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Diego Rivera: My Art, My Life. An Autobiography (With
Gladys March), by Diego Rivera
Frida Kahlo, The Brush of Anguish, by Martha Zamora
Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell
Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, the British Spy to the Middle
East, by Mr. Hempher
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American
Slave , by Frederick Douglass
Nehru: The Lotus Eater From Kashmir, by D.F. Karaka
Norman Spinrad: Autobiography, by Norman Spinrad
The Life and Letters of The Right Honourable Friedrich
Max Muller, In Two Volumes, With Portraits and Other
Illustrations, Edited by His Wife
Book Reviews
Ecofascism Revisited: Book Review, by Graham Strouts
How Power Works, by Chris Hedges
Outline/Notes of "Sabotage! The Secret War Against
America," by Michael Sayers & Albert E. Kahn, by
The Invention of Capitalism: How a Self-Sufficient
Peasantry was Whipped Into Industrial Wage Slaves, by
Yasha Levine
The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic? by
Slavoj Zizek and John Milbank -- Nina Powers Tires of
Slavoj Zizek and His Monstrous Essays, by Nina Powers
The Unbearable Lightness of Slavoj Zizek's Communism:
The Year of Dreaming Dangerously -- Review, by Benjamin
This is Not a Conspiracy: Jon Ronson Draws a Dubious
Conclusion in Them: Adventures With Extremists, by
Charles Carreon
THEM: Adventures With Extremists, by Jon Ronson (Chapter
Balance of Power 2016: DIA's Trump vs. CIA's Clinton,
by Tara Carreon
Bern 'Em Out!, by Tara Carreon
Each Night & Day I Pray for the Fall of the USA, by Tara
Elevate Trump, by Tara Carreon
Bill Clinton May Have Encouraged Donald Trump to Run for
President: What if the Clintons were playing chess …
against themselves?!, by Tina Nguyen
Clinton Campaign Wrote About “Elevating” Trump Months
Before He Declared Candidacy, by Claire Bernish
Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks
before launching 2016 bid, by Robert Costa and Anne
Donald Trump was for the Clintons before he was against
them, by Nick Gass
Julian Assange, by Afshin Rattansi
SPLC's Intelligence Report: Amid Year of Lethal
Violence, Extremist Groups Expanded Ranks in 2015 last
group of people to demonize,” he said. “Trans
people—particularly trans people of color—are the most
victimized group of all.”, by Southern Poverty Law
The worst president ever. Period': Cuomo unloads on
Trump, by Chris Cuomo
Trump’s 40 Biggest Broken Promises Revealed, by Robert
Wikileaks Memo From brentbbi to John Podesta, 3/13/16
Giving Gas a Pas, by Jen Sorensen
Honest Trump Cards, by Davram Stiefler and Jason Selvig
Immunity-No-Immunity, by Tara and Charles Carreon
In Your Dreams: Bullshit, And They Will Come, by Tara
Let Me Get This Straight, by Elite Revolt
"No Regrets," by Tara Carreon
Oil Wastewater Irrigation, by Jen Sorensen
Scenes From a Sanders Presidency, by Katie Miranda
Weed War: Superweeds vs. Super-herbicides, by Jen
Wicked Game: When Losers Run Against Each Other,
Everybody Loses, by Tara Carreon
Charity Fraud -- It's All About Bears and Cancer
5 Men From Defunct Muslim Charity Get Long Sentences, by
A Challenge to Conservationists, by Mac Chapin
Abrams Seeks to Halt Child-Abuse Prevention Group Whose
Members Are Armed, by David W. Dunlap
America's 50 Worst Charities, by Leslie Salzillo
America's Worst Charities, by Kris Hundley and Kendall
American Cancer Society: More Interested in Accumulating
Wealth Than Saving Lives, by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
Brown Sues 53 Individuals, 17 Telemarketers and 12
Charities that Exploited Donors' Desire to Help Cops,
Firefighters and Veterans, by doj.ca.gov
Charity Fraud, by Wikipedia
Charity Fraud: Disabled Veterans National Foundation
Squanders Millions On Marketing Services, by Huffington
Charity Fraud: Is That Celeb Legit?, by Abby Ellin
Congresswoman charged with fraud in charity scamBy
Associated Press
Doug White, by Doug White
Facts for Consumers, by Federal Trade Commission
Former Cop Chief Allegedly Scammed Christmas Fund for
$51K: Stealing Toy Money for Underprivileged Kids Only
the Latest Charge From Prosecutors, by Erik Sherman
"Goof" Costs 65 Years to Infinity of Cancer Research.
Excerpt From "A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's
Immortal Legacy and the Medical Scandal It Caused,", by
Michael Gold
How Mark Zuckerberg's Altruism Helps Himself, by
Jesse Eisinger
Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Matt Inman &
Long After Sandy, Red Cross Post-Storm Spending Still a
Black Box, by Justin Elliott and Jessie Eisinger
Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, by The Al
Capp Organization and the Ford Foundation
Memorandum Re Background on Teneo and Foundation
Activities , To Victoria Bjorklund, et al., 11/16/11
Monsanto, World Wildlife Fund Team Up to Greenwash the
Amazon Rainforest With GMOs, by Nick Meyer
NLG IC, Human Rights Activists Call for IRS
Investigation into Charity Status of Jewish National
Fund, by National Lawyers Guild International Committee
Officials Warn Donors to Beware of Charity Fraud
Donations Being Taken by Groups, Individuals, by Deb
Ohio Grand Jury Reindicts in Navy Charity Scam, by ABC
Panda Leaks: The Dark Side of the WWF [World Wildlife
Fund], by Wilfried
Red Cross Probes Post-Katrina Fraud, by CBS News
Scotts and National Wildlife Federation: Toxic
Partners?, by Vincent Vizachero
NWF and Scotts: We’ve seen this story before, By Vincent
"Sham" cancer charities settle massive fraud case, by
Sister Rose Gertrude (Amy C. Fowler) To Die For The
Lepers, by Trenton Evening Times, Trenton, New Jersey
Among the Lepers, by a Cincinnati Physician (Dr. Leonard
Bertha Lutz, by Wikipedia
Calendar Re Amy C. Fowler Marriage to Dr. Lutz, by
University of Notre Dame
Gifts for the Lepers. A Variety of Contributions Sent to
Missionary Amy C. Fowler, To the Editor of the New-York
Times, by R.F. Downing & Co.
Hawaii, Kingdom. Legislature, Select Committee on Rose
Gertrude, by David W. Forbes
In The Land of Lepers. Gossip and Truth About Sister
Rose Gertrude, by The New York Times
Medical Notes Re American Leprosy Fund Society, by
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
Medical Notes Re Amy Fowler, aka Sister Rose Gertrude,
by The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 122
Notes on New Books: "Little Dick's Christmas Carol", by
Amy Fowler, by The Irish Monthly
Notices of Books: Little Dick's Christmas Carols, and
other Tales. By Amy Fowler. London: R. Washbourne,
London 1886, by The Dublin Review
Sister Rose Gertrude and the Lepers of Molokai, by
Liverpool Catholic Times
Sister Rose Gertrude Seeks Solace for her Sorrows in
Matrimony, by Otago Daily Times
Sister Rose Gertrude's Case , by the London Daily News
The Last Song of the Swan, by Helena P. Blavatsky
Untitled Article Re Amy Fowler, aka Sister Rose
Gertrude, by The Friend
Specific Tips You Need to Know to Protect Yourself From
Charity Scams, by Internet ScamBusters
Study of Critical New Forest Conservation Issues in the
Global South: Final Report Submitted to the Ford
Foundation, by Arvind Khare and David Barton Bray
The $500,000 GoFundMe Charity Campaign for Wealthy
Ex-FBI Official Andrew McCabe Is Obscene, by Glenn
The 9/11 Charity Fraud Shame List, by gawker.com
The American Red Double-Cross, by Dr. Len Horowitz
The Ford Foundation and the CIA, by James Petras
Congress for Cultural Freedom, by Wikipedia
Ford Foundation, a philanthropic facade for the CIA, by
Paul Labarique
Gloria Steinem Discussing Her Time in the CIA
Melvin J. Lasky, by Wikipedia
Modern art was CIA 'weapon', Revealed: how the spy
agency used unwitting artists such as Pollock and de
Kooning in a cultural Cold War, by Frances Stonor
Was Modern Art a Weapon of the CIA?, by Alastair Sooke
Who Stole Feminism?, by Wikipedia
The Red Cross CEO Has Been Serially Misleading About
Where Donors' Dollars Are Going, by Jesse Eisinger and
Justin Elliott
The Red Cross's Secret Disaster, by Justin Elliott and
Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica, and Laura Sullivan, NPR
The Seedy, Profitable World of Scam Charities: Four
groups claiming to aid cancer patients used $187 million
in donations to pay for posh jobs for family and
friends, jet-ski trips, and other luxury goods, the
government says, by David A. Graham
The Worst Charities: Get Information Before You Make a
Donation, by Adrienne Hill
To the Person Sitting in Darkness, by Mark Twain
Top 10 Best Practices of Savvy Donors, by Charity
Trump Accused of Illegally Bribing State Attorney
General, by Andrew Emett
Letter to The Hon. Governor Richard Scott, by J.
Whitfield Larrabee
Trump's charity claims could violate fraud laws. He
could be held liable if he failed to fulfill promises to
donate proceeds from his book 'Crippled America', by Ben Schreckinger
What the American Medical Association hopes you never
learn about its true history, by Mike Adams
When Archie Comics Promoted Charity Fraud, by Rich
Wounded Warriors Project: A Legal Scam, by Alex Graham
Color Revolutions
Between Hard and Soft Power: The Rise of Civilian-Based
Struggle and Democratic Change, by Peter Ackerman
Boris Berezovsky (businessman), by Wikipedia
Alexander Goldfarb (biologist), by Wikipedia
Badri Patarkatsishvili, by Wikipedia
Boris Berezovsky finances revolutions and plots to
overthrow Putin - but it's his newspaper antics that are
really entertaining, Last night's TV, by TheGuardian.com
Boris Berezovsky’s Art Collection Said to Contain
Substantial Number of Fakes, by Marion Maneker
Boris Yeltsin presidential campaign, 1996, by Wikipedia
CIA Financing of Chechen and Other Caucasus Regional
Terrorists, by Wayne Madsen
Godfather of the Kremlin? The Decline of Russia in the
Age of Gangster Capitalism and Boris Berezovsky and the
looting of Russia, by Paul Klebnikov
Let Them Eat Cakeby Linda Yablonsky at the LA MoCA gala
Marat Guelman, by Wikipedia
Oligarchs as Nation's Saviors? Berezovsky Justifies
Himself, by Boris Berezovsky
Roman Abramovichby Wikipedia
Russians Expose U.S.-U.K. Terror Role After School
Massacre, Excerpt from 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in
USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Semibankirschina [The Seven Bankers], by Wikipedia
S.F. Grand Jury Indicts Russian Businessman in Alleged
Ponzi Scheme, by Bill Wallace
[Alexander Lushtak, Felix Braynin and Vladislav
Shalva Chigirinsky, by Wikipedia
- Judge ends Russian oligarch’s
bitter custody battle with bizarre ruling, by Lorena
- Russian oligarch's ex-wife
tells Connecticut court he 'brutally beat her for more
than a decade and caused her to suffer a miscarriage',
by Lydia Warren
- Shalva Chigirinsky is not a
pedophile, but can still become bankrupt. he court in
the United States closed the scandalous case of Shalva
Chigirinsky. Now the businessman will focus on the
lawsuits to Viktor Rashnikov in Cyprus. If he loses
them, then the scandalous businessman will face
bankruptcy, by The Moscow Post
Spinning Borisill, by Wikipedia
The fixer: how Berezovsky pulls the strings in Russia,
by Amelia Gentleman
The President's News Conference With President Boris
Yeltsin of Russia in Moscow
April 21, 1996, Public Papers of the President William
J. Clinton
U.S. Entrepreneur Is Gunned Down in Moscow, by The
Associated Press
U.S. Investigative Journalist Is Shot to Death in
Russia, by C. J. Chivers and Sophia Kishkovsky
Why Russia produces (and quashes) so much radical art,
by Marat Guelman
WikiLeaks cables: Moscow mayor presided over 'pyramid of
corruption': Criminality, bribery and sleaze endemic in
city administration, US ambassador reported to
Washington, by Luke Harding
[Yuri Luzhkov]
Yanks to the Rescue: The Secret Story of How American
Advisers Helped Yeltsin Winby Michael Kramer
Central and East European Law Initiative (CEELI):
Country Strategies for the Rule of Law Program for
Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania,
and Slovakia, Submitted to The U.S. Agency for
International Development, by American Bar Association
Color Revolutions 101: The Making Of A Controlled
Revolution, by Brandon Turbeville
Competing Gas Pipelines Are Fueling The Syrian War &
Migrant Crisis, by Tyler Durden
Counter-Capitalism: Globalisation's Children Strike
Back, by James Harding
FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy
Monitoring, by The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund
How the National Endowment for Democracy Manufactures
Regime Change Around the World, by Derek Royden
How to Protest Intelligently, by Anonymous
Is Hizb-ut-Tahrir another project of British MI6?, by
State of Pakistan
Is The Balkans the New Latin America? Bulgarian Paper
Says "CIA Is Tutoring Serbian Group, OTPOR, OTPOR!", by
Jared Israel
Libyan Scenario For Syria: Towards A US-NATO
“Humanitarian Intervention” directed against Syria?, by
Rick Rozoff
“Manufacturing Dissent”: The Anti-globalization Movement
is Funded by the Corporate Elites. The People's Movement
has been Hijacked, by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky on the OWS Movement & The Libyan
War, by Potent News
National Endowment for Democracy of US, by B. Raman
NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation GLADIO and the Strategy
of Tension: Interview with Dr. Daniele Ganser, by Julian
New Atlantic Initiative, by Right Web
"Occupy" Protesters Listed as Domestic Terrorists, by
Elite Multimedia
Occupy Wall Street and "The American Autumn": Is It a
"Colored Revolution"?, by Michel Chossudovsky
Resolution on the Misuse of U.S. Government "Democracy
Promotion" Initiatives: Undermining Progressive
Governments and Movements in the Americas, by National
Lawyers Guild International Committee
Revolution U, by Tina Rosenberg
Semper Fi: Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements to
Occupy the Nation, by Stephen D. Foster, Jr.
Systemic Propaganda and the Branding of Nations in
Central and Eastern Europe*, by Gerald Sussman
The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence according
to the CIA, by Thierry Meyssan
The Color Revolution Virus and Authoritarian Antidotes:
Political Protest and Regime Counterattacks in
Post-Communist Spaces , by Abel Polese and Donnacha O
The Cop Group Coordinating the Occupy Crackdowns, by
Shawn Gaynor
The East Turned Upside Down: Carnival and Conspiracy in
Ukraine, by Jesse Walker
The Economics and Politics of the World Social Forum:
Lessons For the Struggle Against "Globalisation", by
Global Research
The new Gladio in action? "Swarming Adolescents" and
"Rebellious Hysteria," by Jonathan Mowat
The Next Thirty Years: Concepts and Anticipations, by
Frederick Edmund Emery
The Protest Movement in Egypt: "Dictators" Do Not
Dictate, They Obey Orders, by Michel Chossudovsky
The Society of the Spectacle, by Guy Debord
The Tulip Revolution takes root, by Pepe Escobar
"To Be Partly Controlled by the CIA? That Doesn't Bother
Me Much": Interview with Two Activists of the OTPOR
Student Movement, by Gerard Mugemangango & Michel Collon
Ukraine Parliamentary Elections (September 30, 2007):
Election Observation Mission Final Report, by The
International Republican Institute
US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev, by Ian Traynor
U.S. Cash Is Lifeblood Of Dozens of NGOs, by Nabi
US military trained Georgian commandos, by Charles
Clover and Demetri Sevastopulo
Venezuela opposition looks for answers after election
loss, by Fabiola Sanchez and Christine Armario, AP
Caracas, Venezuela
Washington Tries to Break BRICS – Rape of Brazil Begins,
by F. William Engdahl
Washington’s New Imperial Strategy In Venezuela, by
Chris Carlson
Corporate Crime
Big Oil Braced for Global Warming While It Fought
Regulations, by Amy Lieberman and Susanne Rust
Blackwater's Black Ops: Internal Documents Reveal the
Firm's Clandestine Work for Multinationals and
Governments, by Jeremy Scahill
Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to drill for
oil in Syria, violating international law. While Syria
is torn apart by the warring of U.S. imperialists and
Islamic fundamentalists – leaving its children to die of
starvation – another country plans to take advantage of
the chaos by stealing resources from Syria’s southern
region. by Justin Gardner
Daimler Trucks North America Hit With Another
Discrimination Lawsuit As Race and Age Bias Complaints
Mount, by George Red
ExxonMobil Warns of "Catastrophic"
7° F to 12° F Global
Warming Without Government Action, by Joe Romm
Fear Fans Flames for Chemical Makers, by Patricia
Callahan and Sam Roe k
Former Public Schools Chief Indicted for Accepting
Bribes and Kickbacks, by Andrew Emett
General Motors is Known for a Company Culture that
Encourages Employees to Keep Quiet About Problems, by
Teresa Welsh
Historian of Radical Right: Biden Is Correct, Trump
Poses Existential Threat to Future of Democracy, by Amy
"Mind-Blowing Abuse of Power": Walmart Spied on Workers
With FBI, Lockheed Martin's Help: Newly Released
Documents Show Retail Giant Used "Every Deceptive Tactic
Under the Sun" to Keep Tabs on Pro-Union Employees, by
Nadia Prupis
Mobile Bing On Throttling Streams and Video Downloads,
EFF Report Shows, by Paul Michaels
Mount President’s Attempt to Improve Retention Rate
Included Seeking Dismissal of 20-25 First-Year Students,
by Rebecca Schisler and Ryan Golden
Nestlé to be Sued for Californian Drought Crimes!, by
Sophie McAdam
Nestle, Pepsi Fined for Concealing GMOs as Campbell Soup
Announces Voluntary Label, by Lorraine Chow
Terminix Fined $10 Million After Pesticide Poisoned
Vacationing Family at St. John Resort, by Tiare Dunlap
The Secret Bribes of Big Tobacco, by Richard Bilton
The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption,
and the Control of the World's Food Supply, by
Marie-Monique Robin
Three Supervisors Charged With Causing Workers' Deaths
on Oil Drilling Platform, by Andrew Emett
VW Is Said to Cheat on
Diesel Emissions, U.S. to Order Big Recall, by Coral
Davenport and Jack Ewing
We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It, by Chris
Wealth Inequality Rising Fast, Oxfam Says, Faulting Tax
Havens, by Patricia Cohen
Correcting Nazi Revisionism
The Jewish "Declaration of War" on Nazi Germany
'Did Six Million Really Die?' Report of the Evidence in
the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988
[EXCERPT], edited by Barbara Kulaszka
Directives for the Treatment of Political Commissars
(“Commissar Order”) (June 6, 1941), Volume 7. Nazi
Germany, 1933-1945, by Germany History in Documents and
How to Tell the Difference Between a Right and a
Privilege, by AJ Oatsvall
Letter to The Scriptorium Re The Jewish Declaration of
War on Nazi Germany, by Tara Carreon
Secret Field Marshal v.Reichenau Order Concerning
Conduct of Troops in the Eastern Territories ,
Translation of Document UK-81. Source: Nazi Conspiracy
and Aggression. Volume VIII. USGPO, Washington,
1946/pp.572-582, Dated 10 October, 1941
Severity Order, by Wikipedia
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust,
1941-1945 [EXCERPT], by David S. Wyman
The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The
Economic Boycott of 1933, by M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.,
The Barnes Review
The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and
Conflict on American Campuses [Excerpt], by Stephen H.
Trading With the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American
Money Plot 1933-1949 [EXCERPT], by Charles Higham
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler [EXCERPT], by Antony
C. Sutton
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal
[EXCERPT 1: German Zionism Offers to Collaborate
With Nazism], by Lenni Brenner
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal
[EXCERPT 2: The World Zionist Organisation and Italian
Fascism, 1933-1937], by Lenni Brenner
Declassified Documents
A Report to the National Security Council by The
Executive Secretary on United States Objectives and
Programs for National Security -- NSC 68
Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and
Associated Documents, by Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
Memorandum to Brigadier General L.R. Groves, From Drs.
Conant, Compton & Urey
National Security Decision Directive Number 3, by Ronald
National Security Decision Directive Number 30, by
Ronald Reagan
National Security Decision Directive Number 45, by
Ronald Reagan
National Security Decision Directive No. 77, by Ronald
National Security Decision Directive No. 130, by Ronald
Establishing of a Psychological Operations Committee, by
John M. Poindexter
Establishment of a Psychological Operations Committee,
by Craig Alderman, Jr., Deputy, Department of Defense
First Meeting of the Psychological Operations Committee,
by Rodney B. McDaniel, Executive Secretary, National
Security Council
Interim Executive Summary: Project NIAGARA FALLS, by
Craig Alderman, Jr., Deputy, Department of Defense
Memorandum for Dr. Stearman, National Security Council,
by Alfred H. Paddock, Jr., Colonel
Memorandum for the Chairman, Special Planning Group,
Public Diplomacy, by Secretary of Defense Caspar
PSYOPS Operations Committee, by Walter Raymond, Jr.,
Vincent M. Cannistraro, William L. Stearman
SI Meeting
The Psychological Operations Committee Gets Under Way,
by Walter Raymond, Jr., Vincent M. Cannistraro, William
L. Stearman
National Security Decision Directive Number 207, by
Ronald Reagan
National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), by
Henry Kissinger
National Security Study Memorandum 245, by Brent
Policy Planning Staff Memo No. 23, by George Kennan
Project Truth, by Charles Z. Wick, International
Communication Agency
Chinese Request to NED, by Walter Raymond, Dated January
2, 1985fic
Examples of institute funding
How US Flooded the World with Psyops, by Robert Parry
Letter From James R. Huntley to Anne W. Coulter, Dated
25 June 1982
Letter from Leo Cherne to William J. Casey [Bill], Dated
June 24, 1981
Letter from R. Bruce McColm to Walter Raymond, Jr.,
Dated August 9, 1982
Military Psychological Operations and U.S. Strategy, by
Col. Alfred H. Paddock, Jr.
National Security Council: Information, Dated July 9,
President Ronald Reagan, The Westminster Address, Dated
June 8, 1982
Project Truth Enhancement
Reagan Library Topic Guide : Public Diplomacy
Skeptics Pelt Schultz With Queries on Reagan's 'Project
Democracy', by Bernard Gwertzman
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare, by
Central Intelligence Agency
The Indian Communist Party and the Sino-Soviet Dispute
(Reference Title: ESAU XVI-6, )
by Office of Current Intelligence, Central Intelligence
The Sino-Indian Border Dispute, by Central Intelligence
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, by Mark
Twain (Samuel Clemens)
A Girl of the Limberlost, by Gene Stratton Porter
A Hero of Our Times, by Mikhail Y. Lermontov
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's
Comrade), Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Samuel Langhorne Clemens),
by Mark Twain
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll
Animal Farm, by George Orwell
Bouvard and Pécuchet: A Tragi-comic Novel of
Bourgeois Life, by Gustave Flaubert
Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited, by
Aldous Huxley
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller
Crome Yellow, by Aldous Huxley
Democracy An American Novel, by Henry Adams
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
Fishhead Boys, by Hunter S. Thompson
Gulliver’s Travels Into Several Remote Nations of
the World, by Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St.
Patrick's, Dublin
Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), by George Orwell
On the Beach, by Nevil Shute
Roughing It, by Mark Twain
The $30,000 Bequest, and Other Stories, by Mark
Twain (Samuel L. Clemens)
The American Claimant, by Mark Twain
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas
The House of the Dead, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Innocents Abroad, by Mark Twain
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe &
The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. by Daniel
The Mariel Boat-Lift, by Hunter S. Thompson
The Machine, by Upton Sinclair
The Secret Agent: A simple tale, by Joseph Conrad
The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, by Mark Twain
Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll
Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland, by Olive
Twilight, by John W. Campbell
Good News
An Act That Enabled Acceptance, by Ben Mattlin
At Nogales rally, Mexico's president-elect says
he'll cut taxes, raise wages, by Perla Trevizo
Awesome Moving Company Helps
Women Leave Abusive Homes at No Cost!, by Amanda
Froelich Osc
Beer Company Develops Edible Six-Pack Rings That
Feed, Rather Than Kill, Marine Life, by Amanda
California Freeways Will Soon Generate Electricity, by
Laura Goldman
California's Largest Tribe Bans GMO Crops and
Genetically-Engineered Salmon, by Lorraine Chow
Capitalism Killing You? Income Sharing Could Save
Our Lives…
In the ongoing series “From the Ground Up,”
Occupy.com joins Commonomics USA presenting stories
about local efforts to create a new sustainable
economy. by Matt Stannard
French Court Finds Monsanto
Guilty of Chemical Poisoning, by Lorraine Chow
Germany bans meat at all official functions to
combat climate change. Because animal agriculture is
responsible for a large percentage of greenhouse gas
emissions, Germany’s Federal Minister for the
Environment recently banned meat from being served
at official functions, by Amanda Froelich
Good Corporate Citizen/The Power of Youth, by Ralph
Groundbreaking Decision: Judge Protects Right to
Stable Climate in Washington Case, by Our Children's
Half of US Shale Producers “Could Go Bankrupt”, By
Andy Rowell
Monsanto is Collapsing, Slashes Thousands of Jobs, by
Ashley Curtin
Monsanto Ordered to Pay $46.5 Million in PCB Lawsuit
in Rare Win for Plaintiffs, by Lorraine Chow
Nation's First School District to Serve 100 Percent
Organic, Non-GMO Meals, by Turning Green
Poland Becomes the 14th European Nation to Officially
Ban GMOs!, by Amanda Froelich
Pope Francis To Employers Who Don’t Offer Health
Care: You Are ‘True Leeches’, by Jack Jenkins
Portugal Sets Record, Runs on Renewables for
107-Hours Straight, by Katie Pohlman
Taiwan Bans GMOs in Schools, Mandates Strict Label
Laws, By Lorraine Chow
These Former Debt Collectors Decided to Ditch the
Industry, Buy Up Medical Debt, and Forgive It, by
Araz Hachadourian
This Store Just Canceled Black Friday, by Bryce
14 Genetic Mutations That Can Arise from Incest, by
Laura Allan
97% of Endangered Species Threatened by 3 Common
Pesticides, by Lorraine Chow
A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's Immortal Legacy and
the Medical Scandal It Caused, by Michael Gold
A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical
and Biological Warfare, by Robert Harris and Jeremy
A New Example of Ectopia: Oral Hair in Some Rodent
Species, by A.S. Baranov, O.F. Chernova, N. Yu.
Feoktistova, and A.V. Surov
Aetna Shows Why We Need a Single Payer, by Robert Reich
AIDS and the Security, Interview With Dr. John Seale, by
Executive Intelligence Review
Alarm Spreads in Brazil Over a Virus and a Surge in
Malformed Infants, by Simon Romero
Beware the new 'Breakthrough' Transgenic Mosquitoes, by
Dr Mae Wan Ho
GMOs, A Global Debate: Brazil, Second Largest GMO
Producer in World, By Joana Ferreira
GMO mosquitoes could be cause of Zika outbreak, critics
say, by RT.com
by Wikipedia
No, GM Mosquitoes Didn’t Start The Zika Outbreak., By
Christie Wilcox
Pandora's box: how GM mosquitos could have caused
Brazil's microcephaly disaster, Oliver Tickell
Terminator insects give wings to genome invaders, by Dr.
Mae-Wan Ho
The zika virus:
a new threat from the tiger mosquito, by Scientific
Was Zika outbreak caused by release of genetically
modified mosquitoes in Brazil? The genetically
engineered insects were designed to stop the spread of
dengue fever but critics now fear the programme may have
had a deadly consequence , by Elle Griffiths
Zika virus intrauterine infection causes fetal brain
abnormality and microcephaly: tip of the iceberg?, by A.
S. Oliveira Melo, G. Malinger, R. Ximenes, P. O.
Szejnfeld, S. Alves Sampaio and A. M. Bispo de Filippis
Zika Virus, a
Mosquito-Borne Infection, May Threaten Brazil’s
Newborns, by Donald G. McNeil, Jr.
AIDS Virus Man-Made, by Michel Kassett, Network 23
Amended Complaint for Violations of the Federal False
Claims Act, United States of America ex rel., Stephen A.
Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, Plaintiffs, v. Merck &
Co., Defendant, by Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A.
An Administrative History of the National Cancer
Institute's Viruses and Cancer Programs, 1950-1972, by
Carl G. Baker, M.D.
Angus Deaton With His Wife, Anne Case, Right, Last Month
After He Won the 2015 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic
Science. Together, They Wrote a Study Analyzing
Mortality Rates, by Gina Kolata
Are Vaccines Causing More Disease Than They Are Curing?
by Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
Association Betw3een the 2008-09 Seasonal Influenza
Vaccine and Pandemic H1N1 Illness During Spring-Summer
2009: Four Observational Studies from Canada, by Danuta
M. Skowronski , Gaston De Serres, et al.
Autism and the Diet Connection, by Susan Moffitt
Autism's Mysterious Rise, by Paige Blankenbuehler
Autopsy of a pandemic: 6 doctors at the center of the US
Covid-19 response, by CNN
Average Manufacturer Prices Increased Faster Than
Inflation for Many Generic Drugs, by Department of
Health and Human Services, Officer of Inspector General
Bacillus Thuringiensis, by Extension Toxicology Network
Ban GMOs Now -- Health & Environmental Hazards:
Especially in the Light of the New Genetics, by Dr
Mae-Wan Ho and Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji
Banned in 27 Countries, Monsanto's rBGH Inhabits Many
U.S. Dairy Products, by Anthony Gucciardi
Big Sugar's Sweet Little Lies: How the Industry Kept
Scientists From Asking: Does Sugar Kill?, by Gary Taubes
and Cristin Kearns Couzens
Biotechnology Consultation Agency Response Letter BNF
No. 000035, by Alan M. Rulis, Ph.D.
Bird-Flu Fears Spur Sales of Star Anise Spice, by Brian
Booker and the big pharma dems have no excuse. This vote
proves it. Democrats will have to move fast to undo the
damage these senators have done. by Richard Eskow
British Medical Association Statement on GM Foods, by
CropBiotech Net
Bruesewitz, et al. v. Wyeth, LLC, fka Wyeth, Inc., et
BT Toxin Kills Human Kidney Cells: Cry1Ab Biopesticide
Kills Human Cells at Low Doses as Does Roundup
Herbicide, by Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji
California Farmers Are Watering Their Crops With Oil
Wastewater, And No One Knows What's In It, by Natasha
CDC Estimates 1 in 88 Children in United States Has Been
Identified As Having an Autism Spectrum Disorder, by
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chronic Illnesses on Rise, Study Says: Children's Cases
in U.S. Quadruple, by Angela Zimm
Circulating Concentrations of Insulin-Like Growth Factor
1 and Risk of Breast Cancer, by Dr Susan E Hankinson,
ScDa, Prof Walter C Willett, MD, Graham A Colditz, MB,
David J Hunter, MB, Dominique S Michaud, BA, Bonnie
Deroo, BSc, Prof Bernard Rosner, PhD, Frank E Speizer,
MD, Michael Pollak, MD
Coffee Consumption and Stomach Cancer Risk in a Cohort
of Swedish Women, by Susanna C. Larsson, Edward
Giovannucci, Alicja Wolk
Colorado Pushes for Universal Health Care That’s
Governed by the People: Next year, residents will vote
on replacing the Affordable Care Act with ColoradoCare,
a single-payer plan that works like a cooperative. In a
purple state like this, it just might work, by Nathan
Could Female Crash Test Dummies Improve Car Safety For
CRASH, by Rayna Reid
Covid: South Africa halts AstraZeneca vaccine rollout
over new variant, by bbc.com
Crucial Paper 27: BT Proteins Are Toxic To Human Cells:
Cytotoxicity on Human Cells of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac Bt
Insecticidal Toxins Alone or With a Glyphosate-Based
Herbicide, by Mesnage R., Clair E., Gress S., Then C.,
Szekacs A., Seralini G.
Deadly Immunity, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Death by Multiple Poisoning, Glyphosate and Roundup, by
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Brett Cherry
Declaration of Philip J. Regal, Ph.D., Alliance for
Bio-Integrity, et al. v. Donna Shalala, et al.
Dengue Fever Outbreak in Hawaii Has Global Impact, by
Jennifer Abbasi
Depression is a Disease of Civilization, by Stephen
Did The Sacklers Get Away With It?, by Ralph Nader
Doctors' Call For Ban on GM Crops Rejected, by BBC News
Ecotoxicology of Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Based
Herbicides: Toxicity to Wildlife and Humans, byPaul K.
Mensah, Carolyn G. Palmer and Oghenekaro N. Odume
Effects of Antenatal Exposure to Phytoestrogens on Human
Male Reproductive and Urogenital Development, by Bernard
Elements of Precaution: Recommendations for the
Regulation of Food Biotechnology in Canada, by The Royal
Society of Canada
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or
Intentional?, by Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH
Ending the Drug Wars: Report of the LSE Expert Group on
the Economics of Drug Policy, by The London School of
Economics and Political Science
Endocrine Disruption and Cytotoxicity of Glyphosate and
Roundup in Human JAr Cells in Vitro, by Fiona Young, Dao
Ho, Danielle Glynn and Vicki Edwards
Ethical Alternatives to Experiments with Novel Potential
Pandemic Pathogens, by Marc Lipsitch, Allison P. Galvani
Exposing The FDA’s Vaccine Injury Cover-Up: An Interview
With Walter Kyle, Esq., by Catherine J. Frompovich
Failure to Yield: Evaluating the Performance of
Genetically Engineered Crops, by Doug Gurian-Sherman
FDA Allows Genetically-Modified rBGH to Endanger Milk,
by Cancer Prevention Coalition
FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Potato, By Just
Label It
Feeding the World With Science-Based Solutions, by Du
Forced Sterilization of Native Americans: Late Twentieth
Century Physician Cooperation with National Eugenic
Policies, by Gregory W. Rutecki, MD
Forty Years of Marburg Virus, by Werner Slenczka and
Hans Dieter Klenk
Introduction to
Marburg Virus: History of Outbreaks, by Tara C. Smith
Hemorrhagic Fever, by Centers for Disease Control and
Marburg Virus
Disease: Uganda, by Disease Outbreak News
Marburg Virus
Infection Detected in a Common African Bat, by Jonathan
S. Towner, Xavier Pourrut, César G. Albariño, Chimène
Nze Nkogue, Brian H. Bird, Gilda Grard, Thomas G.
Ksiazek, Jean-Paul Gonzalez, Stuart T. Nichol, and Eric
M. Leroy
Response to
Imported Case of Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, the
Netherlands, by Aura Timen, Marion P.G. Koopmans, Ann
C.T.M. Vossen, Gerard J.J. van Doornum, Stephan Günther,
Franchette van den Berkmortel, Kees M. Verduin, Sabine
Dittrich, Petra Emmerich, Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus, Jaap
T. van Dissel, and Roel A. Coutinho
France passes controversial bill making cameras
mandatory in all slaughterhouses. The French national
assembly voted on Friday to monitor slaughterhouse
practices and worker behavior to prevent animal cruelty
as well as hygiene and safety violations. by Whitney
Gastrointestinal Problems Common in Children With
Autism, by American Academy of Pediatrics
Gene-Spliced Corn Imperils Butterfly: Caterpillars In
STudy Die After Eating Bioengineered Plant Pollen, by
Glen Martin
Generation Zero: Thomas Verstraeten’s First Analyses of
the Link Between Vaccine Mercury Exposure and the Risk
of Diagnosis of Selected Neuro-Developmental Disorders
Based on Data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink:
November-December 1999, by Safe Minds
Genetically Modified Foods Position Paper, by Amy Dean,
D.O. and Jennifer Armstrong, M.D.
Georgia lawmakers poised to pour $2m into 'fake abortion
clinics': Bill, which specifies abortion care should not
be mentioned when discussing healthcare options for
pregnant women, is now awaiting governor’s approval, by
Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy
Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects
on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling, by
Alejandra Paganelli, Victoria Gnazzo, Helena Acosta,
Silvia L. Lopez, and Andres E. Carrasco
Glyphosate Effects on Diseases of Plants, by G.S. Johal,
D.M. Huber
Glyphosate Found in Urine of 93 percent of Americans
Tested, by Organic Consumers Association
Glyphosate Resistant Weeds a Reality for Cotton Growers,
by Roy Roberson
GM Crops Could Reduce Need for Herbicides, by Crop
Biotech Update
GM Soy - Sustainable? Responsible?: A summary of
Scientific evidence showing that genetically modified
(GM) soy and the glyphosate herbicide it is engineered
to tolerate are unsustainable from the point of view of
farming, the environment, rural communities, animal and
human health, and economies, by Michael Antoniou, Paulo
Brack, Andrés Carrasco, John Fagan, Mohamed Habib, Paulo
Kageyama, Carlo Leifert, Rubens Onofre Nodari, Walter
GM Soy Linked to Health Damage in Pigs: A Danish
Dossier, by Tore B. Krudtaa
GMO Toxins Are in Nearly All Pregnant Women & Fetuses,
by Heidi Stevenson
Government Ripoff on the Cipro Deal, by Kelly Patricia
Health Officials Subpoenaed in Probe of Political
Interference at CDC, by Brad Kutner
HEAVY COSTS: Weighing the Value of Neonicotinoid
Insecticides in Agriculture, by Sarah Stevens & Peter
Hospital releases video showing dire COVID crisis in
California, by CBS News
How For-Profit Health Care Worsened the Pandemic:
Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths and Millions of
Infections Would Likely Have Been Prevented Under
Medicare for All, by Public Citizen
Unprepared for
COVID-19: How the Pandemic Makes the Case for Medicare
for Al,
by Eagan Kemp
Human Cell Toxicity of Pesticides Associated to Wide
Scale Agricultural GMOs, by Breckling, B. & Verhoeven,
Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use
In the United States: The First Thirteen Years, by
Charles Benbrook
In Major Shift, USDA Clears Way for Modified Bluegrass,
by Paul Voosen
Infertility Resources: All Your Fertility Help In One
Place, by ihr.com fertility websites
Inside the Autistic Mind, by Claudia Wallis
Interest in Non-Genetically Modified Soybeans Growing,
by Ohio State University Extension Service
Intolerable Risk: Pesticides in our Children's Food, A
Report by the Natural Resources Defense Council
Is It Time to Acknowledge Round-Up as a Contraceptive?,
by Sayer Ji
Is the USDA Silencing Scientists?, by Brandom Keim
Is U.S. Health Really the Best in the World, by Barbara
Starfield, MD, MPH
Israel's Poisonous Aerial Spraying of Negev Crops
Illegal, Endangers Health of Bedouin Villagers, by Arab
Association for Human Rights
Kenya's New Bishop of Kakamega, Joseph Obanyi Sagwe
Ordained, by Vatican Radio
Lancet Study Finds 40 Percent of U.S. COVID-19 Deaths
Could Have Been Avoided, by Elliot Hannon
Landmark Lawsuit Challenges FDA Policy on Genetically
Engineered Food, by Center for Food Safety
Letter from Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Crisis, James E. Clyburn, Chairman, to The Hon. Alex M.
Azar, II, Secretary, Department of Health and Human
Services and Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (12/21/20)
Letter from Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Crisis, James E. Clyburn, Chairman, to The Hon. Alex M.
Azar, II, Secretary, Department of Health and Human
Services and Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (12/10/20)
Letter to Secretary Vilsack: Roundup May Be Causing
Animal Miscarriages and Infertility, by COL (Ret.) Don
M. Huber
Long haul COVID-19 victims experiencing bizarre symptoms
after recovery, by 60 Minutes Australia
Mandatory and recommended vaccination in the EU, Iceland
and Norway: results of the VENICE 2010 survey on the
ways of implementing national vaccination programmes, by
M Haverkate, F D’Ancona, C Giambi, K Johansen, P L
Lopalco, V Cozza, E Appelgren
Merck Halts Vioxx Sales, by Rita Rubin
MILITARY GOOF? '79 Russian Deaths Blamed on a
Germ-Warfare Accident
by Associated Press
Milk Controversy Spills Into Canada, by Peter Montague
Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Impaired Oxidative-Reduction
Activity, Degeneration, and Death in Human Neuronal and
Fetal Cells Induced by Low-Level Exposure to Thimerosal
and Other Metal Compounds, by D.A. Geier, P.G. King &
M.R. Geier
Monsanto's Best-Selling Herbicide Roundup Linked to
Infertility, by Andre Evans
Monsanto Blocks Research on GMO Safety, by Jeremy Bloom
Monsanto's College Stranglehold: A New Report Has
Shocking Findings About the Connection
Monsanto Commits $250,000 to University of
Illinois Ag Communications Program, by
Monsanto Files Lawsuit to Stop California From Listing
Glyphosate as Known Carcinogen, by Lorraine Chow
Corporate Funding and Agricultural Research, by Jill
Monsanto Donates $1 Million for UMSL Community Education
Center, by Greta Weiderman
Monsanto's Crops Spawning Superweed Epidemic in U.S., by
GM Watch
Monsanto’s GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study
Reveals, by Katherine Goldstein
Monsanto's Harvest of Fear, by Donald L. Barlett and
James B. Steele
Monsanto Threatens Vermont Legislature Over GMO Labeling
Bill, Says It Will Sue State, by Jonathan Benson
Monsanto's Toxic Herbicide Glyphosate: A Review of its
Health and Environmental Effects, by Andre Leu
Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy
Against America, by Eustace Mullins
New CDC Numbers: Autism Rates Continue to Skyrocket, by
Richard Moore
New Fears About Smallpox Vaccine, by Dan Collins
New GMO Studies Demonstrate "Substantial
Non-Equivalence," by Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji
New Study Highlights Big Unknowns of Public Health Harm
From Fracking's Chemical Cocktail, by Andrea Germanos
New Study Warns of Breast and Colon Cancer Risks From
rBGH Milk, by The Cancer Prevention Coalition and Food &
Non-GMO Soybeans Offer High Yields at Lower Cost, by The
Organic & Non-GMO Report
NPG Republishes Cornerstone U.S. Population Policy
Document, by Negative Population Growth
Once Again, the VA Turns Down Navy Vets for Agent Orange
Benefits, By Charles Ornstein and Terry Parris Jr.
Pesticide Safety, by Farmworker Justice
Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children,
Committee on Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and
Children, Board on Agriculture and Board on
Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Research
Philippines wants money back from Sanofi for dengue
vaccine, by Jim Gomez
Plasma Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and Prostate Cancer
Risk: A Prospective Study, by June M. Chan, Meir J.
Stampfer, Edward Giovannucci, Peter H. Gann, Jing Ma,
Peter Wilkinson, Charles H. Hennekens, Michael Pollak
Polio, Hepatitis B and AIDS: An Integrative Theory on a
Possible Vaccine Induced Pandemic, by Leonard G.
Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
Possible Links Between Intestinal Permeability and Food
Processing: A Potential Therapeutic Niche for Glutamine,
by Jean Robert Rapin and Nicolas Wiernsperger
Private Health Care as an Act of Terrorism, by Paul
Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare
Tragedy, by Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D. and Nancy L.
Nicolson, Ph.D.
Q Fever, by Wikipedia
Report Documents Pesticide Use Increases on GE Crops, by
Union of Concerned Scientists
Reproductive Toxicity: Glyphosate, by Right Diagnosis
Researcher Sacked, Others Threatened Over GM Protest, by
Researchers Find the Active Ingredient in "Magic
Mushrooms" Can Help You Quit Smoking, by Tod Perry
We've Been Fighting For Your Right to Know Since 1989,
by Ben & Jerry's
RNAi-Based Insecticidal Crops: Potential Effects on
Nontarget Species, by Jonathan G. Lundgren and Jian J.
Roundup and Birth Defects: Is the Public Being Kept in
the Dark?, by Michael Antoniou, Mohamed Ezz El-Din
Mostafa Habib, C. Vyvyan Howard, Richard C. Jennings,
Carlo Leifert, Rubens Onofre Nodari, Claire Robinson,
John Fagan
Sales Pitch: Drug Firms Use Perks to Push Pills, by
Julie Appleby
Scientist Warns on Safety of Monsanto's Roundup, by
Carey Gillam
Scientists Trace Diseases and Ailments to Mineral
Deficiency, by yourdiyhealth.com
Select Documents on Japanese War Crimes and Japanese
Biological Warfare, 1934-2006, Compiled by William H.
Shocking News: FDA Approves Genetically Engineered
Salmon, by Dr. Mercola
'SIV' and Poliovaccination: A Shot in the Foot? by
Michael Verney-Elliott
Smallpox Alert!, by Vaccination Liberation
Smallpox vaccine 'triggered Aids virus', by Pearce
Stage Set for "Biotech" Debut at Grocery Store: U.S.
Policy to Be Unveiled Today Regulates Food Created by
Genetic Engineering Like Other Varieties, by Marlene
Cimons and Donna K.H. Walters
Starbucks Switches to Milk Without Growth Hormones, by
Craig Harris
Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant
Varieties: Biotechnology Guidance Documents, by U.S.
Food and Drug Administration
‘Subpoenas are necessary’: House watchdog details
extensive meddling with CDC Covid-19 reports: New
documents show political appointees sought to influence
at least 13 reports as they ignored warnings from career
officials, by Dan Diamond
Subterfuges & Syringes: The Real World of Vaccinations,
by Thomas Smith
Suspended USDA Researcher Alleges Agency Tried to Block
His Research Into Harmful Effects of Pesticides on Bees,
Butterflies, by Steve Volk
The Abominable Dr. Ishii, by Christopher Reed
The Bhopal disaster and its aftermath: a review, by
Edward Broughton
The Fires Within: Inflammation is the Body's First
Defense Against Infection, But When It Goes Awry, It Can
Lead to Heart Attacks, Colon Cancer, Alzheimer's and a
Host of Other Diseases, by Christine Gorman and Alice
The Flexner Report -- 100 Years Later, by Thomas P.
Duffy, M.D.
The Hidden Dangers in Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean
The Impact of Genetic Modification on Agriculture, Food
and Health: An Interim Statement, by British Medical
The Loss of Corn Exports to Europe: Something to Chew on
At The Commodity Classic, by Robert Schubert
The Most Dangerous Vaccine: Dan Rather Reports on the
Debate, by David Kohn
The New UK Coronavirus Strain Is Already In The USA--A
Surgeon Explains Why, by Duc C. Vuong
The Origin of AIDS, by Tom Curtis
The People Have the Power: Yoplait Goes rbGH-Free, by
Naomi Starkman
The People Win Over Shell in Fracking Water Withdrawal
Case, by Sandra Steingraber
The re-emergence of measles in developed countries: Time
to develop the next-generation measles vaccines?, by
Gregory A. Poland and Robert M. Jacobson
The Rise of Superweeds: And What to Do About It, by
Union of Concerned Scientists
The Strecker Memorandum, by Robert B. Strecker,
M.D., Ph.D. and Theodore A. Strecker
The Toxic Truth About Sugar: Added Sweeteners Pose
Dangers to Health That Justify Controlling Them Like
Alcohol, Argue Robert H. Lustig, Laura A. Schmidt and
Claire D. Brindis
These Popular Fruit and Veggie Brands May be Grown With
Oil Wastewater: The Practice is Gaining Popularioty in
Drought-Plagued California, But Is It Safe?, by Josh
This Ingenious Machine Turns Feces Into Drinking Water,
by Bill Gates
Tillamook Creamery Bans Use of Artificial Growth
Hormones, by Vince Patton
Toxic Pesticides from GM Food Crops Found in Unborn
Babies, by Andy Bloxham
Trouble in the Garden: More Bad News for Monsanto &
Biotech, by Peter Montague
Trump brags to Fox host Laura Ingraham that he did
opposite of what top expert advised amid pandemic: "I
didn't really listen to [Dr. Anthony Fauci] too much,
because I was doing the opposite of what he was saying",
by Bob Brigham
Turn Out the Lights: The Party's Over, by Aaron Hager
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, by Wikipedia
Typical American Diet May Fuel Autism, by Deborah
Ultrastructural Analysis of Testes From Mice Fed on
Genetically Modified Soybean, by L. Vecchio, B.
Cisterna, M. Malatesta, T.E. Martin, M. Biggiogera
UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated With
Sterilizing Agents, by LifeSiteNews.com
U.S. Approves Genetically Modified Alfalfa, by Andrew
U.S. Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low, by
U.S. Fertility in Decline, by Mary Mederios Kent
U.S. government gave $3.7 million grant to Wuhan lab at
center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing
experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is
believed to have originated, by Frances Mulraney and
Glenn Owen
9 things to know about the COVID-19 vaccine, by MD
Anderson Cancer Center Staff
260 campers and staff infected with COVID-19 at Georgia
YMCA camp, by KHQ.com
A Massachusetts Republican Party leader says he thinks
he got COVID-19 at a White House Hanukkah event, by
Kelly McLaughlin
A Proposed Origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19
Pandemic [W/Comments], by Jonathan Latham, PhD and
Allison Wilson, PhD
2019 Global Health Security Index: Building Collective
Action and Accountability, by Nuclear Threat Initiative,
Center for Health Security, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, and The Economist Intelligence
Is Considering a Genetic-Manipulation Origin for
SARS-CoV-2 a Conspiracy Theory That Must Be Censored?,
by Rossana Segreto, University of Innsbruck, and Yuri
Deigrin, Youthereum Genetics Inc.
Laboratory Escapes and “Self-fulfilling prophecy”
Epidemics, by Martin Furmanski MD, Scientist’s Working
Group on Chemical and Biologic Weapons, Center for Arms
Control and Nonproliferation, February 17, 2014
Master's Thesis: "The Analysis of Six Patients With
Severe Pneumonia Caused By Unknown Viruses", by Li Xu,
No. 1 School of Clinical Medicine, Kun Ming Medical
University, May, 2013
- White House to
Cut Funding for Risky Biological Study, by Donald G.
McNeil Jr., NYT, Oct. 17, 2014
Why Do Exceptionally Dangerous Gain-of-Function
Experiments in Influenza?, by Marc Lipsitch
A Sinking Ship’: Arizona Docs Say Ducey Steered State
Into COVID-19 Surge: SWITCH FLIPPED: The state has
130,000 coronavirus cases, and hospital workers say it
didn’t have to happen, by Emily Shugerman
An inside look at Trump’s failed coronavirus response:
America’s Pandemic, by Washington Post
As Pandemic Rips Through Indian Country, Indigenous
Communities Work to Save Elders & Languages, by Amy
Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like Coronavirus
WIV1 Encodes an Extra Accessory Protein, ORFX, Involved
in Modulation of the Host Immune Response, by Lei-Ping
Zeng, Yu-Tao Gao, Xing-Yi Ge, Qian Zhang, Cheng Peng,
Xing-Lou Yang, Bing Tan, Jing Chen, Aleksei A. Chmura,
Peter Daszak, and Zheng-Li Shi
British head of science-funding body Wellcome Trust is
accused of a "chilling" bid to stifle debate on Wuhan
lab leak theory, by Ian Birrell
Chapter 1: The Madness Years: China, 1967, Excerpt from
"The Three-Body Problem", by Cixin Liu, translated by
Ken Liu
China Floats U.S. Military Lab as Possible COVID Origin
Point, Urges WHO to Investigate, by Brittany Bernstein
Chris Christie Urges Americans To Wear A Mask, by Chris
Coronavirus: America's Reckoning, by Sky News
Coronavirus at meatpacking plants worse than first
thought, USA TODAY investigation finds: Coronavirus
closed Smithfield and JBS meatpacking plants. Many more
are at risk. Operators may have to choose between worker
health or meat in stores, by Kyle Bagenstose, Sky Chadde
and Matt Wynn
Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution.
Exclusive: Scientists examine whether this route enables
infections at longer distances, by Damian Carrington
Coronavirus: How the deadly epidemic sparked a global
emergency, by Four Corners
Coronavirus may never go away, World Health Organization
warns, by bbc.com
Coronavirus symptoms: Mysterious, scary symptoms persist
long after initial COVID-19 infection, by Chuck Goudie
and Barb Markoff, Christine Tressel and Ross Weidner
Coronavirus: The fight to contain the global pandemic,
by Four Corners
COVID-19 Masks
COVID Vaccines to Be Required for Military Under New US
Plan: Members of the U.S. military will be required to
get the COVID-19 vaccine beginning next month under a
plan laid out by the Pentagon Monday and endorsed by
President Joe Biden, by Lolita C. Baldor
Controversial experiments that could make bird flu more
risky poised to resume, by Jocelyn Kaiser
COVID-19: Scientists Have High Hopes For Potential
Breakthrough Virus Blocker, by Joe Lombardi
Crisis in the Hot Zone: Lessons from an outbreak of
Ebola, by Richard Preston
Cuomo Undercounted Nursing Home Deaths by as Much as
50%, Report Finds: A report by New York Attorney General
Letitia James says that a survey of dozens of nursing
homes suggests the number of residents who died of
COVID-19 could be a huge undercount, by Joe Sexton
Danger of Potential-Pandemic-Pathogen Research
Enterprises, by Lynn C. Klotz
Did the SARS-CoV-2 virus arise from a bat coronavirus
research program in a Chinese laboratory? Very possibly,
by Milton Leitenberg
Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related
coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of
SARS coronavirus, by Ben Hu, Data curation, Formal
analysis, Investigation, Validation, Visualization,
Writing – original draft,#1 Lei-Ping Zeng,
Investigation, Methodology, Xing-Lou Yang,
Investigation, Resources, Xing-Yi Ge, Formal analysis,
Resources, Wei Zhang, Investigation, Bei Li,
Investigation, Jia-Zheng Xie, Investigation, Xu-Rui
Shen, Investigation, Yun-Zhi Zhang, Resources, Ning
Wang, Investigation,1 Dong-Sheng Luo, Investigation,
Resources,1 Xiao-Shuang Zheng, Investigation, Mei-Niang
Wang, Resources,1 Peter Daszak, Funding acquisition,
Writing – review & editing, Lin-Fa Wang,
Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Writing – review
& editing, Jie Cui, Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
Funding acquisition, Software, Writing – review &
editing, and Zheng-Li Shi, Conceptualization, Funding
acquisition, Methodology, Project administration,
Supervision, Visualization, Writing – review & editing
Documents Show Trump White House Adviser's Impact On
Bizarre Covid Policy, by MSNBC
Clyburn Issues
Subpoena to Trump White House Advisor Dr. Steven Hatfill
on Coronavirus Response, by House Committee on Oversight
and Reform, Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney
Dr. Michael Osterholm on Covid-19, by Ralph Nader Radio
Fauci admits earlier Covid-19 mitigation efforts would
have saved more American lives, by Devan Cole
Fight Over Covid’s Origins Renews Debate on Risks of Lab
Work, by Carl Zimmer and James Gorman
Genetic susceptibility for COVID-19–associated sudden
cardiac death in African Americans, by John R.
Giudicessi, MD, PhD, Dan M. Roden, MD, Arthur A.M.
Wilde, MD, PhD, and Michael J. Ackerman, MD, PhD
He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s
Failure on the Virus: An examination reveals the
president was warned about the potential for a pandemic
but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his
faith in his own instincts led to a halting response, by
Eric Lipton, David E. Sanger, Maggie Haberman, Michael
D. Shear, Mark Mazzetti and Julian E. Barnes
'Herd mentality': Trump says US 'rounding the corner' on
coronavirus, doctors and scientists disagree, by
Savannah Behrmann
Here’s how the Trump administration crushed the C.D.C.,
according to two who were there, by Noah Weiland
How coronavirus is changing the world, by DW Documentary
Human error in high-biocontainment labs: a likely
pandemic threat, by Lynn Klotz
Hundreds of bioterror lab mishaps cloaked in secrecy, by
Alison Young
I'm finally taking the time to do a full write up on
COVID-19 because the ignorance and lack of critical
thinking by the majority of people on this site is
really pissing me off. And because this sub is one of
the few left that is not manipulated by corrupt mods.,
Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on
Covid-19 Origin: Report says researchers went to
hospital in November 2019, shortly before confirmed
outbreak; adds to calls for probe of whether virus
escaped lab, by Michael R. Gordon
INEQUITABLE: The Trump Administration's Failed Reponse
to the Coronavirus Crisis, As New Cases Skyrocket,
Report Finds Response is Among the ‘Worst Failures of
Leadership in American History’, by Select Subcommittee
on the Coronavirus Crisis
Interview with Andrew Kimball on the Ralph Nader Radio
Show, Ralph Nader Radio Hour Episode 332
Is the U.S. food supply safe?, by FDA: U.S. Food & Drug
Is there a Role for the States Parties to the BWC in
Oversight of Lab-created Potential Pandemic Pathogens?,
by Lynn C. Klotz, PhD
crossing the line, by Milton Leitenberg, Senior Research
Scholar, Center for International and Security Studies
at Maryland School of Public Policy, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD,
[email protected];
Ambassador James Leonard, Head of the United States
Delegation to the Biological Weapons Convention
Negotiations, 1972; and Dr. Richard Spertzel, Former
Deputy Director, USAMRIID, and Senior Biologist on the
Staff of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM),
- Biological
Weapons Review Conference: ICRC statement, by Christine
Beerli, vice-president of the ICRC
- “Inconvenient
Truths” in the Pursuit of Scientific Knowledge and
Public Health, by David A. Relman
- It’s time to
modernize the bioweapons convention, by Gregory D.
Koblentz, Filippa Lentzos
- Keeping the
Biological Weapons Convention relevant, by Gabrielle
- Scientific
Communication and National Security: A report prepared
by the Panel on Scientific Communication and National
Security Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public
Policy, by National Academy of Sciences, National
Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine
- The De Novo
Synthesis of Horsepox Virus: Implications for
Biosecurity and Recommendations for Preventing the
Reemergence of Smallpox, by Gregory D. Koblentz
The Dual-Use
Conundrum, by Paul Berg
Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory,
The Late Show with, Stephen Colbert, Jun 15, 2021
"They Are Going
To Kill Us All" - Jon Stewart Declares His Love For
Scientists, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jun 15,
LA County Death Counts, by Race/Ethnicity, Per 100,000
Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of
Gain-of-Function Research, by Yuri Deigin
Laboratory Escapes and “Self-fulfilling prophecy”
Epidemics, by Martin Furmanski MD
Letter to The NSABB Board [U.S. National Science
Advisory Board for Biosecurity], by Lynn C. Klotz,
Ph.D., Senior Science Fellow and member of the Scientist
Working Group on Biological and Chemical Weapons Center
for Arms Control and Non-proliferation, Washington, DC,
Months after infection, many COVID-19 patients can't
shake illness, by American Heart Association News
National Guard Deployment at U.S. Capitol Becomes
COVID-19 Superspreader Event, by Amy Goodman
National Nurses United Response To COVID-19, by National
Nurses United
New cancer patients — especially Black people — are more
susceptible to severe Covid-19 infections, by Elizabeth
New variant dangers, by Dr. John Campbell
NIH acknowledges US funded gain-of-function at Wuhan
lab, Sen. Rand Paul reacts, by Allie Hennard
The National
Institutes of Health has corrected what it calls the
untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID
Director Fauci that the NIH did not fund
gain-of-function research in Wuhan. WBKO News Reporter
Allie Hennard spoke with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul this
morning who has questioned Dr. Fauci on numerous
occasions claiming he did fund the research.
NIH Bat Coronavirus Grant Report Was Submitted More Than
Two Years Late. The unusual timing of a bat coronavirus
grant report suggests that an earlier version may have
been revised, by Mara Hvistendahl, Sharon Lerner
Leaked Grant
Proposal Details High-Risk Coronavirus Research. The
proposal, rejected by U.S. military research agency
DARPA, describes the insertion of human-specific
cleavage sites into SARS-related bat coronaviruses, by
Sharon Lerner, Maia Hibbett
'No way food safety not compromised': US regulation
rollbacks during Covid-19 criticised: Major pork plant
closed after hundreds of workers contract coronavirus,
while speeding up of poultry production lines raises
concerns over standards, by Bibi van der Zee, Tom Levitt
and Andrew Wasley
Nurses hold White House protest over need for protective
equipment in coronavirus fight: “We’re here because our
colleagues are dying,” said Erica Jones, a nurse at
Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. 'We're
feeling like martyrs': Nurses hold White House protest
over lack of protection, by Ali Vitali
Nurses on the Front Lines/Captain Bligh, by Ralph Nader
OPEN LETTER: Call for a Full and Unrestricted
International Forensic Investigation into the Origins of
Our own worst bioenemy, by Wendy Orent
Persistent Symptoms in Patients After Acute COVID-19, by
Angelo Carfì, MD; Roberto Bernabei, MD; Francesco Landi,
MD, PhD; et al
COVID: Clinical
Considerations for Acute and Post-Infection Symptoms:
From chest pain and severe headache to neurological
symptoms and multisystem disease, manifestations of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus present clinicians with new and
complicated assessment challenges. Sample case
scenarios, exacerbated pain, and long-term convalescence
are addressed. [EXCERPT], by Don L. Goldenberg, MD
Prof. Francis Boyle Update: Covid-19 Bioweapon Is A
Crime Against Humanity, Interview, by Jason Liosatos,
Outside The Box
‘Powerful vaccine in itself’: Trump says it’s ‘terrific’
that nearly 15 per cent of Americans got Covid, Daily
death toll across US has exceeded 2,000 in recent days,
by Louise Hall
Rand Paul cut off from YouTube for a week following
criticism of face masks: The Republican senator called
the suspension a “badge of honor.", by Nick Niedzwiadek
Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus: The
Way Forward, by Anthony S. Fauci
Dr. Fauci
Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for
Risky Coronavirus Research, by Fred Guterl, Newsweek
Statement of
Drs. Collins and Fauci concerning intention to lift
moratorium, by Nih.gov
“Say Her Name: Dr. Susan Moore.” Black Female Doctors
Condemn Racial Disparities in Healthcare, by Amy Goodman
Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need
to act now, by Nisreen A Alwan, Rochelle Ann Burgess,
Simon Ashworth, Rupert Beale, Nahid Bhadelia, Debby
Bogaert, Jennifer Dowd, Isabella Eckerle, Lynn R
Goldman, Trisha Greenhalgh, Deepti Gurdasani, Adam
Hamdy, William P Hanage, Emma B Hodcroft, Zoë Hyde, Paul
Kellam, Michelle Kelly-Irving, Florian Krammer, Marc
Lipsitch, Alan McNally, Martin McKee, Ali Nouri, Dominic
Pimenta, Viola Priesemann, Harry Rutter, Joshua Silver,
Devi Sridhar, Charles Swanton, Rochelle P Walensky,
Gavin Yamey, Hisham Ziauddeen, The Lancet
Screw your freedom and wear mask, by Arnold
Some Scientists Question W.H.O. Inquiry Into the
Coronavirus Pandemic’s Origins: Those who still suspect
the outbreak in China may have been caused by a lab leak
or accident are pressing for an independent
investigation, by James Gorman
Synthetic Viral Genomics: Risks and Benefits for Science
and Society, by Ralph S. Baric
The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin, by
Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD
The consequences of a lab escape of a potential pandemic
pathogen, by Lynn C. Klotz, The Center for Arms Control
and Non-Proliferation, Washington, DC, USA; and Edward
J. Sylvester, Science and Medical Journalism, Walter
Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication,
Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, USA
The Controversial Experiments and Wuhan Lab Suspected of
Starting the Coronavirus Pandemic, by Fred Guterl,
Naveed Jamali and Tom O'Connor, Newsweek
The evidence which suggests that this is no naturally
evolved virus, by Aksel Fridstrøm
Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab
studying bat coronaviruses, by Josh Rogin, The
Washington Post, April 14, 2020
The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally
Evolved Virus: A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of
the SARS-CoV-2 Spike, by Birger Sørensen, Angus
Dalgleish & Andres Susrud
The FBI's Strange Anthrax Investigation Sheds Light on
COVID Lab-Leak Theory and Fauci's Emails, Mainstream
institutions doubted the FBI had solved the 2001 anthrax
case. Either way, revelations that emerged about U.S.
Government bio-labs have newfound relevance., by Glenn
The Full Story of Trump and COVID-19, by NowThis News
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: a review of SARS Lab
Escapes, by Gilles Demaneuf
The Lab-Leak Hypothesis For decades, scientists have
been hot-wiring viruses in hopes of preventing a
pandemic, not causing one. But what if …?, by Nicholson
The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover
COVID-19’s Origins: Throughout 2020, the notion that the
novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits.
Those who dared to push for transparency say toxic
politics and hidden agendas kept us in the dark, by
Katherine Eban
The most logical explanation is that it comes from a
laboratory: The well-known Norwegian virologist Birger
Sørensen and his colleagues have examined the corona
virus. They believe it has certain properties which
would not evolve naturally. These conclusions are
politically controversial, but in this interview he
shares the findings behind the headlines, by Aksel
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses
shows potential for human emergence, by Vineet D
Menachery, Boyd L Yount Jr, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar
Agnihothram, Lisa E Gralinski, Jessica A Plante, Rachel
L Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric F Donaldson,
Scott H Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A Marasco,
Zhengli-Li Shi & Ralph S Baric
The fight for a
controversial article: Birger Sørensen and Angus
Dalgleish failed to get an article about the origins of
the coronavirus published in a scientific journal. The
authors suspect foul play and political considerations.
Not everything gets published, is the answer from the
journals. Minerva has obtained a draft of the paper, to
let readers and researchers decide, by Aksel Fridstrøm
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s
box at Wuhan?, by Nicholas Wade
The Origins of COVID-19: An Investigation of the Wuhan
Institute of Virology, by House Foreign Affairs
The Possible Origins of 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, by Botao
Xiao and Lei Xiao
The Virus: What Went Wrong? (full film), by Frontline
The Wrong Man, by David Freed
There Isn’t a Coronavirus ‘Second Wave’, by Michael R.
Pence, Vice President of the United States
Timeline: Tracking Trump alongside scientific
developments on hydroxychloroquine
The president touts the drug, but it hasn't proven
effective against COVID-19, by Libby Cathey
To Deny the "Lab Leak" COVID Theory, the NYT and WPost
Use Dubious and Conflicted Sources. A bizarre and abrupt
reversal by scientists regarding COVID's origins, along
with clear conflicts of interest, create serious doubts
about their integrity. Yet major news outlets keep
relying on them, by Glenn Greenwald
Trump’s covid-19 inaction killed Americans. Here’s a
counter that shows how many, by Eugene Jarecki
Trump explains why he downplayed coronavirus risks to
the American public, by Dylan Stableford and David
U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits, by
Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William J. Broad
U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan
Viet Thanh Nguyen on Roots of Anti-Asian Hate from U.S.
Colonialism to Anti-China Political Rhetoric, by Amy
‘We messed up, we let our guard down’: Former Alabama
senator issues warning with last words before dying of
Covid-19. Larry Dixon’s last wishes were to prevent
others suffering same fate as him, by Oliver O'Connell
‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd
immunity’ strategy, emails reveal, Then-HHS science
adviser Paul Alexander called for millions of Americans
to be infected as means of fighting Covid-19, by Dan
“We’re in a Transition Phase”: Dr. Monica Gandhi on
Vaccine Safety & Why You Still Need a Mask, by Amy
W.H.O. Inquiry on the Pandemic’s Origin: What We Know:
Did Covid-19 come from animal markets? It’s unclear. Did
it emerge from a lab? Also unclear. Here’s what a new
W.H.O. report says — including questions that the
agency’s own chief raised about the findings, by Javier
C. Hernández
Whistleblower US scientist who worked with Wuhan lab
claims COVID WAS genetically engineered and leaked from
the site - and says 'the US government is to blame'
because it funded the research, by Aneeta Bhole
Why Do Exceptionally Dangerous Gain-of-Function
Experiments in, Influenza?, by Marc Lipsitch
Why US outsourced bat virus research to Wuhan: US-funded
$3.7 million project approved by Trump's Covid-19 guru
Dr Anthony Fauci in 2015 after US ban imposed on
'monster-germ' research, by Christina Lin
World’s Poorest Nations Face Setback as India Suspends
Vaccine Exports Amid Fight over Patent Rights, by Amy
USDA grants final approval for Monsanto/Scotts’
genetically engineered grass. "USDA's approval of this
genetically engineered grass is as dangerous as it is
unlawful." by Center for Biological Diversity
Vaccination Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life, by
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Vaccine Contamination: Pig Virus DNA Found in Rotarix,
by Barbara Loe Fisher
Vaccines: An Attorney's Viewpoint, by James Robert Deal
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus, by Wikipedia
Walmart Discontinues rBGH Milk, by curiouslyawesome.com
Was There An AIDS Contract?, by Mike Morrissey
Water Pollutants Investigation Committee Report, by Dra.
Ana Otaño, Beatriz Correa, Shirley Palomares
Weaponized Food and Medicine is Bad for Your Health, by
Paul Fassa
Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells:
Used in Gardens, Farms, and Parks Around the World, the
Weed Killer Roundup Contains an Ingredient That Can
Suffocate Human Cells in a Laboratory, Researchers Say,
by Crystal Gammon
What To Do About Disloyal Corporations, by Robert Reich
What we know -- and what we don't -- about the UK
coronavirus variant, by Zamira Rahim
White House security director has part of leg amputated
after falling severely ill with COVID-19, fundraiser
says: It is the most serious publicly reported case
linked to the White House., by Ben Gittleson
WHO Murdered Africa, by William Campbell Douglas, M.D.
Who's Teaching the Doctors? Drug Firms Sponsor Required
Courses -- And See Their Sales Rise, by Dan Vergano
Why Are So Many Black Women Dying of AIDS?, by Laurie
Why Covid Numbers Will Get Worse Even With The
Vaccines--A Surgeon Explains, by Duc C. Vuong
Why GM food is dangerous: New report by GM engineers, by
Why Monsanto Doesn't Want You to Know About Those
Hormones In Your Dairy, by Suemedha Sood
Why Vaccines Won’t "Keep" You From Catching COVID--A
Surgeon Explains It Easily, by Duc C. Vuong
Wrong Prescription? The Failed Promise of the Affordable
Care Act, by Trudy Lieberman
Illustrated Screenplays
Accusing your enemy of that which you are guilty –
The CIA and the “fake news” conspiracy, by Sean
Alexander (Aleksandr) (Alyaksandr) Bogdanovm by
Alexander Griboyedov, by Wikipedia
Alexander Pushkin, by Wikipedia
Allen Wardwell, by Wikipedia
An Essay on Woman, in Three Epistles, by John Wilkes
Appeal of the Initiators of "The Green Wave" of
Voluntary Ecological Action*, by Alexander
Cheparukhin, Chairman
Arthur Koestler, by Wikipedia
Bacchanalia, by Wikipedia
Bertram Wolfe, by Wikipedia
Bloody Sunday (1905), by Wikipedia
Boris Pasternak, by Wikipedia
Charles S. Zimmerman, by Wikipedia
Daniel De Leon, by Wikipedia
Decembrist revolt, by Wikipedia
Diogenes, by Wikipedia
Dmitri Prigov, by Wikipedia
“Do Some Russians Think Vladimir Putin Is God?” , by
Marc Bennet
Enemies of the State: Pussy Riot and the New Russian
Protest Rock, by National Endowment for Democracy
Ernst Mach, by Wikipedia
‘Free Pussy Riot’ wave of anti-Christian attacks
sweeps Russia, by Matthew Hoffman
Gabriele D'Annunzio, by Wikipedia
Gentlemen Volunteers: The Story of American
Ambulance Drivers in the Great War: August
1914-September 1918, by Arlen J. Hansen
Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès, by Wikipedia
Giambattista Boetti [Giovanni Battista Boetti /
Sheikh Mansur], by Wikipedia
Grigori Sokolnikov, by Wikipedia
Hans Günter Brauch Download Section , by AFES-PRESS
(Ecology and Peace
Heinrich Brandler, by Wikipedia
Hellfire Club, Wikipedia
History of Esperanto, by Wikipedia
Ilya Ehrenburg, by Wikipedia
‘In the Politburo, they were ready to betray,
besmirch, and defile’ Now you can watch a previously
never-before-seen interview with Boris Yeltsin from
June 1990, by Medusa Project
It Was God’s Will, by Dmitry Enteo
Jaka Bizilj, by Wikipedia
Jay Lovestone, by Wikipedia
Komsomol, by Wikipedia
Lev Rubinstein, by
International Web
Liberalia: A Rite of Passage, by Shawn T. Norris
Liberalia, by Wikipedia
Libertine, by Wikipedia
Maria Alyokhina, by Wikipedia
Meet the Nihilist-Anarchist Network Bringing Chaos
to a Town Near You: The FAI is a nihilist-anarchist
organization whose members aren't out to protect
anybody from the ruthless grip of inequality. They
are not Hugo Chavez or Vladimir Lenin—they don’t
care that your plight isn’t represented if you're
just standing by with..., by Jake Hanrahan
Methodology of Geography: Contribution of Russian
Philosophers of Science
Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Social
Geography, by V. A. Shuper
Mikhail Lermontov, by Wikipedia
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot’s prison
letters to Slavoj Žižek, by The Guardian
Nikolai Bukharin, by Wikipedia
Nikolai Martynov, by Wikipedia
Nikolai Mikhailovich Lukin, by The Great Soviet
Nikolay Nekrasov, by Wikipedia
Olga Tsepilova, by Brett Forrest
Osip Mandelstam, by Wikipedia
Paleontological Section of the Moscow Society of
Nature Explorers in 2007 -- EXCERPT, by O.V. Amitrov
Philosopher's stone, by Wikipedia
Photos Leak of Jailed Pussy Riot Member's Punk
Protest-Orgy in Museum, by Joe Lynch
Please Wear Safety Gear! Femen activists cut down
cross in favour of Pussy Riot.
Pro-Church Activists 'Attack' Erotic Art Museum,
Director Says, by The Moscow Times
Pussy Riot's Masha Alyokhina on Putin, Trump and
Brexit: 'It's useless to be afraid'. Set to headline
Australia’s Dark Mofo in Hobart, the activist speaks
about imprisonment, fear and discovering her son is
‘violating the regime’ of school, by Clarissa
Pussy Riot member Pyotr Verzilov was probably
poisoned, German medics say, by Atika Shubert,
Stephanie Halasz and Judith Vonberg
Pussy Riot Theatre, by Kulturfabrik
Report on Monitoring of Incidents of Discrimination
and Violence on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and
Gender Identity in 2014 -- EXCERPT, by Coming Out,
LGBT Group
Report to the Board of Governors of the American
Hospital in Paris of the Ambulance Committee, IN
PARIS: Annual Report 1915, American Headquarters
Rightwing Russian activists attack Moscow art
exhibition: Conservative Christian group takes
offence over sculpture show depicting naked Christ
and heads of John the Baptist, The Moscow Times
reports, by Ivan Nechepurenko and Michele Berdy
Russian Orthodox Activists Who Vandalized Manezh
Face Criminal Charges, by Anna Dolgov
Russia Youth Environmental Program, by U.S. Embassy
& Consulates in Russia
RUY - Russian Union of Youth, Centre for
International Cooperation, by Russian Union of Youth
Russian Organisations, by Civil G8
Russian Revolution, by Wikipedia
Russia’s ecological big-leaguers join forces to
withstand state’s mounting pressure on environmental
NGOs at Bellona’s St. Petersburg conference, by
Maria Kaminskaya
She’s in Pussy Riot. He’s on the Far Right: How
Maria Alyokhina and Dmitry Enteo Fell in Love. by
Lizzie Crocker
Social media tips lead to arrest of woman accused of
spitting on mother during Yorktown road rage
incident, by Fox 59
Soviet Peace Committee, by Wikipedia
Spatial structure of urban settlement systems:
stability versus changeability, by Viatcheslav
Shuper and A.L. Valesyan
The Changing Face of Environmentalism in the Soviet
Union -- EXCERPT, by Igor Izodorovich Altshuler
The Devil's Right Hand, by Kim Kelly
The Fall of Tsarism: Untold Stories of the February
1917 Revolution -- EXCERPT, by Semion Lyandres:
Petr Vasil’Evich Gerasimov
The most “orthodox” project from Dmitry Enteo, by
Imperor: All about the Monarchy
The Promise of Mikhail Lermontov, by Denise M.
The Silence of the Lambs: A New Round in the
Crackdown against Adygean Environmentalist Valery
Brinikh, by TheRussianReader.com
- "Silence of the Lambs", by
Valery Brinich
- “The silence of the
lambs”: why the smell of manure must be endured, by
Elena Borovskaya
The Soviet Environment: Problems, Policies and
Politics -- EXCERPT, edited by John Massey Stewart
The state of environmental protection in the Russian
Federation: a review of the post-Soviet era, by
Joshua P. Newell & Laura A. Henry
They shall not pass, by Wikipedia
Topless against Putin: Femen activists protest in
Italy ahead of Russia-Ukraine talks, by euronews
Vladimir Bazarov, by Wikipedia
Venedikt Yerofeyev, by Wikipedia
VOKS: All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries/Union of Soviet Societies for
Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries, by Wikipedia
Walpurgis Night, or "Steps Commander", by Venedikt
Erofeev [Verofeyev]
Western media concealing facts about female rock
band’s desecration of Russian cathedral, by Matthew
Why Gaslighters Accuse You of Gaslighting: Accusing
you of their own behavior is a classic tactic of
gaslighters, by Stephanie A. Sarkis Ph.D.
William Weinstone, by Wikipedia
World Peace Council, by Wikipedia
Yuri Zhukov (journalist), by Wikipedia
Zeitgeist , by Bruce Sterling
An unREASONABLE Man, directed by Henriette Mantel
Critique of the Press by a Veteran Reporter, by
Morton Mintz
American Jews and Israel,
by Todd Gitlin
An Interview With Citizens
for Health Board Chair James S. Turner, by Linda
An Open Letter to Ralph
Nader, by Nader's Raiders for Gore
An Open Letter to Ralph
Nader Voters, by Nader's Raiders
Bill Maher Gives $1
Million to Obama-Supporting Super PAC, by Max J.
Black, White and Pink All
Over, by Christopher Farah
Burzynski: The Movie, directed by Eric Merola
Class Action Law Pioneer
Dies at 58, by Nicole B. Urken
Democratic Central
Committee of the District of Columbia v. The
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission
Eric Alterman, by
Campaign Spending on Midterms to See Huge Jump This
Year, by Juliet Eilperin
Excerpt From Independent Politics: The Green Party
Strategy Debate, by Howard Hawkins, "Could Nader
Excerpt from "The Invention of Ecocide: Agent
Orange, Vietnam, and the Scientists Who Changed the
Way We Think About the Environment," by David
Gary Sellers, 71; Onetime
Ally of Ralph Nader, by Matt Schudel
Gene Karpinski, President,
by League of Conservation Voters
Gloria Steinem -- How the
CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society, by Henry
Makow, Ph.D.
Green Campaign 2000, by
The Association of State Green Parties
Green Party Platform 2000,
as ratified by Green Party National Convention
James Carville, by
James S. Turner, Esq., by
James S. Turner, by
Swankin & Turner
Jefferson's Flaws: Are
They Beyond Redemption?, by James S. Turner
Joe Tom Easley, by
Katrina vanden Heuvel, by
Michael L. Charney, M.D.,
by climate-talks.net
Minor Parties in the 2000
Presidential Election, by Barry C. Burden
Morton Mintz, by The
Nader for President 2004,
by Sourcewatch.org
Nader Now Concedes That
Bush Will Cause More Damage Than Gore, by Ron
Nader's Raiders, by
Naider's Raiders Finger
Six Dyes as Health, by The Citizen, Ottawa
Neil G. McBride, by
Jessica Wilkerson
Peter J. Petkas, by
Peter J. Petkas:
Reflections & Reruns, by Peter J. Petkas
Ralph Nader on Why He
Might Run in 2008, the Iraq War & the New
Documentary "An Unreasonable Man," by DemocracyNow!
Richard G. Aird, et al.,
Beverly C. Moore, Jr., et al v. Ford Motor Company
Sen. Bob Corker Says the
TVA Board of Directors Has Only One Member With "Any
Corporate Board Experience," Raising Questions About
Its "Entire Governance Structure," by Tom Humphrey
The CIA's Student-Activism
Phase, by Tom Hayden
Todd Gitlin, by The Nation
Todd Gitlin, by Wikipedia
Tom Steyer, by Wikipedia
W. Harrison Wellford, by
Latham & Watkins
When the Student Movement
Was a CIA Front, by Aryeh Neier
You've Got Issues, by
[email protected]
Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, screenplay by
Hampton Fancher and David Peoples, starring Harrison
Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young and Edward James Olmos
Bowling for Columbine, directed by Michael Moore
Brotherhood of the Wolf -- Illustrated Screenplay,
directed by Christophe Gans
Bully: It's Time to Take a Stand, directed by Lee Hirsch
CDC Whistleblower Revealed, by Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Christmas unWrapped: The History of Christmas , Produced
and written by Alison Guss
Cold Dead Hand, with Jim Carrey
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, directed by George
Clooney, screenplay by Charlie Kaufman
Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 9-11
Investigation, by reopen911.org
Cry-Baby, written and directed by John Waters
Dixie Chicks Shut Up & Sing, directed by Barbara Kopple
and Cecilia Peck
Donkey Skin , directed by Jacques Demy, Starring
Catherine Deneueve, Delphine Seyrig, Jean Marais
Dr. Strangelove, directed by Stanley Kubrick
Elio Petri Talks to Film Critic Alexandre Astruc on Le
Journal Du Cinema, by Le Journal Du Cinema
Equilibrium, directed by Kurt Wimmer
Fahrenheit 451, directed by Francois Truffaut
Fahrenheit 9/11, written, directed and produced by
Michael Moore
Flight of a Karmapa [The Politics of Reincarnation] ,
directed by Yoichi Shimatsu
Frances Farmer, directed by Richard Gottlieb
Frank Rizzo's Stormtroopers Beating Delbert Africa,
Philadelphia, 1978
Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, directed by
Jeffrey M. Smith
Ghostbusters, directed by Ivan Reitman, starring Bill
Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis and
Sigourney Weaver, written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold
Halo 4: Master Chief's Face (Unmasked) -- Legendary
Hannah Arendt, directed by Margarethe von Trotta
Harry & Meghan, directed by Liz Garbus
Hitler's Family: In the Shadow of the Dictator, directed
by Oliver Halmburger, Thomas Staehler
Holocaust Survivor Describes the Music of Terezin
Concentration Camp, by Zdenka Fantlova
Hot Pepper, directed by Les Blank
Humpty Dumpty, by Turtle Interactive
I Love You, Alice B. Toklas, directed by Hy Averback
In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, & Bioterrorism, a
documentary by Dr. Leonard George Horowitz
Inside Criminal Minds ... Con Men: [The Cunning Genius
Who Fooled The Art World: John Myatt], Narrated by
Anthony Wilson, by Real Crime
Interpretation of Richard Wagner's Parsifal, directed by
Hans-Jurgen Syberber
Interview of Whistleblower Russell Tice with Russia
Today's Anchor Abby Martin
Interview with Russell Tice by Keith Olbermann,
Countdown: NSA Domestic Spying Targeted Journalists
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, directed by
Elio Petri
John and Yoko's Year of Peace, directed by Paul McGrath
Juliet of the Spirits, directed by Federico Fellini,
Starring Giulietta Masina, Sandra Milo, Mario Pisu,
Valentina Cortese
Katzelmacher, directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
"Kill the Messenger" Resurrects Gary Webb, Journalist
Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack Trade, with Amy
Killer Klowns From Outer Space, directed by Stephen
Kurt & Courtney, directed by Nick Broomfield
Let the Fire Burn, directed by Jason Osder
Loose Change, 2nd Edition Recut, written and
directed by Dylan Avery
Manufacturing Guilt, written & produced by Stephen
Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson,
by Robert Anton Wilson
McLibel: The Story of Two People Who Wouldn't Say
McSorry, directed by Franny Armstrong
Merchants of Doubt, directed by Robert Kenner
Moon Over Parador, directed by Paul Mazursky
Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works, with Pastor
Part 1 of 4 (Tape No. 1)
Part 2 of 4 (Tape No. 1)
Part 3 of 4 (Tape No. 1)
Part 4 of 4 (Tape No. 1)
Part 1 of 2 (Tape No. 2)
Part 2 of 2 (Tape No. 2)
Part 1 of 4 (Tape No. 3)
Part 2 of 4 (Tape No. 3)
Part 3 of 4 (Tape No. 3)
Part 4 of 4 (Tape No. 3)
Part 1 of 4 (Tape No. 4)
Part 2 of 4 (Tape No. 4)
Part 3 of 4 (Tape No. 4)
Part 4 of 4 (Tape No. 4)
Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works, with Eric
A Father Lost, by Scott Shane
(Eric Olson Defenestrated)
A Few Good Men, by Wikipedia
A Few Good Men: The True Story with Don Marcari, by
A Study of Assassination, by Central Intelligence Agency
A Trust Betrayed: The Untold Story of Camp Lejeune and
the Poisoning of Generations of Marines and Their
Families [EXCERPT], by Mike Magner
[Colonel Kenneth P. Millice]
Adm. Frank B. Kelso Dies at 79; Tied to Tailhook
Scandal, by John H. Cushman, Jr.
Al-Anon Family Groups Welcome Gays and Lesbians: Al-Anon
Is For All Families and Friends of Alcoholics, Al-Anon
Family Group
Alfred M. Gray Jr., by Wikipedia
America Betrayed (EXCERPT), by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
Ana Maria Quintero Lowry, allauthor.com
Andrew Fine Derr Jr. '27, by Princeton Alumni Weekly
Art Imitates Life: Natick Resident Sues Over Plot of the
Movie “A Few Good Men”, by Dan Phelps
Barry Kantor, by Christie, Kantor, Griffin & Smith
Barry McCaffrey, by Wikipedia
BBB Community Member: Tucson GLBT Chamber of Commerce,
by bbb.org
Big news at the Port of Virginia, by J. Robert Bray
Billie Sol Estes Investigation Reports Released, by CQ
Blue Ridge Hall: Historic Places Registration Form,
Botetourt County, Virginia
(Richard Obenchain)
Brigadier General Jim R. Joy takes over command of the
22nd Marine Amphibious Unit from Colonel J. P. Faulkner
during the unit's participation in a multinational
peacekeeping operation, by National Archives Catalog
Capt. Philip J. Holwager, Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy,
addresses Marines during a Martin Luther King, Jr.
birthday commemoration, by Digital Public Library of
Carl Epting Mundy Jr., by Wikipedia
Carl Stiner, by Wikipedia
Casimir Yost named Director of Long Range Analysis Unit
at the National Intelligence Council, by Anthony Clark
Charles C. Krulak, by Wikipedia
Charles E. Wilhelm, by Wikipedia
Charles Lydon Harrell, by prabook.com
Charles Lydon Harrell, Jr. and Martha G. Harrell,
Decision No. CU 6716 , Under the International Claims
Settlement Act of 1949, by Lyle S. Garlock, Chairman and
Theodore Jaffe, Commissioner
Charles T. Caddock, by Hun School of Princeton,
Edgerstounian Yearbook
Chesty Puller, by Wikipedia
CIA Publishes Its Own "Assassin's Manual," Proving It
Condones Killing Those Who Oppose U.S. Policy: The CIA
'Killer's Manual' was kept out of the public eye for
years, but now we know it teaches the 'fine art' of
assassination as if it was a mandatory college course,
by Greg Szymanski
Clayton J. Lonetree, by Wikipedia
Cosmos Club, by Wikipedia
Daniel McNally, by icwatch.wikileaks.org
David Cox: An outspoken Marine is found murdered, by
David M. Satterfield, by Wikipedia
Deputy Chief William T. Dean - Operations Division, by
Dick Davis' Happiest Hurrah, by Tom Sherwood
Donald G. Cook, by Wikipedia
Dr. Robert J. Edwards, Obituary Condolences
Edward T. Ned Caton -- Obituary, by The Virginian Pilot
Encounters With a Man of Mystery, by Carla Hall
(Rock Hudson]
Eugene Victor Debs, by Wikipedia
Ex-Marine who felt 'A Few Good Men' maligned him is
mysteriously murdered, by Bill Glauber
FDR Meets Ibn Saud, by William A. Eddy
Fear in Louisiana over Biological Agent Test, by Dave
Eberhart (Kathy McDaniel)
Flat-panel display market prepares to take off, by D.
Carney (Ron Jarmuth)
Former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Kelso Leaves
Legacy of Service, Integrity, by navy.mil
Former U.S. Marine Gets Life in Prison for Okinawa Rape
and Murder, by Motoko Rich
From Beirut to Jerusalem [Excerpt], by Thomas L.
Friedman (Colonel Fahim
Gaeta, by Wikipedia
George Edward Moose (1944–), by Office of the Historian
Grover Wright, Jr., by afterlife.co
G.W.S. Barrow, by Wikipedia
Halo Nation, by wikia.com
Harold W. Gehman Jr., by Wikipedia
Hasty Pudding Club, by hastypudding.org
Headmaster of the Hun School Retires To Hard Work in
Community Activities, by Walter Il Waggoner
(Paul R. Chesebro)
His Excellency Robert E. Whitehead, by The Washington
Hitler's Managers: Gustav and Alfried Krupp - The
Weapons Builder, by
HMCM Michael W. O’Boyle, by warboats.org
Hollins University, by google.com
Inside SEAL Team 6, by New York Times
Inslaw Update, by Virginia McCullough
(Michael Fuller)
Interview with Debra von Trapp, by Sherman H. Skolnick
Island of Roses: The Jews of Rhodes in Los Angeles, by
Jacob Zeilin, by Wikipedia
James R. Joy, by militarytimes.com
James Speyer Kronthal, Widows [EXCERPT], by William R.
Corson, Susan B. Trento, and Joseph J. Trento
Jerome B. Bookin-Weiner, by zoominfo.com
Jerry L. Unruh, VADM, USN (Ret.), by epnaao.com
John A. Paisley, Widows [EXCERPT], by William R. Corson,
Susan B. Trento, and Joseph J. Trento
John J. Ballentine, Admiral, USN, (Naval Aviator Number
2878), by epnaao.com
John J. Sheehan, by Wikipedia
John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore, by Wikipedia
John N. Abrams, by Wikipedia
John Warner, by Wikipedia
Kjeld Vibe, by Wikipedia
Lawsuit alleges tolerance for rape, sex abuse in
military, by Bill Sizemore
Little-known cemeteries accepting new burials for
state's veterans, by Christopher Baxter
(Phil Holwager)
Louis H. Buehl III, Lieutenant General, United States
Marine Corps, by arlingtoncemetery.net
Malcolm H. Kerr, by Wikipedia
Marine Barracks Washington, D.C.: 8th & I, "Oldest Post
of the Corps", by Marines, The Official Website of the
United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps History: The Emblem and Seal, by
Mayaguez Affair, Excerpt From "A People's History of the
United States: 1492-Present, by Howard Zinn
Meyera Oberndorf, by Wikipedia
Military Court to Review Order Forcing Soldiers to Serve
Under United Nations,
by Michael New Legal Defense
Military Necessity and Homosexuality: Our “New Gender
Order” Is Not Fighting Fit, by Ronald D. Ray
Millice Jr, Kenneth, Col, Deceased, by Pamela Jeans
Mom Can't Convince Herself Son Could Be Unabomber, by
Associated Press
MTP at 70: Martha Rountree Blazes a Trail, by
NATO Defense College, by ndc.nato.int
Navy SEAL trainee admits killing woman, by Associated
Norte del Valle Cartel, by Wikipedia
Ode to Jim Joy '57: Retired Brigadier General, U.S.
Marine Corps, by Mitzi Lutz
Official DOD Report Regarding the Chemical Poisoning of
Marines, by Kay Griggs
Oliver M. Whipple, Jr., by Hall of Valor
Opening arguments in the court-martial of accused Marine
turncoat Robert Garwood, by Bruce Douglas
[Colonel Kenneth P. Millice]
Parents Of Slain Girl Sue U.S., Cite Seal Training For
Death, by Virginian-Pilot
Patriotism, A Menace to Liberty -- EXCERPT, by Emma
Paul R. Chesebro H'14 Inducted as Headmaster, The Hun
School of Princeton
Paul S. Trible Jr., by Wikipedia
Peter Jay (diplomat), by Wikipedia
Remembering Oklahoma City, and How Bill Clinton Saved
His Presidency, by Peter Keating
Report to the Virginia State Crime Commission on Violent
Crime and Worker's Safety in Virginia Convenience Stores
-- EXCERPT, by Department of Criminal Justice Services
Retired Virginia Beach Police Chief loses battle with
cancer, by Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police &
Foundation (VACP) (Chief
Charles R. Wall)
Revisiting the Military's Tailhook Scandal, by Michael
Richard Obenchain, chairman of the Virginia YRs, by
Rock Hudson's Wife Secretly Recorded His Gay Confession,
by Stephen Galloway
Ronald D. Ray, by Wikipedia
Rosemary Trible's long path to forgiveness after rape,
by Katherine Calos
Sailors plead guilty in rape case that sparked Japan
curfew, by Travis J. Tritten and Chiyomi Sumida
Saud bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, by Wikipedia
SEAL Team 6: A Secret History of Quiet Killings and
Blurred Lines: The unit best known for killing Osama bin
Laden has been converted into a global manhunting
machine with limited outside oversight, by Mark
Mazzetti, Nicholas Kulish, Christopher Drew, Serge F.
Kovaleski, Sean D. Naylor and John Ismay
Secret Honor. directed by Robert Altman
Separate Church and Hate, by Charles Carreon
Sir Tom Devine: The historian telling Scotland’s story,
by Chris McCall
Social Change Expert: Susan Parenti, Ph.D., by
Speech Given by General Carl Stiner at an Eagle Scout
St. Martin's Episcopal School, by st.martinschool.org
Tedson J. Meyers, Director, by clarkefoundation.org
Testimony of Major Randy Aber on Capitol Hill, by
The 96th Annual Virginia Maritime Association Banquet,
by T. Parker Host
The Advanced Research Projects Agency, A Study Prepared
by Richard J. Barber Associates, Inc. [Excerpt]
The Crimes of Seal Team 6, by Matthew Cole
The Death of Malcolm Kerr, AUB President and Father of a
Future NBA Coach, by Association for Diplomatic Studies
and Training
The Evil Lurking Within: Kay Griggs, Former Marine
Colonel's Wife, Talks Again, by Greg Szymanski
The Hidden (And Not So Hidden)
Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut”,
Rule the World, Not Words Nor Laws),
by The Vigilant Citizen
The Nobel Peace Prize 1996, by Nobel Prizes and
The Oklahoma City Bombing After 22 Years, by Dr. Paul
Craig Roberts (General Benton
K. Partin)
The Renaissance in Scotland: Studies in Literature,
Religion, History and Culture, A.A. MacDonald, Michael
Lynch and Ian B. Cowan, by John Durkan
The second coming of Peter Jay, by Richard Kay
The Trail of the Octopus (EXCERPT), by Donald Goddard
with Lester Coleman
Timothy Mcveigh's Mom Speaks From Unwanted Spot In
Limelight, by Charley Reese
Togo D. West Jr., by Wikipedia
Trump's Pick for Interior Secretary Was Caught In
"Pattern of Fraud" At Seal Team 6, by Matthew Cole
United States invasion of Panama (Operation Just Cause),
by Wikipedia
BOX], By exporting our most sophisticated weapons
worldwide, we have maintained high levels of production
and dominated the global market, by Ashley Craddock
(Peter Kawaja)
U.S. Marine colonel wounded in Beirut attack, by Paula
Butturini (Col. Dale Dorman)
USS Pueblo (AGER-2), by Wikipedia
Victor H. Krulak, by Wikipedia
Virginia Guard Military Funeral Honors Program honors
veterans, by Master Sgt. A.J. Coyne
(Phil Holwager)
Waco Siege, by Wikipedia
Walt Whitman and homosexuality, by Wikipedia
Walt Whitman Rostow, by http://walt-rostow.biography.ms/
Walter Liberace, by K.J. Evans
Walter P. Chrysler, Jr.: Gay & Bisexual Men of
Importance, by Terry, Gay Influence
Welcome to New Teachers [Mrs. Richard Griggs and Mr.
Alexander Robinson], by Junior Journal, Princeton
Country Day School
White House Transport Plane Crash, by C-Span
William Colby and CIA Dirty Tricks, by Sherman H.
William W. Hartzog, by Wikipedia
Woodberry Forest School, by Woodberry.org
Yitzhak Rabin assassinated: November 4, 1995, by
Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?, by J.
Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary. A Journey with Mumia
Abu-Jamal, written and directed by Stephen Vittoria
My Could Could Paint That, directed by Amir Bar-Lev
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets, directed by Jon
Necessary Evil, by DC Comics
Not Ready to Make Nice, by Dixie Chicks
Planet of the Humans, written, produced and directed by
Jeff Gibbs
Porn Causing Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men, by
Hannah James and Sean O'Shea
Putney Swope [Black Power Bustout', directed by Robert
Downey, Sr.
Ram Dass: Fierce Grace, directed by Mickey Lemle
Real Fake: The Art, Life and Crimes of Elmyr De Hory,
directed by Jeff Oppenheim
Rebel: Loreta Velazquez, Secret Soldier of the American
Civil War, directed and written by Maria Agui Carter
Revelations of a Mother Goddess, & presented by David
Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush,
starring The Ramones
Satyricon, directed by Federico Fellini
Secret Honor, directed by Robert Altman
Seven (7) Faces of Dr. Lao, Directed by George Pal,
Starring Tony Randall and Barbara Eden
Sicko, written, directed and produced by Michael Moore
Sir! No Sir!, directed by David Zeiger
Spinning Boris, directed by Roger Spottiswoode
Ambassador Rodric Braithwaite diary, 3/5/91, by
National Security Archive
Bill and Boris: A Window Into a Most Important
Post-Cold War Relationship, by James Goldgeier
Chechnya profile - Timeline, by BBC News
Did NATO Promise Not to Enlarge? Gorbachev Says
“No”, by Steven Pifer
Elvis impersonator, by Wikipedia
Elvis Scene in Moscow! Russian Fans Teary-Eyed for
the King, but Haven't Met Him Lately, by Lee
Failure to impeach Yeltsin draws mixed reaction, by
Guy Chazan
FIMACO - Russia's Missing Billions : Financial Crime
and Corruption, by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.
How to rig an election: In the digital age,
democracy is becoming a delusion, by Nic Cheeseman
and Brian Klaas
Memorandum of conversation between Robert Gates and
Vladimir Kryuchkov in Moscow (2/9/90). by National
Security Archive
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard: Briefing Book
#613, by Svetlana Savranskaya and Tom Blanton
Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO
Wouldn't Move Past East German Border. So what
happened? , by Dave Majumdar
Power Crisis Rocks Russia: Yeltsin Wins Vital
Support Of Military, by James P. Gallagher and
Howard Witt
Putin's Prepared Remarks at 43rd Munich Conference
on Security Policy, Courtesy Munich Conference on
Security Policy
Rebellious Provinces Use Threats To Force Yeltsin,
Foes To Negotiate, by James P. Gallagher and Howard
Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and
James Baker (1/9/90), by The National Security
Revolt in Moscow: How Yeltsin Turned the Tide, Hour
by Hour, by Serge Schmemann
Russia: A Country Study -- Economic Reform in the
1990s, by Federal Research, Division, Library of
Congress, edited by Glenn E. Curtis
Russia: Go for an Alternative Economic Program, by
Michel Chossudovsky
"Shock Therapy" -- With Emphasis on Shock, by
Newsweek Staff
'Smart' Putin & election loans: 5 must-read
Clinton-Yeltsin exchanges released, by Russia Today
The Less You know, the Better You Sleep: Russia’s
Road to Terror and Dictatorship Under Yeltsin and
Putin - EXCERPT, by David Satter
The Soviet Union and Russia: The Collapse of 1991
and the Initial Transition to Democracy in 1993
(Excerpt), Transitions to Democracy: A Comparative
by Kathryn Stoner, with Michael McFaul [former US
ambassador to Russia]
Why half of Russians regret the 1991 August Coup, by
Fred Weir
Yeltsin Under Siege — The October 1993
Constitutional Crisis, by Association for Diplomatic
Studies & Training
Standard Operating Procedure, directed by Errol Morris
Steppenwolf, Written and Directed by Fred Haines,
featuring Max Von Sydow, Dominique Sanda, and Pierre
Taxi to the Dark Side, directed by Alex Gibney
Team America, directed by Trey Parker
Temptations of Dr. Antonio (Le Tentazioni Del Dottor
Antonio), directed by Federico Fellini, Starring Anita
Ekberg and Peppino De Felippo
The Age of Gold, directed by Luis Bunuel
The Bible Unearthed: The Making of a Religion, directed
by Thierry Ragobert
The City of Lost Children, Directed by Marc Caro and
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
The Deep Gender Divide in Hollywood, written by Holly
The Dust Bowl, directed by Ken Burns
The Fall of Occupy LA, directed by Tony McGrath
The Flat, written and directed by Arnon Goldfinger
The Gameshow Experiment, by Derren Brown
The Guru, directed by Daisy von Scherler Mayer, written
by Tracey Jackson
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, directed by
Douglas Adams
The Last of the Unjust, directed by Claude Lanzmann
The Maltese Double Cross, directed by Allan Francovich
The Milky Way, directed by Luis Bunuel
The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, directed by Sophie
The President's Analyst: A Film About Life, Liberty, and
the Pursuit of Happenings, written and directed by
Theodore J. Flicker, starring James Coburn and Godfrey
The Princess Bride, directed by Rob Reiner
The Program, directed by Laura Poitras
The Story of One of Hitler's Children, by Gregor Ziemer
The Strecker Memorandum, by Robert B. Strecker
The Titanic Shame of the Zionist Transfer Agreement,
Vignette from "Titanic," directed by James Cameron
The Twilight Samurai, directed by Yoji Yamada
Theresienstadt: Remembering the Deportation of the
Jews, by Joachim Auch
They Live, directed by John Carpenter
To Death and Back (Episode From "How Art Made the
World"), presented by Dr. Nigel Spivey
Farewell to Lhasa from the Top of Genpala, Excerpt,
from Three Years in Tibet, by Shramana Ekai
"The Tantric Female Sacrifice," Excerpt from The
Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and
Politics in Tibetan Buddhism, by Victor and Victoria
Mystic Plays and Masquerades, from The Buddhism of
Tibet, or Lamaism: with its mystic cults, symbolism
and mythology, and in its relation to Indian
Buddhism -- Excerpt, by Laurence Austine Waddell
Monasteries, from The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism:
with its mystic cults, symbolism and mythology, and
in its relation to Indian Buddhism -- Excerpt, by
Laurence Austine Waddell
Toby Dammit, directed by Federico Fellini
Triumph of the Will, directed by Leni Riefenstahl
Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War,
directed by Robert Greenwald
United Red Army, directed by Koji Wakamatsu
Vijayanagara: The Last Emperors of South India, by
Paul Cooper
Well Did You Evah? Vignette From Red, Hot & Blue,
directed by Alex Cox, starring Iggy Pop and Debbie
Who's That Girl, directed by James Foley
Wild Congo: King Kong's Lair, by National Geographic
Women are Being Driven Offline: Feminist Anita
Sarkeesian Terrorized for Critique of Video Games, by
Amy Goodman
Winter Soldier, by Winterfilm, Inc.
Yojimbo, directed by Akira Kurosawa
Zero: An Investigation into 9/11, directed by Franco
Intellectual Property
International Human Rights
Investigations of Government
A Holiday Note to Congress: Half of Your Country is
In or Near Poverty, by Paul Buchheit
Army Regulation 600-8-1
Boumediene, et al. v. Bush, President of the United
Broken Laws, Broken Lives -- Medical Evidence of
Torture by U.S. Personnel And Its Impact, a Report
by Physicians for Human Rights
CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence
Operations: Hearing Before the Select Committee on
Intelligence of the United States Senate, 104th
Congress, Second Session on CIA's Use of Journalists
and Clergy in Intelligence Operations, July 17, 1996
Costs of War, by Heidi Garrett-Pletier
Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy: A Report
Prepared by the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics
and International Operations of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, by
Committee on Foreign Relations, Claiborne Pell,
Rhode Island, Chairman; Subcommittee on Terrorism,
Narcotics and International Operations, John F.
Kerry, Massachusetts, Chairman
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, et al.
Hamdi, et al. v. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, et
Household Wealth Trends in the United States,
1962-2013: What Happened Over the Great Recession?,
by Edward N. Wolff
Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack Report of
the Joint Committee, 79th Congress
Misleading Information From the Battlefield: The
Tillman and Lynch Episodes, by U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform
Moral Disengagement in the Perpetration of
Inhumanities, by Albert Bandura
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, by
Stanley Milgram
Office of Inspector General, Investigations Staff
Report of Investigation: Allegations of Connections
Between CIA and the Contras in Cocaine Trafficking
in the United States (1998)
Rasul v. Bush, President of the United States, et
Report of Navy Court of Inquiry, Pearl Harbor
Attack, by 79th Congress
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee
Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention
and Interrogation Program
The Asset Price Meltdown and the Wealth of the
Middle Class, by Edward N. Wolff
The Great Recession's Impact on Wealth Inequality in
the United States, by Economics in Context
The Stanford Prison Experiment, by Philip Zimbardo
The Tillman Fratricide: What the Leadership of the
Defense Department Knew, by 110th Congress
The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib, edited
by Karen J. Greenberg and Joshua L. Dratel
Top Secret Report, Army Pearl Harbor Board, Congress
of the US, 79th Congress
United States Dual Use Exports to Iraq and Their
Impact on the Health of the Persian Gulf Veterans,
Hearing Before the Committee on Banking, Housing and
Urban Affairs , United States Senate, 103rd
Congress, 2nd Session, on United States Chemical and
Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq
and Their Possible Impact on the Health Consequences
of the Persian Gulf War
Winter Soldier Investigation, sponsored by Vietnam
Veterans Against the War, Inc.
Legal Injustice
Clarence Thomas’s Billionaire Benefactor Collects Hitler
Artifacts: Harlan Crow also reportedly has a garden full
of dictator statues, by Sylvie McNamara
A “Delicate Matter”: Clarence Thomas’ Private Complaints
About Money Sparked Fears He Would Resign. by Justin
Elliott, Joshua Kaplan, Alex Mierjeski and Brett Murphy
A Federal Judge Asks: Does the Supreme Court Realize How
Bad It Smells?, by Michael Ponsor
A look back at Harlan Crow's jaw-droppingly rich
library: The library itself, built near the Crow home
four years ago, is a perfect realization of a rich man's
library: two-story wooden columns, by Michael Merschel
Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence
Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal, by Justin
Elliott, Joshua Kaplan and Alex Mierjeski
Billionaire linked to Sarah Ferguson accused of
financing sex trafficking ring: Trammell Crow Jr, who
reportedly met with the Duchess on his Texas ranch this
year, faces a lawsuit from two women, by Rozina Sabur
Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire, by Joshua Kaplan,
Justin Elliott and Alex Mierjeski
Clarence Thomas Broke the Law and It Isn’t Even Close:
It probably won’t matter. But it should, by Dahlia
Lithwick and Mark Joseph stern
Clarence Thomas Had a Child in Private School. Harlan
Crow Paid the Tuition. Crow paid for private school for
a relative Thomas said he was raising “as a son.” “This
is way outside the norm,” said a former White House
ethics lawyer, by Joshua Kaplan, Justin Elliott and Alex
Clarence Thomas Is On a Quest to Be the Most Corrupt
Justice In the Court; The Supreme Court justice has
reportedly spent decades accepting exorbitant gifts,
luxury vacations, and yacht rides from a major GOP
power-player—none of which were disclosed to the
American public, by Eric Lutz
Clarence Thomas Sole Dissenter as SCOTUS Allows Trump's
Docs to Be Seen by 1/6 Committee, by Justin Klawans
Clarence Thomas’ 38 Vacations: The Other Billionaires
Who Have Treated the Supreme Court Justice to Luxury
Travel, by Brett Murphy and Alex Mierjeski
Dems Makes URGENT DEMAND to Clarence Thomas in Trump
Case, MeidasTouch
DeSantis doubles down on claim that some Blacks
benefited from slavery: GOP presidential candidate draws
renewed criticism after suggesting slavery helped
African Americans develop skills such as being a
blacksmith, by Kevin Sullivan and Lori Rozsa
Florida schools will begin
using Clarence Thomas as an example of a black man who
developed great wealth and social standing as a result
of being owned by rich white men, by Charles Carreon,
Ginni Thomas pressed 29 Arizona lawmakers to help
overturn Trump's defeat, emails show: The wife of
Justice Clarence Thomas sent the messages using
FreeRoots, an online platform intended to make it easy
to send pre-written emails to multiple elected
officials, by Emma Brown
Harlan Crow: The Billionaire Philanthropist and Michaela
Rose Yacht Owner: Net Worth, by Superyacht Fan:
Superyachts & Owners
If the Law Is Legitimate, Clarence Thomas Must Stand
Trial: The Supreme Court justice repeatedly broke the
law for two decades. But do the laws even apply to the
leaders on our judicial branch?, by Max Moran
Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court?: Behind
closed doors, Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife is working
with many groups directly involved in controversial
cases before the Court, by Jane Mayer
John Oliver Offers Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
$1 Million a Year to Resign, by Colby Hall
Justice Thomas: SCOTUS ‘should reconsider’
contraception, same-sex marriage rulings: Democrats
warned that the court would seek to undo other
constitutional rights if it overturned Roe v. Wade, as
it did on Friday, by Quint Forgey and Josh Gerstein
Justice Thomas’s wife now lobbyist, by Kenneth P. Vogel,
John Bresnahan and Marin Cogan
Lawyers with supreme court business paid Clarence Thomas
aide via Venmo: Payments to Rajan Vasisht, an aide from
2019-21, underscore ties between the justice and lawyers
who argue cases in front of him, by Stephanie
Republican billionaire & Clarence Thomas's bestie Harlan
Crow says he WON'T provide info to Senate, by Glenn
Statement from Harlan Crow, by Harlan Crow
Supreme Court Justice Issues DANGEROUS STATEMENT [ “I
know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to
say it ... No provision in the Constitution gives them
the authority to regulate the Supreme Court — period.”]
and Democrats FIGHT BACK, by Michael Popok
Supreme Court justices, including Clarence Thomas, are
their own ethics police: The latest questions about
Supreme Court ethics were raised by a ProPublica article
alleging that Justice Clarence Thomas went on lavish
trips funded by a conservative billionaire, by Lawrence
The case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomasby Mehdi
The Supreme Court has a Clarence Thomas (and Ginni
Thomas) problem:
If anything can awaken Americans from our stupor of
exhaustion, it must be the news that the wife of Supreme
Court Justice Clarence Thomas attended the Jan. 6
populist rally, by Wayne Batchis
Whistleblower reveals MASSIVE SCANDAL of Chief Supreme
Court Justice, by Michael Popok
Who is Republican donor and Justice Clarence Thomas'
friend Harlan Crow?, by Laura Sanicola
Why does Clarence Thomas’s billionaire friend own ‘the
garden of evil’ & Hitler’s teapot, by Lawrence
Federal judge blocks Biden administration officials from
communicating with social media companies, by Devan Cole
and Vanessa Yurkevich
New Details on TRAITOROUS PLOT by Wife of Right-Wing
Justice [Ginni Thomas], by Michael Popok
SCOTUS Now Totally Political: Repubs OWN the libs
Tom Girardi firm’s CFO embezzled $10 million, spent
thousands on escort and real estate, prosecutors say, by
Matt Hamilton, Harriet Ryan
Calif. bar investigates itself over 'Real Housewives'
husband Girardi, by David Thomas
Erika Jayne Reportedly Facing New $50 Million
Racketeering Lawsuit, by Jennifer Zhan
Girardi Bankruptcies Lay Bare Life of Excess at Others’
Expense, by Joyce E. Cutler and Daniel Gill
Girardi Keese Lawyers Escape Contempt in Lion Air Funds
Case (1), by Joyce E. Cutler
Lawyer Tom Girardi drew over 200 ethics complaints,
California bar says, by David Thomas
Litigation Funder Had Illegal Fee-Sharing Deals With
Girardi Keese, Lawsuit Alleges: A bankruptcy trustee, in
a lawsuit Wednesday, accused California Attorney Lending
II of arranging Tom Girardi's financial agreements,
illegally splitting fees and refusing to return stolen
settlement funds–a possible crime, by Amanda Bronstad
Litigation lenders bankrolled Tom Girardi despite his
apparent 'proclivities' for stealing from clients, suit
says, by Debra Cassens Weiss
Top FBI official in L.A. silent about his and mom's
connection to Tom Girardi, by Matt Hamilton
Wrecked Cars, Biomedical Specimens, Radio Shows: Girardi
Keese's Vendors Now Owed Millions: Nearly $15 million in
claims against the Girardi Keese bankruptcy estate come
from vendors, including Rest Your Case Evidence Storage,
which still had four wrecked cars unclaimed by the
firm's clients, by Amanda Bronstad
The Supreme Court Must Be Stopped: The court is
fundamentally antidemocratic—and the only way to limit
the damage it can do is to reduce its power, budget, and
lack of accountability, by Elie Mystal
The Supreme Court Has Kicked the Door Wide Open to Jim
Crow–Style Bigotry: The court’s conservatives used a
case literally based on a homophobe’s fantasies to blow
a huge hole in our antidiscrimination laws and revive
the spirit of Plessy v. Ferguson, by Elie Mystal
Trump judge [Judge Aileen Cannon] in docs case makes
misguided argument curiously similar to Fox News guest:
Weissmann, by Alex Wagner
Trump Federal Judge Trevor McFadden GETS VERY BIZARRE
with Jack Smith’s Legal Team, by Ben Meiselas and
Michael Popok
Trump judge [Judge Aileen Cannon] in docs case makes
misguided argument curiously similar to Fox News guest:
Weissmann, by Alex Wagner
Upside-down flag flew at Justice Alito’s house after
neighbor dispute: Supreme Court justice says his wife,
Martha-Ann Alito, flew the flag as a symbol of protest
after a dispute over political yard signs turned
personal, by Justin Jouvenal and Ann E. Marimow
Years ago, the all-white judges of a Louisiana appellate
court decided, in secret, to systematically ignore
petitions filed by prisoners, most of them Black, who
claimed they had been unjustly convicted. This is the
story of a horrendous injustice and the three people who
tried to expose it. It begins with a suicide note. The
Scandal That Never Happened, by Anat Rubin,
Illustrations by James Lee Chiahan
Little Movies
4 Days in Western Sahara: A Rare Look Inside Africa’s
Last Colony as U.S. Recognizes Moroccan Occupation, by
Amy Goodman
A Liberty Fraternity, Vignette From High Society,
directed by Charles Walters
An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim,
Starring Al Gore
CDC Whistleblower Revealed, by Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Cry-Baby, written and directed by John Waters
Daphne: The Secret Life of Daphne Du Maurier, directed
by Clare Beavan
El Che, directed by Maurice Dugowson
Gore Vidal on 9/11
Gore Vidal's Gore Vidal, by BBC Omnibus
In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism --
Testimony of Dr. Maurice Hilleman Re AIDS and Cancer
Kill the Messenger, directed by Michael Cuesta (Gary
Mississippi Burning, directed by Alan Parker
Only An Expert, by Laurie Anderson
Operation Gladio, by BBC
Ram Dass: Fierce Grace, directed by Mickey Lemle
Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs, directed by
Gary Null, Ph.D.
In the Name of Progress, directed by Todd Southgate
Split Estate, directed by Debra Anderson
The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair directed by
Giuseppe Ferrara
The City of Lost Children, Directed by Marc Caro and
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
The Craziest Nuclear Weapons Policy That You’ve Never
Heard Of, by Union of Concerned Scientists
The Manchurian Candidate, directed by John Frankenheimer
The President's Analyst: A Film About Life, Liberty, and
the Pursuit of Happenings, written and directed by
Theodore J. Flicker, starring James Coburn and Godfrey
The Program, directed by Laura Poitras
The Strecker Memorandu, by Robert B. Strecker, M.D.,
Ph.D. and Theodore A. Strecker
Toby Dammit, directed by Federico Fellini
Unreported World: Paraguay's Painful Harvest, directed
by Andrew Carter, with Tanya Datta
WalMart: The High Cost of Low Price, directed and
produced by Robert Greenwald
Well Did You Evah?, directed by Alex Cox
Who Bombed Judi Bari?, a film by Mary Liz Thomson &
Darryl Cherney
Why Would a Watermelon Be Delivered in a Plain, Brown
Wrapper, Vignette from "Moms Mabley," directed by Whoopi
Mass Murderers
"Full Colon Miller," by Mark Potok
Loughner Rants Sound Like Sovereign Citizen Beliefs, by
Janet Novacknews
"Messiah-Like Figure" Is Doing Own Harvesting, by
Natasha Wallace
Syntax Error, by Karen Stollznow
Oregon College Shooting Kills 10, Wounds At Least Seven
Others, by Elizabeth Miller
Texas Southern University Shooting: Police Identify
Student Victim as Brent Randall, by ABC13
There Were 2 Different School Shootings Yesterday in the
United States, by Ian Millhiser
This Week The Issue is Not Trump. It is Ourselves, by
John Pilger
Media Violence
Media Violence Studies
Rapeutationists and DIRA zombies are
preconditioned for violent behavior by cinema and video game
Children and Media Violence: Yearbook From the UNESCO
International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on
the Screen, 1998, edited by Ulla Carlsson and Cecilia
von Feilitzen
Hearings Before the Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile
Delinquency (Comic Books) Of The Committee On The
Judiciary, U.S. Senate, 83rd Congress, 1954
"Mommy, I'm Scared": How TV and Movies Frighten Children
and What We Can Do to Protect Them, by Joanne Cantor,
Nailing the Coffin Shut on Doubts That Violent Video
Games Stimulate Aggression: Comment on Anderson et al.
(2010), by L. Rowell Huesmann
Seduction of the Innocent, by Fredric Wertham, M.D.
Stability of Aggression Over Time and Generations, by L.
Rowell Huesmann and Leonard D. Eron
Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against
TV, Movie & Video Game Violence, by Lt. Col. Dave
Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano
Tales From the Screen: Enduring Fright Reactions to
Scary Media, by Kristen Harrison, Ph.D.
Television and Growing Up: The Impact of Televised
Violence, by the Surgeon General
Television and Violence: The Scale of the Problem and
Where To Go From Here, by Brandon S. Centerwall, M.D.,
The Case Against the Case Against Media Violence, by L.
Rowell Huesmann and Laramie D. Taylor
The Contagion of Violence: The Extent, the Processes,
and the Outcomes, by L. Rowell Huesmann
The Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial
Behaviors: International Evidence From Correlational,
Longitudinal, and Experimental Studies, by Douglas A.
Gentile, et al.
The Immediate Impact of Aggressive Cartoons on
Emotionally Disturbed and Learning Disabled Children, by
Joyce Sprafkin & Kenneth D. Gadow
The Influence of Media Violence on Youth, by Craig A.
Anderson, Leonard Berkowitz, Edward Donnerstein, L.
Rowell Huesmann, James D. Johnson, Daniel Linz, Neil M.
Malamuth, and Ellen Wartella
The Only Time It Makes Sense to Blame Video Games
Instead of Guns, by Tom Tomorrow
The Role of Media Violence in Violent Behavior, by L.
Rowell Huesmann and Laramie D. Taylor
Warning: Television Violence May Be Harmful to Children;
But the First Amendment May Foil Congressional Attempts
to Legislate Against It, by Laura B. Schneider
Charles Carreon vs. Matthew Inman, Indiegogo, Inc.,
National Wildlife Federation, and American Cancer
George Bush: The Company's Man. El Salvador and
Nicaragua: U.S. Undermines Elections, by CovertAction
Information Bulletin
5 for 10, by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Back Issues, by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Book Review: Cults and Christian Warriors, by Fred
Bush and Noriega, by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Bush and North: The Task Force on Combatting Terrorism,
by Peter Dale Scott
Bush's Boy's Club: Skull and Bones, by CovertAction
Information Bulletin
Chronology, by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Cuba's Policy Against Drug Trafficking, by CovertAction
Information Bulletin
Editorial: George Bush: From Langley to the Oval Office,
by CovertAction Information Bulletin
El Salvador 1989: Elections Under State Terror, by Terry
Allen and Edward S. Herman
FEMA and the NSC: The Rise of the National Security
State, by Diana Reynolds
George Wald On the Prosterman Land Reform, by
CovertAction Information Bulletin
Hector Salazar Speaks, by CovertAction Information
Here Today, Here Tomorrow: Bush's "Secret Team", by Jane
NED Overt Action: Intervention in the Nicaraguan
Election, by William Robinson and David MacMichael
NED: Quasi-Covert Action, by CovertAction Information
News Notes, by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Old Nazis and the New Right: The Republican Party and
Fascists, by Russ Bellant
Out of the Loop: The VP's Office: Cover for Iran/Contra,
by Jane Hunter
Ronald Reagan's Legacy: Eight Years of CIA Covert
Action, by William Blum
The 1980 Campaign: Agents for Bush, by Bob Callahan
The "Melton Plan", by CovertAction Information Bulletin
U.S. Disinformation: Dealing With Drugs In Cuba, by
Debra Evenson
U.S. Policy: Chile and the National Security Doctrine,
by Carla Stea
We Need Your Help, by CovertAction Information Bulletin
How to Lie With Statistics , by Darrell Huff
Jury sends message to Charter with $7 billion verdict
over murder of customer: Charter was ruled negligent,
but "breathtaking" punitive damages may be reduced, by
Jon Brodkin
Masonic Mysteries & Enigmas, by Keith Stockley
Treaty Between Spain and Portugal Concluded at
Tordesillas, June 7, 1494, by The Avalon Project at Yale
Law School, by The Avalon Project
Uber facing lawsuit from dozens of women over sexual
assaults by drivers, by Rebecca Bellan
United States of America, Appellee v. One Million Three
Hundred Twenty-Two thousand Two Hundred Forty-Two
Dollars and fifty-Eight Cents (1,322.242.58 ), etc;.
Road Atlanta, Inc. & Reginald Donald Whittington
(Intervenors), Reginald D. Whittington, Appellant
Ralph Nader
Civic Arousal, Addressed to the Citizens of America,
by Ralph Nader
Crashing the Party, by Ralph Nader
Cutting Corporate Welfare, by Ralph Nader
Nader: Still Fighting From the Grassroots Up, by
Kathy Kiely
Nader calls for a new 1 percent. In his latest book,
the critic and activist proposes the creation and
activation of a new 1 percent – one that will expose
“conditions of deprivation and abuse” and champion
“basic fair play.” by Andy Lee Roth
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!, by Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader Blog, by Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader Radio Hour, by KPFK and Ralph Nader
Breaking Through Power 1
Breaking Through Power 2
Breaking Through Power 2!
Breaking Through Power 2, Listener Questions
19: Jerry Brown, Dangerous Microbes, Redskins
33: The Commons, Apple, Airbags, Beavers
37: Lori Wallach, Solar Power, War Talk
40: Rena Steinzor, Cuba
46: Colman McCarthy, McConnell’s Dems, Falling in Love
47: Bruce Fein, Super Bowl, Geo-Engineering
59: Steven M. Druker, Charles Slack
60: David Helvarg, Ray Rogers
61: George Farah, William Blum
62: Wadie E. Said, Johanna Fernandez
63: Mickey Huff, Victor Pickard
64: Barry Ladendorf, John R. MacArthur
71: Ralf Hotchkiss, Carol Miller
100: Toxic Avengers! [Jeff Walburn, Chick Lawson,
Lois Gibbs
101: Randall Robinson, Antonin Scalia, William
102: Denis Hayes, Nicholas Kachman
103: Harvey Wasserman, Comedy, Listener Questions
113: Mickey Huff; David Freeman; Dr. Gordon Douglas
114: Molly Sinclair McCartney, David Dayen
116: Wenonah Hauter; Bartlett Naylor
117: Robert Monks, Russell Mohkiber, Jackson Katz
118: Phil Donahue, James Cullen
120: David Whyte; Steve Tombs; George Mallinckrodt
121 Charles Derber; Nicholas Mokhiber
122: Thomas Frank; Steven Hill
123: Charles Lewis; Norm Stamper
125: Jonathan Martin, David Cay Johnston
126: Waging Peace/Tax Havens
127: Cuddling/Triumph Goes to the RNC & DNC
128: The Stop Act; Robbing Banks
129: Going Nuclear!
130: Presidential Debates/Mathbabe
131: Jill Stein
134: Noam Chomsky
135: The Politics of Technology, Hillary’s Wikileaks
147: Israel/Palestine: One State/Two State?
195: The Difference Between Liberal and Progressive
(Part 1)
195: The Difference Between Liberal and Progressive
(Part 2-4) (TRANSCRIPT)
196: A Coal Miner Speaks Out/The Fall of Al Franken
272: Trumpcare Fiasco/Logic For The Left
282: War With China, Russia, Iran?
283: Mike Gravel
296: The CDC’s Culture of Fear
297: Boeing 787 Dreamliner: “Hundreds of Defective
298: Catfish Solution
300: The Trial of the Cuban Five
322: Crooked Prosecutors/AWOL Congress
400: Corporate Crime Pays!
402: Noam Chomsky
403: Overcoming Corporate Rule: A Success Story
405: Boeing: Murder Incorporated
Ralph Nader's Tort Law Museum Seeks to Keep His
Crusade Evergreen, by Erik Eckholm
The Day the Rats Vetoed Congress: A Fable of Citizen
Action, by Ralph Nader
The Good Fight, by Ralph Nader
The Seventeen Traditions, by Ralph Nader
Unsafe At Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the
American Automobile, by Ralph Nader
News Articles
13 From Interior Dept. Linked to Sex, Payoff Scandal
Over U.S. Oil, by Dina Cappiello
‘90s Redux: Ken Starr Praises Bill Clinton as Trump
Mines Scandals for Attacks: Starr says the former
president is 'gifted,' but Trump says Hillary was
his 'enabler.', by Gabrielle Levy
Accused hate groups receive pandemic aid: 14 groups
identified as hate groups benefited from the PPP
program, by April Glaser and Olivia Solon
After Brexit; ye ken noo, by Buttonwood
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Orders End to
All Same-Sex Marriage Licenses, by Zach Ford
Can Seattle Boot Big Money Out of Elections By
Giving Everyone "Democracy Vouchers"?, by Marcus
Harrison Green
Clinton Campaign Wrote About “Elevating” Trump
Months Before He Declared Candidacy, by Claire
Donald Trump Appears to Have Committed Felony Voter
Fraud, by Mark Joseph Stern
Donald Trump Could be BANNED From the UK After
Claiming Britain Has a "Massive Muslim Problem" And
Sparking a Petition Signed by 565,000 people, by Tim
Donald Trump’s despicable words, by Alexandra Petri
Escalation watch. Four looming flashpoints facing
President Trump, by Michael T. Klare
Federal Judge Says Cops Can Hold Your Family at
Gunpoint If You Drink Tea or Grow Tomatoes: Here's
Why, by Travis Gettys
Forget Killer Robots—Bias Is the Real AI Danger.
John Giannandrea, who leads AI at Google, is worried
about intelligent systems learning human
prejudices., by Will Knight
How California Is Being Stolen from Sanders Right
Now, by Greg Palast
How the CIA made Google: Inside the secret network
behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet,
by Nafeez Ahmed
Big Data: Have we seen it before? , by Bhavani
- Correction to my article
posted on March 25, 2013, by Dr. Bhavani
- Intelligence Community
Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems, by Hal
Curran (NSA), Robert Kluttz (CMS), Dr. Claudia
Pierce (NSA), Dr. Rick Steinheiser (ORD) and Dr.
Bhavani Thuraisingham (MITRE)
Data Mining on Text, by Dr. Chris Clifton
Declassified Documents Concerning PDD-68,
International Public Policy
Description: This Mandatory Declassification Review
contains material declassified as part of a
unilateral National Security Staff decision. The
National Security Staff declassified Presidential
Decision Directive/NSC-68, International Public
Information (IPI), which was signed by President
Clinton on April 30, 1999, by National Security
How the west created the Islamic State, by Nafeez
Stratfor Emails: Google Behind Middle East Regime
Change, by Kurt Nimmo
The open source revolution is coming and it will
conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy: The man who trained
more than 66 countries in open source methods calls
for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer
Earth, by Nafeez Ahmed
Why Google made the NSA: Inside the secret network
behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet,
by Nafeez Ahmed
How the Pentagon’s Skynet Would Automate War: Mass
surveillance, drone swarms, cyborg soldiers,
telekinesis, synthetic organisms, and laser beams
will determine future conflict by 2030, by Nafeez
In Honor of Our Veterans, We Call for Truth, by
Ashland Daily Tidings
Jews in Reich Deny Atrocities by Nazis, by NYT
Keep It Classical Says Trump Order On Federal
Architecture, by Neda Ulaby and Elizabeth Blair
Lawmaker Unemployment Hearing Attended by Single
Member of Congress at Opening, by Huffington Post
More Federal Agencies Are Using Undercover
Operations, by Eric Lichtblau and William M. Arkin
Netanyahu Praises Former German Leader Helmut Kohl
Following News of Death: In a statement, Netanyahu
praised Kohl's "commitment to Israel's security"
during his tenure as chancellor, and expressed
appreciation for his "empathy" towards the Jewish
state, by Tamara Zieve, Reuters
Nickel Big Shot Called the Shots: Also GameStop,
SoftBank, Luna, Percent and index funds., by Matt
NSC head Flynn was brought down by the very spying
machine he helped to build. Let’s also see this as a
warning that the national security state has crossed
a major line and needs to be unravelled, by Dave
O'Reilly's Greatest Hits: 7 Times the Fox Host Had
Trouble with the Truth, by Brendan James
Priti Patel faces the sack over secret trip to
Israel: Minister summoned to No 10, by Francis
Elliott, Political Editor; Sam Coates, Deputy
Political Editor; Billy Kenber
Rep.: Protesters Yelled Racial Slurs, by CBS News
Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the
N.S.A. to Its Core: A serial leak of the agency’s
cyberweapons has damaged morale, slowed intelligence
operations and resulted in hacking attacks on
businesses and civilians worldwide, by Scott Shane,
Nicole Perlroth and David E. Sanger
Should Big Corporations Pay the Taxes They Owe?, by
Jim Hightower
Tea Party Express Leader Mark Williams Kicked Out
Over "Colored People" Letter, by Helen Kennedy
Techno-Rebels in West Bank? File Swapping Firm
Claims Odd Hide-Out, by John Ward Anderson
Ten reasons why Elliott Abrams would make a dreadful
deputy Secretary of State. How much more proof do we
need that Elliott Abrams is unfit for public
office?, by Medea Benjamin
The Diplomat and the Killer: When four American
women were murdered during El Salvador’s dirty war,
a young U.S. official and his unlikely partner
risked their lives to solve the case, by Raymond
A Massacre in the Rear View Mirror: El Mozote at 35,
by Christy Rodgers
Did Bill O’Reilly Cover Up a War Crime in El
Salvador?: Brian Williams isn’t the only one telling
fibs, by Greg Grandin
El Mozote Case Study, by Stanley Meisler
Official Cover-up Of El Salvador Massacre Hurts
Credibility Of Government, by Anthony Lewis
Review of Raymond Bonner’s “Weakness and Deceit:
America and El Salvador’s Dirty War”, by Murray
Salvador Full Circle, by Raymond Bonner
The Agony of El Salvador, by Raymond Bonner
The Diplomat Who Wouldn’t Lie: Robert White was the
rare official who chose to lose his job to keep his
integrity, by Raymond Bonner
Time for a US Apology to El Salvador: Obama recently
expressed regret for US support of Argentina’s
“dirty war.” It’s time Washington did the same
regarding our active backing of right-wing butchery
in El Salvador, by Raymond Bonner
US policy in El Salvador in the 1980s: The US to El
Salvador junta: we’ll do your fighting for you, by
Political Crumbs
Weakness and Deceit: U.S. Policy and El Salvador, by
Raymond Bonner, Review by Kirkus
The evil-looking gadgets Auschwitz guards made as
instruments of genocide to stamp tattooed numbers
onto doomed prisoners, by Daniel Miller
The GOP on the Eve of Destruction, by Bill Moyers
and Michael Winship
The Plutocrats Are Winning. Don't Let Them!, by Bill
‘This Kind Of Thing Happens In Iraq Or Syria’: Air
Force Surgeon Describes Aftermath Of Las Vegas
Shooting, by Jared Keller
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Resort Obtains Permission to Hire
70 Foreign Workers, by Daniel Politi
We Have Nothing to Sell But Fear Itself, by Greg
What Clinton Got Wrong About Snowden, by John
"Wilderness" Relocates to Venezuela, by Robert Plain
William Stevenson, 89, Dies; Author With Ties to
Spies, by William Yardley
Peace Initiatives
40 Holocaust Survivors Condemn "Massacre" of
Palestinians, Call for BDS Against Israel, by Alex
A lawyer for Obama's Dog? Bombshell animal rights
idea rocks Green Movement, by Ari Melber
All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria
America talks big about "human rights": We should be
ashamed of that hypocrisy. Our leaders spout
rhetoric about human rights. Look around the world:
Where have we lived up to those words?, by Elayne
Beyond Vietnam, by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Critical Path, by R. Buckminster Fuller
David Brooks on How To Reunite Our Divided Nation, by
Katie Couric
Drink the Water (PLOT SUMMARY), by Charles Carreon
Eve of Destruction, by Barry McGuire
Forget Survival of the Fittest: It is Kindness That
Counts, by David DiSalvo
Grunch of Giants, by Buckminster Fuller
Jim Carrey Reconciles the Opposites of Being &
Non-Being, But Is That A Good Thing? Where Does the
Truth of Our Individual Existence, and Our Human
Rights Go If We Don't Exist?
Learn from Afghanistan and keep our kids out of
needless wars, by Russ Duerstine
Neither Victims Nor Executioners, by Albert Camus
“Not in Our Name”: 400 Arrested at Jewish-Led Sit-in
at NYC’s Grand Central Demanding Gaza Ceasefire, by
Amy Goodman
“Genocide as Colonial Erasure”: U.N. Expert
Francesca Albanese on Israel’s “Intent to Destroy”
Gaza, by Amy Goodman
Paris, by Nicolas Haeringer
Breaking: Paris, by May
"Every Time We See the
World Beginning to Act on the Science, We See Some
Kind of Attack Designed to Undermine It," Excerpt
from "Merchants of Doubt, directed by Robert Kenner
ISIS Offensive in Iraq
Exposes French Pseudo-Left's Support for Syria War,
by Alex Lantier
France Admits It Directly
Supplied Arms to Syrian "Rebels", by Pierre Mabut
France Funding Syrian
Rebels in New Push to Oust Assad, by Martin Chulov
"France is At War":
Hollande Urges More Security Spending & Stripping of
Citizenship After Attacks, by rt.com
I Can't Deny Something Big
is Happening, by May Boeve
Identified Paris Attackers
Were Not Refugees, by Alexandra Jacobo
ISIS As Instruments of
Proxy War on Western Populations, by Joe Quinn
ISIS Offensive in Iraq
Exposes French Pseudo-Left's Support for Syria War,
by Alex Lantier
Night of the Living Dead, Climate Change-Style, by
Bill McKibben
Paris Attacks Reveal
Bizarre ISIS Strategy and NATO's Strategy of Tension
in Europe, by Joe Quinn
Paris Bombing/Peace-Global
Warming Conference Excerpt from "Team America,"
directed by Trey Parker
The Critical Fight in
Paris Is Happening Now, by Jamie Henn
The Hard Truth About the
Paris Climate Deal, by 350.org
This Just Means That We
Need to Get Louder Everywhere, by Payal Parek,
This Weekend, by May Boeve
Petition calls for Greek islanders to be nominated
for Nobel Peace Prize, by Tim Hume
A/79/384: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the
situation of human rights in the Palestinian
territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese
- Genocide as colonial erasure, by Francesca
Shabkar: Food of Bodhisattvas. Buddhist Teachings on
Abstaining From Meat (Excerpt), by Shabkar Tsogdruk
Small is Beautiful, by E.F. Schumacher
Talk Nation Radio: Waging Peace with David Hartsough
The biggest killer of U.S. troops in the Middle East
is not ISIS – it’s suicide. So what is the solution?
How can the US rein in this epidemic of suicide
among active duty troops and vets? by Matt Agorist
The Case Against the Death Penalty, by American
Civil Liberties Union
The Causes of World War Three (Excerpt "Crackpot
Realists"), by C. Wright Mills
The Horror of It: Camera Records of War's Gruesome
Glories, by Frederick A. Barber
The People's Charter to Create a Nonviolent World
The Russell-Einstein Manifesto, 1955
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by the
United Nations
The War Racket, by Buffy Sainte-Marie
Top 12 Reasons the Good War Was Bad: Hiroshima in
Context, by David Swanson
Under Fire: The Story of a Squad, by Henri Barbusse
You Can’t Have War Without Racism, by Robert Fantina
Violence Doesn't Work, by Howard Zinn
When Killing is the Only Politics!, by Dr. Hatem
Perverts in the Sun
Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The Reality of Protected
Child Abuse and Snuff Networks, by Joel van der Reijden
Conspiracy of Silence, directed by Tim Tate
Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPs With
Reagan, Bush: "Call Boys" Took Midnight Tour of White
House, by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald
How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile
Ring: Now that most of the major figures are dead, the
truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of
children by members of the British government, by Nico
Perverts in the Sun, by Iggy Pop
Remembering Jeff Gannon/Guckert, by Alex (Daily Kos)
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder
in Nebraska, by John W. DeCamp
Through a Glass, Very Darkly, by Gordon Witkin and
Peter Cary with Ancel Martinez
U.S. Soldiers Punished for Reporting Sexual Abuse by
Afghan Allies, by Andrew Emett
A Godfather Too: Nazism as a Nietzschean
"Experiment, by Kurt Rudolf Fischer, From
"Nietzsche, Godfather of Fascism? On the Uses and
Abuses of a Philosophy," edited by Jacob Golomb and
Robert S. Witrich
A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with don
Juan, by Carlos Castaneda
Aphorisms, by Friedrich Schlegel
Critique as Apologetics: Nolte's Interpretation of
Nietzsche, by Roderick Stackelberg, From "Nietzsche,
Godfather of Fascism? On the Uses and Abuses of a
Philosophy," edited by Jacob Golomb and Robert S.
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First
Philosophy, by Rene Descartes, Translated by Donald
A. Cress
Encounter With Mysticism, Chapter 5 from "Martin
Buber's Life and Work," by Maurice Friedman
Existentialism, by Wikipedia
Faust, by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Freedom from Value Judgments: Value-Free Social
Science and Objectivity in Germany, 1880-1914, by
Andrew Jeffrey Spadafora
Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan, by
Carlos Castaneda
Lectures on Dramatic Art, by August Wilhelm Schlegel
Lucinda, by Friedrich Schlegel
Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius, translated with an
introduction by Maxwell Staniforth
Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius, translated by Meric
Nietzsche and the Fascist Dimension: The Case of
Ernst Junger, by David Ohana, From "Nietzsche,
Godfather of Fascism? On the Uses and Abuses of a
Philosophy," edited by Jacob Golomb and Robert S.
Nihilism, by Alan Pratt, Ph.D.
Noam Chomsky Discusses Post-Modern "Theory" and
"Philosophy" on LBBS, Z-Magazine's BB, by Noam
Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen, by
Shunryu Suzuki and Edward Espe Brown
On the Nature of Things, by Titus Lucretius Carus
Parkinson's Law and Other Studies in Administration,
by C. Northcote Parkinson
Postmodernism: The Decline of Truth, by Joshua Landy
Reconciliation, Orientation and Unity, by Jack
Relativism, by Wikipedia
Schiller and the Process of His Intellectual
development, by Wilhelm von Humboldt
Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
The Complete Works Of Zhuang Zhou [Chuang Tzu], by
Zhuang Zhou
The Corpus Hermeticum: Initiation Into Hermetics:
The Hermetica of Hermes Trismegistus
The Eagle's Gift, by Carlos Castaneda
The Early Romantic School, by James Taft Hatfield,
The Eye of Horus, by pmj
The Fire From Within, by Carlos Castaneda
The Measure of All Things: Natural Hierarchy in
Roman Republican Thought, A dissertation presented
by Erika Lawren Nickerson
The Menace of Pragmatism, by Tara Smith
The Occult Significance of Blood, by Rudolf Steiner
The Other Nietzsche, by Joan Stambaugh
The Philosophy of Style, by Herbert Spencer
The Prince, by Nicolo Machiavelli
The Second Ring of Power, by Carlos Castaneda
The Teachings of Don Juan, by Carlos Castaneda
The Writings of Martin Buber, edited by Will Herberg
Thus Spake Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche
Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, by Voltaire
Planet on Fire
“A Code Red for Humanity”: Major U.N. Report Warns
of Climate Catastrophe If Urgent Action Not Taken,
by Amy Goodman
A Single Gas Well Leak is California's Biggest
Contributor to Climate Change, by Suzanne Goldenberg
A World at War: We’re under attack from climate
change—and our only hope is to mobilize like we did in
WWII,by Bill McKibben
After 90 Percent Decline, Federal Protection Sought for
Monarch Butterfly, by Bill Freese
Another Earthquake Hits Oklahoma: Officials Worry
Stronger Quake Could Threaten National Security, by
Lorraine Chow
Apocalyptic Capitalism, by Chris Hedges
As media labels Fukushima a “conspiracy theory,”
radiation soars to record level. Considering so little
is currently understood about the catastrophe, perhaps
so-called conspiracy theorists, who doubt the ‘Fukushima
is under control, don’t worry about it’ narrative, are
the only ones displaying a modicum of common sense. by
Claire Bernish
Bayer AG Makes Bee Contraceptives, by F. William Engdahl
Biden Climate Team Says It Underestimated Trump’s
Damage: Agency reviews have found greater budget cuts,
staff losses and elimination of climate programs than
initially thought, by Adam Aton
Bill McKibben Gets Arrested Exposing Exxon's
"Unparalleled Evil," by Nadia Prupis
Big Oil Faces Historic Human Rights Inquiry for
"Complicity in Climate Change", by Nadia Prupis
Climate Deniers' Paris Event Sparsely Attended,
Journalists Kicked Out, by Nick Surgey
Climate Judge Hansen "Profiles" Clinton's Democrat
Criminals, by Patrick Walker
Coming from a floater near you: The UK Is in the
Shit. It really is, by Robert Bush
Consensus: 97% of Climate Scientists Agree, by Nasa.gov
Cooperation Jackson’s Kali Akuno: Climate Crisis
Impact Worse in Black Cities Facing Disinvestment,
by Amy Goodman
Dealing in Doubt: The Climate Denial Industry and
Climate Science. A Brief History of Attacks on Climate
Science, Climate Scientists and the IPCC, by Greenpeace
Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War, by
Leuren Moret
Desert Rats Finding Meals Less Palatable, by Sindya N.
Dirty Bomb Named West Lake in St. Louis Courtesy of EPA,
DOE, Republic Services, Bill Gates, Exelon & President
Obama, by Jeanine Molloff
Eco-Groups Challenge Obama Administration Over GMO
Farming in National Wildlife Refuges, by Mike Ludwig
Environmental Impacts of the Hudson Valley Fur Trade in
Regard to Beavers, by Gina Figler
Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change
Lies by New York Attorney General, by Justin Gillis and
Clifford Krauss
For Future Summer Olympics, Climate Change Is No Game,
by Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan
Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States: A
State of Knowledge Report From the U.S. Global Change
Research Program, by U.S. Global Change Research
Program. Authors: David M. Anderson, Donald F. Boesch,
Virginia R. Burkett, Lynne M. Carter, Stewart J. Cohen,
Nancy B. Grimm, Jerry L. Hatfield, Katharine Hayhoe,
Anthony C. Janetos, Jack A. Kaye, Jay H. Lawrimore,
James J. McCarthy, A. David McGuire, Edward L. Miles,
Evan Mills, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Jonathan A. Patz,
Roger S. Pulwarty, Benjamin D. Santer, Michael J.
Savonis, H. Gerry Schwartz, Jr., Eileen L. Shea, John
M.R. Stone, Bradley H. Udall, John E. Walsh, Michael F.
Wehner, Thomas J. Wilbanks, Donald J. Wuebbles
Global Warming Denier: Fraud or "Realist"?, by Dan
Harris, Felicia Biberica, Elizabeth Stuart and Nils
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry: Our leaders
thought fracking would save our climate. They were
wrong. Very wrong., by Bill McKibben
Group Says Pentagon May Put Chemical Warheads on Cruise
Missiles, by Norman Black
Hillary Clinton's climate change plan 'just plain
silly', says leading expert: The Democratic
frontrunner’s solar proposal has major holes if she
hopes to halt global warming. What would a real
climate-change candidate look like?, by Caty Enders
How Climate Change is Responsible for Record-Breaking
Hurricanes Like Patricia, by Andrea Germanos
Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from
paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern
observations that 2 C global warming could be dangerous,
by James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Paul Hearty, Reto Ruedy,
Maxwell Kelley, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Gary Russell,
George Tselioudis, Junji Cao, Eric Rignot, Isabella
Velicogna, Blair Tormey, Bailey Donovan, Evgeniya
Kandiano, Karina von Schuckmann, Pushker Kharecha,
Allegra N. Legrande, Michael Bauer, and Kwok-Wai Lo
Increasing precipitation whiplash in twenty-first
century California, by Daniel Swain
Kessler syndrome, by Wikipedia
Leaked Email Reveals Who's Who List of Climate
Denialists, by Katherine Bagley
Mass Evacuation as 'Apocalyptic' Inferno Engulfs
Canadian Tar Sands City: 'There was smoke everywhere and
it was raining ash,' says Fort McMurray evacuee, by
Deirdre Fulton
Monsanto's Tobacco Files: University Scientists Caught
Conspiring with Biotech Industry to Manipulate Public
Opinion on GMOs, by Dave Murphy
“No Climate Justice Without Human Rights”: Groups
Protest Inaction, Repression at U.N. Summit in
Egyptby Amy Goodman
“A Carbon Bomb”: Movement Grows Against EACOP East
African Pipeline Funded by France’s Total & China,
by Amy Goodman
Amazon Leader Welcomes Climate Vow from Brazil’s
Lula to End Deforestation with Indigenous Help, by
Amy Goodman
At COP27 Indigenous Land Defenders from Mexico,
Guatemala Warn “Green Capitalism” Creates Violence,
by Amy Goodman
“Carbon Billionaires”: Oxfam Calls for Taxing Rich
Who Profit from Emissions Fueling Climate Crisis, by
Amy Goodman
“Climate Collateral”: How Military Spending Fuels
Environmental Damage, by Amy Goodman
Greenpeace: As Egypt Hosts COP27, Country’s
Agricultural Sector Ravaged by Impact of Climate
Crisis, by Amy Goodman
Hossam Bahgat on the “Full-Scale Human Rights
Crisis” in Egypt as Country Hosts COP27, by Amy
Indigenous Activists Tom Goldtooth & Eriel Deranger
on the Link Between Colonialism & Climate Crisis, by
Amy Goodman
Vanessa Nakate Condemns Fossil Fuel Lobbying at U.N.
Climate Talks as Global Warming Devastates Africa,
by Amy Goodman
Who Should Pay for Climate Crisis? Global South
Demands “Loss and Damage” from Wealthy Nations, by
Amy Goodman
Obama Administration Approved Gulf Fracking During
Deepwater Horizon Disaster, by Mike Ludwig
Pennsylvania Pipelines Bursts, Leaks 55,000 Gallons Of
Gas Into One Of US’ Most Endangered Rivers. A pipeline
owned by the same company behind Dakota Access leaked
55,000 gallons of gasoline into a major river,
endangering the drinking water of six million people. by
Whitney Webb
Refugees, Wars, Arms, Climate and our Future, by Veena
Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson
The Really Big One: An Earthquake Will Destroy a Sizable
Portion of the Coastal Northwest. The Question is When,
by Kathryn Schulz
The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change, by Naomi
Top Ten Weather Events of 2016: #1 is No Surprise; #2
Will Surprise You, by Jeff Masters
U.S. government officially calls for research into
geoengineering the Earth. Geoengineering is a
controversial type of weather modification which has
been researched, but, until recently, been considered
too unpredictable to attempt on a large scale. by
Derrick Broze
Vandana Shiva: "We Must End Monsanto's Colonization,
It's Enslavement of Farmers," by Vandana Shiva
War Helps Fuel the Climate Crisis as U.S. Military
Carbon Emissions Exceed 140+ Nations, by Amy Goodman
Warning of mass extinction of species, including humans,
within one decade, by Arctic News
"We Need to Act": Transcript of Obama's Climate Change
Speech, by Tom Randall
Whistleblower Says EPA Officials Covered Up Toxic
Fracking Methane Emissions for Years, by Nika Knight
Why Are We Witnessing This Middle East Humanitarian
Crisis? Ask the U.S. Government, by Michael Payne
Windscale Fire, by Wikipedia
With San Diego Again Drought-Ridden, 1915 "Rainmaker"
Saga is Revisited, by Tony Perry
World's Oceans Face Worst Coral Die-Off in History,
Scientists Warn, by Cole Mellino
Gitanjali, by Rabindranath Tagore
Hans Plomp Essay [Excerpt] from Milk Magazine,
Sustenance for the Masses, Volume 1, Larry Sawyer,
In Memoriam A.H.H., by Lord Alfred Tennyson
Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early
Childhood, by William Wordsworth
Mountain Poem , by Marina Tsvetaev, translated by Diana
Lewis Burgin
Paradise Lost, by John Milton
Poems, by Alexander Pushkin
Poetry, by William Blake
Satire Upon the Licentious Age of Charles II, by Samuel
Songs of Kabir, Translated by Rabindranath Tagore
Stray Birds, by Rabindranath Tagore
The Argonautica, by Apollonius Rhodius
The Holy Grail, by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Orphic Hymns 1-40, translated by Thomas Taylor
The Rape of the Lock, by Alexander Pope
The Ruins of Lo-Yang, by Ts'ao Chih
The Secret Rose, by W. B. Yeats
The Walrus and the Carpenter, by Lewis Carroll
The Way of Chuang Tzu, by Thomas Merton
Who Can Be Happy and Free in Russia?, by Nicholas
Wilfred Owen, by Poetry Foundation
A Terre, by Wilfred Owen
Anthem for Doomed Youth, by Wilfred Owen
Apologia pro Poemate Meo, by Wilfred Owen
Arms and the Boy, by Wilfred Owen
Conscious, by Wilfred Owen
Disabled, by Wilfred Owen
Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen'
Exposure, by Wilfred Owen
Futility, by Wilfred Owen
Greater Love, by Wilfred Owen
Insensibility, by Wilfred Owen
Mental Cases, by Wilfred Owen
Parable of the Old Men and the Young, by Wilfred Owen
S. I. W., by Wilfred Owen
Smile, Smile, Smile, by Wilfred Owen
Spring Offensive, by Wilfred Owen
Strange Meeting, by Wilfred Owen
The Chances, by Wilfred Owen
The Dead-Beat, by Wilfred Owen
The End, by Wilfred Owen
The Send-off, by Wilfred Owen
The Sentry, by Wilfred Owen
The Show, by Wilfred Owen
Wild with all Regrets, by Wilfred Owen
Woe From Wit: A Four Act Comedy, by Alexander
Sergeyevich Griboedov
Police Corruption
13 Current and Former Law Enforcement Officers Arrested
for Drug Trafficking, by Andrew Emett
200 DHS employees accepted nearly $15M in bribes.
Responsible for guarding more than 7,000 miles of the
border, customs agents and Border Patrol officers
accepted the most bribes within the last ten years.by
Andrew Emett
Bay Area cop charged with masturbating in front of
family during domestic violence call, by Joshua Bote
Boston Cop Allowed to Stay on the Force for 20+
Years After Child Sexual Abuse Complaint, by Amy
CHP Officers Caught Stealing Nude Photos of Female
Cops illegally confiscate guys phone and
accidentally record themselves debating the best way
to frame him, by Isaac Mutevu
Cops in Sex Scandal IAB: Hookers Paid in Trade to Avoid
Arrest, by William K., Rashbaum, John, Marzulli Henri,
E. Cauvin
DOJ Charges Cops for Breonna Taylor’s Killing. Why
Didn’t Kentucky’s AG Daniel Cameron Do the Same?, by
Amy Goodman
D.C. Police Tried to Fire 24 Current Officers for
‘Criminal Offenses.’ A Powerful Panel Blocked Nearly
Every One, Documents Show, by Dhruv Mehrotra, Jenny
Gathright, Martin Austermuhle
Dishonest Prosecutors, Lots of Them, by The NYT
Editorial Board
Rampant Prosecutorial
Misconduct, by The NYT Editorial Board
White Paper: An Epidemic of
Prosecutor Misconduct, by Center for Prosecutor
DOJ Charges Cops for Breonna Taylor’s Killing. Why
Didn’t Kentucky’s AG Daniel Cameron Do the Same?, by
Amy Goodman
Drew Thornton's Last Adventure, by Sally Ann Denton
Woman to Go on Trial As Smuggler's Helper, by AP
Establishing Conviction Integrity Programs in
Prosecutors' Offices, by A Report of the Center on the
Administration of Criminal Law's Conviction Integrity
Federal Agents Arrested for Bitcoin Money Laundering and
Fraud, by Andrew Emett
FIFA Executives Indicted on International Corruption
Charges, by Andrew Emett
Five Brooklyn Officers Suspected of Drug Shakedowns, by
Clifford Krauss
Flagstaff PD officers fully naked, fondled during
massage investigation: Two Flagstaff police officers
went undercover to massage parlors, took their pants
off, and allowed themselves to be fondled eight
different times, by Zach Crenshaw
Former Police Commander Sentenced to Prison for Multiple
Abuses, by Andrew Emett
Former Senator Pleads Guilty in Corruption Case, by
Andrew Emett
Four Deputies Plead Guilty to Drug Charges, by Andrew
Graft Paid to Police Here Said to Run Into Millions:
Survey Links Payoffs to Gambling and Narcotics, by David
Inside the Dixie Mafia: Politics of Death, by John
Judges involved in shooting at Indiana White Castle
suspended without pay: The state Supreme Court said the
judges' actions "were not merely embarrassing on a
personal level; they discredited the entire Indiana
judiciary.", by Alex Johnson
Late Stage Kidney Patient Randomly Tackled by
Hospital Guards: Lawsuit, by Shira Li Bartov
LAPD Admits to Underreporting Serious Assaults, by
Andrew Emett
Met officers joked about raping women, police
watchdog reveals; Met denies culture of misogyny as
damning report reveals sexist, racist and homophobic
messages sent as ‘banter’. Female officers were told
the behaviour was ‘part of police culture’, by
Vikram Dodd
No Honor Among Thieves: Corrupt Cops Sentenced to
Prison, by Andrew Emett
Not just “a few bad apples”: U.S. police kill
civilians at much higher rates than other countries:
Police violence is a systemic problem in the U.S.,
not simply incidental, and it happens on a scale far
greater than other wealthy nations, by Alexi Jones
and Wendy Sawyer
NYPD Cop Arrested on Federal Drug Charges, by Andrew
NYPD Tapes 3: A Detective Comes Forward About Downgraded
Sexual Assaults, by Graham Rayman
Police Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to
Fabricate Criminal Charges Against Protester, by Jay
Police Chief Gets $260K Golden Parachute After Covering
Up His Own Drunken Hit and Run, by William N.
Police Lieutenant Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison for
Drug Conspiracy, by Andrew Emett
Police Officer Charged With Stealing From Disadvantaged
Children, by Andrew Emett
Police officer resigns after punching woman on video.
Bonar recently resigned after an independent report
called for his immediate termination from the
department. by Andrew Emett
Police officer who fatally shot sobbing man temporarily
rehired to apply for pension. The shooting of Daniel
Shaver by Mesa, Arizona, Officer Philip Brailsford last
year was caught on bodycam in a case that drew national
scrutiny over the use of deadly force. Body cam footage
shows former cop shooting unarmed man, by Eric Ortiz
Power Loves the Dark, by Matthew Harwood and Jay Stanley
Report Highlights Lack of Racial Diversity Among U.S.
Prosecutors, by NPR
Report of the Special Committee Appointed to Investigate
the Police Department of the City of New York, (Lexow
Committee), by State of New York in Senate (1895)
Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Alderman
Appointed to Investigate the "Ring" Frauds, Together
With the Testimony Elicited During the Investigation
Report of the special Committee of the Board of Aldermen
of the City o New York Appointed August 5, 1912 to
Investigate the Police Department (1912)
Salt Lake City Police Video Shows Nurse Arrest, by AP
The City of New York Commission Report: Commission to
Investigate Allegations of Police Corruption and the
Anti-Corruption Procedures of the Police Department, by
Milton Mollen, Chair (1994)
The Knapp Commission Report on Police Corruption:
Commission to Investigate Allegations of Police
Corruption and the City's Anti-Corruption Procedures, by
Whitman Knapp, Chairman (1972)
The NYPD Tapes: Inside Bed-Stuy's 81st Precinct, by
Graham Rayman
The NYPD Tapes, Part 2, by Graham Rayman
The NYPD’s Compstat: compare statistics or compose
statistics?, by John A. Eterno and Eli B. Silverman
The Secret Society Among Lawmen: Despite setbacks in
court and superiors' disapproval, a tattooed subculture
of L.A. County sheriff's deputies is rising again. Are
members macho racists or just brothers of the badge?, by
Anne-Marie O'Connor and Tina Daunt
Two Former Police Chiefs Plead Guilty to Violating Civil
Rights, by Andrew Emett
Undersheriff and Captain Indicted on Federal Obstruction
Charges, by Andrew Emett
U.S. police trainers with far-right ties are
teaching hundreds of cops, by Julia Harte and
Alexandra Ulmer
Vice Detective Caught Obstructing Justice for French
Prostitute, by Andrew Emett
Video shows police officers laughing at footage of
arrest in which they allegedly injured 73-year-old
woman with dementia, by Christopher Brito
White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while
Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate
sentences spark calls for reform, by Cory Shaffer
With Last Charges Against J20 Protesters Dropped,
Defendants Seek Accountability for Prosecutors, by Sam
Political Science
A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical
and Biological Warfare, by Robert Harris and Jeremy
A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of
the Muslim Brotherhood in the West, by Ian Johnson
A People's History of the United States:
1492-Present, by Howard Zinn
A Sketch of the History of the Indian Press, During
the Last Ten Years: With a Biographical Account of
Mr. James Silk Buckingham, by Sandford Arnot
Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire -- The Secret Life of the
World's Most Notorious Arab Terrorist, by Patrick
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The
CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond, by Martin A. Lee &
Bruce Shlain
Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism
(Updated to Include the War in Iraq): an illustrated
expose, by Joel Andreas
America Betrayed: Bush, Bin Laden & 9-11, by Rhawn
Joseph, Ph.D.
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to
the Order of Skull and Bones, by Antony C. Sutton
Aryans, Jews, Brahmins: Theorizing Authority through
Myths of Identity, by Dorothy M. Figueira
Bill of Wrongs: The Executive Branch's Assault on
America's Fundamental Rights, by Molly Ivins and Lou
Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret
National Security Agency, by James Bamford
Branding Democracy: U.S. Regime Change in
Post-Soviet Eastern Europe, by Gerald Sussman
By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's
Portrait of the Mossad, by Victor J. Ostrovsky and
Claire Hoy
Claiming India: French Scholars and the Preoccupation
With India During the Nineteenth Century, by Jyoti
Mohan, Doctor of Philosophy, 2010
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine
Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, by Medea
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of
Evil, by Hannah Arendt
Eugenics and Other Evils, by G.K. Chesterton
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster
Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
Facts and Fascism, by George Seldes
Final Warning: A History of the New World Order, by
David Allen Rivera
Gods & Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult, by Dusty
Hiroshima, by John Hersey
Hitler's American Model: The United States and the
Making of Nazi Race Law, by James Q. Whitman
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi
Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German
Military, by Bryan Mark Rigg
Hitler's Mentor: Dietrich Eckart, His Life, Times, &
Milieu, by Joseph Howard Tyson
Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944: His Private
Conversations, translated by Norman Cameron and R.H.
House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret
Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful
Dynasties, by Craig Unger
I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to Be
Destroyed By Me: Emblems From the Pentagon's Black
World, by Trevor Paglen
I Paid Hitler, by "Fritz Thyssen"
If the Gods Had Meant Us to Vote They Would Have
Given Us Candidates, by Jim Hightower
In Defence of Politics, by Bernard Crick
Inside the Company: CIA Diary, by Philip Agee
Just Too Weird: Bishop Romney and the Mormon
Takeover of America: Polygamy, Theocracy, and
Subversion, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, Ph.D.
Molehunt: The Secret Search for Traitors that
Shattered the CIA, by David Wise
Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life
in the Third Reich, by George L. Mosse
National Security Council Memorandum 46, by Zbigniew
Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, by William
Obama, the Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian
Candidate, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
On Liberty, by John Stuart Mill
Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of
Martin Luther King, by Dr. William F. Pepper
Orientalism, by Edward W. Said
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, by Jimmy Carter
Perfidy, by Ben Hecht
Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms
Network, by Ari Ben-Menashe
Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, U.S.
Intervention, and Hegemony , by William I. Robinson
Rights of Man, by Thomas Paine
Report From Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and
Desirability of Peace, by The Special Study Group, with
introductory material by Leonard C. Lewin
The Report From Iron Mountain, An Anlysis, by Mark Dice
Rudy: An Investigative Biography of Rudolph
Giuliani, by Wayne Barrett, Assisted by Adam Fifield
Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past: 1883-1924,
by Vikram Sampath
Sawdust Caesar: The Untold History of Mussolini and
Fascism, by George Seldes
Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London
Connection, by Eustace Mullins
Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World,
by Christopher Bollyn
Spite House: The Last Secret of the War in Vietnam,
by Monika Jensen-Stevenson
Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year
History, by David Livingston
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the
Holocaust, 1941-1945, by David S. Wyman
The American Crisis, by Thomas Paine
The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to
Cliveden, by Carroll Quigley
The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of
CIA Operatives, by Ted Gup
The Brotherhoods: The True Story of Two Cops Who
Murdered for the Mafia, by Guy Lawson & William
The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence, by Victor
Marchetti and John D. Marks, Introduction by Melvin
L. Wulf
The CIA's Secret War in Tibet, by Kenneth Conboy and
James Morrison
The Covert War Against Rock, by Alex Constantine
The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty
Money, and the CIA, by Jonathan Kwitny
The Diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai, translated from
the Tamil by Order of the Government of Madras,
Volumes 1-3 edited by Sir J. Frederick Price, KCSI.,
Late of the Indian Civil Service, Assisted by K.
Rangachari, B.A., Superintendent of Records,
Government Secretariat, Fort St. George, Volumes
4-12 edited by H. Dodwell, M.A., Curator, Madras
Record Office, 1904-1928
The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of
Fascism, by George L. Mosse
The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite, by Stephen
The Hitler Book, edited by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of
Palestinian History, by Keith W. Whitelam
The Invention of Capitalism: Classical Political
Economy and the Secret History of Primitive
Accumulation, by Michael Perelman
The Invisible Government, by David Wise and Thomas
B. Ross
The Last Circle, by Carol Marshall
The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon
The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why
the Final Official Report About 9/11 is Unscientific
and False, by David Ray Griffin
The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and
Postcolonial Histories, by Partha Chatterjee
The Occult Establishment, by James Webb
The Open Society and Its Enemies, by Karl R. Popper
The Pentagon Papers: The Secret History of the
Vietnam War as Published by the New York Times, by
Neil Sheehan, Hedrick Smith, E.W. Kenworthy and Fox
The Pentagonists: An Insider's View of Waste,
Mismanagement, and Fraud in Defense Spending, by A.
Ernest Fitzgerald
The Phoenix Program, by Douglas Valentine
The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and
Their Influence on Nazi Ideology. The Arisophists of
Austria and Germany, 1890-1935, by Nicholas
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, by
Vincent Bugliosi
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of
Nazi Germany, by William L. Shirer
The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Emigres and the
Making of National Socialism, 1917-1945, by Michael
The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and
American Foreign Policy, by Seymour M. Hersh
The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA
and Mind Control, by John Marks
The Secret Team: CIA and Its Allies in Control of
the United States and the World, by L. Fletcher
Prouty, Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of
Abraham Lincoln, by Burke McCarty
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the
Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine,
by Edwin Black
The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and
Conflict on American Campuses, by Stephen H. Norwood
The Trial of Henry Kissinger, by Christopher
Trading With the Enemy: An Expose of the
Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, by Charles
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our
Time, by Carroll Quigley
Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut to Lockerbie, by
Donald Goddard with Lester K. Coleman
Ukraine During World War II: History and its
Aftermath, edited by Yury Boshyk with the assistance
of Roman Waschuk and Andriy Wynnyckyj: A Symposium
U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, by Richard
Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda, Timothy Naftali and
Robert Wolfe
Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in
the West, by John Ralston Saul
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, by Antony
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, by Antony C.
War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler
Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon,
Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream, by
David McGowan
Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta & the 9-11
Cover-Up in Florida, by Daniel Hopsicker
Who Killed Bobby?: The Unsolved Murder of Robert F.
Kennedy, by Shane O'Sullivan
Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American
Democracy, by William Greider
Written Statement of Michael C. Ruppert to the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, by Michael
C. Ruppert
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal,
by Lenni Brenner
Aion, by C.G. Jung
All You Need is Love. How the Terrorists Stopped
Terrorism, by Bruce Hoffman
Anger, Rage and Pathological Embitterment: What
Motivates Mass Murders? What motivated the two
recent California massacres?, by Stephen A. Diamond,
Anti-Intellectualism Is Killing America, by David
Born Guilty: Children of Nazi Families, by Peter
CIA Mind Control at Stanford Research Institute, by
Alex Constantine
Degeneration, by Max Nordau
Does Venting Anger Feed or Extinguish the Flame?
Catharsis, Rumination, Distraction, Anger, and
Aggressive Responding, by Brad J. Bushman
Fantasy, by Anna Brenner
How to Grow a Terrorist Without Really Trying: The
Psychological Development of Terrorists From
Childhood to Adulthood, by L. Rowell Huesmann
MAGA propaganda decoded: Obama’s fave historian
shreds Trump tricks with groundbreaking scholarship,
Interview between Ari Melber and Yuval Noah Harari
Mindfulness Meditation Research: Issues of
Participant Screening, Safety Procedures, and
Researcher Training, by M. Kathleen B. Lustyk, PhD;
Neharika Chawla, MS; Roger S. Nolan, MA; G. Alan
Marlatt, PhD
Adverse Effects of Meditation: A Preliminary
Investigation of Long-Term Meditator,
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Buddhist Teachers' Experience With Extreme Mental
States in Western Meditators, by Lois VanderKooi
Depersonalization and Meditation , by Richard J.
Mania precipitated by meditation: A case report and
literature review, by Graeme A. Yorston
Meditation in Association with Psychosis, by
Tinnakorn Chan-Ob, M.D. and Vudhichai
Boonyanaruthee, M.D.
Meditation may predispose to epilepsy: an insight
into the alteration in brain environment induced by
meditation, by Harinder Jaseja
Psychiatric Problems Precipitated by Transcendental
Meditation, by Arnold A. Lazarus
Relationship of meditation and psychosis: case
studies, by Sujata Sethi, Subhash C. Bhargava
Schizotypy and mindfulness: Magical thinking without
suspiciousness characterizes mindfulness meditators,
by Elena Antonova, Kavitha Amaratunga, Bernice
Wright, Ulrich Ettinger, Veena Kumari
Silencing and Oblivion of Psychological Trauma, Its
Unconscious Aspects, and Their Impact on the
Inflation of Vajrayāna. An Analysis of Cross-Group
Dynamics and Recent Developments in Buddhist Groups
Based on Qualitative Data, by Anne Iris Miriam
Single Case Study: Transcendental Meditation,
Altered Reality Testing, and Behavioral Change: A
Case Report, by Alfred P. French, M.D., Albert C.
Schmid, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Ingalls, MLS
Striking EEG Profiles From Single Episodes of
Glossolalia and Transcendental Meditation, by
Michael A. Persinger, Laurentian University
The Dark Knight of the Soul: For some, meditation
has become more curse than cure. Willoughby Britton
wants to know why, by Tomas Rocha
The Mahasiddha and His Idiot Servant [EXCERPT], by
John Riley Perks [John Andrews]
Transcendental Meditation [TM] and General
Meditation Are Associated With Enhanced Complex
Partial Epileptic-Like Signs: Evidence For
"Cognitive" Kindling?, by M.A. Persinger
The mindfulness conspiracy: It is sold as a force
that can help us cope with the ravages of
capitalism, but with its inward focus, mindful
meditation may be the enemy of activism, by Ronald
Moses and Monotheism: An Outline of Psycho-Analysis
and Other Works, by Sigmund Freud
Narcissism, Trump-isms and Realism, by Darlene
Naivety, by Wikipedia
Neural Correlates of Evaluations of Lying and
Truth-Telling in Different Social Contexts, by
Dingcheng Wu, Ivy Chiu Loke, Fen Xu, and Kang Lee
Placing your faith on the betting floor: Religiosity
predicts disordered gambling via gambling fallacies,
by Hyoun S. Kim, Alexandra Shifrin, Travis
Sztainert, and Michael J. A. Wohl
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), by Dr. Manaan
Kar Ray
Primal Scream, or Why Do Babies Cry?: A Theory of
Trump, by Aaron Schuster
Psychological and Societal Implications of
Projecting the Shadow on the Feminine in Tibetan
Buddhist Contexts, by Anne Iris Miriam Anders
Psychological Science Meets a Gullible Post-Truth
World, by David G. Myers
Review of 1961 Yale experiments leads researchers to
revise motive for evil: Review of famous Yale
experiments of 1961 leads to new understanding of
what allows seemingly normal people to carry out
atrocities, by South China Morning Post
Scientists find a link between low intelligence and
acceptance of 'pseudo-profound bulls***': Those who
are impressed by wise-sounding quotes are also more
likely to believe in conspiracy theories and the
paranormal, by Doug Bolton
Signs of Pathological Lying, by Karen Frazier
The American state of mind: Apprehension,
frustration, distrust, fear. How much longer will
they take this kind of beating before we see a
societal eruption? by Michael Payne
The case of Otto Weininger: A psychiatric study, by
Ferdinand Probst
The Emotion That Leads to Deception, by Maurice
The Infantilization of the Postmodern Adult and the
Figure of Kidult, by Jacopo Bernardini
The Nature of Love, by Harry F. Harlow
The Psychology of Power and Evil: All Power to the
Person? To the Situation? To the System?, by Philip
G. Zimbardo
The Rape of the Mind, by A.M. Meerloo, M.D.
The Role of Darwinism in Nazi Racial Thought, by
Richard Weikart
The Roots of Nazi Psychology, by Jay Y. Gonen
The Sociopath Will Always Accuse YOU of What They
Are Guilty of Themselves, by datingasociopath.com
The Thanatos Instinct, by Adam Sinicki
There’s still no good reason to believe black-white
IQ differences are due to genes: Our response to
criticisms, by Eric Turkheimer, Kathryn Paige
Harden, and Richard E. Nisbett
Totem and Taboo: Resemblances Between the Psychic
Lives of Savages and Neurotics, by Professor Sigmund
Trump Depicts Himself Perfectly in the Mirror of
Projection, by Lawrence O'Donnell
Understanding the Most Destructive Human Behaviors,
by Live Science Staff
Why do so many meditators want to silence this
Neuroscientist [Willoughby Britton, Cheetah House]?,
by Scott Carney
Why is the Conservative Brain More Fearful? The
Alternate Reality Right-Wingers Inhabit is
Terrifying, by Joshua Holland
Why Ordinary People Torture Enemy Prisoners, by
Susan T. Fiske, Lasana T. Harris, Amy J.C. Cuddy
Why public schoolboys like me and Boris Johnson
aren’t fit to run our country, by Richard Beard
Publishers vs. Libraries, With EBooks as the
Battleground and Ownership as the Prize
ALA, Authors Guild, 3M Weigh In On Penguin-Overdrive
Dispute, by Michael Kelley
Amazon Kindle Searches for Four Penguin Titles, by
American Buddha Online Library
America's Authors Stand With Libraries, by ala.org
Apple Deleted Music From Users' iPods Purchased From
Rivals, Court Told, by The Guardian
At ALA Midwinter, Brewster Kahle, Librarians Ponder the
E-Book Future, by Andrew Albanese
Borrow Books From the Kindle Owners' Lending Library, by
Budapest Open Access Initiative, by
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and
Research Libraries, by Association of Research
Libraries, Washington College of Law
Conserving Constitutional Copyright: A Clarion Call for
Common Sense, by Charles Wapner
Copyright and A Democratic Civil Society, by Neil
Weinstock Netanel
Copyright Considerations for Fee-Based Document Delivery
Services, by Laura N. Gasaway
Core Values of Librarianship, by American Library
Dear Publisher Partner, by evoke.cvlsites.org
Digital Book World: E-Books and Libraries: No Problem,
Panel Says, by Andrew Albanese
Digital Book World: Where Do Libraries and EBooks Meet?,
by Carolyn Kellogg
DOJ Files Antitrust Suit Against Apple and 5 Publishers
Over E-Book Pricing, by Tim Carmody
Complaint: USA v. Apple, Inc., Hachette Book Group,
Inc., HarperCollins Publishers, LLC, MacMillan, The
Penguin Group, and Simon & Schuster, Inc., by U.S.
Department of Justice
Douglas County Libraries Digital Branch, by
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. vs. Penguin Books USA:
Opinion October, 1996
E-Books in Libraries: A Briefing Document Developed in
Preparation for a Workshop on E-Lending in Libraries, by
David R. O'Brien, Urs Gasser, and John Palfrey
E-Books Outsell Print Books at Amazon, by Claire Cain
Miller and Julie Bosman
EBook Sales Surpass Hardcover for First Time in U.S., by
Laura Indvik
Ebook Usage in U.S. Public Libraries: 2012, by School
Library Journal
Ethics Complaint to State Bar of Oregon Re Duane
Bosworth and Davis, Wright, Tremaine, LLP, by Tara
Fahrenheit 451, directed by Francois Truffaut
Fair Use in the Electronic Age: Serving the Public
Interest, by Association of Research Libraries
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding E-Books and U.S.
Libraries, by ala.org
Google Books Lawsuits Dismissed: "All Society Benefits,"
Says Judge Chin, by Rick Anderson
Google Books Library Project, by google.com
Hearing: Copyright Issues in Education and For the
Visually Impaired, by Direction of the Chairman Bob
How and Why Libraries Are Changing: What We Know and
What We Need to Know, by Denise A. Troll
Intellectual Property: An ARL Statement of Principles,
by Association of Research Libraries
Intellectual Property and the National Information
Infrastructure: The Report of the Working Group on
Intellectual Property Rights, by Bruce A. Lehman
Is Google Making Us Stupid?, by Nicholas Carr
Librarians Face Patrons Unhappy With Penguin Policy
Change; ALA Condemns Ebook Decision, by Michael Kelley
Librarians Feel Sticker Shock as Price for Random House
EBooks Rises as Much as 300 Percent, by Michael Kelley
Libraries Are Screwed, by Eli Neiburger
Library System Terrorizes Publishing Industry, by R.
Library Wars: Amazon and Publishers Vie For Control of
E-Book Rentals, by Peter Osnos
List of Digital Libraries (In Progress), by American
Buddha Online Library
Making Sense of Fair Use, by Neil Weinstock Netanel
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Work
for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, Or
Otherwise Print Disabled, by World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO)
Open Access: Implications for Scholarly Publishing and
Medical Libraries, by Karen M. Albert
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Code of
Conduct, by OASPA
Open Content Alliance: Building a Digital Archive of
Global Content for Universal Access, by
Open Library, by opencontentalliance.org
Own Your Own EBook Lending Service, by Monique Sendze
and Laurie Van Court
Penguin Group Inc. vs. American Buddha
Penguin Group USA To No Longer Allow Library Lending of
New EBook Titles, by Michael Kelley
Penguin Drops Side Loading Requirement for Kindle
Lending, by Matt Enis
Penguin EBooks Return to Overdrive, Go National On Axis
360, by Ian Chant, Matt Enis, and Meredith Schwartz
Penguin Further Narrows Library Access, Suspending
Availability of Audiobook Titles, by Michael Kelley
Penguin Group Terminating Its Contract With Overdrive,
by Michael Kelley
Penguin Lifts Library Ebook Purchase Embargo, by Matt
Penguin Restores Kindle Lending, But Still Not Providing
Digital Editions of New Titles, by Michael Kelley
Principles for Emerging Systems of Scholarly Publishing,
by Association of Research Libraries
Publishers Have Met the Enemy, And It is Them, by
Annoyed Librarian
Rock 'n' Roll Library, Rest In Peace, by Charles Carreon
Statement of Common Understanding For Purchasing
Electronic Content, by Douglas County Libraries
Statement of the AAP on Document Delivery, by American
Association of Publishers
Statement on Fair Use and Electronic Reserves, by
Ten Years On From the Budapest Open Access Initiative:
Setting the Default to Open, by
Testimony of Professor Peter Jaszi on Behalf of the
Digital Future Coalition Before the U.S. Copyright
Office, et al., by Professor Peter Jaszi
The E-Book Experiment, by Monique Sendze
The Google Library Project: The Copyright Debate, by
Jonathan Band
The History and Philosophy of Project Gutenberg, by
Michael Hart
The Keystone Principles: Creation and Influence, by
Laura J. Bender
The Online Books Page (It Can't Happen Here), by
The Rise of the E-Book Lending Library (And the Death of
E-Book Pirating), by John Barber
The Sweep of Fair Use Guidelines, by Carrie Russell
Values Conflict in the Digital Environment: Librarians
Versus Copyright Holders, by Laura N. Gasaway
Why Can't I Digitize My (Institution's) Library?, by
David Hansen
Why It's Difficult For Your Library To Lend Books, by
Adam Vaccaro
Reconciliation of Opposites
Doublethink, Excerpt from Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984),
by George Orwell
Each is An Ally of the Other, Excerpt from Discourses of
Rumi, translated by A. J. Arberry
["Fair" Notice That Your Food is Bad:] Nestle, Pepsi
Fined for Concealing GMOs as Campbell Soup Announces
Voluntary Label, by Lorraine Chow
God is The Reconciliation of Opposites, by Pir Vilayat
Khan, Excerpt from Toward the One, by Pir Vilayat Inayat
I Am the One and The Other, Excerpt from The Red Book:
Liber Novus, by C.G. Jung
Jewish Hands Helped the Mass Murder, Excerpt from
Perfidy, by Ben Hecht
No Man Can Serve Two Masters, by Meister Eckhart,
Excerpt from Theologia Germanica, by Anonymous (Meister
Positive Nothing, Excerpt from Vladimir Solov'ev on
Spiritual Nationhood, Russia and the Jews, by Judith
Deutsch Kornblatt
The Arch-Absurd/Arch-Preposterous, Excerpt from
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively
Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man, by G.I.
The "Dualistic (Duplicitous) Attitude of the Rhodes
Round Table, Excerpt from The Anglo-American
Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden, by Carroll
The Party of Lincoln is the Party That Shot Lincoln
The Sympathy & Opposite Action of Contraries, by Albert
Pike, Excerpt from
The War of Opposites, and Their Unity and Identity,
Excerpt from The Open Society and Its Enemies, by Karl
R. Popper
There is Good There is Evil, Excerpt from Be Here Now,
by Ram Dass
There Was Only One Catch ..., Excerpt from Catch-22, by
Joseph Heller
We Cannot Choose One Opposite Over Another, by Jack
Courtis, Excerpt from Reconciliation, Orientation and
Unity, by Jack Courtis
We Have Combined Opposites Again and Again, Excerpt from
The Trade Unions, the Present Situation and Trotsky's
Mistakes, by V.I. Lenin
What is True is False: Lie, by Wikipedia
Religion and Cults
A Clown For Our Time , by wavygravy.net
Acid Dreams, The Complete Social History of LSD: The
CIA, The Sixties, and Beyond [Excerpt], by Martin A. Lee
& Bruce Shlain
Ben & Jerry's Puts the Woodstock Generation's Gravy on
the Table , by Ben & Jerry's Vermont's Finest Ice Cream
& Frozen Yogurt
Dianne Elizabeth Lake, aka Snake, Dianne Bluestein,
Excerpt from "Helter Skelter -- The True Story of the
Manson Murders" , by Vincent Bugliosi with Curt Gentry
Dianne Elizabeth Lake, by M. Turner
Dianne Lake, aka Snake, by charliesfamily.tripod.com
Excerpt from "Helter Skelter -- The True Story of the
Manson Murders" , by Vincent Bugliosi with Curt Gentry
Farewell to the Chief: Ken Kesey's Long Strange Trip ,
by Bill Weinberg
Wavy Gravy: Salute to a Good-Humored Humanitarian, by
Paul Krassner
A Visit to Arch Stanton's Dharma Clinic, aka Dr. Death's
Reformatory, by Tara Carreon
Abolish the Priesthood: To save the Church, Catholics
must detach themselves from the clerical hierarchy—and
take the faith back into their own hands, by James
Against Hell: A Refutation of the Buddhist Hell Realms,
Based on Their Historic Origins, Political Purpose,
Psychological Destructiveness, Irrationality, and
Demonstrable Inconsistency With the Original Buddhist
Teachings, Framed as A Searching Review of Sam
Bercholz’s After-Death Memoir, "A Guided Tour of Hell",
by Charles Carreon
American-Buddha.com, Devotion, Samaya, and Cutting
Through to the Very Heart of the Matter, by Kelley Lynch
An Olive Branch Report on the Shambhala Listening Post,
Katheryn Wiedman, Ph.D.
Another View on Whether Tibetan Buddhism is Working in
the West, by Tara Carreon
Are We of Israel?, by Elder George Reynolds
Atheism's Shocking Woman Problem: What's Behind the
Misogyny of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris?, by Amanda
Be Here Now, by Ram Dass
Behind Dalai Lama's Holy Cloak , by Michael Backman
Dalai Lama Misses Sex, Shoots Guns (Cool!), by Ruth
Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth , by Michael Parenti
His Material Highness, by Christopher Hitchens
Psychic in Columbia Prosecutor's Office Sparks Outcry:
Psychic Causes Scandal for Columbia Prosecutor , by
Joshua Goodman
Shriver Turns a Staid Event Into Political Prime Time ,
by Carla Marinucci
Spy Robert Schaller's Life of Secrecy, Betrayal and
Regrets , by Carol Smith
Tenzin Choegyal, Rebel: Choegyal, the Dalai Lama's
Brother 81, by Lobelia Toadfoot
The Dalai Lama's Brothers Worked for the CIA , Excerpt
from "The CIA's Secret War in Tibet," by Kenneth Conboy
and James Morrison
Bethink Yourselves, by Leo Tolstoi
Beyond the Threshold: A Life in Opus Dei, by Maria del
Carmen Tapia
Bible, by Wikipedia
Ahab, by Wikipedia
Baal Text, by Meindert
Hezekiah, by Wikipedia
Josiah, by Wikipedia
Letter of Aristes, by
Masoretic Text, by Wikipedia
Mesha Stele, by Wikipedia
Military History of the
Neo-Assyrian Empire, by Wikipedia
Nebuchadnezzar II, by
Necho II, by Wikipedia
Omri, by Wikipedia
Pseudepigraph, by Wikipedia
Sennacherib, by Wikipedia
Septuagint, by Wikipedia
Tel Dan Stele, by Wikipedia
Ugarit, by Wikipedia
Ugarit Ritual Texts, by Dennis
Zedekiah, by Wikipedia
Bodhisattvacharyavatara, by Acharya Shantideva,
translated by Stephen Batchelor
Buddha's Not Smiling: Uncovering Corruption at the Heart
of Tibetan Buddhism Today, by Erik D. Curren
Buddhist Project Sunshine Phase 3 Final Report: The
nail: Bringing things to a clear point A 2-month Initiative To Bring Activating Healing Light
To Sexualized Violence At The Core Of The Shambhala
Buddhist Community, by Andrea M. Winn, MEd, MCS
AMA with Carol Merchasin April 11, 2019 8:00-9:00 pm
Buddhist Project Sunshine Final Report [Phase 1] [EXCERPT], by
Andrea M. Winn, MEd, MCS
Buddhist Project Sunshine Final Report [Phase 2]
[EXCERPT], by Andrea M. Winn, MEd, MCS
Happy New Year from BPS!, by Andrea M. Winn
In An Evolution, Edelman Moves Deeper Into Agencies'
Turf, by Megan Graham
Richard Edelman, by Wikipedia
Short History of Buddhist Project Sunshine
Update on the Findings of Sexual Misconduct of the
Sakyong (Sexual assault in Chile), by Carol Merchasin
“Buddha-gate:” Scandal and cover-up at Naropa
revealed, by Robert Woods
Buddhism, the law of silence, Known Now as ‘Abuse in
Buddhism: The Law of Silence‘: A film by Elodie
Emery and Wandrille Lanos
Buddhist soft power, Chinese-style, by Arnaud Dotézac
Buddhist Temple Left Without Monks After They All
Test Positive for Meth: It follows a string of
criminal scandals involving monks in Thailand, where
authorities are reporting record-breaking quantities
of synthetic drugs, by Gavin Butler
City of Clearwater Commission Hearings Re: The Church of
Scientology, State of Florida, City of Clearwater
Commission of Investigation: Report Into the Catholic
Archdiocese of Dublin
Conserving the Inner Ecology, by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
Crazy Like a Fox – In “Crazy Wisdom,” Trungpa’s Heirs
Sacrifice Truth to Profit, by Charles Carreon
Crazy Wisdom, by Chogyam Trungpa
Crazy Wisdom: The Life and Times of Chogyam Trungpa
Rinpoche -- Screencap Gallery, produced and directed by
Johanna Demetrakas
Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Buying the Right, by Robert
$1 million Moonie mystery, by Rick Casey
Al Gore v. the Media, by Robert Parry
Bush & the L-Word, by Nat Parry
Bush's Terror Hysteria, by Robert Parry
Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Drug Allies, by Robert Parry
Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Generation Next, by Robert Parry
Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Hooking George Bush, by Robert
Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Truth, Legend & Lies, by Robert
Kerry Attacker Protected Rev. Moon, by Robert Parry
Moon's Billions & Washington's Blind Eye, by Robert
One Mother's Tale: Moon & An Nyu Freshman, by Robert
President Reaffirms Strong Position on Liberia . Remarks
by the President and United Nations Secretary General
Kofi Annan in Photo Opportunity, by The Oval Office
Protecting Bush-Cheney, by Sam Parry
Protecting Bush-Cheney Redux, by Robert Parry
Rev. Moon, The Bushes & Donald Rumsfeld, by Robert Parry
Sun Myung Moon & The Council for National Policy. Sun
Myung Moon/Unification Church Front Groups and Christian
Right Political Leadership, by EFF Baker Program
The Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money, by Robert Parry
The Moon-Bush Cash Conduit, by Robert Parry
Did David and Solomon Exist?, by Eric H. Cline
DNA Test Confirms Karmapa Fathered a Child, Source
Says, by Tempel
- 2. Karmapa’s True Face: He
Got Victims’ Contacts for Future Abuse (# Unmasking
Karmapa Video 2)
- 3.Karmapa’s True Face
Unmasked by Former Nun Victim (# Unmasking Karmapa
Video No. 3)
- 4.Karmapa’s Sweet
Conspiracy Exposed by WU Hang-yee (# Unmasking
Karmapa Video No. 4)
- Karmapa’s Religious
Brainwashing & Cyber Sexual Act (UmK Video No. 5),
by Wu Hang-yee
Dragon Thunder: My Life with Chogyam Trungpa, by Diana
J. Mukpo with Carolyn Rose Gimian
Esoteric Buddhism, by A.P. Sinnett
Expose of Tony Delevin, aka “Gabriel of Sedona," and his
Aquarian Concepts Cult
- Tony Delevin, by Tyler Midkiff
- A Reporter's Trip to
Community's New World, by Nate Hansen
- Spiritual Path Took a Sedona
Man to ACC, by Nate Hansen
Former 'Gabriel' Groupies Open Up, by Nate Hansen
'Gabriel' Separates Families and Friends, by Nate Hansen
Woman Fears Gabriel's Control,
by Nate Hansen
Memo Re Procedures for Sending Written Drafts to MHQ, by
Gabriel & Niann Chase
Order in Tubac Prepares for Apocalypse: Critics Draw
Parallels to Other Cultlike Groups, Say Community's
Leader Demands Obedience, by Dennis Wagner
What 'Gabriel' Pours Out Hard to Swallow, by Nate Hansen
Former ACC Resident was Told Who to “Partner” With, by
Nate Hansen and Christopher Fox Graham
The Urantia Book & ACC Are Not the Same, by Dale Young
'Gabriel' Group Decries Media Bias in Webcast, by Tyler
Delevin Should 'Walk the Road' and Pave It, by Bill Lutz
Follow-Up Article Re Question 10, by John Thurstin
2007 Marks Year of Change, by Greg Nuland
Is Gabriel of Sedona for Real? The Proof is In!, by Mark
Letter from Rabbi Shmuley
Boteach to Aquarian Concepts Community
False Testament: Archaeology Refutes the Bible's Claim
to History, by Daniel Lazare
Fantastic Buddhaverse of Robert Thurman, by What is
Enlightenment?, illustrated by Nadir Balan
First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam
Former teacher at Boulder's Shambhala accused of
sexually assaulting student: Community expelled mentor
over separate misconduct allegations in 2004, by
Mitchell Byars and John Bear
A Conversation With David Rome, by The Chronicles
A Disorganized Attachment Legacy at Shambhala: Brief
Notes on Two Letters and a 1993 Interview with Pema
Chödrön, by Matthew Remski
A Guided Tour of Hell: A Graphic Memoir, by Samuel
Bercholz and Pema Namdol Thaye
A Guided Tour of Hell , by Asian Art Museum, San
A Nabob’s return: the Pybus conversation piece by
Nathaniel Dance, by Emma Lauze
A Report on Trungpa Rinpoche’s Class at CU Boulder,
Winter 1971, The Three Bodies of the Buddha, by John
About Lion’s Roar, by lionsroar.com
About the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical
Psychology, by C.G. Jung Foundation
About The Shambhala Trust, by shambhalatrust.org
About the Time Chogyam Trungpa's Wife Gave Him a Kitty
and He Tortured it to Death in Front of Her, by Leslie
Hays [The Wife of Chogyam Trungpa]
Acharya Martin Janowitz, by shambhalaonline.org
Against Hell: A Refutation of the Buddhist Hell Realms,
Based on Their Historic Origins, Political Purpose,
Psychological Destructiveness, Irrationality, and
Demonstrable Inconsistency With the Original Buddhist
Teachings, Framed as A Searching Review of Sam
Bercholz’s After-Death Memoir, "A Guided Tour of Hell",
by Charles Carreon
Alfred North Whitehead, by Stanford Encyclopedia of
Amnesty International’s Troubling Collaboration with
UK & US Intelligence: Some troubling connections
contradict Amnesty’s image as a benevolent defender
of human rights and reveal key figures at the
organization during its early years to be less
concerned with human dignity and more concerned with
the dignity of the US and UK’s image in the world,
by Alexander Rubinstein
An Anniversary Recollection of my Sangyum Vows, by
Leslie Hays
An Apology to Survivors of Shambhala Sexual Misconduct,
by Fred Coulson
An Open Letter to Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
from a Burmese Buddhist
Anatta, by Wikipedia
An Open Letter to the Shambhala Community from
Long-Serving Kusung To the Shambhala community, by Craig Morman, Ben Medrano, MD, Laura Leslie, Louis Fitch,
David Ellerton, Allya Canepa
Activist: A former ally of Aung
San Suu Kyi responds to the Tibetan Buddhist teacher’s
support for Myanmar’s controversial leader, by Maung
Zarni and Matthew Gindin
As sale of Boulder’s Marpa House closes to keep
Shambhala solvent, residents say they feel misled:
Developer says he’s at total loss on suggestions of
impropriety, by Madeline St. Amour
Behind the Veil of Boulder Buddhism: Ed Sanders, The
Party, by Ed Sanders
Benefactor: Mahinder Uberoi, by Uberoi Foundation for
Religious Studies
Bernie Glassman, by Wikipedia
Bill Moyers, by Wikipedia
Boston Dharmadhatu: The Early Days, by Anna Taylor
Boulder man who set car on fire and died identified, by
John Bear
Brahmajala Sutra (Mahayana), by Wikipedia
Bravery: The Vision of the Great Eastern Sun, by Sakyong
Breaking the Silence on Sexual Misconduct, by Lama Willa
B. Miller
Buddha Shakyamuni's Social Consciousness [Excerpt],
Chapter 12: Was it Buddhism?, Zen at War, Second
Edition, by Brian Daizen Victoria
Buddhist leader locked his victim in a bathroom to
sexually assault her, report claims: The group's senior
leadership reportedly knew about the incident and did
nothing., by Joshua Eaton
Buddhist official tells police alleged abuse victim was
exploring her sexuality, by Joshua Eaton
Buddhist Project Sunshine: A Pale Illumination Indeed,
by Charles Carreon
Buddhist teacher quit Shambhala in ‘protest’ before his
own sexual misconduct allegation went public. He's
promoting a book called Love Hurts, by Joshua Eaton
Buddhists in U.S. Agonize on AIDS Issue, by Dyan
Can Killing a Living Being Ever Be an Act of Compassion?
The analysis of the act of killing in the Abhidhamma and
Pali Commentaries, by Rupert Gethin
Can You Resign from the Board of a Troubled Company?, by
David A. Katz and Laura A. McIntosh
Chögyam Trungpa, by Wikipedia
Chogyam Trungpa: The Early Years, The Early Years in
Colorado, by Clarke Warren
Chris Chandler’s Expose of Shambhala as a Mind Control
Cult is Required Reading, by Tara Carreon
Christopher Dill, Petitioner v. The People of the State
of Colorado, Respondent, by Supreme Court of Colorado
CIA Gave Aid to Tibetan Exiles in '60s, Files Show, by
Jim Mann
Come Together – Right Now! Over Me!, by Cara Thornley
Considering the Future of the Treasure of Shambhala,
Judith Simmer-Brown
Crawling Back to the Alleged Hell Portal of NASA's
Occult Origins: Retracing the homunculus footsteps of
Jack Parsons, the eccentric rocketeer, and his partner
in magic, L. Ron Hubbard, by Brian Anderson
[Colorado University's] expertise in Tibetan and Buddhist studies is
unusually deep, by Clay Evans
Cult of personality, by Wikipedia
Cutting Through Spiritual Puritanism, by Gabe Dayley
Dalai Lama Secretary denies $1 million paid to speak for
Raniere; Yet Dalai Lama Trust founded 10 days after
Albany speech with $2 million in donations, by Frank
Dale Asrael, by Naropa University
David I. Rome, by Focusing.org
David I. Rome, by shambhala.com
Divine Right of Kings, by Wikipedia
Dorje Löppön Lodrö Dorje, by shambhala.org
Drinking dads can harm babies just as much as mums who
drink alcohol , by Tanveer Mann
Dualism, by Wikipedia
East-West Center, by Wikipedia
Einstein's conversion from a static to an expanding
universe, by Springer
Email: "Please", by The Women Acharyas of Shambhala
Enlightened Society Assembly, by Shastri Janet Solyntjes
Entering the Desung Path with Dennis Southward and Jan
Jercinovic, by Karme Choling, Shambhala Meditation
Finance Report to the Shambhala Community,by Ryan Watson,
Director of Finance
Leaving Shambhala, by Rebecca Jamieson
- Apology to Rebecca
Jamieson, by Adam Lobel
- Apology to Rebecca
Jamieson, by Judith Simmer-Brown
Fulbright-Hays Program, by Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs: Promoting Mutual Understanding
Fulbright Program, by Wikipedia
Garrison Institute Biannual Report, by Marc Weiss,
Executive Director
Glimpses of Tail of the Tiger 1970, by Jonathan Eric
Gold Lake Oil, by Tom Bell
Great Eastern Sun: The Wisdom of Shambhala, by Chogyam
Great White Brotherhood, by Wikipedia
Guru and Student in the Vajrayana, by Dzongsar Jamyang
Henry Schaeffer with Sam Bercholz and Walter Fordham, by
How to Rule Your Workplace (with Compassion): Lodro
Rinzler offers advice for creating a more compassionate
workplace, by Lodro Rinzler
In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus Robert Lester, by
University of Colorado Boulder Religious Studies
Inside the Tiny Pathetic World of Sakyong Mipham, by
Interim Shambhala International Board Swears Religious
Oath to Leader Accused of Sexual Assault, by Matthew
International Commission of Jurists, by Wikipedia
Interview with Debbie Coats, Desung Arm Commander, by
Dan Peterson
Interviews: Bob Halpern cuke page, Crooked Cucumber: The
Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki, by David
Into nothingness: In the 1940s, Japan’s search for a
national philosophy became a battle for existence. Did
Zen ideas create the kamikaze?, by Christopher Harding
Introduction to Buddhism, by Khan Academy
Jerry Granelli Biography, by JerryGranelli.com
Joining Heaven and Earth, by Reggie Ray
Judith Simmer-Brown to Distraught Shambhala Members:
“Practice More.” (Notes and Transcript), by Matthew
Julius S. Glaser, by New York Times
Jump the Gun, by Dan Peterson, Kadöm Desung Care and
Conduct Officer
Kalapa Valley: The Sacred Centre of Shambhala, by
- Eipurirufūru (Translation:
April Fools !!!), by Kristine McCutcheon
- Japanese Emperor Akihito
Commits to Kalapa Valley, by Kristine McCutcheon
Kanyu, Fengshui and Court Energetics, Based on the
teachings of Eva Wong, Editor: Peter C. van der Molen
Keeping Alive the Transmissions of the great Vidyadhara,
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, by Bill Karelis
Kings of Shambhala, by Wikipedia
Lady Konchok Has Apparently Just Died, at Reddit
Leadership Transition Announcement, by Shambhala Dechen
Leaked notes reveal Buddhist leader coerced female
students into sex: Stories of drunken parties and sexual
misconduct are emerging from his inner circle, by Joshua
Letter From Lady Diana, by Diana Mukpo, Shambhala
Times Community News Magazine
Letter from Lady Diana Mukpo, by Diana Mukpo
(February 19, 2019)
Letter of Apology, by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Letter to Aung San Suu Kyi, by Dzogsar Khyentse
Letter to Leaders in the Shambhala Mandala, by Zachariah
Letter to the Kalapa Council Regarding the Nalanda
Translation Committee House, by shambhala.org
Letter to the Shambhala Community re Michael Smith
Arrest, by the Shambhala Interim
Letters of The Current Situationby The Chronicles
Lex Hixon, by Wikipedia
Lex Hixon (December 25, 1941 - November 1, 1995), by SRV
Lex Hixon, 53, Dies; A Mysticism Scholar, by New York
Lex Hixon: “In the Spirit”: Remembering the host of
WBAI’s influential radio show, by Tricycle
Liberalism, Allegiance, and Obedience: The
Inappropriateness of Loyalty Oaths in a Liberal
Democracy, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Lineage Delusions: Eido Shimano Roshi, Dharma
Transmission, and American Zen, by Erik Fraser Storlie
Love the Reflections in the Cosmic Mirror, by Catalyst
Mandatory Reporting of Abuse: Is Clergy Included in
Denver?, by Terry O'Malley
Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect in
Colorado, by Colorado Department of Human Services
Mindfulness Meditation Research: Issues of Participant
Screening, Safety Procedures, and Researcher Training,
by M. Kathleen B. Lustyk, PhD; Neharika Chawla, MS;
Roger S. Nolan, MA; G. Alan Marlatt, PhD
Money and Soul, by Hillel Halkin
My Letter to the Mipham, by Craig Morman
My Love for Kunga Dawa [Richard Arthure], by John Baker
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, by
National Endowment for the Humanities, by Wikipedia
Natural Hierarchy
New arrest for child sex abuse at the embattled Buddhist
group Shambhala: The arrest follows a year of multiple
allegations against current and former members of
Shambhala International, by Joshua Eaton
“No Secrets in the Village”: An Open Letter on Abuse in
Dharma Ocean, by Andrew Merz, MDiv; Masha Mikulinsky,
MA, LPC; Natan Cohen; Florence Gray; Diana Goetsch; Sean
McNamara; Kara Deyle; A.B.
Nondualism, by Wikipedia
‘Not The Tibetan Way’: The Dalai Lama’s Realpolitik
Concerning Abusive Teachers, by Stuart Lachs & Rob
Nova Scotia farmhouse becomes a fault line in
Buddhist group’s feud over sexual-misconduct
scandal: Yoga teacher Sean Drohan says Shambhala
Global is trying to evict him for speaking out
against a spiritual leader he believes is unfit to
teach. Now, the case is headed for Nova Scotia’s
Supreme Court, by Greg Mercer
On Differing Views and Paths, by Andrew Safer, Radio
Free Shambhala
On the auspiciousness of compassionate violence, by
Stephen Jenkins
Osel Tendzin [Thomas Rich], by Wikipedia
Our Precious Human Chance: Rock Concert Commentary, by
Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche
Outcomes of patients who commit suicide by burning, by
O. Castana,P. Kourakos,M. Moutafidis,N. Stampolidis,V.
Triantafyllou, Ath. Pallantzas,E. Filippa,and C.
Path of the Spiritual Warrior, Four Dignities - The
Tiger, by Roshi Robert Althouse
Peter Benenson: Founder of Amnesty International
[Obituary], by Hugh O'Shaughnessy
Politeness beyond words, by Amy Chavez
Primordial Rigden Ngondro Group Retreat – 2 Full Days,
by retreat.guru
Rainforest Foundation Fund, by Wikipedia
Jean-Pierre Dutilleux, by
Rāmānuja on the yoga (Adyar Library series), by Robert C
Lester (Author), by Amazon.com
Random House to Buy Schocken Books , by Edwin McDowell
Reality in Buddhism, by Wikipedia
Reason and Experience in Buddhist Epistemology , by
Christian Coseru
Requiem For a Cover-Up, by Carol Merchasin
Revealed: Dalai Lama’s ‘personal emissary’ suspended
over corruption claims: Tibetan monk who is gatekeeper
to the Dalai Lama in the US strongly denies allegations
he demanded improper payments, by Katherine Ellison in
San Francisco and Rory Carroll in Los Angeles
Richard Reoch, by sourcewatch.org
- About Richard Reoch, by
- Richard Reoch, by
- Richard Reoch guest
speaker of St. Johnsbury Rotary Club, by
Rigden Abhisheka with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, May 14 -
20, 2014, Karme Choling Shambhala Meditation Center
Robert Clive, by Wikipedia
Sacred World Assembly, by Shambhala Mountain Center
Salman Schocken, by geni.com
- Abraham Bernstein, by Geni.com
- Chava Rome, Glazer [Eva
Schocken], by Geni.com
- Julius S. Glaser, by Geni.com
- Micha [Michael] Joseph
Schocken, by Geni.com
- Miriam Bernstein (born Lewis),
1891 - 1968, by myheritage.com
- Theodore Herzl Rome, by
Salman Schocken, by Wikipedia
Samuel Bercholz publishing executive, by prabook.com
Sangyum Anniversary Recollection, by Sangyum Drukmo
Sara Bronfman’s Lover, Lama Tenzin, suspended by Dalai
Lama overcorruption , laims by Frank Parlato
Satanism Black Mass, by religion-cults.com
Schocken, by Encyclopaedia Judaica
Scorpion Seal Assemblies II, III, V, VI Garchen, by
Scorpion Seal of the Golden Sun, by Nalanda Translation
Sex, scandals and betrayals: Charles II and his court:
It is said to have been one of the most hedonistic
courts in English history – a sexual merry-go-round of
flirtation, seductions and infidelities. RE Pritchard
explores the sexual liaisons of Charles II and the men
and women at his court..., by History Extra: The
official website for BBC History Magazine, BBC History
Revealed and BBC World Histories Magazine
Shambhala, by Wikipedia
Shambhala: Protect Meditation Students from Harm by
Separating Local Centers from the Monarchy, by
Shambhala Buddhism, by WikiMili
Shambhala Buddhism, by Wikipedia
Shambhala Centers Still Holding “Sealed” Retreats to
Venerate a Leader Under Criminal Investigation, by
Matthew Remski
Shambhala Dzokchen, by Kalapa Publications
Shambhala Guide Resource Manual: A Resource for
Directors, Students, and Centre Administrators [Draft],
2014 , by Shambhala Office of Practice and Education
Shambhala Guide Resource Manual: A Resource for
Directors, Students, and Centre, Administrators
[Excerpt] Shambhala greater vision than Buddhism
Shambhala hires firm to investigate itself, leaves women
who reported abuse picking up the pieces: "Pursuing
this... destroyed my faith," one woman said., by Joshua
Shambhala Interim Board Dodges Questions about Religious
Oath Sworn in Allegiance to Accused Leader, by Matthew
Shambhala Investigator Tells Sakyong Accusers Not to
Talk to Anyone, by Matthew Remski
Shambhala Newsletter, by Outgoing Kalapa Council, Josh
Silberstein, Chair; Jane Arthur; David Brown; Wendy
Friedman; Jesse Grimes; Mitchell Levy; Adam Lobel;
Robert Reichner; Christoph Schönherr
Shambhala, the Boulder-born Buddhist organization,
suppressed allegations of abuse, ex-members say:
Director of Boulder Shambhala Center: “Our culture
failed to support many of those who’ve been harmed”, by
Jackson Barnett
Shambhala’s Military Starts Turning On Their King, by
Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S
Shambhala, the Boulder-born Buddhist organization,
suppressed allegations of abuse, ex-members say:
Director of Boulder Shambhala Center: “Our culture
failed to support many of those who’ve been harmed”, by
Jackson Barnett
Shambhala threw out my Care and Conduct report, by Kathy
Southard MSW, LCSW
Shambhala Training: Windhorse, with Acharya Jeremy
Shambhala Training Retreat: The Four Dignities: Meek,
Perky, Outrageous and Incrutable with Sangyum Valerie
Lorig, by Karme Choling, Shambhala Meditation Center
Shastris, by Shambhala Dechen Choling
Shifting the Conversation: Interview with Gabe Dayley
and Kai Beavers, by Jayne Sutton
Shining Path, by Wikipedia
Simplicity Retreats: Weekthun and Dathun, by
Speculative development and the origins and history of
East India Company settlement in Cavendish Square and
Harley Street, by Harriet Richardson & Peter Guillery
Spiritual Obedience: The transcendental game of follow
the leader , by Peter Marin
Suicide by Self-Burning While Driving a Vehicle, by
Motoki Osawa, Yoo Tanaka, Yu Kakimoto, and Fumiko Satoh
Supporting Enlightened “Care and Conduct”, by Irene
Suresh Oberoi Marriage: Love And Mutual Respect Conquers
All, by Rohit Garoo
Survivors of an International Buddhist Cult Share
Their Stories: An investigation into decades of
abuse at Shambhala International, by Matthew Remski
Susan Piver’s “On Shambhala”: An Abuse Crisis Letter,
Annotated, by Matthew Remski
Taking Samaya with Sakyong Mipham and some side
thoughts, by mukposdingdong
Tantric Trolling, Tantric Fixing: Dzongsar Jamyang
Khyentse’s Posts on Clerical Sexual Abuse, by Matthew
Temple of Understanding, by Wikipedia
The Anatomy of a Common Tibetan Ritual: The Lhasang,
Excerpt from Indestructible Truth: The Living
Spirituality of Tibetan Buddhism, by Reginald A. Ray
The Buddhist Lodge
“The Fire will do the Rest”: Concealing Homicide through
Posthumous Burning of Corpses, by Zija Ismaili, Bledar
Xhemali, Admir Sinamati and Gentian Vyshka
That time David Bowie almost became a Buddhist monk —
and what he said (and sang) about that time, by Rod
Meade Sperry
The Clear Bright Path: The Prophetic Path To Presence,
by Muhammad Noor
The Court Vision and Practice, by Kalapa Publications
The Drala Principle, by Bill Scheffel
The first time I met His Majesty Chögyam Trungpa
Rinpoche, by Leslie Hays
The Gathering of the Gurus: Spiritual Capital and
the Shambhala Institute for Authentic Leadership, by
David Fancy
The Golden Dot: The Epic of the Lha, by Druk Sakyong
Dorje Dradül (Chogyam Trungpa)
The Hakomi Method, by hakomiinstitute.com
The History of Karme Choling: Local writer offers a
preview of 'Legends of Barnet’, by Kathleen Monroe
The institutionalised cover up of crime in the Shambhala
International Sangha, by Edmund Butler
The Kalapa Council of Shambhala Steps Down, by The
Kalapa Council of Shambhala
The Legacy of Juliet Hollister, by Alison Van Dyk
The Letter of the Black Ashe, by Kalapa Publications
The Letter of the Black Ashe: Sacred Community -
Outrageous & Inscrutable, by retreat.guru
The Life and Death of Chogyam Trungpa's Child Sex Slave:
Ciel Turzanski [Drukmo Nyima], by Leslie Hays [Drukmo
The Little-Known Downsides of Mindfulness Practice: Some
potentially serious pitfalls, by Utpal Dholakia Ph.D.
The Mahasiddha and His Idiot Servant [EXCERPT], by John
Riley Perks [John Andrews]
The Myth of the Killer Bodhisattva , by Charles Carreon
The Ongoing Blossoming of Tagtrug Mukpo, by Cara
The Pygmy Farm, by The Chronicles
“The Sakyong has something for you…”, by President
Richard Reoch
The Six Ways of Ruling: A Resource for Leaders, by
Kalapa Publications
"The Spiritual Hero Age is Over": Interview with
Bernhard Porksen, by Ursula Richard
The survivor who broke the Shambhala sexual assault
story, by Stephanie Russell-Kraft
The Temple of Understanding: Over 50 Years of Cross
Cultural & Interfaith Education, by
The Unbearable Smugness of “I Got Mine-ism” Amongst Cult
and ex-Cult Members, by Matthew Remski
The Wiccan Calendar: Litha (Summer Solstice), by Wicca
The Wiccan Calendar: Samhain , by Wicca Living
The Yün Retreat: The Great Retreat of Yang, by Sakyong
Mipham Rinpoche, Wendy Friedman and Robert Reichner
Theodor Herzl Rome: American, 1914-1965, by MutualArt
Theodor Herzl Rome, President of Schocken Books, Dies at
Age of 50, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Theodore Schocken Dead at 60; President of Publishing
House, by New York Times
There Are Risks to Mindfulness at Work, by David Brendel
Tibetan Buddhism Enters the 21st Century: Trouble in
Shangri-la, by Stuart Lachs
Today’s Command, by Kusung Dapon Noel McLellan
Top-to-bottom checkup for the Boulder Shambhala Center
building, by Shambhala.org
Treatise on Society and Organization, A communication
from Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche to Richard Reoch, President
of Shambhala
Unity of opposites, by Wikipedia
Warrior Assembly 2019, by Dorje Denma Ling
Warrior-King of Shambhala: Remembering Chogyam Trungpa
(Excerpt: Discovering Kalapa Valley), by Jeremy Hayward
Way of Shambhala: Making Enlightened Society Possible,
by shambhala.org
Werma, by Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia
Werma Sadhana & Scorpion Seal Practice Intensive, with
Benoit Cote
What I Saw at a Black Mass: An Interview with Massimo
Introvigne, by Maria Grazia Cutuli
Why Cocaine Turns People into Jerks, a Simple
Explanation, by David Hillier
Windows!, by halifax.shambhala.org
Words For The West: Thinley Norbu Rinpoche on Nihilism,
Spiritual Surrender, and the Importance of Lineage and
the Guru, by Thinley Norbu "Rinpoche"
Wrongful Death Lawsuit of Naropa Dance Student Upheld,
by Christine A. Chandler
You Are Avalokiteshvara, by Eric Holm
Your Body Knows the Answer: Book Preface, by David I.
Zen as a Cult of Death in the Wartime Writings of D.T.
Suzuki , by Brian Victoria
Glenn Close Returns to Stage, Reveals Remarkable
Childhood in Cult, by Stephen Galloway
Gurdjieff & Trungpa, Sarmoung Brother-Hoods, by Charles
Account of the Sarmoun Brotherhood , by Desmond R.
Beelzebub's Buddhas: Influence Of Buddhism and it's
Tibetan Variants In Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, by José
John Pentland, 1907–1984, by Gurdjieff International
Journals: Early Fifties, Early Sixties [EXCERPT], by
Allen Ginsberg
Lord Pentland is Dead at 76; Head of Gurdjieff
Foundation, by Joseph B. Treaster
Sarmoung Brotherhood, by Wikipedia
The Mahasiddha and His Idiot Servant [EXCERPT], by John
Riley Perks
Warrior-King of Shambhala: Remembering Chogyam Trungpa
[EXCERPT 1], by Jeremy Hayward
Warrior-King of Shambhala: Remembering Chogyam Trungpa
[EXCERPT 2], by Jeremy Hayward
HCO Policy Letters/Bulletins, by Hubbard Communications
Heaven's Harlots: My Fifteen Years As a Sacred
Prostitute in the Children of God Cult, by Miriam
His Holiness Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun 1932-2010, by
Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism Yun Lin Temple
His Holiness Grandmaster Professor Thomas Lin Yun,
Berkeley, California -- Obituary, by Legacy.com
Paranormal, by Wikipedia
Parapsychological Association, by Wikipedia
Parapsychology, by Wikipedia
Steve, Barbara Rother, and the group are five time
presenters at the United Nations on two continents, by
espavo.org/united nations/
UFOs, THE U.N. AND GA 33/426, by John F. Schuessler,
United Nations and the New World Order, by Smelling the
United Nations Women’s Guild - Geneva, by unwg.ch
Honour Thy Fathers: A Tribute to the Venerable Kapilavaddho ... And brief History of the Development of
Theravāda Buddhism in the UK, by Terry Shine
How I Got Into Scientology and Why I Got Out: Interview
with Jason Beghe, by Mark Bunker
How the evangelical movement became Trump's "bitch" —
and yes, I know what that word signifies: As an
evangelical myself, I can see how far the movement has
sunk — even to betraying its own ideal of masculinity,
by Michael Rea
If You Meet the Buddha on the Web, by Arch Stanton
Indentured Servants to the Royal Family of Trungpa
[EXCERPT from Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan
Buddhism], by Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S.
Inner Revolution: Robert Thurman Goes Back to the
Future, by Tara Carreon
Insane ramblings of QAnon-obsessed dad, 40, who shot
his 'monster' kids with a spear gun on Mexican
Christian ranch: Wife helped catch him with iPhone
locator app, by Shannon Thaler
Deliverance From Spirit Wives and Spirit Husbands
(Incubus and Succubus), by Fire Power Deliverance
Hydroxychloroquine doctor sues CNN, Anderson Cooper
for $100 million, by Mercury News
Man allegedly confesses to killing his kids, refers
to QAnon conspiracies, by CNN
Man says he killed his kids over QAnon conspiracy
theories and "serpent DNA," fearing they'd become
"monsters", by CBS News
Prayer Points, by Fire Power Ministries
Trump EPIC Rant: Nobody Likes Me! Fires Fauci hires
Dr. Stella Immanuel w/Alien DNA & Demon Sperm!, by
John Di Domenico
Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien
DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine, The
president is pushing the coronavirus theories of a
Houston doctor who also says sexual visitations by
demons and alien DNA are at the root of Americans’
common health concerns., by Will Sommer
Inside the Church of Scientology: An Exclusive Interview
With L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., by Penthouse
Is Hitler a Rosicrucian?, by Rosicrucian Editors
Isis Unveiled: A Mastery-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient
and Modern Science and Theology, by Helena P. Blavatsky
Jack Parsons & the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program, by The Magician
Journalism: Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard's Incorrigible
• A Biography of L. Ron Hubbard, by Michael Linn Shannon
• A Conversation with David Miscavige, by Ted Koppel,
• A Cure for All Ills, by Milton R. Sapirstein, 8/5/50
• Boston Lawyer, Scientology Locked in Battle Since
1979, by Ben Bradlee, Jr., 6/1/83
• Chased By Their Church: When You Try to Leave
Scientology, They Try to Bring You Back, by Joe Childs
and Thomas C. Tobin, 10/31/09
• Collectivism, by Wikipedia
• Concern at Governing Magazine Over Its Sale to
Scientologists, by Tim Arango, 11/22/09
• Dave Emory Audio: David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam
Cult, Charles Manson and Roman Polanski
• Defectors Say Church of Scientology Hides Abuse, by
Laurie Goodstein, 3/6/10
• Demystifying Scientology's Fundamental Reality -- The
BT's, by Bob Minton, 8/3/01
• Ex-Scientology Lawsuits Reveal Elite Sea Org Group, by
Associated Press, 3/27/10
• General Report on Scientology, by Jon Atack, 4/9/95
• How Scientology Got to Bob Minton, by Thomas C. Tobin
and Joe Childs, 11/2/09
• Hubbard and the Occult, by Jon Atack
• Hubbard Uses Black Magic, by George-Wayne Shelor,
• Inside Scientology, by Janet Reitman, 2/23/06
• Inside the Church of Scientology: An Exclusive
Interview with L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., by Penthouse, 6/83
• Is John Travolta Cracking Up? It's Not Just Grief --
And Guilt -- Over His Dead Son That Are Tearing The
Actor Apart, by Paul Scott, 7/25/09
• Letter From John Galusha, Secretary of Hubbard
Association of Scientologists, to the Better Business
Bureau of Phoenix, Arizona, 6/12/54
• Man Overboard: To Leave Scientology, Don Jason Had to
Jump Off a Ship, by Thomas C. Tobin, 11/3/09
• Don Jason's route out of Scientology, by Times Staff
• Missing in Happy Valley? produced by Peter Reichelt
and Ina Brockmann, 2/25/99
• Missionary Man, by James Verini, 6/27/05
• Olof Palme Assassination, by Wikipedia
• Operation Snow White, by Wikipedia
• Oscar-Winner Paul Haggis Publicly Resigns From Church
of Scientology Over Gay Rights, by Foster Kamer,
• Operating Thetan Materials, by Karin Spaink
• OT III Rewritten for Beginners, by Jonathan
• Political Action Committee -- A Briefing: How
Scientologists Can Take Responsibility for and Be At
Cause Over the Fourth Dynamic, by John Coale, 1/15/86
• Sarah Palin Adviser's Secret Scientology Plot to Take
Over Washington, by Gawker, 3/26/09
• Scientologists Convicted of Fraud in France, 10/27/09
• Scientology: Anatomy of a Frightening Cult, by Eugene
H. Methvin, 5/80
• Scientology -- Is This a Religion, by Stephen A. Kent,
Ph.D., 7/1/97
• Scientology: The Sickness Spreads, by Eugene H.
Methvin, 9/81
• Scientology: The Truth Rundown, by Joe Childs and
Thomas C. Tobin, 6/21/09
• Death in slow motion: Part 2 of 3 in a special report
on the Church of Scientology, by Thomas C. Tobin and Joe
• Scientology: Ecclesiastical justice, Part 3 of 3 in a
special report on the Church of Scientology, by Thomas
C. Tobin and Joe Childs
• Scientology's Crushing Defeat, by Tony Ortega, 6/27/08
• Scientology's War Against Judges, by James B. Stewart,
Jr., 12/80
• Some Notes on Black Dianetics -- The Darker Side of
the Picture, by L. Ron Hubbard, 9/17/51
• Danger: Black Dianetics!, by L. Ron Hubbard
• Statutory Declaration, Deed of Release, Agreement --
Damian Arntzen to Church of Scientology
• Ted Patrick, by Wikipedia
• The Admissions of L. Ron Hubbard
• The Awful Truth About Scientology, by Another Hired
Stranger, 10/73
• The Bridge to Total Freedom, by Scientology.org
• The Council for National Policy, by Barbara Aho
• The Death of Susan Meister, by Scientology-kills.org
• The Good Ship Scientology, by The Observer, 8/68
• The Life and Death of a Scientologist, by Richard
Leiby, 12/6/98
• The Process Church of the Final Judgment, by Wikipedia
• David Berkowitz, by Wikipedia
• The Scientology Story, by Joel Sappell and Robert W.
Welkos, 6/90
• The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology,
by L. Ron Hubbard
• The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power, by Richard
Behar, 5/6/91
• This Man Made $500 Million Disappear, and These People
Would Like to Know Where it Went, by Kim Masters
• Mimi Rogers, by Wikipedia
• Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography, by Andrew
• Tom Cruise and Scientology ... While Big Names Like
Tom Cruise and John Travolta Prescribe to Scientology,
It's Just One of the Modalities of Transformation
Available ... And Certainly Not the Most Rapid!, by
James Arthur Ray, 7/8/05
• Tom's Scientology Secrets Exposed!, by Greg Sinclair,
• Scientology Leader Can't Handle the Heat On Xenu,
Storms Out on Martin Bashir, 10/25/09
• Tommy Davis: Scientology's New Angry, Unstable
Pitchman, by John Cook
• The BBC man, the Scientologist - and the YouTube rant:
Panorama reporter's outburst at Hollywood star's son is
captured on video, by David Smith
• What Happened in Vegas, by Joe Childs and Thomas C.
Tobin, 11/1/09
• Wog, by Wikipedia
• Xenophobia, by Wikipedia
• Xenophon, by Wikipedia
• Yes, There Was a Book Called "Excalibur," by L. Ron
Hubbard, by Arthur J. Burks, 12/61
Katherine Felt, Plaintiff, vs. Yogi Bhajan , by Gordon
Reiselt, Esq
Khenchen Namdrol Giving a Master Class in Heartless
Victim-Blaming From the Throne at Lerab Ling [VIDEO
HERE], Translated by Sangye Khandro
Lawsuit accuses Scientology, David Miscavige of child
abuse, human trafficking, libel. Lawyers say more
lawsuits will follow.The first, filed in Los Angeles for
an unnamed Jane Doe, outlines her life of alleged abuse
in the church, including at the international spiritual
headquarters in Clearwater, by Tracey McManus
Lecture on Zen, by Alan Watts
Letting Go of God, by Julia Sweeney
Memorandum of Intended Decision (Breckenridge Decision):
Church of Scientology of California vs. Gerald
Armstrong, by Paul G. Breckenridge, Jr.
Suppressive Person Declare Gerry Armstrong, by Paul
Mormonism in The New Germany, by Dale Clark
Ahijah the Shilonite, by Wikipedia
Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, by Metapedia
Asherah pole, Wikipedia
Assyria and Germany in Anglo-Israelism, by Wikipedia
Bath Kōl [Daughter of Voice], by Wikipedia
Bedrock of a Faith Is Jolted: DNA tests contradict
Mormon scripture. The church says the studies are being
twisted to attack its beliefs, by William Lobdell
British-Israel-World Federation, by Wikipedia
British Israelism, by Stirling
British Israelism, by Wikipedia
Charles A. L. Totten, by Wikipedia
Christian Identity, by Wikipedia
Coming to Zion, by William G. Hartley
Council of Fifty, by MormonThink
Edward Hine, by Wikipedia
Elder (Latter Day Saints), by Wikipedia
[Elder] George Reynolds, by Wikipedia
Emergency Response Communication Protocol, by the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Ephraim, by Wikipedia
French Israelism, by Wikipedia
In The Land of the Mormons, by President Alfred C. Rees
In Utah Mormons Call Themselves Jews and Jews Are
Considered “gentiles”, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Israel’s “Other Tribes”, by Vern G. Swanson
James Totten, by Wikipedia
Jeroboam, by Wikipedia
John Wilson (historian), by Wikipedia
Joseph and His Brothers [Thomas Mann], by Wikipedia
Mission of Ephraim, by Joseph Fielding Smith
Rehoboam, by Wikipedia
Sacred prostitution, by Wikipedia
The Anabaptists: Reformation Men and Theology, by Dr.
Jack L. Arnold
The Dearborn Independent, by Wikipedia
The Fuhrer's New Clothes: Helmuth Hubener and the
Mormons in the Third Reich, by Alan F. Keele and Douglas
F. Tobler
The Mormon Council of Fifty: What Joseph Smith’s Secret
Records Reveal, by Benjamin E. Park
The Munsterite Tragedy, by Constantine Prokhorov
The Order of Enoch: Remarks by President Brigham Young,
delivered in the Bowery, Logan City, Sunday Morning,
June 29, 1873
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, by Wikipedia
The Rise of the Nazi Dictatorship and its Relationship
with the Mormon Church in Germany, 1933-1939 , by Steve
Urim and Thummim, by Wikipedia
Moving Against the Stream: The Birth of a new Buddhist
Movement, by Sangharakshita [Dennis Lingwood]
Mummified Monk Sits Inside Ancient Buddha Statue, by
Rossella Lorenzi
Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of
the Tibetan Protective Deities, by Rene De
Pantheism, by Wikipedia
Pope John Paul II "Whipped Himself in Remorse for Sins",
by Nick Pisa
Presenting Japanese Buddhism to the West: Orientalism,
Occidentalism, and the Columbian Exposition, by Judith
Pre-State Israel: Jewish Claim to the Land of Israel, by
Mitchell Bard
Randy Sogyal Rinpoche, Best-Selling Lecher, The Writings
of Am Learning
Beyond the Temple: "Sadness, yes, but ...", by
Briefing Document on Sogyal Rinpoche, by DialogueIreland
Buddhist temple of the Hérault: confidences of the
former right hand man, by Sophie Guiraud
Dakini Janine, by behindthethagkas
Deification, Damnation & Delusion: The Method in the
Madness of Sogyal's Eulogists, by Charles Carreon
Letter to Sogyal Rinpoche, by Abused Students
New Allegations of Sexual Abuse Raise Old Questions:
Students of Tibetan Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche
have accused him of improper conduct, by The Editors of
One Year With Rigpa: A Testimony, by Tenpel
Patrick Gaffney (Buddhist), by Wikipedia
Paying Homage to Sogyal Rinpoche, by sogyalrinpoche.org
Petition Launched / Dharma Teachers: Retract Your
Homages to Sogyal, by Charles Carreon
Sexual assaults and violent rages... Inside the dark
world of Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche, by Mick Brown
Sogyal Rinpoche and the abuse accusations rocking the
Buddhist world: Punching. Emotional abuse. Eye-popping
sexual misdeeds. The accusations made against Sogyal
Rinpoche – a key lama in the uptake of Buddhist
principles by the West – have rocked devotees, including
many in the top echelons of Australian business, by
David Leser
Sogyal's Confession, by Charles Carreon
Sogyal Rinpoche Has Resigned from Rigpa: The resignation
follows accusations of sexual, physical, and
psychological abuse from longtime students, by Wendy
Joan Biddlecombe
The Myth of Shangri-La, by Peter Bishop (EXCERPT)
The Precious One, by Mick Brown
The three year retreat, behindthethangkas
Trauma in Buddhist Community, by Dr. Pilar Jennings
Why I Quit Guru Yoga: Does elevating the guru to the
same status as the teachings themselves set the stage
for teacher-student abuse?, by Stephen Batchelor
Red Shambhala: Magic, Prophecy, and Geopolitics in the
Heart of Asia, by Andrei Znamenski
Reincarnation feudal, should end now: Dalai Lama amid
successor row with China, by The Times of India
Report of the Grand Jury Into Sexual Abuse of Minors by
Clergy in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, by Lynn Abraham,
District Attorney
Report to the Boards of Trustees of Rigpa Fellowship UK,
and Rigpa Fellowship US: Outcome of an Investigation
Into Allegations Made Against Sogyal Lakar (Also Known
as Sogyal Rinpoche) in a Letter Dated 14 July 2017, by
Karen Baxter
Report to the Community on the Wickwire Holm Claims
Investigation Into Allegations of Sexual Misconduct, by
Shambhala Interim Board: Veronika Bauer, Mark
Blumenfeld, Martina Bouey, John Cobb, Jen Crow, Sara
Lewis, Susan Ryan, Paulina Varas
Sea Peoples and the Phoenicians: A Critical Turning
Point in History, by Sanford Holst
Secrets of Shambhala: In Pema Chodron's Shadow. Top
secret texts reveal the cult-like inner workings of
Shambhala Buddhism, by Be Scofield
Seven Sermons to the Dead Written by Basilides in
Alexandria, The City Where the East Toucheth the West,
by C.G. Jung
Sex Contract, by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Scientology: The Truth Rundown, by Joe Childs and Thomas
C. Tobin
Shab Tai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust, by Barry
Silly Seagal, Reincarnated Mobster
Clinton Dirty Trickster Faces New Charges: Private
investigator Pellicano to be arraigned in celeb
wiretapping case, by wnd.com
Jenny McCarthy Details Alleged Casting Couch Experience
with Steven Seagal: ‘It Just So Grossed Me Out’, by
Maria Pasquini
Julianna Margulies Recalls Alleged Encounter With Steven
Seagal: ‘I Saw His Gun’, by Karen Mizoguchi
Penor Rinpoche's Terrible Tulku, Steven Seagal, by
Charles Carreon
Portia de Rossi Says Steven Seagal 'Unzipped His Leather
Pants' During Audition, by Mike Miller
Seagal and the CIA, by Robert Strickland
Seagal sued for allegedly keeping sex slaves: Former
model claims actor assaulted her, kept ‘attendants’ on
call, by Josh Dickey
Seagal Under Siege,
by Ned Zeman
Steven Seagal Accused of Rape Following Multiple
Allegations of Sexual Misconductby Brianne Tracy
Steven Seagal Gets Serbian
Citizenship, by RT.com
Steven Seagal Profile, by Luke
Steven Seagal Profile
‘Take Off Your Dress’: How Men in Hollywood, From Steven
Seagal to Harvey Weinstein, Treated Women for Decades,
by John Walters
Life Imitates a B-Movie, by Paul Lieberman
Solving the Mystery of the Joseph Smith Papyri, by
Jerald and Sandra Tanner
The 90th Anniversary of The Buddhist Society 1924–2014,
by The Buddhist Society
The Absent Oxonian -- Musings on Trungpa’s Faux
Academic Credentials & Why So Few Cared to Inquire, by
Charles Carreon
The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine
The Ages of Gaia: A Biography of Our Living Earth, by
James Lovelock
The Buddha From Brooklyn, by Martha Sherrill
The Dakinis and Their "Spiritualized Feminism," [EXCERPT
from Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism], by
Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S.
The Dark Side of the Orgasmic Meditation Company:
OneTaste is pushing its sexuality wellness education
toward the mainstream. Some former members say it pushed
them into sexual servitude and five-figure debts., by
Ellen Huet
The Demoness of Tibet, by Dr. Martin A. Mills
The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins
The Great Naropa Poetry Wars, With a Copious Collection
of German Documents Assembled by the Author, by Tom
The History of the Saints; Or An Expose of Joe Smith and
Mormonism, by John C. Bennett
The Iron Bird Lands Loaded With Lamas [EXCERPT from
Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism], by
Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S.
The Knights of Malta, by VOXNYC
The Mahasiddha and His Idiot Servant, by John Riley
The Myth of Shangri-La: Tibet, Travel Writing and the
Western Creation of Sacred Landscape, by Peter Bishop
The Milky Way, directed by Luis Bunuel
The Miraculous Activity Sadhana of Vajrakilaya, the
Razor Which Destroys at a Touch, by H.H. Dudjom
The Mormons in Nazi Germany: History and Memory, A
Dissertation by David Conley Nelson
The Myth of the Killer Bodhisattva , by Charles Carreon
The Other Side of Eden: Life With John Steinbeck, by
John Steinbeck IV & Nancy Steinbeck
The Parable of Lazarus, by Luke
The Prisoner of San Jose: How I Escaped From Rosicrucian
Mind Control, by Pierre S. Freeman
The Protectors (Dharmapalas), by His Eminence
Shenpen Dawa Rinpoche
The Proverbs of Solomon, by Solomon, Son of Davidjukeb
The Scientology Story, by Joel Sappell and Robert W.
The Sea People and Their Migration, by Shell Peczynski
The Secret Book of John, translated by Marvin Meyer
The Apocryphon of
John, translated by Michael Waldstein and Frederik Wisse
The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion,
and Philosophy, by Helena P. Blavatsky
The Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and
Politics, by Victor and Victoria Trimondi, translated by
Mark Penny
The Surmang Relics Affair, by Edward Boyce
The Troubling Connections between Scientology and the
Nation of Islam, by Bethany Mandel
The Truth About Tantra, by Dr. John Mumford
The Unfettered Mind: Writings of the Zen Master to
the Sword Master, by Takuan Soho
The Way of Zen, by Alan Watts
Their Kingdom Come: Inside the Secret World of Opus Dei,
by Robert Hutchison
Tibetan Buddhism and Mass Monasticism, by Melvyn C.
Time for Radical Change in How We Raise Our Tulkus:
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse writes that current trainin,
is not preparing young lineage holders for maturity and
spiritual leadership. by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
To Advance the Cause of Racial Justice Through Dharma,
Abandon the Profit Motive, by Charles Carreon
Torah Codes, by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
Toward the One, by "Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, " aka The
Lama foundation
Translation of the Book of Breathings, by Michael D.
Traveller in Space: In Search of Female Identity in
Tibetan Buddhism, by June Campbell
Twilight of the Tulkus, by Charles Carreon
Untold: The Retreat [Goenka] [1st Season], by
Financial Times
United States of America vs. An Article or Device
"Hubbard "Electrometer" or "Hubbard E-Meter," etc.,
Founding Church of Scientology, et al.
“Washington’s Pope”? Who is Pope Francis?: Cardinal
Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina's "Dirty War", by
Prof Michel Chossudovsky
We Be Trippin' With Uma's Dad, aka Bob Thurman, the
Monk, by Charles and Tara Carreon
Who Killed Jesus? From the Gospels to Nostra Aetate, how
Jews were accused of deicide., by Martin I. Lockshin
Why Buddhism?: Violations of Trust in the Sexual Sphere,
by Roshi Joan Halifax
Wife No. 19, the Story of a Life in Bondage, Being a
Complete Expose of Mormonism and Revealing the Sorrows,
Sacrifices and Sufferings of Women in Polygamy, by Ann
Eliza Young
Words For The West: Thinley Norbu Rinpoche on Nihilism,
Spiritual Surrender, and the Importance of Lineage and
the Guru, by Thinley Norbu "Rinpoche"
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