
between Trump and truth
Republican member of the House committee
investigating the events of 6 January issues stark
warning to her party, by Martin Pengelly
Capitol Attack Hearing Reveals How "Seconds Mattered"
in DoD Response, The Mehdi Hasan Show
Capitol mob built gallows and chanted ‘Hang Mike
Pence’, by Jill Colvin
Capitol Police Officers Said They Wouldn’t Be
Surprised If Members Of Congress Helped Plan The
Attack: “We are the buffer, so that Congress doesn’t
have to deal with the mess that they create in their
respective districts”, by Emmanuel Felton
Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to
quell rioting, by Associated Press
Capitol riot fueled by deep network of GOP statehouse
support: Stolen election lie had backing from party’s
governing class at every level, extending far beyond
Congress and the White House, by David Siders
Capitol riot suspect pictured at Pelosi’s desk screams
‘It’s not fair’ in courtroom tantrum, by Meryl
Cawthorn calls jailed Jan. 6 rioters 'political
hostages', by Cristina Marcos
Charlie Kirk deletes tweet saying he sent ‘80+ buses
full of patriots’ to D.C.: The tweet was made just two
days before rioters stormed the Capitol, by Mikael
Chief federal judge in D.C. assails ‘almost
schizophrenic’ Jan. 6 prosecutions: ‘The rioters
were not mere protesters’, by Rachel Weiner
Christian Nationalism, by Rachel Maddow
Claire McCaskill: Contempt Vote Will Test Whether
Congress Has Any Power, by Nicolle Wallace
Clarence Thomas' wife Ginni contacted Arizona
lawmakers directly and tried to pressure them into
overturning Biden's victory in 2020, damning new
emails show, by Rob Crilly
Close Trump Adviser Pushed Pentagon To Raid Germany
On Bizarre Conspiracy Theory: Book, by Rachel Maddow
Sidney Powell
tried to get the DOD to 'rescue' the CIA director,
citing a QAnon conspiracy theory that claimed she
was captured in Germany, book says, by Bill Bostock
Lawyer Actually Believed This ‘Outlandish’
Conspiracy Theory, by Chris Hayes
[Michael D.] Cohen Offers Documents in Bid to Show
Trump Lawyers Helped With False Testimony, by
Nicholas Fandos and Maggie Haberman
Cohen [Michael Cohen] predicts Trump's next
move following Mar-a-Lago search, by Don Lemon
Colorado Rep. Boebert Under Scrutiny For Tweets
Relaying 'Intel' During Capitol Attack: Rifle
Republican says tweets about locations of members of
Congress 'mischaracterized., by Chase Woodruff
Colorado secretary of state accuses county clerk's
office of assisting QAnon-affiliated leak of voting
machine logins, by Paul P. Murphy and Jeremy Harlan
Complaint against Jim Jordan and Mark Pomerantz, by
Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., 4/11/23
Complaint for wide-ranging sexual assault and
harassment, wage theft, and other misconduct against
Rudolph W. Giuliani, Noelle Dunphy vs. Rudolph W.
Giuliani, Index No.: 650033/2023, by Justin T.
Congress Refers Meadows to DOJ for Prosecution:
Here's Why Indicting Meadows is a Legal Layup, by
Glenn Kirschner
Mark Meadows
Held in Contempt of Congress as Jan. 6 Probe
Expands. How Long Can Trump Hold Out?, by Amy
Congress should impeach Trump again and bar him from
holding any future public office: Trump’s flattery,
enticements, misrepresentations and badgering threats
may be criminal violations. They're certainly an
impeachable political crime, by Austin Sarat
Congress Votes to Strip Rep. Greene from Her Committee
Assignments, by Mehdi Hasan
Congressional Defendants' Brief in Opposition to
Plaintiff's Privilege Assertions, John Eastman vs.
Bennie G. Thompson, et al., Case No.
8:22-cv-00099-DOC-DFM, March 2, 2022
Conservative Lawyer Bruce Fein: Trump’s Acquittal
Gives Future Presidents License to Break the Law, by
Amy Goodman
Conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said to be hiding
Colorado clerk who reportedly leaked election data
to ‘Q’, MyPillow CEO said Tina Peters was “worried
about her safety”, by Graig Graziosi
Constitutional Lawyer: Trump Is a Clear & Present
Danger, a Senate Impeachment Trial Is Needed Now, by
Amy Goodman
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: Impeachment Is Late Attempt
to Curb Violence & Racism at Heart of Trump Era, by
Amy Goodman
Contradicting defense lawyers, sources say Trump put
Pence's life in danger and didn't check in after the
riot, by Sarah Al-Arshani
Court Filings Expose Trump Pattern Of Exaggerating
Values Of Real Estate Holdings, by Rachel Maddow
'Craven Cruz' Gets Owned On Live TV After MAGA
Backlash On Riot, by Ari Melber
‘Crook’: Anxious Trumpworld Preps For ‘Worst-Case’
As Star GOP Lawyer Says Trump Will Be Indicted, by
Ari Melber
Cyber expert says his team can’t prove Mike
Lindell’s claims that China hacked election, by
Joseph Clark
DA Alvin Bragg delivers Donald Trump a gift by going
easy on Trump's criminal CFO, Allen Weisselberg, by
Glenn Kirschner
D.C. District Court Judge Rules Trump Jan. 6 Civil
Case Will Move Forward, Dismisses Cases For Some
Allies, by Rohini Kurup, Katherine Pompilio, Lawfare
Decertify the ‘Illegitimate’ Election, Says Man
Under Investigation for Election Interference:
Donald Trump, who lies a lot, tells Georgia
officials that “the truth must be allowed to come
out”, by Peter Wade
Decision and Order on Motion: The People of the
State of New York, by Letitia James v. The Trump
Organization, Inc., et al., by Hon. Arthur Engoron,
Decision & Order on Motions [for summary judgment],
Supreme Court of the State of NY, NY County, People
of the State of New York, by Letitia James, Attorney
General of the State of New York v. Donald Trump, et
al., Case No. 452564/2022, by Judge Arthur F.
Engoron, J.S.C., 9/26/23
‘Deeply Problematic’: Experts Question Judge’s
Intervention in Trump Inquiry: A ruling by a judge
appointed by former President Donald J. Trump
surprised specialists and could slow the documents
investigation, by Charlie Savage
Defendant Trump 'Has No Reputation To Protect', by
Lawrence O’Donnell
Democratic lawmaker accuses Boebert of giving tours
prior to insurrection, by Jim Sciutto, Ryan Nobles and
Annie Grayer
Dempsey Calls on Americans to Discuss Civil-Military
Relations, by Jim Garamone
'I Would Be
In Handcuffs' If I Had Taken Documents Out Of
Office, Says Fmr. Defense Sec. Former Defense
Secretary William Cohen joins Morning Joe to discuss
new reporting on the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago.
'Deep trouble': Consultant during Trump's
impeachment gives his take on DOJ move, by Laurence
Tribe, Constitutional Law Professor, Harvard Law
Defendant Trump’s Sweetheart Deal: Former New York
prosecutor Karen Friedman Agnifilo urges prosecutors
to treat Trump like any other criminal defendant, by
Karen Friedman Agnifilo
Detroit Voters Sue President Trump Over His Attempt to
Block Certification of Election Results: Lawsuit
Claims Trump, his Campaign Attempting to
Disenfranchise Black Voters, by Cassidy Johncox
Deutsche Bank, Signature Cutting Ties With Trump After
Riots, by Sophie Alexander, Sonali Basak, and Steven
Deutsche Bank
will no longer do business with Trump, by CNN
Devon Archer Transcript Released: Says Joe Biden
Never Discussed Business with Hunter or His Business
Partners: Devon Archer testified that Joe Biden
never discussed business with Hunter, or any of his
business partners, and never received any money or
altered US policy in any way, by Ron Filipkowski
Disgrace To His Uniform’: Col. Wilkerson On Flynn’s
Martial Law Election Plot, by Chris Hayes
DOJ Has No Option But To Appeal’: Brandon Van Grack,
by Nicole Wallace
Don Lemon rolls the tape on Trump's 2020 'insane
reality show', by Don Lemon
Donald Trump addresses the United States from
Mar-a-Lago home, by Donald Trump
Donald Trump embraces Jan. 6 defendant who wants
Mike Pence executed: Micki Larson-Olson, who served
months in jail for her actions on Jan. 6, told NBC
News that politicians who certified the results of
the 2020 election deserve to be be killed for
treason, by Ryan J. Reilly and Olympia Sonnier
Donald Trump is back at Mar-a-Lago and raging about
FBI agents not taking off their shoes while
searching his bedroom, by Cheryl Tehsep
Donald Trump Jr. calls for 'total war' over election
votes. That's beyond irresponsible
Opinion: The vote tally may not be what Donald Trump
Jr. wants. But he should know you don't call for
'total war' - especially when tensions are this high,
by Elvia Díaz
Donald Trump, Jr. Save America March [Transcript], by
Donald Trump, Jr.
Donald Trump Holds a Political Rally in Dalton,
by Donald Trump
Donald Trump Is Still a Danger to Our National
Security, by John Bellinger
Donald Trump labelled a 'domestic terrorist' by former
US deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage, by
Myles Wearring
Donald Trump speaks out on the FBI's raid on
Mar-a-Lago: Fox News host Sean Hannity sits down
with former President Trump in an exclusive
interview to discuss the Mar-a-Lago raid and the
two-tiered system of justice, by Sean Hannity
Biden mocks
Trump's claims that he declassified documents found
at Mar-a-Lago: 'C'mon', by John L. Dorman
court reverses Judge Cannon's ruling, FBI
investigation of Trump/classified docs can resume,
by Glenn Kirschner
Judge in
Trump Raid Should Explain Recusal in Clinton Case:
Ex-Prosecutors, by Katherine Fung
28 U.S.
Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or
magistrate judge
asked for records in 2021 after Trump lawyer agreed
they should be returned, email says, by Josh Dawsey
and Jacqueline Alemany
White House
Lawyer Told Archives That Trump Was Squirreling Away
Docs While He Was In Office: This story goes from
bad to worse, by Liz Dye
States' Response to Motion for Judicial Oversight
and Additional Relief, Donald J. Trump, Plaintiff,
v. United States of America, Defendant, by Juan
Antonio Gonzalez, United States Attorney, and Jay I.
Bratt, Chief, Counterintelligence and Export Control
Section, National Security Division
Clinton email controversy, by Wikipedia
The Real
Scandal: U.S. Media Uses Falsehoods to Defend Joe
Biden From Hunter's Emails, by Glenn Greenwald
Article on
Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept: An
attempt to assess the importance of the known
evidence, and a critique of media lies to protect
their favored candidate, could not be published at
The Intercept, by Glenn Greenwald
NARA Press
Release Statement on Obama Presidential Records,
August 12, 2022
Scoop: Team
Trump sees special master as deep FBI skeptic, by
Jonathan Swan and Sophia Cai
Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript,
by Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s rationale for seizing voting machines
was worse than you might have assumed, by Philip
El Nuevo Herald, by Report for America
Cuba lashes
out against U.S. funding for ‘subversive’ projects,
by Abel Fernández
locks, doorstops and bypasses: CIA shares how to
travel like a spy, by Michael Wilner
Email From Trump Team Lawyer John Eastman Further
Proves Conspiracy to Overturn Election Results, by
Glenn Kirschner
During Jan. 6
riot, Trump attorney told Pence team the vice
president’s inaction caused attack on Capitol, by
Josh Dawsey, Jacqueline Alemany, Jon Swaine and Emma
Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6
JAN, January 5, 2021
Elie Mystal: Justice Thomas Is Lone Dissenter On
Issues That May Implicate His Wife In Jan. 6, by Joy
Employee told FBI that Trump personally directed
moving of Mar-a-Lago records: report, by Julia
Eric Munchel, accused of being 'zip tie guy' seen at
Capitol riot, arrested in Nashville, by Daniel
Connolly, Sarah Macaraeg, Cassandra Stephenson, Travis
Dorman, Rachel Wegner
Evil Mermaids, Demons, and Donald: This Pro-Trump
Conference Got Real Weird: Both Pastors for Trump
and Re-Awaken America took over Trump’s Miami
property this past weekend. It was strange — and
terrifying, by Tim Dickinson
Amanda Grace
Talks: A Profound and Prophetic Connect-the-Dots, by
Ark Of Grace Ministries
Ex-boyfriend [Pedro Vilarva] of George Santos speaks
out to CNN, by Erib Burnett
Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity,
tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020
claims: Meadows said Trump was "dishonest" on
election night, according to sources, by Katherine
Faulders, Mike Levine, and Alexander Mallin
Experts say a Trump-backed charity is pushing the
boundaries of tax law, Tom Dreisbach
Facebook's fight club: how the Proud Boys use the
social media platform to vet their fighters: Want to
join the far-right group the Proud Boys? Simply apply
to your nearest regional vetting page on the world’s
largest social network, Facebook, by Southern Poverty
Law Center
Fact Check: Certification Of Pennsylvania Presidential
Vote Is NOT In Error -- Analysis That 202,377 More
Ballots Were Counted Than Voters Who Voted Uses
Partial Numbers, by Dana Ford
FBI: Trump mixed top secret docs with magazines,
other items: The affidavit does not provide new
details about 11 sets of classified records
recovered during an Aug. 8 search at Mar-a-Lago but
instead concerns a separate batch of 15 boxes the
National Archives and Records Administration
retrieved in January, by Eric Tucker and Michael
F.B.I. Found 48 Empty Folders That Had Contained
Classified Documents at Trump’s Home: A detailed
inventory of items seized in the F.B.I.’s search of
Mar-a-Lago raised the question of whether the
government had fully recovered the documents or any
remained missing, by Charlie Savage and Alan Feuer
FBI Had Informants in Proud Boys, Court Papers
Suggest, by Alan Feuer and Adam Goldman
FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago, Trump Official Response, by
John Di Domenico
F.B.I. Searches Trump’s Home in Florida: The former
president said that Mar-a-Lago had been “raided” and
that authorities had even broken into a safe, by
Maggie Haberman, Ben Protess and Adam Goldman
FDNY Gives FBI Info on Members Who Attended US Capitol
Riot: A spokesperson for the FDNY confirmed reports
that a number of its members had been alleged to be at
Wednesday's riot, by nbcnewyork.com
Federal Judge: Trump Can’t Keep Records From Jan. 6
Committee, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Federal Prosecutors Consider Search Warrants for
Giuliani's Emails. Barr Soon Won't Be Able To Help, by
Glenn Kirschner
Interview between Lawrence O'Donnell and
Laurence Tribe Re Judge Chutkan November 9, 2021
Memorandum Opinion, Trump vs. Thompson
Fight Club at 20: A vision of Trump’s United States:
David Fincher’s film, starring Brad Pitt and Edward
Norton, was eerily prescient, by Scott Tobias
“Find 11,780 Votes”: Trump Pushes Georgia to Overturn
Election in Move to Disenfranchise Millions, by Amy
[First] Indictment, USDC, Southern District of
Florida, United States of America v. Donald J. Trump
and Waltine Nauta, Case No.
23-80101-CR-Cannon/Reinhart, by Jack Smith, Special
Counsel, 6/8/23
Florida primaries: The political brawl brewing over
Miami’s airwaves, by Bernd Debusmann Jr & Lioman
Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal: On The
Options Left For For Removing Trump, by Katie Couric
Former Cult Follower Describes How President Trump Has
Created a Cult Following, by Katie Couric
Former Houston Police Captain Paid to Hold Up Air
Conditioner Repairman Over Crackpot Voter Fraud
Theory: Cops: A Houston organization engaged in its
own vigilante probe of the election paid the former
cop $266,400, the district attorney said, by Blake
Former judge [Michael Luttig] critiques Pence's
rejection of special counsel's subpoena, Story by
Robert Legare
Fmr. 1/6 Committee Advisor [Don Riggleman]: 'I Don’t
Think The American Public Has Seen Anything Yet', by
Fmr. Defense Secy. Cohen Urges GOP Senators To
Convict: The Constitution Is Worth Defending, by MSNBC
Fmr. National Intelligence Official Sue Gordon
Interview, by Nicolle Wallace
Fmr. Sen. Jeff Flake: Not One GOP Colleague Believed
There Was Election Fraud, by Amanpour and Company
Fmr. Trump Official [Elizabeth Neumann, former
assistant secretary at the department of Homeland
Security] is Worried About Political Violence in
Coming Months, by Mehdi Hasan
Former Acting Attorney General Testifies About
Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Election: The testimony
highlights the former president’s desire to batter
the Justice Department into advancing his personal
agenda, by Katie by Benner
A newly
released letter tells us more about Trump’s
last-ditch push to steal the election: The
insurrection before the insurrection, by Philip Bump
New records
show how fiercely Trump DOJ loyalists fought to help
— and resist — his effort to steal the 2020
election, by Peter Weber
official drafted resignation email amid Trump
election pressure: The never-sent email, a copy of
which was obtained by POLITICO, highlights the
pressures at the department as the former president
tried to overturn his loss, by Betsy Woodruff Swan
and Nicholas Wu
Former 'Apprentice' Staffer Claims Donald Trump Wore
Diapers On Set: 'He Would Often Soil Himself', by
Damir Mujezinovi ["DiaperDon"]
Former federal judge [Thomas Griffith] reveals most
compelling evidence against Trump's election lies,
by Erin Burnett
Former Trump Administration Official Miles Taylor
Announces Departure From the GOP [Miles Taylor], by
Ayman Mohyeldin
Former Trump Associate Lev Parnas EXPOSES Dangerous
Links to FOREIGN AGENTS, by Lev Parnas
Former Trump campaign adviser acknowledges being
part of 2020 'alternate electors' plot, by Sonnet
Former US Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal:
‘Donald Trump Sounds Like A Mob Boss’, by Katie Couric
Forwarded message, from Marlene Bourne to Sidney
Powell, Re Election Fraud Info (11/7/20)
Trump spurred
‘existential crisis’ at Fox News, lawsuit exhibits
show: ‘I hate him passionately,’ Tucker Carlson
wrote of Donald Trump in a text to a colleague on
Jan. 4, 2021, by Sarah Ellison
Carlson 'passionately' hates Trump & the truth, by
Lawrence O’Donnell
Fourth Superseding Indictment: U.S.A. v. Thomas
Caldwell, et al.. by Channing D. Phillips, Acting
Attorney for the U.S. in and For the District of
From Charlottesville to the Capitol: Trump Fueled
Right-Wing Violence. It May Soon Get Even Worse, by
Amy Goodman
Dozens of
Capitol Rioters Were on FBI Terrorism Watch List, by
Amy Goodman
Color, COVID
and the Coup, by Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan
Insurrectionist Jacob Chansley, Who Threatened VP
Pence, Seeks Trump Pardon, by Amy Goodman
Full Phone Call: Trump Pressures Georgia Secretary of
State To Recount Election Votes, by NBC News
election officials shows frame-by-frame of State Farm
Arena Election Night video, by WSB-TV
official fires back at Trump's election conspiracies,
by Gabriel Sterling
Full text of former President Donald Trump's
Pennsylvania speech, by Donald Trump, 9/3/22
Future-Proofing the Presidency: Donald Trump brought
our democracy to the brink and exposed its weak
spots. How to thwart the next American tyrant, by
The Editorial Board
George Santos is a ‘perfect monument’ to House GOP
lies, by Lawrence O'Donnell
[Christian Lopez] says George Santos pitched
investment in firm Feds call a Ponzi scheme, by
Laura Coates
Giuliani Urged Trump To 'Just Say We Won' On
Election Night, Book Claims, by MSNBC
Rudy Giuliani
urged Donald Trump to falsely claim election
victory, new book says, by ABC.net.au
Glenn Kirschner: ‘There Is No Line Donald Trump Won’t
Cross’, by Ali Velshi
General Michael Flynn is channeling cult leader
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Michael Flynn
to QAnon Believers: I’m Not a Satanist!: Michael
Flynn is finding out the hard way that surrounding
himself with QAnon followers can have a pretty sharp
downside, by Will Sommer
Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis Seems Poised
to be the First to Indict Donald Trump, by Glenn
Trump Lawyers
Met With Georgia Prosecutors; Days Later, Trump
Rants About Law Enforcement, by Rachel Maddow
Georgia official fires back at Trump's election
conspiracies, by Gabriel Sterling
Georgia Officials Reveal Third Trump Call Seeking to
Influence Election Results: In a December call,
President Trump told a Georgia election investigator
that the official would be a “national hero” for
finding evidence of fraud. White House officials’
pressure on the federal prosecutor in Atlanta to
resign was also revealed, by Richard Fausset and Katie
'Good-Faith Basis' To Conclude Trump Engaged In
Federal Crimes: January 6 Committee, by Ayman
GOP Congressman [Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.)] Wanted
Trump to Invoke ‘Marshall Law’ to Stay in Office:
Leaked Texts, by Charisma Madarang
GOP Escalates Violent Rhetoric As Investigation Into
Trump Advances,
by Jonathan Capehart
GOP Group Calls Out Trump’s Enablers In Congress By
Name In Scathing Fox News Ad, by Ed Mazza
Some Republicans have made it clear that they cannot
be trusted with power, by accountability.gop
GOP lawmakers [Marjorie Taylor Greene] adopt
‘defund’ rallying cry for FBI, not police, by
Cheyanne M. Daniels
GOP's "Just
Comply" Lie Shredded As Trump Allies Contradict
Themselves Over Search, by Ari Melber
GOP Plans To ‘Take The Next Election Regardless Of
Who Wins’ Harvard Constitutional Scholar Says, by
Joy Reid
GOP Rep. Andy Harris Tries To Bring Gun Into House
Chamber: Republicans keep complaining about the new
metal detectors outside the House chamber. Now we know
why, by Matt Fuller
GOP Rep. Paul Gosar's Siblings Call for His Removal,
Citing Involvement in Capitol Riot, by Katherine Fung
Government's Sentencing Memorandum, USA v. Ethan
Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, Enrique Tarrio,
and Dominic Pezzola, USDC, District of Columbia,
Case No. 21-CR-175 (TJK), by Matthew M. Graves,
United States Attorney, 8/17/23
Hallmark asks Sens. Hawley, Marshall to return
campaign contributions, by Tod Palmer
‘He has an obligation to them’: Attorney for ‘QAnon
shaman’ asks Trump to pardon rioters, by Quint Forgey
rioter known as "QAnon Shaman" will be jailed until
trial, by Erin Donaghue
Hear Arnold Schwarzenegger's prediction about Trump,
by CNN
Hear the calls Trump made as he tried to steal the
election, by CNN
Hearings of Select Committee to Investigate the
January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, by
January 6th.house.gov
About Select
Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on
the United States Capitol, by January 6th.house.gov
Hearings of Select Committee to Investigate the
January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, by
January 6th.house.gov
Hiding Details of Dubious Deal, U.S. Invokes
National Security, by Eric Lichtblau and James Risen
Fake terror
plot threatened Obama inauguration, by The Canadian
Highlights of Opinion and Order, by Honorable Linda
V. Parker, Timothy King, et al. vs. Gretchen
Whitmer, et al., Civil Case No. 20-13134, August 25,
Historian Heather Cox Richardson Says Trump Could Be
Convicted, by Amanpour and Company
House debates second Trump impeachment, PBS NewsHour
House Democrats Set to Impeach Trump If Mike Pence
Refuses to Invoke 25th Amendment, by Amy Goodman
Schwarzenegger: Compares Capitol Riot to Kristallnacht
Rep. Bonnie
Watson Coleman Tests Positive For COVID After
Republicans', by
House panels: DHS officials interfered in effort to
get lost Secret Service texts
After the inspector general’s office requested the
Secret Service’s January 6 communications, the
effort was shut down. The new revelations appear to
show that the chief watchdog for the Secret Service
and DHS took deliberate steps to stop the retrieval
of texts it knew were missing, by Hugo Lowell in
How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry
Unraveled: The review by John Durham at one point
veered into a criminal investigation related to
Donald Trump himself, even as it failed to find
wrongdoing in the origins of the Russia inquiry, by
Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner
How Mike Flynn Became America’s Angriest General: He
was one of the most respected intelligence officers of
his generation. Now he's Donald Trump’s national
security alter ego, goading a crowd to lock Hillary
Clinton up. What happened?, by James Kitfield
How Republicans Fanned The Flames Before The Capitol
Hill Insurrection, by MSNBC
'I had no qualms': The people turning in loved ones
for the Capitol attack: The majority of more than
140,000 tips sent to the FBI about the attack have
come from friends and family of those involved, by
Kari Paul
‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary
hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of
state to recalculate the vote in his favor, by Amy
I taught Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz in law school.
Clearly they didn't pay attention.: With their phony
legal arguments and pandering to Trump's baseless
claims, Cruz and Hawley's bad behavior sets a bad
precedent, by William N. Eskridge Jr.
Impeachment "Trial" Preview: Here's What to Expect
Tactically from the Democrats & the Republicans, by
Glenn Kirschner
In the Matter of Rudolph W. Giuliani, An Attorney
and Counselor-At-Law, by Attorney Grievance
Committee for the First Judicial Department, Motion
No. 2021-00491, May 3, 2021
In the midst of the Capitol siege, Trump tried calling
Tommy Tuberville but got the wrong senator, by Julie
Giuliani to
Senator: ‘Try to Just Slow it Down’: The president’s
lawyer tries to block the count of the Electoral
College votes, by Steve Hayes
Indictment, USDC, District of Columbia, USA v.
Donald Trump, Case 1:23-cr-00257-TSC, by Jack Smith,
Special Counsel, 8/1/23
‘Inside job’: House Dems ask if Capitol rioters had
hidden help: On a 3.5-hour caucus call, lawmakers
criticized Capitol Police tactics and vowed to
investigate what went wrong, by Kyle Cheney, Sarah
Ferris and Laura Barron-Lopez
Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency,
by Jonathan Swan, Zachary Basu
Inside the Panic at Fox News After the 2020
Election: “If we hadn’t called Arizona,” said
Suzanne Scott, the network’s chief executive,
according to a recording reviewed by The New York
Times, “our ratings would have been bigger.”, by
Peter Baker
Fox News
caught on secret recording amid billion dollar
lawsuit for peddling lies, by Ari Melber
Inside the War Between Trump and His Generals: How
Mark Milley and others in the Pentagon handled the
national-security threat posed by their own
Commander-in-Chief, by Susan B. Glasser and Peter
Insurrectionist “Zip-Tie Guy” identified as retired
Air Force lieutenant colonel, by Harm Venhuizen
Investigate Ron Johnson’s Role in the January 6 Coup
Attempt: The senator played a part in Trump’s
scheme, and his actions need to be investigated by
the January 6 Committee and the Department of
Justice, by John Nichols
Investigating Trump, by Ralph Nader & Bruce Fein
Is America Headed to Another Civil War? Jordan
Klepper Fingers the Pulse, by Jordan Klepper
Is Big Tech Too Powerful? Chris Hedges & Ramesh
Srinivasan Debate Twitter & Facebook Banning Trump, by
Amy Goodman
Is the ‘smoking gun’ in Trump’s Jan. 6 attempted
coup hiding in plain sight?, by Will Bunch
'It cannot be done’: Biden lawyer says Michigan
electoral plot would be unconstitutional, by John
Fritze, David Jackson, Courtney Subramanian, & Joey
It Seems Bad That the Guy the President Just Pardoned
Is Calling for Him to Execute a Military Coup: Former
White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn
has checked in with a fresh dose of patriotism, by
Jack Holmes
Jack Smith CORNERS Trump with New KEY PIECE of
evidence, by Michael Popok
Jack Smith Delivers FATAL BLOW in Trump
Investigation, by Michael Popok
Jack Smith holds PRESS CONFERENCE on Trump
INDICTMENT, by Ben Meiselas and Karen Agnifilo
James Murray Is The Problem At The Secret Service,
by Lawrence O’Donnell
Jan. 6 investigators believe Rick Perry sent Mark
Meadows a text outlining 'aggressive strategy' to
sabotage the election results, CNN report says, by
Alia Shoaib
Jan. 6 Organizers: We ‘Lost The Battle’ When Trump
Ordered March To Capitol, by Chris Hayes
Jan. 6 panel requests interview with GOP lawmaker
who it says gave Capitol tour on Jan. 5: Reps.
Cheney and Thompson asked to meet with Rep.
Loudermilk next week — just weeks ahead of public
hearings scheduled to start on June 9, by Jacqueline
Jan. 6 panel ramps up investigation into Trump's
state-level pressure [Forged election documents in
Michigan and Arizona], by Nicholas Wu
Hobbs asks AG
to investigate fake Trump electors for employing
Arizona's state seal, Dylan Smith
citizens' try to undermine Arizona electoral vote,
by Howard Fischer
Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in
‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of
Congress and White House Staff: Two sources are
communicating with House investigators and detailed
a stunning series of allegations to Rolling Stone,
including a promise of a “blanket pardon” from the
Oval Office, by Hunter Walker
January 6 Select Committee Hearing: 06/09/22
January 6 Select Committee Hearing: 06/13/22
January 6 Select Committee Hearing: 06/16/22
January 6 Select Committee Hearing: 06/21/22
January 6 Select Committee Hearing: 06/28/22
January 6 Select Committee Hearing: 07/12/22
6 witness [Cassidy Hutchison] testified she saw Mark
Meadows burn documents
by Pamela Brown
Jason Stanley: Did This 2 Min. Video Help Incite the
Jan. 6 Rioters?, by Amanpour and Company
Suspends Right Side Broadcasting Network’s Channel
Ahead of Trump’s Florida Rally. Pro-Trump website is
using other social media platforms to live stream
its coverage, by Jennifer Maas
Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell Captured on Tape
Spilling to Prosecutors: Jenna Ellis was told at a
White House Christmas party that “the boss” was not
planning to leave office “under any circumstances,”
she told prosecutors, by AJ McDougall
Jim Jordan's Request for Production of Documents to
Mark F. Pomerantz, Former NY County Special Asst.
District Attorney, by Jim Jordan
Jim Jordan's Text to Mark Meadows & the Crime of
Obstructing a Congressional Proceeding, by Glenn
GOP Rep. Jim
Jordan confirms January 6 panel released text
message he sent to Meadows, Jordan's office said the
text from the Ohio Republican was a forwarded
message and that the Jan. 6 committee misrepresented
its content by shortening it, by Dartunorro Clark,
Ali Vitali and Haley Talbot
Joe Biden likens Ted Cruz to Nazi propagandist
Goebbels for helping Trump spread ‘big lie’ about
election fraud: The Texas Republican led the effort to
delay certification of Biden’s victory but blames
Donald Trump for the riot at the Capitol, by Todd J.
John Bolton says Trump's claim he declassified
documents before taking them to Mar-a-Lago is
'almost certainly a lie', by Katie Anthony
John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several
disturbing stories about Trump, by Jake Tapper
Jordan Klepper Shows Trump Supporters January 6th
Hearing Clips, by Jordan Klepper
Jordan Klepper Takes on a Handful of Trump Arrest
Protesters, by Jordan Klepper
Josh Hawley’s Mentor Calls Him ‘The Worst Mistake He’s
Ever Made In His Life’: Former Sen. Jack Danforth told
a local newspaper Hawley’s attempts to overturn the
election were “dangerous”, by Kevin Robillard
Judge Arthur Engoron rules Trump engaged in repeated
fraud, effectively deciding central question in
$250M civil trial: The civil case is scheduled to go
to trial on Oct. 2, by Aaron Katersky and Peter
Judge Cannon's unjustified special master ruling;
Barron's bedroom; and DOJ's continued inaction, by
Glenn Kirschner
Judge orders Newt Gingrich to testify in Georgia
2020 election probe, by PBS News Hour
Judge Says Lin Wood’s Post-Election Lawsuits May Have
Violated Several Professional Rules, Orders Him to
Respond, by Adam Klasfeld
Judge says several Trump aides [Mark Meadows, John
Ratcliffe, Robert O'Brien, and Ken Cuccinelli],
sources told CNN, including former chief of staff,
must testify to Jan. 6 grand jury, by Zachary Cohen,
Kristen Holmes and Katelyn Polantz
Justice department asks court to reject appointment
of Trump special master: Independent arbiter was
tasked to inspect thousands of documents taken from
Mar-a-Lago in August search by FBI, by Hugo Lowell
in Washington
Brief of the United States, by Juan Antonio
Gonazalez, U.S. Attorney, Matthew G. Olsen,
Assistant Attorney General, and Jay I. Bratt, Chief,
Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.
Donald J. Trump, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. United
States of America, Defendant-Appellant, On Appeal
from the United States District Court for the
Southern District of Florida, October 14, 2022
'Kill him with his own gun': Police describe facing
the mob at the Capitol, by Mark Morales
Kimberly Guilfoyle Speech "Save America March", by
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Kind of Wild/Creative’: Emails Shed Light on Trump
Fake Electors Plan
Previously undisclosed communications among Trump
campaign aides and outside advisers provide new
insight into their efforts to overturn the election
in the weeks leading to Jan. 6., by Maggie Haberman
and Luke Broadwater
Kinzinger: Trump was the 'worst president America
has ever had', by CNN
Kristen Welker's interview with Trump: NBC's "Meet
the Press" moderator Kristen Welker conducted a
wide-ranging interview with former President Donald
Trump.(Full transcript), by Kristen Welker
Lawmaker confronts Jim Jordan for not saying election
was fair, by CNN
Lawmakers file to expel Rep. George Santos from
Congress, by CBS New York
Lawmakers who conspired with Capitol attackers in
legal peril: If any members of Congress are proven to
have colluded with the rioters, their position likely
won't save them from criminal liability, by Josh
Lawyer [Alex Channon] refused Trump instructions to
tell Archives all documents returned, by Rebecca
Trump asks
his lawyer to lie about documents AND Trump asks
Supreme Court/Clarence Thomas for help, by Glenn
Lawyer refused Trump instructions to tell Archives
all documents returned, by Rebecca Beitsch
Trump asks
his lawyer to lie about documents AND Trump asks
Supreme Court/Clarence Thomas for help, by Glenn
Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump
Planned to Falsely Claim Victory: “That’s our
strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.”, by
Dan Friedman
Legal Expert Laurence Tribe: DOJ Must Immediately
Conduct 'Full-Blown' Jan. 6 Probe, by MSNBC
Legal Luminary Reveals He Advised Pence To Ignore
‘How To Coup’ Memo: This memo was trash, and a
former federal judge laid it all out for Pence, by
Joe Patrice
Laurence Tribe Twitter Thread, 8/30/22
Learning To Trust Your Women's Intuition: If I had a
dollar for every time I was told I was being too
emotional, that I needed to lead with my head and
not my heart, well, let's just say that my Starbucks
habit would be fully funded, by Dr. Michelle Martin
Former CIA
Chief: Carson’s Instincts the Foreign-Policy Class
of the GOP Presidential Field: Michael Hayden says
Ben Carson is the most impressive GOP candidate when
it comes to foreign policy, by David Francis
CIA Jobs.
by Silent Professionals Private Security Job Market
locks, doorstops and bypasses: CIA shares how to
travel like a spy, by Michael Wilner
Letter from Fani T. Willis to Patrick Labat, Sheriff
of Fulton County Re the need for heightened security
and preparedness in coming months due to the pending
announcement of Charging Decisions, by Fani T.
Willis, Fulton County District Attorney, April 24,
Letter from Fani T. Willis, Fulton County District
Attorney to Congressman Jim Jordan, Re His letter
dated 8/24/23, attempting to Unconstitutionally
Interfere with and Obstruct Prosecution of State
Criminal Cases, September 7, 2023
Letter From Ifrah Law (James M. Trusty; Christopher
M. Kise; Lindsey Halligan; M. Evan Corcoran) to
Judge Raymond J. Dearie Re Revelation of Trump's
"Declassification of Documents", Trump v. United
States, No. 22-81294 (S.D. Fla.), September 19, 2022
Letter from January 6th Committee to Ivanka Trump,
and his BOMBSHELL Letter to Congress, by Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas Says Trump Knew Everything In Ukraine
Scandal: The former Giuliani associate suggested
Vice President Mike Pence, Attorney General William
Barr and former national security adviser John
Bolton were all in the know, by Nick Visser
are going nuts’: NC senator says he’d support
suspension of civil liberties, by Jim Morrill
‘Like a Ghost’ in the White House: The Last Days of
the Trump Presidency, In the aftermath of the
Capitol riot, Trump’s White House became an insular
refuge for a self-absorbed leader detached from the
people who had rejected him, by Anita Kumar, Gabby
Orr and Meredith McGraw
Lindsey Graham desperate to avoid testifying about
Trump's Georgia election crimes, by Glenn Kirschner
Liz Cheney: We Won’t Let Trump Hide Behind ‘Phony
Claims’ During Jan. 6 Investigation, by Savannah
Loeffler condemns White supremacist after taking photo
with him, by Alex Rogers
Longtime Trump advisers connected to groups behind
rally that led to Capitol attack: Roger Stone, Steve
Bannon and Michael Flynn all promoted the Jan. 6
rally, by Will Steakin, Matthew Mosk, James Gordon
Meek, and Ali Dukakis
'Ludicrous.' 'Ridiculous.' 'A complete fiction.':
Former Trump officials say his claim of 'standing
order' to declassify is nonsense, by Jamie Gangel,
Elizabeth Stuart and Jeremy Herb
MAGA leaders call for the troops to keep Trump in
office, by Tina Nguyen
Man At Center Of GOP Vote Fraud Hype Lied, Pleads
Guilty [Donald "Kirk" Hartle], by Rachel Maddow
Nevada man
who voted twice using dead wife’s ballot sentenced
to probation, fined $2,000 [Donald "Kirk" Hartle],
by David Charns
Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing
prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running
for Congress, by Em Steck and Andrew Kaczynski
Marjorie Taylor Greene scraps launch of 'America
First' caucus after GOP blowback, by CNN
Taylor Greene scraps planned launch of controversial
'America First' caucus amid blowback from GOP, by
Daniella Diaz
Taylor Greene launching 'America First' caucus
pushing for 'Anglo-Saxon political tradition', by
Daniella Diaz, Annie Grayer, Ryan Nobles and Paul
First Caucus Policy Platform
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Jan. 6 ‘joke’ has been
building for a long time, by Aaron Blake
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on the future of the
Republican Party, the insurrection, and COVID, by
Katie Couric
McCarthy threatens companies that comply with Jan. 6
probe’s phone records requests, Congressional
committees have routinely subpoenaed data from
private companies, but the House minority leader
says a future GOP majority “will not forget.”, by
Myah Ward
Meadows and the Band of Loyalists: How They Fought
to Keep Trump in Power: A small circle of Republican
lawmakers, working closely with President Donald J.
Trump’s chief of staff, took on an outsize role in
pressuring the Justice Department, amplifying
conspiracy theories and flooding the courts in an
attempt to overturn the 2020 election, by Katie
Benner, Catie Edmondson, Luke Broadwater and Alan
Meet the Colorado man whose identity was allegedly
stolen by Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters: Gerald Wood
speaks publicly for the first time about his
connection to the embattled election official, by
Jesse Paul
Members of Several Well-Known Hate Groups Identified
at Capitol Riot, In partnership with: ProPublica, by
A.C. Thompson Ford Fischer
The 48 Laws
of Power, Contents, by Robert Greene
Members of Trump’s 2020 campaign helped organize rally
ahead of Capitol riot, records show, by The Associated
Memo Details Barr’s Justifications for Clearing
Trump of Obstruction: A document released by court
order showed how in 2019, Justice Department lawyers
argued that President Donald J. Trump had not
illegally impeded the Russia investigation, by Mark
Mazzetti, Michael S. Schmidt and Charlie Savage
for the Attorney General, From Steven A. Engel,
Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal counsel
and Edward C. O'Callaghan, Principal Associate
Deputy Attorney General Re: Review of the Special
Counsel's Report, Dated March 24, 2019
Memorandum of Law in Support of Plaintiff's Motion
for a Preliminary Injunction
People of the State of New York, by Leticia James,
Attorney General of the State of New York,
Plaintiff, against, Donald J. Trump, et al.,
Defendants, by New York Attorney General Leticia
James, October 13, 2022
Memorandum Opinion and Order, Bennie Thompson, et
al., v. Donald J. Trump, USDC for the District of
Columbia, by Judge Amit P. Mehta, February 18, 2022
Memorandum Opinion [Denying Defendant Chansley's §
2255 motion to vacate, set aside, or correct his
guilty plea and corresponding sentence], USA v.
Jacob Anthony Chansley, Case No. 1:21-cr-3 (RCL), by
Royce C. Lamberth, United States District Judge,
July 20, 2023
Memorandum Opinion Denying Defendant's Rule 59
Motion, E. Jean Carroll vs. Donald Trump, Case No.
22-cv-10016 (LAK), by Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, July
19, 2023
Memorandum Opinion Re Donald Trump vs. Bennie G.
Thompson, U.S. House Select Cmte. to Investigate the
Jan. 6 Attack, by USDC Judge Tanya S. Chutkan
Memorandum Opinion Resolving All Pending Motions and
Granting Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment,
Dennis L. Montgomery, Plaintiff, v. James Risen, et
al.,, Defendants, Civil Action No.: 16-0126 (RC),
USDC, District of Columbia, by Rudolph Contreras,
USDC Judge
Merrick Garland vows to hold all January 6th
perpetrators accountable under the law, by Merrick
General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks on the
First Anniversary of the Attack on the Capitol,
Remarks as Delivered
Michael Cohen and Miles Taylor SHARE SECRETS from
WITHIN Trump’s INNER-CIRCLE, by Michael Cohen
Michigan GOP lawmaker who doubts safety around
electors meeting loses committee assignments, by Craig
Mauger and Melissa Nann Burke
Michigan school shooting: Ethan Crumbley’s parents
charged with involuntary manslaughter, Charging
decision for Jennifer and James Crumbley comes three
days after their son allegedly killed four at Oxford
High School, by Megan Sheets
A journal of
plans to kill, warnings from teachers and a chilling
‘countdown’: The red flags around alleged Michigan
school shooter Ethan Crumbley, Revelations about
suspect Ethan Crumbley’s menacing social media
posts, confessional videos and ‘disturbing’
classroom behaviour have sparked a debate over
whether more could have been done to prevent the
deadly shooting at Oxford High School, by Megan
Crumbley – latest: Sheriff says suspect was ‘looking
forward’ to attack as parents appear in court, by
Gino Spocchia, Megan Sheets, Stuti Mishra, Thomas
Crumbley: Everything we know about the Michigan
school shooting suspect, Fifteen-year-old in custody
after four killed and eight injured in Oxford but
motive remains unclear, by Joe Sommerlad
school shooting: ‘Distressed’ fugitive parents of
Ethan Crumbley were found ‘hiding in warehouse’,
Jennifer and James Crumbley found inside a
commercial building in Detroit close to the Canadian
border after skipping their arraignment, by Rachel
Mike Lindell's Unfortunate Week Gets Quite a Bit
Worse: A Federal Judge Delivered Some Bad News to
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell this week. But the Results
of His "Cyber Symposium" Made Matters Worse, by
Steve Benen
How a Reno
Casino Con Man Duped the CIA And Pulled One of the
‘Most Dangerous Hoaxes’ In American History, by
Travis Daub
‘Hoax’ Artist Behind Trumpworld’s New Voter Fraud
Claim: He tricked the Bush administration into
thinking he could detect terrorist signals in al
Jazeera broadcasts. Now Dennis Montgomery has a new
set of believers, by Will Sommer
Reality an
unwelcome guest at 'pillow guy' big reveal event to
restore Trump presidencyby Rachel Maddow
’The Man
Who Conned The Pentagon’, by NPR, All Things
Mike Pence will fight a grand jury subpoena to
testify about Trump's election crimes, & he will
lose, by Glenn Kirschner
Militant Christian Nationalists Remain A Potent Force,
Even After The Capitol Riot, by Tom Gjelten
How QAnon
Conspiracy Is Spreading In Christian Communities
Across The U.S., by NPR: All Things Considered
How QAnon
uses religion to lure unsuspecting Christians, by
Daniel Burke
QAnon: The
alternative religion that’s coming to your church:
Teaching susceptible Christians media literacy won’t
counteract their sudden, widespread adherence to
conspiracy theories because these Christians thrive on
a narrative of media cover-up, by Katelyn Beaty
Mitch McConnell reportedly never wants to speak to
Trump again after the Capitol riot, by Sonam Sheth
Mom Who Joined the QAnon JFK Cult in Dallas Left Her
Family to ‘Follow God’: “We can’t just give up on
her, but it feels like we’re mourning her while
she’s still alive,” the woman’s daughter told VICE
News, by David Gilbert
Trump's Qanon
Supporters Thought JFK Jr., Famously Dead, Was Going
to Show Up In Texas Today: They also believe Trump
and JFK Jr. are going to run on a ticket together in
2024, by Bess Levin
More Evidence of Trump Crimes Revealed: John Eastman
6-Point-Plan to Overturn Election Results, by Glenn
Memo shows
Trump lawyer's six-step plan for Pence to overturn
the election, by Jamie Gangel and Jeremy Herb
Six-point-plan to unconstitutionally overture the
election results ("Eastman Memo", by John Eastman
Morgan Lewis Drops Trump as Client as N.Y. Tax Probe
Continues, by Bloomberg Law
Motion for Partial Stay Pending Appeal, Donald J.
Trump, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. United States of
America, Defendant-Appellant, No. 22-13005-F, by
U.S. Department of Justice, September 16, 2022
Motion to Extradite Appeal, Donald J. Trump v.
United States of America, No. 22-13005, by Juan
Antonio Gonzalez, United States Attorney, September
30, 2022
Movant-Intervenor (Pro-Se) Raj K. Patel's Third
Amended Reply to Defendant-United States of
America's Response at Dkt. 48, by Raj K. Patel
‘Mr. Trump Went Through The Boxes Himself’, by
Lawrence O'Donnell
Stashed, Oh, Only 300 Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago:
Embattled former president filed a lawsuit earlier
Monday requesting a federal watchdog be appointed to
further oversee the investigation into his hoarding
of state secrets, by Kat Bouza
Must-See New Video Shows Capitol Riot Was Way Worse
Than We Thought, by MSNBC
Nancy Pelosi: "The enemy is within" the House of
Representatives, by Rebecca Kaplan
Nancy Pelosi slams Mitch McConnell for ‘disingenuous’
Trump impeachment speech, by The Independent
National Security Experts Warn Trump “Is Promoting
Terrorism”: The president’s post-election incitement
expands on a tactic he has long used: stochastic
terrorism, by Mark Follman
Need A Domestic Terrorist? Dial 9-1-1, by Michael
Moore, Rumble podcast, Ep. 156
New "Fight Club" Ready for Street Violence: A new
fight club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men
is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend
free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage
in street fighting, by Bill Morlin
New Jersey congressman urges Nancy Pelosi to BAR 126
Republicans from the House for backing Donald Trump's
failed Texas lawsuit, claiming they violated the
Constitution by trying to 'install a dictator', by
NEW Filing in Giuliani Defamation Case EXPOSE More
TRUMP CRIMES, by Michael Popok
Toensing, by Wikipedia
Jan. 6
committee subpoenas Antrim lawsuit witness Katherine
Friess, by Mardi Link
[email protected]
Lara Logan,
Once a Star at CBS News, Is Now One for the Far
Right: The former chief foreign affairs
correspondent is now a popular guest on podcasts
hosted by vaccine skeptics and deniers of the 2020
election, by Jeremy W. Peters
fraud sideshow continues as an Arizona legislator
asks the AG to investigate: Rudy Giuliani may have
moved on, but the side show in Arizona continues as
a state legislator presses for an investigation into
claims the election was stolen, by Laurie Roberts
subpoenas records of Arizona Senate President Karen
Fann, state Sen. Kelly Townsend, by Ray Stern and
Mary Jo Pitzl
Grand jury
heard phone call of Trump pressuring Georgia speaker
to overturn Biden's victory: The special grand
jury's foreperson told NBC News that Trump tried to
pressure the then-speaker into calling a special
legislative session to overturn the results in the
battleground state, by Blayne Alexander, Charlie
Gile and Summer Concepcion
Georgia House Speaker Ralston has died at age 68, by
Jeff Amy
Lawyers Group Asks Court to Punish an Author of
Trump Electors Scheme: An ethics complaint in New
York against Kenneth Chesebro is the latest example
of legal troubles for lawyers who helped Donald J.
Trump try to overturn the 2020 election, by Charlie
A Georgia judge weighs release of a grand jury
report into 2020 election interference, by Stephen
Judge releases part of Georgia grand jury report on
alleged 2020 election tampering: “No widespread
fraud took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential
election,” grand jury says in final report, by Kyle
Cheney and Josh Gerstein
Inside the
'unhinged' West Wing meeting on Dec. 18, by Barbara Sprunt
McDaniel, by Wikipedia
attorney, other allies launch voter fraud
organization: The Election Integrity Alliance’s
board includes former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna
Ellis and other notable supporters, by Alex
New Mexico bars commissioner from office for
insurrection: A state district court judge has
disqualified a county commissioner from holding
public office for engaging in the insurrection at
the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by Associated
New Oath Keepers Conspiracy Indictment Proves
Republicans Wrong that there was "No Insurrection",
by Glenn Kirschner
loyal to Trump claims Capitol riot looked more like
'normal tourist visit': The comments by Rep. Andrew
Clyde, R-Ga., during a House Oversight Committee
marked the latest attempt by some Republicans to
revise the narrative around the deadly Capitol
riot., by Adam Edelman and Garrett Haake
New Reporting Paints Trump In Incriminating Role In
Sensitive Documents Scandal, by Alex Wagner
New York AG [Leticia James] announces lawsuit
against Trump and his kids, by CNN
and Verified Complaint, People of the State of New
York, by Leticia James, Attorney General of the
State of New York, Plaintiff, against, Donald J.
Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump,
Allen Weisselberg, Jeffrey McConney, The Donald J.
Trump Revocable Trust, The Trump Organization, Inc.,
Trump Organization LLC, DJT Holdings, LLC, DJT
Holdings Managing Member, Trump Endeavor 12 LLC, 401
North Wabash Venture, LLC, Trump Old Post Office,
LLC, 40 Wall Street, LLC, and Seven Springs, LLC,
Newly Unearthed Emails Show Trump Attorneys
Coordinating Fake Electors: Two Nevada electors
reportedly received immunity for testimony in Jack
Smith's investigation, by Josh Kovensky
Nine different federal judges have blamed Trump for
January 6th, by CitizensforEthics.org
No. 45 Offers Nothing New At Rambling Ohio Rally, by
Stephen Colbert
NY Court Suspends Rudy Giuliani's Law License for
Stream of "Uncontroverted" Lies About the Election,
by Glenn Kirschner
Giuliani Law
License Suspended is Part 1 of Accountability: SDNY
Criminal Investigation is Part 2, by Glenn Kirschner
NYT's Ezra Klein: "The Filibuster Is a Disaster", by
Amanpour and Company
Oath Keeper Leader Jon Schaffer Pleads Guilty in
Capitol Attack & Agrees to Cooperate w/Prosecutors,
by Glenn Kirschner
Founding Member of the Oath Keepers Pleads Guilty to
Breaching Capitol on Jan. 6 to Obstruct
Congressional Proceeding, by Department of Justice,
Office of Public Affairs
Oath Keepers leader and 10 others charged with
'seditious conspiracy' related to US Capitol attack,
by Hannah Rabinowitz, Katelyn Polantz, Tierney Sneed
and Holmes Lybrand, CNN
The estranged
wife of indicted leader of Oath Keepers tells CNN he
is a 'dangerous man' and 'complete sociopath', by
Alia Shoaib
Oath Keepers’ Stewart Rhodes Repeats Demand That Trump
Declare Martial Law to Avoid Militia-Led Civil War, by
Peter Montgomery
One (1) year after Jan. 6, House lawmakers tell of
trauma, grief and resilience
They spoke with ABC News Congressional Correspondent
Rachel Scott, by Rachel Scott, Mariam Khan, and
Benjamin Siegel
Can images
from Jan. 6 insurrection traumatize your child?, by
Kristi King
Dan Kildee full interview discussing video captured
during Capitol riot, by WXYZ-TV Detroit
For many
Capitol Hill staffers, the trauma of Jan. 6 has
never left: Toxic work environment affects not just
members but their aides too, by Brad Korten
Pressley’s Statement on Anniversary of January 6th
Insurrection, by Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley
Favorite Part of Jan. 6 Is Laughing at the Trauma:
The former president’s callousness toward his real
and perceived enemies is standard fare for Trump,
who frequently revels in their pain and misfortune
in public and in private, by Asawin Suebsaeng, Will
Officer killed in Capitol attack was an Air National
Guard vet, by Leo Shane III and Stephen Losey
Opinion and Order, by Honorable Linda V. Parker,
Timothy King, et al. vs. Gretchen Whitmer, et al.,
Civil Case No. 20-13134, August 25, 2021
Opinion Approving Stipulation to Discipline Under
C.R.C.P. 242.19(c) [Jenna Lynn Ellis, Trump's Senior
Attorney], by Byron M. Large, Presiding Disciplinary
Judge, Supreme Court, State of Colorado
Top Trump
Lawyer [Jenna Ellis] Throws him UNDER THE BUS to
Judge, by Ben Meiselas
Opinion of the Court, In the United States Court of
Appeals, For the Eleventh Circuit
Donald J. Trump, Plaintiff-Appellee, versus United
States of America, Defendant-Appellant, USCA11 Case:
22-13005, Date Filed: 09/21/2022
Order and Opinion Granting Motion to Remand, The
People of the State of New York vs. Donald Trump,
Case No. 23 Civ. 3773 (AKH), by Alvin K.
Hellerstein, United States District Judge, July 19,
Order on Motion to Quash, Preclude, and Recuse
[Trump and Latham's motions to preclude any State
prosecuting agency from using evidence derived from
the Special Purpose Grand Jury DISMISSED for lack of
standing; motions to quash (or expunge) the Final
Report of the Special Purpose Grand Jury DENIED as
moot; motions to disqualify the District Attorney
and her office are DENIED.], Re 2 May 2022 Special
Purpose Grand Jury, Superior Court of Fulton County,
Case No. 2022-EX-000024, by Judge Robert C.I.
McBurney, Superior Court of Fulton County , 7/31/23
Order re Donald J. Trump's Counsel's Letter [James
M. Trusty] of 10/20/22 is Untimely
Letter From
James M. Trusty to Judge Raymond Dearie (10/20/22)
Letter From
James M. Trusty to Judge Raymond Dearie (10/21/22)
Order Re Privilege of 599 Documents Dated November
3, 2020-January 20, 2021
by U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, John C.
Eastman, Plaintiff, vs. Bennie G. Thompson, Select
Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the
US Capitol, and Chapman University
Order, by Judge Aileen M. Cannon, Donald J. Trump,
Plaintiff, v. United States of America, Defendant,
Order Denying Motion for Partial Stay Pending
Appeal, by Judge Aileen M. Cannon, U.S. District
Judge, Donald J. Trump, Plaintiff, v. United States
of America, Defendant, September 15, 2022
Order: USA v. Karl Dresch, by Judge Amy Berman
Order in Pending Case (Denying Trump's Application
to Vacate Stay), Donald J. Trump v. United States,
by U.S. Supreme Court, October 13, 2022
Oregon Republican Party calls Capitol riot a 'false
flag' operation to discredit GOP, silence Trump
supporters, by Lexi Lonas
Order on Sanctions ["Donald J. Trump and Plaintiff’s
lead attorney—Alina Habba and Habba Madaio &
Associates—are jointly and severally liable for
$937,989.39.38"], Donald J. Trump vs. Hillary R.
Clinton, by Donald M. Middlebrooks, United States
District Judge
'Outrageous And Stupid': Legal Experts Excoriate
Trump Judge's New Ruling, by Lawrence O'Donnell
PA Republican Who Objected to Trump’s Election Loss
Has Concluded That Fraud Was Committed… By
Republicans, by Ken Meyer
Paperless Order, by Judge Aileen M. Cannon, Trump v.
United States (9:22-cv-81294)
Aug 23, 2022
Parler CEO Says Service Dropped By “Every Vendor” And
Could End His Business, by Bruce Haring
Pastor Jamal Bryant DEMOLISHES Herschel Walker.
White Evangelicals in Disarray, by Pastor Jamal
Pelosi: MAGA Mob Was ‘Organized’ and ‘Directed to Get
People’: “The evidence is now that it was a
well-planned, organized group with leadership and
guidance and direction. And the direction was to go
get people,” the speaker said on “60 Minutes”, by
Peter Wade
Pence Had to Ask Dan Quayle If American Democracy
Should Continue: The former vice president did the
right thing, but it’s terrifying how close we came
to autocracy, by Peter Wade
Mike Pence
Sought Way To Hand Election To Trump Claims Book:
Excerpt from "Peril", by Bob Woodard and Robert
Peter Bernegger and the Wisconsin Election Review,
by Ali Velshi
A Wisconsin
man is scanning ballots and suing a county clerk as
he launches his own election review, by Patrick
Gableman reveals staffers in GOP-backed election
Former Trump administrator, head of Wisconsin Voter
Alliance on payroll for taxpayer-funded effort, by
Corrinne Hess
States of America, Plaintiff, vs. Peter Bernegger,
Defendant, by U.S. Court of Appeals, Re Bank Fraud
conviction, 10/20/11
man who's scanning ballots, conducting election
review was convicted of fraud, by Patrick Marley
With little
evidence, felon tells Assembly committee there were
thousands of illegal votes, by Henry Redman
Photographer snaps notes of MyPillow CEO after
visiting Trump, by CNN
President Trump delivers remarks amidst chaos in
Washington DC [Transcript], by Donald Trump
PRESS RELEASE: James Comer, Chairman, KY-01,
Releases Devon Archer’s Transcribed Interview
Transcript, by Committee on Oversight and
Accountability, 8/3/23
'Pretty much BS': Ex-CIA director [Leon Panetta]
rebuts Trump's claim about documents, by Jake Tapper
Professor Laurence Tribe: Merrick Garland Has A
'Slam Dunk Case' Against Trump, by Lawrence
‘It’s not
theirs, it’s mine’: Trump resisted advisers’ calls
to return White House documents, by UK Independent
Pro-Trump Attorney Lin Wood Not of 'Sufficient
Character' to Practice Law, Decides Judge, by
Katherine Fung
Pro-Trump dark money groups organized the rally that
led to deadly Capitol Hill riot, by Brian Schwartz
Pro-Trump youth group enlists teens in secretive
campaign likened to a ‘troll farm,’ prompting rebuke
by Facebook and Twitter, by Isaac Stanley-Becker
Proposed law would allow Arizona Legislature to
overturn presidential election results. Not clear if
or how election law proposed by Arizona Rep. Shawnna
Bolick would work in practice, by Howard Fischer
Proud Boys Call For Disguises, Violence At Biden
Inauguration, by Michael Stone
Proud Boys leader ordered to stay away from D.C. after
arrest, by Clare Hymes, Caroline Linton
Proud Boys Leader Secretly Cooperated With F.B.I. and
Police: Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the far-right
nationalist group, which is under increasing scrutiny
for its role in the Capitol riot, helped to convict
more than a dozen people, by Alan Feuer
Prosecutor: Capitol rioter aimed ‘to take hostages’,
by Jake Bleiberg
Prosecutors Allege 'Substantial Evidence' Of Oath
Keepers Conspiracy To Storm Capitol, by Ryan Lucas
Prosecutors weigh ‘heavy hammer’ — felony murder — for
rioters in Capitol officer’s death, by Neal Augenstein
‘Prove Mike [Lindell] Wrong:’ The five million
dollar reality check, by Chris Hayes
Lindell’s firm told to pay $5 million in ‘Prove Mike
Wrong’ election-fraud challenge, by Chris
Dehghanpoor, Emma Brown and Jon Swaine
QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded, by Gregory Stanton
QAnon supporters believed marching on the Capitol
could trigger 'The Storm,' an event where they hope
Trump's foes will be punished in mass executions, by
Tom Porter
QAnon Shaman’s Alleged Note to Mike Pence: ‘It’s Only
a Matter of Time, Justice is Coming’. A new federal
court brief describes Jacob Anthony Chansley — aka
Jake Angeli — as “the most prominent symbol of a
violent insurrection that attempted to overthrow the
United States Government”, by Tim Dickinson
Questions About the FBI's Role in 1/6 Are Mocked
Because the FBI Shapes Liberal Corporate Media: The
FBI has been manufacturing and directing terror
plots and criminal rings for decades. But now,
reverence for security state agencies reigns, by
Glenn Greenwald
Radio and Television Broadcasting to Cuba:
Background and Issues Through 1994, by Congressional
Research Service
Raffensperger escorted out of Ga. Capitol after it was
surrounded by pro-Trump mob, by Marquise Francis
Raffensperger: 'If you're going to put out stuff that
we don't believe is true, then we will respond in
kind', by Aris Folley
Read the never-issued Trump order that would have
seized voting machines: The Jan. 6 select panel has
obtained the draft order and a document titled
"Remarks on National Healing." Both are reported
here in detail for the first time, by Betsy Woodruff
Records show fervent Trump fans fueled US Capitol
takeover, by Michael Biesecker, Michael Kunzelman,
Gillian Flaccus and Jim Mustian
Redacted affidavit says documents at Mar-a-Lago
could compromise human intelligence sources, by
Glenn Thrush, Alan Feuer and Maggie Haberman
Removal of panic buttons from Ayanna Pressley’s office
being reviewed by House committee, by Jazmine Ulloa
and Jess Bidgood
Renowned GOP Lawyer Ted Olson: “I Would Vote to
Convict [Trump]”, by Amanpour and Company
Rep. Adam Schiff: Jan. 6 Was Just One Part Of
Broader Plan To Overturn Election, by Joy Reid
Oversight Obtains Seven Phony Certificates of
Pro-Trump Electors, by American Oversight
Rep. Eric Swalwell Sues Trump, Don Jr., Giuliani and
Rep. Brooks for 1/6 Attack on the US Capitol, by Glenn Kirschner
Representative ERIC SWALWELL, 174 Cannon House Office
Building, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington,
D.C. 20515, Plaintiff, v. DONALD J. TRUMP (in his
personal capacity) The Mar-A-Lago Club, 1100 S. Ocean
Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480; DONALD J. TRUMP JR., 425
E. 58th Street, Apt. 12 CD, New York, NY 10022;
Representative MO BROOKS (in his personal capacity),
2185 Rayburn House Office Building, U.S. House of
Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515; and RUDOLPH
GIULIANI, Rudolph W. Giuliani, PLLC, 445 Park Avenue,
18th Floor, New York, NY 10022, Defendants.
Rep. Ro Khanna: Republicans Should Back Impeachment
After Trump Incited Mob Violence Against Them, by Amy
Supremacy in Action: Police Stand Down as Trump Mob
Storms Capitol to Disrupt Election Vote, by Amy
Reply in Support of Its Motion to Stay Pending
Appeal, by Juan Antonio Gonzalez, United States
Attorney, Donald J. Trump, Plaintiff, v. United
States of America, Defendant, September 13, 2022
Report and Recommendation of Ad Hoc Hearing
Committee Re: Preliminary Order of Discipline
Charging Rudolph W. Giuliani with violating
Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct based on
his prosecution of a lawsuit in Pennsylvania
following the 2020 presidential election, by Robert
C. Bernius, Esq., Chair, Board on Professional
Responsibility, Ad Hoc Hearing Cmte.
Reps. Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs credited in video with
organizing Trump crowd in DC on day of riot, by Robert
Anglen and Ronald J. Hansen
Republican attorneys general condemned over robocall
that urged march to Capitol: Group distances itself
from robocall sent by fundraising arm that encouraged
Trump supporters to ‘call on Congress to stop the
steal’, by Kenya Evelyn
Republican Lawmaker in Oregon Expelled for Helping
Armed Protesters Enter State Capitol, by Amy Goodman
Showing D.C.
How It’s Done: Oregon Boots Lawmaker Who Aided State
Capitol Incursion: State representative Mike Nearman
was caught on video opening the door of the state
capitol to an armed incursion, completing what he’d
referred to as “Operation Hall Pass”, by Tim
Republican lawmaker to ask Justice Department to
investigate Trump's response to attack on U.S.
Capitol, by Michael Isikoff
Republican leader Mitch McConnell: Attack at the
Capitol was ‘provoked by the president’, by Christal
Response in Opposition to the Application to Vacate
in Part the Partial Stay Issued by the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, by
Elizabeth B. Prelogar, Solicitor General, Department
of Justice, Donald J. Trump, Applicant, v. United
States of America, October, 2022
Retired Generals warn segments of the military could
support a future coup, by Mary Louise Kelly
Excerpt from
Play Democracy!, by Ralph Nader, Re Generals Eaton,
Taguba and Anderson Op-Ed "the military must prepare
now for a 2024 insurrection"
Right Wing Lawyers [Professor William Baude &
Michael Stokes Paulsen] TURN AGAINST Trump and Make
SHOCKING Request, by Michael Popok
Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6:
Two law professors active in the Federalist Society
wrote that the original meaning of the 14th
Amendment makes Donald Trump ineligible to hold
government office, by Adam Liptak
Rioter planned attack, wanted to trap lawmakers and
'turn on gas': Prosecutors, by Luke Barr
Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be
Greater Than Publicly Known: The famed source of the
Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has made another
unauthorized disclosure — and wants to be prosecuted
for it, by Charlie Savage
Robert Card’s [Maine Mass Shooter, 2023] X (Twitter)
Account Shows ‘Likes’ on Politics [Card followed
and/or liked posts by X’s CEO, Elon Musk, and Dallas
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban as well as a professor
who studies terrorism and a number of prominent
conservative politicians and pundits, including
Donald Trump Jr. and Tucker Carlson.], by Jessica
Roger Stone Addresses Pro-Trump Rally in Washington,
D.C., by Roger Stone
Rudy Giuliani Save America March [Transcript], by Rudy
University President Condemns Controversial Law
Professor Who Aided Trump, by Chris Jennewein
Rudy Giuliani sued by former employee for alleged
sexual assault and harassment
Giuliani is accused of making "sexual demands", by
Aaron Katersky
San Francisco police are prepping for a pro-Trump
rally at Twitter headquarters, by Jonathan Shieber
Sarah Palin accidentally makes SHOCKING admission
about Trump Supporters on live TV, by Texas Paul
Schumer, Jeffries demand Rupert Murdoch tells Fox
News hosts to retract Trump election lies and
apologize to viewers, by Michael McAuliff and Dave
Second Impeachment Trial Cold Open - SNL, by Saturday
Night Live
Secret Service Deleted Jan. 6 Text Messages After
Oversight Officials Requested Them: A letter given
to the January 6 committee says the erasure took
place shortly after oversight officials requested
the agency’s electronic communications, by Ken
Secret Service deletes Jan. 6 text messages. A move
to protect Trump? Also, Mike Pence MUST testify, by
Glenn Kirschner
Secret Service held onto Pelosi threat until after
insurrection, by Jordan Libowitz and Lauren White
Secretary of State's Office confirms it has received
Cochise County certification, by Mary Jo Pitzl and
Ryan Randazzo
Seeing Donald Trump Now The Way They Should Have
Seen Him From The Very
Beginning, by Chris Hayes
Sen. Graham Lied Because He’s ‘Afraid’ Of His Own
Words, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Sen. Sanders: President's Call 'Impeachable, A
Criminal Offense', by Andrea Mitchell
Senate Hearings Reveal Disturbing Evidence Re: Trump
Installed Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, by Glenn
D.C. National
Guard chief: Pentagon took 3 hours to greenlight
troops during Capitol assault: One of the military
leaders who advised against deploying troops was Lt.
Gen. Charles Flynn, the brother of ex-Trump national
security adviser Michael Flynn, the Guard chief said,
by Rebecca Shabad
Flynn’s brother warned about 'optics' of sending
uniformed troop response to Capitol siege, DC Guard
chief says, by Jerry Dunleavy
Senate Report Reveals More Trump Election Crimes;
What Congress Should Do About Witness in Contempt,
by Glenn Kirschner
Following 8
Month Investigation, Senate Judiciary Committee
Releases Report on Donald Trump's Scheme to Pressure
DOJ & Overturn the 2020 Election
Durbin: America was only a half-step away from a
full-blown constitutional crisis, by Senate
Judiciary Committee
Senate Republicans Block Insurrection Investigation
While Courts Go Hard After Insurrectionists, by
Glenn Kirschner
Senate Uses 'Nuclear Option' All The Time Despite
Manchin & Sinema Saying Otherwise, by Rachel Maddow
Should DOJ Appeal Judge Cannon’s Incredibly Flawed
Trump Special Master Ruling?, by Norman L. Eisen and
Fred Wertheimer
Sidney Powell, Kraken legal team face sanctions,
court costs and potential disbarment over election
lawsuit, by Dave Boucher
Sidney Powell shares post recommending military
tribunals review election, by Andrew Blake
Senate Republicans challenge Electoral College votes,
by PBS News
Similarities Suggest Coordination In Fake Elector
Letters From Republicans In Five (5) States, by
Rachel Maddow
Social network Parler says it warned FBI before
Capitol riot, by Catherine Herridge, Caitlin Yilek
Some among America's military allies believe Trump
deliberately attempted a coup and may have had help
from federal law-enforcement officials, by Mitch
Some Democrats in Congress are worried their
colleagues might kill them: House members openly
accuse far-right representatives of threatening their
health and safety after the Capitol riot, by Benjy
Special Master Judge Dearie tells Trump's team to
put up or shut up on claims of planted evidence, by
Mark Sumner
Special master to Trump’s lawyers: ‘You can't have
your cake and eat it’: Judge Raymond Dearie pushed
Trump’s lawyers repeatedly for not backing up the
former president’s claim that he declassified the
highly sensitive national security-related records
discovered in his residence, by Josh Gerstein and
Kyle Cheney
Sportswriter: Trump cheats like a mafia accountant at
golf, by John Berman
Statement of Facts Re Trump repeatedly and
fraudulently falsifying New York business records to
conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging
information from the voting public during the 2016
presidential election, by Alvin L. Bragg, Jr.,
District Attorney
Steve Marshall says he’ll investigate Republican AG
group’s role in Washington march, by Mike Cason
Stripe reportedly quits processing payments for Trump
campaign website: Action due to violations of service
terms that prohibit businesses that promote or
encourage violence from using the service, the Wall
Street Journal reports, by Steven Musil
Superseding Indictment, USDC, Southern District of
Florida, USA v. Donald Trump, Waltine Nauta, and
Carlos De Oliveira, Case No. 23-CR-80101-CANNON(s),
by Jack Smith, Special Counsel, 07/27/2023
Supplemental Verified Petition, by Letitia James,
Attorney General of the State of New York, Against
The Trump Organization
Surprise, Surprise: Off-Duty Cops From All Over the
Country Were in D.C. During Capitol Coup Attempt, by
Ishena Robinson
Surveillance video shows Georgia 'fake elector'
escorting operatives into elections office before
alleged data breach: Cathy Latham, then the GOP
chairwoman for Coffee County, is seen escorting
members of the tech firm Sullivan-Strickler into an
elections office the same day as an alleged breach
that is under investigation by state authorities, by
Zoë Richards, Blayne Alexander and Charlie Gile
Video fills
in details on alleged Ga. election system breach, by
The Associated Press
Talk radio company orders hosts to stop suggesting
election was stolen from Trump, by Zack Budryk
Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Other GOP Objectors Face
Donation Boycott From Major Businesses, by Jason Lemon
Texas man charged in Capitol riots threatened to kill
AOC: Garret Miller of Dallas County, Texas, posted
often on social media about his involvement in the
deadly riots during which insurrectionists and rioters
stormed the Capitol, according to charging documents,
by Ben Leonard
Texas realtor who took private jet is charged in
Capitol riot, by Minyvonne Burke
“Thank You For What You Did”: Michael Cohen Goes
Back to Congress to Crush Trump: Cohen’s latest
testimony, and attendant physical evidence, could be
damning. But it’s already clear that his hearings
have spurred investigative action, by Emily Janes
The Arraignment of Donald J. Trump: A Detailed
Summary, by Anna Bower, Benjamin Wittes
What It Was
Like Inside the Courtroom During Trump’s
Arraignment: Here are some of the most important
moments from the hearing where criminal charges
against Donald Trump were unveiled, by Jonah E.
Bromwich and Nate Schweber
Judge warns
‘defendant’ Trump: Ari Melber breaks down lengthy
arraignment, by Ari Melber
The DOJ Must Prosecute Trump: The January 6
committee has provided overwhelming evidence that
the former president was not some bit player along
for the ride, but the central driver of a nefarious
plot, by Donald Ayer, Stuart Gerson, and Dennis
The fabulist looking fabulous: 2005 video - that
appears to show George Santos bragging about
dressing in drag and performing in Rio de Janeiro
clubs - surfaces hours after he DENIED the claims,
by Elizabeth Elkind
The FBI Allegedly Used At Least 12 Informants In The
Michigan Kidnapping Case: Defense attorneys said
they will argue that the FBI “induced or persuaded”
the defendants to go along with the violent scheme,
by Jessica Garrison and Ken Bensinger
The Final Campaign Inside Donald Trump’s sad,
lonely, thirsty, broken, basically pretend run for
reelection. (Which isn’t to say he can’t win.), by
Olivia Nuzzi
The Harder Right: An Analysis of a Recent DoD
Inspector General Investigation and Other Matters,
by Colonel Earl G. Matthews, U.S. Army
The Incredible Mystery of How Trump Got Judge Cannon
in the Mar-a-Lago Case: There are a number of
incredible coincidences that led to the former
president getting his preferred judge, by Jose
The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, by Lawrence
The mystery of Mike Flynn, by Peter Bergen
The National Archives confirms it found classified
materials at Mar-a-Lago, by Zoe Christen Jones, CBS
The never-before-told backstory of Pence's Jan. 6
argument: Former judge J. Michael Luttig shares the
story of the run-up to the insurrection, and why he
thinks it’s time to reform the Electoral Count Act,
by Politico Staff
The Post says: Give it up, Mr. President — for your
sake and the nation’s, by Post Editorial Board
The President Is Slithering Off To Mar-A-Lago But The
MAGA Menace Isn't Going Away, by Stephen Colbert
The Senator Who Decided to Tell the Truth: A
Michigan Republican spent eight months searching for
evidence of election fraud, but all he found was
lies, by Tim Alberta
The Solution to the Trump Judge Problem Nobody Wants
to Talk About, by Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph
‘The storm is here’: Ashli Babbitt’s journey from
capital ‘guardian’ to invader, by Peter Jamison,
Hannah Natanson, John Woodrow Cox and Alex Horton
The Sweep and Force of Section Three, by William
Baude & Michael Stokes Paulsen, 8/9/23
Terrorist Attack Is NOT Over, by Michael Moore, Rumble
The Trump Coup: Notes on an Authoritarian
Conspiracy: Inside the Claremont Institute’s “79
Days to Inauguration” Report. Claremont’s
post-election war game provides a window into the
group’s ambitions., by Christian Vanderbrouk
The Trump insurrection was America’s Beer Hall Putsch:
Op-Ed, by Benjamin Carter Hett
The Trump ‘special master’ ruling violates the
principle that no-one is above the law: Judge Aileen
Cannon’s opinion screams out that she applies more
lenient rules to Donald Trump, by Laurence H Tribe
and Dennis Aftergut
The Turner Diaries, by Wikipedia
The Two Faces of Kevin McCarthy: Why He Must be
Subpoenaed to Testify About Trump's Conduct on 1/6,
by Glenn Kirschner
The ugly truth EXPOSED about the Durham/Barr
investigation of those who investigated
Trump-Russia, by Glenn Kirschner
The Unlikely Connection Between Wellness Influencers
and the Pro-Trump Rioters: Inside the dangerous plot
to get conspiracy theories into the mainstream, by
Clio Chang
The Washington Post releases “The Attack: Before,
During and After,” an investigation of the Jan. 6
Capitol insurrection and its aftermath, The
three-part immersive series examines Jan. 6 and its
fallout through audio, video, photography and
revelatory new reporting., by WashPostPR
"They asked us to stand down": Ex-Manhattan DA says
Trump DOJ intervened in Stormy Daniels probe: Legal
expert says it was an "odd request" because DOJ "did
not indict Trump or anyone else after that point"
by Gabriella Ferrigine
rhetoric is more over the top than pre Jan. 6, by
Rep. Lofgren
‘This Is A Damning Letter’: Attorney Baffled By
Trump Team’s Decision To Release Archives Letter, by
Lawrence O'Donnell
Full text of
National Archives letter to Trump on classified
documents, May 10, 2022
This "Oath Keeper" Says She Met with Secret Service
BEFORE The Capitol Riot, by Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur
'Thuggery': Four Star Army General Blasts Trump's MAGA
Martial Law Plot, by Ari Melber
Tina Peters is a symptom. Threats to Colorado
democracy go beyond her. Group that claims election
fraud is determined and organized, by Quentin Young
Transcribed Interview of Devon Archer, by
Representatives Jordan, Biggs, Goldman, Committee on
Oversight and Accountability, U.S. House of Reps.,
Trial Memorandum of the U.S. House of Representatives
in the Impeachment Trial of President Donald J. Trump,
by U.S. House of Representatives Managers
Trump 2020 lawyer admits misrepresenting stolen
election claims: Jenna Ellis made the admissions in
a Colorado disciplinary proceeding, by Kyle Cheney
Trump: My First Arrest Review before My Next
Arrest!, by John Di Domenico
Trump Admin-Saudi Nuclear Probe Resurfaces Ahead of
Warrant Unseal, by Brendan Cole
Before Giving
Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund Had
Big Doubts: Before committing $2 billion to Mr.
Kushner’s fledgling firm, officials at a fund led by
the Saudi crown prince questioned taking such a big
risk, by David D. Kirkpatrick
Macron talks energy with Saudi Crown Prince MBS in
Paris: MBS’s visit to France has been controversial,
with President Macron criticised by some in his
country, by aljazeera.com
eager to play for Saudi-funded LIV Golf despite
human rights concerns: US golf media has been
critical of LIV Golf, which is backed by Saudi
Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund. But for many golfers
— especially lesser-known ones — the league offers
unparalleled financial opportunities, by Adam
Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Lays Out How He and
Bannon Planned to Overturn Biden’s Electoral Win:
“It started out perfectly. At 1 p.m., Gosar and Cruz
did exactly what was expected of them…”. by Jose
Trump Assistant [Molly Michael] FLIPS and Provides
DEVASTATING EVIDENCE to Jack Smith, by Ben Meiselas
Trump-backed Wisconsin GOP candidate and 2020
election denier claims Republicans will 'never lose
another election' in the state if he gets voted into
office, by Hannah Getahun
Trump ally Michael Flynn condemned over call for
‘one religion’ in US, by Martin Pengelly
Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to
Oust Acting Attorney General: Trying to find another
avenue to push his baseless election claims, Donald
Trump considered installing a loyalist, by Katie
Trump Appointed U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon
Needs To Be Impeached For Political Favors From The
Bench (Updated), by AZ BlueMeanie
Trump Appointee Judge Cannon Gives Him Every Little
Thing His Heart Desires, And Then Some: Laws are for
the little people. And Democrats, by Liz Dye
Trump appointee says Tuberville met with Trump
family, advisers on eve of Capitol attack,
Tuberville, through a spokeswoman, said he did not
attend the meeting with Trump on the eve of the
deadly attack., by Eddie Burkhalter
AG’s office
refuses to reveal Marshall’s whereabouts before or
after Jan. 6: AG Steve Marshall’s office denied
APR’s request for his calendar during the lead up
to, and after, the Jan. 6 attack, by Eddie
Trump appointee to State Dept. Federico Klein arrested
in Capitol attack; stunned mom says he was 'Boy Scout
type', by Kevin Johnson, Deirdre Shesgreen, and Tom
Vanden Brook
Former Trump
Admin Official Charged with Assaulting Cop at January
6 Capitol Riot, by Amy Goodman
Ben Meiselas
pressured Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to overturn 2020
election, by Leigh Ann Caldwell, Josh Dawsey and
Yvonne Wingett Sanchez
Pressed Arizona Gov. Ducey To Overturn 2020 Election
Results, Report Says, by Ty Roush
pressured former Arizona governor to overturn 2020
election results: Trump narrowly lost to Joe Biden
in Arizona, by Rachel Scott, Katherine Faulders, and
Lucien Bruggeman
Trump bids farewell to Washington: 'We will be back in
some form', by Jill Colvin
CNN describes
crowd at Trump's departure as 'the smallest' of his
presidency, by John L. Dorman
inauguration crowd photos were edited after he
intervened: documents released to Guardian reveal
government photographer cropped space ‘where crowd
ended’, by Jon Swaine
Trump Broke the Law by Holding a Glock, Former FBI
Counsel Says: ‘Like a Child, Except Much More
Serious’, by Natalie Korach
Trump Bucks SCAM Exposed DESTROYING Life Savings of
MAGA Followers, by Ben Meiselas
- ‘Trump
Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose
thousands. The products are advertised online as a
kind of golden ticket that will help propel Trump’s
2024 bid and make the “real patriots” who support
him rich when they are cashed in, by Brandy Zadrozny
and Corky Siemaszko
Trump calls for ‘termination’ of election rules in
Constitution to overturn 2020 election, by Jared
Trump campaign brings new U.S. Supreme Court challenge
over Pennsylvania’s 2020 election, by Jonathan Lai
Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani,
oversaw fake electors plot in 7 states, by Marshall
Cohen, Zachary Cohen and Dan Merica
Trump campaign paid researchers to prove 2020 fraud
but kept findings secret: An outside firm’s work was
never released publicly after researchers uncovered
no evidence that the election had been rigged for
Joe Biden, by Josh Dawsey
Trump Claims He Declassified Documents. Why Don’t
His Lawyers Say So in Court?: Judges this week
highlighted the gap between Mr. Trump’s public
claims that he declassified everything and his
lawyers’ reluctance to repeat that claim in a
courtroom, by Glenn Thrush, Alan Feuer and Charlie
Trump considering releasing Mar-a-Lago surveillance
footage, by Anderson Cooper
Trump Defends His Sedition Speech as Support for
Impeachment Grows: A Closer Look, by Seth Meyers
Trump Demands Georgia Secretary of State Change Votes,
Violating Both State and Federal Law, by Glenn
Trump discussed naming Sidney Powell special counsel
during White House meeting: Powell has been a vocal
proponent of many conspiracy theories about voter
fraud since the election, by Carol E. Lee
Trump Echoes Hitler's Words on the Campaign Trail,
by MeidasTouchNetwork
Trump finally Snaps, has complete Meltdown over
January 6 report, by Brian Tyler Cohen
Trump Found Not Guilty at Impeachment Trial, McConnell
is Grim Reaper of Justice. What Now?, by Glenn
Trump Gives Nuclear Secrets to Anthony Pratt, by
Nicolle Wallace
Trump Had Role in Weighing Proposals to Seize Voting
Machines: New accounts show that the former
president was more directly involved than previously
known in plans developed by outside advisers to use
national security agencies to seek evidence of
fraud., by Alan Feuer, Maggie Haberman, Michael S.
Schmidt and Luke Broadwater
Incriminating Outburst: "Pence Should be
Investigated for NOT Overturning the Election", by
Glenn Kirschner
Trump hosted Holocaust denier at Mar-a-Lago estate
during visit with Kanye West, a week after
announcing 2024 run, by Maeve Reston and Kristen
Trump INDICTMENT and WHAT’S NEXT, by Legal AF,
Trump Is Back By Unpopular Demand, Ivanka Bails on
Daddy & Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants VP Spot, by
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Trump Is Leaving Behind a Legacy of Insurrection,
Corruption and Chaos: Late Night, by Seth Meyers
‘Trump Knows What The FBI Found’ In Search Of FL
Home, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Trump lawyer [Evan Corcoran] CONFESSES and throws
Trump Under the Bus, by Michael Popok
Trump Lawyer Says He Watched Search On Camera,
Muddling Claim That FBI Planted Evidence: The Trump
family was “actually able to see the whole thing,”
attorney Christina Bobb said of the FBI search of
Mar-a-Lago, by Mary Papenfuss
Trump lawyers drafted letter for seizure of election
‘evidence’ in ‘interest of national security’,
documents show: The letter is not the only document
that suggested a plan to seize ballots to bolster
former president Donald Trump’s false election fraud
claims, by Andrew Feinberg
Trump lawyers hand over laptop, more classified
documents to feds, by Victor Nava
Trump Lawyers Sanctioned by Judge on Clinton
Conspiracy Suit, by Erik Larson
Trump lawyers saw Justice Thomas as 'only chance' to
stop 2020 election certification: “We want to frame
things so that Thomas could be the one to issue some
sort of stay or other circuit justice opinion saying
Georgia is in legitimate doubt,” Trump attorney
Kenneth Chesebro wrote in an email exchange., by
Kyle Cheney, Josh Gerstein and Nicholas Wu
Trump-loving Lawyer Michigan attorney, Stefanie
Lambert CAUGHT RED-HANDED, Massive SCAM Revealed
[She instructed the head of Cyber Ninjas an amateur
forensic company hired by Arizona Republicans, to
lie and say there was fraud and fake ballots used in
Arizona when there wasn’t any.], by Michael Popok
hidden Cyber Ninjas texts revealed in Republic
records lawsuit over 'audit', by Robert Anglen and
Ryan Randazzo
How to see
the hidden text messages Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan
blacked out, by Robert Anglen and Ryan Randazzo
Trump’s legal adviser Jenna Ellis in 2016 called him
an ‘idiot’ and said his supporters didn’t care about
‘facts or logic’, by Andrew Kaczynski, Em Steck and
Nathan McDermott
Trump Media Empire? Don’t Bet on It.: He may
desperately need his own platform now that he’s been
exiled from Twitter, but it’s going to cost him more
than he’s got, by Jack Shafer
Trump Is Now the Only President To Be Impeached Twice:
A Closer Look, by Seth Meyers
Trump lawyers acknowledge Mar-a-Lago probe could
lead to indictment: Explaining whether Trump
declassified documents could be ‘a defense’ to a
future criminal charge, attorneys say, by Perry
Stein and Devlin Barrett
Trump legal advisers warn him not to hold press
conference railing against Georgia case:
Ex-president is now under four criminal indictments,
by John Bowden
Trump Mar-a-Lago LIE Comes Back to HAUNT HIM [A
multi-billionaire? A Forbes 400 billionaire? No way.
Underneath it he's a 100 millionaire.], by Michael
Trump met with Pence before calling on the vice
president to thwart the Electoral College: report:
Pence was named in a recent lawsuit that seeks to
block him from ratifying Biden's victory on Jan. 6, by
Roger Solenberger
Trump openly embraces, amplifies QAnon conspiracy
theories, by David Klepper and Ali Swenson
MAGA’S 'Weaponized
Lies': Trump Touts QAnon, Posing Danger For GOP
Ahead Of Midterms, by Ari Melber
Trump Pushes Protests, Promises Pardons During Texas
Rally: Reveals his Fear Indictments are Near, Glenn
Trump Calls
On Massive Protests If Prosecutors Go After Him And
Offers Pardons To Jan. 6ers, by S.V. Date
Trump receives a target letter in Jan. 6 special
counsel investigation, by Caroline Linton, Robert
Costa, Robert Legare, Graham Kates, Melissa Quinn,
Fin Gomez
Trump Ruling Lifts Profile of Judge and Raises Legal
Eyebrows: Judge Aileen M. Cannon has issued the
first highly scrutinized ruling of her short
judicial career, involving the person who put her on
the bench: former President Donald J. Trump, by
Patricia Mazzei, Maggie Haberman and Alan Feuer
Trump said he would walk with protesters to the
Capitol, but drove off in his motorcade before the
march devolved into a violent attack, by Mia
Trump says 'I would do that' after Sean Hannity says
he 'can't imagine' Trump taking classified records
from the White House, by Sonam Sheth
DOJ has
‘significant’ evidence of possible Trump obstruction
at Mar-a-Lago, by Chris Hayes
Trump says presidents can declassify docs ‘even by
thinking about it’: Donald Trump claimed in a Fox
News appearance that documents taken to Mar-a-Lago
were declassified while he was in office, by Julian
Memorandum on
Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the
FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation, by
President Donald J. Trump
President Executive Order 13526, Classified National
Security Information, by Information Security
Oversight Office, National Archives
Trump's claims, experts say there's no 'magic wand'
for a president to declassify documents, The
president "can't do it in secret," an expert says
about declassification, by Mike Levine and Lucien
claims presidents can declassify documents ‘by
thinking about it’: Ex-president tells Sean Hannity:
‘Because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or wherever
… There doesn’t have to be a process’, by Martin
Trump SCREWS Himself with WORST Legal Defense Ever,
by Michael Popock
Trump search team finds at least 2 classified
documents outside of Mar-a-Lago, by Dan Mangan
Trump sought to tap Sidney Powell as special counsel
for election fraud: Powell, an attorney for onetime
national security adviser Michael Flynn, has led the
president's efforts to overturn Joe Biden's victory,
by Kyle Cheney and Josh Gerstein
Trump spreads holiday jeers with Truth Social rant
directed at ‘Radical Left Marxists,’ ‘Department of
Injustice’, by Mark Moore
Donald Trump
Spends Christmas Raging on Truth Social, by Ewan
Trump team says it doesn’t want to immediately
disclose certain ‘declassification’ information in
special master review, by Tierney Sneed, Holmes
Lybrand and Hannah Rabinowitz
Trump Told Crowd ‘You Will Never Take Back Our Country
With Weakness’: As Congress prepared to certify the
victory of his successor, President Trump railed
against the election and helped set in motion hours of
violence, by Maggie Haberman
Trump Used His Department of Justice to Target Foes
Who ‘Annoyed’ Him, Fired U.S. Attorneys, Book Says:
Geoffrey S. Berman, the U.S. attorney for the
Southern District of New York fired by Trump in
2020, makes a series of bombshell allegations, by
Allison Quinn
Trump wanted to trade Mar-a-Lago files for
‘sensitive’ documents about 2016 Russia probe:
report: Trump plotted to exchange classified
documents for the FBI’s files on the investigation
into his ties to Russia, a New York Times report
claims, by Bevan Hurley
How Trump
Deflected Demands for Documents, Enmeshing Aides:
The former president exhibited a pattern of
dissembling about the material he took from the
White House, creating legal risk not just for
himself but also some of his lawyers, by Maggie
Haberman and Michael S. Schmidt
Trump Was Warned Late Last Year of Potential Legal
Peril Over Documents: A former White House lawyer
sought to impress on him the need to return material
he had taken with him upon leaving office, by Maggie
Trump was warned that FBI could raid Mar-a-Lago
months ahead of time, lawyer's notes show: Trump
attorney Evan Corcoran saved his recollections in a
series of voice memos, by Katherine Faulders and
Mike Levine
Trump went 'ballistic' after being tossed off Twitter:
The 'Hemingway of 140 characters' has lost his
favorite bullhorn, by Gabby Orr, Daniel Lippman, Tina
Nguyen and Sam Stein
Trump Went Judge Shopping and It Paid Off in
Mar-a-Lago Case: Trump got the judge he wanted in
the Mar-a-Lago case: One he appointed. And she just
gave him the first decision he wanted, by Jose
Trump worker told FBI about moving Mar-a-Lago boxes
on ex-president’s orders: Key witness and
security-camera footage offer evidence of Trump’s
actions after government subpoena, people familiar
say, by Devlin Barrett and Josh Dawsey
Trump’s Anti-Communist Foreign Policy Won Florida
Hispanics: Outreach programs and a hard-line
attitude persuaded communities with long Republican
ties, by Nancy San Martín
Trump's company to get a court monitor, judge rules:
Former president’s lawyers fight bid for restraints
on Trump’s business empire, by Josh Gerstein
Trump’s CREEPIEST MOMENT with Ivanka EXPOSED in New
Book, by Ben Meiselas
Trump's defense secretary denies there were orders
to have 10K troops ready to deploy on January 6, by
Annie Grayer
Trump never
told Defense secretary to ready 10,000 troops for
January 6, new committee video shows - after
witnesses say acting Pentagon chief wasn't given any
orders that day, by Nikki Schwab
New video:
Trump defense secretary calls BS on his Jan. 6 lie
that he had 10K troops ready to deploy: There was
“no order from the president," Chris Miller said in
new video released by Jan. 6 committee, by Igor
Trump's end game? Power at all costs, by Ruth
Released, by Karen Friedman Agnifilo
Trump's former national security advisor says the
president should impose martial law to force new
elections in battleground states, by Sonam Sheth
Trump’s Former Top Lawyer [Bill Barr] DISMANTLES HIS
LEGAL DEFENSES in Live Interview, by Ben Meiselas
Trump's influential supporters spoke of what was
coming before riot, by CNN
Trump’s Lawyers Think Mark Meadows Is Going Down:
The Jan. 6 Committee is probing the former chief of
staff’s finances, Rolling Stone has learned, adding
to a long list of legal headaches, by Asawin
Suebsaeng & Adam Rawnsley
Trump’s legal adviser Jenna Ellis in 2016 called him
an ‘idiot’ and said his supporters didn’t care about
‘facts or logic’, by Andrew Kaczynski, Em Steck and
Nathan McDermott
Trump's New Lawyer, Doug Collins, Sends a Remarkable
Letter to Jeff Rosen on Executive Privilege, by
Glenn Kirschner
Letter: Trump
legal team not trying to block testimony of former
DOJ officials
The Biden Justice Department issued a recent memo
making clear it would not stand in the way of
Congress seeking testimony from its predecessor’s
DOJ, by Betsy Woodruff Swan and Nicholas Wu
Trump says
he will not try to stop former Justice Dept.
officials from testifying to Congress, by Katie
Trump’s political operation paid more than $4.3
million to Jan. 6 organizers but questions remain
about the full extent of its involvement, by Anna
Trump's tax returns and the corruption at the top of
the IRS during the Trump years, by Glenn Kirschner
Trump’s Team Could Bring 9/11 Mindset Back to the
White House: From restoring torture to expanding
surveillance, the president-elect’s picks for national
security advisor, CIA director, and attorney general
favor a no-holds-barred approach to Islamist
extremists at home and abroad, by Dan de Luce, Elias
Groll, Molly O'Toole, Lara Jakes
Trump’s Team of Lawyers Marked by Infighting and
Possible Legal Troubles of Its Own: Several of the
former president’s lawyers are under scrutiny by
federal investigators amid squabbling over
competence, by Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush
Trump’s Truth Social barred from Google Play store
over content moderation concerns, by Jack Stebbins
Tucker Carlson Said He Hates Trump "Passionately" in
Bombshell Court Filing, by Seth Meyers
Turning Point USA, by Wikipedia
Conservative Nonprofit That Seeks to Transform College
Campuses Faces Allegations of Racial Bias and Illegal
Campaign Activity, by Jane Mayer
Chats Show
FIU Turning Point USA Members Sharing Racist Memes and
Rape Jokes, by Jerry Iannelli
Chats Show
FIU College Republicans Joking About Charlottesville,
Deporting Classmates, by Joel Franco
Ivan Throne:
The Dark Triad Man
Turning Point
USA Keeps Accidentally Hiring Racists: “I love making
racist jokes,” tweeted the woman who replaced the
person who wrote, “I HATE BLACK PEOPLE”, by Ashley
Turning Point
USA's blooming romance with the alt-right, by Brendan
Joel Kelley
Two former Trump officials react to Cassidy
Hutchinson’s testimony [Alyssa Farah Griffin &
Olivia Troye, by CNN
Uh oh, Rep. Andy Biggs. Nearly half your district
thinks you played a role in Capitol riot
Opinion: Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs has a major problem.
A new poll says nearly half of voters in his district
suspect he was involved in the Jan. 6 Stop the Steal
rally-turned-riot., by Laurie Roberts
Rep. Andy
Biggs' brothers: 'Andy spread election fraud lies', by
Ronald J. Hansen
Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise
Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge, by
revolver news
United States of America vs. Jacob Anthony Chansley,
a.k.a. “Jacob Angeli”, by Michael Bailey, U.S.
Attorney, District of AZ and Kristen Brook, Assistant
U.S. Attorney
United States' Response to Motion for Judicial
Oversight and Additional Relief
Donald J. Trump, Plaintiff, v. United States of
America, Defendant, by Juan Antonio Gonzalez, United
States Attorney and Jay I. Bratt, Chief,
Counterintelligence and Export Control Section,
National Security Division, 08/31/2022
United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Questionnaire for Judicial Nominees, Public: Aileen
Mercedes Cannon
Unpacking The Capitol Riot & Four Years of Trump’s
Bulls**t, by Trevor Noah
US Capitol riot: police have long history of aiding
neo-Nazis and extremists: Experts were not surprised
that officers were part of the mob, given the ties
between some police and white supremacist groups in
recent years, by Sam Levin
US judge blocks release of Tennessee man [Eric
Munchel] in Capitol riot, by Associated Press
U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President
Trump, by CSpan
Undercover Israeli Forces Kill Three Palestinians in
West Bank Raid, by Amy Goodman
Video Shows Israeli Guards Brutally Assaulting
Palestinian Prisoners, by Amy Goodman
Utter Baloney': Rep. Himes Knocks Trump's Excuses
For Having Classified Material, by Ali Velshi, MSNBC
‘Utterly Deranged Logic’: Reporter On Meadows And
Members Of Congress Texting To Overturn 2020, by
Videos show ally of Marjorie Taylor Greene among mob
inside Capitol during January 6 riot, by Andrew
Kaczynski and Em Steck
Wall Street Journal: White House pressured Georgia
federal prosecutor to resign, by Kelly Mena
Was Donald Trump Reinstated as President Today? It’s
August 13, and you know what that means: Mike
Lindell and his legion of MAGA die-hards are waiting
for the former president to take back the White
House. There’s still time!, by Jacob Silverman
Watch a defensive Mike Lindell get fact-checked by
CNN over his baseless claims that China hacked the
election, by Grace Dean
Watch Biden’s full Jan. 6 anniversary speech, by
Pres. Joe Biden
Watch what Liz Cheney told supporters after losing
Wyoming GOP primary,
by CNN
Watchdog asks for investigation into whether Rep. Mo
Brooks incited riot with rally speech, by Zack Budryk
Letter from
Campaign for Accountability to Office of Congressional
Ethics Re Request for Investigation of Representative
Morris "Mo" Brooks
Mo Brooks on House Floor Calls for Honest & Accurate
Elections, by Congressman Mo Brooks
Watergate Prosecutor [Nick Ackerman]: Trump ‘Up To
His Eyeballs In Criminality’, by Katie Phang
‘We All Got Played’: QAnon Followers Implode After Big
Moment Never Comes, by Jack Brewster
Inherits the Mess of a Lying Madman, by Jimmy Kimmel
We Are Retired Generals and Admirals. Trump’s
Actions on Jan. 6 Were a Dereliction of Duty, by
Steve Abbot, Peter Chiarelli, John Jumper, James
Loy, John Nathman, William Owens and Johnnie Wilson
We Can’t Just “Move On”: AOC & Rashida Tlaib Demand
Accountability for Deadly Capitol Attack, by Amy
'We get our President or we die': FBI issued dire
warning day before Capitol riots; 170 suspects
investigated, by Kevin Johnson
Weeks before Mar-a-Lago search, ex-Trump DOD
official vowed to publish classified documents from
National Archives: Kash Patel said he planned to
post documents from the National Archives online, by
Will Steakin, Alexander Mallin, and Katherine
West Virginia lawmaker Derrick Evans faces federal
charges in Capitol siege, by Erin Donaghue
What went wrong with security at the Capitol? The
Capitol Police, the 2,000-person force whose job is to
secure the complex, failed to deploy enough officers
and did not put them in riot gear, by Ken Dilanian and
Julia Ainsley
When did the Jan. 6 rally become a march to the
Capitol?, by Philip Bump
When Trump started his speech before the Capitol riot,
talk on Parler turned to civil war: Text analysis
shows calls for civil war intensified on the
right-leaning social media app Parler as Trump urged
his followers to march on the Capitolm by Aleszu
Bajak, Jessica Guynn and Mitchell Thorson
Where Are the Witnesses? Ralph Nader Says Democrats’
Impeachment Case Is “Prescription for Defeat”, by Amy
Which Side, by The Lincoln Project
from the Lincoln Project, by Ryan Wiggins, Senior
Communications Advisor & Nate Nesbitt, National Press
Why Arrest Warrants Should Issue for Trump, Don Jr.,
Rudy & Others for the Jan. 6 US Capitol Riot, by Glenn
Why [Officer] Fanone thinks GOP lawmakers that
defied subpoenas should be arrested, by CNN
Why the GOP is Still 'Ride or Die' for Trumpism, by
Mehdi Hasan
Why the Trump Org Criminal Charges May Open the
Indictment Flood Gates: A Matter of Precedent, by
Glenn Kirschner
Will Trump's Written Confession Regarding Pence
"Overturning" Election Prod DOJ into Action?, by
Glenn Kirschner
Will Trump
run in 2024? How the DOJ could boost his bid: If the
Justice Department doesn’t prosecute Trump and he
runs for re-election in 2024, we can expect him to
talk about his “confirmed innocence” at every
rally., by Glenn Kirschner
With Top Secret documents found at, & classified
documents missing from, Mar-a-Lago, DOJ must act, by
Glenn Kirschner
With Trump's COS Meadows' Democracy-Ending
PowerPoint, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .
RICO, by Glenn Kirschner
Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN,
January 5, 2021
Inside the
38-page PowerPoint TrumpWorld circulated to justify
election subversion: A version of the document
circulating online is similar to one turned over by
Mark Meadows: NYT, by Brett Bachman
Meadows PowerPoint Plan to Overturn Election Results
Revealed, by Ewan Palmer
Woman dies after shooting during pro-Trump occupation
of US Capitol, by ITV News
Yes, Jan. 6 Capitol assault was an “armed
insurrection”: Ron Johnson stated on February 15, 2021
in a radio interview: Says Jan. 6 Capitol riot “didn’t
seem like an armed insurrection.”, by Eric Litke
Keilar blasts GOP senator's Capitol riot claim, by
Brianna Keilar
Zerlina Maxwell's One-on-One With Karine Jean-Pierre,
by Zerlina Maxwell
Rep. Phillips
says he did not truly understand white privilege until
the Capitol riot, by Joseph Choi
Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and
Savage as He Promised, by Glenn Greenwald
Unfolding the Future of the Long War: Motivations,
Prospects, and Implications for the U.S. Army, by
Christopher G. Pernin, Brian Nichiporuk, Dale Stahl,
Justin Beck, Ricky Radaelli-Sanchez
U.S. Backing Has Given Israel License to Kill & Maim
Palestinians, by Amy Goodman
12 Killed, 3,000 Wounded as Israel Triggers
Explosives Planted in Pagers Used by Hezbollah
8 Killed as Israel Bombs School Housing Displaced
Palestinians in Gaza
Israel Blamed as Pager Explosions in Lebanon Kill 12
& Injure 2,800; Hezbollah Vows to Respond, by Amy
State Dept. Denies Advance Knowledge of Pager Plot;
Kamala Harris Defends U.S. Arms to Israel
100+ Days into Israel’s War on Gaza, Doctors Demand
Ceasefire to Address “Apocalyptic” Health Crisis, by
Amy Goodman\
“A Catastrophe That Cannot Be Described”:
Palestinian Poet in Rafah on Daily Hardships Amid
Israel’s War, by Amy Goodman
Rachel Corrie: Parents & Friend Remember U.S.
Activist Crushed by Israeli Bulldozer in Rafah in
2003, by Amy Goodman
A former State Dept. official explains why he
resigned over U.S. arms sent to Israel, by Rachel
A Letter from Michael Moore Regarding the Killings
of Palestinians and Israelis, by Michael Moore
Likud court
restores member who said ‘6 million more’ Ashkenazim
should burn: Panel says Itzik Zarka’s remarks
‘crossed red lines’ but hails him as ‘devoted and
committed’ to ruling party, rejects petitions
against two other activists for, contentious acts,
by Toi Staff
“A Major Massacre” in Jabaliya; Israeli Forces Raid
Kamal Adwan Hospital in Northern Gaza, Killing
Patients, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
“Forest of Noise”: Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha
on New Book, Relatives Killed in Gaza & More, by Amy
Israeli Airstrike Kills 3 Journalists in Southern
“Worse and Worse”: Hospital Director in North Gaza
Says Israeli Assault on Jabaliya Is Bloodiest Yet,
by Amy Goodman
A Plea from Gaza: Israel Bombing Campaign Is Turning
My Homeland into a “Wasteland”, by Amy Goodman
“A Sea of Misery”: Gaza Is Unlike Anything I’ve Ever
Seen, Says NGO Head/Ex-CNN Journalist Arwa Damon, by
Amy Goodman
“Empty Words”: Kenneth Roth on Biden’s Criticism of
Israel While U.S. Keeps Weapons Flowing, by Amy
A Second Nakba? Israel Orders 1.1 Million
Palestinians to Evacuate Northern Gaza Amid Bombing
& Siege, by Amy Goodman
Former EU
Envoy: Israel’s Forced Transfer of Palestinians in
Gaza Would Be a War Crime, by Amy Goodman
Erakat: Western Leaders & Media Are Justifying
Israel’s “Genocidal Campaign” Against Palestinians,
by Amy
Health System at a “Breaking Point” Amid Israeli
Siege & Bombing, by Amy Goodman
“A Textbook Case of Genocide”: Israeli Holocaust
Scholar Raz Segal Decries Israel’s Assault on Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
“A War Against Palestinian Americans”: Jailed,
Attacked, Killed in West Bank and U.S., by Amy
“A War Machine Out of Control”: Israel Keeps
Attacking Aid Workers as Gaza Faces Famine, by Amy
Ex-Israeli Negotiator Slams U.S. Arming of Israel
Following Aid Convoy Attack & Iran Consulate
Bombing, by Amy Goodman
Israel Moves to Ban Al Jazeera in Latest Attack on
Journalists Who Expose Horrors of War & Occupation,
by Amy Goodman
Accounts of the Struggle: “The work for Palestinians
today is to explore how we can reclaim our
revolutionary legacy and extend it into the
twenty-first century.” Tareq Baconi, interviewed by
Max Nelson
After Al-Ahli Hospital Blast Kills 500, Gaza Doctor
Fears for His Life & Safety of His Patients, by Amy
Aid Worker in Gaza: The Only Barrier to Delivering
Supplies Is Israel. The U.S. Must Pressure Its Ally,
by Amy Goodman
U.N. Rapporteur Francesca Albanese Urges Arms
Embargo & Sanctions on Israel over War Crimes in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Al Jazeera’s Marwan Bishara on IDF Killing AJ
Journalist, the 3 Hostages & U.S. Support for
Israel, by Amy Goodman
Amid Gaza Ceasefire, Israel Arrests Hundreds &
Continues “Colonial Violence” in Occupied Palestine,
by Amy Goodman
Amnesty International Concludes Israel Is Committing
Genocide in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Syrian Gov’t Withdraws from Key City of Hama as
Opposition Forces Advance
An historical step towards ending Israel's impunity
! FRANCESCA ALBANESE reacts to ICC decision, by
Frank Barat
Angela Davis & Noura Erakat on Palestinian
Solidarity, Gaza & Israel’s Killing of Ahmad Erekat,
by Amy Goodman
Annexation, Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide: Mustafa
Barghouti Decries Israel’s Deadly Campaign in Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Another Nakba? Israeli Intel Ministry Proposes
Expelling Every Palestinian in Gaza to Egypt, by Amy
Department Official Resigns, Says Israel Is Using
U.S. Arms to Massacre Civilians in Gaza, by Amy
Why I
Resigned From the State Department, by Josh Paul
Interfaith Rally Urges Senators Warren & Markey to
Support Gaza Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
“Anti-Zionism Is Not Antisemitism”: Palestinian
Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian on Hebrew Univ. Suspension,
by Amy Goodman
“Towers of Ivory and Steel”: Jewish Scholar Says
Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom, by
Amy Goodman
As 2-Month-Old Starves to Death in Gaza, Mosab Abu
Toha Says His Own Family Is Eating Animal Feed, by
Amy Goodman
Gaza Ceasefire Could Save 75,000 from Death: Report
from London School of Hygiene & Johns Hopkins, by
Amy Goodman
U.S. Anti-Terrorism Laws Are “Anti-Palestinian at
the Core,” Chill First Amendment, by Amy Goodman
As Israel Blocks More U.N. Aid, Gaza Is on the Brink
of “Most Intense Famine” Since WW2, by Amy Goodman
At Least 25 Killed in Walkie-Talkie Explosions in
Lebanon, One Day After Pager Attack Kills 12, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
Arab American Leader Responds After GOP Senator Says
at Hearing, “You Should Hide Your Head in a Bag”, by
Amy Goodman
Evidence in Pager Explosion Points to Israel as U.N.
Warns Against Weaponizing Civilian Objects
Israel Declares War Is Moving Toward Lebanon Border
as It Continues Deadly Attacks in Gaza
Lebanon: 37 Dead, 3,400+ Injured in Wave of
Explosions in Electronic Devices Booby-Trapped by
Israel, by Amy Goodman
Standing at Gaza Border Felt Like Visiting
Auschwitz: Burmese Genocide Scholar Maung Zarni, by
Amy Goodman
U.N. General Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling on
Israel to End Illegal Occupation of Palestine
“We Must End Our Complicity”: Sanders Unveils
Resolution to Block $20B in Arms Sales to Israel
At Least 95 Palestinians Are Killed in One Day as
Israel Intensifies Attacks on Northern Gaza, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
Israel’s Assault on Lebanon Destroys or Damages
One-Quarter of All Buildings Near Border
Israeli Forces Detain, Beat and Brand Palestinians
After Deadly West Bank Raid
Peace Activists Celebrate as Barclays Sells Shares
of Israeli Weapons Maker Elbit Systems
Bill Clinton Sparks Outrage After Saying Israel Was
“Forced” to Kill Civilians in Gaza
“Atmosphere of Hate”: AFSC Leader & Palestinian
Vermonter on Shooting of 3 College Students, by Amy
Jeremy Scahill: Israel’s “Lethal Lie” About Al-Shifa
Hospital as Hamas Base Was Co-Signed by Biden, by
Amy Goodman
“Axis of Resistance”: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis
Challenge U.S. & Israeli Power Amid Middle East
Tension, by Amy Goodman
As Phone Line Breaks Up, Palestinian Journalist
Akram al-Satarri Describes “Dire” Conditions in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Palestine Exception: U.S. Colleges Suppress Free
Speech, Academic Freedom for Students & Professors,
by Amy Goodman
Who Funds Canary Mission? James Bamford on Group
That Doxxes Students & Profs for Palestine
Activismby Amy Goodman
Bashar al-Assad Ousted as Syrian Leader Following
12-Day Offensive, by Amy Goodman
“Assad Is Gone”: Writer Yassin al-Haj Saleh on
Syria, His 16 Years in Prison & Wife’s
Disappearance, by Amy Goodman
Israel & U.S. Bomb Syria as Questions Swirl over
Future of Post-Assad Syria
Israel Kills Dozens in Gaza; Electricity, Oxygen &
Water Cut at Kamal Adwan Hospital
Pope Francis Unveils Nativity Scene of Jesus in Crib
Lined with a Palestinian Keffiyeh
“Remarkable Moment”: After Fleeing Syria, “For Sama”
Director Waad Al-Kateab Celebrates End of Assad, by
Amy Goodman
Syrians Are Celebrating Fall of Assad, Even as “the
Bigger Picture Is Grim”: Scholar Bassam Haddad, by
Amy Goodman
"Between the Hammer and the Anvil": The Story Behind
the New York Times October 7 Exposé, by Jeremy
Scahill, Ryan Grim, Daniel Boguslaw
“Beyond Our Imagination”: Journalist Describes Total
Destruction, with Fellow Gazans Buried Alive, by Amy
Palestinian American Woman Tries to Save Family in
Gaza After Her Mom Dies Awaiting Evacuation, by Amy
Israel’s War on Children: Fadi Abu Shammalah on
Horrific Ordeal Facing Kids in Gaza, Including His
Own, by Amy Goodman
Starvation as a Weapon of War: Human Rights Watch
Denounces Israel for Denying Gaza Access to Food, by
Amy Goodman
Bibi Biden & Bibi Blinken, by Ralph Nader
Biden Admin OKs More Weapons for Israel as Death
Toll of Gaza Genocide Tops 41,200, by Amy Goodman,
Biden and Harris Have Not Contacted the Family of
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, the U.S. Citizen Killed by Israel
Houthi-Launched Missile Strikes Central Israel, No
Casualties Reported
Israeli Sniper Kills UNRWA Employee in Occupied West
“Netanyahu Wants Open-Ended War”: Palestinian
Journalist & Fmr. Israeli Negotiator on Gaza
Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
Biden, AOC Address Night 1 of DNC as Palestinian
Rights Activists Shine Light on Gaza Genocide, by
Amy Goodman
First-Ever DNC Panel on Palestinian Rights: We Need
to “Restore the Soul of the Democratic Party”, by
Amy Goodman
Muslim, Immigrant & Jewish Delegates Unfurl “Stop
Arming Israel” Banner During Biden DNC Speech, by
Amy Goodman
Biden’s Erasure of Arabs Is Part of a Painful
History I Know Too Well: For decades, we have faced
death threats, political exclusion, and
discrimination for our pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian
work. It’s long past time for things to change, by
James Zogby
Biden’s Middle East Policy “Leading Us into a War
Whose Aims We Have Not Defined”, by Amy Goodman
“An Act of Assassination”: Mustafa Barghouti Slams
Undercover Israeli Raid on Jenin Hospital, by Amy
Israeli Cabinet Members Join Settler Event of
Thousands Calling for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
Biden's Pontius Pilate Moment
Biden’s SOTU on Gaza: Israeli Daughter of Freed
Hostage & Palestinian American Professor Respond, by
Amy Goodman
Bodies Recovered at Mass Graves in Nasser Hospital
Bear Signs of Torture, Mutilation & Execution, by
Amy Goodman
Amnesty International: Global Breakdown of Int’l Law
Amid Flagrant War Crimes in Gaza & Beyond, by Amy
Hundreds Arrested: Students Across U.S. Protest for
Palestine as Campus Crackdown Intensifies, by Amy
Bombs, Disease, Starvation: Canadian Doctor
Describes the Desperate Situation Inside Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
Boobytraps, Bombs & Blowback, by Ralph Nader
British Surgeon Describes Children Suffering
“Appalling Injuries” in Gaza, Demands Immediate
Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
“Humanitarian Violence” in Gaza: Architect Eyal
Weizman on Mapping Israel’s “Genocidal Campaign”, by
Amy Goodman
Campus Crackdown: 300+ Arrested in Police Raids on
Columbia & CCNY to Clear Gaza Encampments, by Amy
Juan González, Veteran of '68 Columbia Strike,
Condemns University Leaders' Silence on Gaza
Slaughter, by Amy Goodman
Reed Brody: U.S. Hypocrisy Laid Bare as Biden Admin
Claims ICC Can’t Prosecute Israel for War Crimes, by
Amy Goodman
USC Grad Student Union Files Unfair Labor Practice
Charge Against University over Arrests, by Amy
Can Biden Rein Bibi In? As Israel sets its sights on
Iran, the US declares nuclear targets out of bounds,
by Seymour Hersh
Capitol Police Violently Break Up Jewish-Organized
DNC Protest Calling for Gaza Ceasefire, by Amy
Sharif Abdel Kouddous on the Targeting of
Journalists & Israel’s “Colonial Fantasy” to
Depopulate Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Cashing in on the War in Gaza, by Ralph Nader
Ceasefire Now! Rashida Tlaib, Naomi Klein Join
Thousands in Jewish-Led D.C. Protest Against Gaza
War, by Amy Goodman
Chicago PD Arrests Protesters at Israeli Consulate;
16 Activists from U.K.’s Palestine Action in Prison,
by Amy Goodman
Andy Levin, Pushed Out of Congress by AIPAC, Calls
for Change in U.S.-Israel Policy, by Amy Goodman
As Gaza War Is Largely Ignored on DNC Stage, Doubts
Grow over Blinken’s Claims on Ceasefire Talks, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Continues Its Genocidal War, Attacking
Another Gaza School and Pushing Gazans Out of Deir
Israeli Strikes in Lebanon Kill at Least 6 as
Cross-Border Fighting Adds to Growing Tensions
Released Palestinian Describes Detention at Ofer
Prison, Site of “Systematic Torture and Humiliation”
Report Says Countries and Oil Co’s Supplying Israel
May Be Complicit in Genocide Under Int’l Law
U.S. Doctors Share Horrors They Witnessed in Gaza at
DNC Press Conference
What I Saw Was “Unfathomable”: Doctor Who Worked in
Gaza Speaks Out Against U.S. Arming of Israel, by
Amy Goodman
“Christ in the Rubble”: Watch Palestinian Pastor
Deliver Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem, by
Amy Goodman
Christmas in Palestine: Bethlehem Reverend Slams
West for Praising Prince of Peace & Beating Drums of
War, by Amy Goodman
Labor Demands a Ceasefire: UAW, Electrical & Postal
Workers Call for Israel’s Assault on Gaza to End, by
Amy Goodman
Christmas Canceled in Bethlehem as Churches Mourn
20,000+ Palestinians Killed in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Gazan Attorney Who Has Lost 60 Relatives in Israeli
Attacks Says U.S. Is “Complicit in Genocide”, by Amy
“Clear Intention of Ethnic Cleansing”: Israeli
Holocaust Scholar Omer Bartov Warns of Genocide in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“From the
River to the Sea”: Omer Bartov on Contested Slogan &
Why Two-State Solution Is Not Viable, by Amy Goodman
Groups Ask ICC to Arrest Israeli PM Benjamin
Netanyahu for War Crimes & Genocide in Gaza, by Amy
“Complete Hypocrisy”: Activist Bree Newsome Bass on
Biden Fighting Racism While Funding Gaza Genocide,
by Amy Goodman
Conscientious Objector/Israel Agents, by Ralph Nader
Cornell University Student Facing Deportation for
Participating in Gaza Solidarity Protest, by Amy
Goodoman, DemocracyNow
Acclaimed Author Jhumpa Lahiri Declines Noguchi
Award over Museum’s Keffiyeh Ban
Report from Beirut: Israel Is “Targeting Everyone”
in Bombing Campaign, Killing 700+ in Just Days, by
Amy Goodman
Crowds of Hungry Palestinians Queue for Food Amid
Shortage of Flour Due to Israeli Siege
Al Jazeera Reporter Injured After Israel Struck Gaza
Home Following Earlier Attack
Protests Rock Senate Office Building Ahead of Vote
on U.S. Military Aid to Israel
“Dark Days”: Israeli Human Rights Leader Orly Noy on
Israel’s War on Palestinians After Hamas Attack, by
Amy Goodman
“Do You Hear
the Bombing?”: Gazan Human Rights Lawyer Raji
Sourani Describes Israeli Siege of Gaza City, by Amy
Killed His Friend, But Knesset Member Cassif Says
End the Occupation Now, All “Pay the Price”, by Amy
Rashid Khalidi: Palestinians “Living Under
Incredible Oppression, … It Had to Explode”, by Amy
“Criminal Act”: Israel Bans Al Jazeera, Largest
Int’l News Org. in Gaza, Ahead of Rafah Invasion, by
Amy Goodman
- Revolt on Campus:
Protests over Gaza Disrupt Graduation Ceremonies as
Police Crack Down on Encampments, by Amy Goodman
- “They Are
Starving,” Says Doctor Back from Gaza; World Food
Programme Warns North in “Full-Blown Famine”,
by Amy Goodman
Deadly Bombing in Iran Kills Dozens as Tensions Rise
Across the Middle East, by Amy Goodman
Dearborn Mayor to Biden: “Lives of Palestinians
Should Not Be Measured Simply in Poll Numbers”, by
Amy Goodman
Death and Donations: Did the Israeli Volunteer Group
Handling the Dead of October 7 Exploit Its Role? The
Zaka volunteer group began collecting bodies in the
devastated communities of southern Israel
immediately after the Hamas attack, while the IDF
sidelined soldiers trained to retrieve remains. An
investigation reveals cases of negligence,
misinformation and a fundraising campaign that used
the dead as props, by Aaron Rabinowitz
Displacement, Disease and Death Plague Gazans as
Israel Continues Its Genocidal Assault, by Amy
- Peter Beinart &
Omer Bartov on UPenn President Resignation, Gaza &
the Weaponization of Antisemitism, by Amy Goodman
- “Please Stop This
War Against Us”: Gaza Doctor Begs for World’s Help
as Hunger & Disease Spread, by Amy Goodman
- State Dept.
Whistleblower Blasts Blinken for Bypassing Congress
to Send 14K Tank Munitions to Israel, by Amy Goodman
- UPenn President
Steps Down Amid Right-Wing Firestorm over
Pro-Palestinian Movement on Campuses, by Amy Goodman
- UNGA to Convene
on Gaza Ceasefire After U.S. Vetoes Security Council
Resolution, by Amy Goodman
- U.S. Vetoes U.N.
Gaza Ceasefire Again as Biden Veers Far from Global
Consensus, Death Toll Tops 18,000, by Amy Goodman
Dissent Grows Inside Biden Administration over Gaza
Policy as Blinken Holds Talks in Middle East, by Amy
- “Unconscionable”:
American Pediatrician Who Worked in Gaza Hospital
Recalls Horrors of Israel’s War, by Amy Goodman
“Divide and Rule”: How Israel Helped Start Hamas to
Weaken Palestinian Hopes for Statehood, by Amy
DNC Kicks Off as Progressives and Uncommitted
Delegates Demand Harris Take Action on Gaza
Genocide, by Amy Goodman
- Israel Attacks
Southern Lebanon, Killing 10 Civilians from Syria
- Israeli Relatives
of Hamas Hostages Rally in Tel Aviv Ahead of Blinken
- First Case of
Polio Identified in Gaza in 10-Month-Old Baby
- Gazans Hold Out
Little Hope as Blinken Pushes for Ceasefire in Tel
- Kamala Harris Is
Reaching Out to Arab American Leaders, But Will
There Be Any Change in Gaza Policy?, by Amy Goodman
- Protesters Demand
“Not Another Bomb” on Gaza in Marches Across the
- Voices from the
Streets of Chicago: DNC Protesters Call for Gaza
Ceasefire & Economic Justice, by Amy Goodman
Doctor Reports on Bombing of Nasser Hospital Just
Before Israeli Troops Storm Complex, by Amy Goodman
- “I Always Imagine
Myself Being Blown Up”: Journalist in Rafah on Dire
Situation as Invasion Looms, by Amy Goodman
- Kenneth Roth:
Only Joe Biden Has Power to Stop “Massive Bloodshed”
of a Rafah Invasion, by Amy Goodman
- “Obscene”: Biden
Pushes House to Approve Bill with $14B in Military
Aid to Israel, Cuts UNRWA Funding, by Amy Goodman
Dozens Killed in Gaza as Israel Bombs Mosque, School
and Homes on Anniversary of Oct. 7 Attacks, by Amy
- Gaza Journalist
Hassan Hamad Killed by Artillery Fire After Threats
from Israeli Officer
- Massive
Explosions Rock Beirut and Southern Lebanon as
Israel Steps Up Bombing Campaign
- Israeli Peace
Activist Maoz Inon Lost His Parents on October 7.
He’s Calling for an End to War & Occupation, by Amy
- “Netanyahu
Dragged Israel into Never-ending War”: Hostage
Families Protest on Oct. 7 Anniversary
- New Reports
Reveal U.S. Ignored Warnings of Israeli Plans to
Decimate Gaza, Attack Aid Convoys
- Palestinian Poet
Mosab Abu Toha: One Year After Oct. 7, U.S. Is Still
Arming Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
- Photojournalist
Sets Self on Fire to Protest Media Complicity in
Gaza Genocide
- President Macron
Halts French Weapons Exports to Israel
- Protesters Take
to the Streets Across the Globe to Mark One Year of
Israel’s Genocidal War on Gaza
- Report from
Beirut: Israel Intensifies Bombardment of Lebanon,
Displacing 1.2 Million, by Amy Goodman
- “The Path
Forward”: Palestinian and Israeli Activists Working
Toward Peace Featured in New Film, by Amy Goodman
Dozens of Palestinians Killed in Renewed Israeli
Attacks as Weeklong Gaza Truce Expires, by Amy
- Arizona Police
Arrest Protesters and Journalist Covering Blockade
of Raytheon Building, by Amy Goodman
- Freed Palestinian
Prisoners Say They Faced Torture and Rape in Israeli
Jails, by Amy Goodman
- “Mass
Assassination Factory”: Israel Using AI to Generate
Targets in Gaza, Increasing Civilian Toll, by Amy
- MSNBC Cancels
“The Mehdi Hasan Show,” Sparking Uproar, by Amy
- NYT: Israel Had
Hamas Battle Plan More Than a Year Ago But Failed to
Prevent Oct. 7 Attacks, by Amy Goodman
- Resumed Bombing
of Gaza Will Be Crushing to Palestinian Students
Shot in Vermont, Says Victim’s Mother, by Amy
Drone Strike Kills 3 U.S. Troops in Jordan; Risk
Grows of Regional War over Israeli Assault on Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
- Chicago ER Doctor
Just Back from Gaza Says Patients, Medical Staff
Face Catastrophic Conditions, by Amy Goodman
- Despite Looming
Gaza Famine, U.S. Halts UNRWA Funding After Israel
Claims 12 U.N. Staff Aided 10/7 Attack, by Amy
- Palestinians
Charge Genocide in U.S. Court; Biden, Blinken Sued
for Backing Israel’s War on Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Dutch appeals court orders Netherlands to stop
exporting F-35 parts to Israel amid humanitarian
concerns, by PBS
Ex-UNRWA Official: Funding Cuts Make Donor Countries
Complicit in Starvation of Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Family of key case in New York Times October 7
sexual violence report renounces story, says
reporters manipulated them. A New York Times story
claiming a pattern of gender-based violence on
October 7 hinged on the story of Gal Abdush. But the
Abdush family says there is no proof she was raped,
and that Times reporters interviewed them under
false pretenses, by the Short String
Five Children Among the Dead as Israel Bombs Homes
in Deir al-Balah, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow!
- “Every Life a
Universe”: On Oct. 7, Jewish Activists Mourn, Pray
and Demand End to Gaza Genocide
- Israel Orders
Expulsion of Lebanon’s Southern Coast, Expands
Attacks on Beirut Suburbs
- Israeli Forces
Kill 12-Year-Old Child and 66-Year-Old Man in Raids
on Occupied West Bank
- Mourners in
Michigan Hold Funeral for Hajj Kamel Ahmad Jawad,
Killed by Israeli Strike in Lebanon
- Ta-Nehisi Coates:
I Was Told Palestine Was Complicated. Visiting
Revealed a Simple, Brutal Truth, by Amy Goodman
- “The Message”:
Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Power of Writing & Visiting
Senegal, South Carolina, Palestine, by Amy Goodman
Fmr. Israeli Peace Negotiator Daniel Levy: U.S.
Pressure on Israel Is Key to Lasting Gaza Ceasefire,
by Amy Goodman
- Report from Rafah:
Israel Seizes Border Crossing, Blocking Humanitarian
Aid, as Ceasefire Talks Continue, by Amy Goodman
- “Stop Weaponizing
Antisemitism”: Police “Body-Slam” Jewish Dartmouth
Prof. at Campus Gaza Protest, by Amy Goodman
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s
blown up in our faces. The premier’s policy of
treating the terror group as a partner, at the
expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has
resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to
heal from, by Tal Schneider
Former Israeli Negotiator Daniel Levy: Only U.S.
Pressure on Israel Can End Gaza Assault, Lead to
Truce, by Amy Goodman
- Jeremy Scahill:
Israel Has Waged a “Deliberate Propaganda Campaign”
to Justify Brutal Gaza Assault, by Amy Goodman
“Forest of Noise”: Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha
on New Book, Relatives Killed in Gaza & More, by Amy
From Plagiarism to Gaza: Khalil Gibran Muhammad on
How a GOP Campaign Ousted Harvard’s Claudine Gay, by
Amy Goodman
- Assassination of
Hamas Official in Lebanon Raises Risk of Israel’s
War on Gaza Expanding Across Region, by Amy Goodman
- “Voluntary
Migration” or Ethnic Cleansing? Mouin Rabbani on
Israel’s Push to Expel Residents of Gaza, by Amy
“Gaslighting and Cherry-Picking”: How Israel Is
Defending Itself at World Court on Charges of
Genocide, by Amy Goodman
- “They Want to
Silence Us”: Knesset Member Ofer Cassif Faces
Expulsion for Backing South Africa Genocide
Case, by Amy Goodman
Gaza After a Year of War: A new documentary
chronicles destruction and abuse, by Seymour Hersh
Gaza Death Toll Approaches 16,000 as Israel
Intensifies Attacks and Lays Siege to Hospitals, by
Amy Goodman
- Climate Crossfire:
From Gaza to Ukraine, How War & Military Spending
Accelerate Climate Chaos, by Amy Goodman
- Israeli Strikes
Kill World-Renowned Researcher Sofyan Taya,
Journalist Montaser Al-Sawaf, by Amy Goodman
- Lawsuit Accuses
Netherlands’ Government of Complicity in Israeli War
Crimes, by Amy Goodman
- “There Simply Is
No Safe Place in Gaza”: Aid Groups Demand Ceasefire
as Israel Intensifies Its War, by Amy Goodman
- U.S. State
Department Says It’s “Too Soon” to Judge Whether
Israel Is Protecting Civilians, by Amy Goodman
Gaza Doctor Says Hospitals Have to Choose Who Lives
and Who Dies Amid Worsening Humanitarian Crisis, by
Amy Goodman
Historian Ilan Pappé on Gaza War, Hostages & the
Context Behind Current Violence, by Amy Goodman
Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Activists Blocked from
Sailing to Gaza But Vow to Keep Trying to Break
Siege, by Amy Goodman
“Lyd”: Palestinian & Jewish Directors of New Sci-Fi
Doc on How 1948 Nakba Devastated Palestinian City,
by Amy Goodman
Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet
Waldman Arrested Trying to Bring Food to Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
Gaza Hospitals Fail Under Israeli Bombardment;
Doctors Without Borders Describes Horrific
Conditions, by Amy Goodman
“Beacon of Light”: Fellow Doctors Recall Dr.
Hammam Alloh, Gaza Doctor Killed by Israeli
Airstrike, by Amy Goodman
“We’re Being Exterminated”: Hear One of Dr.
Hammam Alloh’s Last Interviews from Gaza Before
His Death, by Amy Goodman
“Gaza Is Running Out of Life”: Human Rights Watch
Sounds Alarm on Israel’s Collective Punishment, by
Amy Goodman
Gaza Journalist: Israel Is Deliberately Targeting
the Media by Bombing AP & Al Jazeera Offices, by Amy
Gaza Physician: Israel Is Targeting Doctors & Health
Facilities to Overwhelm Our Crumbling System, by Amy
Gaza Seen From the Ground: A view from inside the
war, by Seymour Hersh
“Genocide”: Palestinian Lawmaker Condemns Netanyahu
for Bombing Gaza to Stay in Power, Avoid Charges, by
Amy Goodman
“Genocidal Machine”: Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah on
Israel’s Destruction of Gaza’s Hospitals, by Amy
“Dying Slowly While the World Is Watching”:
Bethlehem Reverend on Israel’s War on Palestinian
by Amy Goodman
Israeli Protesters Accuse Netanyahu of Delaying
Hostage Deal for His Own Political Survival, by Amy
Gideon Levy & Noura Erakat on Israel’s Gaza Assault,
U.S. Complicity and Ending the Occupation, by Amy
“Gravest International Crimes”: U.N. Aid Chief
Blasts Israel’s Deadly Siege on Gaza
Biden Won’t Enforce U.S. Law Requiring Halt of Arms
to Israel Despite Clear Human Rights Abuses
Israeli Strikes Kill Dozens in Beirut Suburbs and
Mount Lebanon Governorate
Mike Huckabee, Who Declared “There’s No Such Thing
as a Palestinian,” Named U.S. Ambassador to Israel
National Press Club’s Press Freedom Award Goes to
Wael al-Dahdouh for Gaza Coverage
Hezbollah Denies Reports Israeli Troops Have Invaded
Southern Lebanon, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
Fears Grow over Israeli Ground Invasion as Israel
Orders Residents in 25 Lebanese Villages to Flee
Homes, by Amy Goodman
Israel Releases Palestinian Dr. Khaled Alser, Half a
Year After Abducting Him from Gaza Hospital
Overnight Israeli Airstrike Kills More Displaced
Palestinians, Including Children
Syria Says Israeli Strikes on Damascus Kill 3
Civilians Including TV News Anchor
Hezbollah Leader Says Israel Has Crossed “All Red
Lines” as Israel Escalates War with Lebanon, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
“Declaration of War”: Hezbollah Girds for Israeli
Invasion of Lebanon After Mobile Device Attacks, by
Amy Goodman
No Endorsement: Uncommitted Mvmt. Won’t Back Harris,
Trump or Third Party as U.S. Keeps Arming Israel
Students Across U.S. Continue to Protest
Universities’ Complicity in War on Gaza
Video Shows Israeli Soldiers Pushing Bodies of
Palestinians They Killed Off West Bank Roof
U.N. Panel Accuses Israel of Unprecedented
Violations of Children’s Rights in War on Palestine
Historic Gaza Protests at Columbia U. Enter Day 6;
Campus Protests Spread Across Country, by Amy
“Collective Punishment”: As Gaza Assault Continues,
Israel Ramps Up Violence in Occupied West Bank, by
Amy Goodman
“Enormous Expansion of the Law”: James Bamford on
FISA Extension, U.S.-Israel Data Sharing, by Amy
“No Due Process”: Columbia Prof. Mamdani Slams
Arrests & Suspension of Students at Gaza Protests,
by Amy Goodman
“Horrific”: Resident of Jabaliya Refugee Camp Speaks
Out After Israeli Airstrikes Kill Over 50, by Amy
Case of Genocide”: Top U.N. Official Craig Mokhiber
Resigns, Denounces Israeli Assault on Gaza, by Amy
“Horror Show”: Doctors Without Borders Demands
Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza, Medical Aid for
Wounded, by Amy Goodman
“This Is Genocide”: Attorney Raji Sourani on Israeli
War Crimes & Fleeing Gaza After Home Was Bombed, by
Amy Goodman
HRW Condemns Israel’s Collective Punishment on Gaza,
Urges Biden to Help Restore Humanitarian Aid, by Amy
“Huge Miscalculation”: Biden’s Refusal to Push for
Gaza Ceasefire Could Drag U.S. into Middle East War,
by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate: Israel Is
Targeting Media in Gaza to Hide Its Atrocities from
the World, by Amy Goodman
“I Will Not Be Silenced”: Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls
for Gaza Ceasefire as House Votes to Censure Her, by
Amy Goodman
“Stop This
Madness”: Holocaust Survivor Marione Ingram, 87,
Condemns Israeli Assault & Calls for Peace, by Amy
ICC Issues Arrest Warrants for Israeli PM Benjamin
Netanyahu, Ex-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, by Amy
Defund Genocide: Activists at COP29 Link Climate
Fight to Militarism, Gaza, Lebanon & Sudan, by Amy
Despite White House Pressure, 19 U.S. Senators Back
Bernie Sanders’s Bills to Block Arms Sales to
Israel, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Soldiers and Settlers Continue Assault on
West Bank Palestinians
Israeli Strikes Kill 36 in Syria, 9 in Lebanon as
Hezbollah Responds to U.S.-Led Ceasefire Proposal
Sanders’s Senate Resolutions Blocking Arms Transfers
to Israel Fail But Gain Unprecedented Support
U.S. Stands Alone in Vetoing Gaza Ceasefire
Resolution at U.N. Security Council for Fourth Time
Wanted for War Crimes: ICC Issues Arrest Warrants
for Netanyahu & Gallant over Gaza, by Amy Goodman
IDF Attacks Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital After Forcing
Al-Shifa to Shutter, U.N. Helps Evacuate Babies, by
Amy Goodman
Activists Shut Down Event for California
Candidates to U.S. Senate, by Amy Goodman
American Public Health Association Calls for
Ceasefire in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Families of Hostages Complete March to Jerusalem
as Int’l Talks Indicate Possible Progress, by
Amy Goodman
Houthi Fighters Seize Israeli-Linked Japanese
Ship in Red Sea, by Amy Goodman
Israel’s Raid on Al-Shifa Questioned as IDF
Fails to Present Hard Evidence Linking Hamas to
Hospital, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Airstrikes Kill Dozens of Gazans
Sheltering at U.N. School as Death Toll Soars
Above 13,000, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Forces Continue Deadly Raids in West
Bank; Residents of Hebron’s H2 Under Harsh
Lockdown, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Activist Remembers Vivian Silver,
Israeli Canadian Peace Activist Killed in Hamas
Attack, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Death Toll in Gaza Tops 13,000 as
Israel Repeatedly Strikes U.N. Schools Housing
Refugees, by Amy Goodman
Protesters Disrupt Harvard-Yale Football Game to
Call for Gaza Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
IDF Drone Bombed World Central Kitchen Aid Convoy
Three Times, Targeting Armed Hamas Member Who Wasn't
There: The strike on the aid convoy, which travelled
along a route approved by the Israeli army, killed
seven workers of the World Central Kitchen – but the
target, an armed man thought to be a terrorist,
never left the warehouse with the cars, by Yaniv
International Court of Justice Orders Israel to
Prevent Genocide in Gaza But Fails to Order
Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
Investigating war crimes in Gaza: Al Jazeera
Investigations, Al Jazeera English
Is Regional War at Stake as Israel Weighs Response
to Iran? Roundtable from Tehran, Tel Aviv & D.C., by
Amy Goodman
Israel Accused of War Crimes for “Apparently
Deliberate” Killing of Reuters Journalist in
Lebanon, by Amy Goodman
Jeremy Scahill: Gaza “Scorched-Earth Campaign” Is a
“Joint U.S.-Israeli Operation”, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Student Shot in VT & Granddaughter of
Holocaust Survivor Join Haverford Sit-In for Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Israel Attacks Another School Shelter, Killing 12
Palestinians, as North Gaza Remains on Precipice
End the Arms: Humanitarian Chief Jan Egeland Urges
U.S. to Stop Arming Israel Before Trump Takes
Office, by Amy Goodman
Israel Acquires 25 Boeing Fighter Jets, Paid For by
U.S. as Part of “Aid” Package
Israel Kills More Civilians in Attacks on Lebanon,
Levels Historic Structures
New York Activists to Launch Hunger Strike for Gaza
Outside U.N., Joining Global Protest Movement
Spain Rejects Arms Ships Headed for Israel; Canadian
Palestinians Sue Trudeau Gov’t over Genocide
Israel Bombs Gaza Food Distribution Center, Killing
Palestinian Children, by Amy Goodman
Canadian Peace Activists Hold Parliament Hill
Protest to Demand Israel Arms Embargo
Syrian Armed Groups Advance on Hama City After
Seizing Aleppo
Israel Bombs Syria’s Ports; Turkish-Backed Rebels
Seize Territory Held by Kurdish Militias, by Amy
After Fall of Assad, “Struggle from Below” Needed to
Build a Free & Democratic Syria, by Amy Goodman
Another Winter of War: NRC Head Jan Egeland on
Visiting Ukraine & Latest on Sudan, Gaza and Syria,
by Amy Goodman
Families of Syria’s Disappeared Search for Loved
Ones in Sednaya Prison
Israeli Forces Withdraw from Southern Lebanese Town
as Israel’s Violations of Truce Continue
Israel Kills Dozens of Palestinians in Strikes
Across Gaza Strip, Incl. Humanitarian Workers
U.N. Experts Urge World to Hold Israel Accountable,
Call on U.S. and Germany to Halt Arms Supplies
Israeli Sniper Kills Kamal Adwan Surgeon Dr. Saeed
UNGA Overwhelmingly Votes for Gaza Ceasefire; WSJ:
Hamas Agrees to 2 Key Israeli Ceasefire Demands
Israel Continues Deadly Assault on Lebanon as
Cabinet Votes on Ceasefire Deal, by Amy Goodman
Amnesty: Before Trump’s Term, Biden Must Change
Policies on Asylum, Gitmo, Death Penalty, Gaza &
More, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Attacks Kill 14 in Gaza; Bezalel Smotrich
Calls for Palestinian Population to Be Halved
War Crimes in Lebanon: Human Rights Watch Says
Israel Used U.S. Arms to Kill 3 Journalists, by Amy
Israel Continues Deadly Attacks as 4-Day Truce
Announced, Gaza Death Toll Tops 14,100, by Amy
Activists Protest at Missouri Boeing Plant; UTA
Drops Susan Sarandon for Calling for Ceasefire,
by Amy Goodman
BRICS Leaders Call for “Durable Truce”; South
African Lawmakers Vote to Suspend Ties with
Israel, by Amy Goodman
Gaza in Ruins: Satellite Imagery Researchers Say
Israel has Destroyed or Damaged 56,000
Buildings, by Amy Goodman
Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital Under Siege; WHO
Mourns Employee Killed with Family in Israeli
Strike, by Amy Goodman
Israel & Hamas Agree to 4-Day Truce & Hostage
Release as Netanyahu Threatens War on Gaza Will
Go On, by Amy Goodman
Meet the Israeli History Teacher Arrested &
Jailed for Facebook Posts Opposing Killing of
Palestinians, by Amy Goodman
Ro Khanna Joins Congressional Call for Gaza
Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
Three Doctors, Including Members of MSF, Killed
in Strike on Al-Awda Hospital, by Amy Goodman
Israel Continues Deadly West Bank Incursion,
Destroying Streets, Homes, Water & Health
“Campus Has Become Unrecognizable”: Columbia Prof.
Franke Faces Firing After DN Interview on Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
“From the River to the Sea”: Meta Says Palestinian
Solidarity Slogan Is Not Hate Speech
How U.S. College Administrators Are “Dreaming Up
Ways to Squash Gaza Protests”, by Amy Goodman
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Continues as New Leak
Details How Netanyahu Torpedoed Ceasefire Deals
Northwestern Suspends Journalism Professor Steven
Thrasher After Gaza Solidarity Protest, by Amy
Portland, Maine, to Divest from Israeli Companies
Tied to Israel’s Assault on Palestinians
U.S. Criticizes Netanyahu’s Failure to Reach
Ceasefire But Continues to Arm His War on Gaza
Israel Declares “Sterile Zone” in Syria Amid Massive
Bombing Campaign, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Attacks Across Gaza Kill Dozens, Including
Israel’s Yoav Gallant Welcomed to White House
Despite ICC Arrest Warrant for Crimes Against
Syria’s Interim Leader Calls for Return of Millions
of Refugees
Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to
Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony
Blinken Rejected Them. Blinken told Congress, “We do
not currently assess that the Israeli government is
prohibiting or otherwise restricting” aid, even
though the U.S. Agency for International Development
and others had determined that Israel had broken the
law, by Brett Murphy
Israel Fails to Meet 30-Day U.S. Deadline to End
Starvation Campaign in Northern Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Israel Bombs Beirut Suburbs as Defense Minister
Rules Out Ceasefire with Lebanon
Israel’s Smotrich Lauds Trump’s Victory, Orders
Preparations to Illegally Annex West Bank
Israel Halts Assault on Lebanon as Ceasefire Takes
Effect, by Amy Goodman
Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal Highlights Plight of
Palestinian Prisoners, Many of Them Children, by Amy
“There Is an Alternative”: Meet the Israeli &
Palestinian “Combatants for Peace” Urging
Nonviolence, by Amy Goodman
Israel Hinders Polio Vaccination; U.N. Warns Gazans
Getting No Food in “Beyond Catastrophic” Scenario,
by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
“Beyond Catastrophic”: U.N. Issues Dire Warning on
Gaza as Israel Hinders Polio Vaccination Drive, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Continues Assault on West Bank, Leaves
Devastating Scenes After Attacking Jenin and Tulkarm
Israel Is Trying to Destroy Us: Gaza Father & Writer
Speaks Out as Palestinian Death Toll Nears 200, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Kills 6 Int’l Aid Workers & Gazan Driver in
Attack on Chef Andrés’s World Central Kitchen
Convoy, by Amy Goodman
Active-Duty U.S. Airman, Inspired by Aaron Bushnell,
on Hunger Strike Outside White House over Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
Israel “Risking a Two-Front War, Maybe a Three-Front
War,” After Latest Strike Against Iran in Syria, by
Amy Goodman
State Dept. Whistleblower: Biden Is Skirting U.S.
Law by Rushing More Bombs & Warplanes to Israel, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Kills 12 in Renewed Attacks on Southern
Lebanon, Threatening to Unravel Ceasefire, by Amy
14-Year-Old Becomes Youngest-Ever Palestinian
Sentenced to Prison by Israel
“Acts of Massacre and Ethnic Cleansing”: Haggai
Matar on Gaza War, ICC Arrest Warrants & More, by
Amy Goodman
Israeli Attacks on Gaza Lead to World’s Highest Rate
of Child Amputees, U.N. Says
Live Report: Activists Occupy Canadian Parliament
Building to Protest Gaza War & Arming of Israel, by
Amy Goodman
Trump Threatens “Hell to Pay” as Hamas Says 33
Hostages Were Killed by Israeli Airstrikes
Israel Kills 70+ People in Gaza over Past Day,
Launches More Attacks on Kamal Adwan Hospital, by
Amy Goodman
Aid Entering Gaza at Just 6% of Pre-Genocide
Deliveries as Israel Severs Ties with UNRWA
At Least 4 West Bank Palestinians Killed as Israeli
Soldiers and Settlers Continue Deadly Attacks
“Not the End of the Semester”: State Dept. Says Too
Early to “Grade” Israel on North Gaza Actions
Syria Blasts Israeli Airstrikes Near Damascus, Which
Killed at Least 2 People
Israel Kills 87 Palestinians in Strike on Beit Lahia
as Siege on Northern Gaza Intensifies, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
“Collateral Damage”: Hundreds of Patients Trapped in
North Gaza as Israel Intensifies Siege, by Amy
Farah al-Dalou Dies in Hospital Days After Her
Brother Sha’ban al-Dalou Burned to Death
Report from Beirut: Israel Bombs Banks, Attacks
UNIFIL in Expanding War of Aggression, by Amy
U.S. Envoy in Beirut as Israel Attacks Banks, More
U.N. Peacekeeping Forces in Lebanon
U.S. Intel Leak Reveals Details of Israel’s Planned
Attack on Iran
Will Netanyahu Incite a War with Iran? Leaked U.S.
Docs Detail Israel’s Attack Plans, by Amy Goodman
Israel Kills 800 Palestinians as Truce Ends;
Hospitals Under Attack as Gazans Have Nowhere to
Turn, by Amy Goodman
“No One Is Safe in Gaza”: Journalist Akram al-Satarri
Reports from Khan Younis Amid Israeli Assault, by
Amy Goodman
“We Are All Palestinians”: COP28 Activists Demand
Ceasefire in Gaza, Defying Protest Restrictions, by
Amy Goodman
UAW Becomes Largest U.S.-Based Union to Call for
Gaza Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
Israel Kills at Least 25 in Jabaliya U.N. Shelter as
It Tightens Its Chokehold on Northern Gaza, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow!
Ex-State Dept. Official: Israel Is Starving Gaza
Now. We Can’t Wait Another 30 Days to Take Action,
by Amy Goodman
Israel Expands Assault on Lebanon, Attacks Beqaa in
East, Compounding Displacement Crisis
“Itching for a War”: Biden Deploys U.S. Troops to
Israel as Netanyahu Threatens Escalation with Iran,
by Amy Goodman
“The Gaza Playbook”: Israel Brings Displacement,
Death and Destruction to Lebanon, by Amy Goodman
U.S. Ambassador to U.N. Claims U.S. Will Hold Israel
Accountable If It Starves Palestinians
Israel Kills Dozens in Gaza While Imposing “Constant
War” on Palestinian Residents of Jerusalem, by Amy
Israel Kills Dozens of Members of the Same Family in
Jabaliya as Genocidal Attacks Continue
“A Campaign of Genocide”: Noura Erakat Speaks to Ta-Nehisi
Coates About Israel’s War on Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Amsterdam Police Crack Down on Pro-Palestinian
Protesters After Israeli Hooligans Wreak Havoc in
“Complete Charade”: Qatar Withdraws from Ceasefire
Talks, Middle East Prepares for Trump Presidency, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Kills at Least 4 More Palestinian Journalists
in Gaza
Israeli Strikes Kill Dozens in Lebanon, Including 10
Mouin Rabbani on What Really Happened in Amsterdam
Between Israeli Soccer Fans & Local Residents, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Kills Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar, Says It Will
Continue War on Gaza, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow!
Biden Praises Killing of Sinwar in Berlin as Western
Leaders Renew Calls for Ceasefire
College Students at Brown, Northwestern Protest to
Demand End to Gaza Genocide
European Leaders Split over Response to Israel;
Spanish Lawmaker Calls Out Sánchez Hypocrisy
Gideon Levy: Death of Sinwar Won’t End Israel’s War
While U.S. Gives Netanyahu Free Rein in Gaza, by Amy
“I Could Be the Next Sha’ban”: 21-Year-Old
Journalist from Gaza Reports on Teenager Burned
Alive, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Soldier Kills 59-Year-Old Palestinian as She
Harvested Olives on Her Land
Press Groups Demand Israel Allow for Evacuation of
Critically Injured Al Jazeera Reporters
Tareq Baconi on Death of Hamas Chief Sinwar & Why
Killing Palestinian Leaders Won’t Pacify Resistance,
by Amy Goodman
UNIFIL Says Israel Has Used White Phosphorus as
Israeli Military Continues to Attack Its Forces
Israel Kills Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah;
Netanyahu Addresses U.N. Despite Growing Pariah
Gideon Levy: “Israel’s Barbaric Glee over
Nasrallah’s Assassination Is a New Low for Israeli
Society”, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza Kill More Displaced
Palestinians, Journalist Wafa al-Udaini
Israeli Assassination of Hezbollah Chief Hassan
Nasrallah “Shocked All of Lebanon.” What Happens
Next?, by Amy Goodman
Trita Parsi on Israel’s Nasrallah Assassination and
Why Netanyahu Still Wants War with Iran, by Amy
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year
Ago: A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the
attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as
aspirational and ignored specific warnings, by Ronen
Bergman and Adam Goldman
Israel Launches Massive Airstrikes Across Syria
Following Assad’s Ouster, by Amy Goodman
As European Nations Freeze Asylum Applications,
Austria Will Begin Deporting Syrian Refugees
Benjamin Netanyahu Takes the Stand in Delayed
Corruption Trial
Israeli Airstrike Kills 2 West Bank Palestinians in
Tubas; Israeli Army Makes Arrests Amid Ongoing Raids
Israeli Massacres Across Gaza Target Flour Line,
Wipe Al-Kahlout Family Off Civil Registry
“Politics Is Finally Possible”: After Surprise Fall
of Assad in Protracted Civil War, What’s Next?, by
Amy Goodman
“Unleashed”: Report Details How Israeli Soldiers
Brutalize West Bank Palestinians in Hebron, by Amy
Israel Orders Palestinians to Flee Parts of Southern
Gaza, Continues Attacks on Hospitals, by Amy Goodman
24 House Lawmakers Call for Gaza Ceasefire,
Citing Violation of Children’s Rights, by Amy
Biden Calls Xi Jinping a “Dictator” After APEC
Meeting, by Amy Goodman
“Failure to Prevent Genocide”: Biden Sued as
U.S. Provides Arms & Support for Israel’s Gaza
Assault, by Amy Goodman
Israel Has Enjoyed Decades of Legal Impunity.
Could the War on Gaza Finally Change That?, by
Amy Goodman
Majority of National Book Award Finalists Call
for Ceasefire During Prize Ceremony, by Amy
Niece of Israeli PM Netanyahu Backs Ceasefire in
Gaza, Says Military Solutions Will Not Bring
Peace, by Amy Goodman
U.N. Security Council Passes Resolution Calling
for “Humanitarian Pauses” in Gaza, by Amy
Without Citing Evidence, Biden Backs Israel’s
Claim That Hamas Used Hospital as Base, by Amy
Israel Rejects Ceasefire Calls, Prepares for
Possible Ground Invasion as Lebanon Death Toll Tops
620, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
“Hell Is Breaking Loose in Lebanon”: Israel
Rejectsthousan Ceasefire Proposal as U.N. Chief
Calls for Peace, by Amy Goodman
Israel Dumps Truck with 88 Unidentified Palestinian
Bodies in Gaza
“Israel Is Violating Our Sovereignty”: Lebanon’s
Prime Minister Pleads with UNSC to Do Its Job
“It’s Bisan from Gaza and I’m Still Alive” Wins Emmy
for Outstanding Hard News Feature
Journalist Mujahed al-Saadi Arrested Amid
Unprecedented Israeli Assault on West Bank Reporters
One Year into Genocide, Palestinians in Gaza Warn
Israel Is Poised to Subject Lebanon to Same Fate
U.S. Gov’t Agencies Found Israel Was Blocking Gaza
Aid. Blinken Ignored Them to Keep Weapons Flowing
by Amy Goodman,
Israel Strikes Gaza’s al-Jaouni School for 5th Time,
Kills 18 Palestinians, Incl. 6 UNRWA Staffers, by
Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
Biden Calls Israel’s Killing of Turkish American
Activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi “Totally
Israel’s Assault on West Bank Continues as Death
Toll in Occupied Territory Reaches 50 Over 2
Israel Used U.S.-Made 2,000-Pound Bombs in Assault
on Gaza Encampment for Displaced Palestinians, by
Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
Blinken Calls Israel’s Killing of U.S. Activist
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi “Unprovoked and Unjustified”
Israeli Airstrike on West Bank Kills 5 Palestinians
in Tubas
Israel Vows to Ramp Up Its Assault on Lebanon After
Killing 558+ People in One Day
“Absolutely Terrifying”: Israel’s War Comes to
Lebanon, Setting Record-Breaking Single-Day Death
Toll, by Amy Goodman
Biden Admin Kept Arming Genocide After State Dept.,
USAID Found Israel Blocked Gaza Aid Delivery
Greta Thunberg Joins Palestinian Call to Boycott
“They’re Being Killed in Schools as They Seek
Shelter”: U.N. Decries Israel’s War on Gaza’s
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Continues After ICC Arrest
Warrants, with Attacks on Hospital, Shelters
“A Great Day for Justice”: Palestinian Lawyer Raji
Sourani on ICC Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu &
Gallant, by Amy Goodman
House Approves “Nonprofit Killer” Bill, Most
Dangerous Domestic Anti-Terrorism Bill Since PATRIOT
Act, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Airstrikes in Lebanon Level Beirut Building,
Kill 2 More Paramedics
U.S. House Passes Bill Allowing Trump to Silence
Critics, Label Nonprofits as Terror Groups
Israel’s “Killing Machine”: How U.S. Military
Support Is Undercutting Ceasefire Talks, Prolonging
War, by Amy Goodman
Biden Admin Quietly Approves 100+ Arms Sales to
Israel While Claiming Concern for Civilians in Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Israel’s Genocidal Assault on Northern Gaza
Continues as Israel Severs Ties with UNRWA, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
“No Votes for Genocide”: Protesters in NYC Decry
U.S. Support for Israel Ahead of Nov. 5
Progressive Reps Warn U.S. Involvement in Middle
East Unlawful as Pentagon Sends More Arms to Israel
Save the Children in Gaza: Israel Bombs Polio Vax
Site, Bans UNRWA in Attacks on Humanitarian Aid, by
Amy Goodman
Israel’s Ultimate Goal Is Ethnic Cleansing: Dr.
Mustafa Barghouti on Growing Famine, Al-Shifa
Attack, by Amy Goodman
Israel’s Ultimate Goal Is to Make Gaza Unfit for
Human Habitation: Middle East Analyst Mouin Rabbani,
by Amy Goodman
Breaking the Silence: Israeli Army Veterans Tour
U.S. & Canada to Speak Out Against Occupation, by
Amy Goodman
Israel's Wall of Impunity, by Ralph Nader
Israel’s War on Journalists: More Reporters Killed
in Gaza in 3 Months Than Any Country Over Entire
Year, by Amy Goodman
How Israel Bombed Al Jazeera Journalists & Blocked
Rescue of Cameraman Samer Abudaqa Until He Died, by
Amy Goodman
“The Logic of Escalation”: From Red Sea to Iran &
Beyond, Will Israel’s Gaza Assault Spark Wider War?,
by Amy Goodman
“They Don’t Show Gaza”: Gideon Levy on How Israel’s
Press Is Failing to Cover the War’s True Toll, by
Amy Goodman
What Happened on October 7? Gideon Levy on Haaretz’s
Call to Investigate Kibbutz Killings & More, by Amy
Israeli Airstrike Kills 9 Near Lebanon’s Parliament
as Hezbollah Battles Israeli Invasion, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow!
“Don’t Do It”: Lebanese Lawyer Warns Israel Against
Using War to Create a “New Middle East”, by Amy
Israel’s Attacks on Gaza Have Wiped Out 902 Entire
Palestinian Families
Lebanese FM Claims Israel Killed Nasrallah Shortly
After He Agreed to Ceasefire
“Starving Gaza”: Al Jazeera Film Shows U.S. Keeps
Arming Israel as It Uses Hunger as a Weapon of War,
by Amy Goodman
U.S. Remains “Fully, Fully, Fully Supportive of
Israel” as Netanyahu Mulls Attacks on Iran
Israeli Airstrikes Devastate Beirut, Baalbek,
Killing Dozens of People and Forcing 100,000s to
Flee, by Amy Goodman
Historian Enzo Traverso: Israel Is Using the Memory
of the Holocaust to Justify Genocide in Gaza, by Amy
Netanyahu’s Aides May Have Doctored Phone Records on
Israeli General’s Pre-Attack Warning on Oct. 7
Rashida Tlaib Calls on Blinken to Resign for
Violating U.S. Laws on Aid and Arms Trade
Israeli Attack on Beit Lahia Kills at Least 93
Palestinians as Siege of Northern Gaza Continues, by
Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
1,000+ Writers Sign On to Israeli Boycott Pledge
over Gaza Genocide, Occupation of Palestine
Israeli Lawmakers Ban U.N. Aid Agency for
Palestinian Refugees
Israelis Protest Outside Knesset to Call for Hostage
South Africa Files Documents with ICJ Providing
Evidence of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
Israeli Attack on Deir al-Balah School Shelter Kills
Dozens; Northern Gaza Siege Targets Hospitals, by
Amy Goodman
Biden Reaffirms “Ironclad” Support on Call with
Netanyahu as Israel Prepares to Attack Iran
Brown University Votes Against Divesting from
Israeli War Machine, Rejecting Student Demands
Israel Kills Five More Health Workers in Lebanon as
Ongoing Bombardment Displaces Over 1 Million
More Journalists Killed in Gaza; Al Jazeera Reporter
Describes Being Chased by Israeli Quadcopter
Israeli Attack on Nuseirat Kills 17; Israeli
Extermination Campaign in Northern Gaza Enters 20th Dayby Amy Goodman
“A Dangerous
Escalation”: Al Jazeera Blasts Israel’s Accusations
Against Journalists
CPJ Head Condemns Israel’s Deadly War on Journalists
in Gaza as IDF Threatens Al Jazeera Reporters, by
Amy Goodman
“Ethnic Cleansing”: Israeli Group B’Tselem Calls for
World to Stop Israel’s Siege of Northern Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
Faith Leaders
Demand NYC Council Take Up Gaza Ceasefire Resolution
Hundreds of
Spanish Artists, Academics Call for Total Arms
Embargo on Israel
- Israel
Carries Out 17 Overnight Strikes in Lebanon,
Destroys Offices of Al Mayadeen News Station
- Jewish
Students Show Solidarity with Gaza During Sukkot
Despite Crackdown from Universities
- Prominent
Muslim Democrat Demands Answers After Being Kicked
Out of Harris Rally in Michigan, by Amy Goodman
- “This Is
Just Terrorism”: Israel Bombs World Heritage Site in
Lebanon, Threatens Major Hospital, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Attacks Kill 42 in Gaza as WHO Cites
Progress in Polio Vaccination Efforts, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
Dire: Aid Workers Vaccinate Gaza Children During
Pauses in Israeli Attacks, Urge Permanent Ceasefire,
by Amy Goodman
Doctors Demand Justice for Palestinian Medical
Workers Tortured in Israeli Custody
Fmr. Israeli Hostage Negotiator Gershon Baskin Slams
Netanyahu for Blocking Ceasefire Deal, by Amy
Israeli Raids on West Bank Kill 33 Palestinians in a
Thousands of Israelis Continue Protests Demanding
Gaza Ceasefire and Hostage Deal
Israeli Attacks Kill 55 in Gaza as WHO Begins Second
Round of Polio Vaccinations, by Amy Goodman,
21 Killed, Including Children, in Israeli Strike on
Northern Lebanon Village
Ex-U.S. Army Major Who Resigned over Gaza Warns
Against Biden Sending 100 U.S. Troops to Israel, by
Amy Goodman
Gaza Teen Burned to Death in Israeli Strike on
Hospital Identified as Sha’ban al-Dalou
Israeli Forces in Occupied West Bank Kill 2,
Including Child, in Assault on Jenin
Jewish Activists Take on NYSE as Antiwar Protesters
Disrupt Army Conference over Gaza Genocide
Netanyahu Again Threatens UNIFIL as European Leaders
Condemn Israeli Attacks on Peacekeepers
“Stop Profiting Off Genocide”: 200 Arrested at
Jewish Voice for Peace Protest at NY Stock Exchange,
by Amy Goodman
USAID Routinely Meets with Israeli Officials at Sde
Teiman, Site of Israeli War Crimes and Torture
Israeli Attacks on Gaza Kill Hundreds over Bloody
Weekend, Incl. Aid Workers, ICU Director, Reporter,
by Amy Goodman
A New Front in Syria’s Civil War? Rebels Led by
Former al-Qaeda Affiliate Take Over Aleppo, by Amy
France Says Israel Has Violated Lebanon Ceasefire 52
NYPD Arrests 21 Anti-Genocide Protesters at Macy’s
Thanksgiving Parade
Syrian Rebels Capture Aleppo in Surprise Offensive;
Russia-Backed Syrian Gov’t Launches Air Attacks
“Targeted & Assassinated”: Gaza Soup Kitchen Chef
Mahmoud Almadhoun Killed by Israeli Drone, by Amy
U.S. Approves More Arms for Israel as Netanyahu’s
Former Minister Says Israel Guilty of War Crimes
Israeli Attacks on Lebanon’s Baalbek Kill 19 as
Prime Minister Mikati Hopes for Ceasefire Soon, by
Amy Goodman
“Genocide as Colonial Erasure”: U.N. Expert
Francesca Albanese on Israel’s “Intent to Destroy”
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Israel Attacks Kamal Adwan in North Gaza, Continues
Deadly Strikes Across the Strip
Israel Is Committing War Crimes by Targeting Health
Infrastructure, U.N. Peacekeepers in Lebanon
State Dept. Largely Ignoring 500 Reports of U.S.
Weapons Used to Kill or Injure Palestinians in Gaza
Israeli Bombs Killed 66 Kids in Gaza Including 12
Who Were Getting Help for Trauma from Past Attacks,
by Amy Goodman
Israeli Bombs Killed 66 Kids in Gaza Including 12
Who Were Getting Help for Trauma from Past Attacks,
by Amy Goodman
Israeli Forces Intensify Assault on Khan Younis as
U.N. Official Decries “Apocalyptic” Situation, by
Amy Goodman
14 Congressmembers Vote Against House Resolution
Conflating Anti-Zionism with Antisemitism, by Amy
AIPAC Throws Millions at Possible Insurgent
Campaigns to Unseat Progressive Democrats, by Amy
“Catastrophic”: Gaza Aid Worker on “Horror” of
Forced Relocations Amid Israel’s War on Southern
Strip, by Amy Goodman
IDF Spokesperson Lauds Reported Ratio of 2 Civilians
Killed for Death of Every Hamas Fighter, by Amy
U.S. Bans Visas for Settlers Involved in Violence;
Divided Senate Votes on Israeli, Ukraine Funding, by
Amy Goodman
Israeli Human Rights Group B’Tselem Blasts
Two-Tiered Apartheid Israel, Says Violence Is
“Inevitable”, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Human Rights Group B’Tselem: Israel Is
Committing War Crimes by Killing Civilians in Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Israeli Journalist Amira Hass: How Can the World
Stand By and Witness Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza?, by
Amy Goodman
Israeli Journalist Amira Hass, Daughter of Holocaust
Survivors, Calls for Gaza Ceasefire Now, by Amy
Israeli politician dragged out of Knesset for
defying Netanyahu, by PoliticsJOE
Israeli Scholar Neve Gordon on Israeli Mass
Surveillance in Gaza & the Use of AI to Kill
Palestinians, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Soldiers Push into Gaza’s Jabaliya Refugee
Camp, “Firing at Anyone Who Moves”, by Amy Goodman,
Israeli Bombs Rain Down on Lebanon as Hezbollah Says
It Repelled Israeli Border Incursions
Israeli Defense Minister Cancels Plans to Meet in
Washington, D.C., with Pentagon Chief
Israeli PM Netanyahu Warns Lebanon Could Face
“Destruction and Suffering Like Gaza”
Motaz Azaiza, Acclaimed Journalist from Gaza, on
Photographing War & Making “Art from the Pain”, by
Amy Goodman
Palestinian Activist Issa Amro and British Israeli
Architect Eyal Weizman Win Right Livelihood Awards
“The First Live-Streamed Genocide”: Al Jazeera
Exposes War Crimes Filmed by Israeli Troops
Themselves, by Amy Goodman
Syria Says Israeli Strike on Damascus Killed 7
U.N. Chief Warns Israel Against Blocking UNRWA’s
Work Aiding Palestinian Refugees
Israeli Soldiers Shoot and Kill Palestinian Woman
After Overnight Air Raids on Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Protest Ultranationalist Israeli “March of the
Flags” in Occupied East Jerusalem, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Soldiers Strip and Detain Palestinians in
Gaza, Including Journalist and Other Civilians, by
Amy Goodman
COP28 Activists Say Palestine Solidarity Protests
Calling for Ceasefire Face Severe Restrictions, by
Amy Goodman
“If I Must Die”: IDF Strike Kills Gaza Scholar
Refaat Alareer; Friend Pays Tribute & Reads His
Poem, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Airstrike Kills Palestinian Academic and
Activist Refaat Alareer and Family Members, by Amy
Netanyahu Threatens to Reduce Beirut to Rubble If
Hezbollah Increases Attacks, by Amy Goodman
Released Captives Confront Israeli War Cabinet over
Response to Hostage Crisis, by Amy Goodman
“We Want Freedom”: Refaat Alareer, Gaza Scholar &
Activist Killed by Israeli Strike, in His Own Words,
by Amy Goodman
Israeli Strike on Northern Gaza Kills 17 Family
Members of Doctor’s Family, by Amy Goodman
Senate to Vote on Resolutions to Block U.S. Arms
Sales to Israel
U.N. Committee on Palestinian Rights Warns Israel’s
Assault on Gaza Has “Characteristics of Genocide”
UNICEF Warns Israeli Attacks Have Killed Over 200
Children in Lebanon
Israeli Strikes Kill 27 Palestinians; Military Says
It Won’t Let Northern Gaza Residents Return, by Amy
40 Killed as Israel Bombs Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley and
City of Baalbek
Fatima Bhutto: Kamala Harris’s Support for Israel’s
Genocide in Gaza Is a Betrayal of True Feminism, by
Amy Goodman
Israeli Strike Kills 40 Displaced Palestinians in
Gaza “Safe Zone", by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
“A Horrifying Undercount”: Ralph Nader Says True
Gaza Death Toll Could Be Many Times Higher, by Amy
Funeral Held for Turkish American Activist Killed by
Israeli Forces in West Bank
Tariq Ali on U.S. & U.K. Arming Israel’s War on
Gaza, Pakistan Protests & Macron’s Embrace of the
Right, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Strikes on Lebanon Kill Dozens of Medical
Workers, Shuttering Hospitals, by Amy Goodman,
Biden Says He Discussed Possible Attack on Iranian
Oil Sites with Israeli Leaders
Iran’s Supreme Leader Calls on Muslim Leaders to
Unite Against Israeli Aggression
Israel’s Deadliest Airstrike on West Bank in Decades
Kills 18 Palestinians
War in Lebanon “Giving More Space” for Israel to
Continue Slaughter in Gaza: Journalist Akram al-Satarri,
by Amy Goodman
“We Wish You Could See the Nightmares”: U.S. Health
Workers Back from Gaza Write to Biden and Harris
What Is Israel’s Endgame in Lebanon? Airstrikes
Intensify, Hospitals Overwhelmed, 1.2 Million
Displaced, by Amy Goodman
Israeli support for Hamas, by Wikipedia
Israeli Troops Separate Men from Women and Children,
March Displaced Palestinians at Gunpoint, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
- 13
Killed, 57 Injured Near Lebanon’s Largest Hospital
as Israeli Bombs Rain Down on Beirut
Blinken Heads to Israel for 11th Visit Since Israel
Launched Full-Scale Assault on Gaza
Israeli Officials Join Settler Groups to Call for
Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
Naomi Klein: Israel Has Weaponized October 7 Trauma
to Justify Its Genocide in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
- “The
Gaza I Know Is Gone”: Israel’s Rampage Continues as
Survivors Struggle for Food, Water, Safety, by Amy
Israeli Troops Storm Kamal Adwan Hospital as Gaza’s
Humanitarian Crisis Deepens, by Amy Goodman
Diplomacy, Not War: Daughter of Released Hostage
Urges Israel to Reach Deal to Free More Captives, by
Amy Goodman
Harvard Rejects Calls to Fire President Claudine Gay
Amid Crackdown on Pro-Palestinian Speech, by Amy
Protesters Hold Global Strike to Demand Ceasefire in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“It Is Apartheid”: Rights Group B’Tselem on How
Israel Advances Jewish Supremacy Over Palestinians,
by Amy Goodman
Jailed at 14, Shot Dead at 17: The Story of Obaida
Jawabra’s Childhood Under Israeli Occupation, by Amy
Jeremy Corbyn Applauds U.N. Ceasefire Resolution,
Says World Must Prevent “Another Nakba”, by Amy
Ex-U.N. Official Craig Mokhiber: Israel Must Be Held
Accountable for Violating Ceasefire Resolution, by
Amy Goodman
Jeremy Corbyn Applauds U.N. Ceasefire Resolution,
Says World Must Prevent “Another Nakba”, by Amy
Joe Biden’s Hit and Run on the Palestinian People,
by Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan
Jon Stewart on Israel, Lebanon & The Widening
Mideast War [PREVIEW], The Daily Show,
Jon Stewart on Israel - Palestine, The Daily Show
Jordan’s government struggles to contain unrest as
Gaza protests grow, by Sarah Dadouch
Israel Vs Palestine: Israeli 'Executions’ at Al-Shifa
Hospital, News18, CNN-News18
Kamal Adwan Hospital Director, Dr. Abu Safiya,
Critically Injured by Israeli Drone Strike, by Amy
“Another Step in Netanyahu’s Dismantling of
Democracy”: Haaretz Newspaper Slams Israeli Sanction
Israel Continues Deadly Assault on Lebanon Even as
News of Ceasefire Deal Emerges
Israel Likely Committed War Crime with U.S. Weapons
by Targeting and Killing Journalists in Lebanon
Kamala Harris Accepts Democratic Presidential
Nomination, Backs Israel While Calling for End to
War, by Amy Goodman
- “A Testament to Our Power”: Chicago’s Little
Palestine Resists Racism, Disenfranchisement & War,
by Amy Goodman
“Historic Moment”: Barbara Ransby on the Symbolism &
Shortcomings of Kamala Harris’s Nomination, by Amy
Israel’s War on Palestinian Territories Has Driven a
Spike in Water-Related Violence
Israeli Forces Kill 3 Palestinians, Destroy Homes in
West Bank Raid on Tulkarm
New Round of Ceasefire Talks in Cairo as Israel
Rebuffs Demand to Withdraw Troops from Gaza
Palestinian American Lawmaker Gives Speech the DNC
Wouldn’t Allow on Stage, by Amy Goodman
Thousands March Against U.S. Arming of Israel as
Harris Accepts Presidential Nomination, by Amy
Uncommitted Delegates Walk DNC Halls Arm in Arm
After Being Denied Opportunity to Take the Stage
University of California Bans Protest Encampments in
Wake of Student Uprising for Gaza
“Killing People Around the Clock”: Dr. Mustafa
Barghouti & Muhammad Shehada on 6 Months of War on
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Imprisoned Palestinian Writer Walid Daqqa Dies of
Cancer After 38 Years in Israeli Jails, by Amy
Lavender & Where’s Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form
Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes, by
Amy Goodman
“No Other Land”: Israeli Director Slams Claims of
Antisemitism for Apartheid Comment at Berlinale, by
Amy Goodman
Leader of Syrian Opposition Says HTS in Control of
Hama as Groups Seeks to Overthrow Assad, by Amy
“All That Remains”: As Gaza Faces Child Amputee
Crisis, New Film Tells Story of 13-Year-Old Leyan,
by Amy Goodman
Amnesty International: Israel Is Committing Genocide
in Gaza with Full U.S. Support, by Amy Goodman
Israeli Forces Continue Deadly Attacks on Kamal
Adwan Hospital, Killing 4 Staff
“The Ghost of Famine Is Here”: Al-Mawasi Soup
Kitchen Strives to Feed Thousands in Southern Gaza
Lebanese PM Calls for Ceasefire After Israeli Strike
Kills 22 in Beirut; IDF Targets U.N. Peacekeepers,
by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow!
Al Jazeera Cameran in Critical Condition; Gaza
Mourns Beloved Teacher and Journalist Omar Al-Balaawi
Charges of War Crimes in Gaza Pile Up as Israel
Continues Its Genocidal War with Impunity
Cornell Grad Student Wins Reprieve from Deportation
over Gaza Protests
“Death Is Everywhere”: Doctor Who Volunteered in
Gaza and Lebanon Condemns Israeli Attacks on
Hospitals, by Amy Goodman
Gaza’s Kamal Adwan Hospital Warns Children Will Die
If Forced to Evacuate
Israel Detains U.S. Journalist Jeremy Loffredo over
Reporting on Iranian Attacks on Israel
Lebanon Calls for Int’l Community to Intervene as
Israel’s Attacks Kill 700+ in a Matter of Days, by
Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
100+ U.S. Lawmakers Demand Biden Admin Investigate
Israel’s Killing of U.S. Activist Ayşenur Eygi
Acclaimed Author Jhumpa Lahiri Declines Noguchi
Award over Museum’s Keffiyeh Ban
Cornell University Student Facing Deportation for
Participating in Gaza Solidarity Protest
Israel Kills at Least 14 Palestinians in Another
Attack on Gaza School Shelter
“No War Criminals in NYC”: Activists Take Aim at
Netanyahu Ahead of Contested UNGA Speech
Report from Beirut: Israel Is “Targeting Everyone”
in Bombing Campaign, Killing 700+ in Just Days
by Amy Goodman
Letter to Joe Biden
“Like Horror Movies”: Forced to Evacuate Nasser
Hospital, Surgeon Describes Israeli Raid & Arrests,
by Amy Goodman
“Like Lying in a Coffin”: UNICEF Spokesperson Warns
of Devastating Toll on Gaza’s Children, by Amy
“Lynch Mobs”: Palestinians Face Brutal Attacks
Inside Israel as Assault on Gaza Escalates, by Amy
“Many of My Shows Have Been Canceled”: Chinese
Artist Ai Weiwei on Israel, Gaza & Censorship, by
Amy Goodman
Marianne Williamson on Running for President,
Challenging Biden & Calling for a Gaza Ceasefire, by
Amy Goodman
Mass Israeli Protests as 6 More Hostages Killed, But
Netanyahu Refuses Ceasefire Terms, U.S. Sends Arms,
by Amy Goodman
Massive Israeli Airstrikes in Lebanon Kill Over 180
People, Injure 700+
Ex-CIA Director: Israel’s Deadly Pager Attacks in
Lebanon Was Act of “Terrorism”
Israel Bombs Lebanon After Blowing Up Pagers in “Act
of Mass Mutilation.” Is Ground Invasion Next?, by
Amy Goodman
“Israel Has No Right”: Al Jazeera Managing Editor
Slams Israel’s Raid & Closing of West Bank Bureau
Israel Raids and Shuts Down Al Jazeera Ramallah
Office Amid Intensifying West Bank Attacks
Israeli Attacks Continue on Gaza’s Schools, Killing
Displaced Palestinian Children Seeking Shelter
Max Blumenthal on “Goliath: Life and Loathing in
Greater Israel”, by Amy Goodman
Blumenthal on “Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater
Israel”, by Amy Goodman
Meet Aida Touma-Sliman, Palestinian Knesset Member
Suspended for Criticizing War on Gaza, by Amy
- “Absolutely
Unimaginable”: Children in Gaza Face Amputations
Without Anesthesia, Death & Disease, by Amy Goodman
Meet Students at 4 Colleges Where Gaza Protests Win
Concessions, Incl. Considering Israel Divestment, by
Amy Goodman
- 60+ Journalism
Profs Demand Investigation into Controversial NYT
Article Alleging Mass Rape on Oct. 7, by Amy Goodman
Meet Tal Mitnick, 18, the First Israeli Jailed for
Refusing Military Service in “Revenge War” on Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
- Horrific
Traumatic Injuries of Children: British Dr.
Witnesses Israel’s Destruction of Gaza
Hospitals, by Amy Goodman
Meet USC Valedictorian Asna Tabassum: School Cancels
Commencement Speech by Pro-Palestinian Student, by
Amy Goodman
- Columbia
Students Risk Arrest, Suspension to Maintain
Gaza Solidarity Encampment on Campus, by Amy
- Israel
Considers Attacking Iran and Invading Rafah as
Netanyahu Seeks Lifelines to Stay in Power, by
Amy Goodman
- The New
McCarthyism: Congress Grills Columbia Univ.
President Amid Crackdown on Pro-Palestine
Speech, by Amy Goodman
Mehdi Hasan on Genocide in Gaza, the Silencing of
Palestinian Voices in U.S. Media & Why He Left
MSNBC, by Amy Goodman
- Mehdi Hasan
on the Risk of the Media Normalizing Trump’s
Fascism & Dangers of TikTok Ban, by Amy Goodman
Middle East Expert Lara Friedman: If Netanyahu Cared
About Hostages, Why Did He Launch Ground Invasion?m
by Amy Goodman
“Moral Failure”: Democrats Rep. Khanna & Michigan
State Rep. Aiyash Urge Biden to Change Gaza Policy,
by Amy Goodman
- Colonialism,
Occupation & Apartheid: African Countries See
“Shared Experiences” with Palestinians, by Amy
More Palestinian Civilians Killed as Israel’s
Assault on Gaza Enters Third Month, by Amy Goodman
- As Israeli
Siege Continues, U.N. Warns 97% of Gazans Have
“Inadequate” Food Supplies, by Amy Goodman
- Doctors
Without Borders Holds Vigil for Medical Workers
Killed in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
- Reuters
Investigation Reveals Israeli Tank Killed
Journalist Issam Abdallah and Injured 6 Others,
by Amy Goodman
- “Terrorized”:
Gaza Poet Mosab Abu Toha on Being Stripped,
Jailed & Beaten by Israeli Forces, by Amy
- U.N. Chief
António Guterres Invokes Article 99 in Rare Move
to Force Debate on Gaza Ceasefire, by Amy
- “What I Saw
Wasn’t War — It Was Annihilation,” Says U.S.
Doctor Who Volunteered in Gaza Hospital, by Amy
More Than 50 Countries Argue Before World Court
Against Israeli Occupation of Palestine, by Amy
More than 800 officials from the United States and
Europe have signed a scathing criticism of Western
policy towards Israel and Gaza, accusing their
governments of possible complicity in war crimes, by
Mick Krever
Mustafa Barghouti: Israel’s Siege & Bombing of Gaza
Are War Crimes. Is Ethnic Cleansing Next?, by Amy
Israeli Journalist Gideon
Levy: Israel Should Lift Siege & Call Off Plans for
Ground Invasion of Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“My Heart Is Still in Gaza”: Palestinian Scientist
Flees Israeli Bombs, Begs World to Stop Genocide, by
Amy Goodman
“The IDF Should Not Exist”: Meet Meital Yaniv,
Former Israeli Soldier Turned Anti-Zionist
Organizer, by Amy Goodman
Ralph Nader on Gaza Ceasefire & Why Suppression
of Palestine Advocacy Is the Real Problem on
Campus, by Amy Goodman
My Meetings With Nasrallah: The assassinated
Hezbollah chief had a vision for his country, by
Seymour Hersh
Nathan Thrall on “A Day in the Life of Abed Salama”
& Reality of Palestinian Life Under Israeli Rule, by
Amy Goodman
Nathan Thrall on the Historic Palestinian Uprising
Against Israeli Control from the River to the Sea,
by Amy Goodman
Netanyahu Expands War Aims to Include Return of
Israelis Displaced by Fighting with Lebanon, by Amy
Goodman, DemocracyNow
Israeli Assaults Have Killed 11,000 Students, Says
Palestinian Education Ministry
Man Sets Himself on Fire Near Boston’s Israeli
Consulate to Protest Gaza Genocide
U.N. Experts Accuse Israel of “Starvation Campaign”
in Gaza & Demand End to Western Complicity, by Amy
U.N. Special Rapporteur Blasts Western Nations for
Supporting Israel’s Assault on Gaza
Netanyahu Vows to Retaliate After Iran Fires
Hundreds of Missiles at Israel
7 Killed, 16 Wounded in Shooting and Stabbing Attack
in Tel Aviv
Hezbollah Says Its Fighters Repelled Israeli Troops
Invading Southern Lebanon
Israel Bombs Gaza School and Orphanage, Killing
Displaced Palestinians
Regional War Feared as Biden Backs Israel’s Threat
to Retaliate After Iranian Missile Attack, by Amy
Netanyahu's Lebanon Gambit: The second front has
restored the prime minister’s political standing, by
Seymour Hersh
Netanyahu's War on Truth: Israel’s Ruthless
Propaganda Campaign to Dehumanize Palestinians, by
Jeremy Scahill
New York Times Puts "Daily" Episode On Ice Amid
Internal Firestorm Over Hamas Sexual Violence
Article. As the Times faces scrutiny for its
coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza, it has capitulated
to the pro-Israel media watchdog CAMERA, by Daniel
Boguslaw, Ryan Grim
“No Palestinian Is Safe”: Renowned Feminist Scholar
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian Arrested in Jerusalem, by
Amy Goodman
“Fear and Terror”: Gaza Photographer Ahmed Zakot
on Documenting the Carnage of Israel’s Assault,
by Amy Goodman
Over 100 Arrested at Columbia After Univ.
President Orders NYPD to Clear Pro-Palestine
Student Protest, by Amy Goodman
U.N. Photo Collection Shows Gaza War Through the
Lens of Palestinian Journalists, by Amy Goodman
No Tech for Apartheid: Google Workers Arrested for
Protesting Company’s $1.2B Contract with Israel, by
Amy Goodman
Northwestern Students Face Criminal Charges for
Pro-Palestine College Newspaper Parody: Publishers
of the school newspaper notified police. Now the
students, charged under an obscure anti-KKK law,
face a year in jail, by Connor Echols
Not in My Brother’s Name: Sibling of Peace Activist
Killed by Hamas Demands Israel Stop Bombing Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
“Not in Our Name”: 400 Arrested at Jewish-Led Sit-in
at NYC’s Grand Central Demanding Gaza Ceasefire, by
Amy Goodman
“Nowhere in Gaza Is Safe”: Palestinian Death Toll
Tops 5,000 as Israel Rejects Calls for Ceasefire, by
Amy Goodman
“Nowhere Is Safe in Gaza”: South Africa Lays Out
Genocide Case vs. Israel at World Court in The
Hague, by Amy Goodman
Gaza War Fuels Climate Crisis: “Massive” Carbon
Emissions from Israeli Bombing, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Genocide Scholar & South African
Lawyer on “Extreme Urgency” of World Court Case,
by Amy Goodman
“Our Children Deserve to Live”: Mother in Rafah
Desperate to Escape as Israel Prepares Ground
Invasion, by Amy Goodman
“Worst-Case Scenario”: Noura Erakat on Israel’s
Looming Invasion of Rafah, by Amy Goodman
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund: Israel Is
Threatening to Bomb Gaza’s Only Pediatric Cancer
Unit, by Amy Goodman
Ceasefire, No Votes”: Arab American Support for
Biden Plummets over Gaza Ahead of 2024 Election, by
Amy Goodman
Palestinian American Dr. Walks Out of Biden Meeting,
Hands Him Letter from 8-Year-Old Orphan in Gaza, by
Amy Goodman
Road to Famine: Israeli Law Prof. Neve Gordon on
Israel’s History of Weaponizing Food Access in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Artist Samia Halaby Slams Indiana
University for Canceling Exhibit over Her Support
for Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Artist Emily Jacir: Rampant Censorship Is Part
of the Genocidal Campaign to Erase Palestinians,
by Amy Goodman
Holocaust Survivor Marione Ingram Decries
Climate of Censorship After Her Hamburg Talks
Are Canceled, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Diplomat Who Went Viral for U.N. Speech
Says Israel & U.S. Are Isolated on Gaza, by Amy
Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured: ICC
Prosecutor Should Investigate Attacks on Health
Care, Detainee Abuses, by Human Rights Watch
Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer Raji Sourani
Describes Surviving Israel Bombing His Home in Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Journalist: Israeli Media Incites Mob
Violence, Ignoring Settler Attacks, by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha Decries Israel’s
“Inhumane” Assault as Gaza Death Toll Tops 25,000,
by Amy Goodman
“Israelism” on Tour: New Film Examines American
Jews’ Growing Rejection of Israel’s Occupation,
by Amy Goodman
Palestinians Stage Historic General Strike from “the
River to the Sea” for the First Time Since 1936, by
Amy Goodman
“Paradigm-Changing Moment”: Public Opinion Shifts on
Palestine. Will Gaza War Hurt Biden Reelection?, by
Amy Goodman
Voices from
Largest Pro-Palestinian Protest in U.S. History:
Stop the Siege on Gaza Now!, by Amy Goodman
Why Did
Israel Kill My Son? Palestinian Poet Speaks from
Hospital Bed After Airstrike Destroys Home, by Amy
Voice for Peace Health Adviser Dr. Alice Rothchild
on Gaza Catastrophe as Health System Fails, by Amy
“People Could Have Died”: Police Raid UCLA Gaza
Protest, Waited as Pro-Israel Mob Attacked
Encampment, by Amy Goodman
Amnesty Int’l: Biden Must Halt Weapon Sales to
Israel After U.S. Arms Used to Kill Civilians in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Former Brandeis President on Gaza Protests:
Schools Must Protect Free Expression on Campus,
by Amy Goodman
“Workers Have Power”: Thousands Rally in NYC for
May Day, Call for Solidarity with Palestine, by
Amy Goodman
Poet Mohammed El-Kurd Detained in Sheikh Jarrah
After Condemning Israeli Apartheid on U.S. TV, by
Amy Goodman
“Police State Without the State”: Palestinian
Authority Faces Protests over Critic’s Death in
Custody, by Amy Goodman
“Politics of Memory”: Masha Gessen’s Hannah Arendt
Prize Postponed for Comparing Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto,
by Amy Goodman
- Israel Raids
Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp; Director
Speaks Out After Being Jailed & Beaten, by Amy
Pope Calls for Investigation into Gaza Genocide as
Israel Kills Dozens More Palestinians Every Day, by
Amy Goodman
- COP29 Protesters
Call for Energy Embargo over Gaza Genocide, Climate
- Israeli Strikes
Kill Another 8 Paramedics in Lebanon, Hezbollah
Media Chief
- Protesters
Arrested After Setting Off Flares Near Home of
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Pro-Palestinian Campus Encampments Spread Nationwide
Amid Mass Arrests at Columbia, NYU & Yale, by Amy
- Juan González
Reflects on Historic 1968 Columbia Protests &
Crackdown on Gaza Solidarity Encampment, by Amy
Protests Erupt Across Israel After Netanyahu Fires
War Chief Yoav Gallant, by Amy Goodman
- Israeli Raids on
Occupied West Bank Kill 8, Wound Child and
- Israeli Strike on
Residential Building Kills 20 in Beirut Suburb
- Linda Sarsour:
Harris’s Embrace of Pro-Israel Policies at Odds with
Democratic Base, by Amy Goodman
- NGOs Ask U.N.
Human Rights Council to Probe Israel’s Assault on
- Palestinians
Condemn Biden’s Support for Israeli Military as
Assault on Gaza Continues
- Rami Khouri: U.S.
Voters Are Sick of Foreign Wars. Can Trump Strike a
Grand Bargain in Middle East?, by Amy Goodman
- U.K. Authorities
Drop Terrorism Charges for Retired Academic Who
Advocated for Palestinian Rights
Protesters Disrupt Record $25 Million Biden
Fundraiser in NYC as Thousands March Against Gaza
War, by Amy Goodman
- “Like Lying
in a Coffin”: UNICEF Spokesperson Warns of
Devastating Toll on Gaza’s Children, by Amy
Ralph Nader at 90 on the “Genocidal War” in Gaza &
Why Congress Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction, by Amy
Rami Khouri: U.S. Airdrops & Floating Pier Plan Are
“Not Serious Responses” to Gaza Suffering, by Amy
“Revolutionary Love”: Michelle Alexander on
Gaza, Solidarity, MLK & What Gives Her Hope, by
Amy Goodman
Refaat Alareer in Gaza: Israel’s “Barbaric”
Bombardment Is Part of Ethnic Cleansing Campaign,,
by Amy Goodman
Israeli Conscientious
Objector Haggai Matar: Hamas Attack Reflects Israeli
Violence in Palestine, by Amy Goodman
- Mohammed El-Kurd: How Much
Palestinian Blood Will It Take to End Israel’s
Occupation & Apartheid?, by Amy Goodman
- Univ. of MD Prof. Shibley
Telhami to President Biden: Value Palestinian Life
as Well as Israeli Life, by Amy Goodman
Remembering Issam Abdallah, Reuters Journalist
Killed Covering Israeli Missile Strikes in Lebanon,
by Amy Goodman
Report from Gaza: Israel Kills Dozens More,
Increases Forced Evacuations, Attacks Aid Truck, by
Amy Goodman
“They Want Palestine Empty”: Artist in Jenin Blasts
U.S. Support for Israel Amid West Bank Assault, by
Amy Goodman
Report from Gaza: Palestinian Journalist Akram
al-Satarri on “The Struggle to Survive, Stay Sane”,
by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Economist Raja Khalidi on Israel’s
“Economic Warfare” on Gaza and the West Bank, by
Amy Goodman
Professors Slam Columbia’s Response to Chemical
Skunk Attack on Students at Pro-Palestine
Protest, by Amy Goodman
Report from Gaza: Two Palestinians Describe “Horror”
on 6th Day of Israel Bombing Besieged Enclave, by
Amy Goodman
Human Rights
Lawyer Michael Sfard: “Israelis Must Maintain Their
Humanity Even When Their Blood Boils”, by Amy
Journalist: Latest Violence Shatters Notion That
Israeli Apartheid Is Sustainable, by Amy Goodman
Rashid Khalidi on Biden’s “Israel-First Approach” &
Growing Outrage over Gaza Across the Middle East, by
Amy Goodman
Rep. Delia Ramirez Backs Gaza Ceasefire Resolution
in Congress: We Need Diplomacy, Not More Bombings,
by Amy Goodman
Report from Rafah: U.S. Airdrops Food to Gaza While
Arming Israel to Drop Bombs, by Amy Goodman
“Seder in the Streets to Stop Arming Israel”: 100s
Arrested at Jewish-Led Protest Near Schumer’s Home,
by Amy Goodman
Naomi Klein: Jews Must Raise Their Voices for
Palestine, Oppose the “False Idol of Zionism”,
by Amy Goodman
Months Ago State Dept. Panel Exposed Israeli
Units’ Rights Abuses, But U.S. Arms Keep
Flowing, by Amy Goodman
Senator Jeff Merkley: U.S. “Complicit in Starvation
and Humanitarian Catastrophe” in Gaza, by Amy
Israel Kills 104 Palestinians Waiting for Food
Aid as U.N. Expert Accuses Israel of Starving
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Sen. Van Hollen: Biden Must Halt Offensive Arms to
Israel If Restrictions on Gaza Aid Are Not Lifted,
by Amy Goodman
Biden’s Sanctions Against Israeli Settlers
Ignores State’s Role in West Bank Violence:
Shane Bauer, by Amy Goodman
Sheikh Jarrah Residents Face Legal Defeat; Israel
Arrests Thousands of Palestinians to Quell Dissent,
by Amy Goodman
"Something came from the outside": An Eyewitness
Account of the Aftermath of Ismail Haniyeh’s
Assassination. Iran and Hamas are challenging the
story put forth by the New York Times of a planted
bomb, by Jeremy Scahill
South Africa Files Case Against Israel at
International Court of Justice over “Genocidal” War
on Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Stein leads Harris among Muslim voters in several
swing states, new analysis finds, by Adam Reilly
“Step Back from the Brink”: Ex-Israeli Peace
Negotiator Daniel Levy Decries Israel’s Actions in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“Stop the War”: Israeli Peace Activist Whose Parents
Were Killed in Hamas Attack Calls for Ceasefire, by
Amy Goodman
“Terror from the Skies”: UNRWA Condemns Israeli
Bombing of Gaza Refugee Camp, Killing Family of 10,
by Amy Goodman
“Text-Book Case of Genocide”: Top U.N. Official
Craig Mokhiber Resigns, Denounces Israeli Assault on
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
State Department Official Resigns, Says Israel
Is Using U.S. Arms to Massacre Civilians in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“The Hostages Weren’t Our Top Priority”: Israel’s
“Bombing Frenzy” Endangered Hostages Held in Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
“The U.S. and Israel Stand Alone”: World Demands
Ceasefire as Gaza Death Toll Tops 20,000, by Amy
“The Houthis Are Not Iranian Proxies”: Helen Lackner
on the History & Politics of Yemen’s Ansar Allah, by
Amy Goodman
The Intercept: New York Times Exposé Lacks Evidence
to Claim Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence Oct. 7, by
Amy Goodman
Text Translation: The Israeli plan for the ethnic
cleansing of Gaza. Read an English translation of
the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence policy paper
"Alternatives for a Political Directive for the
Civilian Population in Gaza," which advocates for
the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza, by
Mondoweiss Editors
The Black Time, by Ronen Bergman and Yoav Zitun
The DESPERATE Calls From Hostages Before Israeli
Troops Killed Them, by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian
“The Mandates of Conscience”: Michelle Alexander on
Israel, Gaza, MLK & Speaking Out in a Time of War,
by Amy Goodman
Ta-Nehisi Coates and Rashid Khalidi on Israeli
Occupation, Apartheid & the 100-Year War on
Palestine, by Amy Goodman
“The Message”: Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Power of
Writing & Visiting Senegal, South Carolina,
Palestine, by Amy Goodman
The outside world must walk Israel back from the
abyss. It cannot be part of the choir of incitement.
A former Israeli adviser and a former Palestinian
adviser say individual member states must push
harder for an end to the wanton destruction, by
Daniel Levy and Zaha Hassan
“The Path Forward”: Palestinian and Israeli
Activists Working Toward Peace Featured in New Film,
by Amy Goodman
Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha: One Year After Oct.
7, U.S. Is Still Arming Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Report from Beirut: Israel Intensifies Bombardment
of Lebanon, Displacing 1.2 Million, by Amy Goodman
“The Scene Is Horrific”: Gazans Trapped as Israel
Escalates Bombing, Killing Dozens in the Territory,
by Amy Goodman
“The Trauma Is Immeasurable”: Palestinian Writer
Susan Abulhawa on Israeli Violence in Gaza, by Amy
The Undoing of Israel: The Dark Futures That Await
After the War in Gaza, by Ilan Z. Baron and Ilai Z.
The Women Soldiers Who Warned of a Pending Hamas
Attack – and Were Ignored: Over the past year, the
Israel Defense Forces’ spotters situated on the Gaza
border, all women, warned that something unusual was
happening. Those who survived the October 7 massacre
are convinced that if it had been men sounding the
alarm, things would look different today, by Yaniv
“The Worst of What Humanity Is Capable Of”:
Pediatrician Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan on What She Saw in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
As Gaza Faces Famine, Israel Cuts Ties with
UNRWA and U.S. Halts Funding for Critical Aid
Agency, by Amy Goodman
I Could Not Stay Silent: Annelle Sheline Resigns
from State Dept. over U.S. Gaza Policy, by Amy
“The Zone of Interest”: Oscar-Nominated Film
Producer on the Holocaust, Gaza & “Walls That
Separate Us”, by Amy Goodman
‘They Wanted to Dance in Peace. And They Got
Slaughtered’: Israel's Supernova festival celebrated
music and unity. It turned into the deadliest
concert attack in history, by David Browne, Nancy
Dillon, Kory Grow
Hamas attack
on Israeli techno festival leaves at least 260 dead
and many missing, by Daniel Estrin
“They Were So Close”: Israel Kills Medics Trying to
Save Dying 6-Year-Old Hind Rajab, by Amy Goodman
“This Has to Stop”: Doctors Denounce Israel’s
Targeting of Gaza Hospitals, by Amy Goodman
“This Is a Colonial War”: Historian Rashid Khalidi
on Israel, Gaza & the Future of Palestine, by Amy
Pope Condemns Israeli
Killings of Palestinian Christians; Relative of
84-Year-Old Victim Mourns Her Death
by Amy Goodman
“This Is Your Money”: Palestinian Father Pleads with
Americans to Stop Funding Israeli Assault on Gaza,
by Amy Goodman
Coates Speaks Out Against Israel’s “Segregationist
Apartheid Regime” After West Bank Visit, by Amy
“This Militaristic Approach Has Been a Failure”:
Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat to Quit over
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“Dead on Arrival”: Doctors Back from Gaza
Describe Horrific Hospital Scenes, Decimated
Health System, by Amy Goodman
Thousands Flee as Israel Continues Assault on
Southern Lebanon, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow
Israeli Attacks on Gaza Kill 53 Palestinians,
Including a Mother and Her Five Children
“Lebanese Civilians Are Paying the Price”: Israeli
Strikes Kill Nearly 600, Displace Tens of Thousands,
by Amy Goodman
U.N. Staffers and Journalist Among Those Killed by
Israeli Strikes on Lebanon
World Leaders Gathered at U.N. General Assembly
Condemn Israel’s Assaults on Gaza, Lebanon
Throw Down for Peace, by Ralph Nader
“Trying to Repeat the Nakba”: Israel Launches
Largest Military Raids in West Bank in Two Decades,
by Amy Goodman
Twelve Journalists, Mostly Palestinians in Gaza,
Killed in “Deadliest Time for Journalists”, by Amy
UNRWA chief 'shocked' after countries pause funding,
by Reuters
U.N. Rapporteur for Palestine: Gaza War Risks
“Largest Instance of Ethnic Cleansing” in Mideast
History, by Amy Goodman
“Uncommitted”: Over 100,000 Cast Protest Vote
Against Biden’s Gaza Policy in Michigan Primary, by
Amy Goodman
The Life & Death of Aaron Bushnell: U.S. Airman
Self-Immolates Protesting U.S. Support for
Israel in Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Uncommitted Movement. and Allies Launch Sit-In After
DNC and Harris Refuse to Let Palestinian Take Main
Stage, by Amy Godman
Emmy Awards Stands Firm on Nomination of Gazan
Reporter Bisan Owda After Pushback from Israel Lobby
Israel and Hezbollah Continue Cross-Border Fighting
Amid Fears of a Broader Conflict
Israel Kills at Least 2 More Journalists in Gaza:
Ibrahim Muharab and Hamza Murtaja
Israel’s Genocide Continues Amid Dimming Hopes for
New Report Details Israel’s Pattern of Kidnapping,
Torturing and Humiliating Gazan Children
“So Horrific”: Doctor Recounts Treating Patients in
Gaza Injured in Massacres Enabled by U.S. Bombs, by
Amy Goodman
“Stop Sending Bombs”: Rep. Ilhan Omar Visits
Uncommitted Sit-In & Demands Israeli Arms Embargo,
by Amy Goodman
U.K. Gov’t Official Resigns over British Arms Sales
to Israel to Use in War Crimes
Uncommitted Delegates Launch Sit-In After DNC
Rejects Request for a Palestinian Speaker at
Convention, by Amy Goodman
Uncommitted Delegates Speak Out After Sleeping
Outside DNC to Protest Silencing of Palestinian
by Amy Goodman
Undercover Israeli Forces Kill Three Palestinians in
West Bank Raid, by Amy Goodman
Video Shows Israeli Guards Brutally Assaulting
Palestinian Prisoners, by Amy Goodman
U.N. Chief Urges Restraint After Israel Bombs
Iranian Targets Saturday, by Amy Goodman,
DOJ Lawyers Call on Merrick Garland to Investigate
Israeli Killings of U.S. Citizens
Israel Strikes Tyre, Killing at Least 7, as It
Continues Its Assault on Lebanon
Microsoft Fires Employees, Harvard Suspends
Professors & Students over Gaza Solidarity Protests
“North Gaza’s Entire Population at Risk of Dying”:
Israel Decimates Northern Gaza, Incl. Hospitals
“Save Us from Ourselves”: 3,000+ Israelis Call for
Int’l Help to Pressure Israel to Back Ceasefire, by
Amy Goodman
“This Carnage Needs to Stop”: Israel Bans Aid Groups
from Gaza, Kills Over 1,000 in North Gaza Siege, by
Amy Goodman
“We Are in an Escalatory Cycle”: Trita Parsi on
Latest Israeli Attack on Iran, Risk of Wider War, by
Amy Goodman
U.N. Evacuates 100 Gaza Patients for Treatment in
UAE, Says 25% of War Injuries “Life-Changing”
Calls Mount for U.S. to Investigate, Hold Israel
Accountable for Killing Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi
U.N.: Israel Carrying Out “Starvation Campaign” as
the Entire Gaza Strip Remains in Urgent Need of Food
Israel Temporarily Closes Border Crossings with
Jordan After Shooting of 3 Israeli Security Guards
Israelis Take to Streets for Mass Protests Calling
for Hostage Deal, Removal of Netanyahu
Justice for Ayşenur Eygi: As Israel Kills Another
American in West Bank, Will U.S. Demand
Accountability?, by Amy Goodman
Rachel Corrie’s Parents Mourn Death of Ayşenur Eygi,
Warn of Israeli Military Cover-Up, by Amy Goodman
Separate Israeli Attacks Kill 3 Paramedics in
Lebanon, 16 People in Syria
“The Brutality Is Truly Unprecedented” in West Bank:
Mariam Barghouti on Israel’s Deadly Incursions, by
Amy Goodman
U.N. Forced to Halt Aid in Gaza Amid Dire
Humanitarian Needs Due to Nonstop Evacuation Orders
U.S. Has Sent Over 50,000 Tons of Arms and Military
Equipment to Israel Since Genocide Started
U.N. Report Finds Israel’s Assault on Gaza
“Consistent with Genocide,” Including Starvation
Campaign, by Amy Goodman
CIA Officer on Trial for Leaking U.S. Documents
Detailing Israel’s Plans to Attack Iran
Israeli Airstrikes Pound Beirut; WaPo: Israel
Planning to Offer Lebanon Ceasefire as “Gift” to
Report from Gaza: Palestinians Feel They Are Being
“Slowly Exterminated” in Israel’s Genocide, by Amy
U.N. Says Israeli Assaults on Gaza Have Set Back
Development by Seven Decades, by Amy Goodman,
Al Jazeera Demands Medical Evacuation of Journalists
Injured by Israeli Forces in Gaza
Blinken Wraps 11th Israel Visit as Hostages’
Families Protest to Demand a Ceasefire
Harris Campaign Ejects Muslim American Democrat from
Detroit-Area Rally
Israeli Forces Shoot and Kill 11-Year-Old
Palestinian Boy in Occupied West Bank
“Similar to an Earthquake”: Lebanon Seeks $250
Million a Month for 1.3M People Displaced by Israel
“We Have Lost All Credibility”: Hala Rharrit on
Quitting State Dept. & Ending U.S. Complicity in
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
U.N. Seeks “Immediate Deescalation” After Israel and
Hezbollah Exchange Heavy Fire, by Amy Goodman
“Colonial Process”: How U.S.-Led Ceasefire Talks Are
Latest Erasure of Roots of Arab-Israeli Conflict, by
Amy Goodman
Greek Tanker in Red Sea with 150,000 Tons of Crude
Has Been on Fire for Days After Houthi Strike
Human Rights Watch: Israel Has Tortured Detained
Palestinian Medical Workers
No Deal Yet as Ceasefire Talks Continue in Egypt
U.S. & Israel vs. Axis of Resistance: Biden Strikes
New Targets in Middle East as Gaza War Continues, by
Amy Goodman
After Losing Nearly 100 Relatives in Gaza,
Palestinian American Doctor Refuses to Meet with
Blinken, by Amy Goodman
“Incandescent” with Rage: Matt Duss on Voter
Anger over Biden Support for Netanyahu & Gaza
Assault, by Amy Goodman
Israel’s Use of Starvation as a Weapon of War
Brings Gaza to the Brink of Famine, by Amy
- Palestinian Healthcare Workers Chained,
Starved, Sexually Abused: New HRW Report on
Israeli Prisons, by Amy Goodman
U.S. Complicit in “On-Air Genocide”: Palestinian
Amb. Husam Zomlot Slams 12-Week Gaza Assault, by Amy
“Utterly Illegal”: U.N. Special Rapporteur Slams
Netanyahu’s “Voluntary Migration” Plan for
Gazans, by Amy Goodman
U.S. Said It Was Calling for a Gaza Ceasefire, But
Its U.N. Resolution Didn’t Say That: Phyllis Bennis,
by Amy Goodman
U.S. Threatens to Cut Military Assistance If Israel
Keeps Withholding Aid for Gaza, by Amy Goodman,
Israel Bombs Municipal Building in Lebanon, Killing
6, Including Mayor of Nabatieh
Israel Is Routinely Shooting Children in the Head in
Gaza: U.S. Surgeon & Palestinian Nurse, by Amy
Uncommitted Co-Founder Abbas Alawieh on U.S.
Election & Family in Lebanon Fleeing Israeli Bombs,
by Amy Goodman
U.S. to Send Anti-Missile Defense System & 100
Troops to Israel, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow!
“Every Day Is a Breaking Point”: North Gaza
Desperate for Medicine, Fuel, Food, Water & Shelter,
by Amy Goodman
Hezbollah Drone Strike on Israeli Army Base Kills 4
Soldiers, 60+ Injured
Israel Accused of Committing War Crimes by Attacking
U.N. Peacekeepers in Lebanon
Israel Attacks U.N. Peacekeeping Forces as U.S.
Sends 100 Troops Anticipating Conflict with Iran, by
Amy Goodman
Israel Bombs Tent Encampment at Gaza Hospital &
School Shelter in Latest Massacres
Israeli Siege in Northern Gaza Continues as
Netanyahu Considers “Surrender or Starve” Policy
Spanish PM Urges EU Nations to Suspend Trade and
Arms Deals with Israel
“Surrender or Starve”: Israel Weighs Plan to
Liquidate Northern Gaza as Siege on Jabaliya
Intensifies, by Amy Goodman
Video Of 10-Year-Old Palestinian Girl Crying After
Gaza Attack Goes Viral
Violence in Gaza: Interview with Professor Rashid
Khalidi, by Ralph Nader
WFP Calls for Urgent Action to Prevent Famine as
Israeli Siege on Gaza Continues, by Amy Goodman,
- Israeli Military
Orders Entire Population of Baalbek to Flee or Face
- Norway Seeks ICJ
Opinion on Whether Israel’s UNRWA Ban Violates
International Law
- Palestinian
Political Prisoner Marwan Barghouti Says He Was
Assaulted by Israeli Guards
Watch Rep. Rashida Tlaib Blast U.S. Aid for Israel &
Attack on Gaza in Dramatic House Floor Speech, by
Amy Goodman
We Are Not Numbers: Palestinian Journalist Ahmed
Alnaouq Mourns 21 Family Members Killed by Israel,
by Amy Goodman
- Antony
Loewenstein: Israel Is Testing New Weapons on
Gaza as Arms Dealers Profit from Gaza War, by
Amy Goodman
- NY Times
Writers Jazmine Hughes & Jamie Keiles Resign
After Signing Letter Against Israeli War on
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
“We Cannot Trust Biden” on Gaza: Michigan House Dem
Majority Leader Meets White House Officials, by Amy
“We Don’t Want to Trade in the Blood of
Palestinians”: Voices of Students & Profs at
Columbia Protest, by Amy Goodman
- In Gaza
Protest, Columbia Students Occupy Hamilton Hall,
Site of Historic 1968 Takeover, by Amy Goodman
- Israeli
Holocaust Scholar Omer Bartov on Campus
Protests, Weaponizing Antisemitism & Silencing
Dissent, by Amy Goodman
- Months After
Israel Killed Gaza Poet Refaat Alareer, His
Daughter & Infant Grandson Die in Airstrike, by
Amy Goodman
“We Have Come to an End”: Palestine Red Crescent
Says Gaza’s Hospitals Are Out of Solutions, by Amy
“Unspeakable”: Dr. Fady
Joudah Grieves 50+ Family Members Killed in Gaza &
Slams U.S. Media Coverage, by Amy Goodman
“We Want Real Dignity and Freedom”: Gazans Welcome
Ceasefire But Demand End of Siege & Occupation, by
Amy Goodman
“We Will Never Leave”: Human Rights Lawyer Raji
Sourani in Gaza City Refuses to Be “Good Victim”, by
Amy Goodman
“We’re Responsible for This”: American Surgeons
Return from Gaza, Call for End of U.S. Culpability
in Genocide, by Amy Goodman
What I Witnessed in Gaza Is a Holocaust: Palestinian
Writer Susan Abulhawa, by Amy Goodman
WHO Says Israeli Attacks Have Taken All of Northern
Gaza’s Hospitals Out of Service, by Amy Goodman
- A Grim
Milestone: Journalist Death Toll Tops 53 as
Israel Kills More Reporters in Gaza and Lebanon,
by Amy Goodman
- Becca Balint,
First Jewish Congressmember to Back Ceasefire,
Expresses Support for Rashida Tlaib, by Amy
- Families of
Israeli Hostages Blast Bill to Impose Death
Sentence on Hamas Members, by Amy Goodman
- Israeli
Attacks Kill Palestinian Journalists in Gaza and
Media Workers in Lebanon, by Amy Goodman
- Palestinian
Poet Mosab Abu Toha Abducted by Israeli Troops
at Gaza Checkpoint, by Amy Goodman
- Palestinian
Poet Mosab Abu Toha Freed After Being Abducted
in Gaza & Beaten by Israeli Forces in Jail, by
Amy Goodman
- Protesters
Rally at Seattle Space Needle to Demand Gaza
Ceasefire, by Amy Goodman
- Sen. Jeff
Merkley Calls for Gaza Ceasefire: “Too Many
Civilians and Children Have Died”, by Amy
- U.N. Chief
Condemns Israel’s “Unparalleled and
Unprecedented” Attacks on Civilians, by Amy
Why I Resigned: Meet Tariq Habash, First Biden
Appointee to Quit over U.S.-Backed Israeli War on
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
- “Israel Is
Starving Gaza”: Israeli Rights Group B’Tselem
Says IDF Is Using Hunger as a Weapon of War, by
Amy Goodman
Worse Than Hell: Dr. Mads Gilbert Decries Israeli
Military Raid on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, by Amy
- March for
Israel Speaker Pastor Hagee Once Said God “Sent
Hitler to Help Jews Reach the Promised Land”, by
Amy Goodman
- Rabbis for
Ceasefire: Jewish Leaders Organize to Halt
Israel’s Bombardment of Gazaby Amy Goodman
Yanis Varoufakis Banned from Germany as Berlin
Police Raid & Shut Down Palestinian Conference, by
Amy Goodman
- “I’m Jewish,
and I’ve Covered Wars. I Know War Crimes When I
See Them”: Reporter Peter Maass on Gaza, by Amy
- Under Cover
of War in Gaza, Assault on West Bank
Intensifies: Palestinian Journalist Dalia Hatuqa,
by Amy Goodman
Viktor Orbán Has Eroded Democracy in Hungary. Now
He’s Being Embraced by CPAC & American Right, by Amy
What Really Poisoned the Water in Flint, Michigan, by
Jim Hightower
/ Inslaw Promis Software / Arkansas-Contra
Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire -- The Secret Life of the
World's Most Notorious Arab Terrorist, by Patrick Seale
Affidavit of Ari Ben-Menashe (3/21/91), by Ari
Affidavit of Lester K. Coleman (8/10/91), by Lester K.
Affidavit of Lester K. Coleman (2/24/05), by Lester K.
Affidavit of Margaret Wiencek (2/7/93), by Margaret
Affidavit of Michael J. Riconosciuto (3/21/91), by
Michael J. Riconosciuto
Affidavit of Richard H. Babayan (3/22/91), by Richard H.
Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking
Transactions Spying, by J. Orlin Grabbe
America's Dreyfus Affair, by David Martin
Angel of Death Gives Deposition in Inslaw Case, by J.
Orlin Grabbe
Arkansas Connections, by Sam Smith
Beneath Contempt, Did the Justice Dept. Deliberately
Bankrupt INSLAW?, by Maggie Mahar
Chapters in the Recent History of Arkansas, by Alexander
Coleman Corroborated on CIA's Panam 103, by Virginia
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA: How the
Presidency was Co-opted by the CIA, by Terry Reed & John
Correspondence From George Bush to John Poindexter
(6/16/86), by George Bush
Correspondence from John Poindexter to Robert McFarlane
(8/22/85), by John Poindexter
Correspondence from John Poindexter to Robert McFarlane
(9/20/85), by John Poindexter
Correspondence From Moshe Ben-Manash to Lt. Cmdr. Robert
Hunt (11/11/93), by Moshe Ben-Manash
Correspondence From Rayelan Allan Russbacher Re
Situation Update (2/93), by Rayelan Allan
Dead Right, by John Connolly
Death of a Journalist Exposes a Secret Government, by
Paul DeRienzo
Declaration of Howard Teicher (1/31/95), by Howard
Deposition of Chalmer C. Hayes (1/15/97), by Chalmer C.
Deposition of Confidential Witness In Regards to
Discovery of Vince Foster's Body on July 20, 1993
Deposition of Richard J. Brenneke (6/21/91), by Richard
J. Brenneke
Final Report on the Death of Vincent Foster, Jr. Summary
from The Congressional Record, by Robert B. Fiske, Jr.
Former Agent Accused of Perjury in Pan Am 103 Bombing
Allegations Arrested, by Robert E. Kessler
Free Lester Coleman, by Sarah Coleman
Free Sharlene Wilson -- Today, by Joseph-Farah
Google Posting,by Virginia McCullough
Inside the Shadow CIA, by John Connolly
Inslaw-Octopus Related Deaths, from "The Octopus, Secret
Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro," by Kenn
Thomas and Jim Keith
Interview with Bill Hamilton, by Paul DeRienzo
Interview with Harry Martin, by Paul DeRienzo
Interview with James Norman, former Senior Editor of
Forbes Magazine and now with Media Bypass Magazine, by
Jim Quinn
Interview with Patrick Knowlton and his lawyer John H.
Clarke, by The Washington Weekly
Memorandum from Bill Casey to John Poindexter (5/20/86),
by Bill Casey
Memorandum From John Poindexter to William Casey
(5/27/86), by John Poindexter
Memorandum From Oliver North to John Poindexter
(5/30/86), by Oliver North
Mysterious Deaths and Unmotivated Suicides Have Clinton
in Common, by Dave Komer
New FBI release on Clinton email probe refers to 'Shadow
Government', by Everett Rosenfeld
Obstruction of Justice: Exposing the Inslaw Scandal and
Related Crimes, by Karen Bixman
Official Records Re: Gunther Russbacher, by Offut Air
Force Base
Parole Request of Lester Coleman, by Lester Coleman
Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America, by
Roger Morris
Paul Wilcher & Gunther Russbacher, by Rayelan Allan
Pay Your Money, Take Your Chance, by Nessie
Picture Points Finger at Whitehouse, by Ambrose
Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms
Network, by Ari Ben-Menashe
PROMIS, by Michael C. Ruppert
Rigged Software Claimed to Hack Intelligence Files, by
Valerie Lawton and Allan Thompson
Sarah McClendon's Washington Report (3/2/91), by
Sarah McClendon
Sarah McClendon's Washington Report (10/20/92), by Sarah
Sarah McClendon's Washington Report (7/4/93), by Sarah
Second Amended Complaint, Patrick Knowlton vs. Robert
Snowbound, by John Cummings and Ernest Volkman
Software to Die For, by James Ridgeway
Statement of the Honorable George Miller, Chairman,
House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Oversight
Hearings on Alyeska Covert Operations
Submission to the Electoral Funding (Re Iran-Contra), by
Marshall Wilson
Suicide Note, by Vincent Foster
Suit Links CIA to Lockerbie Bomb, by Robert H. Taylor
The Ahwahnee Hotel, by National Park Service
Ahwahnee Hotel Gears Up for 75th Anniversary Year, by
Karen Hales
Comments on Draft Yosemite Valley Plan, by Kirk Helland
Concessions at Yosemite National Park, by Jonathon S.
Excerpt from "The Last Circle," by Carol Marshall
Extended Comments on Draft Yosemite Valley Plan, 2000,
by David Curry
Merger Decision, Matsushita/MCA, Case No. IV/M.037
Sega GameWorks Appoints Veteran Theme Park Chief Ron
Bension as President and CEO, by Sega GameWorks L.L.C.
The Commodification of Nature, by Scott Silver
Trout Take Over Yosemite in Fall, by Dan Fallon
Yosemite and the United States Navy, by David A. Smith
Yosemite at 100: Trouble in Paradise. Emotions Run High
as Officials Back Off Plans to Return the Park to a More
Pristine State, by Kevin Roderick
Yosemite Concession Services, by Dorothy Richards
Yosemite Firefall, by firefall.info
Yosemite Fund 2000 Award Recipient. Yosemite's Arvin
Abbott Selected as the Yosemite Fund 2000 Award
Recipient, by Karen Hales
Yosemite National Park, by April Rowan
The BCCI Affair: A Report to the Committee on Foreign
Relations, by Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown
The Crimes of Mena, by Sally Denton and Roger Morris
The Inslaw Affair: Investigative Report by the Committee
on the Judiciary Together With Dissenting and Separate
The Inslaw Octopus, by Richard L. Fricker
The Last Circle, by Carol Marshall
The Last Days of Danny Casolaro: Murder or Suicide:
However you Look At It, the Story Killed Him, by James
Ridgeway and Doug Vaughan
The Mena Coverup, by Micah Morrison
The Mysterious Death of Danny Casolaro, by David
The Napa Sentinel, by Harry V. Martin
Addendum 1 to Federal Corruption, by Harry V. Martin
Addendum 2 to Federal Corruption, by Harry V. Martin
Addendum 3 to Federal Corruption, by Harry V. Martin
Addendum 4 to Federal Corruption, by Harry V. Martin
Another Leg Into the Inslaw Story, by Harry V. Martin
Bankruptcy Court Examines Software Allegations Against
Justice Department Pirating, by Harry V. Martin
Bankruptcy, Justice Scandal Could Equal Watergate, by
Harry V. Martin
Bobbie, Caught in the Middle, by Harry V. Martin
Bobbie Extradition, by Harry V. Martin
Bush Made Deal With Iranians, Pilot Says, by Harry V.
Canadians Begin Probe on Pirated Software From Justice
Department, by Harry V. Martin
Conclusion of the Inslaw Series, by Harry V. Martin
Dead Men Tell No Tales, by Harry V. Martin
Death of a Journalist, by Harry V. Martin
Fall 1992, by Harry V. Martin
Federal Corruption: Inslaw, by Harry V. Martin
French Connection, The Smoking Gun, by Harry V. Martin
Hard Decision: Napa Judge Must Decide What to Do With
Wife of a Key Federal Witness, by Harry V. Martin
House Judiciary Investigators Seek New Declaration, by
Harry V. Martin
How the Justice Department Used the Bankruptcy Court, by
Harry V. Martin
Inslaw Case Gets Deeper and Uncovers More "Bodies", by
Harry V. Martin
Israeli Agent Names Names, Sources Reveal Bank
Transactions, by Harry V. Martin
Israelis Are Blowing Whistle on Bush Administration, by
Harry V. Martin
Israelis Hold the Key to October Surprise, by Harry V.
It Happened Right Here! Wife of Key Witness in Justice
Scandal Inslaw Case is Arrested in Napa, by Harry V.
Key Witness in Inslaw Case Arrested by Justice
Department as Predicted, by Harry V. Martin
Media Almost Broke the Bush-Iran Story Several Years
Earlier, by Harry V. Martin
More Damaging Testimony Given, by Harry V. Martin
Murder of Three Indians May be Part of House Probe on
Inslaw Case, by Harry V. Martin
Pilot's Full Account of Bush's Paris Flight, by Harry V.
Secret French Memo on October Surprise, by Harry V.
Secret Service Can't Account for Bush, by Harry V.
The Conclusion: Did Bush Go to Paris?, by Harry V.
Who is This Man Who Claims He Flew Bush to Paris?, by
Harry V. Martin
The Name of Rose: An Arkansas Thriller, by L.J. Davis
The Octopus, by Karen Bixman
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories,
by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Secret Life of Gunther Russbacher, by C.D. Stelzer
Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut to Lockerbie, by
Donald Goddard with Lester K. Coleman
Unpublished draft chapter of the congressional
Iran-Contra investigation
U.S. Drugs Sting "Gave Pan Am Bomber Cover", by The
London Times
U.S. Government Still on Ropes Over Lockerbie, by John
Virginia McCullough Interview, by Paul DeRienzo
Wackenhut Corporation, by Wackenhut.com
Wackenhut Corporation: A Patriot or a Partner in
Executive Crime?, by Armen Victorian
Wackenhut Corporation Name Base Search Results, by
Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, by
Why Did John Ashcroft Risk His Career to Protect Gunther
Russbacher?, by Rayelan Allan Russbacher
Widow: "All We Did Was Go Out to Eat", by Jim Auchmutey
Witnesses Asked About Trump’s Handling of Map With
Classified Information: The map is just one element
of the Justice Department’s inquiry into former
President Donald Trump’s possession of sensitive
documents and whether he obstructed justice in
seeking to hold onto them, by Maggie Haberman, Adam
Goldman and Alan Feuer
YouTube Picks
Amazing Speech: Bernie Sanders With Tim Robbins Rally in
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Bernie Sanders: The Young Turks Interview (FULL) , by
Cenk Uygur
Bernie Sanders Celebrity Endorsements [Danny DeVito;
Killer Mike; Susan Sarandon; Dick Van Dyke; Art
Garfunkel; Spike Lee; Graham Nash; Danny Glover; Harry
Belafonte; Mark Ruffalo; Sarah Silverman]
#BernieSanders hits $44mil & 19k in the Bronx: The
#NYPrimary battle is ON! #EnoughIsEnough, Morning Joe
Bernie Sanders BEST EVER Town Hall, with Spike Lee,
Harry Belafonte & Nina Turner
CNN Tonight, with Don Lemon on Bill Clinton & BLM
20/20 Monica Lewinsky Interview, by Barbara Walters
21st-Century Slaves: How Corporations Exploit Prison
In the eyes of the corporation, inmate labor is a
brilliant strategy in the eternal quest to maximize
profit.by Rania Khalek
23 cents an hour: The perfectly legal slavery happening
in modern-day America
In skyrocketing prison populations, corporations and the
government have a pool of powerless, exploitable
workers, by Terrell Jermaine Starr
A pawn in the CIA drug game, by Rosalind Muhammad
American Slavery, Reinvented: The Thirteenth Amendment
forbade slavery and involuntary servitude, “except as
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been
duly convicted.”, by Whitney Benns
Another Agent Speaks Out, by Micah Morrison
As Ex-Theorist on Young 'Superpredators,' Bush Aide Has
Regrets, by Elizabeth Becker
Bill & Hillary Clinton: A Life of Violating People, by
Robert Morrow
Bill Clinton: "I almost want to apologize", Live CNN
Bill Clinton confronts protesters who say his crime
reforms hurt blacks, by Luciana Lopez and Jonathan Allen
Bill Clinton just gave criminal justice reformers
another reason to be cautious of Hillary, by German
Bill Clinton Says Black Lives Matter Protesters Defend
Gang Leaders, Crack Dealers, by Kevin Gosztola
Bill Clinton's Crime Bill Destroyed Lives, and There's
No Point Denying It, by Thomas Frank
Blacks Were Targeted for CIA Cocaine: It Can Be Proven,
by Michael C. Ruppert
Casual Drug Users Should Be Shot, Gates Says, by Ronald
J. Ostrow
Chapter 1: Superpredators and other Myths about Juvenile
Delinquency, by James C. Howell
"Children": Excerpt from "Voices for Freedom: An Amnesty
International Anthologyby Amnesty International
Clinton To Cut Ties With Private Prison Industry, by
Alice Ollstein
Conduct Unbecoming: William J. Bennett offers a critical
appraisal of the Clinton Presidency, by Richard L. Berke
Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy, by Robert Parry
Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair, directed by
Barbara Trent
'Crack baby' study ends with unexpected but clear
result, by Susan FitzGerald
"Crack King" (Freeway Ricky Ross), by Myra Panache
Dixie Mafia, by Wikipedia
Don't believe the fictitious crime trends used to
undermine police reform. The ‘Ferguson Effect’ is part
of an ugly history of using crime to delegitimize civil
rights movements. That’s why we must be especially
vigilant against it, by Bernard Harcourt
Federal and State Prison Populations Soared Under
Clinton, Report Finds
Justice: An analysis of federal statistics shows that
more inmates were added than during any previous
administration. by Greg Krikorian
Group rallies for Toledo anti-gang march
Heartbreaking Crimes: Kids Without a Conscience? Rape,
murder, a baby dead at a prom: A look at young lives
that seem to have gone very, very wrong. Why are kids
killing? Coincidence -- or scary trend? A spate of
murders allegedly committed by teens leaves experts,
family and police seeking answers, by Maria Eftimiades,
Susan Christian Goulding, Anthony Duignan-Cabrera, Don
Campbell, Jane Sims Podesta
Here's the Latest Evidence of How Private Prisons Are
Exploiting Inmates for Profit, by Gabrielle Canon
Hillary Clinton and the Tragic Politics of Crime: The
criminal-justice policies she now denounces once helped
her husband capture the White House. by Peter Beinart
Hillary Clinton Should Ask for Black America’s
Forgiveness Before She Asks for its Vote, by Antonio
How Well Do You Know Your Kids?, by Pat Wingert
I Was 16 and in Solitary Before I Ever Even Went to
Trial, by Reginald Dwayne Betts
Inflammatory Meet The Press Guest Uses Michael Brown
Shooting To Mislead On Criminal Justice Racism, by
Timothy Johnson
John Dilulio's "Superpredator" Fear-Mongering Changed
the US Criminal Legal System and Locked Away a
Generation of Black Youth, by Bill Berkowitz
Lead: America's Real Criminal Element. New Research
Finds Lead is the Hidden Villain Behind Violent Crime,
Lower IQs, and Even the ADHD Epidemic. And Fixing the
Problem is a Lot Cheaper Than Doing Nothing. by Kevin
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, by Ring Wing
Marc Lamont Hill slaps down Bill Clinton's arguments
hard after his #BlackLivesMatter meltdown, by Frank Vyan
Measuring Crack Cocaine and Its Impact, by Roland G.
Fryer, Jr. Harvard University Society of Fellows and
NBER; Paul S. Heaton University of Chicago; Steven D.
Levitt University of Chicago; Kevin M. Murphy University
of Chicago
Moral Majority, by Wikipedia
New Jersey Charges Woman, 18, With Killing Baby Born at
Prom, by Robert Hanley
New law puts heat on crack dealers Clinton signs measure
to fight cocaine use: Blacks decry disparity, by Lyle
"No Regrets," by Tara Carreon
Partners in POWER: The Clintons and Their America:
Excerpt, by Roger Morris
Private Prison Lobbyists Are Raising Cash for Hillary
Clinton, by Lee Fang
Race, Crime and the Pool of Surplus Criminality: or Why
the 'War on Drugs' Was a 'War on Blacks, by Kenneth B.
Relentless Moral Crusader Is Relentless Gambler, by
Katharine Q. Seelye
Robert S. Bennett, by Wikipedia
Shocking Facts About America's For-Profit Prison
Industry, by Beth Buczynski
Shooting Stars-Anti-Gang Community Outreach Program
Statement on Signing Legislation Rejecting U.S.
Sentencing Commission Recommendations, by William J.
The Apocalypse of Adolescence, by Ron Powers
The Black Male Incarceration Problem Is Real and It’s
Catastrophic, by Antonio Moore
The Clinton Chronicles
The Coming Mayhem: Pre-Teens today are more violent than
ever before. In their world--nothing matters. Where are
all the adults?, by Richard Rodriguez
The Democrats’ Uneasy Connection to Private Profit
Deportation Jails , by Matthew Kolken
The Many Causes of America’s Decline in Crime. A new
report finds that locking up more offenders isn't making
people any safer—and may even be counterproductive.
by Inimai M. Chettiar
The Massive Prison Industry In The United States: Big
Business & Slavery, by Arjun Walia
The Mena Coverup, by Micah Morrison
The Picture of Ordinary: Before Prom Night, a Suspect
Was the Girl Next Door, by Abby Goodnough and Bruce
The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business
or a New Form of Slavery?, by Vicky Pelaez
The Superpredator Myth, 20 Years Later , by Equal
Justice Initiative
The Worst Thing Bill Clinton Has Done: A Clinton
appointee who resigned in protest over the new welfare
law explains why it is so bad and suggests how its worst
effects could be mitigated. by Peter Edelman
These 7 Household Names Make a Killing Off of the
Prison-Industrial Complex, by Kelley Davidson
Time for Bill Bennett to Sit Down, by David Borden
USA Journal Online, by Jon E. Dougherty
What did he snort and when did he snort it?, by
Investors Business Daily - Editorial
When Youth Violence Spurred ‘Superpredator’ Fear, by
Clyde Haberman
Why Are Kids Killing? Coincidence—or Scary Trend? A
Spate of Murders Allegedly Committed by Teens Leaves
Experts, Family and Police Seeking Answers, by Maria
Eftimiades, Susan Christian Goulding, Anthony
Duignan-Cabrera, Don Campbell, Jane Sims Podesta.
Why Kids Are Ruining America: Teens are running
roughshod over this country -- murdering, raping,
gambling away the nation's future -- and we have the
bills for counseling and prison to prove it. Sure, not
all kids are bad -- but collectively, they're getting
worse. Why should we blame ourselves? , by Bret Easton
Why the Young Kill, by Sharon Begley
Wild in the streets, by Barbara Kantrowitz
William J. Bennett, by Encyclopedia of World Biography
Dem. Senator EXPOSES dark money scheme that propped
up Kavanaugh and Barrett, by The Hill
Die Nibelungen (The Nibelungs), directed by Fritz Lang
Donald Trump Victory Speech: Full Speech as President
Elect of the United States, by ABC News
Ex CIA Officer Kevin Shipp Reveals All on Shadow
Government and Deep State, by The Hagmann Report
Gore Vidal vs. William F. Buckley: Crypto-Nazi Debate,
by ABC
Green Party VP Ajamu Baraka on the Middle East: Ajamu
Baraka explains how his party would approach foreign
policy on Israel, Palestine, Syria, and Saudi Arabia, by
Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in
It, by Andy Greenberg
Hillary Clinton Insults The Intelligence of Bernie
Sanders Supporters, by Tim Black
Hollywood Actors: Sexual Abuse Of Boys Is "Rampant", by
The Young Turks
Irish Politician Mick Wallace on the United States
being a democracy
Jill Stein Appeared on Fox News, Made Their Heads
Explode, by The Humanist Report
Major Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III on 9/11
MASS EXODUS away from the NRA and MAGA EXPOSED by
Former Gun
Michelle Alexander Endorses Bernie Sanders, Chris Hayes
Noam Chomsky full length interview: Who rules the world
now?, by Cathy Newman
Obama adviser to Clinton: Stop calling Bernie supporters
'dupes', by TYT Nation
Planet of the Humans, written, produced and directed by
Jeff Gibbs
Politics After Trump: A Conversation with Chris
Hedges, by BC Student Government
Race for the White House: Can Clinton Stop Sanders'
Momentum? Nomiki Konst (Sanders Supporter) and Maria
Cardona (Clinton Supporter) on CNN with Pamela Brown
Racing To The Precipice: Understanding Climate Change,
by Prof Noam Chomsky
Republicans use Ohio train disaster to pursue
culture wars, ignore solutions, by Chris Hayes
Robert Reich on Bernie Sanders Endorsement, by Amy
Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon The Shadow History of
Burners , by Steve Outtrim
Stand-Up Special Full Show, by John Oliver
The Rise of the Oligarchs, Directed by Marwan Bishara
"The World's Most Dangerous Man": Mary Trump on Her
Uncle, President Trump, & Why He Must Be Ousted, by
Amy Goodman
Three Dangers of Biden/Harris Administration, by Glenn
After Trump, Is It Dangerous To ‘Return To Normal’?
Cornel West Thinks So, by Dena Takruri
“America’s Moment of Reckoning”: Keeanga-Yamahtta
Taylor & Cornel West on Uprising Against Racism, by
Amy Goodman
Bree Newsome
& Prof. Eddie Glaude: The Black Lives Matter Movement
Helped the Democrats Defeat Trump, by Amy Goodman
Biden’s DOJ Vows to Stop Spying on Journalists
Months After Placing Gag Order on New York Times, by
Amy Goodman
Biden's Lawless Bombing of Iraq and Syria Only
Serves the Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties,
U.S. citizens derive no benefit, but instead suffer
great loss, from endless war in the Middle East. But
their interests are irrelevant to decisions of
bipartisan Washington., by Glenn Greenwald
Capitalism Without Accountability Is at Root of Suez
Canal Shipping Crisis, Says Scholar Laleh Khalili
(Excerpt], by Amy Goodman
Pains, by Laleh Khalili
Chris Hedges at the Community Church of Boston, Hosted
by Joe Ramsey
“Do Not Come”: VP Harris Sends Anti-Migrant Message
in Guatemala, Visits Mexico Amid Deadly Election, by
Amy Goodman
DOJ Announces it will Defend Donald Trump in
Defamation Lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll, by
Glenn Kirschner
Position in the E. Jean Carroll Case Explained, by
Glenn Kirschner
“Empire Politician”: Joe Biden’s Half-Century Record
on Foreign Policy, War, Militarism & the CIA, by Amy
Glenn Greenwald: Nothing Trump Did Compares to the
'Moral Evil' of Bush's and Obama's Wars, by ReasonTV
Glenn Greenwald on Useful Idiots, Interview Only, by
Rolling Stone
Inside the life of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s
scandal-plagued son, by Emily Jacobs
allegedly used sex toy on Hunter Biden at NYC’s
Hustler Club, by Elizabeth Rosner
Instagram is Using False “Fact-Checking” to Protect
Joe Biden’s Crime Record From Criticisms: The
Facebook-owned platform’s denunciation of a
well-established view of Biden shows the dangers of
internet censorship and the fraudulent use of
“fact-checking.”, by Glenn Greenwald
Jeremy Scahill: Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy Record
Shows Evolution of U.S. Empire Since Vietnam War, by
Amy Goodman
Jeremy Scahill on Biden’s “War Against
Whistleblowers,” from Daniel Ellsberg to Edward
Snowden, by Amy Goodman
My Resignation From The Intercept: The same trends of
repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity
plaguing the national press generally have engulfed
the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in
censorship of my own articles, by Glenn Greenwald
Noam Chomsky on Trump, Biden, the climate emergency,
Palestine and capitalism, by Owen Jones
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced
Ukrainian businessman to VP dad, by Emma-Jo Morris and
Gabrielle Fonrouge
The Real Scandal: U.S. Media Uses Falsehoods to Defend
Joe Biden From Hunter's Emails, Article on Joe and
Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept: An attempt to
assess the importance of the known evidence, and a
critique of media lies to protect their favored
candidate, could not be published at The Intercept
by Glenn Greenwald
“The Work Continues”: Cornel West & Maria Hinojosa on
the Promise & Dangers of the Biden Admin, by Amy
U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden
Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans,
by Amy Goodman
Vijay Prashad Warns Biden Is “Doubling Down” on
Trump’s Anti-China Cold War Policy, by Amy Goodman
White House Distances Itself From DOJ’s Trump
Defense As Biden Breaks With His Justice Department
— Again, by Alison Durkee
Why Was It So Effing Close?, by Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Trump v. Fox News: The Divorce Trial of the Century,
by Trevor Noah
Desi Lydic Foxsplains EVERYTHING, by The Daily Show
Leaked Trump & Melania Accidental Zoom Call 6.02.21
- Mikalah Gordon & John Di Domenico, by John Di
Domenico & Mikalah Gordon
Orange Acres Episode 2 Trump & Melania: Out of the
Washington, Out of Money & Out of Shape?, by John Di
True believers explain how Trump will be reinstated
as president, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump & Melania Holiday Dinner Part 2 Flashback
Hamberders delivered & delicious!, by John Di
Trump & Melania: Out of the White House, $400
Million in Debt & Need a Job, Orange Acres Episode
1, by John Di Domenico
Trump & Melania Pawn Adult Toys, Art of the D***O!
Orange Acres Episode 5, by John Di Domenico &
Mikalah Gordon.
Trump & Melania Scammed by Lord Jimmy & Lady Yvette
Orange Acres Episode 7John Di Domenico & Mikalah
Trump 1AM Rant: Biden Hates God, Guns, Yo-semites,
Thighland, The Bible, Energy, but Loves Chyna!, by
John Di Domenico
Trump Cancel Culture & Boycott Everything LEAKED!
Ripping Cancun Cruz & Mr. Potato Head!, by John Di
Trump Christmas Rant: Claims Biden Hates Santa,
Elves & Baby Jesus! Video John Di Domenico, by John
Di Domenico
Trump Easter Cold Open, by Saturday Night Live
Trump EPIC Rant: Nobody Likes Me! Fires Fauci hires
Dr. Stella Immanuel w/Alien DNA & Demon Sperm!, by
John Di Domenico
Deliverance From Spirit
Wives and Spirit Husbands (Incubus and Succubus), by
Fire Power Deliverance Ministries
- Man allegedly confesses to
killing his kids, refers to QAnon conspiracies, by
Man says he killed his
kids over QAnon conspiracy theories and "serpent
DNA," fearing they'd become "monsters", by CBS News
Trump goes off the rails at Thanksgiving Day press
conference accusing turkeys of being ANTIFA, by John
Di Domenico
Trump Orders Followers to TAKE his Own Branded
(rhymes with) Maxine!, by John Di Domenico
Trump Rant: Axios Interview, “I want a Do Over w/
more charts & graphs & no Jonathan Swan!, by John Di
Trump REINSTATED TODAY 8/13 says Mike Lindell. DJT
announces Shadow Cabinet!, by John Di Domenico
Trump slams Cuomo‘s 11 counts of sexual harassment.
Trump's Laws 1 minute Quick Take!, by John Di
Trump's LEAKED Mar-A-lago Wedding Crasher Speech
UNEDITED!, by John Di Domenico
55 K Emails Released, Others Definitely Not Released,
Memorandum to Jim Margolis From J. Benenson, Dated
3/5/15, Re: Emails Development
A Pizza-Related Handkerchief
2009 imprisonment of American journalists by North
Korea, by Wikipedia
Bill’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again, by
Maureen Callahan
Bubba Trouble: The Comeback Id, by Todd S. Purdum
Cheese Pizza, by Urban Dictionary
Destricted, written, directed and produced by Marina
Email: From Susan Sandler to John Podesta,
dated 9/2/14, Re Did You Leave a Handkerchief
Email: From James Alefantis to John Podesta, dated
10/4/2008, Re Comet on Podesta
Email: From John Podesta to Herb Sandler Re Cheese
Email: From Philippe Reines to Thomas Nides, dated
10/10/12, Re Monica Langley Transcript
Email: From Kris Cleary to Laura B. Macrorie,
dated 6/12/15, Re Ice Cream for Free (time) today!
Email: From John Podesta to Tara McGuinness, dated
3/2/15, Re Our Drive
Email: From Tony Podesta to John Podesta, dated 3/9/16,
Re Hillary Pizza Party April 10
Email: From Doug Band to Bandr, Huma Abedin, John
Podesta, Tony Podesta, Zach Schwartz, Sean Gallagher,
dated 8/8/09, Re Pizza.jpg
Email: From John Podesta to Tony Podesta, dated 1/8/14,
Re You Two Free for Dinner on 12 or 13 January?
Email: From Tony Podesta to John Podesta, dated 1/16/15,
Re Dinner
Email: From James Steyer to John Podesta, dated 4/11/15,
Re Walnut Sauce?
Email: From Tony Podesta to John Podesta, dated 3/18/16,
Re Hax
Email: From Tony Podesta to Amrita Mahbubani, dated
5/2/15, Re Dinner in DC
Email: From Herb Sandler to John Podesta, dated
7/11/15, Re Dominos
Email: From Ashok Mahbubani to John Podesta, dated
10/27/15, Re Casa Poedesta Pizza Party
Email: From Catherine Chieco to John Podesta,
dated 10/20/15, Re Friday Night at Posto for Tony's
Email: From Catherine Chieco to Mary Podesta, dated
9/20/15, Re Just Got Back To Town
Email: From Ashoka Mahbubani to Tony Podesta, dated
6/5/15, Re Dinner in DC
Email: From Fran Shapiro to John Podesta, dated
12/20/15, Re Reminder 12:45 Showing Today
Email: From Bobby Schmuck to Alan Reed, dated
5/12/16, Re Host for POTUS in Miami
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet
much more than previously known, by Malia Zimmerman
Hillary Clinton's Campaign Is Powered By Pizza, Analysis
Shows, by Elizabeth Chuck
In Release of Journalists, Both Clintons Had Key Roles,
by Mark Landler and Peter Baker
Lewinsky Relationship: From independent counsel Kenneth
Starr's report to the House on President Clinton:
Nature of President Clinton's Relationship with Monica
Marina Abramović, by Wikipedia
Pizza and Pedofiles: Comet Ping Pong, Washington, DC
(Podestas, Pizza and Pedos)
#PizzaGate the Documentary, Pedophilia involving Podesta
Emails, Clinton, Obama, David Brock, DNC, by Titus Frost
PizzaGate - Unraveling the Occult Pedophilia Ring Coding
of the Political Elite, by New World Agenda
Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual
Preferences, by Fderal Bureau of Investigation,
Intelligence Bulletin
The Rachel Chandler Connection (pizzagate), by Anonymous
Bob Iger, Chairman of Disney, Wants to Help, Memorandum
to John Podesta, From a. Sowers, dated 2/20/15, Re:
Email from Steve Bing
Britain’s top human rights lawyer who represented Julian
Assange and worked alongside George Clooney’s wife Amal
dies in apparent suicide, by Neil Syson
Citigroup's List of Candidates for
Cabinet/Deputy/Under/Assistant, Memorandum to John
Podesta, From M. Froman, Dated 10/6/08, Re: Lists
Clinton Blatantly Disregarded Security & Diplomatic
Protocol, FBI Investigation, 9/2/15
Clinton Campaign Created Fake Craigslist Jobs Post for
Trump, Memorandum to M. Paustenbach, From C. Freundlich,
Dated 5/18/16, Re: need comms approval Craigslist Job
Clinton Campaign Wrote
About “Elevating” Trump Months Before He Declared
Candidacy, by Claire Bernish
Clinton Defends Fracking, Tells Environmentalists to Get
a Life, Memorandum to J. Palmieri, From V. Anand, Dated
9/9/15, Re: Building Trades Union (Keystone XL)
Clinton Is a Moderate Who Doesn't Know What Planet We
Live On, Memorandum to John Podesta, From N. Tanden,
Dated 9/15/15
Clinton Journalist Has Meltdown After His Russian
Conspiracy Theory Is Debunked. Pro-Clinton mainstream
media remains convinced there must be nefarious,
pro-Kremlin incentives for anyone opposing her, by
Michael Sainato
A Bernie Sanders Campaign Adviser Was a Russian. Now
He’s Speaking Out, by Glenn Greenwald
A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a
Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump: Has the
bureau investigated this material?, by David Corn
Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and
Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process
and Cyber Incident Attribution, by Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Branding Democracy: U.S. Regime Change in Post-Soviet
Eastern Europe (EXCERPT), by Gerald Sussman
Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta Tied to Russian
Mafia, Money Laundering: Emails released by Wikileaks
show Podesta shared in the Clintons' corrupt schemes via
the Clinton Foundation and oligarch Viktor Vekselberg's
Skolovo Foundation, by Roger Stone
Clinton's campaign manager: Russia helping Trump, by
Eric Bradner, CNN
Clinton Ally Says Smoke, But No Fire: No Russia-Trump
Collusion, by Ken Dilanian
Dear Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, I Am Not Sidney
Blumenthal, by Kurt Eichenwald
Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170 K to End U.S.
Sanctions on Russian Bank , by Richard Pollock
Democrats' new warning: Leaks could include Russian
lies. The move could help inoculate Hillary Clinton
against an October cyber surprise. by Cory Bennett
Democrats Now Demonize the Same Russia Policies that
Obama Long Championed, by Glenn Greenwald
Dems Claim Next Wikileaks Release Will Include
Fabricated Content. DNC would prefer another Cold War
than admit bias for Clinton, by Michael Sainato
Did Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald Use Threats and Bribery
to Silence a Young Journalist?, by Walker Bragman and
Shane Ryan
Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative
claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails - they were
handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for
'disgusted' Democratic whistleblowers, by Alana Goodman
Full Clapper: "No Evidence" of Collusion Between Trump
and Russia, Interview with James Clapper, Director of
National Intelligence, by Chuck Todd, Meet The Press
Hack of Democrats’ Accounts Was Wider Than Believed,
Officials Say, by Eric Lichtblau and Eric Schmitt
Elevate Trump, by Tara Carreon
Hillary Clinton Campaign Was Connected to Russian
Government, by Dan Wright
Hillary’s Secret Kremlin Connection Is Quickly
Unraveling: Exactly how Clinton profited off deals with
Skolkovo is something the American public has a right to
know before November 8, by John R. Schindler
Intelligence figures fear Trump reprisals over
assessment of Russia election role, by Spencer Ackerman
Julian Assange, by Afshin Rattansi
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not To Expect
Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion, By Glenn Greenwald
Killer, kleptocrat, genius, spy: the many myths of
Vladimir Putin. Russia’s role in Trump’s election has
led to a boom in Putinology. But do all these theories
say more about us than Putin?, by Keith Gessen
Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers
to Clinton campaign too, by Olivia Beavers
Leading Putin Critic Warns of Xenophobic Conspiracy
Theories Drowning U.S. Discourse and Helping Trump, by
Glenn Greenwald
Members of the Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group
Issue Statement on DNC Hack, by The Aspen Institute
MSNBC’S Rachel Maddow Sees A "Russia Connection" Lurking
Around Every Corner, by Aaron Maté
Much Ado About Nothing: The ODNI report on Russian
“hacking” is short on proof: It’s respected voices like
these that are missing from the current debate about
Russia. by Derek Royden
Obama Loses His War on Whistleblowers, by Craig Murray
Open Letter From Military Leaders Re: Supporting Donald
Putin Derangement Syndrome Arrives: Whatever the truth
about Trump and Russia, the speculation surrounding it
has become a dangerous case of mass hysteria, by Matt
RT beats internet to break #Podestaemails6 & everybody
loses their minds (conspiracy theory warning), by RT.com
Russian Intelligence Hacked DNC Emails, Say Top U.S.
Officials, by Ken Dilanian and Josh Meyer
Sberbank confirms hiring Podesta Group for lobbying its
interests, by TASS Russian News Agency
So Remember All Those Times Democrats Said Russia Hacked
The French Election? About That…, by Caitlin Johnstone
The CIA’s Absence of Conviction, by Craig Murray
The Increasingly Unhinged Russia Rhetoric Comes From a
Long-Standing U.S. Playbook, by Glenn Greenwald
The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political
Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe
(EXCERPT), by Gerald Sussman
The New Yorker’s Big Cover Story Reveals Five
Uncomfortable Truths About U.S. and Russia, by Glenn
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories:
Excerpt , by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The United States and NATO Are Preparing for a Major War
With Russia. Massive military exercises and a troop
buildup on NATO’s eastern flank reflect a dangerous new
strategy. by Michael T. Klare
There’s No Need for a New Cold War: The Intercept’s
Glenn Greenwald is skeptical Russia is really a new,
serious threat, by Isaac Chotiner
Twitter Comments, by Kurt Eichenwald
What’s Worse: Trump’s Campaign Agenda or Empowering
Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert It?, by Glenn
Who is Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the
United States?, by Tim Lister
Why Vladimir Putin's Russia Is Backing Donald Trump, by
Kurt Eichenwald
With New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to
Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons, by Glenn
With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles
are far reaching, according to Panama Papers, by Ben
Clinton Will Ultimately Support Both TPA and TPP,
Memorandum to Jake Sullivan, From D. Schwerin, Dated
3/25/15, Re: TPA/TPP
Conspiring to Produce an Unaware and Compliant
Citizenry, Memorandum to John Podesta, From Bill Ivey,
Dated 3/13/16
DNC head leaked debate question to Clinton, Podesta
emails suggests. Donna Brazile tipped off Clinton’s
campaign about Flint water crisis question, according to
new emails released by WikiLeaks from John Podesta’s
account, by Amber Jamieson
Dr. Jill Stein on Israel, Palestine and The Middle East,
by tikkun (Podesta email)
Facebook news selection is in hands of editors not
algorithms, documents show: Leaked internal guidelines
show human intervention at almost every stage of its
news operation, akin to a traditional media
organization, by Sam Thielman
George Soros Tells Clinton to Fix Trouble in Albania,
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, From Jacob Sullivan,
Dated 1/24/11, Re: Unrest in Albania
Google's Eric Schmidt Designs Clinton Knowledge
Organization, Memorandum to John Podesta, From Cheryl
Mills, Dated 4/15/14, Re: 2016 Thoughts
Hannity: FBI Knows They Are About to Be Exposed By
WikiLeaks, by Tim Hains
Hillary Clinton’s Leaked
Medical Records, Fact or Fiction? Alleged “Statement of
Health issued in July 2015″, by Charisse Van Horn
A Brain-damaged US President with Finger on the Nuclear
Button? by F. William Engdahl
An Unpleasant Hit From
Cocaine: A Case of Cocaine-Induced Cerebral Venous Sinus
Thrombosis, by H. Burns, P. Rich, AY Al-memar
Father Of Doctor Treating Hillary Clinton For Dementia
Mysteriously Dies, by EU Times
"Having a Cracked Head is No Fun At All" (Podesta email)
Hillary Clinton Beyond Sociopathy! by Dr. Steve R.
Hillary Clinton "faints" collapses at the 9/11 memorial
(Real Video)
- "Hillary
Clinton has 1 Year to Live," says Medical School
Professor, by C. Ervana
Hillary Clinton's Blood Clot Treatment And The Need For
Privacy, by Dr. Marc Siegel (Podesta email)
Hillary Clinton's Streak of 275 Days Without a 'Press
Conference' Has Ended (Cough Cough), by Kyle Becker
Hillary's Records, by @HillsMedRecords\
How Chronic Disease Could End Hillary Clinton’s White
House Run, By Joanna
Irrefutable Proof: Hillary Clinton Has a Seizure
Disorder!, by William Ramsey
Maryland Doctor Who Treated Hillary Clinton For Blood
Clot On Brain Mysteriously Dies, by EU Times
Mount Kisco man dies
competing in triathlon, by The Associated Press
Fleck, D.P.T., by PhysicalTherapists.com
Visitation, Service for Vincent John Fleck. Mr. Fleck, a
Mount Kisco resident, formerly lived in Ossining,
by Lanning Taliaferro
Obama was so worried about
Hillary's health he set up a secret medical check-up for
her at Walter Reed - but she refused, fearing her
LEAKING HEART VALVE and arrhythmia would be exposed, by
Ed Klein
PROVIGIL, by Jakes Sullivan (Podesta email)
Revealed: The Truth About 'Hillary's Handler', by Paul
Joseph Watson
"She's often confused," by Huma Abedin (Podesta email)
The Truth About Hillary's
Bizarre Behavior, by Paul Joseph Watson
Time for DNC to pick New Candidate! by Dr. Steve R.
When “Conspiracy Theory” is the Truth, by Dr. Steve R.
HRC Pushed for Meeting in Morocco for $12 Million to
CGI, Memorandum to John Podesta, From Huma Abedin, Dated
1/18/15, Re: CGI Africa
HRC Told tim Kaine He's the Veep, Though Terrible
Choice, Memorandum to John Podesta, From E.C. Mullen,
Dated 7/15/15, Re: Bob Glennon
HWA Speech Flags, by Tony Carrk
Jill Stein's Policy on Israel & Palestine, Memorandum to
John Podesta, From Magazine, Dated 11/2/15, Re: Jill
Stein's Policy on Israel & Palestine
“Julian Is Suffering”: Family of WikiLeaks Founder
Assange in U.S. to Demand His Release from Prison,
by Amy Goodman
Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Raise Money for
Clinton Camp, Memorandum to re47, From J. Palmieri,
Dated 4/17/15, Re: Foreign Registered Agents
Memorandum Re Background on Teneo and Foundation
Activities , To Victoria Bjorklund, et al., 11/16/11
As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State
Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations,
by David Sirota and Andrew Perez and Matthew
Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary
Clinton's State Department, by David Sirota and Andrew
Dominican official: I warned U.S. church leader about
Haitian kids, by cnn.com
From Russia With Money : Hillary Clinton, the Russian
Reset, and Cronyism, by Government Accountability
Hillary: The New York Times Will Never Tell Us This, by
F. William Engdahl
Hillary Is the Candidate of the War Machine, by Jeffrey
How the Clintons Destroyed and Impoverished Haiti:
Hillary’s “Dream Government” and Haiti’s Pay-to-Play
“Recovery Commission” (IHRC), by Dady Chery
Media Reaction: Haiti; Buenos Aires, 2/12/10 (U.S. State
Dept. Cable)
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, from Cheryl Mills, Dated
2/17/10, Re: Statement for "After" Flight Goes Wheels Up
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton From Huma Abedin, dated
5/12/10, Re Haiti Prosecutors Urge Prison for US
Memorandum From Ryan Rutkowski, Statfor, to OS, Dated
3/19/10, Re: Haiti/Us: Legal Adviser to US Haiti
Missionaries Arrested
Memorandum Dated 1/1/01 Re New Life Children's Refuge
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton From Harold Hongju Koh,
Dated 2/9/10, Re 10 AMCITS in Haiti
Memorandum to John Podesta, From Chelsea, Dated
11/30/11, Re: Outstanding Issue (McKinsey)
Monica Petersen, by Human Trafficking Center
(Morning Joe) Destroys Corrupt Clinton Foundation
(Laughable) "Total Corruption", by Real News
Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child
Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for
the Integrity of Poor Families, by Shani M. King
Wikileaks Releases New Bombshell Information, by Sean
MSNBC's Brzezinski: Wasserman Schultz "Should Step
Down," Dem Primary "Has Been Unfair" to Sanders,
Memorandum to hrtsleeve, From L. Miranda, Dated 5/18/16
New WikiLeaks emails show
more negative remarks against Bernie Sanders from
Clinton campaign. The emails from Clinton campaign
chairman John Podesta were released Wednesday, by
Rachael Revesz
Obama Has Emails From Clinton That Don't Say State.gov,
Memorandum to John Podesta, From Cheryl Mills, Dated
3/7/15, Re: POTUS on HRC emails
Obama Readjusts Malaysia's Tier on Human Rights List for
TPP, Memorandum to N. Budzinski, From e47, Dated
7/9/15, Re: Malaysia
Obama Used Cocaine; Was Born in Kenya; His Father Was a
Muslim, Memorandum to John Podesta, From K. Fuksa, Dated
1/9/08, Re: McCain Survey
Qatar and Saudi Arabia Providing Support to ISIL,
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, From John Podesta, dated
9/27/14, Re: Congrats!
Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary
Clinton's State Department, by David Sirota and Andrew
Memorandum to B. Lindsey, From A. Desai, Dated 4/16/12,
Re: Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, From John Podesta, Dated
8/19/14, Re: Here's What I Mentioned
Terrorist Finance: Action Request for Senior Level
Engagement on Terrorism Finance, Dated 12/30/09, U.S.
State Dept. Cable
Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to
John Pilger
Spirit Cooking with Marina Abramovic, Memorandum to John
Podesta, from Tony Podesta, Dated 6/28/15, Re: Dinner
BOMBSHELL!!! More creepy stuff surrounding Hillary
Clinton's campaign, by Hillaryforprison2016
Fakir, by Wikipedia
Inside India's Kumbh Mela festival where holy men (and
women) reach the gods with a little help from some
marijuana and technicolour make-up, by Katy Winter
Marina Abramovic - Spirit Cooking, by www.editionjs.com
Marina Abramovic on Right-Wing Attacks: "It's Absolutely
Outrageous and Ridiculous", by Andrew Russeth
Memorandum to John Podesta, From Tony Podesta, Dated
6/7/15, Re: Tickets to Official Campaign Launch on June
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, From Huma Abedin, Dated
8/20/10, Re: I apologize
Memorandum To John Podesta, From M. Fisher, Dated
9/25/15, Re: Climate Agreement Tweets Coming
Memorandum To Hillary Clinton, From Cheryl Mills, Dated
8/28/09, Re: Honduras: Maybe, Maybe
"Spirit Cooking": Clinton Campaign Chairman Practices
Bizarre Occult Ritual: Menstrual Blood, semen and breast
milk: Most bizarre Wikileaks Revelation yet, by Paul
Joseph Watson
The “tantric female sacrifice”, by Victor and Victoria
Twitter, by Marina Abramovic
Zerynthia and Studio Stefania Miscetti presents Marina
Abramovic: Spirit cooking, Zerynthia - Paliano
State Department Tried to Bribe FBI to Unclassify
Emails, by Daniel Halper, Marisa Schultz and Bob
Strengthening Bribery Laws Really Dicey Territory for
HRC, Memorandum to N. Tanden, From J. Sullivan, Dated
3/1/16, Re: Memo on Govt Reform/Public Corruption
Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian
Assange, by TruePundit.com
US Takeover May Be Near, by Dr. Steve Pieczenik
9/11 Truth Doc Architects and Engineers, by Dr.
Steve R. Pieczenik
Ben Garrison says it perfectly, by Dr. Steve R.
Biggest Hazard to Floridian’s Health: Radio Active
Sink Holes covered up by Mosaic. by Dr. Steve R.
Breaking Bad 4 both Hillary and Donald! by Dr. Steve
R. Pieczenik
Clinton Coup vs. INFO-Counter-Coup, by Dr. Steve R.
Clinton’s Coup in Broad Daylight! by Dr. Steve R.
Democratic Fixer Revealed, by Steve Pieczenik
Maximum Vigilance: Why I Wrote It, by Dr. Steve R.
No More NeoCons!!!, by Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik
No Way Out for Hillary! by Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik
Obama and Trump Smoke Peace Pipe, by Dr. Steve R.
Obama Declares Cold War w/ Russia NONSENSE!, by Dr.
Steve R. Pieczenik
The Clinton Pedophilia Connection, by Steve
Thanks NOT James Comey and Loretta Lynch! by Dr.
Steve R. Pieczenik
The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States,
by Steve Pieczenik
Time for DNC to pick New Candidate! by Dr. Steve R.
Tweet from Donald Trump, dated July 15, 2016, Re
Military Coup in Turkey
We Have Won the Revolution! by Steve Pieczenik
Vogel Gave Me His Story Ahead of Time/Before It Goes To
His Editors, Memorandum to L. Miranda, From M.
Paustenbach, Dated 4/30/16, Re: per agreement, any
thoughts appreciated
We Can Prove the Podesta Emails Released by Wikileaks
Are Authentic... Here's How, by Tyler Durden
When Google Met Wikileaks (Excerpt: Google Is Not What
It Seems), by Julian Assange
Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian saga: A series
of accidental events led to the publication of 251,000
diplomatic cables in unredacted form, by Glenn Greenwald
Imperial Crusaders For Global Governance, by Michael
Statement by Professor Noam Chomsky to the United
Nations General Assembly Thematic Dialogue on the
Responsibility to Protect United Nations, by Noam
The Dismantling of Yugoslavia (Part I, II, III, IV,
Glossary, Timeline): A Study in Inhumanitarian
Intervention (and a Western Liberal-Left Intellectual
and Moral Collapse), by Edward S. Herman and David
Who Funds the Progressive Media? Michael Barker
Who Wants A One World Government? by Michael Barker
WikiLeaks Exposes White
House, Media & Clinton Colluding to Label Critics
Conspiracy Theorists, by Claire Bernish
WikiLeaks’ 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove
Mainstream Media is Scripted & Controlled, by Jay
‘Hey Guys!’: Clinton Greets Media After More Than
270 Days Since Holding a Press Conference, by Mike
Hillary Clinton is facing mounting pressure to hold
a press conference, by Oliver Darcy
Hillary Clinton's Streak of 275 Days Without a
'Press Conference' Has Ended (Cough Cough), by Kyle
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, From J.
Palmieri, dated 5/2/15, Re: WJC NBC Interview
Memorandum to Hillary Clinton, From John Podesta,
Dated 5/21/15, Re: HRC Feedback
WikiLeaks Just Revealed
Mainstream Media Works Directly With Hillary, DNC, by
Carey Wedler
WikiLeaks sparks
conspiracy theories with $20,000 reward to find DNC
employee Seth Rich’s killer. There has been wild
speculation that the young political staffer was a
source for the DNC emails published by Wikileaks , by
Andrew Buncombe
Working with NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Bloggers &
Progressives, Memorandum to L. Peterson, From C.
Reynolds, Dated 1/20/16, Re: "establishment"
Yes, Super PAC Paying Young Voters to Push Back Online
on Sanders Supporters, Memorandum to Comm_D, From J.
Brinster, Dated 4/24/16, Re: FNS
Sticks and stones may break
my bones, but only words will cut me to the quick. Kill me
slow or kill me quick, the victims here remembered had no
choice in their fate.
War Over Monsanto Gets Ugly, by Mike Ludwig
Megan Meier
Rebecca Ann Sedwick
Aleksey Garber Vayner
Dirtbags for hire. When the Internet
gets a conscience, these lowlife cancerous "journalists"
will be the victims of the dynamic they created. Their
disappearance will be as welcome as the sinking of a garbage
Amy Alkon
Amir Bar-Lev
Anonymous Coward
Jordan Bass
Chris Beam
Buzz Bissinger, Pulitzer Prizing Winning Journalist
Jack L. Brown
John Carney
Michael Caron
Michaela Cooper
Jessica Cutler
Lori Drew
Lori Drew
Scott Greenfield
Dan Haley
Kashmir Hill
Matthew Inman
4 Cancer Charities are Accused of Fraud, by Rebecca
R. Ruiz
4 Reasons to Carry a Shovel at All Times, by Matthew
5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth,
by Matthew Inman
$224,024 Tax Write Off, by Tara Carreon and
America's 50 Worst Charities, by Leslie Salzillo
America's Worst Charities, by Kris Hundley and
Kendall Tagga
And I Want to Hug You So Hard It Makes Your
Intestines Splatter Out of Your Bum, by Matthew
Birthday Cards, by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal
Blessed are the Pterodactyls for They Shall Tear the
Humans New Assholes!, by Tara Carreon and Anonymous
Clampdown, by The Clash, sung by The Indigo Girls
Come Hurr and Love Meee!, by Matthew Inman
Demeaning as a Lifestyle: The Sadistic Aggressive,
by Dr. Simon
Do Not Attempt to Apprehend, by Tara Carreon and
Don't Forget to Hate, by Tara Carreon
Don't Mess With My Mom, by Tara Carreon and
Eat at Matt's Shit Fo' Brains, by Tara Carreon
Everyday Sadists Take Pleasure in Others' Pain, by
Exploding Kittens, by Elan Lee, Matthew Inman and
Shane Small
How Everything Goes to Hell During a Zombie
Apocalypse, by Matthew Inman
Inman on Bomb-Making, by Matthew Inman of The
Inman on Children, by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal
Inman on Grammar, by Matthew Inman
Inman on Rape, by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal
Inman on Shit, by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal
Inman on Women, by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal
Matt Inman's Personal Death Row, by Tara Carreon
Matt's Lesson About Polar Bears, by Tara Carreon
Oh, Yeah, It's All About Bears & Cancer, by Tara
Carreon and Anonymous
Only a Simian of Similar Size Can Pluck the
Pterodactyl Out of the Sky, by Tara Carreon and
Party Gorilla, by Matthew Inman of the Oatmeal
Psycho Santa, by lofinikita and Cassandra Electra
The Bobcats (1), by Matthew Inman
The Bobcats (2), by Matthew Inman
Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Matt
Sado Bear Seal of Approval, by Tara Carreon
The Conquest of Inman-Rudra by
Padmasambhava/Hayagriva, by Tara Carreon and
The Marquis de Inman, by Matthew Inman of The
The Real Tesla Museum of America, by teslamuseum.us
The Secrets of the Internet's Most Beloved Viral
Marketer, by Jack Stuef
This is Why an Octopus is More Awesome Than Your
Mom, by Matthew Inman
Time to Pay the Piper, by Tara Carreon
Wanted for Impersonating a Charity, by Tara Carreon
and Anonymous
When Archie Comics Promoted Charity Fraud, by Rich
Why I Didn't Like Riding the Bus As a Kid, by
Matthew Inman
Why the Mantis Shrimp is My New Favorite Animal, by
Matthew Inman
Why We Should Be Eating Horses Instead of Riding
Them, by Matthew Inman
Will Hate For Oatmeal, by Tara Carreon and Anonymous
Wounded Warriors Project: A Legal Scam, by Alex
Yes, I Am the Motherfucking Pterodactyl Here to
Ptero-You a New Asshole, by Matthew Inman
Travis R. Kavulla
Alex Klein
Francois Labarre
Jerome Laflamme
Latah County Sheriff's Office
Paul Levy
Kai Ma
Mike Masnick
Robert Stacy McCain
P.Z. Myers
Hal Parker
Marc Randazza
Christopher Recouvreur
Jean-Michel Rheault
Ronald J. Riley
Katelyn Roman
Robyn Schneider
Guadelupe Shaw
Bob Smith
Nick Summers
J.K. Trotter
Eric Turkewitz
Kenneth Paul White (Popehat)
A Question of Perspective, by Tara Carreon
About (Popehat.com), by Ken White
Burn, Baby! Burn! When Anonymity Provides Impunity,
the Impulse to Run Riot is Set Free, by Tara Carreon
Complain About Being Sexually Assaulted By a TSA
Thug? They'll Sue!, by Ken White
Counter Cease and Desist Letter from Kenneth White
to Howard Ray Schechter
Cyber-Frankenstein, by Tara Carreon
Kenneth Paul White, by The State Bar of California
Ken "Popehat" White Will See You Now, by Tara
Listen, Don't Mention the Malshandir. I Mentioned It
Once, But I Think I Got Away With It All Right, by
Ken White
Pigs, They Aspire to Be Pigs: The Popehat Crowd, by
Tara Carreon
Popehat.com Rape Culture, by Tara Carreon
Resume, by Kenneth White
Rule of Law, by Ken Paul White
Rule of Law, by Wikipedia
Squeezing The Juice: Is Matt Ivester a Fool or a
Liar?, by Ken White
A Compendium of Wikipedia Criticism, by
Anonymous Revenge Editing on Wikipedia: The Case of
Robert Clark Young aka Qworty, by Wikipediocracy
Child Pornography on Wikimedia Commons, by Delicious
Female Editors Growing Scarce at Wikipedia, by
Gregory Kohs
Jimmy Wales in the Dictator and I: Wikipedian of the
Year Runs Wiki Organisation Funded by An
Authoritarian Regime, by Andreas Kolbe
Kazakhstan's Pricey, Sometimes Shady International
Re-Branding Effort, by Deirdre Tynan
Oil Rich Dictator of Kazakhstan Recruits Tony Blair
to Help Win Nobel Peace Prize, by Jason Lewis
Qworty: The Fallout, by Dan Murphy
Revenge, Ego and the Corruption of Wikipedia: The
Unmasking of a Writer Who Took Extraordinary
Advantage of Online Anonymity to Pursue Old
Vendettas, by Andrew Leonard
Thinking Green While Sifting Through the Sand , by
Andrew Ross Sorkin
Who's the Best Yoruban Wikipedian of Them All?, by
Gregory Kohs
Why Jim Hawkins' Treatment Matters, by Dan Murphy
Wikipedia Co-founder Jimmy Wales Denies Kazakhstan
Connection, by Gregory Kohs
Wikipedia Co-Founder Jimmy Wales Restricts
Discussion of Tony Blair Friendship, by Christopher
Wikipedia's Culture of Sexism: It's Not Just for
Novelists, by Nathalie Collida and Andreas Kolbe,
With research contributions from Delicious carbuncle
and Eric Barbour
Wikipedia Editing and Section 230, by John W. Dozier
Wikipedia: Men and Children First, by Nathalie
Collida and friends
Wikipedia: The Power and Peril of Openness, by
Daniel Solove
Ellen Winner, Child Psychologist
The rapeutationists call them
scoundrels worthy of extermination, then argue that it's
unfair to compare their slanderous attacks with physical
rape. But your average rapeutation victim is just an average
person trying to live their life in peace, and their
injuries are identical to those of rape victims, who are not
generally physically injured, but bear deep psychic scars
due to the loss of security, privacy, and trust for their
fellow human beings. Rape is a betrayal of the social
contract, different in kind but not in severity from a
brutal rapeutation.
Mumia Abu-Jamal
A Life in the Balance: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal,
by Amnesty International
A Myth Repeated: A Reply to Vanity Fair and the
F.O.P. -- The Real Myth in the Case of Mumia
Abu-Jamal, by C. Clark Kissinger
All Things Censored, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Behavioral Confirmation in the Interrogation Room
Breeding Superman: Nietzsche, Race and Eugenics in
Edwardian and Interwar Britain, by Dan Stone
Buzz Bissinger on the Abu-Jamal Controversy: The
Famous and the Dead, by Buzz Bissinger
Class Action Petition for Relief Under the Illinois
Post-Conviction Hearing Act, by Locke E. Bowman
Collaborative Reform Initiative: An Assessment of
Deadly Force in the Philadelphia Police Department,
by George Fachner, Steven Carter, Community Oriented
Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice
Collective Identity and the Burden of "Acting White"
in Black History, Community, and Education, by John
U. Ogbu
Cops in Sex Scandal IAB: Hookers Paid in Trade to
Avoid Arrest, by William K. Rashbaum, John Marzulli
Henri, E. Cauvin
CRIPA Investigation of the New York City Department
of Correction Jails on Rikers Island, by U.S.
Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney, So. Dist. of
Death Blossoms: Reflections From a Prisoner of
Conscience, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Executing Justice: An Inside Account of the Case of
Mumia Abu-Jamal, by Daniel R. Williams
Expectancy Confirmation Processes Arising int he
Social Interaction Sequence, by John M. Darley
Ezell Ford: The Mentally Ill Black Man Killed by the
LAPD Two Days After Michael Brown's Death, by Thomas
Five Brooklyn Officers Suspected of Drug Shakedowns,
by Clifford Krauss
Graft Paid to Police Here Said to Run Into Millions,
by David Burnham
Guilty and Framed, by Stuart Taylor, Jr.
In 9 Cases of Police Chokeholds, Punishment Was
Rare, Review Board Says, by J. David Goodman
In St. Louis, "We Want People to Stop Killing Our
Children," by Sharee Silerio
Inside Interrogation: The Life, the Bluff, and False
Confessions, by Jennifer T. Perillo and Saul M.
Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department, by
Law Enforcement: The Matter of Redress, by ACLU
Let the Fire Burn, directed by Jason Osder
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, directed
by Elio Petri
Is Your Hair Still Political?, by Audre Lorde
Lie Detector Test Corroborates Arnold Beverly's
Confession to Killing Daniel Faulkner ... Mumia
Abu-Jamal is Innocent, by International Action
Live From Death Row, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Finds Pattern and Practice
of Excessive Force and Violence at NYC Jails On
Rikers Island That Violates The Constitutional
Rights of Adolescent Male Inmates, by U.S. Attorney,
Manufacturing Guilt, written & produced by Stephen
MOVE Would Have Never Happened In a White
Neighborhoods, by Michael Coard
Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?,
directed by J. Edginton
Mumia Abu-Jamal: New Evidence of the Frameup -- The
Testimony of Pamela Jenkins, by Revolutionary Worker
Mumia Abu-Jamal Faces U.S. Supreme Court as New Book
and Film Expose Injustice, by Hans Bennett
Mumia: Blowing Away the Lies: Dramatic Evidence
Refutes "Confession" Claims, by Revolutionary Worker
Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary. A Journey with
Mumia Abu Jamal, written and directed by Stephen
Murdered by Mumia: Big Lies in the Service of Legal
Lynching: Mumia is Innocent! Free Him Now!, by
Partisan Defense Committee
National Study Reports White Cops' Beatings of
Blacks Reveal "Dirty Secrets of Racism," by Jet
New York City Reviewing Rikers Assaults on 129
Inmates, by Michael Schwirtz and Michael Winerip
Police Brutality in the United States, by Wikipedia
Police Misconduct, by California Innocence Project
The Brotherhoods: The True Story of Two Cops Who
Murdered for the Mafia, by Guy Lawson & William
The City of New York: Commission to Investigate
Allegations of Police Corruption and the
Anti-Corruption Procedures of the Police Department,
by Milton Mollen, Chair
The KGO-TV Report: A Case Study in Irresponsible
Journalism, by C. Clark Kissinger and Leonard
The Knapp Commission Report on Police Corruption:
Commission to Investigate Allegations of Police
Corruption and the City's Anti-Corruption
Procedures, by Whitman Knapp, Chairman
The Media & Mumia: Were ABC and Vanity Fair Taken
for a Ride?, by Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to
a Permanent American Undercaste, by Michelle
Violent Police-Citizen Encounters: An Analysis of
Major Newspaper Accounts, by Kim Michelle Lersch and
Joe R. Feagin
Voices For Freedom: An Amnesty International
Anthology, by Amnesty International Publications
War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's
Campaign to Create a Master Race, by Edwin Black
We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party,
by Mumia Abu-Jamal
What Would Happen if the Armed Men in Oregon Weren't
White?, by Ruth Milka
Witness Says Teen Friend Shot by Cop "Like An
Animal," by Yamiche Alcindor and Doug Stanglin
Hannah Arendt
Judi Bari & Darryl Cherney
Ellen Batzel
Charles Carreon, Tara Carreon, and Family
Charlie Chaplin
Dixie Chicks
50 Reasons You Despised George W. Bush's Presidency:
A Reminder on the Day of His Presidential Library
Dedication, by Steven Rosenfeld
Destroying the Dixie Chicks - Ten Years After, by
Dixie Chicks Shut Up & Sing, directed by Barbara
Kopple and Cecilia Peck
Humpty Dumpty, by Turtle Interactive
Natalie Maines' Howard Stern Interview Reveals Bleak
View of Dixie Chicks' Future, by The Boot Staff
Not Ready to Make Nice, by Dixie Chicks
Post-Dixie Chicks Hypocrisy: Country Singers Are No
Longer Traitors for Bashing President, by Justin
Should Dixie Chicks Be Singing a Different Tune?, by
CNN Crossfire
Ten Years Ago Today a Dixie Chick Dared to Hit Bush
on War -- And a Hate Campaign Began, by Greg
Two Dixie Chicks Talk About Their Court Yard Hounds
Project, by Chris Willman
John W. Dozier
Thomas Freyer
Sarah Grunfeld
Thedala Magee
Pete Matsko
Ralph Nader
Message to Democratic Party: It's Time to Face
Reality, by Kevn Zeese
Marla Olmstead, Laura Olmstead, and Mark
Elio Petri
Ghyslain Raza
Vicki Roberts
Howard Ray Schechter
John Seigenthaler
Roger Shuler
Dawn Simorangkir
Robert Steinbuch
Barbra Streisand
James F. Tracy
Aleksey Garber Vayner
Loreta Velazquez
Gary Webb
Fredric Wertham, M.D.
You can't survive a DIRA without music.
Back Street Slide, by Richard Thompson
Catfight, by Katerine Avgoustakis
Clampdown, by The Clash, sung by The Indigo Girls from
Burning London Tribute Album
Humpty Dumpty, by Turtle Interactive
I'll Stand Up For You, by X
Invasion of the Data Snatchers, by ACLU
Not Ready to Make Nice, by Dixie Chicks
She's Not There, by The Zombies
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, with Clint Eastwood
The Neighbor, by Dixie Chicks
To This Day ... For the Bullied and Beautiful, by Shane
Read your way through these videos to
pick up on the stuff that's always passing you by.
Bully: It's Time to Take a Stand, directed by Lee Hirsch
Cold Dead Hand, with Jim Carrey
Dixie Chicks Shut Up & Sing, directed by Barbara Kopple
and Cecilia Peck
Frances Farmer, directed by Richard Gottlieb
Hannah Arendt, directed by Margarethe von Trotta
Katzelmacher, directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Kurt & Courtney, directed by Nick Broomfield
Let the Fire Burn, directed by Jason Osder
Manufacturing Guilt, directed by Stephen Vittoria
McLibel: The Story of Two People Who Wouldn't Say
McSorry, directed by Franny Armstrong
Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?, by J.
Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary. A Journey with Mumia
Abu-Jamal, directed by Stephen Vittoria
My Kid Could Paint That, directed by Amir Bar-Lev
Necessary Evil: Super Villains of DC Comics, by DC
We Had Women Photoshopped Into
Stereotypical Comic Book Poses And It Got Weird: The
Poses Were Bad, but the Photoshopping Made It Even
Worse, by Kristin Chirico, Kirsten King, Sheridan
Watson, Nina Mohan, Allison Bagg, Candace Lowry, Macey J
Foronda, Charlotte Gomez (BuzzFeed Staff), Caitlin Cowie
(BuzzFeed Contributor)
Porn Causing Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men, by
Hannah James and Sean O'Shea
Resistance is Useless, Vignette from "The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy," directed by Douglas Adams
The Gameshow Experiment, directed by Derren Brown
The Twilight Samurai, directed by Yoji Yamada
To This Day ... For the Bullied and Beautiful, by Shane
Winter Soldier, directed by Winterfilm, Inc.
Yojimbo, directed by Akira Kurosawa
American Enterprise Institute
Tim Cushing
Scott Greenfield
Kashmir Hill
Glenn Reynolds
About Me, by Glenn Reynolds
American Enterprise Institute, by Wikipedia
An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology
Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big
Government, and Other Goliaths, by Glenn Reynolds
Arthur Brooks of AEI on Glenn Reynolds' InstaVision,
by Nick Gillespie
Biography of Glenn Harlan Reynolds, by law.utk.edu
Farmin' The Government: Reason TV on Ag Subsidies,
by Glenn Reynolds
Glenn Reynolds on the History and State of the
Blogosphere, by Mark J. Perry
Is Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds making up Tea Party
facts?, by Eric Boehlert
Men to America — Thanks for nothing, by Glenn Harlan
TCS Daily, by Wikipedia
Reynolds’ Law, by Mark J. Perry
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!,
by Glenn Harlan Reynolds
USA Today suspends columnist Glenn Reynolds for one
month, by Kelsey Sutton
Why the president needs to be white, male and
Republican, by Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Eugene Volokh
Kenneth Paul White (Popehat.com)
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